Active Characters:
- Jak-Jak
- Ash
- Crow
- Leroy

(Face Claim, not Armor and stuff)
- Jak-Jak
- Ash
- Crow
- Leroy
[center][img]IMAGE (Can just be a face claim)[/img][/center]
[indent][b]| NAME |[/b]
[indent] Self explanatory. [/indent]
[b]| DEPARTMENT |[/b]
[indent]Where were you raised/currently live? Your character should make sense with whatever the Department’s culture is[/indent]
[b]| AGE |[/b]
[indent]Realistic for their experiences, please. [/indent]
[b]| TRAITS |[/b] - This is where you're "personality" traits come in as well as skills, make sure to balance them though.
[indent][list][*] [b]Attribute[/b] -
[b]| EQUIPMENT |[/b] - Weapons, armor, trinkets, pets, etc. Don't go overboard and what you take should make sense with your character.
[indent][list][*] [b]Item[/b] -
[b]| BIOGRAPHY |[/b]
[indent]Describe your character's life up until now. Where did they come from? Any major events? How did it shape them? Why or how have they ended up as a Bargain Hunter? Doesn't have to be really long though.[/indent][/indent]

(Face Claim, not Armor and stuff)
| NAME |
| AGE |
Lewis Watton Sinesias
| AGE |
- Veteran Bargain Hunter - A life of adventure and exploring the endless halls and also has given otherwise untrainable skills such as that innate sense of danger and the ability to suppress that feeling paradoxically. He leads with great efficiency and has a good sense of management and navigation.
- Minor Noble - Born of a minor noble house within Clothing, Lewis is well educated compared to some others. However, not being a full noble with all the power, prestige and wealth that comes with it means that he doesn’t have the resources to truly pull together s
- Stubborn - Strong willed, Lewis doesn’t take things lying down and doesn’t quiet easily. Good thing for when the going gets tough, not so good when you walk head first into the Baby Goods Department.
- Ambitious - Between being the child of a lesser noble and being a Bargain Hunter, there’s no way he was never going to be ambitious, it gives him drive to do his work and feeds into his stubbornness (and potential narcissism).
- Gambeson w/ Plates - Gambeson made of various thicker patches of clothing with a tin can breastplate with faulds and shin guards; isn’t the prettiest nor the newest but it has served Lewis well even if he is jealous of other people’s armors. Also wears a reinforced metal bowl over his head as a helmet with a feathered flume made of Dire Raven feathers (think of British WW1 helmets).
- Vambrace Shield - Instead of having an actual shield, Lewis has strong, reinforced forearm guards that he uses to parry and block instead. Lewis got them from his travels in from a clan in the Meat section of the Food Department. Does jack shit against heavy and ranged weapons though.
- Bag of Dice - A small pouch of dice that Lewis has on him, often pulling them out on down time to play guessing or betting games with; the pouch contains one twenty sided die given to him by an old dorf friend as a good luck token before he died.
- Dual Chief's Daggers and Las-Revolver - Primary weapons of Lewis; both have been with him since the start. The daggers where some of his first loot while the Las-Revolver was a gift from his father when he first started his life as a Bargain Hunter as a farewell gift, its cylinder can hold 5 AA batteries at once but is single action.
Lewis’s life began as a political maneuver between a minor noble of House Nike and a group of Tronboyz known as the Nervs. His mother was a daughter of the Sinesia and his father a respected warrior of the Nervs; it was hoped that such a marriage would solidify an alliance which would then provide the House of Nike with discounts on blaster weapons.
Growing up, Lewis’s life would be split between time with both Departments of his heritage. In his youth he was brought up by courtiers and tutors of House Nike where he learned to read, write, plot, plan and organize along with how to fight to some extend. All the basics needed for Clothing Department nobility. Which apparently includes knowing how to shank someone and punch them in the face.
When he was 10, he then spent more time with the Electronics Department. For 5 years he learned the ways of the Tron, honing his martial skills as well as creating a lust for old world things. Such was this drive that when he was 16, he set out to become a Bargain Hunter. Sometimes he would do it alone, sometimes with a group. Sometimes he had a patron sometimes he didn’t. Regardless, his life of adventuring has lead him to some rather exotic and interesting places as his experience helps make up the lack of vast sums of money that one sees with greenhorn noble jackass or the reputation of a wal-renowned Bargain Hunter.
Growing up, Lewis’s life would be split between time with both Departments of his heritage. In his youth he was brought up by courtiers and tutors of House Nike where he learned to read, write, plot, plan and organize along with how to fight to some extend. All the basics needed for Clothing Department nobility. Which apparently includes knowing how to shank someone and punch them in the face.
When he was 10, he then spent more time with the Electronics Department. For 5 years he learned the ways of the Tron, honing his martial skills as well as creating a lust for old world things. Such was this drive that when he was 16, he set out to become a Bargain Hunter. Sometimes he would do it alone, sometimes with a group. Sometimes he had a patron sometimes he didn’t. Regardless, his life of adventuring has lead him to some rather exotic and interesting places as his experience helps make up the lack of vast sums of money that one sees with greenhorn noble jackass or the reputation of a wal-renowned Bargain Hunter.