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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Now introducing Queen Tydra Nept
"I am suprisingly okay with this."
So what are your thoughts.
"I see no Lassa. That dissatisfies me. I thought we did well getting around on land."
As you never leave the capital or the waters who are you to talk?
"Those outside my rule lack culture."
Or is it that youre closed off to their culture?
"How could you blame me. What's so great about the land? Everything is in the waters. When Im exploring those dark depths I see so much more than I ever did traveling the lands. Those gatherings I have to attend bore me to death."
I see your point. Just a shame to see you be almost as closed off as Nero.
"We let anyone in!"
But can they all swim or even breathe underwater?
"Of course not! Thats their problem though hahaha!"
And to think this is your most sentimental side.

Immigration. Capitalism. Culture. One may be allowed to become a part of a culture. But it does not always mean one can swim in their waters for very long.

Suley: Oh yes, I do have to agree with you there. The meetings Tydra I swear actually made me want to search out dragon slayers just so I wouldn't have to attend them again. Should have been there for that one Magnix, I may have actually hired you for that. but Any way Tydra I do believe you need to come up with a better route for those outside of the waters to visit or live. like an elevator or something.

Soron: And I thought Sleeth was sadistic. Not caring about how people on the land get to your city is pretty evil Tydra...

Suley: I concur there Soron.

Soron: Don't agree with me...please...any one but you
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Well I havent cared to try. Though I could. Im sure you would find it amusing.

So lets do Magnix for example.
What are your thoughts on the current situation?
".... Is this really the chosen lot?"
I did not choose them they chose to be a part of our world.
"Your world. I am yet another pawn for you. Remember?"
I suppose. But get back on topic.
"Tch. Such absurdity... Fine then. That Alexis one is very delicate. Shame she lacks any Tyro blood or else Id see how sweet that nectar is as an addition to my harem."
Hm. Gross. So who else are you keen on?
"The black dragon. I wish for it to meet my blade. One of that caliber will be worth my time. Of course I'd like to finish the job of my ancestors by slaying that Suleykaar as well."
Thats enough from you now.

Now introducing Queen Tydra Nept
"I am suprisingly okay with this."
So what are your thoughts.
"I see no Lassa. That dissatisfies me. I thought we did well getting around on land."
As you never leave the capital or the waters who are you to talk?
"Those outside my rule lack culture."
Or is it that youre closed off to their culture?
"How could you blame me. What's so great about the land? Everything is in the waters. When Im exploring those dark depths I see so much more than I ever did traveling the lands. Those gatherings I have to attend bore me to death."
I see your point. Just a shame to see you be almost as closed off as Nero.
"We let anyone in!"
But can they all swim or even breathe underwater?
"Of course not! Thats their problem though hahaha!"
And to think this is your most sentimental side.

Immigration. Capitalism. Culture. One may be allowed to become a part of a culture. But it does not always mean one can swim in their waters for very long.

Me: "Something tells me that these two are hilarious. If there was a council of the kings and queens they would probably be hell'va annoyed. Having to deal with the other kings and queens."
Zargoth: "I was usurped by the damned Seraphim and Pulsar Dragon Descendants. Of the Flowerdancer and Tetra-Lira Families. And that was along time ago."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

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Dont do it.
"I see you. Alexis. Have been in battle a few times. It is amusing to watch the young and weak struggle. It only adds to their hint "
I swear to god dont ask.

"Our history books are well documented on you. Though only a few eyes are alowed to see it. You did fight my ancestor, be it ending in a draw or a mere scuffle. I desire to destroy your very essence."
Hes a dragonslayer please dont stress it.

"Dont you dare compare me to that blood drinker. He creeps me to no end. I only provide my resources for those who can handle our progression. We expand under water day by day. Our art, magic, and tools are superior. While you all fight over scraps on land. Hmpf the nerve of these.. crawlers.."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

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@Landaus Five-One
"If you come before me.. I will lay waste to what remains."

Mkay that was funnneee.
Anyways as far as cross referencing artifacts and stuff from stories or legends Im usually for it if its got to so with lore. Like real world lore from ancient myths and such.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Dont do it.
"I see you. Alexis. Have been in battle a few times. It is amusing to watch the young and weak struggle. It only adds to their hint "
I swear to god dont ask.

"Our history books are well documented on you. Though only a few eyes are alowed to see it. You did fight my ancestor, be it ending in a draw or a mere scuffle. I desire to destroy your very essence."
Hes a dragonslayer please dont stress it.

"Dont you dare compare me to that blood drinker. He creeps me to no end. I only provide my resources for those who can handle our progression. We expand under water day by day. Our art, magic, and tools are superior. While you all fight over scraps on land. Hmpf the nerve of these.. crawlers.."

"You realize telling me not to ask just makes me more curious, right?"
"Alexis, you are not allowed to ask."
"tch, fine."

I just realized I never posted this ↓↓↓ thing b/c I got distracted by shiny things.

This, this is why I do this with my characters, all of them instead of making a personality, I play them out,making the characters seem more genuine rather than manufactured. Hence why I have more of an attachment to them.

Suley deadpans:"- and yet everytime you bring me into the mix you try to kill me...purposely."

It's because I love you so much tha-

Sadist >:(

"Suley, you talk as if being controlled by a sadist is a bad thing."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Landaus Five-One
"If you come before me.. I will lay waste to what remains."

Mkay that was funnneee.
Anyways as far as cross referencing artifacts and stuff from stories or legends Im usually for it if its got to so with lore. Like real world lore from ancient myths and such.

Me: "I guess I should ask, how long ago was the Dragon War? Since it would make some sense. On my part to know the actual date or at least some of it."
Maria: "That is literally a dumb question."
Me: "Oh its the Kind Dragonlord. One of the TWO dragonlords who are in... the Vrondi Kingdom. The other is the Terror Dragonlord and he's quite a asshole."
Zargoth: "I heard that fleshling. I guess you would be a Seraphim since you are such and asshole, there Creator."
Me: "Nah. I would probably be a pyromaniac like the Fotians since they are the ones who made the currency."
Zargoth: "Our creator a fire breather would be hilarious."
Maria: *looks in the direction of Suley* "You are quite a young fire draggy. Soron Dragonbane, how many times have you have to deal with his hilarity?"
Zargoth: "Sometimes I don't understand the Kindness within your soul Maria Z. Tetra-Lira, the Grand Pulsar Dragon Matriarch. However, your healing spells are quite useful."
Maria: *looks at Zargoth* "You are silly Zargy. If it wasn't for your attack on the full blooded Pulsar Dragons I would probably be yours and not an enemy as of now."
Zargoth: "Can you stop giving me pet names, Maria. Or are you still stuck in the past?"
Maria: "You could say that Zargy."
Me: "Uuuhhhhh... What the fuck is going on? I forgot about that..."
Maria & Zargoth: "How funny of us to figure out you needed a reminder of that."

Edit: I actually forgot about that... lol
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

I sooo close of startin' on my post. >.<;
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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@13org I can see why her voice is beautiful then. In terms of your character. :P
It was quite sad that everyone within her family's mansion was brutally murdered. >.<;

@Rai Mostly talking about Seraphim cattle. >.>;

I actually have a pretty nasty plot to be put in motion with her backstory.
The slaughter of a peaceful Nayu family, a quite notable family of artists, by the Seraphim can have a number of different reasons:
- to incite a retaliation from the nayu in order to justify an all out war with them
- to lower Nayu's influence on other cultures (due to their words, music, poetry & etc..
But I'm actually more keen on the first one.

The old man that was the only survivor to the Slaughter can also be used by Rai to set in motion some pretty nasty political problems.

It was also actually fun to use Lila's backstory to show the Seraphim's darker side. To show that even the pure and holy allies of light are also capable of ruthless and merciless acts.

Since Lila came from a long lineage of artists (singers, poets etc etc.) She has a very beautiful voice.

Ps: about all the OOC character talking with their creators thing, I'm loving to read them! Laughing so hard haha.

Will try to do one as well.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Landaus Five-One>

I actually have a pretty nasty plot to be put in motion with her backstory.
The slaughter of a peaceful Nayu family, a quite notable family of artists, by the Seraphim can have a number of different reasons:
- to incite a retaliation from the nayu in order to justify an all out war with them
- to lower Nayu's influence on other cultures (due to their words, music, poetry & etc..
But I'm actually more keen on the first one.

The old man that was the only survivor to the Slaughter can also be used by Rai to set in motion some pretty nasty political problems.

It was also actually fun to use Lila's backstory to show the Seraphim's darker side. To show that even the pure and holy allies of light are also capable of ruthless and merciless acts.

Since Lila came from a long lineage of artists (singers, poets etc etc.) She has a very beautiful voice.

Ps: about all the OOC character talking with their creators thing, I'm loving to read them! Laughing so hard haha.

Will try to do one as well.

Seems like soon I will be editin' Zargoth's History soon to add somethings. :P
Hmm, if a Nayu could touch a what would they say about it?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by 13org>

Seems like soon I will be editin' Zargoth's History soon to add somethings. :P
Hmm, if a Nayu could touch a what would they say about it?

-.- ow ow ow ow its hot ow why am I on fire ow ow ow ow oh gods the pain, the excruciating pain
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Landaus Five-One
Dragon war was about 1000 years ago at its start to now.

Vrondi was born towards the end of it. Hes over 500. So things have been at peace for over 400 years.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Rai Jeez, that means Zargoth is OLD. He was from a time predating the Dragon War. lol
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Rai Jeez, that means Zargoth is OLD. He was from a time predating the Dragon War. lol

So is Suleykaar. But as far as how many generations ago, when thinking of it from a Descendants perspective its about half the length we see it as. Given they have double our lifespan.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Rai Edited the hider that has his family within it. Even though him and his youngest daughter are the only ones alive. :P

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I don't think I can do it XD

Whenever I try to do it it turns into a monologue, my own character speaking with itself.

If someone asks me what my character would do in certain situation, my answer would probably be: I don't know.
I like to literally "play" the character when I'm writing, sooo

Ps: I may have done Lila too hard to be approached
Maybe I'll use this opportunity to get closer to Soron.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Sorry for being a scrubby liar, meant to get a post out this morning but I was in a rush, working on a post now, don't hate me too hard.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Sohtem The only ones that would hate you... are long dead. XP
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Landaus Five-One Well, aren't they fucking lucky, if only that could be me. xD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Sohtem Nah, I would love if you stay around. Since your characters are lovely. :P
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