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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexis had been blind to the world around her as she healed Soron, the spell taking all of her focus. So, though she felt the ground shake for a moment as the armored Guardian landed, she paid it no mind. She was even oblivious to the panic starting around her as people reacted to the Sunfire Tree being set ablaze. The reason for her intense focus was simple. Theoretically, she could just gather light energy and release it all into a person at once; but if that person wasn't a Sol that would actually do more harm than good. The purpose of the spell was to energize the person, to allow them to heal faster than they naturally would, but too much energy could overload them.

She took Soron's hand as he offered to help her up, and watched him make his way back to the bar. She started to follow him, but after a few steps decided to stay outside. The bar was either full of people energetically talking about what had just happened, or there was barely anyone there at all. She didn't have the desire nor the energy to deal with either of those situations right now.

She glanced around at the town now, noticing that it looked as if panic was dying down. A guard that was nearby saw her just standing where the fight had been, and approached her to ask if she'd seen what happened. "Just a bar fight that got a little intense. I don't think anyone thought there'd be fireworks.." She dodged giving either Soron or Ava away as the guard asked more questions, and with an only slightly faked yawn she got him to go away a minute later. She watched as he approached a few more people who still happened to be there, and after asking them the same questions he seemed to give up on learning anything more and left the area.

Alexis sighed and turned to go back to the bar then, deciding that she should probably get some sleep now. She got to the door just as Suleykaar was leaving, and she ended up walking right into the Dragon; she hadn't been paying enough attention to where she was going. "Sorry, sorry.." She stepped out of the way so he could pass, looking curiously at him as she did. Why was he leaving the bar again? Soron was inside as far as she knew.. Something seemed off about the Dragon, and it really didn't take an ability to sense emotions to tell.

Still though, as he passed her she reached out to check if her feeling was right. The wave of sadness and.. greif that washed over her was so intense, she wondered how he was able to keep it off his face so well. "Wait. Suleykaar, are you okay?"

"Not from me bumping into you, I know I couldn't have hurt you... I mean, that you don't seem like someone who should be left alone right now." She didn't know what was on his mind or if he would even answer her, she wouldn't pry, but she wouldn't leave him alone either.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 7 days ago

Heather was still confused but worried about Patricia since she is uncontrollably crying with fear in her cries. She saw the injured Seraphim, who are inside of the tavern and it gave her chills seeing her fellow brethren injured. She stood up from her seat in the tavern. She heard the people of the tavern and they were talking about a bar fight that went out of control. She noticed the Nayu girl who was covering her mouth for some odd reason. ”I have no idea what’s going on but it might as well mingle a bit,” Heather thought to herself.

Patricia was still crying and didn’t notice her friend, Heather get up from her seat. Her entire body had that essence of fear within her from whatever she saw in the nightmare was quite terrifying indeed. ”Why did that black dragon have an interest in me? Patricia thought to herself. Her wings were glowing brighter, it was shimmering like a rainbow without any natural sunlight to make it glow and it was beautiful.

Heather walked up to the girl covering her mouth. ”Hello, my name is Heather. What’s yours?” Heather asked the Nayu girl. She had no fear in her voice when she asked that question but she had Seraphim blood within her. The mostly the reason for that is because her father had drunk blood in front of her only once during an inquisitive phase of asking questions. ”Sorry for the late introductions but… I was distracted with Patricia,” Heather said with a smile.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lila Moriarty

The second Velai came with a mug of blood, Lila knew that it wasn't cold, tasteless blood. She could feel the warmth coming from it, the sweet and alluring smell of fresh blood. Without thinking twice, she slowly took the mug to her mouth. She wanted to savor every drop of that blood. The world around her wasn't important right now, the only thing that was important was that mug of fresh blood.
Lila knew it was Velai's blood. She knew that she cut herself, she could feel the familiar taste of pain in the warm blood, but she could also feel something different. Satisfaction... A sense of accomplishment...
Pain, suffering and fear gave the blood a distinct, familiar and wonderful taste. It was good, sure. But the taste of positive emotions were quite a delicacy. Lila only drank warm blood from her targets. Obviously, not even a single one of them had happy thoughts and positive feelings on their heads when they died, that made that kind of blood even more rare for Lila to find.
"People are... interesting." she thought to herself. They were so imprevisible, so different from each other...

"Should be lucky you don't work in Nero, doing that you'd be dead within an hour or so, feeding Nayu like that..." she heard a voice, interrupting the almost trance-like state she was in while savoring Velai's blood.

It was from Soron, the man who was fighting outside. Lila had to hold herself to not show her fangs to that man when she felt him walking on her direction. She kept watching him with an extremely cold expression. It wasn't an expression a young girl like she appeared to be could make. Her predatory instincts were still strong with all the smell of blood.

"Too close." she said with a cold almost threatening tone. She didn't want him to get closer to her than he already was. He smelled like blood, and it wasn't the type of smell a prey would have.

Thankfully, he was walking away. Lila was trying to suppress her instincts and calm herself down. The last thing she needed was someone studying her with their eyes.
Soron went to talk with both Serena and Ava, the two girls he just fought and wounded.
After she finished drinking, she put the mug down, her fangs were still dirty with blood when a silver haired, seraphim woman came to talk with her.

”Hello, my name is Heather. What’s yours?”

"Lila... Moriarty." she said, putting her hand on her mouth for a brief second before speaking, trying to clean the blood from her fangs without success. She could just lick her fangs to clean them, but she learned the hard way that doing that while others were looking at her was extremely unnerving to most of the non Nayu.

”Sorry for the late introductions but… I was distracted with Patricia,”

Why there were so many people trying to speak with her today? Are they outsiders? Why they were treating her just like any other Sol or Seraphim? Lila didn't disliked that so many people were talking to her. She actually kind of liked it, it was just... strange.
It was a strange sensation, to be treated equally, to speak normally with others. It was good, but it would take a while for her to get used to it.

"Patricia... The girl who was crying?" she asked to Heather.
The girl she called "Patricia", was it the girl who was crying uncontrollably on the ground before? She seemed afraid of something, in panic. Almost like the expression some of her targets made when she was after them.

@FallenTrinity @Landaus Five-One

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"What a terrible situation.. A attack inside Sunfire of all places. Who'da thunk it?"

The wind howled and barreled toward the man who spoke with a deep tone towards the hills that overlooked Sunfire. His hat was similar to a farmers, round and blocked the sun from his eyes. His other apparel was similar to a traveling nomad. A large cloak covering his body, the front was lifted over his shoulders and went around his neck like a scarf. Blowing in the wind was both his torn hat and cloak. His fiery red eyes peered at Sunfire with a wide all encompassing stare. Holding the monument in its gaze as a silhouette within his eye moisture's reflection. A omen of shadow. A hand tugged at his cloak from behind. A young boy emerged from behind his long flowing tattered cloak. It was a dark blue in hue, which almost contrasted to his red horns. The boy however contrasted him, his medium curly brown hair and the boys short spiked, white, and pale complexion. His own small horns however being black and eyes a emerald green. He cowered behind this confident figure as they both looked at what would unfold this night. One with a grin, the other with a shiver.

Velai winced a little as she attempted to relax by leaning against a table. Her hand was wrapped well and no blood was visible through it. But the sting was visible in her quivering right brow. She looked at Lila give what she assumed was a pleased response to the blood she received. She gave a weak smile. I swear if he doesn't come.. She broke out in her head. Her sacrifices beginning to weigh on her. It was true she had a long life as a descendant, but could she keep serving Mirror in this way? He is always just out of reach. Her thoughts were broken as Suleykaar approached her. Taking her by surprise she looked at his changed expression. No longer upbeat and inviting he felt closed off to her, she sensed this immediately and could guess why. If it were not for him a lot of them would be gone, this though alone rattled her core. So before he spoke she let out a Thank you. When the money was brought out she gestured for him to drop it on the table. Her eyes widened at the amount, but it made sense. There were burn marks on the outside of the inns surface and on the roof, but it was mostly fine thanks to Alexis. Velai was surprised to looked up and see Suley walk away. She stood there in place almost stuck, turning her upper body and head as she watched him. Before he left he told her about the flower she forgot was nested in her hair. She touched the flower's smooth glassy surface as he pushed out the doors to exit.

When Soron spoke Velai almost tripped in surprise as she was broken out of a trance. He mentioned Suley returning once he cleared his head. She sighed. "I can relate." She said, feeling a bit worn from these events. She took the opportunity to kick back within a seat close to Soron, Lila, and a few others. Soron agitated Lila a bit, this caused Velai to shoot him a glare. Don't mess with that one. She thought. Then Soron left, heading toward Ava and her sister. Then came Heather. It was odd to see a Seraphim interact with a Nayu openly. Though Lila was not intimidating beyond her rumored past accomplishments. The interaction of the two girls made Velai smile, but she looked over with concern to Patricia.
Time went on shortly. The soldiers lined up within the jungles. Their squadrons prepared and different camp bases were made going along a mile or so away from Sunfire. Their camps had fires rising into the air through the thick jungle to mark their locations. The majority of soldiers were on foot as it allowed them ease of maneuvering through the jungle. Flying or riding anything beyond a truly agile beast would not do well in such terrain. Only a few soldiers rode large reptile like dragons that clung to the earth on all fours. It moved through the jungle like a snake mixed with a feline, leaping and landing among the large tree limbs with fluid effortless speed. These riders were scouts. They emerged from the tree tops and peered into the empty open land that was once used for farming and as homes for many of the nomadic people in Vrondi. Now it was desolate. Left behind crops rotted as they dangled toward the earth, scorned by the sun that was gently fading into the mountains. It was only a few minutes now until night fell.

The orange and red sky the sun casted into the vision of the heavens above was met with a loud horn in the distance. Very few eyes witnessed the emergence of a dark mass of people marching from the mountain sides and deep uninhabited jungles toward the direction of Sunfire. A empty cavern of an ancient temple sat in the shadows of the mountains south of Sunfire. Its jungle vines scattered across it seemed almost dead even as they grew relentlessly around it. A coiling mass began to worm itself out of the dark cavern. Emerging before the final rays of light as a giant black basilisk. Its size as it began its crawl toward freedom was able to rival the ruins themselves. On top of its massive head stood two figures. One had its hair flowing in the wind and a gentle expression of enjoyment, like a afternoon stroll in the rose gardens. The other wore a hood with a silver mask covering his face, and a black cloak over his crooked slender body, he also held himself up with a long cane with small skulls dangling from the top.

The clearest camp of Sunfire was directly a mile ahead of it. Soldiers were making constant trips back and forth, carrying supplies from Sunfire to the soldiers and other goods, including people like healers. There at that camp standing tall in its formidable presence was the eternal guardian. Steam still emitting from its ethereal flesh beneath the armor even as it stood still and motionless. Ever facing the north of Sunfire. Around it and the camp it stood in front of was an open land. But it was about half a mile across and surrounded by jungle. A line was made before the guardian of soldiers, and elites behind them in a circular formation. They were ready.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Once they were inside, Serena set her sister down onto the floor, panting heavily as she tried to check on her, though it didn’t seem like any of her injuries were life threatening, they were fairly deep. She went over to their bags, getting some small medical supplies and bandages, it wasn’t a lot, but she was sure that it should at least do for the time being.

Ava momentarily awoke when Serena returned to her, “Serena? What...happened?” The dragon girl asked slightly dazed, wincing as she tried to move.

Serena let out a sigh of relief to see that her Ava was conscious for the moment, giving her sister a hug, “Oh Ava, I’m so glad that you’re alright.”

“Ow!” Ava responded hoarsely as her wounds stung from the pressure.

“Sorry,” the angel said, forgetting for a moment about Ava’s injuries, “as for what happened, well the fight went a little overboard, that’s all you really need to know,” Serena added as she began to clean her sister’s cuts.

Ava winced and gritted her teeth as she was being treated, “Did I at least win?”

Serena paused for a moment, she had seen how the fight had scared some of the townspeople and she didn’t really want to tell Ava, she knew that she was just giving it her all, but others might not see it that way and she didn’t wish for that to loom over her sister, “the outcome is not relevant, you fought hard and that’s all that matters,” Serena added, treating the cuts once more.

“If you say so...it’s strange, I don’t remember anything after hitting the ground, guess I lost...oh well, it was at least fun while it lasted,” Ava weakly smiled.

Hmm, so it was as I thought, her power took over there for the moment, but...I don’t think many will find that as an acceptable excuse Serena thought to herself, something Ava took notice to by the serious look on her sister’s face.

“Is something wrong, sis?”

Serena snapped out of her thought when Ava spoke to her, “Oh, no no, merely lost in thought is all, pay me no mind, just relax, I’m almost done and then I’ll get a room for you to rest in.”

“Hey, you’re injured too, what happened?” Ava asked when she noticed the injuries on her sister.

“Oh, don’t worry about these, they were just from you guys going a little overboard, they’re nothing to worry about,” Serena gave a smile to reassure her.

“I...I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Ava asked with a tremble in her voice, her heart racing as she worried she may have inadvertently hurt Serena.

“No, you didn’t and I said to stop worrying about it, it’s over now, just focus on resting up,” she reassured Ava once more as she began bandaging Ava’s wounds.

Ava gave a nod, but soon focused her attention on Soron approaching as did Serena, hearing him trying to apologize, Serena made sure Ava stayed down so as to not agitate her injuries, “There’s no need to apologize, things got out of hand on both sides, there’s no need apologize, this was just one of these things that couldn’t be helped, so don’t blame yourself, I certainly don’t,” Serena certainly meant it as well, she understood that regardless if it’s sparring or fighting, emotions are hard to suppress in a fight.

“Guess since you’re still standing it means you won, looks like you don’t have to apologize after all, good fight, you’re...really...strong,” Ava interjected, giving a weak smile before passing out once more.

“Such a silly girl, but I guess she really can’t be helped,” Serena gave a slim smile as she rested her hand on Ava’s head, brushing aside the few strands of hair in front of her face.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 7 days ago

@13org @Rai
Heather had a smile on her face when she heard Lila’s name. ”You have a beautiful name Lila,” Heather said happily. She glanced over to the bar lady and smiled slightly. ”Bar Lady, I need something to drink and I heard it is free,” Heather said. She only came into the tavern only rarely with her friend Patricia, because the Flowerdancer Family had mostly everything they needed. Her stomach rumbled and she blushed big time. She remembered she was hungry when she went to the Rest Easy. ”I forgot to ask you, what’s the special for today?” Heather asked the bar lady. She felt so embarrassed right now but she couldn’t help it since the greeter ran away when they were about to ask for something to eat and drink.

Patricia was still crying uncontrollably at the table she was sitting at. She was shivering and shaking and couldn’t get rid of a feeling of like she knew that dragon and why it terrifies her so much. Her memories were returning to her very little since the glow of her wings were shedding the memory blocks on her mind. She could hear a familiar voice in her head, and it was from her mother. ”Mommy, where are you?” Patricia thought to herself. Her wings were still glowing and her entire body was being covered in the rainbow light surrounding the girl in a warmth she had only knew once. She remembered the dragon’s name in her nightmare. ”The Terror Incarnate… he moves against our two families,” Patricia thought to herself. Her eyes changed to an unnatural color from what they usually are, her eyes are rainbow colored now. She uncovered her eyes and saw her friend at the bar. She had an air of mystery surrounding her, since her entire body was covered in a rainbow-like aura.

Heather felt a strange mysterious air in the room and she glanced back to her friend Patricia and saw her covered in a rainbow-like aura and her eyes was a completely different color to her blue eyes. She awed at what she was seeing since she never saw that before. ”Patricia is still crying but right now I have no idea what is going on with her. This has never happened before. That nightmare probably got to her more than I realized,” Heather replied to Lila’s question. Heather waved at her friend Patricia. ”Patricia, what is wrong?” Heather asked.

Patricia stood up from the table she was sitting at. She was still crying her tears were still going down her face. She slowly walked towards her friend, which she was at the bar. The aura is still fluctuating in size and shape but not in colors and her eyes is still rainbow in color. She stopped about an arm’s length away from Heather more or less to her right side, which is away from Lila. ”Heather… It is mostly my nightmare I will probably tell you about it later,” Patricia said worried. She looked at Lila and smiled at her. ”Heather… Who’s that?” Patricia asked curiously.

Heather glanced at Patricia and smiled. ”Her name is Lila. It is a very beautiful name by the way,” Heather said. She was somewhat worried about what her friend meant about the nightmare she said. Heather sat down at the bar and sighed slightly. ”Patricia about you sit next to me,” Heather said happily.

Patricia smiled at the name. She sat down right next to Heather shyly looking down. ”Her name is beautiful,” Patricia said. Patricia was still crying and had a feeling of dread within her body. She wanted to blurt out the name of the terror in her nightmare. Her aura, which was surrounding her body was stopping her from doing that. Her eyes were still rainbow in color. Her stomach growled a bit and blushed like the morning sun. ”Bar lady, I want the same thing Heather is having. As well, I am sorry for fainting in your tavern. I am terribly afraid of the dark,” Patricia said kindly. Her entire body still shakes in fear but it is because of her nightmare and her tears are going down her cheek.

Meanwhile at the Dragonpass Encampment, which is far south of the Vrondi Capital. This encampment looked like a small fortress in comparison to other things. It held in its walls many people within it that were considered draconian slaves. The owners of this encampment were the Stonefield Family. It had the mountain behind it, so there’s only three ways to approach it. It’s most prominent feature was the four towers, which was made out of the woods themselves, it camouflaged the place very well. It had two medium sized buildings in it and one massive stone structure, which held the draconian slaves. The more decorated of the two medium sized buildings held the Stonefield family within. The other medium sized building was the guardhouse, which held about ten to twenty people, which were hired by Johnson to guard this place.

Johnson was sitting within his house, he felt a strong sense of worry going through him. ”Feels like my Imperious spell is finally wearing off of Patricia and this is not good,” Johnson thought to himself. He didn’t know what caused this sudden change within the air but he knew it was coming from Sunfire, since that is where his friends the Flowerdancer’s reside. Johnson was worried about this. ”Wife,” Johnson said aloud.

Hannah walked into the room he was sitting in. “Yes, dear?” Hannah asked. Hannah was wondering why her husband had a strained tone in his voice.

Johnson looked at his wife seriously. ”Seems like my mistake will haunt us until we die a slow and painful death by Zargoth. I hope he can’t feel the shift in the air or he will know I tricked him but I did the only right thing by selling Patricia to my friends,” Johnson said dreading it.

Hannah walked behind her husband and put her hands on his shoulders. “Don’t worry about such things. You’ve told us to prepare for Zargoth’s awakening for sometime now, dear,” Hannah said. Hannah was trying to calm her husband down. “The only people we should blame for our predicament is your ancestors and your parents are partially to blame for all this strife,” Hannah said.

Johnson heard his wives words and they rung true to him, which is the only reason he married her in the first place. ”Alright… I think I need to fix my mistake and talk to Alexis again and tell her the truth,” Johnson said. He stood up and looked at her but realized it’s too late for that right now. ”It’ll probably be better to do that in the morning since it takes a long time to walk to Sunfire,” Johnson said.

Hannah giggled at her husband. “You are too serious all the time, you should go to bed with me or your children will worry about you,” Hannah said happily.

Johnson laughed and nodded to his wife. ”Yes, that is a good idea at least our guards are patrolling within the encampment,” Johnson said.

Hannah and Johnson walked towards the stairs of their medium home and he felt something weird going on. ”Wife, I think it’ll be better if I stay awake and protect us something feels off in the air,” Johnson said seriously.

Hannah looked at her husband and nodded her head. “Be careful my husband sometimes your intuition is better than mine sometimes,” Hannah said. She walked up the stairs.

Johnson walked to his study. He started to pace around and was quite annoyed at this. ”What’s going on? I haven’t really been keeping tabs on what’s happening in this kingdom,” Johnson thought to himself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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WingsOfBronze The One That Shines Gallantly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The door to the Rest Easy opened, followed by light taps of small feet on the wooden and waxed floor of the bar, and the lingering scent of beer and other drinks mixed in the air have explored outside.. for a second as Shanna closed the wooden door behind her with a thump. She looked to her left to see three stooges smirking and snickering at her. She grinned as she did a little bit of magic in the air, she waved her hand towards them and a bottle of beer moved, then it was shown it was completely cut in half. They gave her slack-jawed looks and it was sufficient enough to amuse him. She detected three seraphims from here. It was a seraphim aura, and she was sure of it. The lady with the silver hair looked busy, and as well the other two. She sighed internally as she floated into the air and directly to one of the stools, dodging those who move on her way. She stopped to stare at her stool that she will occupy. Even as she stood on the stool, her chin to her head was what's left to be seen. The bartender looked at her and grinned as he looked away. At least it gave a little respect or something.

"Yeah. Funny, is it not? Go get me some milk or I'll strike you for naught." She said, sighing at her height. She placed her arms under her chin and rested her head a little. She was lucky she did not need to tip-toe. The bartender shot her a confusing look but then just smiled (or was it a smirk?) and went off to get her order. A few moments later, the milk was served. She sighed and just drank the warm milk, downing the half of the cup's content. She sighed again.

"You still have milk on your lips." A voice said, and was definitely a male's voice. She recognized the voice and shot a glance to the right to see somebody dressed in leather armor that colored black and blue. His hood was down and was resting behind his nape, making his white hair to be seen. Shanna smirked at this. " Ohoho! The Courier just arrived, say, you got a message of five?" Shanna said, facing the The Courier. Her hands landed on her jips and she stood straight and looked at him smugly. The man just stared at her with it's eyes emotionless.

"You're the first one I know who get intoxicated in milk." The boy said and the little seraphim glared daggers and ice at him. "What did you just say?! First: you tell me I'm still a child, then this? I don't get intoxicated at milk! She said as she pointed at the cup of milk as it stood harmlessly on the bar.

" I didn't say you're still a child." The man said as he just stared at the little seraphim.

"I know. Because it was an idiom, guess you're an idiot. Dangerous words slipping off your tounge of silk." Shanna deadpanned. Then gave him a questioning look. " What's your bussiness with me?" She asked and the man sighed and gave her a piece of paper. The seraphim took it and glanced at the The Courier. " What's this? She asked, not opening the letter but instead placing it inside a teensy portal, which directed to the inn.

" Right. Read it later. Something real big is going to come. I suggest you leave this town right now." The nayu folk said at the little seraphim. "I don't think I'm safe at this event either. All assassins are hidden in the dark. One saw me, my name is at the trash can. I'm off. But don't take my suggestion hardly. I'm not sure if it will target Sunfire or if it exist at all." The Courier stood up and started walking away and once he was out of the bar, the seraphim sighed and went back to thinking at the three Seraphims in the bar. Is it possible that they all have seen the angelic lady that has spoken to her earlier? That's a chance, she shrugged and rolled the dice. She floated near one of the Seraphims, the one with the silver hair. The cup of milk was weighing her a bit, but she did fine.. " Hey, are you a seraphim?" She asked Heather, and the question was accidentally blunt. Of course she was a seraphim! She had the wings and all! She tapped her at the shoulder to get her attention. Well, she hoped she wasn't disturbing her.

@Landaus Five-One
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 7 days ago


Heather felt a tap on her shoulders and heard a question from a female in the room. She turned to see Shanna. ”Yes, I am a Seraphim. Why did you ask? Who are you by the way?” Heather asked to the girl. She was curious by that question. She glanced at her friend Patricia. She looked back at the girl who asked her the question. She reminds herself of her family's code or honor but sighed. "As one of the Flowerdancers I am honored to make your acquaintance," Heather said.

Patricia looked at the small girl who tapped her friend’s shoulders. ”This girl must be blind in asking that question,” Patricia thought to herself. Her rainbow aura was slowly vanishing but her eyes stayed a rainbowish color. ”I hope I don’t say his name… The Terror Incarnate out loud ever,” Patricia thought to herself. She felt uneasy about the entire night but wished she could get something in her stomach to calm her down. "Heather, why do you have to be so formal?" Patricia asked curiously.

Heather heard her friend's question. "Formalities are a necessity in the Flowerdancer Family," Heather said kindly. She had a kindness that was unnatural.

Patricia had a smile on her face instead of a terrified look on her face but her rainbowish eyes was intense. "I love her so much, wish she knew my feelings," Patricia thought to herself. She had a look of happiness and sadness since she knows much flies over Heather's head.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Suley had moved out the door, only to bump into Alexis.

”Excuse me...Oh, Alexis. Sorry i didn’t see you there.” He went to move until she asked if he was alright to which he smiled.

”Of course! Why would you ask?” His head cocked to the side slightly with his voice holding a quizzical tone. She continued, telling him he seemed like he needed company to which he shook his head.

”There is no need dear, I was simply going to travel to the market and by a few things for the coming night.” Hoping that would put her off from following he began to walk but within a few paces he could hear her little footsteps behind him. Turning his head to glance at her, he gave another dismissive smile before facing forward. It was going to be a bit of a walk. He would keep glancing behind him every so often, trying to get her to back away but she didn’t seem to budge. It was only when he finally got annoyed to he pull at his draconic side and roared at her.

”I SAID I’M FINE!” As he calmed down, he noticed he frightened a couple of people, to which he sighed and rubbed his temples in defeat.

”Alright Alright...It’s been years since i have been down from my mountain.” He said in defeat as he walked with her to the market. His soft eyes watched as families moved through, getting tonight's dinner. His focus was on the magic shoppe that was a towards the end. Suley weaved his way through people until he reached a somewhat clearing within the people. Glancing over at Alexis he spoke up again.

”My first time in a long time and it starts with a fight and two, no, three people nearly dead. It is beyond unacceptable and unbecoming of a dragonlord, especially from the Fire of Fotia…” He spoke about himself and his past, relating to what had happened and how it wasn’t like him. Clearing his throat, he gestured for her to follow him into the shoppe. His motive was for tonight, expecting an attack and what better way than to prepare now with anything possible.

The bell to the place rung with a usual jingle and he waved to the owner of the shoppe as he began browsing, his conversation continuing with Alexis.

”I was one of the few who were fair and just, meeting crimes with appropriate punishments instead of ridiculous capital punishment in which the lords devoured those who dared to rebel. Me? I simply banished them, warning that if they were to ever return they would be killed on sight and considered a threat to the kingdom. My second hand, a red wyrm and my brother Tarmeir, felt I was too kind to be a leader and was as soft as the fleshlings down below in the valleys…” As he rambled on, his hand skimmed over some potions pertaining to liquid sun rays, flash powder, essence of dragon breath and among other potions. Some healing potions were swept into a bag and a bag of holding swept into the shopping bag as well before placing them on the counter, only to return to grabbing more things. Some runes consisting of any elements and breakable orbs. He took out a small bag of gold and handed it off to Alexis without looking away from the shelves.

”Do me a favor and grab some things, anything you think you may need for tonight in case something does arise? Thank you~!” His sing-song like tone slowly returning as he talked.

Soron, before leaving the counter, saw the look in that girl’s eyes. Those were not normal eyes, they were his eyes. That icy chill that was accompanied by what he felt was the thousand yard stare of a soldier. One who has seen death and has dealt it. He knew why he had gained that deadly gazed, but for someone so young? It sent shivers down his spine, and with it sympathy, if she knew what that was.

When he made his way over to Serena and Ava to apologize, Serena waved it off, to which he shook his head.

”There is no excuse. I have decades of experience on her with a much more leveled head, I nearly killed the both of you. I will not take no for an-”

He glanced over to Ava who seemed...happy. This through him through a loop. He was half expecting her to try and jump at him with a fist or blade, to which he would embrace it. Instead he simply gave a thin smile and light nod as she passed out.

”Not bad yourself kiddo.” He looked over to Serena with a bit of nostalgia.

”She reminds me of me...That fire inside her. It burns strong...Now I think would be an appropriate time to properly introduce myself.” He stepped back and bowed before leaning back up.

”My name is Soron Dragonbane of Basille. Former Sureyia senior member, member of the Taxis and caretaker of Suleykaar, Dragonlord of Fotia and the Fire of Fotia. It is a pleasure to meet you.” He gave a slight smirk before awaited her response.Once it came, he would pardon himself and return to the bar, but not before asking Serena if she wanted a drink and one for her sister when she woke.

When he returned to the bar, he sat back down, just in time to learn of the others at the bar. A seraphim by the last name Flowerdancer, to which he chuckled, knowing of what the family had as slaves and Suley’s reaction should he learn of this. Another name was that of the nayu girl’s. Moriarty?

”Moriarty...Ah! The Moriarty family. I know them. Great Nayu family. Very peaceful. Great poets…” His voice seemed to hold a bit of somberness to it, as if reflecting on the past. He turned to her with a sympathetic nod, not knowing her lack of knowledge about them. Soon another member joined them, a small woman who seemed to speak strangely, but then again it was strange to meet anyone who knew Dovah except for some in the slums who panhandled, faking the language or speaking a broken version of it in order to gain money to live. Others used it in their business to try and con people out of money, faking the language to cheat travelers. Soron and Suleykaar had met a tailor who did this, to which Suley lashed out at him verbally in true fluent Dovah, enough to make the man cry.

He turned his attention back to the Flowerdancer.

”Flowerdancer, huh? Family who uses dragonic people as slaves. I’ll have a friend stopping by later. Don’t let him know about that. Just a heads up...Speaking of which-”

He noticed that the sun began setting, to which he narrowed his eyes and glanced over at Velai.

”I don’t know if you’re planning on shutting down anytime soon but if these attacks are happening at night, its best to fortify yourselves now.” With that he stood up and went for his stuff by his old seat. It hadn’t moved and felt like everything was still there. Heaving it up he brought it over to a free table and unrolled it, revealing an assortment of weaponry both forged and enchanted, potions, elixirs, runes, orbs, daggers, smoke bombs and flash powder. Ray of Sun and Dragon flame bottles, incendiaries. Soron began attaching them to his belt and other equippable areas. A bandolier of sorts that held most of his orbs and viles, his belt holding the Ray of Sun and dragon’s breath, essence of frost, among some things. He knew there were to be questions and he started to answer them now.

”We promised you Velai that we would stay and protect this place in offer of a place to stay and helping you out. Suley more than likely in his walk to calm down went and bought extra.” He withdrew his blades and sat down before cleaning them and sharpening them. He would answer any other questions while he worked. Night was upon them, and whatever death that awaited them. But if Soron and Suley were to be there, they would go down with a fight for the ages and this could be seen in the focus of Soron’s eyes.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lila Moriarty

”You have a beautiful name Lila,” Lila heard Heather saying.
"Beautiful"... "Cute"... It didn't matter how much she thought about it, Lila still didn't understand the concept, she simply couldn't grasp it. While she was still lost in her own thoughts, the girl who was crying earlier, Patricia approached them.
”Heather… Who’s that?”
The girl seemed to be still shaken by whatever that "nightmare" was. Whatever it was, it shook the poor girl to her core. She was crying uncontrollably, shivering. Lila wondered what that nightmare was about.
”Her name is beautiful,” she said, after Heather told her Lila's name.

Lila couldn't hold herself anymore. Why they were calling her, her name and her dress cute or beautiful? Why there were so many people trying to talk to her, especially in Sunfire city, where most of the denizens knew what she was and what she did, and either ignored or despised her? What would they gain by talking to her, what were their reasons to do so?

"What makes something beautiful or cute?" she asked them, confused.
"I heard these words three times today. First about my dress, then about me and now about my name."
"If I had to describe my dress with one word, it would be effective. Its light, easy to move with and it offers me enough protection from the elements without weighting me down. But I fail to perceive how it would be cute or beautiful. Being cute or beautiful has no use in a hunt. Why you say that? What are the characteristics that define a name, person or object cute?" Lila asked in a torrent of words, loud enough to those nearby to hear her unexpectedly beautiful and eloquent voice. Aside from her clear outburst, she was not irritated, she just couldn't understand or accept the situation.

But before Heather could answer, Lila heard something that made her heart skip a beat.
”Moriarty...Ah! The Moriarty family. I know them. Great Nayu family. Very peaceful. Great poets…”
Her face quickly turned to Soron's direction when he spoke that.
The Moriarty...? She had a family? Why no one told her about that? Who were them? Where they were? Why this man, Soron, knew about them?
Lila was never told that she had a family. She didn't know if it would make any difference in her life, after all, she was still a tool. Without someone to wield her, she had nothing. No purpose or objective.
Her usually cold and emotionless expression clearly showed surprise.
She was curious, but that man was very suspicious. She didn't know anything about him, and yet, he knew things about her that Lila herself didn't know.
Standing up and going near Soron, she whispered to him in an cold tone.
"Search for me tonight. I have some questions for you. If you don't come, I'm going after you."

"Velai, I will wait for Mirror, or my next orders here, I only need a small room for me to rest." she said to her, completely ignoring the "attacks" that were rumored to happen that very night, after all, it wasn't her problem. Sure, she would fight if it was to protect herself, but without orders, she wouldn't act.
Sitting down near Heather and Patricia again, shortly after talking with Velai, she kept waiting for their answer.

@FallenTrinity@Landaus Five-One
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 7 days ago


Heather heard Lila’s questions and smiled gently. She was pretty much shocked in how eloquent and beautiful her voice was. ”It is a compliment Lila. I complimented your name since it fits you very nicely. It is a basic concept of receiving praise,” Heather said kindly. She listened to what the older man had to say and she smiled. She had a bit of a startled expression when she heard about attacks happening at night. ”That is why there’s an eerie sadness within Sunfire. I won’t blurt out it to your friend… I have been seeing a dragon in my dreams though… And he terrifies me more than anything,” Heather said worried. She swallowed in terms of she hoped she never sees to face the black dragon in her nightmares it makes her completely terrified of it. She got a chill down her spine and she looked to Patricia to see how she’s doing.

Patricia’s body was pale as a ghost. She slowly looked at Heather and regrets ever being right here. She feels like her being here endangers everyone. ”Heather… Was the dragon black in color with… A purple glow?” Patricia asked curiously. Her tone of voice had fear in it and everyone word she spoke was terrified of what she had to say. Her rainbow colored eyes started to glow brighter while this was happening. The rainbow colored aura surrounding her dissipated completely.

Heather’s heart sank when Patricia asked that question. She nodded her head with a slight delay hoping it wasn’t who she thought it was. ”Why are you so pale?” Heather asked worried. Her body started to shiver and she put her hands together in a cupped and started to pray quietly. The Flowerdancer’s sword on her body started to glow a strange color, as if it was afraid, it was in its sheath.

Patricia’s voice changed suddenly from the normal voice she carried to someone elses voice. The voice that came through had a more confident tone but was terrified in the same right. Her eyes were shimmering in the entire tavern and the entire rainbow aura was fully covering her again. ”The Terror Incarnate is awakening the Ancient Terrible Black Dragon, Zargoth. Most people thought he died to the combined arms of the ones that hated him the most,” Patricia said confidently. She had reallocation of past events. Whatever happened slowly subsided and her normal voice was speaking again. ”I am grateful my bloodline still exists. What is going on?” Patricia asked confused. She had no idea what took her over but at least she didn’t have to say what was said. Her eyes stopped shimmering and the aura slowly dissipates as if whatever energy surrounding the girl vanished as quickly as it came.

Heather looked at Patricia with a strange look as if she never heard that other more confident voice come out of her before. She heard the one thing she never thought she would hear aloud the black dragon’s name. Her entire body was shaking and shivering as if she met a very old enemy and he was face to face to her. She was not calm, she was crying and couldn’t stop the waterworks from flowing. She put her hands to her face and put her head on the bar, crying in fear. ”W-Whoever t-that w-was… p-please w-warn m-me… I-I d-don’t w-want to m-meet… Z-Zargoth f-face to face,” Heather sobbed. She was stuttering she never stuttered in her life. The Flowerdancer’s sword started to make noise, like a ghostly wail it was very much unnerving to people in the bar if they have never heard something like that.

Meanwhile in a deep dark cave beneath a mountain range somewhere on the continent a massive black dragon was sleeping. He was stirring in his sleep as if he felt prey aware of his existence or even his name. He opened his eyes looked at his surroundings and noticed the cell, which held two Pulsar Draconians within it but he shut one of his eyes and left the other opened trained on them. The two in the cell was sleeping in the cell, wearing their family’s insignia of clothes, which is a comet crossing the sky in a silvery pattern. The two in the cell was sleeping in the cell, which was built by the Stonefield Family. He, however, had one of these missing from his grasp, their daughter the one who got away 12 years ago. ”Good to know they are still there. Johnson better be still looking for their daughter. She will be great to add to my collection,” Zargoth thought to himself.

He slowly got up from his sleeping position. He roared loud enough to make the entire cave shake by making three stalagmites fall to the ground shattering by the entrance of the cave. The roar by him awoken the two sleeping in their cell by the dragon in a fit of terror. He smiles at their screams of terror being awoken by him. ”How goes your torment? Jacob and Patricia… Have you found a way to kill yourselves with or without your daughter here?” Zargoth asked relishing his delight and terror.

A female black dragon walked into cave somewhat annoyed with the draconic roar. ”Father, can you please keep it down? I was trying to sleep outside of your cave,” ??? said annoyed to her father. She had an air of somber happiness thinking her father was finally getting off his ass and dealing with the traitor but noticed he was talking to the two prisoners. ”When are we going to let go the ones, which had nothing to do with the past?” ??? asked her father.

His demeanor changed slightly when his daughter walked into the cave. ”Yioplya, it is nice to see you. And what do you mean about that daughter, you don’t want revenge for the death of your mother?” Zargoth asked to his daughter. He had been enjoying taking care of his daughter by himself but it is hard work in trying to make sure she doesn’t do anything dumb.

Patricia was confused and the most awake by this turn of events but she had an air of curiosity. ”Wait, you had a family all this time? Zargoth,” Patricia said. She had never realized this but it feels like the entire past was a fault of hurting someone that didn’t deserve it. ”And to answer your question… No,” Patricia said defiantly. She looked at the Terror Dragonlord with an intent of wanting to say sorry for all her ancestors wrong doings against his entire family. ”Zargoth, I am sorry for what ever happened in the past,” Patricia said.

Zargoth turned his head from his daughter to the Patricia he has. ”You are only one party behind the massacre at the Black Dragon Roost. The second was the Flowerdancer Family… I thank you for your concern though it has been a troubling time without my wife and raising my daughter by myself, Yioplya,” Zargoth said. He looked at his daughter with a sorrowful look in one of his eyes since he still is pained by not able to save anyone but her.

Yioplya shapeshifted* into a beautiful short girl since she’s a pretty young dragon as a whole. She wears clothes, which were made from her mother when they were a happy family but not so much now. She had a Terror Dragonlord insignia on her clothes she was wearing since she is a black dragon and also the daughter to her father. ”Dad, please you're embarrassing me…,” Yioplya said in her humanoid form. She was crying a bit because her father reminded her of every single person who she knew died during all that strife.

Zargoth shapeshifted into his form and looked at his daughter somewhat seriously. ”Patricia and Jacob… I think I will get to the questioning later, since I need to calm down my daughter,” Zargoth said. Zargoth walked up to his daughter and hugged her and sighed, his facial appearance was of what he had before changed it to be Jacob, his face was much more sturdy and stoic.

The two Pulsar Draconians were confused and utterly shocked that they saw the Terror Dragonlord’s Insignia after all this time and they weren’t terrified of it. It seems like, they were going to be stuck here for awhile. But at least they learned one important thing the books of their ancestors were completely wrong about the liberation and it was really a massacre to the large sense of a degree. Jacob hit his bed, where he was sitting at and was angry at his ancestors for taking it that far. ”God damn it… I wish I knew this before,” Jacob thought to himself.

Patricia looked at her husband and sighed. ”Seems like the errors of the past will haunt us all until she can fix it all,” Patricia thought to herself. She started to cry because it was too sad to bare. They never thought the Terror Dragonlord had a soft side but the only reason for the attack on the black dragon roost was because of what he did to their grand ancestor, the Pulsar Dragon Matriarch and the Patriarch to.

The Two black dragons walked away from the cell of the two Pulsar Draconians. The young black dragon girl was crying and her cries could be heard since the cave has a slight echo. The Terror Dragonlord on the other hand was trying to calm his daughter down but without any luck until they looked at the Flowerdancer Battle Axe, which he gained from that crazy broad in the Flowerdancer Family. ”Oh look at this, the Flowerdancer Battle Axe is glowing in fear… It seems like all the ancestors of the Flowerdancers know the truth of what they did or they are afraid of my retribution,” Zargoth said. He touched the Battle Axe and he saw exactly where the Sword of Angelic Light is at, it is in a Tavern in Sunfire, he could see the mental image of it and everyone in the room and saw, the one person he had been searching for this whole time. He had a smile on his face, why would that guy be in Sunfire. ”Oh Soron Dragonbane and a Red Dragon is in Sunfire…,” Zargoth thought to himself.

His daughter held part of the battle axe and could see the exact same thing her father was seeing but felt a terrible power within the city but couldn’t tell what her father was thinking. ”Father, what are you thinking?” Yioplya asked.

Zargoth looked at his daughter. ”Looks like I owe you an apology for not believing you. Johnson is a scum ridden liar, I saw their daughter in the Tavern in Sunfire. She had rainbow colored eyes, which means she was taken over by their Matriarch,” Zargoth said. He licked his lips for the first time in ages he can soon find where that Pulsar Dragon is truly hiding.

His daughter looked at her father and smiled. ”Are we going to let go them? Because they aren’t needed any longer,” Yioplya said. She was hopeful her father would allow them to go even though his hatred for that dragon was legendary.

He looked at his daughter with a smile. ”Yes, I don’t want to have anymore people die on me because of my inability to protect them. We will escort them to wherever they can go, since we are underneath the ruins of the Black Dragon Roost,” Zargoth said. He had a smile with him since it is, quite obvious they are on the other side of the same mountain, which held the Dragonpass Encampment. He knew much had changed.

His daughter looked at him happily. ”Should we bring this peace offering to the Flowerdancers? Just in case everything goes south...” Yioplya said curiously. She walked herself towards the the cell where the two Pulsar Draconians were quite distraught by what they learned from the Terror Dragonlord’s mouth. She unlocked the door to the cell and opened it up wide. ”We will escort you to the nearest kingdom’s capital, so you can get integrated into becoming a citizen,” Yioplya said happily. She spinned in a circle and walked away slowly.

The two Pulsar Draconians saw the young girl and was weirded out by her happiness guess she didn’t really like what her father was doing. They walked out with their cloaks surrounding them, which was made up of their own rainbow dragon scales on their wings but they were wearing more than just that they were fully covered. They were regally dressed but they should have feared Johnson more than the Black Dragon, in front of them now. ”Zargoth, we are sorry for being afraid of you after all these years. I think I finally get you,” Patricia said aloud.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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WingsOfBronze The One That Shines Gallantly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shanna looked at Heather's company in annoyance. No, bleak chance that this girl be of Taxis or Aion. She should try to find somebody of Seraphim blood and knew how to fight, so she scanned the area and found nothing at her interest, just some happy people, perhaps toohappy people. She drank the last of her milk and placed it on a table with a clunk, the other seraphims seems to be drank and.. tipsy. Would not like the attention now, so where's a good place to go.. she hummed in thought then jumped out of the chair she was standing at. She know who she was going to visit, as she floated towards the door of the bar and opened it, taking two of her hands for the knob, leaving the denizens on their own inside the rambunctious bar, a thought came to her mind. Why would be the place named 'Rest Easy' if it was a bar with noisy commoners?. She floated up and towards the moldy and mossy wooden stairs that led to the temple, ignoring the dusk bystanders. It was dusk? She looked at the big holes? or was it windows of the ancient tree of Sunfire? She didn't care. That didn't matter, it was big enough for people to know if it was day or night. She nearly hit a lamp pole just standing on the road, she maneuvered sharp left and was unhurt. She glanced at where she was right now and found the mossy wooden stairs, didn't bother walk on the wooden stairs because frankly, it was hellish enough.

She stumbled into the temple, the men have quieted down and was bandaged, it seems. Most are sleeping on white beds and accompanied by a handful of healers. Sleeping the pain away and to relax themselves, looks like the doctors here are good at medication. Now, she should find Luna. She's trespassing, she thought to herself, some eyes are giving her baffled and quizzical looks. She went back to the stairs and went up, to the statue of Vrondi. The large space that was roofed by wood and trees and the tiki torches that lines the path side by side. The view still amazes her. The statue of King Vrondi was much more amazing, and this is much more amazing if stars are illuminating. But that's not why she was here. Off to find Luna.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexis didn't believe Suleykaar when he said he was fine. She already knew otherwise, so when the dragon turned to leave she followed him. He seemed adamant about not telling her anything, constantly glancing over his shoulder at her as he walked. She wasn't following him very closely, preferring to give him a little space seeing as her presence was unwanted enough without being creepily close to him.

She followed him for a while like this, about to give up on getting him to talk to her when he suddenly turned and yelled at her, his voice sounding every bit like what a dragon's should. She froze in place at that, taking a second to recover as he noticed he'd scared some of the people around them along with her. She hadn't thought he would explode. "you don't seem very fine to me..." She muttered this more to herself than to him as he calmed down.

She came up to walk at his side as he began explaining what was on his mind. She listened calmly, beginning to understand as they got to a magic shoppe. As the bell on the door jingled and they made their entrance, Alexis thought of something that might help Suleykaar feel better. "You say it's been a long time since you've interacted with people like this. Perhaps a long enough time that things here have changed from what you remember? In no way was that fight your fault, and from what I saw if you hadn't been there a lot of people would be dead, not just a few getting injured."

"and you can’t really be held accountable for Soron. Even if he’s your friend he’s his own person and has to live with the consequences of his own choices and actions. He chose to fight." She spoke seriously, remembering something from years ago with a small smile on her lips. "Actually, Soron kind of reminds me of an old friend of mine, what with how he got into a fight so easily with a complete stranger."

She kept listening as Suleykaar went on to explain how he used to do things long ago, ruling his nation. "That doesn’t sound so bad. Besides, is it weak to show compassion and offer forgiveness or a second chance? I’d think jumping to the same option of ‘eat whoever you don’t like’ every time something happens would actually show a weakness in one’s ability to plan and deal with things as they come. And, in my experience, kind leaders are loved by their people -and love holds groups and even kingdoms together. No one I know of would challenge a ruler they love."

As Suleykaar handed her a small bag of coins, Alexis accepted it without complaint. She was beginning to understand that Suleykaar probably really didn’t care about how much money he threw around, in his mind he was just benevolent, though she still thought it was a strange thing to do so often. ”You really do believe Sunfire’s going to be attacked, don’t you?” She spoke quietly, not really believing it was a possibility herself. For as long as she could remember, people had talked about how untouchable Sunfire was, how it was just as safe as the capitol itself in any situation. They didn’t talk for nothing, did they?

Still though, watching as Suleykaar went around gathering a wide array of things, she felt like his worry couldn’t be unwarranted either. If there really was going to be a battle tonight, Alexis wouldn’t be able to let herself stand by on the sidelines with a clear conscience. She’d go fight too, though admittedly she knew she probably should try to hang back, as another yawn brought a couple tears to her eyes. As tired as she was, from staying up all night before and then healing Soron so recently, she could easily get herself killed out there. She needed energy, but the sun had already set by now. She regretted not spending more time outside when she had the chance earlier.

She shook her head to dislodge the thoughts and doubts she had beginning to swirl around in her mind. She knew there were a few things that could help her keep from running out of energy, and one thing in particular that would help a lot. After scanning the shelves and not seeing what she was looking for, she went over to talk to the shop’s owner, who was standing behind a counter looking bored as he watched her and Suleykaar.

“Need help with something, little lady?” He spoke kindly as she approached, and she nodded at him with a smile as she came to stand in front of the counter.

”Yes. I’m looking for a Sunlight orb, do you have any here?” The man shook his head at her before apologizing, motioning to the door as he went on to tell her that maybe a store across the market would have one. She thanked him before glancing at Suleykaar and then leaving, looking around for the other magic shop in town. She’d be back soon, so she didn’t bother the Dragon with telling him where she was going to.

She found the other shop after a moment of searching and entered with purpose, approaching the owner of this shop as soon as she walked in the door. He was an older Sol man, stocking a few potions on a shelf when she came in, but he glanced at her as the chime on the door announced a customer’s presence, a perpetually annoyed-looking frown on his face as he greeted her.

“I’m closin’ up soon kiddo. You better find what you want quick.”

”Actually, I need a little help with that sir.” She spoke respectfully as he put the last of the bottles in their place and turned to face her, rubbing at the joints of his fingers as he listened to her. ”I was told you might have a Sunlight or Energy orb here?”

“Sure do.” He walked over to a shelf on the far side of the room and pulled a softly glowing glass orb from one of the higher shelves before turning to put it on his counter and grabbing another, smaller orb from the same spot. “You’ll want this one,” He said as he began putting the smaller one in a small cloth sack with a loop of string to tie it closed. “Won't fill ya up completely, but ain’t no energy gon’ be wasted either.” He tried to hand the bag to her, but Alexis just shook her head.

”No, sorry that won’t work. I’m already kinda energy-deficient right now, I’ll need a full refill.” The man frowned at her as he went to stand behind the counter, putting the small orb in the bag down next to the larger one as he narrowed his eyes at her.

“A little girl like you don’t need that much energy. One of them soldiers out there would do better with this one.”

”Well I don’t see any of those soldiers in here asking to buy.”

“They will.”

”Really? I thought you said you were closing up? Surely, any soldier out there already knows that it’s too late for them to get any more supplies.” She blinked innocently at the man as his frown grew in his frustration with her.

“I still says you don’t need it. Whatsa kid like you gonna do anyway, if them rumors are true and we gon’ get attacked tonight?”

”How many people you know carry around a bow and arrows for fun, sir? If it comes to a fight, I’m gonna be out there.” The shopkeeper smirked at her before responding.

“I see it all the time dearie. My little grandbabies love to play war, just like you. No offense kiddo, but you don’t even look like you take a punch from one of them.”

Alexis frowned at him, crossing her arms as she retorted. ”Well no offense grandpa, but you don’t even look like you could take a hit from me either.” He just laughed at her. ”Do you make a point of pissing off all your customers?”

“No,” He said as he reigned in his laughter. “Jus’ the ones that don’t look like they can handle what they gettin’ into.” She glared at him for a moment, and he stared right back, a grin on his face like he knew he’d won. “Last time, or else I’m not sellin’ ya nothing kiddo. Take the little orb, it’ll do ya enough good.”

”What do I have to do to get you to give me the other one?”

“Prove you ain’t an idiot. Which, you’re doin just swell at right now.” He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes at him.

”Yeah? And just what would that take?”

“Tell ya what, you say that bow ain’t no toy, so I say prove it. I got a target in the back there, ya see it?” He pointed somewhere over her shoulder, and her gaze followed the motion to see a crudely painted bullseye in the back corner of the room, on the wall behind a shelf. There were bottles of potions and orbs on the shelf blocking most of the target from being able to be seen, let alone hit. “You hit the center of that target, I’ll sell ya the big orb. You miss or break any of my stuff, you pay for what you broke and you leave with nothing.”

”Sounds fair..” Alexis kept her eyes on the target as she spoke, before glancing around the room for the best place to stand in order to get a clear angle on the shot. ”Got any place you want me to shoot from?”

“Naw. Stand wherever ya like. Just know, you only get one try.” With that Alexis moved to the spot she thought was best, right in front of the door to the shop. She could see the center of the target clearly there, and that was about all she needed. She took her bow and a single arrow from the quiver on her back, taking her stance calmly after stringing the bow. She took only a second to aim, and then as she let out her next breath she let the arrow fly.

A sharp thud was heard as the arrow found its place, snuggly in between two bottles and stuck in the center of the target. She glanced over at the old man, satisfied with the look of surprise on his face as he went and pulled the arrow out of the wall, handing it to her after inspecting it for a second. She put the arrow back in her quiver and put her bow over her shoulder, not bothering to unstring it yet. True to his word, the man took the small orb out of the cloth bag and switched it for the larger one, glancing at her with an unreadable expression as he tied the bag shut and handed it to her.

She pulled out the bag of coins Suleykaar had given her and handed it to the man, asking if it would be enough. He counted the coins up and after a second nodded at her with a quiet “Mhm”. He didn’t say anything else as she thanked him and left, heading back to the shop Suleykaar was in. She tied the cloth bag holding the orb to her belt as she walked into the shop, smiling at the shopkeep as she came back in.

“You find what you wanted, miss?” He asked her as she stood by the counter to wait for Suleykaar to finish his supplies search.

”Yes, thank you.” Once Suleykaar was done shopping, she’d smile at him and ask, ”Shall we head back to the Inn now?”

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A small white dragon seemed to meet wind resistance when meeting the skies over Fotia. The volcano clouds pillaring into the sky and leaving monuments in their wake that scorned all those that flew above. It was not until it lowered its altitude did it resume a natural pace. The gleaming rays of final light caught this dragons attention, as it did many other couriers such as itself. The snow wyvern came to a landing before a few men standing within a tower, on a ledge. They had other flying dragons of small size. Wrapping letters to their ankles, to which they shook violently in opposition at first but after a piece of red meat is set in their mouths they were still. Only observing. It was a Fotian man, thin framed, and he wore a red and black robe. He looked at the letter the wyvern had and nodded as he did so. He turned his back to the ledge and headed inside. Inside he walked down several stairs before exiting the through the bottom. He walked only a few feet over from here and handed the paper to a guard standing infront of the gates that led to the long road to the King's castle. The guards nodded to him before taking the paper. Soon the paper was in the hands of a young Fotian soldier. His armor was light and his appearance was that of a scout or courier. He quickly ran across the open half scorched fields of Fotia to where a camp was.

This camp was crawling with Fotian soldiers and inside a large extravagant tent with fires burning on the outside of it was the king Magnix. He sat facing the entrance that was illuminated in the dark by the fires outside. It was a soldier to fist greet the courier. A dragonslayer took the paper and began reading it to the king. A frown emerged onto the lips of the king. His brows met in an angry expression and his eyes, fiery with contained fury, focused into the flames outside. "So that relic is still alive. If he seeks to over throw me he will be taken care of without mercy."

"The chefs special is mountain fish from Gaia." Velai said to Heather. Trying to not freak out over thr strange aura coming from Patricia. She then was taken back by the sudden appearance of the small floating body questioning Heather. As this happened Velai called over one of the not so busy servers and relayed Heather and Patricias orders to her. Complaining that her feet ached and giving her a big sisterly smile. Velai then continued to watch what transpired. From Lilas confusion over what aesthetics were or Patricias fear. A lot seemed to be transpiring again. She hoped this time it would not escalate into anything too out of hand. She peered over to Ava and Soron as they chatted. She felt at ease seeing their moods were settled.

Velai looked up to Soron as he made his way over to her. Giving him her full attention as strands fell to the side from her face. Her golden eyes reflected his dark silhoutte within as it held his gaze. He seemed serious. She nodded to his words but was feeling uneasy as she did so. His mentioning of Lilas family was a big suprise to her and clearly to Lila. "Oh thank you.." she waved Sorons proposal away modestly. "I appreciate it but Im sure things will be fine." She felt a cringe immediately after saying this though. Things seemed fine, the only trouble so far coming from these patrons. Soron in particular due to the battle he was half responsible for. Or entirely, or not at all. She did not know how the fight even began. Her eyes rolled at the thought of it being simply for fun, though she felt it likely was. She felt Patricia as she glowed and began talking strangely and out of character, as if spiritually possessed.

After the rainbow hued glow went away Velai sighed with relief. It was not usual to see such strange things happening all at once, but she had no clue what the majority of it was about. She placed a hand on her head from it all. Having what appeared to be a migraine flaring up in her skull. She looked up at Lila who now spoke at her after her speech to Soron. Was it a declaration to fight him? Velai shook her head at the idea and glared at Soron. Why did he have to go and get her all riled up? she thought behind her attempt at a intimidating expression with her lowered eyes at Soron. Giving a Tch before looking away from him to the floor, arms crossed. "Ok I think Mirror may be here soon anyway so.. just wait." Her tone was annoyed and so was her posture.
@Landaus Five-One@FallenTrinity@13org

The temple was barely manned due to the oncoming battle. Healers remained however and tended to the injured of thr night before. Where the statue of Vrondi stood tall was the top of Sunfire, and above the temple. There, looking out into the darkness that began to sweep the land was Luna. Her hands were together and she was knelt down before the altar of Vrondi and the seraphim with a prayer. The flame in the seraphim statue's hands were glowing bright. She spoke with a bit of an echo within Shannon's mind. "You have arrived at a peculiar time." As she spoke blood dripped from her eyes like tears. @WingsOfBronze

The armies of the dark cult were met with opposition from every land they entered. The Magoi barriers, the bottomless hidden holes in Gaia, the explosive mines of Fotia, and more were set as initial obstacles for the dark cult. The size of the cult grew each day. Those that live in the wild as cutthroats and bandits were enlisted or killed by the cultists. But not only them, those that were taken over when their protected lands were attacked ended up as slaves that were then sold for money inorder to acquire more desperate souls willing to fight for a meal. This was only a single chain in the web that brought together the mass of bodies that moved at the whim of the man who stood tall ontop a king basilisk. The jungles began to rattle as hundreds of feet began trampling on its surface. Vegetation was sliced and torn away in the wake of the army, something they did with proficiency. They neared closer to the open field. Their scouts peered through the bushes at the open field of Vrondi soldiers. One attempted to slio away but was hit with an arrow to the head from above. A seraphim stood midair high above the aligned bodies of soldiers below. A bow and arrow in his hands that were prepared for another shot. However he stood his ground, a smirk forming on his lips. I think they're here.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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WingsOfBronze The One That Shines Gallantly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shanna walked slowly in the middle road, towards the kneeling woman. Ignoring mostly everything of her surrounding and only focused on the weeping woman. "I can tell at this state, truth is the words of my associate." She stopped walking behind Luna, the bloody tears unsettled her, but she steeled herself by raising her chin and staring at her eyes. " A huge event is to be unwrapped, a battle consisted of many mishap. Tell me, are they near?" She did not know 'who' are they, or 'what' they are. The silence is deafening and a small unknown sound can strike fear to many hearts because of the situation.

"Is this connected to the attack in the kingdom of Fotia?" She wanted to shout the question but she won't, the lady in front of her looks like grieving. "Are.. are people dying?" Shanna asked again, and the last question she will ask. "Aion needs my help and it seems I have got myself a messenger; said my brothers and sisters need me."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Soron nodded when Lila approached him, though he didn't show it, he was a bit surprised she didn't know of her own family and

"Just a heads up Moriarty, if you do not find me in my room, check outside of Sunfire. If there is to be any battles tonight, I'll be out there." He gave the faintest of smiles before taking notice to the look that Velai gave her, which he simply narrowed his eyes, making sure it didn't go unnoticed.

"And what was that look for Velai? Was this supposed to be a secret or something?" His gaze on her didn't change, but like Suley had told Serena, he had nothing to lose, should he die he would be reunited with his family, and his love. Speaking of Serena, he glanced over at her and her sister.

"How is she doing? Think she'll be fine enough to fight should it come to that?" He asked with a bit of concern in his voice. Putting his short blade away, he began work on his long sword until one of the other girls started to sob again about something named Zargoth.

He glanced up and stopped sharpening the blade.

"The terror in your eyes, I've seen that before in dragonslayers who've bitten more than they can chew, just before being bitten themselves. If this Zargoth is a dragon, he wont be a problem. This blade has been forged with basilisk venom and cooled in it as well. A single slice is enough to kill even the large ones. Don't worry about it. I plan on protecting Sunfire as a whole including those in it. I won't let some serpent attack it as well. Plus, we have a dragon of our own. Suleykaar, the Fire of Fotia. Despite his glamourous lifestyle he likes to have everyone believe, he is a brutal opponent and has some magic meant for the end of times. I've survived his fire, fire that glasses everything around it, leaving it glistening like a flawless gem. If you manage to befriend him, you've acquired a very powerful ally." For the first time in a while, he gave a genuine grin when talking about Suleykaar.

Suleykaar had gathered everything he needed and had been helping bag everything, something the owner of the place gladly did, after the large fortune he had just gained from the dragon. Alexis had returned with what she needed and more than likely would see the amount of stuff he acquired, enough for a small militia. Turning to the door jingle again he smiled as he saw her enter.

"Hello again, Lexi! I see you managed to find what you were looking for." Giving her a warm smile after taking notice to the bag in her hand. She wondered if he was ready to go in which he nodded.

"I picked up a few things for everyone I believe. A few sun orbs for you, A few more rune based items for Soron as well as extra flash powder and a bunch of other things everyone should find useful. Although, I may need to have Soron go back to my place and pick up more gold. I've seem to use up all of mine, heheh." He chuckled as he thanked the store owner before leading Alexis out with him.

As they walked back, he glanced over at her with a soft smile.

"Thank you, fahdon. For coming with me. You did not have to, you could have left me be to deal with my own internal conflict but you refused. Why? Why would you worry about a stranger, a dragonlord nonetheless like me. I have a feeling as to why but I want to here it from you." He looked down for a second before looking back up to the street in front of him as he would listen to her before speaking up again.

"If you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask. I will always offer my assistance to you. If you ever are in need of help, I will be there my dear, and should anyone try to hurt you, I will burn their very essence to protect you, or shall I cease to exist trying so." He held a resolve in his eyes as he looked back over at her. In it held honesty and trust as well as a feeling that he would not take these words lightly. She had, in fact, befriended Suley. Something few are ever able to do.

Eventually they would arrive back to the tavern, bags and all before strewning them along the counter.

"We're baaaaack~" He sing-songed as he entered the tavern before dropping everything onto the counter. He glanced around at some of the newcomers to the bar. A Nayu girl, a seraphim and another hybrid. To all of them he bowed gracefully before standing back up.

Hello newcomers of the Rest Easy! My name is Suleykaar and what might be your names if you don't mind me asking?" Soron looked up from his blade to Suley.

"Exchanging of pleasantries will have to wait Suls, it's time to prepare. Afterwards you can talk till your mouth falls off for all I care." He looked back down to his blade, a thin smirk on his mouth. Suley frowned.

"Well that's no fun but I suppose your right."

"I know I am..."

"Whatever you say master...Soron-boo." Soron stopped to once again look up but this time with mild irritation before giving a "tch" and continuing.

"What did you pick up?"

"A little of everything..."

"Healing potions, rune orbs, sun rays and anything else that might be useful in fighting at night." Suley nodded, even though Soron couldn't see.

"And what about our friends here who can't see at night? Pick up anything for them?" Suleykaar went to open his mouth before Soron looked up but shut it. Soron simply grinned in irritation and shook his head.

"Please don't tell me-"

"Then I won't-"

"For fuck sakes Suley how much?"

"How much wha-"

"How much did you spen-"

"All of "WHAT!!!" "....it" Soron stood up after sheathing his blade, otherwise, he might've ran it through him. He paced around a bit, debating whether or not he should hit Suley before deciding to sit back down and finish off his still full brew.

Unbeknownst to Soron and Suley, and possibly the rest of the group, the fight for Sunfire was underway and soon the small group at the Rest Easy and would join the fray.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Yes, she’s a fiery one, though that’s not always a good thing, clearly after what happened to you and the town, I hope no one hates her for it, I know it wasn’t her fault,” Serena responded to Soron, gently placing a palm on Ava’s face, gently brushing it with her thumb, it pained her to see Ava like this.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Serena Searstra, fifth child of the Seastra house, not that impressive of a title, I know, but my family is almost like royalty, so they tend to want it said, though I don’t really care about that stuff, so I don’t know why I said that,” Serena said, closing her eyes with a small smile, “and you’ve already met my fiery sister, Ava Siendri-Seastra, Serena added.

When he offered them a drink, she shook her head, politely declining the offer, though it probably would’ve helped, she needed to get Ava a room so she could recuperate.

Serena went and purchased a room for Ava, she knew her sister healed fast, but it would most likely be a few hours before she was fully recovered, maybe even a day at the very most, she still couldn’t believe how intense things got, though she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t impressed by how strong Ava was, should they ever really need to fight, that would be an asset, but at the same time, it seemed to control her and that made Serena worry for her sister.

She went back to Ava to pick her up and carry her to the room, but as she went to lift her, Serena’s wounds stretched some, a sharp pain going across her back, wincing as she sucked in some air through the corner of her mouth. “Gonna need to bathe and wash these wounds after I’m done with you, little trouble maker,” Serena said quietly to the unconscious Ava.

“Yeah, sorry about that, guess I’ll be punished severely for this, huh?” Ava said as she briefly gained consciousness once more, a weak grin going across her face.

“You just can’t stay asleep, can you? Guess it’s cause of that dragon blood of yours, just rest, I’ll take care of you,”

“Yeah, even at the brink of death I’d still be up, especially if I’m worry you, sis.”

“Well I always worry about you, you’re my baby sister and my worry of you will never go away, now rest, you won’t heal quickly if you don’t.”

Ava gave another weak smile, “I told you to stop calling me that, you’re not...much older...than...me,” she said as she passed out once more.

“Doesn’t mean I’ll stop calling you my baby sister,” Serena responded with a smile, lifting her up, draping her arm over Serena’s shoulder, getting ready to carry her in her arms but paused when Soron spoke to her again.

“I don’t know, it may take her a full day to heal, she’s always been a quick healer, but even if she does, I don’t know if her stamina will be back to full strength, though if you need me, I’ll gladly help, suppose I owe you after my baby sister nearly roasted you and the town,” she gave a weak smile before returning her attention back to Ava.

Serena counted up to three in her head and then lifted Ava up in her arm, a quiet grunt escaping her as her back stretched, flaring up her wounds. She then made her way over to the stairs, taking each step slowly, she could feel her skin screaming but she wasn’t about to let that slow her down, she was the older sibling and she felt she had to take care of Ava, it’s what she had always done. She was about halfway up the stairs when she stumbled slightly, the sudden tug on her arms stretched her wounds again, making her momentarily lose her grip on Ava but quickly pulled her back towards her as they fell, turning her back to the stairs to absorb the impact, no doubt it’d be noticeable to the other patrons in the bar.

Serena bit her lip as a rush of pain swept over her, hard enough to wear some blood ran down the corner of her mouth, “Don’t worry, I got you,” Serena quietly said to the unconscious girl atop of her as she panted, beginning pick her back up once more; being a bit prideful, she didn’t wish to ask for help, nor disturb others who were busy with their own conversations.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 7 days ago

@Rai @FallenTrinity @Vesuvius00

Patricia noticed her friend absolutely crying and teary eyed and wondered why she is this way. ”Heather… calm down we are safe,” Patricia said. She heard what the old man said about Zargoth and realizes the reason her friend is this way. Her rainbow aura comes back instantly and her eyes change back to a rainbow. Her voice changes as if she is possessed by an ancient dragon. ”I am sorry Heather for not warning you but I have to protect my Draconic Descendants in anyway possible. As well, your sword is giving off someone is watching us from a grand distance,” Patricia said confidently. She put her hand onto Heather’s shoulder.

Heather started to gain a rainbowish aura surrounding her and she slowly calmed down. The aura surrounding her was a protection spell but stronger it felt. She raised her head off of the bar. Her tears were still flowing down her face but her friend’s more confident voice averted her fainting. She realized that the only person who could be watching her would be the black dragon himself. ”He scares me more than anything and I have never tried to kill anyone before,” Heather sobbed. She heard the man’s words, who is sharpening is longblade. But she chokes up when she hears the name of the man is a dragon. ”Suleykaar is a nice name. What is a Basilisk, sir?” Heather asked curiously. Her weapon ghostly wailed again but it was slightly higher than the last time.

Patricia’s eyes was still glowing as if she was possessed. She giggled when she heard the dragon’s name from the man and Heather. ”Ah, the Fire Dragon of Fotia, he’s a kind soul I can see why you two are friends, there sir. Sulsa, is probably what I would probably call him if we met truly face to face but I am only talking through my descendant,” Patricia said confidently. She looked around the bar and noticed a particular drink on the back wall, it had a beautiful gleam to it. ”Bar Lady, what’s that? I am sorry but what’s your name?” Patricia asked curiously. She pointed to the drink on the back wall. She smiled kindly towards the bar lady. She glanced towards Heather to see if she’s alright.

Heather glanced over to Patricia and smiled at her. She enjoyed what drink she picked out, it is a vintage wine her mother usually drinks. ”I didn’t know this place had what my mother drinks. Thank you I feel much better now,” Heather said. She tasted her mother’s wine before and it packs a punch in terms of its contents because it is highly alcoholic. Her body still faintly glowing with a rainbowish aura surrounding her body keeping her calm. Her sword gave out another ghostly wail. ”I guess, I should have got something to snack on before I left home,” Heather said annoyed. Her stomach growled.

Patricia giggled at Heather and smiled. ”Not many things can stop us from feeling not hungry in this world. All things are relative to how you live life,” Patricia said. She looked down at her hands and realizes many things about this young descendant and she laughed loudly at what this girl is going through. ”Oh my, this girl I am seeing through is in love with Heather. The family who broke their commandment to never enslave another species. I do hope Heather will do the right then and let Patricia go. I haven’t been this invigorated in along time but my descendant won’t even remember she had been possessed,” Patricia thought to herself. Her eyes were rapidly pulsing with energies of an ancient and powerful creature thinking to itself.

Heather glanced at Patricia and smiled at what she said. ”You must be wise to say that,” Heather said. Her nerves calmed down but she got a chill down her spine when her sword ghostly wailed again. ”I hope this sword would stop doing that… I don’t want to scare customers away,” Heather thought to herself.

Patricia nodded at what Heather said to her but let out a sigh when the sword ghostly wailed again. ”Can you stop the Sword of Angelic Light. You are wearing my patience thin. Why do all ancestral weapons have to do this?” Patricia asked outloud. She hoped that would cause the sword to stop ghostly wailing since it was annoying the one possessing Patricia. She was emoting her annoyance by her wings glowing slightly brighter and moving in a slow twitchy pattern.

Heather heard the name of the weapon. ”Why is it called that? I never heard that name before,” Heather said confused. However, when Patricia said the name of the weapon it started to glow in an Angelic Light. It slowly repaired itself in its glory days and it had two strange engravings on it and it was in very ancient Seraphim text. Heather unsheathed her sword and saw the engravings and could understand it. ”What the heck? This wasn’t there before, ‘to always be kind to everyone’ and ‘to pray to the ancestors of the family.’ Something is strange going on now I can see what the weapon was called in the ancient past. The Sword of Angelic Light…,” Heather thought to herself. She was in awe of her weapon, which she now knows it’s true name. The sword was pulsing in an angelic glow not seen since the ancient past, a long time ago that was. She puts the sword back into her sheath on her waist gently. ”One of my family’s weapons regaining its true name. It is as the prophecy foretold…,” Heather said awestruck. The Weapon definitely did stop wailing as if it was a ghost but now it had a gentle angelic hum to it.

A little while later, Patricia’s ears perked up to hear the gentle greeting of the Fire Dragon of Fotia. She was still possessed by an ancient dragon all the same. ”Ah, how wonderful Sulsa has returned,” Patricia said. She glanced at the door and saw him and an Sol girl. She heard the dragon say Soron and she put two together and got a smile on her face. ”Ah, the great Dragonbane himself is in this tavern,” Patricia said with a smile across her face. She heard the two bicker about money and laughed loudly in her relaxed manner. ”You two bicker as if you were married to each other. But that would be an odd sight,” Patricia said. The rainbow aura was glowing brighter.

Heather glanced at her friend and noticed the rainbow aura glowing brighter. She didn’t hear what the two was bickering about and only noticed that Patricia was having too much fun at the expense of others. ”What is she talking about?” Heather thought to herself.

Patricia got up from her seat with her eyes glowing like a rainbow and her rainbow aura was glowing much brighter. Her wings started to flutter and they were beautiful since they were pulsing in a rainbow aura as multiple colors was coming through and red was coming through the most. She looked directly at the girl who came into with Sulsa. ”Ah, I like the people of these lands they are quite fun to talk to even though it’s through another. Like I am doing right now,” Patricia said. She felt the battle going on outside of Sunfire, it disturbed her and the aura surrounding her was fluctuating but it stayed directly on her. ”Violence doesn’t bequeath violence, but I can see why people would protect their homes from those who would destroy it,” Patricia said. She looked between Soron Dragonbane and Sulsa and had a smile on her face. ”It seems as if you will be a great help to the people here. Sulsa and Sory,” Patricia said. Her face had a certain air of overly happy to give every single person in the room a nickname while under this draconic possession.

Heather blankly hoped her food would get here soon since she was hungry. ”Something tells me this is going to be a long day,” Heather thought to herself. She heard the nickname that Patricia gave to Suley and Soron and giggled at their nicknames since they were cute sounding. ”I think I might use them, I thank you,” Heather said toward Patricia.

Meanwhile still in the deep dark cave beneath a mountain range in the Vrondi Kingdom Territory. Zargoth looked at his young daughter with a slight worry. Zargoth looked directly at the two pulsar draconians and narrowed his eyes a bit because of what they said stung him a bit. ”Looks like the Pulsar Dragon’s matriarch made her move finally by giving hope to the Flowerdancers after all this time. In the shadows like me, but she is too kind for her own good,” Zargoth said.

Yioplya looked at her father with worry. ”Father, what are you planning?” Yioplya asked gently. Yioplya disliked when he would say things that made her worry.

The two pulsar draconians walked up to Zargoth slowly. ”Therefore, where are you going to take us?” Patricia asked curiously. She was trying to reassure herself her and her husband are definitely going to the Vrondi Capital.

Zargoth split his attention one eye on his daughter and the other on the two who walked up. ”The two black dragons will take you to the Vrondi Capital afterwards, I will take my daughter to see what’s going on at Sunfire. Since you are probably worried about your daughter,” Zargoth said. He had a slight air of distrust to him but he’s willing to protect his captives until they reach the Capital and they are on their own.

Yioplya sensed her father’s distrust and looked at him with a cute grin on her face. ”Dad, you didn’t answer my question,” Yioplya said. She had no idea what her father was planning or what he is up to.

The two pulsar draconians sighed in relief but wondered why Yioplya said what she said. ”Getting Citizenship will be a pain…,” Patricia said. She looked at her husband with some annoyance in her face.

Zargoth looked at his daughter. ”Yioplya, don’t worry about what I am planning, worry about your survival. These Kingdoms haven’t been around as long as I have but being a citizen is better than being a prisoner to a Black Dragon,” Zargoth said smiled. He had a wickedly evil grin on his face when he said the last part. He looked at the two pulsar draconians and hoped for them to wince at what he said.

Patricia shivered at what he said since she disliked how he brought them here. ”Terror Dragonlord, please don’t remind us how you brought us here,” Patricia said. She winced at his wickedly evil grin.

Yioplya shook her head at her father. She had been training for awhile with her own unique favor of spells. ”Let’s go father, would it be better within or without Shapeshifting form?” Yioplya asked curiously.

Zargoth looked at his daughter and smiled. ”You can stay in the shapeshifted form, daughter. I can get us out easily since I slept and remembered something with my Recursive Memory,” Zargoth said. He had a grin on his face. He looked at the two pulsar draconians and smiled at them. ”Stay within the cave everyone,” Zargoth said. He walked out of the cave. Turned back into his massive black dragon form. He opened his maw and slowly worked out what the spell was and he smiled evilly. ”Ah, that spell how wonderful I dropped it for more exciting things at the time,” Zargoth thought to himself. His mouth slowly started charging for a strange glowing breath attack within his maw, it looked like very superheated violet plasma.

He looked directly at the southern wall, since that was where the secret entrance from the Black Dragon Roost was. His entire body was glowing an intensity of nothing like anyone has ever seen, it was shimmering a slightly different color only for a split second. The shimmer was platinum in color. ”Many tried and failed to open the door to what was a reality a long time ago. But I will open it again to see a glimpse of the past I miss, to see the beautiful face of my wife Lyrisdor once again. Raise the Black Dragon Roost, to what you were in the gloried past. The spell is Rejuvenation of the Blackened Skies,” Zargoth thought to himself. The spell left his maw and hit the southern wall of this underground cave. The secret entrance looked as if it didn’t have piles and piles of rocks on it. He sighed in relief when he saw that but that took much out of him. He walked slightly ahead and knew that the Black Dragon Roost will stay like it is now since he used the permanent version of the spell but it doesn’t return the dead back to life.

The three in the cave saw that majestic spell hit the southern wall from where they were standing since it brightened the entire underground cavern and cave within it. Yioplya was utterly startled in that spell since she remembered her father telling her of the Rejuvenation of the Blackened Skies spell. She was in tears because she could for a split second see her entire family alive and happy within the Black Dragon roost. ”Daddy, that was a wonderful spell cast of the Rejuvenation of the Blackened Skies,” Yioplya said happily crying. She ran out to her father.

The two pulsar draconians saw something different when the spell was cast and they saw the entire event that transpired, which caused the Black Dragon Roost to collapse in the first place. They had a heavy heart but they walked out after the two black dragons who will be escorting them to the Vrondi Kingdom Capital.

Zargoth looked down at his daughter and the two Pulsar Draconians. ”We will have to exit from the Dragon Roost. Of my long dead family and people,” Zargoth said with tears going down his massive dragon face. He heard his daughter’s words of encouragement and smiled. ”Thanks daughter, I will always remember that,” Zargoth said.

His daughter shapeshifted back into her dragon form and allowed the two Pulsar Draconians on her back. The two pulsar draconians did get on her back and held onto her scales, which were pulsing a slightly happier aura then her father. ”No problem father, but it will probably be faster to use our dragon forms to reach our location faster,” Yioplya said.

Zargoth nodded towards his daughter. ”If my daughter knew what I was planning, I think she would be terrified of her own father but she loves me dearly. But I have to protect her no matter what from the people who would want to harm her. I need to find out the truth about who really struck down our family, it is all too suspicious the circumstances. The Tetra-Lira and Flowerdancer Family was outside of the Black Dragon Roost fighting Ulbiat and his guards. When I find out who I will tear them limb from limb and they will wish they never crossed me ever again. But my appearance in Sunfire will definitely scare the living shit out of Alexis, Magnus and their daughter Heather,” Zargoth thought to himself. He was thinking while he was walking ahead of his daughter, who was a slightly smaller black dragon since she was still growing. He remembered something that Johnson said to him and the reason why his daughter told him that he is a traitor. He glanced back at his daughter who was focused on not dropping the two Descendants of the Grand Pulsar Dragon Matriarch. ”Hmm, why did Johnson say he would protect my daughter. That was a suspicious thing to say,” Zargoth thought to himself.

The two black dragons and the two passengers on one of them reached the tunnel that leads them to the Black Dragon Roost Proper. It would take them awhile to exit the massive dragon roost. The Black Dragon Roost was a massive cavern on the western side of the mountain it was on, while the Pulsar Dragon Roost was on the Eastern side of the mountain. They entered the Black Dragon Roost proper and the two black dragons instinctively knew where the outside entrance is. Zargoth stopped and smelled blood was spilling outside of the Black Dragon Roost and it was very far from where he was, his nose twitched slightly. "Ah, so there's a battle going on the surface world now." Zargoth thought to himself.

The two black dragons took to the air now since they didn't want to get involved in a ground fight. They flew towards the exit and entered the open air and they took to the skies and saw much of the landscape was different from the ancient past. They flew to really high up into the sky. "Let's try not to get these two descendants get involved in what's going on below," Zargoth said towards his daughter.

Yioplya heard what her father said. "Yes. Therefore, we should go to the Capital of Vrondi Kingdom," Yioplya said. Her scales were shimmering in platinum in color.

They reached the altitude of what black dragons usually fly at that is higher than Pulsar Dragons but about even of all the other dragon races on the planet. He looked around and noticed in the far distance north from the mountain he lived deep underneath it. "Ah, that is the capital. How wonderful," Zargoth thought to himself.

They turned slightly towards the Capital of the Vrondi Kingdom. However, they showed no intention to attack the Capital, since the two black dragons were somewhat in awed at the beauty of the landscape. Much has changed over the long years these two have been in hiding. The two black dragons were as of the night sky and they were black but glowing in places of two different colors. "I hope we are going to help the people of the lands to protect and not destroy," Yioplya thought to herself. She stayed behind her father hoping he was planning on changing over a new leaf. "My father the Terror Dragonlord. Really needs to be with the one that he tried to kill," Yioplya thought to herself. She remembered that her father and the Kind Dragonlord used to be close friends, as if they were soul mates.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexis frowned at Suleykaar as he greeted her when she was coming back into the shop. If it had been anyone that knew her she probably would have snapped at them, but because it was him she simply let out a sigh before speaking as calmly as she could. "Please don't call me Lexi. My little sister's name is Lexi, and she used to annoy me so much about how similar our names are to each other when we were younger."

As the dragon began to tell her what he'd bought and how he'd ended up spending all his money, Alexis couldn't help but laugh. "How do you even do that? Are you planning on supplying both sides of this battle, because you certainly have enough stuff there to do it." She smiled at him as she shook her head in disbelief, following him out of the store as they started making their way back to the Inn. "I'm certain Soron isn't going to like to hear that at all."

She walked next to him in silence, until he thanked her for accompanying him and then asked why she'd done so in the first place. She closed her eyes for a second, trying to think what to say. "I don't know... What did I say before? That, you didn't seem like you should be alone?" She opened her eyes and glanced at Suleykaar, an unreadable mix of emotions on her face as her gaze met his. "It might sound like a stupid reason, but you just shouldn't have been alone. Because... because you were grieving over the past and blaming yourself for what happened. Because I could tell that was what was going through your mind without needing to use my abilities to do so." She looked away from him now, her volume dropping so he could probably barely hear her as she continued speaking.

"Because I've felt like that before and wished there was someone, anyone around willing to listen to me; so I wouldn't have to go scream at the clouds just to get my thoughts out of my head." Images flashed through her mind as she said the words. A labyrinth of dark, life-draining caves. A poisoned wound and a faked smile on the dying man's face. The sight of footprints in the mud at the spot where the trail ends, the girl the prints belonged to having taken flight. An entire town, burning to the ground.

She sucked in a breath as she tried to suppress the tears the memories threatened to spill from her eyes, letting the air out slowly before continuing to speak back at a normal volume. "It doesn't matter that I don't really know you, I can still be there to listen if you need someone to talk to. And, I know I don't have as much knowledge about the world as I should, but I can still offer what advice or opinions I do have if you think it might help you."

Alexis clasped her hands together in front of her chest, as if she were about to say a prayer. But no such words came. Instead she just half-smiled at the ground before continuing her thought. "I've been told I care too much about others. Problem with that is, aren't we supposed to care? We're all stuck on this world together, so we might as well make sure that we can all be happy, and help each other get through the moments where we feel like the whole world's falling apart around us."

She let her clasped hands fall apart as she finished, the two of them walking in silence for a moment until Suleykaar spoke up again.

"If you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask. I will always offer my assistance to you. If you ever are in need of help, I will be there my dear, and should anyone try to hurt you, I will burn their very essence to protect you, or shall I cease to exist trying so."

She looked over at the Dragonlord in surprise, and then seeing the look in his eyes as they met hers, she smiled. "Thank you, Suleykaar. That means a lot to me."

Eventually they got back to the Rest Easy, Suley calling out a cheerful greeting as he introduced himself to the entire Bar, once again. "You just really like being the center of attention, don't you?" Alexis asked this quietly, more to herself if to anyone at all. His behavior was interesting, to say the least; this wasn't the first time that day he'd caused her to wonder just how in touch with reality he was, what with his flamboyant actions and how he threw money around like it was confetti at a wedding. But still, a second later she decided to copy the Dragonlord, albeit somewhat sarcastically.

"Well, as long as we're introducing ourselves to rooms of people at once... I'm Alexis!" She smiled at the room before watching the exchange between Suley and Soron in silence. I was right, he's angry at him... She had to hold back a laugh at the comment that the two were like an old married couple, the hand she placed over her mouth not being quite enough to hide the mirth in her eyes however. She had to agree that right now that certainly described them perfectly, but she felt that at their core they really were just good friends. Why else would Soron put up with Suleykaar's antics?

Soon a girl with glowing rainbow wings approached Alexis, saying something about how she liked to talk to people, and then going on to say something kinda cryptic-sounding about Violence causing Violence, and how the town would need Soron and Suleykaar's help. Or at least that's what Alexis thought the girl was saying, she used such strange nicknames to refer to the two men that she couldn't be sure. She shook her head in confusion before a sound on the stairs leading up to the rooms caught her attention, causing her to look up and see the two sisters that Soron had fought earlier struggling to get up the stairs.

She went over to the two, stopping on the stair next to them as she moved to help the Seraphim to her feet. "Here, let me help." She didn't even wait until she was done speaking or had an answer from the woman before reaching out to touch the unconscious dragonkin girl's shoulder, her body suddenly becoming lighter and then beginning to float in the air as Alexis used her telekinesis to help move the woman. She would carry the woman to their room like this, she wasn't as heavy as she'd looked so she wasn't that hard to keep afloat.

Once Alexis put the girl on the bed in the room, she looked over to the Seraphim before bowing her head slightly, a concerned look on her features but also an understanding in her mind that she probably wasn't wanted hanging around. "Goodnight. I hope you both get some good rest." If neither of them needed any more help right then, she'd leave to go back downstairs, but she wouldn't do that until she actually heard either of them say that they would be okay.

@Sohtem@FallenTrinity@Landaus Five-One@Rai
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

With a hmff Velai looked away from Soron, arms still crossed. "Just.. drop it. If you don't mind." She couldnt explain to him what she didnt know. That is. She did not know what triggered this girl, but she knew she had a traumatic history from the piecing together of various vague hints told to Velai by Mirror. This made her feel uneasy when it came to delving into Lilas history. Her temper was not particularly visible as she sat there but her discomfort was. She was a bit fascinated by Soron's well of knowledge, but it was dark knowledge befitting his appearance. Velai could only simply watch in horror as the rainbow winged girl seemed entirely out of it. While registering what was said Velai only blinked to keep her widening eyes from drying. She gave Soron a more solemn look as her head narrowed. It was a if things get out of hand can you take care of it? She thought, trying to reveal it with her body language. She eyed his dagger he mentioned and blinked slowly. Her attention was soon grasped by Suleykaar and Alexis's return. She turned her head to see who came in, as no new patrons were coming in. Likely due to the current strange patrons inside.

Velai broke her arm link and began to smile. "Welcome back!" She said with a cheerful tone. It was then immediately shifted to surprise as the girl Ava from earlier seemed to be severely wounded. She was a girl... but the image of a monster still rang true in Velai's head. These two opposites placed in one gave Velai a pondering expression. Just like Lila.. She thought. Looking to Lila as she awaited to go to a room. Velai pushed her sandals off the ground and rose to her feet. Her wings folded at her back for her standing position and then she turned to Lila. "Come now. To your room." She placed a gentle hand on Lila's shoulder and had it brush off the direction she was walking towards.

I should keep her away from serpahim blood. She thought. Looking at Ava's sister Serena. Just then Alexis rose to aid Ava to a room up the same stairs. But by the time they reached the top stair Velai had led Lila into a room within the only alternate corridor up the stairs, the royal section. There she closed the blinds leading to this corridor and upon entry the smooth wooden walls and floors were illuminated with a silver light. The cieling to this corridor was lined with plants that had blooming flowers whose center glowed with intense multicolored silvers and whites. Velai turned to the right and placed her hand on a door. With a key she kept hidden within her chest she opened the barrier with a single twist of the knob. The room they entered was extravagant and most of its decorations were of a light blue color. The 20 foot bed and the soft blue carpet, the blue vase and flowers and the blue haired man in the photo above the bed. There was still wooden walls, tables and chairs, also a desk by a window. The silver light of the moon breeched into the room. Though the room was dimly lit with similar light the details were still visible. Velai assumed that the light wouldnt be a problem. "Welcome to Mirror's room." Velai led Lila to the bed. "Is there anything else Lila? And by the way please don't do anything involving that man. I don't think it will be beneficial." She said the last part with a more serious and mild tone, almost changing her cheerful character when mentioning Soron.

Just then a blue orb sitting on the desk of the room began to give off a white glow before a aura of white like a miniature snow storm erupted inside of it. A voice could be heard echoing from it before it became coherent in one word...

"I'm so sorry.. I cannot tell what is occurring and I cannot know. All I can speak upon are the many souls that are crying out to our ancestors... for mercy.. but.." she wiped her blood away with her hands and stained them red whilst also marking her dimples and cheeks with faded blood. "Many of these souls are those who are combating the darkness right now.. perhaps they seek your aid. I beg thee a warning. If you see this darkness up close be sure not to lose yourself to it.." She clinched her teeth as she looked up at the statue of Vrondi. "Only trust in the light.."

The lush jungle of Vrondi was silent at night as the gentle winds swayed the leaves and vines to the side only to give a whisper. This was the sight from above the darkness below the jungle tops. On the jungle floor was the dark cultists and their familiar traits and ornaments of limbs, organs of various kinds and other gory additions. It was not until they met a river dividing themselves from the awaiting defending army of Vrondi did they stop out in the open. A few hooded ones emerged from the ranks and stood before the water. With hands raised they brought down a blade to their guts and sliced themselves open. Their blood poured out into the river before they fell into it. Their black blood and organs infested the waters with a oily dark ooze that caused the plants in the vicinity of where they killed themselves to rot. After this was done the rest of the soldiers howled in a celebratory rejoice. They then began storming forward through the dark river and towards the mass of Vrondi soldiers.

The Vrondi soldiers stood strong and tall with their blades and shields at the ready and in solid formation as they did so. A few stuck out from within the army of Vrondi. These wore little to no clothing save for some plants that covered their most delicate areas. These soldiers, both men and women were whispering to themselves before launching forward to meet the oncoming enemy forces. They stopped in a line before the approaching enemy forces and sat with their legs crossed. They closed their eyes and breathed in gently. As they exhaled the ground shook with a small quake that all in the area felt beneath their feet. The ground opened infront of the meditating Vrondi soldiers and spiked vines emerged from a rapidly growing giant plant. Another plant emerged as well, it had spores pouring from out of its giant flytrap mouth. It breathed the spores on the mass of cultists that waved inward through the river like a dragon breathing fire. Those hit by the spores became dizzy and soon became incoherent. This laid out many of cultists in their first wave, the whips of the spiked vines bleeding the remaining ones out. The barrier of plants seemed too great a barrier.

Standing high in the sky above it all was a glowing figure much like the sun. But it did not glow bright enough to be visible from below without a good eye. However as it stood, arms crossed, peering into the jungles and the battle below, it radiated with a powerful aura. It looked at the black dragon within the sky.

"Whom travels my skies at the night of battle?

A stern voice echoes within the mind of Zargoth and his daughter. This was right before a blinding light was held in front of them. After this Zargoth would feel a presence standing on his body. "You do seem familiar... tell me, have we met?" The smirk of this man was both amused and curious, as spoken through his brows. His body gave a glow like sunlight contained in flesh and his markings gave a red glow. His arms were crossed and he looked Zargoth right in the eye as he turned to see who he was. He then turned to Zargoth's daughter behind him and smiled. "Hm. There are two of you. If I remeber correctly black dragons are rare.."
@Landaus Five-One


"Heheheh.. tonight will be long and interesting.."
A figure that seemed almost to appear sat at the back of the bar. Leaning in his seat. His face was covered but as he looked up his right fiery orange eyes could be seen. His hair was messy but pulled back. His attire was significantly original in design from any where besides possibly Nero. His all black and eerie demeanor was not staved off by the boy he had next to him. This boy seemed to perpetually upset over what was transpiring. His hood and black pants and sandals were simple enough to be a Vrondi native. This boys white hair and yellows eyes seemed similar to the Sol. He was around 12 in age and his legs dangled in the seat he perched on, a sandal almost sliding off his right foot and being caught by his big toe. He looked at the transpiring odd collection of bar patrons and then to the man he sat with. "Say.. why are we here?"

"For our next hit.. ofcourse.. As usual kid just let me handle the details. You just learn.. nothing is out of my reach."

Coming from south east was the dark army heading for Sunfire. It was there the dark basilisk of colossal size made its appearance. Its head rose from the jungle and looked down upon the army that stood to oppose its own, whom tossed aside the vegetation in their scramble to exit the thick jungle and meet the edge of the open field that would be their battle ground. The dark cultists roared as they met the long distance glare of the Vrondi soldiers who valiantly protected Sunfire. It was there they began to charge to meet them. The bodies sitting ontop thr Basilisk only observing as their first wave was met by pulsing light that rocked their conjoined assault into scattered skirmishes. The Vrondi soldiers came forward with their spears and skewered the lines that attempted to press through after the destructive nature of the spells that were just cast. But as they seemed to be easily thwarting the cultists they retained a unease. These cultists were smiling all while dying im suicidal ways. Their black blood coated their weapons in a dissolving sludge that soon made them all but useless. This struck enough fear in the hearts of the Vrondi soldiers that they retreated behind a line of spiked vines that were summoned from the ground up in a line formation.

The dust settled into a eerie dance within the breeze over the moonlit blue grass of the field. A single form moved as if time froze and it carried with it a blue flamed torch. Its withered body struggles as it edged to the mass of dead bodies the cultists laid before the vine barrier. It then fell as if meeting its final breathe. The flame touching the black blood of the dead and igniting them. Some even imploding as ligaments flew across the air. The fire spread and began to burn away the barrier of vines. The basilisk lowered its head as this happened to the ground and the two that stood ontop of it stepped off.

"This night is beautiful.. come.. let us make it eternally so.."

This majestic man spoke with a silver tongue. His eyes almost resembled two moons as their silver tone reflected an aura of twilight. His long jet black hair flowed down his bare back and almost met the grass that pricked up around his feet.

It surely will.. lord of death..

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