Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Julien Touré

Things were moving quickly to say the least. In the space of only a few minutes 2 more people had joined the conversation. Moreso, two had left and a fight had almost broken out. Julien scratched the back of his mess of blonde hair smiling. At least things would never be boring around the mansion he supposed.

As if to confirm his suspicions, the Kryptonian from earlier appeared on scene like a bolt of lightning, hastening to ignore the rest of the group and introduce himself solely to Nike, even going so far as to push Karlie out of the way to get to her like some sort of manic Justin Beiber fan. Julien had to think for a second. Were Justin Beiber jokes still funny? Was he even relevant anymore? An internal debate he'd need to sort out later as another member of the team arrived on scene.
"Nice to meet you, Karsin. I'm Julien, this is Karlie and as you've probably already sussed that is Nike." He spoke unenthusiastically motioning with his arms as he introduced the group. When he opened the door to the mansion he hadn't expected to be joining the Tour Guides of America as well as the team. "Well currently our adventure is to find the kitchen, which I believe is this way" He spoke, pointing in the direction of said kitchen with his thumb before beginning to walk in said direction.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Nightwing and Zatanna stayed back in the hidden basement levels of the HQ to observe the students from the monitor room. It was nice to see the young kids communicating with one another, but when things looked to take a violent turn Nightwing jumped up out of his seat. Zatanna spoke a few words, a spell, and Nightwing was stuck in place.

“EULG TEEF!” she said in an exclaimed voice beneath her breath, “The kids will be fine Dick, the boy on the bike took off to cool the situation and the Kryptonian kid followed. It looks like the others have finally found the kitchen…” she continued saying with Nightwing stuck in place.

Greta Hayes was in the kitchen. One of the non-supers. When an Amazon walked in wearing full body armor the drink she was pouring escaped her mind. This resulted in a mess on the counter. Zatanna knew Dick was bugging out at this point watching the live feed on the monitor. She made her way up top and spoke to the kids who were all kind of in wonder nobody noticed the one normal person not in their quarters.

“The Educational Outreach program had to pull some strings to get this one...” Z commented walking into the kitchen, “... but we got ourselves an Amazon!”

“That’s cool. I guess…” Greta said wiping up the mess and blinking as little as she had to. “I’m gonna finish my sandwich in my room, it was nice meeting everybody… I’m Greta by the way.” She said to Nike on her exit, “I hear Wonder Woman is a really sweet lady…”

Back in his quarters, William Wayde set up his room slowly and not without proper thought and calculation. The Weeknd/Daft Punk poster… should it go on the right wall? No… left wall. Comics and sketchpad on the table by the bed? Definitely put them on the bookshelf. The few changes of clothes he had went into the closet, but he left them in the duffel bag. Same with his bag carrying his Steel tech and uniform. He pulled out the face-plate and looked at it sharply.

“Glad I’ve already got a degree. Should be interesting working and getting paid by the Justice League…” Wayde thought cracking his door and listening with the face-plate still in his hand. “I wonder if Irons had to deal with this sort of thing when he joined the Justice League the first time?” he continued to think.

As he listened to what he could of the drama in the kitchen, Will pulled out a laptop and used a USB to plug into the face-plate. The guy was just laying on his bed like an eight year old with a new toy when he heard somebody approaching the opened door...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProjectOdin
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ProjectOdin Zenith

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Karsin Tega, The Blue Beetle

Karsin raised an eyebrow as the Amazonian began to dig into the passing teammate. "Poor chap", Karsin thought to his Scarab, he brought his right arm to the base of his skull, scratching at an itch that wasn't really there, he let out a small chuckle at his teammates small rebuttal, if you could call it that, as he made himself scarce. He didn't think too much of it, it was only the first day and some people were bound to chafe others, it was inevitable, and he knew they would grow as a team. Or at least he thought they would.

Alright, so he really wasn't sure if that was true at all, but he had hope!

Karsin merely observed as Nike offered for Rev to join them for lunch, and was almost surprised when he declined. Karsin snapped his head back to the group as Nike began to speak. "Huzzah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" Karsin said as he let out a hearty laugh, a grin still held upon his face as Nike told of her earlier experience with some wannabe criminals. His expression quickly became more serious as he turned to look at the blond who introduced himself as Julien, and the other female as Karlie. Karsin extended his hand to Julien's, shaking it for only a moment before shifting his gaze to Karlie, a smirk quickly returning to his face. Taking a small step in her direction, Karsin again extended his hand outwards, raising an eyebrow in her direction in a playful manner. He shook her hand same as he had Julien's, though held her gaze for a moment before speaking, as mentions of food were made. "Well, that's not exactly what I had in mind, but I could definitely go for some food if that's what everyone else is doing." He announced, as his focus shifted to Julien as he began to walk in the direction of the kitchen. Karsin quickly followed, walking with the group as they entered the kitchen. Karsin chuckled as one of the non-supers made a mess of the counter, obviously not expecting to see an Amazonian warrior walking around what they thought to be a prestigious schooling program, especially one garbed in full armor. Karsin smirked as Zatanna entered the room, he wasn't sure what he thought of her cover story, though he had to admit with all the things going on in the world today, it wouldn't be too difficult for one to believe such a thing.

Karsin made his was towards the cupboards, anxious to get some food in his belly. "You've been awfully quiet, Scarab. What're your thoughts on things?" Karsin thought to his Scarab, as he continued to rummage through the cupboards. "Well, if their previously observed, although limited, actions are to be of any indication, they certainly will be an interesting bunch. The Scarab said, not offering anymore on the subject. Karsin moved on to the fridge, wanting to make sure he checked all his options before making such a decision. "Well, alright then." He thought to himself, as it was apparent his Scarab did not want to speak any longer. Karsin looked over his shoulder momentarily before snatching a large apple from the fridge, along with a bottle of water and sitting on a nearby stool, "Well guys, what're you going to eat? he asked, trying to strike up a conversation amongst the group.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Number One
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Number One The Riker Maneuver

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Karlie was slightly taken aback with how Nike handled Arthur. But she had to admit, the girl's sheer tenacity in showing Arthur the error of his ways was astounding. Although she didn't overly appreciate it when Nike's tirade was channeled towards Karlie herself when she had interjected in Nike's defense. Still there was something to be said about the Amazon's outlook and philosophy as a whole.


Karlie thought with a smile adding the Amazon's home as a destination vacation to her personal bucket list. Rev's response however quickly brought Karlie back to the present as the alien regurgitated some 'Menist' nonsense he no doubt watched from some moron on YouTube with a neck beard and a fedora. It was probably for the best that Rev then gave chase to Arthur. Perhaps then the two could go and talk about their feeling together, cuddle, maybe have some Netflix and chill time. As long as Karlie didn't have to see the two of them anyways she would be happy.

However, the search for food quickly resumed despite the introduction of Karsin and his lust for misadventures. As he introduced himself, Karlie caught the look the other boy gave her as she raised any eyebrow of her own to match his smirk. Her eyes met his gaze, holding it before giving him a wink and withdrawing her hand. Following after Julien and Nike, Karlie gave Nike's behind a quick swat as the group emerged into the kitchen.

There, Greta sat at the table, her eyes bugging out at the sight of Nike as a small panic formed in Karlie's chest. Were they supposed to hide their identities from the other students? Karlie couldn't remember and likely would have blown everyone's cover right then and there had it not been for the timely arrival of Zatanna.


As Greta left, Karlie's eyes followed Karsin as the younger boy raided the fridge. Her nose crinkled in mock disgust as he pulled forth an apple and water before she decided it would be best to take matters into her own hands.

"What do we got?" The girl asked rhetorically as she opened the fridge door and took a look. There really wasn't much selection to be had within the fridge but an idea dawned on her as Karlie turned around to face Rufus.

"Hey, Dash, would you mind doing little ol'me an itty-bitty favour?" Karlie asked, one hand tugging at the collar of her tank top, while the other twirled a strand of her hair. She batted her long eyelashes as she took a step towards Rufus. "Could you go get us a couple of New York Deep Dish pies?" Karlie stuck out her bottom lip as she completed the request. "Hashtag, pretty please?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

The next morning…

Late August in the year 2020 didn’t seem too bad. It was already a tad windy outside, the weather was nice. It was the group’s first day at the Midway high school named after somebody named Kubert. Only Julien and the kid named Harrison Wells were going to the Midway Technical Community College. Nightwing and Zatanna both had quarters below the mansion and the two of them did paper/rock/scissors to see who had to drop the kids off. Zatanna threw rock, Nightwing threw paper. Z sighed and a few moments later was upstairs and waking the kids up. A quick backwards speaking spell and all of their alarms went off and Z spoke over the intercoms in their quarters.

The smell of breakfast in the kitchen at 7:15 after a quick shower was the only reason Wayde needed to get up in the morning. He made his way down stairs where a few others had already managed to beat him to the copious amounts of food. Grayson came up in pajamas to grab a couple waffles himself.

“There’s a few backpacks with some supplies already in them if any of you forgot to bring anything. If you guys need anything else you let us know. Julien, Harrison… get the list of books and whatever else you’ll need as far as computer programs and such and we’ll get you boys taken care of too.” He addressed the group as he ate a waffle folded in his hand without syrup. “Wayde since you already finished school early, you’ll be helping me set up things here like the computer area in the study and the entertainments center in the den/lounge area.”

“You mentioned employment and a maintenance gig yesterday, if that’s still on the table then I’m game…” Wayde replied as he caught a look from Greta, who was obviously into the man-bun.

“I’ll be done with college soon as well, Mr. Grayson. Will I be employed by the Wayne Foundation Educational Outreach program as well?” Harrison asked sort of looking in envy at Wayde as more of the students showed up to grab breakfast.

“I’ll see what I can do for you, Harrison. Z, you need anything before you guys take off in the van?” Grayson asked.

“Yeah… wipe that smile off your face, Dick.” She said grabbing her purse and heading for the door with a Coast City Comets hoodie on. “Next stop, Kubert High School…”

Minutes later, everyone but Julien and Harrison exited the van/shuttle bus. The statue of a man near the entrance of the high school had the words “Home of the Hawks” printed on it.

“I’ll be back at 3:15 to pick everyone up. Don’t be late.” Z addressed the group before driving off with the last two.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Julien Touré

It had been quite the day to say the least. As stupid as it sounds, Julien didn't expect his team-mates to be such....characters. He expected some degree of normalcy but it seems his life was now in the fast lane more than ever. Even when he was single handedly fighting crime in Paris things weren't moving this fast. That being said, he was practically forced to sign up for a college course that he'd be attending the next day so as to keep up the guise of the exchange program. While the obvious choice might have been maths or engineering being that he excelled at both the subjects, he instead chose Philosophy.

His reasoning was that he believed that it was one of the few subjects in which he could actually think without reaching a definite answer. Or some other pretentious reason he'd make up when asked. To tell the truth, he'd always been interested in the topic ever since his father practically forced the French classic L'Etranger on him at the ripe age of 17. To tell even more truths, Albert Camus was a personal hero to Julien. He'd even put on one of those heavy jackets and a fedora in tribute if it wasn't so socially reprehensible.

Nevertheless, his first day was eventful and sparked hope that at the very least the team would do some good while at the same time being rather entertaining. Hell, if Nike and Rufus kept up their rivalry that would be a source of entertainment enough. The rest seemed like an alright group, if a bit of a motley crew.

Julien woke up with a startle. He was in no way prepared to wake up at this time. The last time he had woken up this early it was in high school and he was in no hurry to continue waking up at such an hour. He slid out of bed, taking a quick shower before doing his hair and getting dressed for the day. His usual black attire would stick out like a sore thumb, especially with the large French flag embroidered. Today he wore a rather simple outfit. A pair of jeans coupled with a pair of converse and a Vampire Weekend T-shirt would do. One of those German military jacket the hipsters always wear would serve if it began to rain and he was currently wearing it hood up, as if to subliminally show how internally upset he was that he was up at such an early hour.

He moved downstairs, following the smell of food before digging in to a few pancakes. He wasn't an especially big or picky eater. Let's just say his parents were no pushovers. After he left high school he was left to fend for himself in terms of food eaten outside of home, and the student life didn't exactly leave him with a huge amount of disposable income after nights out in the dark clubs of Paris.

He was surprised to find that they'd all be carpooling in the same shuttle together. He'd have honestly preferred to make his own way to college. Not out of disrespect or dislike for his team members, he just sort of enjoyed long bus rides with only his music to keep him company. Nevertheless, a free ride is a free ride and he was far too tired to argue.

Minutes after dropping off the majority of the group he was dropped off at the college. He breathed in, letting out a quiet sigh as he prepared to have his accent made note of a million times a day once more.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Number One
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Number One The Riker Maneuver

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Nike fidgeted erratically as Zatanna transported her to this ‘Kubert’ High, sitting in the back seats as she had been told ‘that’s where the cool kids go’. She was uncomfortable in the extreme. There was nowhere for her long legs to go in these cramped confines, and for the hundredth time she wondered why she had to go at all. She was an Amazonian, trained by the finest scholars of Themyscira in mathematics, history, philosophy, the sciences, and art. What need did she have for ‘high-school’. She doubted the education she would receive at Kubert’s would even begin to rival that which she had already had.

More than that though,she was discomforted by the ruse that Grayson and Zatarra were making her life: Masquerading as a normal person, concealing her noble heritage and play-acting as Nike Prince in the hopes that none of the other students would discover who she really was and what she was really doing in Midway city. It ill fit a warrior keep hidden their sharp edges. What if it came to a fight, and Nike had none of her weapons to hand? People could die, and all for the sake of a fool’s dramatisation!

And these clothes! By the Gods, these clothes! So tight and constricting. How is one supposed to move in them? The ‘skinny jeans’ that she had provided with were especially cumbersome, restricting all but the most limited of leg movements. Why, how could she be expected to high-kick anyone in these, she would never know. The Princess tried to work some slack into the infernal sartorial torture devices, but even with the strength of Herakles, and the strategic mind of an Amazonian general, there was no winning that battle. The jeans remained as much of a hindrance as ever.

This whole charade was a tactical misstep, that she was sure of.

It seemed a damnable eternity before the van stopped at their destination, pulling up in front of an ugly looking building of gray, lifeless concrete, faced by large, greasy windows that were obviously in dire need of a good cleaning, and even more lifeless looking children sloping up it’s chipped front steps. Nike stepped off the van with an awkward swagger (damnable jeans strike again) and proceeded to glare at the statue of a middle-aged man located outside of the school. This, she thought to herself, must be that cad Kubert. He was the architect of her current misfortunes.

The van pulled off, leaving Nike and most of her fellows stranded in front of the school. Nike continued to scowl up at the building, her ire increasing with every heartbeat. Why must she be tortured in this place? Was she not a hero? Was she not the famed Wonder Girl, savior of Washington? Was she not a princess? Surely this horrible looking building was a domicile for the unjust and the wicked, and not a prison for the good and the noble. Nightwing and Zatanna had been wrong to send her here! This was a mistake, and Nike was going to correct it.

Planting her feet wide and her hands upon her hips, she faced her compatriots and declared loudly: “I shall not be entering this Hades-blessed place. Not on this day, or any other. You may all do as you wish, but I will set not one foot in there.”

“So…” Karlie was the first among the group to speak as she stepped forward. “Hashtag shopping then?” She suggested with a shrug. “I know I could use a new pair of shoes, and it’s not like we’ll miss anything on the first day anyways.” Looking towards the rest of the group, Karlie winked as she pulled out her iHolo. “I’ll shoot the French Fry a text, Man Bun doesn’t need to know though, anyone with a hashtag douche knot is sure to rat us out faster than I can type R-A-T.”

Putting the phone back in her clutch, Karlie grabbed Nike by the hand and began to run.

“Let’s go to the mall!” She sung out. “Today!” Pausing, Karlie turned to look back at the group as the rest of them stared dumbfounded at her and Nike. They were obviously torn between doing what they were supposed to do, and doing what they wanted to do.

“Look,” Karlie stated as she took a couple steps back towards the group, smoothing her ruffled skirt before crossing her arms, her halter top riding up showing off her naval piercing as she leaned back. “I know we’re supposed to go to school. But most of us learned everything we had to back home. This veil of normalcy won’t stand, we’re not normal. We’re misfits no matter where we go. We’re not the pedigree of heroes that Wing Man and Zee are, and we’re not Mundane like Gretta and Diggle there.” Karlie paused to point towards the norms who had slinked away towards the school. “We don’t fit into either world and we may as well make the best of that. If we don’t make choices for us, then we’ll lose what makes us special and I know each of you is special. Even you Rev.” Karlie added with a sly wink.

“So come on, let’s cut loose and enjoy what little time we have left as teenagers.” Karlie said as she waved for the others to follow. “Like I said, we’re not going to miss anything today anyways.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Back at the mansion...

After a few moments Wayde noticed Grayson had completely vanished. Just like Batman. So after grabbing another piece of fruit he walked up to the showers admiring the scenery a little more. He spotted four hidden cameras on the way. Will used one of the showers on the end of the line for a few minutes. After he dried off and threw on some jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt, then went to the other side of the showers and entered through the secret passage leading to the sub-levels. Grayson was on one of the main monitors looking at the Facebook page of somebody named Barbera Gordon before Wayde spooked him and he x'ed out of the window.

"Before you get to tinkering with the stuff Mr. Irons left for you, everything to set up the computers in the study..." Grayson began before Wayde cut him off.

"I did that at around four a.m. Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Anything else?" the new guy asked looking over the protege of Batman's shoulder at the corner work station in the tech lab.

"Z is on her way back and will probably ask about the voice activation for some of the controls in the monitor room and War Room. You don't HAVE to do it, but you already mentioned it wouldn't take long?" Nightwing continued.

"Yeah I already got pretty much everyone's voice signatures down. All I'd have to do is USB them to your central computer and save them into the software. Then I can network the files. Fifteen minutes tops." William Wayde said a bit enthusiastically.

"It looks like some of the kids haven't made it to their classes yet, would you want to.." Nightwing began to say before Wayde spoke up.

"I came here to train to become a member of the League, not play babysitter. I'll do maintenance work, unclog a drain if I have to, whatever..." Wayde said sternly.

"Okay okay... I get it. I'll let them have today. Set up the voice controls and you can have the tech lab. I got some errands to run, tag team training begins tonight!" Grayson said suiting up and exiting in one of the underground exits leading to the surface.

Forty-five minutes later...

"Voice activation should be set. I'm gonna finish suiting up and test the War Room controls." Wayde thought already wearing most of his Steel gear.

"War Room. Threat level three. Number of enemies: one. Setting: downtown Midway. Civilians: none." Steel spoke to the controls. "Let's see who's up first..." he thought as a holo droid came out of an opening in the floor and took the form of Metallo...

"You think you're ready for the big leagues, punk?"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Newbies. Gemini and Siamese knew how to be Newbies, capital 'N' and everything. They were Newbies at the foster shelter after their parents died 5 years ago; they were Newbies at their first proper foster home; they were Newbies at each of the three state-funded boarding schools they had been sent to; they were Newbies to the unofficial gangs that the homeless and destitute had formed in order to seize a better chance at survival; and now, they were Newbies to the most peculiar group of all, even including Hobo Joe and the Bolo Cholo's. Being a Newbie was easy; you kept your head down, you agreed with the majority vote, you avoided rocking the boat, and you didn't take apart the laptop of the most popular girl in school to create a mini heating-laser ray so you could maintain coffee temperature during Gem's midnight episodes.

Man. The twins could use a coffee. Their erstwhile guardians - Nightwing and Zatanna - were not big believers in the artificially-assisted wake-up. Shame, really - A few minutes with a coffee grinder and Sia could whip up a mean cup of mud. The twins observed their company, an odd assortment of young adults from various creeds and backgrounds and demi-human races and different planets, and did their best, as street-urchin metahumans with a long history of accidental bomb-making, to fit in. They did not do a particularly impressive job - but they did enough as necessary to not stand up or be obnoxious. Yet.

They were bunking. The twins didn't mean to sound derogatory or to sandbag the idea; they were not huge fans of the educational system as it stood, having been put through the wringer already and preferring homeless living to the intolerant, oppressive and authoritarian rule of mistresses and professors. But the mall seemed so trite and cliche, to say nothing of the one who had spawned the idea - Karlie, social media personified, as if her power was mental interface with Instagram.

Still, the twins preferred freedom to schedule, and they had had plenty of schedule under the care of their mentors. Sia nudged Gem, who looked up from where she had been idly wrapping wire around her fingers, interlooping the copper before expertly unravelling and starting around the other hand. "Mall?" Sia asked, and Gem raised a single eyebrow.
"Coffee." She answered, stating what was on both of the girls' mind.
"Sure, but, coffee at the mall. Else you and I are stuck in class all day by ourselves."
"Oh, man, we were going to class? Shit, Sia, you gotta tell me these things before I commit."
Sia's turn to raise an eyebrow. "...sorry Gem. Guess it slipped my mind."
"Get a hold on that, S. You gotta watch out for us." Gem pocketed the wire, but had somehow produced a small, charred fragment of metal that she now flipped over her knuckles. "Let's hit the mall."

Sia sighed, but smiled slightly as she did so. Somehow, after all this time, she still found Gem endearing.
"Yes. Lets."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 8 days ago

Speed Demon

Arthur was up very early in the morning as the constant banter of the trapped L'Iego only allowed him a few actual stretches of sleep in the night. The voice was still something Arthur was getting used too but he was getting there. Arthur hoped that things would soon be back to normal after learning a bit more about demons from Zatanna and Constantine who had taken to teaching him more of about the arcane after his near death, though most of the training came from Zatanna as Constantine tended to keep to himself aside from the occasional joint meet up between himself, Constantine and Arthur.

Arthur entered the empty kitchen and got out one of the many cereals from the cupboard and poured himself a bowl of whatever it was. The teen went to work idly eating away at his breakfast as he mentally prepared for the day.

'Another day anot-' 'another day stuck within the confines of inferior, earthly flesh.' L'Iego interrupted as his constant belittlement continued. Arthur just kept quiet as he continued to eat and get ready for the day.


Arthur was in a bit of a bad mood for a multitude of reasons; little to no sleep, being told he had to be driven to school on the first day and a few more insignificant things. All in all Arthur was not mentally prepared for school today. Once getting to the school Speed Demon sluggishly disembarked from the van but not before giving Zatanna an appreciative wave.

'Why must we sit through your sickening mortal lessons? Surely theres other things you would rather be doing with your time?' the demon said in a bid to convince his unintentional captor to skip class.

'For once I think we're on the same page.' Arthur thought in response as he began to debate wether to heed the demon's advise or not. This decision was made for him however as Karlie suggested the idea first.

"I'm game." Arthur answered as he approached the two, ready to follow them to the mall. Despite his rocky start with the two yesterday, he still hoped to at least get on good terms with them to make working on a team easier. Arthur looked at the rest of the group in order to see their responses but Arthur suddenly winced in pain as L'Iego let out a scream in his head as his sight got to the twin Gem and Sia.

'What was that!' Arthur though angrily as he rubbed his temples in order to ease the headache that the demon had wrought.

'Twins. I. Hate. Twins.' L'Iego thought with a palpable amount of malice that made Arthur's skin crawl.

'Alright then. Didn't take the all powerful demon as one to have phobias.'
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sitting alone on a bench at a baseball field in Midway City, Katie stares at the ground as she draws a shape in the ground with her foot. Yesterday she was suppose to go to some mansion to join a team of sidekicks as a sort of stepping stone to train and learn how to work together in an effort to become members of the Justice League. Sure, the idea seemed fantastical but in reality Katie didn't have any real desire to become a 'hero'. The only reason she agreed was because it gave her an opportunity to learn how to control what her new abilities were outside of lab situations. In her mind, the powers she was 'gifted' with were just a danger to those she cared about. She had to stay as far away as she could from her family in order to keep them safe from her. Yet, when she arrived in Midway City she felt unnerved at the thought of actually joining this so called team.

She knew that someone would come looking for her since she hadn't shown up at all. She wasn't sure if she desired to be found or not. The prospect of teaming up with others her age in a similar pursuit was appealing but she'd be the most out of place. At least that's what she kept telling herself in order to make the thought of ditching the whole thing more desirable. She sighed audibly when she sensed the familiar levels of energy coming someone flying up behind her. "Katie, you made a promise that you would be there."

Katie stood up turning to face her mentor saying, "I know and I apologize. But is it really the place for someone like me?" Atom shook his head looking at the girl who had a power similar in likeness to his own. "Look, I know you've had a lot of change in the past few months, but if you don't move forward through the hard times then whose to stay you won't stay stagnate when it's easy. Take what life throws at you and turn it into something for your benefit." The man looked at Katie hoping that what he said conveyed the meaning he was trying to get across. Katie sighed again saying, "Fine, I'll go to the mansion." Katie walked past the man waving bye before grabbing her bike off the fence and started peddling off.

Some time later

Katie rode into the front yard of the mansion and leaned her bike up against the building. She walked up to the front door then, taking a deep breath, knocked on the door hoping that whoever answered wouldn't beangry with her for being so late.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProjectOdin
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ProjectOdin Zenith

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Karsin Davitus

Karsin let out an agitated sigh, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. He glared at his phone, which he had plugged in on the other side of the room. Karsin stood up, quickly turning off his alarm. Letting out a large yawn, Karsin gathered together his clothes and other necessities for the day, and made his way down the hall to a hot shower, dressing himself before exiting into the hall, beginning to make his way downstairs.

"Ugh, I hate school. Classes should be a breeze with your help though, Scarab." Karsin furrowed his brow slightly, as the Scarab didn't seem to have anything to say. "Uhm, Scarab? Anyone home?" Karsin thought to the Scarab, not really paying attention, which caused him to bump into another individual in the halls, who also seemed to be making their way downstairs.

"Oh, hey. Sorry about that, I wasn't really paying attention." Karsin said, letting out a small smile.


Davitus had had no need of an alarm, he rose exactly in time to begin preparing for school. Davitus sighed at the thought of enduring the banality of the mortal public education system but was resigned to it. He stretched after rising out of bed, performing a quick but comprehensive routine before grabbing a towel and a change of clothing and heading for the showers. Scott had gotten him one of the primitive mortal "smartphones" so that he could communicate with mortals should the need arise, as well as a leather wallet with some human currency and a false driver's license. Davitus has also acquired a pair of blue contacts, intending to play off his white hair as just another ill-advised human fashion choice. These were the only possessions he intended to carry with him besides the requisite school supplies, along with some knives of course. Davitus took a quick, cold shower, meditating under the brisk water in order to brace himself for the day and clear his mind before changing and heading into the hall. He was only partly successful and he still brooded on the pointlessness of attending school and the likely futility of even attempting to work with these mortals, while a smaller and slightly more optimistic side of him tried to convince him that it might be an educating and perhaps even enjoyable experience. He was largely unconvinced.

As such, something occurred which embarrassed Davitus. He had completely ignored his surroundings and almost bumped into one of the humans. Davitus cursed himself for his inattention and wandering mind, knowing that such a mistake could have been fatal. Davitus tried his best to keep his displeasure from visibly showing however and he quickly glanced at the other teen. It was Karsin, the one who talked to himself. Davitus supposed they all had their eccentricities and the New God vowed to at least try to be cordial. Davitus shook his head and replied, "There is no need to apologize. I should have been much more attentive." There was an awkward pause as Davitus debated what to say next before finally extending his hand in human fashion, "Your name is Karsin, correct? I do not believe we have had the chance to talk. I am Davitus. You are also headed to school, correct?"

Karsin extended his hand, shaking the other males briefly before withdrawing. "That is correct, on all accounts." Karsin said, a smile stretching across his face as he inclined his head slightly, a read-out of Davitus's basic information being displayed for him, much as information in a video game may be displayed. "Davitus huh? Now that's a cool alien name" Karsin thought both to himself, and his still silent Scarab. He was surprised, and excited to find another alien in the house, and one that was his age at that. That brought the alien count up to two, if you counted the Scarab as well, as it was a sentient creature.

Some warrior sense of Davitus gave him the impression that Karsin was sizing him up, analyzing and examining him like a scientist with a microscope. In turn Davitus, examined Karsin. Slim build, athletic. Seemingly normal human, but Davitus did not know what Tega's abilities were and he certainly had some manner of metahuman power; as he did not have the trained warrior physique of a non-powered vigilante. Perhaps it had something to do with his penchant for talking to himself? Either way, Davitus knew he'd keep an eye on the human.

"Well, I must say it's a pleasure to meet you, Davitus, cool name by the way." Davitus smiled slightly at Karsin's remark, "Thank you. It was a... family name. And Karsin is intriguing as well. It's not a typical name, does it signify anything?" This human didn't seem foolish, Davitus thought perhaps he could be a pleasant acquaintance. "Well, honestly." Karsin said, looking Davitus in the eye, letting out a small sigh before saying.

"No." Karsin announced, still grinning, as another voice called out.

Getting settled into his new life at the mansion as well as attending the school assigned to the younger members of the team was not difficult for Rev. Unlike some others, it was fun and his great focus on excelling at his development as a crime fighter and a student. He made sure to keep his hopes up and always stay determined to get better. For Rev it was his desire to push beyond his limits and reach new heights of power that kept him always going back for more training and honing in on his skills as a martial artist.

Today Rev was getting food in the kitchen and wondering who else was in the house right now. He finished his food and walked into the hall. His super hearing picked up on a conversation between two people. His senses told him that he was not alone in this house and Rev quickly went to the area with the two people he had heard in the kitchens. When he came to the area Rev saw that the two people were his teammates Karsin and Davitus.

"Hi. Looks like it's just the three of us right now. Where are you two headed?" he asked curious to know. This morning his mind had a brain fart and he forgot that it was school today. His thoughts were so caught up with dreams of being a great hero that it had skipped over the fact that he should be on his way to school.

Karsin looked over, seeing the Kryptonian from yesterday. Now the alien count really was up three, Karsin never thought he'd have the chance to say he was surrounded by aliens! Well, at least not without lying. "Hey, you're Rev, right? I'm Karsin, and this is Davitus." He said, jabbing his thumb in Davitus' direction with a grin. As the Kryptonian appeared Davitus nodded neutrally at Rev. He didn't want to write off the youth as a complete fool yet, and Davitus resolved to keep an open mind. "We were just about to head downstairs, it's almost time to leave for school. Karsin said, letting out a sigh and rolling his eyes. "Even though I honestly doubt any of us need it, it's not like we plan on being doctors or accountants or anything." Karsin said, eyes moving back and forth between the two males. "Do we?" He asked raising an eyebrow and beginning to make his was down the steps.

Davitus followed Karsin down the stairs, "Indeed, outside of history, social sciences, and arts; I very much doubt these schools have much too teach me. My own education on sciences, mathematics, and athletics was quite sufficient. I would however like to experience more of human history and culture." Well whatever passed for history and culture for the humans at any rate, Davitus thought. Karsin nodded cooly, smiling brightly at the Kryptonian, simply assuming (hoping), that he agreed. As they strolled into the kitched, they each grabbed a quick breakfast before making their way towards the door. At the door, they saw a young human female, no doubt another young hero. Davitus simply said, "We are on our way to the local high-school. If you are ready, you should accompany us, as this education is apparently compulsory." Karsin noticed the new arrival "Trust me, you should just come with us, I don't see Nightwing and Zatanna complaining too much about you being late." Karsin stated, thinking for a moment before following up his last sentence."Although, I could be completely wrong and you could get in a ton of trouble." Karsin said, chuckling in a friendly manner before walking past the girl, and to the van.

On the ride to the school, Davitus mostly sat silently, preferring to observe his team-mates and Karsin partook in simple small talk with Rev. Once they had arrived, Davitus overhead a few of the other prospective heroes talk about not attending class at all and going to a "mall". Davitus turned to Karsin and Rev, "Our compatriots discussed going to someplace called a mall, what is this location?" A small, devious grin spread across Karsin's face as he looked at the two, "Oh, you're about to find out." Karsin said as he pulled along the two other males. "I dunno about you guys, but you can count us in!" Karsin announced to the group.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Number One
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Number One The Riker Maneuver

Member Seen 1 mo ago

With the rest of the group in tow, Karlie headed towards the mall. It was rather refreshing to know that Midway City had nothing on New York in terms of size and two bus changes later, the group was standing outside of the largest mall the city had to offer. Entering through the food court, the group was bombarded by the various enticing aromas of greasy meat, fried potatoes and saute vegetables as flavours from both near and far infiltrated their senses. Kiosks doting the exterior of the food court, selling jewelry, phone cases, make up and whatever else they could get their hands on. Beyond this perimeter, the mall opened up as the corridors were open to the level above. Skylights above them allowed the day's bright sun to shine through as it illuminated the mall in an almost surreal splendor.

"Hashtag mommy's home." Karlie sighed as she rubbed her hands together with anticipation. The mall was larger than she had hoped for, and it would be easy for her to kill the day in here. Her eyes scanned the food court until one particular green logo caught her eyes before she turned excitedly to Nike and grabbed the other girl's hands.

"Okay."stated, squeezing Nike's hands with giddiness. "First things, first." She explained, turning around again she guided Nike's gaze to the green logo of the mermaid. "We're getting hashtag fraps."

Dragging Nike to the counter of the Starbucks, Karlie placed an order for the two of them. "I'll take a tall Dark Knight frap and this beautiful lady will take a tall Paradise Island." Karlie said as she flashed her iHolo, a small beep sounding as payment went through. Looking back at the boys, Karlie raised an eyebrow before calling out to them.

"Aren't you boys getting anything?" She asked, taking her drink from the barista before dipping a finger in the whipped cream and slowly sucking it off. "You're sorely missing out."

Satisfied with the first taste, Karlie place a straw in the drink as she skipped along with Nike back to the main group.

"So where does everyone want to go first? Clothes? Jewelry? Music? Video games? Food?" Karlie asked in a rapid fire line of question, turning to each member of the group with each new topic. "C'mon guys! It's time to hashtag shop til we drop."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Orange Juice
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Orange Juice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Julien Touré

Julien's eyes gradually began to close as he struggled to stop from drifting off to sleep. At least when he was working minimum wage as a Pizza boy he got to ride about on a motorbike, this was damn near sleep deprivation torture at it's best. Regardless, he was about 70% this was just due to it being one of those introductory classes in which the lecturer spends the majority of the time talking about themselves rather than the topic at hand.

And yes, Julien had received many comments about his accent. About 12 so far if his count was correct.

Karlie's text may well have been a message from god for all he cared. It was an excuse to escape from college and at least do something entertaining. He bided his time, slithering out during the break and taking a short bus to the mall.

Taking a step in, he quickly moved towards a mini-supermarket and bought a packet of menthol cigarettes, stuffing them into his upper jacket pocket before spotting the group and moving over to join them.
"Bonjour, mes amis" He spoke, stuffing his hands into his pockets and taking a relaxed stance. "Wherever it is we go, we'll need to make sure we get back in time to be picked up. Wouldn't want the worlds second best detective getting suspicious of us." He scratched his nose, continuing. "I wouldn't mind hitting up a few music shops though, I'm cool with whatever you guys want to do thought."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago


Back at the mansion...
The War Room...
10:45 am...

"Should've went easier on myself. This wannabe Metallo is just as powerful as the original. His cybernetics aren't much to deal with but that radiation he's firing might as well be a puke ray..." Wayde thought with a strange feeling in his head and stomach.

He held his stomach and took cover. A sick feeling washed over the young hero like he needed to go to the bathroom ten times two hours ago. His hammer was on the other side of the War Room's virtual experience. No matter, putting his arm out from behind the wrecked car in the environment he commanded the weapon's return. And when it did it went right through the holodroid's chest knocking out the holodroid's kryptonite radiation beam. The enemy fell to the floor. It's 'skin' and clothing fade.

Wayde made his way back to the standard mansion levels and thought he heard something at the front door.

"Did somebody just knock?" he thought walking over to the door and putting on a t-shirt about fifteen feet in front of a large staircase and high ceilings.

The young man had opened the door and there was a girl just standing there.

"Um... can I help you?" he asked, "..and shouldn't you be in school?"

Back in the city...
11:05 am...

Grayson was in disguise, on a motorcycle, and headed towards the mall. The idea wasn't to reprimand the team for skipping school. Hell he'd skipped plenty of times in his day. The second greatest detective was there in no time as an observer. Nightwing watched the young heroes being themselves and not trying to fit a specific mold. He stayed back away from the group. Grayson wondered what Steel was up to at this point...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Davitus wrinkled his nose at the coffee stand, sniffing, "These confectionery drinks are wasteful. Pure sugar and froth.
No nourishment, no benefit. I smell only empty calories. A disciplined warrior does not ingest such filth."
Davitus looked around and caught wind of a few eyes staring at him. Realizing his disdain was out of his place, he coughed, examined the menu for the least offensive item, approached the counter and said, "I will have a strawberry smoothie." He stepped back and took in the clamor and din of the mall around them, the waves of consumerist gossip-obsessed mortals chattering and cavorting blindly and loudly through life. Were these people truly happy? Davitus doubted it and he wondered what it was that the humans so enjoyed from this experience. He did not see any benefit at all.

Davitus opined on their options, keeping his voice as low as possible without seeming suspicious, "I have no need for jewelry nor clothes. Such materialism is simply not to my liking. In addition to the fact that, on my wor-home country, such items and diversions were more than mere ephemera, they were artistic pursuits. In this place, they are commercial detritus that I see no use for. However... I am curious to peruse your musical and literary traditions. Perhaps there is some merit in their composition. As long as we stay away from that damnable drivel that they blast on the airwaves all day. As for 'video games', I have no idea what these are. Are they games that one watches on a screen? Do they have any purpose beyond entertainment?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Davitus saw a lone hooded man, walking through the mall. His eyes were concealed behind shades, his form was covered in a hooded sweatshirt, and he walked with a singular purpose that belied a simple passerby. His arms were out of sight in pockets. Davitus narrowed his eyes in suspicion, scanning the area for any other suspicious threats while tracking the initial man. He nudged KArlie and subtly gestured with his chin towards the man, "That man? I believe he might be up to something." Perhaps he was being paranoid. He could have been entirely innocent. Davitus was new to Earth ways, and living on Apokolips had engendered a sense of danger everywhere he went. Perhaps he was simply being overly suspicious. After all, Davitus was dressed much the same way. Nonetheless, Davitus slipped a hand in his coat and grabbed hold of a blade, "What should we do?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interacting with : Steel(@The Kid Lantern)

Standing outside the building was very awkward. Passerby's didn't mean to do it, but Katie could tell they were looking at her. Whether it be just a natural quick look to see the solitary figure or to give a sideways glance at her because she was obviously cutting school. Whatever it was, Katie just hated being watched. It made her feel uncomfortable. Like each pair of eyes was judging her for things that she has no control over. When the door finally opened she was very relieved but the person who opened the door didn't appear to be who she was expecting. Honestly, she didn't know what she was expecting. She didn't know much about what Nightwing and Zatanna looked like, but she had a hunch this guy wasn't either.

She knew that there were suppose to be some normal people at this place as well so she didn't know what to do at first. She paused for a moment with no response then decided to say, "Umm, my name is Katie Pruett. I was suppose to be here yesterday, but I just sorta planned to bail on it. Someone convinced me to come anyway. The reason I'm not at school though is because I have no idea where the school I'm suppose to be attending is. Anyway, are you one of the people in charge here or do you know where one of them is?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 8 days ago

Speed Demon

Arthur stretched his arms out as the group entered the enormous palace of capitalism. The mall was a pretty alright place to hang-out a bond as a group but overall Arthur was pretty indifferent to being there. He thought it was a good idea for the team to stick together and get to know each other but at the same time he didn't particularly want to look at anything. He'd spent plenty of time at the mall in his life but it was more out of idle boreditude than anything else. As the others discussed where they wanted to go, Arthur looked over and saw what looked like a shifty fellow in a hoodie. Arthur wasn't one to judge a book by it cover but this guy's cover looked all sorts of rotten.

'I know what your thinking due to me being quite literally in your head and I vote we do not escalate anything here.'

'Thats a first coming from you. Did ya finally have a change of heart?'

'Hardly. I simply wish to not have my magical reserves wasted on an unimportant mortal.'

'Well for all we know that guy might be some sort of lovecraftian horror or something' Arthur retorted to which L'Iego simply replied with a mental huff of disbelief. Arthur readied his hands in case he needed to let lose a few spells in the coming minutes.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ProjectOdin
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ProjectOdin Zenith

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Karsin Tega, The Blue Beetle

Karsin smiled as he entered the mall, glancing from left to right with his hands resting in his pockets, taking in his surroundings. He'd convinced not only one, but two aliens to come with him to the mall, that had to mean he was like, an alien-whisperer, or something right? He wasn't "No thanks." He replied simply to Karlie's question, shrugging slightly at her following statement. His eye's stayed shamelessly glued to Karlie as she spoke, only looking away when Julien arrived. He nodded coolly at his approach, remembering him from his previous encounter.

"Oh come on, do you really think the world's third greatest detective isn't going to figure out we skipped school? Karsin said with a small chuckle, before following up his previous statement with "I think you're forgetting about Red Robin."

"Beetle, is there a reason you've been mute on me all morning? You've never been like this. And although it is nice to have some peace and quiet, I'm starting to get a little worried, you still alive back there little buddy?" Karsin thought to his Scarab.

"Yes, Karsin, I am still alive. In fact, if I were to perish I believe you would be the first to find out, as any lasting damage to me is likely to result in your own untimely demise, as well.

"Oh, uh, well that's good to know, I guess. Karsin said slowly to his Scarab, a slight look of concern flashing across his face "I suppose that's not a new possibility to me or anything though." Karsin thought, any anxiousness he had quickly dissolving. "Anyway, care to tell me what's got you going all Silent Bob on me?

"I am unaware of who this "Silent Bob" is, but a quick data search has shown that he seems to be a fellow human. I am not human. How am I similar to this "Bob" in any fashion? Please explain, I do not understand."

"Well, just cause you weren't- Nevermind. Point is, what's been keeping you so busy?

Karsin thought to his Scarab, excusing himself for a moment to use the restroom as the others discussed where they would like to go.

"Well, I've been scanning and analyzing all data compiled on the human known as Rufus, or Accelerate. As you know, my initial scans showed him to be a metahuman, and reanalysis determined that that was not the case at all. It would seem that my initial inquiry was correct, and some outside energy source seemed to be disrupting and disturbing my scanning systems. While the percentages of this naturally occurring are close to zero without some kind of outside interference, which I can usually detect, that is not what has drawn me to such interest in this matter.

Karsin's face turned into one of thought, as he began to make his way back to the group. "Okay, well what exactly peaked your interest then?"

"It would seem that the energy signatures that disrupted and off-put my readings match that of a sentient being, and that same energy signature seems to be radiating from someone within a fifty-foot radius of your current location." The beetle announced as Karsin began to make his way back to the group.

"Well, that's certainly troublesome.." Karsin muttered under his breath, his eyes already scanning the crowd for any suspicious persons or activity. Noticing a sketchy hooded man, who seemed to draw the attention of a few of his teammates Karsin approached Davitus and Karlie, looking at them both briefly before quietly saying. "So, we're totally following him, right?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Umm, my name is Katie Pruett. I was suppose to be here yesterday, but I just sorta planned to bail on it. Someone convinced me to come anyway. The reason I'm not at school though is because I have no idea where the school I'm suppose to be attending is. Anyway, are you one of the people in charge here or do you know where one of them is?"

"You'll have to wait until Grayson get's back. I'm just the maintenance guy I think..." Wade replied. "Come on in and I'll take you to one of the open dorm rooms.

Wade pointed out the kitchen and the bathrooms/showers, before heading upstairs to one of the available rooms. It was large for a single room, with closet space, a bed, and a bookshelf.

"The guy should be back soon. He ran off to check on a few of the kids who cut their first class. The counselors, Grayson and Z, are responsible for taking you to school for now. The public school bus might pick you guys up eventually. I don't know... I'm just glad I'm not still in school." he continued laughing out loud a little.


Midway City Mall...

Grayson came into the mall, which wasn't really crowded this early in the day. He noticed Blue Beetle, Silent, as well as Stinger group together while in their civilian clothes. It appeared they were following some guy in a hoodie.

"Why does that guy look familiar..?" Grayson asked himself under his breath before bumping into Arthur, aka Speed Demon.

"Whoa... sorry pal, I..." Dick began to apologize before realizing yet another student skipped class. "Did ANYBODY actually go to school? You guys can't do this..."

Just then Grayson realized... the man in the hoodie was the son of Bolt. A metahuman gun for hire with electricity manipulation. His son was rumored to have gained the same metahuman abilities...

@alexfangtalon @rocketrobie2

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