Name: Ysran Stormreach
Age: 26
World: Call of Cthulhu, Earth.
Race: Human, but was made to be an Elf, as was his request to a diety.
Gender: Male
Appearance :
Ysran Usually wears a robe, silk, and colored mostly a dark blue. But underneath this robe, Ysran will most likely wear everyday clothes, his favorite shirt being a short-short-sleeved black shirts that simply says "No." On it. He possesses no favorite pair of pants, although he is quite fond of his prized "Chuck Norris Action jeans" a pair of denim dark blue jeans that don't restrict movement whatsoever, while also looking stylish. He typically also wears a pair if waterproof Boots, as he basically always wore them as a child, and really hasn't grown out of them yet. (Not the boots, but the concept of always wearing them) His shoulder- length black hair flows behind him in the wind, as his Hazel eyes are constantly looking around. Ysran's body isn't Super ripped, but he does have a bit of muscle definition. After all, climbing through ancient ruins, walking and running long distances, and general exercise gives him quite good stamina and strength.
Personality: Generally very curious. Fairly carefree and loves to make others laugh. However, after having his mind probed by a god-like creature, Ysran has become a Not like Dementia levels, but enough to be noticed every now and then. Having your Psyche probed by an Eldritch diety tends to knock you off your rocker a bit.
Weapons: Mainly his magic, but when it comes to close quarters, he holds a revolver, kept shiny and clean, and a Machete that can feed on anothers sanity. Just a nick from is is enough to cause a headache. Ysran can usually take advantage of and enemy with a migrane, and can use his Breath of the Deep spell more effectively.
Abilities: Ysran uses a variety of Eldritch spells, including: Eldritch Blast, Attract fish, Summon Shambler, Summon Fish (Although this can be almost any aquatic creature) Fishscales and Greater Fishscales. Not to mention basic illusions. He is also trying his best to learn 2 new spells: Heal and Breath of the Deep.
Resistances: Mind effects, illusions. Prolonged exposure to the sweltering heat has also toughened Ysran's resistance to high or low temperatures.
Weaknesses: Frequently has fits and breakdowns because of his magic. And like said before, a bit Sociopathic.And also stuff that normal humans are weak to, like bullets, or drowning.
History: Ysran Stormreach is the son of a very successful business man (and woman) who owned Stormreach Harbor. After their untimely death, the company was left to Ysran. Instructed by a family friend, Ysran became very successful like his parents. However, Ysran grew bored of the harbor, and decided to roam the vast world as a traveling Magician. Eventually he came across a book that would change his life forever. A book containing the secrets to Eldritch and Occult magic. Real magic. Ysran's dream.
Returning home, Ysran learned about a secret Occult language and soon was able to conjure a ball of force, and soon a Shambler (a zombie minion basically) After making a name for himself as "The Magician of the Deep" His efforts soon led him to Brazil, where an aquatic diety revealed himself to Ysran. After completing a few tasks for him and his people, he was granted great understanding of the Eldritch, and can now fluently commune with them, as well as learning a few new spells. He now seeks out more knowledge and spells to fill his collection.
Age: 26
World: Call of Cthulhu, Earth.
Race: Human, but was made to be an Elf, as was his request to a diety.
Gender: Male
Appearance :

Ysran Usually wears a robe, silk, and colored mostly a dark blue. But underneath this robe, Ysran will most likely wear everyday clothes, his favorite shirt being a short-short-sleeved black shirts that simply says "No." On it. He possesses no favorite pair of pants, although he is quite fond of his prized "Chuck Norris Action jeans" a pair of denim dark blue jeans that don't restrict movement whatsoever, while also looking stylish. He typically also wears a pair if waterproof Boots, as he basically always wore them as a child, and really hasn't grown out of them yet. (Not the boots, but the concept of always wearing them) His shoulder- length black hair flows behind him in the wind, as his Hazel eyes are constantly looking around. Ysran's body isn't Super ripped, but he does have a bit of muscle definition. After all, climbing through ancient ruins, walking and running long distances, and general exercise gives him quite good stamina and strength.
Personality: Generally very curious. Fairly carefree and loves to make others laugh. However, after having his mind probed by a god-like creature, Ysran has become a Not like Dementia levels, but enough to be noticed every now and then. Having your Psyche probed by an Eldritch diety tends to knock you off your rocker a bit.
Weapons: Mainly his magic, but when it comes to close quarters, he holds a revolver, kept shiny and clean, and a Machete that can feed on anothers sanity. Just a nick from is is enough to cause a headache. Ysran can usually take advantage of and enemy with a migrane, and can use his Breath of the Deep spell more effectively.
Abilities: Ysran uses a variety of Eldritch spells, including: Eldritch Blast, Attract fish, Summon Shambler, Summon Fish (Although this can be almost any aquatic creature) Fishscales and Greater Fishscales. Not to mention basic illusions. He is also trying his best to learn 2 new spells: Heal and Breath of the Deep.
Resistances: Mind effects, illusions. Prolonged exposure to the sweltering heat has also toughened Ysran's resistance to high or low temperatures.
Weaknesses: Frequently has fits and breakdowns because of his magic. And like said before, a bit Sociopathic.And also stuff that normal humans are weak to, like bullets, or drowning.
History: Ysran Stormreach is the son of a very successful business man (and woman) who owned Stormreach Harbor. After their untimely death, the company was left to Ysran. Instructed by a family friend, Ysran became very successful like his parents. However, Ysran grew bored of the harbor, and decided to roam the vast world as a traveling Magician. Eventually he came across a book that would change his life forever. A book containing the secrets to Eldritch and Occult magic. Real magic. Ysran's dream.
Returning home, Ysran learned about a secret Occult language and soon was able to conjure a ball of force, and soon a Shambler (a zombie minion basically) After making a name for himself as "The Magician of the Deep" His efforts soon led him to Brazil, where an aquatic diety revealed himself to Ysran. After completing a few tasks for him and his people, he was granted great understanding of the Eldritch, and can now fluently commune with them, as well as learning a few new spells. He now seeks out more knowledge and spells to fill his collection.
Here's a more detailed list of the spells Ysran can cast, as well as a short description of them.
A ball of dark energy capable of delivering quite a bit of force, about enough to go through a door. Against living targets, this can knock people down, and it terms of damage, it would take 2-3 to kill a normal person as the darkness burns like a strong acid.
Attracts all manner of fish and sometimes other aquatic creatures to a singular point. The range can vary from a few inches to several feet.
A zombie-like minion is summoned to do Ysran's bidding. It can follow simple commands such as "Hold this" or "Go there". If told to, the Shambler will follow another person's commands until told otherwise by Ysran. It prioritizes Ysran's commands first.The Shambler usually looks like this 

A fish (or other aquatic creature) is summoned much like a Shambler. These can be anything from a goldfish, to a Great White Shark. However the general rule is, the bigger the creature, the shorter time it has before it is unsummoned. This can be delayed, but requires great concentration from Ysran.
Creates a layer of Scale-like armor around the skin. It doesn't turn your skin into scales,it just created a layer of them on top of the skin. Greater Fishscales is stronger, but normal Fishscales can be cast on others.
Can heal most wounds, poisons, and some diseases. This spell however costs quite a bit of mana, and spell casting time can take a while.
Fills an opponent's lungs with water, drowning them. However first, Ysran must mentally overcome his opponent. The spell also takes a moment to cast, and only lasts as long as Ysran concentrates.
Ysran projects a horrid version of a creature's worst fears. Creatures then tend to drop whatever they are holding and run as far away from Ysran as possible. Some, however, can resist the fear effect, but are still taken aback by the sight.
Another thing about Ysran's magic is that in addition to mana, it also costs a bit of sanity to cast. So if Ysran goes around slinging spells super fast, he'll likely break down and start laughing uncontrollably or get unreasonable paranoid. Stuff like that.
Upgrades: New spell: Fear. Description can be found under spell list.