Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lila Moriarty

"But I did nothing to deserve this name, it was just given to me by the ones who created me." she replied to Heather.
Lila was trying to understand the reason behind her praising, but the woman that was near her wasn't Patricia. Her body, mass and weight was the same, but her voice, mannerisms and personality were completely different. Lila didn't knew what happened, nor where Heather went, but she didn't knew that woman.

”The Terror Incarnate is awakening the Ancient Terrible Black Dragon, Zargoth. Most people thought he died to the combined arms of the ones that hated him the most,”
Lila's grasp on her scythe tightened, her muscles tensed up as she carefully felt each movement that the woman who took Patricia's place took, each word she spoke. Lila didn't understand what just happened. Patricia was normal, but in the blink of an eye, she was a different person. Lila was extremely uncomfortable with that, but Patricia went back to normal as suddenly as the other woman took control of her.
Ironically, that only made Lila even more alert.

What is going on?” Patricia asked, in her normal voice.
"Who are you?" She asked, with a firm grasp on her scythe, assuming a battle posture, low on the ground, her muscles ready to pounce on her target if she made any wrong movement.
Holding her scythe with both hands, the right one in a reverse grip with the blade facing outwards, just behind her, it didn't took a lot of knowledge to know that if she attacked, it would be only one attack: a blindingly fast, clean slice. It took a good while to Lila to calm down enough to stand up normally, but she was still holding her scythe with both hands.

"Just a heads up Moriarty, if you do not find me in my room, check outside of Sunfire. If there is to be any battles tonight, I'll be out there." Soron suddenly spoke to her. Lila was too busy studying Patricia's (or whoever was that woman) movements.

After Soron said something about a dragon named Zargoth, that strange thing that happened with Patricia happened again. Lila was a little more at ease after seeing that whoever that woman was, she meant no harm, at least not to Heather and Patricia. It would be smart to keep one eye at those two... Especially after Heather's sword started emitting a ghostly wail. It was a sound that sent an uncomfortable chill down Lila's spine. The Sword of Angelic Light... That was what the woman called it. Certainly it wasn't a regular sword. After all, no sword would emit that sound..

Thankfully, Alexis and Suleykaar had arrived just that moment. Their presence, and Alexis's cheerful humor certainly helped to ease the atmosphere, making Lila open a small smile upon hearing her voice. She was everything Lila wasn't, cheerful, bright...
"Well, as long as we're introducing ourselves to rooms of people at once... I'm Alexis!"
As she helped Ava and Serena to go to their room, the smell of blood went away with them, making it easier to Lila think straight.

"Meet me at my room tonight, Soron. I want to talk to you in particular." she said to him, just as Velai started pushing her to her room.
"Come now. To your room." Velai said, putting her hand on Lila's shoulders and pushing her upstairs.

"And do not call me that. My name is Lila. Lila Moriarty" she said to Soron before Velai took her away.

"Welcome to Mirror's room." Velai said, leading Lila to a room with many unnecessary decorations. Vases, carpets, an unnecessarily big, desks and chairs.
"I expected something more... practical. Not the opposite." she said, referring to the useless decorations.

"Is there anything else Lila? And by the way please don't do anything involving that man. I don't think it will be beneficial." Velai said, with an unusually serious tone in her voice.

"I don't think I should use Mirror's bed. Sitting on a chair will be enough. Thanks Velai." she said, siting in one of the chairs near the window.
"Regarding to Soron, I need to ask him some questions. Its something I need to do." she said in a very serious tone.
"I won't kill or hurt him. Unless if he flees from me without answering my questions, then i'll do whatever I can to obtain the information I seek..."
"You already worry about me too much, Velai... The only purpose for my existence is following orders. I'm only a tool. On the other hand, you are free to do whatever you want, you have dreams, goals..."
Lila was going to continue, but a very familiar voice interrupted her, making her go silent in the very second she heard it.
It was Mirror. The voice was coming from the blue orb in the desk near her.
Lila kept silent, patiently waiting for her next orders..
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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WingsOfBronze The One That Shines Gallantly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I will go, but tell me exactly where. Maybe this time I'll actually try." Shanna giggled, floating at the nearby large window stepping on the ledge, her back facing Luna. She gazed at the land below her for a unit of time, the grass slowly fading from the grasp of sunlight, the trees darkening slowly without the shades of the sun, the clouds darkening into the lovely evening hue. The sun dramatically hiding behind the mountains.

"But.. You should also trust in the dark, for some are no bite and only bark. Use fear against fear, destroy the destroyer! That's how it's done! O-hohohohoho! " Shanna laughed overconfidently, as she gazed outside. It's nearly dark, and suddenly, Shanna shivers, her laugh stopping abruptly. "I think they are here." She said aloud, her eyes directly far away to an odd part of a far forest, the leaves are darker than the rest.

Shanna floated towards Luna, landing infront of her and pulling a white cloth from a portal that led directly to her room, her staff's orb glowed light blue, and Shanna snapped her fingers. Little amount of water splashed at the little cloth, making it damp. She offered it to Luna, taking her hand and placed the cloth on her palms. "A warning at this rate should suffice, I'll scout the forest- I'm off to the abyss!" Shanna smirked at her, she would offer her hand for Luna to help her stand up, but a little chainspeller cannot do that at her height and physical form.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Vesuvius00@Landaus Five-One@Sohtem

"Help protect the town because you want to, not because feel indebted to me, ok Serena?" He looked up with a smirk. When Velai spoke up, Soron's gaze didn't leave Velai's own until she turned away but when she turned back, he registered what she was asking with her eyes and his gazed only hardened with a subtle nod, letting her know he was more than capable. Soon one spoke up, Patricia, with a layered voice of her ancestor when she mentioned his full name, to which he shot her a curious look.

"They're a wingless, legless dragon, whose glare has been said to turn its prey into stone, but that's just a myth. However, basilisk venom is not. Its potent, very much so. One of the reasons Nayu are resistant to the venom is because of centuries being exposed to it. Can't tell you which family or which clan was the first to gain the immunity but soon enough it branched out to the rest of the Nayu." He stopped and looked up to Patricia, his golden slitted eyes looking into her own.

"If you're not bitten in half when one does bite you, then you have to worry about the venom. First symptoms are high temperature with sweating and nausea. Followed that up with trouble breathing, delusions and rotting of the skin around the bite mark. Death comes within minutes of being bitten. Funny thing is they're even weak to their own venom. I've only seen it twice when a basilisk bit itself trying to capture prey. Anyway, there are potions to neutralize it but they are expensive. Mostly you can pick them up at an apothecary so long as the owner gets the right kind. Good potions have a smell of vinegar with a hint of lavender. Your shit potions, heh, they smell sweet and delicate. Don't worry to much about it though, unless you plan on traveling to Nero. Its rare for basilisks to come out this far but it has been known to happen, that's why I always keep antidotes on me." He went to continue working on his blade but stopped, noticing that she was already a wreck and decided it would be best for morale to lighten the mood a bit.

"Don't worry about it too much, like I said, its rare for them to come this far out of their territory. If they do, then they are either tamed by a rider or are being brought out here against their will. But I've fought them plenty of times, I don't plan on letting one attack any of you. I'll take on the Gods themselves if I have to." He gave a smile but under the surface held a bit of sadness, subtle but if one looked closely they would be able to see it.

After the little argument Suley and himself had, Patricia once again gained her ancestor's voice, mentioning-


Both glanced at each other and blinked. Were they really just given nicknames? Time progressed as some went to patch up, or sleep while the rest seemed to mingle about. Suley had sat back down at the bar, continuing the original conversation about a night's worth of fun before he seemed to stop and shot his eyes towards the entrance of the Rest Easy.

"They're here..." He mumbled as his eyes seemed to glow. He sniffed the air a few times before his glowing eyes narrowed and he smirked, followed by a draconic rumble that shook the Rest Easy.

Soron...It's time. Soon enough, a shockwave seemed to hit Sunfire from the battles outside, causing Soron to shake slightly before he gripped his sword. He glanced over at the others and made his way to the bar. He pulled out several onyx from his pocket and wrapped them within a paper rune and passed them around to everyone.

"This will allow me to teleport to you if you're in danger. Just let a bit of magic flow throw and I'll be there. Be sure that these are given to everyone and don't lose them." His voice was stern and held authority behind it before he moved up with Suley. Suley, possibly the nicest dragon they have ever met, made a complete shift in attitude. Even the aura around was thick with a killers intent and the anger of a dragon whose territory was trespassed on. The two nodded to each other as they left the tavern.

"What can you tell me." The old dragonslayer asked as a statement.

Sunfire has a horde coming from the eastern side of it, among them a basilisk." Soron bared his fangs for a moment.

"Right...Then there is no time to lose." Suley nodded and rolled his shoulders, allowing his draconic wings to spread wide for all to see. Soron printed forward as Sul waited for a moment before Sprinting forward as well, flapping his wings as he did. Soon he began to lift up into the air and above Soron, who held his hands up for Sulley to grasp. Once they locked arms, the dragonlord reared back and with a bit of wind magic, shot forward out one of the holes of the tree with an audible boom.

Not too much later they arrived over the battlefield, surveying what was happening. With the sounds of the battle and the one Soron yelled up to Suley and pointed down to a small cluster of soldiers.

"Sulley! Get me down there, I need to speak with their captain and get a briefing on what's happening!"

"Right! After I do I'm jumping right into the fray! Don't worry about me!" With that Suley leaned forward and came in low and fast over the soldiers, dropping Soron behind them. Soron rolled out of the drop, jogging over to the group of military men. The first thing the group would notice in the night is Soron's seemingly glowing gold eyes, followed by his unique Sureiya/Taxis patch. What they would feel would be his commanding aura and the respectable air around him.

"Hey! I'm here from Sunfire to help out but I won't be able to unless you fill me in on what's going on! I'll let you know now though. I've handled enough Basilisk in my day, I'll take that thing on!" When he mentioned the basilisk he was next to the soldier, no longer needing to shout. After he would be debriefed, Soron cracked his neck, unsheathing his long blade and began fighting his way to the basilisk. Suley after dropping Soron to his destination, flew up, spinning as he did. Flicking his hands open, producing fire between them as he moved his claw like hands around in a circular motion, creating a small ball of fire. Soon he let his wings disperse as he fell back to the terra below. As the fire dragon neared the ground, he released his fireball, creating a rather large explosion that shook the ground around him. Any poor, unfortunate cultist that was near him was set ablaze. The smoke cleared and he was seen in a rather low stance, his now formed clawed hands were one over the other, pointing out towards the cultist who began to surround him. It took them by surprise as the cultists didn't expect backup from Sunfire but nonetheless they charged him. His movements were fluent and quick, each strike backed up by some form of fire, igniting each cultist who attempted to attack.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

@FallenTrinity @13org @Vesuvius00
Heather heard the introductions from the Dragonlord and the Solarian Girl. She was shakened in hearing the girl’s name. She had a shiver down her spine but remembered her mother wasn’t here. ”Alexis, you have the same name as my mother. My name is Heather nice to meet you all,” Heather said kindly towards the bunch. She heard what Lila said and smiled kindly. ”Your name is still beautiful,” Heather replied to Lila. She was distracted with the knowledge her weapon was given its true name by the entity, which is possessing Patricia.

Patricia, on the other hand, could sense that Zargoth is on the move. She sighed in a relief tone of relaxation. ”Oh goodie Zargy is on the move,” Patricia said happily. She looked at Heather and smiled at her gently. ”Oh yeah I am sorry about that Lila. Even though my descendant’s name is Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd. My name is Maria, the Kind Dragonlord,” Patricia said kindly. She looked at the two gentlemen and smiled slightly. ”Yes, I did give you nicknames since all people I meet must have them,” Patricia said. She had a slightly different tone to her voice it was of frustration, she couldn’t do really anything besides what she is doing right now. ”I… am hopeful we can truly meet face to face Sulsa,” Patricia said.

She heard what Patricia said about her true name, the one who possessed Patricia and she was completely shocked. She remembered a story about the two Dragonlords who used to rule this land from her mother of all things. ”The Kind Dragonlord and the Terror Dragonlord… They were great friends. What happened Maria?” Heather asked. Her voice echoed fear and terror. She felt the magical presence that hit the tavern and it felt like a battle right outside of the tavern. ”Oh my… What is happening?” Heather thought to herself. Her body was shivering with fear because she never thought a battle would be this close to Sunfire. She was given a onyx wrapped in a paper rune and smiled gently at Soron. ”I thank you, sir I will keep this close to me,” Heather said. She held the item in her hand.

Patricia glanced at Heather and smiled gently. Her facial features tense up a bit and then she started crying. The tears were rainbow in color but they made a strange noise when they hit the ground. The noise sounded quite terrifying in nature but it quieted down to a faint whisper. ”Zargy gained his title of Terror Dragonlord for making the Black Dragons fear him. I was the kind dragonlord for wanting to make friends with everyone. He wasn’t always a black dragon, he got cursed to be one after he stopped me from doing something terrible…,” Patricia sobbed. She put her hands on her face to stop allowing the rainbow tears from dropping on the ground. ”Zargy… was the only one of his kind before he was cursed into being the same as the Black Dragons. I have always regretted that event and try to wish to make everything better,” Patricia sobbed. Her entire body was shivering and she fell down on the ground feeling of regret in her soul. She looked up to Sory and smiled slightly and held out her hand for the rune. ”Thank you Sory for the teleportation rune,” Patricia said.

Heather was startled when her friend’s tears made a terrifying sound, when the tears hit the ground. She walked up to her friend who is possessed by the kind dragonlord held out her free hand towards Patricia. ”You need to look pass the past and look forward to the future, the Kind Dragonlord. You need to be brave,” Heather said kindly. Her body language was trying to stay hopeful for the future.

Patricia took Heather’s hand off of reflex and was helped back up to a standing position. ”You are trying to be to brave Heather… I feel like that will hurt you in the future,” Patricia said. She held onto Sory’s rune as a good luck charm. She looked around the room and it was more or less empty with her and Heather in the room. ”I guess we should go out there and try our luck,” Patricia said.

Heather nodded towards Patricia’s voice. She walked outside of the tavern and looked back at the Kind Dragonlord, who possessed her friend. ”It will be weird if they are both afraid of the dark…,” Heather thought to herself.

Patricia walked out a bit and felt afraid because funnily enough the Kind Dragonlord & her descendant shared the same fear of the dark. ”I don’t love the dark… I am afraid of it,” Patricia said fearful. Her tone of the voice is scared and doesn’t want to move into the darkness but sees a rainbow aura on Heather and walked out of the tavern. ”I hope you can protect me,” Patricia said.

Heather rolls her eyes when she heard the fear in the voice. ”I will protect you as best as I can, the Kind Dragonlord. You are in possession of your descendant’s body that is my friend,” Heather said kindly. She unsheathes her sword of Angelic Light and it was glowing brighter in the nighttime than it was in the tavern. Her Halo’s light somehow was blocked by the magic that was placed on her by the Kind Dragonlord. She had a worried look on her face. ”Would it be better if you could be basked in light from my halo over me being brave by your spell?” Heather asked.

Patricia removed the spell from Heather and then her bright light was showing again. ”I’m sorry. I forgot about that little negative,” Patricia said. Her voice was of relief, even though the fear she feels is even more real than her descendant. ”Let’s take our time, please?” Patricia asked. Her rainbow aura was fluctuating much more since her avid fear of the dark. She was crying rainbow tears and they were hitting the ground. Her tears had no noise coming from them now. ”Heather can I give you a nickname to calm me down?” Patricia asked.

Heather heard the two questions from Patricia and nodded at the first one. ”A nickname, sure you can,” Heather said. Her face was red as an apple in the morning, she had never blushed this hard.

Patricia smiled and couldn’t tell anything wrong with Heather since she was looking at her wings. ”Thank you, Erin,” Patricia said. She giggled at the nickname since she always gives anyone who’s named Heather this nickname.

Heather trips over herself onto the ground because she was taken aback from what the Kind Dragonlord’s voice had said. ”Erin, why that nickname?” Heather asked confused. She got up from her tripped herself and she could understand why, Maria asked the first question.

Patricia laughed slightly and her aura did calm down but she did look around quite annoyed. ”Erin sounds better on you than Heather but you couldn’t wield the Sword of Angelic Light if you weren’t named Heather,” Patricia said happily. She walked besides Heather and smiled in her direction.

Heather smiled back to Patricia. ”I was told, by my mother in specifically, she was going to name me Erin but decided against it,” Heather said kindly.

They slowly walked towards the exit of Sunfire. Because they wanted to take it easy, slow and steady keeps their energy up.


Zargoth heard a voice echoing through his head. He was blinded only for a moment. He, however, felt a presence on his body, he slowed down his flying a bit. He heard a voice and saw the man looking into his eye. ”My memory is a bit fuzzy. If you heard of I, the Terror Dragonlord than probably we have met. Zargoth is my name,” Zargoth said. He heard the man’s second statement and sighed. ”Not as rare as the Pulsar Dragons. There’s only one still in existence and she’s very hard to find. My daughter Yioplya is carrying two of her descendants on her back. We are going to the Vrondi Capital to drop them off unless that’s not a good idea right now. Who are you?” Zargoth asked curious.

Yioplya was heard a voice echoing through her head. She was blinded only for a moment. She looked in the direction of her father and saw a man standing on her father. She slowed down flying a bit to not fly into her father. ”Who is he? And why does he glow like the sun,” Yioplya thought to herself. She looked curiously towards the man who looked at her and who is on her father’s back. ”How are you two holding up?” Yioplya asked the two descendants on her back.

Patricia heard Yioplya’s voice and sighed. ”Could be better but let’s not try anything too fast now,” Patricia said. Her facial expression had an air of relief of being no longer prisoner to the Terror Dragonlord. ”I hope my daughter is doing alright,” Patricia said quietly. Her voice only reached her husband.

Jacob heard Yioplya’s voice. He happy to see the sky for once in the 12 years he’s been a prisoner of the Terror Dragonlord. ”I have to agree with my wife on this,” Jacob said. He looked at his wife and sighed slightly. ”We should have ran together from him instead of staying at home but we could probably be worst off. The Solar Dragon that came by to warn us of the Terror Dragonlord’s arrival was curious,” Jacob said quietly. His voice only reached his wife.

Meanwhile within the Dragonpass Encampment. Johnson within his study could feel the presence of the Terror Dragonlord. He will never forget the aura from Zargoth and it is always focused onto him. ”Oh my… What is he up to now?” Johnson thought to himself.

One of the guards that Johnson hired walked in, and she was much more experienced in bodyguarding than anything. “Johnson sir, what should the guards of Dragonpass do for you?” ??? said a female voice.

Johnson looked up towards the female and smiled. ”Get our defenses up now, we have to worry about a two front battle sooner or later. One against the Terror Dragonlord and the other against whatever is going on elsewhere,” Johnson said. He stopped pacing and grabbed his weapon. ”Milady Winter I hope we survive this day,” Johnson said. He had an air of seriousness. His ploy in keeping the Terror Dragonlord stopped working and he knew sooner or later he’ll have to come to blows with the terrible black dragon.

Winter saluted Johnson. She laughed at these turn of events. “You could have told him from the beginning, your ancestors had something to do with it all. Or is that why you’ve been giving charity to the Vrondi Kingdom because you feel it as necessary?” Winters asked curiously.

Johnson stepped up to Milady Winter and smiled slightly. ”You could say that, it is repentance for my family’s sins against the two Dragonlords. The strategist of the Stonefield Family saw it as a great way to kill two birds with one stone but failed in their mark since I see the bigger picture. We will need the Black Dragons and Pulsar Dragons for something…,” Johnson said. He had a somber tone of voice to him.

Winter nodded and had a devilish grin on her face. “Most people don’t have enough courage to tell their greatest foes the truth but you told a complete stranger that truth. Something tells me you are growing Johnson. If we live through this I will buy you a drink,” Winters said. Her tone was semi-serious and happy at the same time.

Johnson rolled his eyes at Winter’s advances. ”My wife wouldn’t be too pleased if you bought only me a drink,” Johnson said. He enjoyed the company of someone who is a good friend during his time of traveling and he found her injured. ”Please don’t overdo Milady Winter or I will have to buy you a drink,” Johnson said.

Winter nodded at what Johnson said about not overdo anything dangerous. “I will try not to. I will appreciate the drink nonetheless,” Winter said.

They walked out of the study and went outside of the Stonefield family home to see what’s going on. They walked towards the other 19 guards who were stationed outside of the barracks by Winter. ”Let’s hurry up the defenses operation defensive wall,” Johnson said. His voice commanded authority.

The 19 other guards knew what operation defensive wall meant. The Terror Dragonlord’s return and soon it will mean the Kind Dragonlord will return too. “Hurry up men and women of the Johnson’s Dragonpass Encampment. We will protect this place with our lives since we got a Dragonlord to protect from the Terror Dragonlord,” Winter said. She followed up Johnson’s commanding presence with a bit of her own.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As Alexis made her way back down the stairs, the entire building shook from some impact outside the city. She held onto the side railing so he wouldn't fall down the rest of the stairs as she waited for the shaking to subside -which it did just a moment later. When she got to the bottom Soron was passing out some strange runes at the bar, and as she approached he handed her one too. She listened as he told them how to use the runes to summon him, and in the back of her mind she hoped it wouldn't come to that.

She put the rune into one of the hidden pockets on her dress, thinking that if she had to use it, it'd be easier to grab from there than from within one of her item bags. As Suleykaar and Soron left, Alexis looked around the few people left in the bar and then took one last second to check herself over. Her bow was already strung, currently being held comfortably on her right shoulder, and she could feel her dagger was still in its sheath hidden on her left leg. She had 32 arrows in good condition, and a handful that she still needed to repair, which she quickly bound together with some twine so she wouldn't grab any of those broken arrows during the fight. She knew she'd probably be able to get a few arrows from the other side during the fight if she ran out; it wasn't that hard to just take the ones that were shot at her for herself.

She was ready to go, or so she told herself as she stalled for just a second longer, deciding to tie her hair up so it would stay out of her face in the battle. She considered the Sunlight Energy orb in the bag tied to her belt, and thought for a second that maybe she should use it now, but shook her head as she decided against it. As she left the bar and began walking toward the edge of the tree, where there were a few openings where people could fly into and out of the city, she started weighing her options. She was low on energy, yes, but not to the point of collapse quite yet. She would have to use the orb before she could fight, but she didn't want to waste any energy because she knew once that orb was used, that's all she'd have for the rest of the battle.

As she passed a lone guard who'd given up trying to keep people off the balcony -onlookers who all were just trying to see what was happening- she reminded herself of her position in this fight. She was on Sunfire's side, but she wasn't with them. She shouldn't expect anyone to be able to help her if she got into a bad situation, so she would need to keep an eye out for herself. She was alone, surrounded by temporary allies, yet ultimately alone. She climbed up onto the railing of the balcony after making her way through the small but dense crowd there. Standing tall as she looked out over the scene, she made up her mind on her plan of attack. Get down to the battlefield, use the energy orb, and then get to some kind of high ground where she could make the most difference as an archer. If I get surrounded by those guys, I'm gonna want to be able to fall back to somewhere...

She couldn't see a good place, and now she'd waited too long. She would just have to figure it out when she got to that point. Taking a deep breath, and ignoring her nerves and most of her basic instincts, she jumped off the balcony. A vine that had been climbing up the side of the tree caught her after a few seconds, and she used it to lower herself the rest of the way to the ground safely. As soon as her feet touched the ground she began to focus on what exactly was going on around her now, calculating where the nearest enemies were and what her next action should be, though she was still a ways behind the front line. She glanced at the moon in the sky as it shone coldly, high above the chaos around the city, and after a second she remembered her need for energy. Controlling that one vine hadn't been too much, but she didn't trust herself to remember the energy orb later when she would really need it.

She took the softly glowing orb out of its bag, holding it to her chest for a second as she released its energy into herself. There would be a bright flash of light as the energy that she couldn't absorb escaped, the shopkeeper from before being right about her not needing all of the energy contained within the orb. As a passing thought, she hoped she hadn't blinded anyone around her with that, but as there weren't too many people nearby she let the worry fade. The glass orb shattered and turned into dust as soon as the energy it had been holding captive was gone, its purpose served. Alexis let the dust fall through her fingers for a moment as she thought what to do next. Maybe find someone in charge? But they'd all be busy fighting.. She shook her head at herself again. Alone, she was here alone. She didn't need to take any orders from anyone.

Alexis began making her way towards where the most of the fighting seemed to be, though it seemed like the battle was getting more spread out as the Vrondi soldiers cut through the oncoming cultists one after another. Though, there was a strange feeling to the fight, as if the cultists weren't fazed at all, maybe they were even happy about the fact that they were all dying so quickly... Alexis tried not to pay it any mind. She stopped in a spot where the ground was raised slightly in a small hill, and began picking off any of the cultists who got too close with her arrows, retrieving them handfuls at a time every so often so she wouldn't run out.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The field of battle was scattered with putrid decorations that appalled the senses of the majority of those amongst the Vrondi ranks. These soldiers looked at their barricade of vines being burned away by the blue flame. A cold sweat could be seen making its way down the cheek of a soldier standing still with a sword and shield in hand. Centimeters apart from his fellow soldiers he stood as a pawn amongst many. These soldiers made the majority of the ranks who formed a circular formation around the Elites and finally in the middle of the battalion was the guardian. It's height made it tower over the others even as they stood atop their dragon steeds. These steeds had white eyes and matched the vibrant colors of the nature it surrounded itself with. A high class of traveling or combating companion that reflected the nature it was surrounded by just enough to not be noticed from a distance. Their claws acted like hooves and clawed and stomped into the ground. These beasts also had long flowing hair that swayed in the breeze. Their backs were fashioned with a saddle made of gold and leather decorations sewn into its fine edges. The riders of these steeds were Vrondi Elites. Their armor elongated on the head and covered everything from the eyes up with shadow. Their enigmatic aura radiated with a purity of light. Their shining auras was amplified by the guardian standing behind them, a massive body of constantly fluctuating energy covered by impenetrable armor. It shined with rays of glory and vibrant sunrises, a contrast to the nights sky and the foes that approached them.

Alexis's left shoulder was grasped and pulled by a female soldier. She looked like a Sol as her pale complexion and piercing red eyes attested to. She towered over Alexis though and her right hand that held her shoulder was cupping it with its size. "Achers are to the east!" With that she dragged Alexis through the filed lines of soldiers who watched as Suleykaar soared the skies and rained flames on the cultists. When reaching their destination they went into the jungle and out of the field. A path was set and was lighted by fireflies. After walking down the path and making a left heading north they met Vrondi soldiers who were patiently waiting in the shadows of the trees with bows and arrows in their hands. "These are the archers. Get up that tree and make yourself useful kid." She had a stern voice but it was strangely friendly. "We have a mental communication line that will let you know what is happening next or why something is happening. Just try not to flood it with your own thoughts." She began to speak to Alexis mentally as other messages began to be heard like whispers. The mental link was open and it was born from the Sunfire tree and resonated from it to the soldiers and all those given access. Just so the minds of those who were on the battle field was invaded, their memories read and their knowledge gained. Alexis was free from this invasion however and all those with mental barriers. The mind readings, the voices and whispers rang as such..

The flames are eating away at the barrier... When it does remain in formation..
Archers fire at will. But do not disclose your location.
Watch your backs, there's word of something nasty afoot..
You mean besides that giant fucking ba-...
Zakiel? ZAKIEL!!??


As the clouds began to scatter the rays of moonlight below and cover portions of the battle field with traveling shadows a silhouette of a angel could be seen plummeting down from the skies above Sunfire. As Suleykaar waged war against the cultists. As Soron made plans with the soldiers. As Alexis tried her best to help. And as everyone watched and wondered what to do next a turning point of validity arose. A seraphim's body hit the ground from above with a loud thud and disfigured roll across the ground. His pure white garments were stained red. His neck was twisted several times and blood escaped his closed eyes. His head was covered with short blonde hair and he had tattoos of the symbol of Aion. His bow and arrow still sat on his back, made from fine materials that almost glowed in the moonlight. He laid in the battle field like another dead cultist in the decorations of corpses across the half a mile field. The Vrondi elites seemed to take notice of this occurrence, as a voice rang through their heads. A high ranking Aion was just taken out without a sound. This Aion was above it all and was observing and relaying information. If things got too out of hand he was capable of being a huge asset to the battle. But he was gone without warning, bypassing all soul detection and mind reading within the area. The Vrondi soldiers were confused, and then angered. The spark of fury was clear as their commander, a Vrondi elite soldier wearing a white cape, pierced the air with his blade held up high and raised his beast by pulling back on its reins and then tossed forward as it landed on all fours and began racing forward. The Vrondi elites leaped over the flames. As they did their hands began to absorb the light from the flames, making them disappear and form spheres of blue light in their palms. These orbs were then absorbed into themselves as they disappeared from their palms like a whirlpool. Unsheathing their blades their steel glimmered with a blue light before glowing entirely so. A hand whipped the blade across the chest of a cultist and almost within the same instant this cultist was ignited and burned to ashes. This was a drop of the powers of the elites. As they galloped across the field they made a path for their soldiers to come forward, and rushing as they did. They did not scream or yell a battle cry, the Vrondi soldiers were calm meditative warriors that believed a calm mind ruled over all. The cultist came to meet them all the same. Their second wave rushed forward to meet the elites who wiped them away with their cohesion of strikes, no elite soldier killed an enemy that directly threatened them. Only the ones that threatened another were appropriate targets for the elites. This was their training and creed to live and die without regret for another.

A few minutes after the soldiers met the cultists up close on the field the Vrondi soldiers began to set up a barrier of shields and spears. These allowed soldiers to enter and exit the fray. Soron being one, and kept a safe distance from Suleykaar. His presence as a dragon certainly came as a surprise, but amongst the confusion they could see he wielded flames that allowed him to act alone. The Vrondi elite commander looked over to Suleykaar after seeing a spark of flames erupt from Suleykaar's position. His mouth could be seen smirking before returning to the battle. Soron made his way toward the Basilisk, having little trouble besides the numbers of cultists in his way. This was a short lived issue however as the Vrondi elite marched forward at a greater speed. Creating a path for Soron as they cut through the cultists, and after each slash the remains blew in the night winds as nothing more than dust. It was just as the naked man and the dark robed one began to come into clear sight, the head of the massive basilisk poking out above the forestation. When a silhouette of a large descendant came crashing into the blade of the Vrondi commander. This clash was instant and happened without warning. The struggle then began against the elite and the mysterious figure. The commanders blade holding steady after the initial impact force shook the ground around him, throwing the elites behind him off balance on their steeds but not enough to fall. A Elite looked back to Soron and yelled. "GET BACK!" With heavy stress and immediacy. The moons light revealed this figure, This Man. His large black blade held the clash of forces between the commander and himself for quite some time before pushing off into the air as if he was weightless and landing without a sound. His blade was retuned to his back before he landed. He stood there at approximately 7 feet tall and with his hands in a meditative stance. The golden cloth the was wrapped around his body flowed in the air as if it would float away if not attached to his body.

"IF you seek to do disrespect or to do harm to our savior and to not kneel before him..." The hilt of his blade was wrapped by the cloth as if it had a mind of its own and then miraculously it began to lift the large heavy blade into the air without effort until it was above his head. "I will return you to darkness." His body began to appear weightless as he lifted himself up with one foot until he stood on one left big toe. His stance not changing beyond this as he awaited a response. The commander of the Vrondi pointed to the man and yelled for them to rush forward. Two soldiers ran past the commander, blades in hand and made their way to the newcomer. However before they could get within striking range and within only an instant, as a loud metal sheering sound could be heard for those close by, the soldier's steeds were crippled. Their legs flew midair severed from their bodies as well as the Vrondi soldiers as they went flying with them. As the bodies and legs of the dragonic steeds were hitting thr ground the two Vrondi elites landed with grace. They then immediately rushed in from both sides to the man whose stance has yet to change. His cloth and blade however did not, as blood stained the black blade with crimson. The cloth moved with feathery swiftness as it launched the blade into a Vrondi elite from above, the speed and force flattening him before striking at the other with a swing that met a solid barrier around the armor of the elite. However this barrier was visibly broken as sparks and shattered concentrated light could be seen on the impact. This impact sent the soldier several meters into the air before landing with a loud thud similar to the seraphim from earlier. The other elites began to rush forward, but were met with similar fates. Only the commander stood there and watched, Soron finally catching up. He looked to Soron who had no choice but to witness this as he did. "I believe you were told to remain back. No matter." His glowing blade was raised as he gestured to the man fighting his soldiers. "What will you do about that?"

Sunfire the peaceful tree of sustenance bubbled those within in a zone of unawareness. The word was out about the battle. But to be within the tree, and then within a building within said tree kept most of the chaos of the battle that was a mile away as nothing more than louds sounds and lights. A spectacle almost as one peered over the jungle tops to see the flashes of fire and the sounds of blades clashing from the distance. Smoke rose as well from the battle now and gave a eerier composition to the nights sky for those looking out in wonder. Either through a window or on a ledge, or on the very tops of the tree, as many who flew chose to do. A drink in hand for some, many having left over booze from earlier indulgences by a certain rich patron. Within the tree was Velai and Lila. They watched as the orb in the room that belonged to Mirror, the leader of the Aion, glowed with a visible vibe to snow storms and even imitated the sound. Soon they would, especially Velai who could see it all, knew it was not just an illusion. A cold began to creep into the room even as the window revealed the smoke rising from the battle afar. "Y-yes! Mirror it's me Velai!" Velai got closer to the orb to speak but was met with a rising whirlwind of cold air that surrounded the marbled sphere that now emitted an all white glow, like snow in the sunlight. "Good. Is Lila there?" Velai shouted a yes over the increasing sound of whirling wind. "Good.. Lila, can you hear me?" Not waiting for very long for a reply Mirror continued. "I'm on my way. But I've run into some issues while on my way. Lila, I need to use you in my stead. I assume you've had your fill of my blood to give you strength." The wind and cold suddenly stopped. All of it was retained within the orb now. Then a solid stream of ice began to emerge from the orb. It soon met the ground in front of Velai and Lila. A snowflake symbol was soon made on its surface. This strange symbol had many words on its edges and itself was made entire out of ice. It then glowed with a soft blue hue as the ice seemed to be constantly forming and evaporating into small snow flakes that floated into the air before disappearing. "This will take you to the battle Lila. Once they recognize you they'll likely tell you to get on the frontlines. Don't over exert yourself though..."

Upon arriving at the battle field Lila will be summoned at the west to those facing away from Sunfire and toward Vrondi. She would be a few meters from entering the flat open field the battle was in. But she was in another battle of its own immediately upon arrival. She was within the Jungle, on its floor but her arrival was met with a surge of ice and cold erupting like deadly spirits that captured and skewered those unlucky cultists who stood there. Within the west jungle was where many of the cultists sought to flank the Sunfire soldiers. Soldiers of Vrondi that knew the jungle well leaped across the night trees without effort and either arrowed or slashed down cultists as they soared across the tree tops. One was then met with a arrow from the cultists that had him land before Lila and her half frozen and dead cultist decorations around her. This soldier bled profusely and begged someone to help him as he coughed up blood. The arrow was in his throat and his breath was like a sucking sound, only to be filled with blood rather than air. A few cultists moved down from the tree tops themselves, claws they had as they effortlessly made their way around the trees to circle Lila before going for wild lunges one after another. Their appearances were almost dragonkin but their thin limbs made them resemble a starving descendant. A hiss could be heard from each as they moved in, their sweat glands filled the air with the intent to kill.

"Oh dear Seraphim.. do not worry for me. I am a mere messenger. It is those who pray that need your help. If you say the Aion has requested your help then go to the soldiers outside of Sunfire.. they will know what to do.." She gently grasped the cloth from Shanna's hand with a gentle bow and began to wipe her face with simple strokes. She turned back to the statue. "It is true one cannot have light without darkness. But one must never stray too far into darkness. Or be lossed by its empty abyss.." Luna then returned to placing her hands together in prayer after placing the stained red cloth on her lap. She let a smile emerge on her lips as Shanna floated off. Let fate guide us through this uncertainty.

"Zargoth is it? I remember you. I am." His arms spread out as he smiled with sheer joy. "King Vrondi! Ruler of all you see before you. Apologies we seem to be under attack. Fly from high above into the kingdom below. As long as you do not present yourself as a foe you will not be harmed. We welcome all." His arms folded back together as he then began to float off of the back of Zargoth. With a mysterious gentleness he did so. His solid movement did not match the flight speed of the dragon. Instead he floated as if the speed they were going was slow motion for him. He turned midair to the others and removed his smile for a more serious tone. Giving a half bow. "Sorry for the sudden intrusion on your travels but I hope you understand the nature of the situation." He looked each one in the eye almost simultaneously as their minds were read and knowledge was briefly gained. Delving into their minds was only possible if they had no barriers. Vrondi smirked again as his mood seemed to lighten.

Goodbye for now..
The voice spoke in their minds in a calm and friendly way. Vrondi glowed brighter as all of his details began to disappear. He formed into pure light and beamed off in different angles before spiraling into the cultists battling before Vrondi's capital. A bright flash of light cutting through them like blades of fire. Ligaments disintegrated as they were severed from their base from odd angles. Vrondi stood before the cultists, his eyes glowed with light that resembled flames. His mouth opened with similar auras escaping from it. He seemed far more sinister in this form than when greeting his guests. Even more so as he sliced through the cultists with rays of light that scorched all it touched to cinder.
@Landaus Five-One

"This night is fascinating me more and more.. I have been away for so long. I want to see more wonders. No." He stopped his walk and turned to the moon. His body glowed with similar ambience as the moonlight and his hair flowed gently like the wind. His jet black hair seemed to glisten with small stars just as the bright night did. The shadow that was cast beneath his feet began to move on its own. It crept up his toned legs and covered his body as it went up with a dark almost coal like color. It kept rising up his body until it took form. Giving him a clothed yet dark and eerie appearance. However this did not take away from his beauty. His companion skulked forward a bit with his cane helping him with each step. His silver mask hid his expression but his posture spoke of a broken man beneath the swallowing tattered cloak. "We will show them more wonders.." Spoke the man who stood tall and elegantly. "Yes lord.. We have many test subjects for tonight's experiment.. All will know you are true after this night." Cackled the man beneath the mask in his aged and raspy voice. With that they turned to face the ensuing battle between the Vrondi soldiers and the mysterious man. "We will wait for Singard to make a path for us.. He is quite interesting."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Serena had been surprised when a Sol woman approached the two of them, helping her and her sister up, though she didn’t want to admit it, she was grateful for the help, she needed to get her sister into a bed and then go and wash her own injuries, she still wasn’t sure how a simple brawl turned into something so serious.

“Oh, yes, thank you for your assistance,” Serena responded, she did wish to thank her properly, but she didn’t wish to have a conversation whilst she was still bloody and scarred.


When the room was empty, Serena went over to Ava one last time, gently placing her hand on the girl’s forehead, “Please be okay and don’t go so overboard next time,” she spoke quietly to the dragon girl, soon leaving the room, gripping at her shoulder as pain radiated from it, “Yeah yeah, you need to be taken care of next, right on it,” Serena spoke quietly to herself then added in thought I’ll also need to thank that girl that helped me get Ava to the room.

She soon made it to the washroom removing her clothes, she sucked in some air as she clenched her teeth, looking over her skin, she was cut a lot more than she had thought, but none of her injuries seemed as bad as Ava’s, at least she could still move, so if anything needed to be done, least she wasn’t incapacitated. She gently stepped into the hot water, her body tensing up as she forced to submerge the opened flesh into the steamy water, “Wow, that doesn’t feel great,” she spoke to herself as some of the dried crimson on her washed off.

Aside from her wounds making it difficult to move, her wings were also getting in the way, making it difficult for her to not splash some of the water out and onto the floor, though she loved her wings, she couldn’t deny that they could be impractical at times. As she folded her wings close to her, washing away the red that stained their tips, she thought back to moments ago when her sister had taken on more of a dragon appearance than she already had.


Serena closed her eyes as she brought her knees to her chest, cocooning her wings around herself for the moment as she remembered the fight between her and Soron, “Stupid girl, why would you use that? You still haven’t learned how to control it yet,” She quietly said aloud; she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t been afraid, not of Ava, but rather of her power, like that it was uncontrollable to her younger sibling and she didn’t know if Ava would ever be able to control it

After taking that moment for herself, she finished washing up and then got a towel, wrapping it around her body she went over to her clothes that were folded nearby, “Looks like I’ll need to get these mended, oh well, think I have a spare outfit back in the room,” Serena said aloud to herself as she held the torn garment up in front of the light, seeing where it passed through.

She left the washroom and then hurriedly made it back to the room Ava was in, removing the towel and bandaged her own wounds before going into her back and then pulled similar clothes to the outfit she wore and stuffed the damaged one back in the bag. She went over to her sibling one last time, gazing down at the resting girl and then headed out of the room, ready to head back downstairs, she needed to give thanks to people who helped and also to apologize for what her sister did, she was sure some were afraid of her, not that she could blame them exactly but she didn’t want Ava to be seen as a bad person.

Serena headed to the stairs, suddenly feeling the building shake caused her to lose her balance and slam her back into the wall, she held back a scream as she curled her bottom lip in, gently biting it with her teeth, some crimson pouring into the bandages, “Great, now what’s going on?” Serena couldn’t believe this, they had already dealt with an escalated fight and now something else was going on.

She rushed back into their room, extending her hand out to her spear and then raised up, the handle pointing to her before flying to her palm, tightly grasping it, she rushed out of the room, doing her best to not disturb Ava, though she was sure that she’d be out for a day or two. She went rushing downstairs, seeing that most of the tavern was empty, no doubt the commotion either drawing people out making them hide somewhere else, she felt the ground shake once more as a red and orange hue flared up outside of the town, What is going on out there? she couldn’t help but think to herself, it had seemed like moments ago things had only just settled down.

Serena headed out of the Tavern, using her air walking she took a few steps up into the air before flapping her wings and using them to fly through spots in the large tree that allowed people with flight to pass through. When she got a better look at the chaos going on, shock wouldn’t be the word she’d use to describe what she was seeing.

She soon spotted a dragon-like figure in the distance, breathing flame over the attackers, I’m guessing that’s that Suleykaar, that or another dragon just happened to help defend the town.

"Help protect the town because you want to, not because feel indebted to me, ok Serena?" Serena thought about the words Soron spoke to her before Serena helped her sister.

“Yeah, well I was planning on doing that anyways, kinda owe them after Ava nearly destroyed it herself, plus she’s incapacitated...and I won’t let any further harm come to my baby sister,” She spoke to herself with more determination, beginning to fly to where the dragon-like was, perhaps Soron was somewhere there as well, she could give them both a boost with her magic and help anyone else who may need it.

As she got closer to the battle, she saw a large amount of dust kick up, suddenly seeing a large man, easily cutting through the troops that were trying to attack him, in the fray she also spotted Soron. Figuring the man was the more immediate threat, she launched multiple bolts of electricity from her spear, following up by summoning her armor to her body, whilst not providing a great deal of protection, it was better than nothing.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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WingsOfBronze The One That Shines Gallantly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shanna nodded at Luna's words. It made sense, of course. But to close to the light, your wings might burn. She intended to leave the cloth from her to retrieve later as it has hwr name at the lower right corner of the cloth. It was embroidered by her late mother.

"Thank you for the tip." Shanna said before waving her hand in the blank air, creating a portal that she could only fit. She leaped towards it and was immediately sent to her room in the Four Winds.

Portal making is no joke and the warp makes her a bit woozy, but there's no time to waste. She was in a bedroom of her own. Rented for the night of course, with a large bed that was sheethed in rose red, it was actually attracting her to lay on it and call it a day. She shook her head and floated to the window beside, where the wooden table was stationed. She took her purse and gazed at her treasures from the underground. She can't try to trade them with merchants with the fight now going on and how long has it been was a mystery. That was enough reason to rush. She took a piece of paper that she found in one of the drawers and placed a note that says: "Take one for the payment of my room. ONLY ONE. I COUNTED IT." She changed clothes in a quick time- her normal outfit to her white war ourfit. It can handle a strike from a blade- but yet she'll get a few ribs broken. With her stave ready on her back, she jumped on the table and leapt off the window.

She opened a portal in front of her as she leapt, a white light shaped like an a rotated eye with purple swirls that makes you dizzy and has hypnotical traits. It was directing her outside Sunfire. Once Shanna appeared outside the city, she stayed afloat for a minute to try remove the side effects of portal-jumping. She then flew away to one direction. Above the trees and creepy insects that shevwas thankful she didn't need to cross.

It was at least half an hour when she was still flying. Then she saw a dragon! This should be exciting! She looked down at the war below. The whole field is bloody, limbs and dead bodies flew in her wake. aand the latest limbs are legs that splattered blood on her white armor. She looked down and found Vrondi soldiers that have encountered a funny looking guy with a big sword. She smirked at this and laughed loud. He looked hilarious!

She was behind the funny man and it's cultists. "Ohohoho! Why did you not invite me in this clown party?" She asked loud enough for them to hear. Then she took her stave behind her and spun it around in front of her. She threw her stave to one of the cultists, to the man's chest, making him stagger backward, the stave boomeranged back to Shanna and her stave's glass orb shined a fiery red.

"Singe-!" Shanna yelled as three flame balls appeared from her palm and shot towards the staggering cultist in an instant it appeared at her hand. The cultist burned, his shouts of pain muffled by the flames engulfing him. The cultists around her just watched, Shanna frowned at that.

"Never fear! Your little mighty is here! Sent by Vrondi, I guess." She said as her right hand made some movement in the air, a loop, then bowed with her head with her left hand stretched away. A bow of respect.

She jumped away as a sword sliced towards Shanna's head downwards- a blow that will split her in half clean. She moved away in ease, as a reflex, her light body making it easy to run around and jump high with her air walking abilitie. The cultist's sword hit the grassy dirt. She jumped up and floated, facing the cultists as her she was standing horizontally on the air, her stave's orb glowed into a vibrant blue.

"Sink-!" Shanna stretched her arms to her left and right, her hands glowing a little light blue. Water formed itself infront of Shanna, a huge orb of water. She released it and it splashed made a very loud crashing sound of waves, making all the cultists wet. With a smirk, Shanna closed her hands together and pointed her palm towards the cultists. Her stave's orb glowing a flashing yellow.

With a last cry: "Spark-!" A bolt of thunder came from the cloudy sky, towards the wet foes under her that she was sure that they have already pissed themselves. With a deafing crack from the sky, a single bolt of thunder snaked to the wet ground. Puddles of water popping and roasted flesh started make its way to her nostrils. She was used to it, she do it almost everyday. Screams died down after half of a minute or less. She then floated on top of her victims with a proud smirk. Shanna crossed her arms and laughed.

"Ohohohoho-! Gorilla man, class is in session!" She called and placed her stave at her back.

" An A-double-plus if you made me unleash my third level and survived. Wait?. You're the perfect test dummy!" She laughed again, boastful smirk never leaving the little lady's lips. "I might try to test my fifth level spells. What you saw earlier? First level. For beginners." She rolled her eyes then watched the funny man.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lila Moriarty

"Good. Is Lila there?" Mirror asked to Velai as the orb glowed, with a cold whirlwind surrounding it.

Lila simply stood there, hearing that very familiar voice. She didn't knew what she should feel towards the owner of the voice, or if she should feel anything at all. Why she would hate him if he was the only thing she has, the only reason to her existence? But at the same time, she had no reason to like him as well, after all, he was the reason why she had to live her life like that.

"I'm on my way. But I've run into some issues while on my way. Lila, I need to use you in my stead. I assume you've had your fill of my blood to give you strength."

Still silent, Lila couldn't help but remember the moment his blood touched her mouth. It was cold and tasteless, she could taste nothing but indifference. She couldn't feel the fear, pain, apprehension or any feeling on it. It was pure and empty as ice, just like Mirror himself.

The room was cold, very cold, as the wind started to sound higher and higher, so loud that Velai had to scream over it to be heard. Lila could feel it on her skin, it wasn't just an impression. It was a proof of Mirror's power, reflecting the man itself. Cold, pure and devoid of any type of feelings towards Lila, nor hate, nor compassion or anything,

"This will take you to the battle Lila. Once they recognize you they'll likely tell you to get on the frontlines. Don't over exert yourself though..." Mirror said, with the cold and the wind suddenly stopping as a stream of ice emerged from the orb, falling on the ground in front of Lila and Velai.

"It shall be done." Lila said to Mirror, waiting for whatever he did that would take her to the battlefield.

Lila was transported into the jungle outside Sunfire with a surge of ice and cold, that erupted from the ground of the jungle, immediately skewered some of the cultists that were nearby. Lila was already in battle posture, feeling the presence of enemies and allies nearby. Soldiers leapt from tree to tree, slashing and shooting cultists with their bows and swords as they hunted them. One of those unlucky soldiers, who was hit by an arrow, fell in front of Lila.

She could hear the man begging for help, smell the blood. The terrible sound of gurgling and sucking made by the soldier as he tried to breathe with the arrow in his neck was a clear reminder that Lila was already in battle. She couldn't spare time to kneel down and help the soldier, as she heard the sound of claws and hiss approaching her. Some of the cultists, probably those who shot the soldier, moved down from the trees, circling Lila ready to attack her. With a quick and dexterous movement, she used the end of her scythe to make a small incision on the soldier's windpipe, allowing him to breathe.

"Do not take out the arrow. If you do, you will bleed to death." she said in a cold and short sentence, without even turning her face to the soldier.

Lila stood her ground as the cultists started to go for wild lunges on their direction. If she moved away, she was certain that the cultists would kill the soldier, and Mirror wouldn't like to hear that she failed to protect one of his soldiers.
She moved with grace and agility, almost like she was weightless, easily avoiding the cultists' attacks, and parrying their attacks with her scythe. She could feel them circling around her, every movement they made, even if they tried to run, their smell would certainly guide her to them. They were doomed the second that they chose to attack Lila.

Seeing as she couldn't move from that spot, she would have to search for the perfect moment to strike them one by one, while still defending herself and the soldier near her.
When the next cultist went for her, she knew it was the perfect moment. Holding her scythe with a reverse grip, with a posture close to the ground, her muscles tensed up as the cultist approached her rapidly. When it got inside her reach, Lila attacked.
In a fraction of a second, Lila swung her scythe in a clean and powerful swipe in a beautiful circular motion. The blade hit the cultist straight on his neck, sending his head and body flying past her and the soldier with the momentum. Another cultist attacked her, his blade hitting her scythe as she moved it to deflect it. The remaining cultists didn't seem to be affected by the early demise of their friend as they kept lunging at her with a wild killing intent.

As another cultists lunged at her, she simply pointed the end of her scythe to him, holding her scythe with the blade facing forward, waiting for him to move to try to avoid the end of her scythe. The second he did so, Lila would quickly change her scythe's position, letting the cultist pass her as she dodged his strike only to meet the scythe's blade, using his own momentum to kill him.

To her surprise, the cultist didn't dodged at all, letting the spear sink through his stomach as he took a swing against Lila.
Taken by surprise, Lila quickly leapt back as his blade missed her by mere inches.

What was that? Lila was surprised with the situation. The cultists were charging reckless to their death. They didn't have any instinct of self preservation, only caring about killing their enemies. Who were those cultists? What were they?
Many questions passed through Lila's head at that moment. She had never fought an enemy which didn't felt fear and charged recklessly to his death. That would be a very problematic enemy to deal with.
But she had no time to think too much about it, she had to go back to her position, otherwise, the remaining cultists would certainly kill the wounded soldier.

With a blindingly fast lunge, she charged the cultist which almost hit her, sinking her gauntlet's sharp nails into its throat and ripping it apart with a quick hand movement.

Whatever those things were, she would have to fight them very carefully. Her attacks should be all lethal, killing her enemy in just one movement, but at the same time, she should conserve her own strength. For them to be fighting like that meant that they had many, many cultists available. They were planning to win the battle by sheer numeric superiority..

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Cultists had moved in on Sulley with ferocity as news of his dragon blood spread throughout the field on both sides. The young dragon smirked, letting out a throaty chuckle as he took quick notice to the Vrondi soldiers opening up room to him, just in time to watch as a blade from a stray cultist pass his peripherals, the young dragon's movements graceful yet precise. This could be seen in his follow up as he lunged forward before the cultist had a chance to swing again but enough time for a fellow cultist to make his appearance from behind. In rapid succession, Sulley landed fist over fist on the one who swung on him before grabbing the poor soul by the head and swung around him his own back just as he turned so the position the former cultist was now a meat shield as his comrades blade sliced into the neck and the artery, sending black goo that was once blood out of his body and onto the ground around him. Sulley took this opportunity to slide out from behind, slamming a heel into the side of the second cultist's face, shattering the jaw and caving in the side of the face before the impact sent him flying into a group of charging cultists. The fire dragon cupped the chin of his meat shield with a sinister looking smirk, accompanied by almost lackadaisical eyes before they were illuminated by the newly formed humanoid candle that quickly blew away as ashe in the wind.

More cultists approached as he continued to dance about the battlefield sending cultists in any and all directions, sometimes into the arrows that flew above which rained down around him. Thankfully he had been a dragon or else those arrows would have done major damage. He was tired of watching these foolish followers of the cult lay waste to themselves without much of a fight so he figured he would give them a challenge. A small horde had charged forward towards a small group of soldiers. He could see in their eyes that despite their bravery, they were tired and scared. His voice boomed over many others as he announced to all of those present as he walked closer to the group of soliders-

"If you all wish to die for your cause - Then I will make you work for it!"

Sulley yelled, the temperature of a 10 meter area around him dropped drastically as his hands seemed to let off a chilled trail of vapor. Frost built along the ground as he walked, quickly it would form over the grass and harden around the blade of grass, making them as sharp as daggers. He shot his hands forward to the charging cultist, creating a crystalized version of a heavy brush filled area, slowing them down as each little spike from the crystalized grass, rocks, trees and bushes cut into them with ease. This ice field slowly extended outward into the cultist front, hopefully enough to slow or entrap them so the bowmen could execute each one with ease. Once The red dragon felt satisfied, Sulley turned his attention to the charging Elites, who seemed to be escorting Sulley as he too danced about the battlefield.

'Do what you are good at Soron...I'll see you at the end of this...' He thought quietly as he returned to battle.

Soron lit up the battlefield with his family's trademark runes, bringing the name and reputation Dragonbane held in this world to the surface as he danced about the cultists, his ever watchful eyes calculating his surroundings, his footsteps precise and his reflexes at their peak. His senses were on overload but not to a point of breaking him. It was enough to give him fear, a small spark of doubt and he loved every minute of it. It reminded him of those battles of old when he was a Sureiya and the times he came across bandit encampments as a Taxis. He heard galloping from behind, a band of the elites who seemed to be heading in the same direction that he was. Good. With that he retrieved a onyx pebble from his bag and brought it up to his mouth. Channeling wind magic from his throat, he shot the pebble over the charging elites and short of the commander where he seemed to stand in all of what was unfolding. Dispersing in a cloud of smoke and only to reappear behind the commander, he watched as the 7 foot man started laying waste to the Commander's men. Soron stepped forward just as the commander spoke up.

"I believe you were told to remain back. "I believe I'm not amongst your ranks so your orders mean nothing to me...with all due respect sir." No matter."

"What will you do about that?" Soron watched the man carefully.

'Let's see...' He watched as the man seemed to rise off the ground, almost as if there was no gravity.

'The way he moves shows training, a lot of it. But so far he seems to follow the Oro traits of heavy handed hits but mixed with the grace of a Seraphim in battle so that leads me to believe he is either Oro, seraphim or both...This is gonna be a long fight...' He narrowed his eye before handing off a stone to the commander, telling to hold onto it.

"I'm going to kill him..." He began making his way over to the large man before glancing up into the sky to watch @Sohtem Serena come through and rain down a few bolts of lightning. Soron took this opportunity of distraction and shot forward while taking two more stones out of his bag, throwing one of the black stones to the side of the large man before disappearing behind him, already coming out of the smoke with his dome of silence up, his body twisting in to a slash with his right at the 7ft man's leg with his long sword. Coming out of the turn he threw the other stone away from the large man while he withdrew his short sword with his left, aimed from a pointed jab towards the large man's spinal column. The stone that he threw off to the side was his escape should part of this fail.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
Avatar of Landaus Five-One

Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Heather could feel powerful souls outside of Sunfire and they were quite intimidating to her but she didn’t want to leave her friend alone since she was possessed by the Kind Dragonlord. She stopped suddenly and looked at Patricia. ”Maria, what do you sense from Patricia?” Heather asked terrified.

The rainbow aura covered Patricia looked beyond the veil and sensed powerful souls but she could smell what souls they were. ”Heather calm down, as long as we don’t get close to the darker eviler souls. We will be fine,” Patricia said kindly. She was keeping a secret from Heather. ”Why is he here?” Patricia thought to herself. She grabbed Heather’s hand and walked in front of her. ”Our healing is needed. The Healing Sword wave slash is definitely needed now,” Patricia said to Heather.

Heather walked with Patricia and remembered she does have a healing spell with her sword in question. She smiled towards the Kind Dragonlord within Patricia. ”I am grateful for your concern, Maria,” Heather said.

They finally reached the exit since they were walking in a larger pace. Heather looked at everything she saw it was only because of her halo was bright and was utterly terrified of what’s going on. ”Uhh…,” Heather thought to herself.

Her father and mother was looking at the mayhem going on. They turned towards their daughter and noticed the Rainbow Aura Possession and was utterly in shock. ”Maria? I thought you told me you would never do that in front of my daughter,” Alexis said. She was somewhat angry but she had been healing people who injured from the battle with the Flowerdancer’s specialized spells.

Magnus was impressed. ”Finally the one with Rainbow Wings shows herself. I overheard you talking to my wife about things,” Magnus said. He wasn’t much liked within Sunfire but he had a certain air to him, which showed he cared for the village he lived in. ”Heather are you afraid? You should be because there’s many things happening,” Magnus said. He cracked his knuckles and laughed gently towards his daughter’s fear.

Heather had a chill down her spine when her father and mother spoke and was confused in why they were talking like they know of the Kind Dragonlord already. ”What is going on mother and father?” Heather asked curiously. She was jittery.

Magnus looked at his daughter and smiled. ”You are always the last one to know, Daughter. But we need to do something important,” Magnus said with a big grin.

Alexis walked close to her daughter and whispered in her ear and quietly. ”You are the last one… that needs to do something important. It has to do with Patricia,” Alexis quietly whispered in her daughter’s ear.

Heather heard what her mother whispered in her ear. She was excited. ”I thank you mother finally you see reason in what I wanted for so long,” Heather said happily. She looked at Patricia and hugged her tightly. She leaned into the ear of Patricia and whispered something into her ear. ”You are free…,” Heather whispered. Heather walked back a bit and waited for Patricia’s response.

The girl underneath the possession took over with all her ounce of her strength and will when she heard those words in particular and had a uniquely happy smile on her face. She was crying tears of happiness. ”Thank you…,” Patricia sobbed. The rainbow aura was fluctuating much but slowly it stopped.

The fluctuation in the rainbow aura ceased. The Kind Dragonlord was taken aback over what had happened with her descendant overpowering her spell even though it is very hard to do so. She looked at the ground for a bit understood what had transpired and looked up. ”Seems like I should stop underestimating my descendants. I guess I am still weakened from the use of the Forbidden Magic Spell I used a long time ago. That caused Zargoth the Ancient Platinum Dragon to become the Ancient Black Dragon…,” Patricia said. She looked at Heather and finally set her sights on her parents Alexis and Magnus. ”I have desperately underestimated your determination to make things right. Have you done what I have requested the Flowerdancer Family to do? You wouldn’t like me if I am angry,” Patricia said. The Rainbow Aura was changing colors rapidly and it was changing to violet in color.

Alexis was startled when Patricia overpowered Maria’s Magical Spell for awhile to talk to Heather openly. She was startled when the Ancestor spoke of the Forbidden Magic Spell and was quite fervently terrified because of the name she spoke. ”Zargoth… I have done what you ask. We will never abandon our ten commandments ever again. You have the Flowerdancer Family forever in your debt. Johnson was the one who sold your descendant to us. I have no idea why but he said, to us. Here is his exact words, ‘You are the key to unlocking the door to the past of what really happened.’ I still have no idea what that means,” Alexis said. She was utterly terrified she never thought Zargoth would be on the surface world. She was shaking and couldn’t stand and fell to her knees.

Magnus shrugged his shoulders. ”I think Johnson know something everyone else doesn’t,” Magnus said cautiously. Magnus looked at his daughter, he was holding his favorite weapon from the Flowerdancer arsenal underneath their home. ”This is the Flowerdancer’s Claws or what I learned the Claws of Bleeding Delight, strangest name for a weapon, which holds one of the 10 commandments of the Flowerdancer Family,” Magnus said. He equipped the Claws of Bleeding Delight onto his hands since they were claw weapons and he usually uses these claws to fish in the river.

Patricia heard what Heather’s parents had said and shook her head in disbelief. ”It cannot be true, what would that Bounty Hunter know that the Dragonlords of these lands not know? Zargoth and Me,” Patricia said. Her eyes spark slightly darkish red as if something was coming over her but she stopped it. ”If that is the case, he knew of my Rainbow Aura Possession Magic. Wait a minute… I remember something in my back of my mind…,” Patricia said. She closed her eyes for only a second and was utterly terrified of what she saw and wished to never see it again and opened them again. She knew who killed the Patriarch, her husband all those years ago. ”My reality has been shattered… Those damned Bounty Hunters… The Stonefields.... ,” Patricia angered. The rainbow aura possession shattered completely anyone who could sense emotions, could sense a massive amounts of anger coming from the person who used to inhabit Patricia.

She looked around utterly confused and somewhat afraid but happy that she is free though. ”What’s going on? And why is there terrifying souls all around,” Patricia said curiously. She looked up at the sky and noticed it was nighttime and started to shiver. Her rainbow colored wings were dimming slightly and this is a not a good sign. ”I don’t feel good…,” Patricia said. She held her head with both of her hands and fell on the ground to her knees.

Alexis looked at that and used her light cage spell onto Patricia. ”I hope I got this right to stop the influence,” Alexis said. She calculated, how long it would last and hopeful that would allow Patricia to be cut off from her ancestor. ”You are hopefully disconnected to your ancestor,” Alexis said. She casted another spell onto Patricia, it was called Light Aura and it would definitely disconnect Patricia from her ancestor. She was confident from what she had read from the text to protect a descendant from their ancestor was this exact thing.

Patricia felt the aura of light and the light cage surround her. Her vibrant colors on her rainbow colored wings came back and her pain in her head vanished. She let go of her head slowly and couldn’t feel the hatred within her soul and was properly disconnected from Maria. She weakly smiled to Alexis for her quick thinking. ”Thank you, Lexi…,” Patricia said weakly. The light aura was slowly engulfed by Patricia’s own rainbow aura and it didn’t change her eyes. ”What magic spell did my ancestor activated?” Patricia asked weakly. The Light cage was engulfed by the aura coming from Patricia and it slowly surrounded her in a protective barrier.

Alexis felt weakened when she casted those two powerful spells in unison but she had to do it. ”A Forbidden One…,” Alexis said. Alexis heard Lexi and face palmed when Patricia said that to her. "Not again I hate that nickname... It reminds me of my older sister too much," Alexis thought to herself.

Heather was utterly shocked in what’s going on and couldn’t believe it at all. It was moving too fast for her. She walked up to Patricia and hugged her gently. The Rainbow Aura that was covering Patricia started to cover Heather as well. ”Don’t worry Patricia, I am here now,” Heather said kindly.

Patricia heard only what Heather had said since she hugged her. ”I love you,” Patricia said.

In the Dragonpass Encampment and the mountain wall was shaking and this took everyone by surprise within the encampment. Johnson looked at it and sighed not really interested but he felt a rage in his bones could feel, something was not right with what’s coming through. His instincts wanted him and everyone in this encampment to run now but his entire body couldn’t move. ”Oh no…,” Johnson said.

The mountain’s wall started to heat up and it busted open with Superheated Rainbow Colored Fire. Johnson saw that and was utterly terrified and felt as if he was about to be melted from the rage coming from that attack that went into the air. The entire blast didn’t touch the Dragonpass Encampment at all, it came at an angle above the encampment and streaked off towards the sky. It was beautiful but yet terrifying at the same time. ”Milady Winter get my family now! I feel like if we stay here any longer we will die from her over dying from the Terror Dragonlord,” Johnson said. He had a terror in his voice.

The strangest sight came from the wall that was busted opened from the rear of Dragonpass Encampment. It was a Pulsar Dragon with an eerie dark rainbow glow surrounding her. Maria looked at the encampment in particular. ”Where’s Johnson…,” Maria said focused. Her tone of voice was the opposite of her kind and usual self, it had a slight degradation to it. The Pulsar Dragon was slightly smaller than Zargoth by a few inches here and there.

Winter ran towards the Stonefield’s home and she saw that Johnson’s wife and two daughters were already up and terrified in what’s going on. “Come on Johnson told me to get you. I am only getting you three since all this terrible things happened because of sweet thing’s parents,” Winter said.

Hannah nodded at Winter. “What’s going on why do I feel as if I can’t move?” Hannah asked. She was shivering in fear for some odd reason.

Winter looked at the two daughters and Hannah and sighed. “We were preparing our defenses for Zargoth when we forgot about Maria… And she busted from the Mountain that defends our flank,” Winter said.

Hannah heard what Winter said carefully and was utterly terrified. “How? She told us her entire being is healing not killing anyone,” Hannah said. She was trembling this is the first time she had been this afraid in her whole life.

Derrick walked downstairs and smiled. He looked as if he has a sense of clarity. “Maria Z. Tetra-Lira the Pulsar Dragon Matriarch has a forbidden spell. Which causes her peaceful lovely dovey crap to do untold damage and harm to everything,” Derrick said. He walked outside of the house and looked directly towards Maria’s form and he was utterly startled in the sight he sees. “Fuck… I should have done the killing of Yioplya instead of leaving my stupid son in doing the work,” Derrick said aloud.

Maria heard what Derrick said and calmed down some. She slowly walked towards Derrick and looking directly down at him. She opened her mouth right above him and making sure she wasn’t aiming for the house and let go a Superheated Rainbow Colored Fire Blast right onto Derrick’s head, melted his body completely. She looked around and noticed Johnson and stayed in front of the house. ”Whoever wants to live leave the household now and from the rear entrance,” Maria said. Her voice was somewhat normal but was still under the effects of the Forbidden Magic she had activated. ”But Marsha Zerina Stonefield has to die,” Maria said with a chilling tone of voice.

Winters, Johnson’s wife and two daughters exited out of the rear entrance like Maria said and went towards Johnson and stayed right there. Johnson was a little bit shocked to hear Maria in control of her faculties while under the effects of that Forbidden Spell, it was a startling sight. ”Maria… I never cared for my parents but leave my children and wife out of your vendetta with the Stonefield Family,” Johnson said aloud.

Maria heard Johnson and glared at him for a bit but she lifted off the ground and went directly over the house and kept her position there and started using her Darkened Rainbow Light on the house but it only affected the one person within the home.

Marsha died in her sleep by Maria’s Darkened Rainbow Light spell utterly draining the life out of her.

Maria stopped casting the spell and the forbidden magic spell lifted and vanished from her. Her bright colored rainbow aura surrounded her but she got onto the ground and shapeshifted* into a beautiful looking woman. She slowly walked towards Johnson and his truly now immediate family and she had a smile on her face but this smile emitted her kind self once again. Her clothes emit a elegance and beauty not seen in forever. Her clothes look similar to the clothes that the parents of the youngest descendant is wearing. Her walk was quite enticing and kind. ”In your voice I could tell you wanted them dead sooner than later. I gave you what you couldn’t do it is better than Zargoth destroying the entire encampment now isn’t it?” Maria asked.

Johnson was utterly shaken in what she had done and said. ”You are less reckless than Zargoth,” Johnson said. Johnson put his hand on his forehead.

Maria looked directly at Johnson. ”I don’t want Zargy to feel left out now. It seems like I have finally gotten control over this whole forbidden spell thing. But what your father said pissed me off more than you can know. Therefore, can you tell me everything or should we wait until Zargoth gets here?” Maria asked. Maria’s rainbow aura was glowing brightly. She looked at Johnson’s wife and two daughters and smiled at them kindly. She created a rainbow pulsing flower in her hands and it was impressively beautiful and it glowed slightly. She gave it to Johnson's wife Hannah as a token of kindness.

Hannah accepted the gift from Maria and felt a warmth from it. "Thank you Maria," Hannah said, happily.

The Rainbow Aura surrounding Patricia and Heather near the exit of Sunfire vanished because the influences of the Forbidden Spell, which Maria had casted was gone. They stopped hugging each other. Heather was a bit surprised when Patricia said the three little words seriously. Heather started to cry a bit this is the first time that Patricia’s affections didn’t go over Heather’s head. ”I-I… love you too Patricia,” Heather said.

Patricia cried a bit and looked over towards the battle and could see it clearly since there was much going on outside of Sunfire. ”I always wanted you to say that to me as I have to you. I am grateful for you letting me go. I hope I can see my parents wherever they are,” Patricia said.

Alexis looked at the two girls and was happy for them. ”That is good I guess… I will probably tell you two about my talk with Maria Z. Tetra-Lira the Pulsar Dragon Matriarch that took over your body Patricia. She used the Rainbow Aura Possession Magic spell kinda nice,” Alexis said happily.

Patricia rolled her eyes at that but she had a feeling that is why she can’t remember some things every now and then. ”She has a wonderful name,” Patricia said kindly.

Heather had a strange look on her face of weirdness. She was somewhat terrified what the future will hold right now. ”Johnson has much to answer for mother,” Heather said.

Magnus was laughing his ass off since this is the second time that look was on his daughter’s face. The first time was when he was drinking blood in front of her on accident. ”Heather, can I tell you one thing. Your look on your face is hilarious but we should go help out the Vrondi Soldiers out with this Cult. The one thing we forgot to tell you,” Magnus said. He pointed to his wife for a second. ”She wanted to keep you in the dark for the longest time about this,” Magnus said.

Heather looked at her father and face palmed at him laughing at her. ”Daddy stop it. You are embarrassing me,” Heather said. She was blushing a bit too. She saw where dad pointed and was startled in what her father told her. ”Mommy, why? Don’t you trust me to do the right thing,” Heather said. She was somewhat pouty.

Alexis looked at her daughter and sighed. ”Daughter, you’re old enough not to act this way. I trust you my sweet little kind daughter,” Alexis said. She face palmed by what her daughter is doing in front of her but it was more at her husband for pointing at her.


Zargoth heard what the King Vrondi had said to him and was grateful towards the King. ”Good thank you King and goodbye,” He looked down at the battle where the King went and slightly was grateful the king was kinder to his guests than his enemies. He felt a chill in the air and wondered where it came from and looked towards the mountain and saw the most disturbing sight. He saw with his binocular vision, a stream of Superheated Rainbow Colored Fire coming from the mountain itself and it was at a certain arc that he could definitely see. ”Maria, what are you doing?” Zargoth thought to himself. He was slightly angry at this. However, he had a task to do but whatever is going on disturbed him to his core since if it is what he think it is, the forbidden spell was activated.

They flew high up above the battle still in progress. And they continued on their path to the Vrondi Capital and Zargoth was still feeling that chill in the air from all the way here. However, it felt like it was only a few minutes and the chill was gone. ”What the…? What’s going on that blast came from Johnson’s Dragonpass Encampment… I feel uneasy with this,” Zargoth thought to himself. He shook his head and he slowly lowered himself down into the Kingdom and he shown no hostile intent towards the Vrondi Soldiers defending the Kingdom’s Capital. His surface thoughts were getting these two Descendants of the Kind Dragonlord to Safety.

Yioplya, on the other hand, was distracted with keeping up with her father and landing at the Kingdom to even notice the stream of rainbow-colored fire coming from Dragonpass Encampment. Yioplya’s surface thoughts, were staying with her father as closely as possible and getting her father hooked up with the Kind Dragonlord. It was slightly cute in terms of the last surface thoughts. She finally noticed her father unnerved and was confused in what’s going on. ”Why is my dad unnerved? That is a strange sight to see,” Yioplya thought to herself.

Zargoth had a slight smile on his face since he remembered his first time over people from Vrondi. His memories were quite happy, he had fun while talking to those people and that was like 25 years ago around the Vrondi Kingdom’s Territory. But he learned where the two Descendants were living by one very talkative Solar Dragon and he finally realized it all. ”I can see what Johnson meant by protecting my daughter now. The Solar Dragon that told me that was his Father Derrick. I was being used as if I was a Whelp,” Zargoth thought to himself. He was angry for a second but stopped himself. ”I should calm down. I don’t want Maria to be mad at me and when she gets mad she usually gives me an even dumber of a nickname,” Zargoth thought to himself. He was mentally prepared for anything Maria would throw at him except for a nickname.

Patricia was slightly confused but she will be grateful to be on the land again. ”I will enjoy the ground again…,” Patricia thought to herself.

Jacob was more confused than his wife. ”I want to punch the guy who ratted us out. His name was Derrick, I think?” Jacob thought to himself. He never should have trusted that Solar Dragon and he was shady. ”I hope we are reunited with our daughter soon. I kinda like it here in the Vrondi Kingdom even though we were prisoners to the Terror Dragonlord for 12 straight years,” Jacob thought to himself.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
Avatar of Vesuvius00

Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexis jumped as someone came up to her and grabbed her shoulder, a Sol soldier with piercing red eyes. The woman frowned at her before speaking, telling Alexis that she was in the wrong place before beginning to drag her across the battlefield. The two wove their way through the ranks and to the edge of the jungle, where a path lit by fireflies led them deeper into the dark trees. Okay, yeah this makes more sense. Alexis thought to herself as she walked the path through the jungle, the fireflies a welcome guide. She followed the Sol woman all the way down the path and then to the spot where most of the archers were, waiting patiently in the trees for a clear shot at their enemy. She nodded at the woman who'd brought her there as she was told to 'climb a tree and make herself useful', wanting to laugh at herself for not realizing before that standing in the middle of the battlefield with just a bow and arrows was a really dumb idea, especially in a large battle like this.

The woman said one last thing to her before starting to leave. "We have a mental communication line that will let you know what is happening next or why something is happening. Just try not to flood it with your own thoughts." Alexis blinked at the woman as she switched so easily from speaking to thinking to her, and watched as she turned away to go back down the path to the battlefield. The voices of the other soldiers in the link began to resonate in the back of Alexis' mind as she was allowed to join in on the group's conversation.

"The flames are eating away at the barrier... When it does remain in formation..."
"Archers fire at will. But do not disclose your location."
"Watch your backs, there's word of something nasty afoot..."
"You mean besides that giant fucking ba-"
"Zakiel? ZAKIEL!!??"

The soldiers' voices seemed to jumble together as people spoke at the same time, and every once in a while there was a break in the flow of thoughts as everyone was silent for a split second. As Alexis stood there, just listening to it all for a moment, she realized that she could understand everything that was happening without even trying. Even when people thought at once she could pick out the individual conversations and follow each of them easily at the same time. After just a minute of being a part of this mass connection, Alexis could picture exactly what was happening across the entire battlefield in her mind.

"This is amazing!" She thought as she began to be able to pick out the individual voices all speaking and relaying information at once. She heard more than a few people shush her, while others made small remarks on the fact that 'she must be new'. She cursed herself out loud so as not to mistakenly share her thoughts with the entire battlefield again, and two archers near her laughed. She looked over at them, not sure what to say as they began gesturing for her to come over to where they were standing between two trees, watching the battlefield.

"Don't worry about it kid, you'll get used to the 'inner voice' thing eventually. You can still think, just try not to think to anyone." The first man, a Sol wearing a bright blue-painted metal helmet, said to her. The other, a Seraphim with dark green wings echoed the sentiment.

"If you listen for a little bit, you'll notice no one can really control their thoughts all that well." A loud crash not too far away caused the three of them to jump, and Blue had his bow up in an instant, scanning the area around them for what or who had caused the noise. A small group of cultists had made their way around to where they thought all the archers were, though the second they were out of the underbrush, they were shot down by every Archer that saw them. Green shook her head as she gestured to their fallen bodies.

"That's the third group to do this. Soon they'll all know where we are, no matter how careful we are about not giving ourselves away with our shots at the battlefield." Green's voice was echoed by her mental one as she relayed the thought down the line, murmurs of agreement following it as she continued, speaking just to Alexis out loud now. "Better get to high ground while you can girl, that's the best way to get the drop on these guys." Alexis nodded and Blue and Green both went back to watching the field, occasionally taking a shot at an open target.

Putting her bow over her shoulder, she grabbed on to the lowest branch of one of the trees that were a little farther back from the edge of the battlefield. After a bit of effort -and almost losing her grip twice- she got to the very top of the tree, the hearty jungle wood easily supporting her weight even at that height. Though, that wasn't too surprising, she wasn't that heavy anyway. From her new perch she could easily see pretty much the whole battlefield, the Sunfire tree in the distance marking the far side of the fight. She watched as the Elites made their charge over the burning barrier of thorns and cut through the sea of cultists as if they were nothing, and listened as people reported what was going on and asked about what to do next.

As the battle went on Alexis took what shots she could, keeping in mind the warning not to give away her position to the enemy as she did so.

It was hard not to just sit and watch everything as it happened. From her spot in the tree, Alexis really was pretty far removed from the battle itself, though she still kept notching arrows and taking what shots she could. She'd run out of arrows a few times now, though it wasn't much of a big deal because a simple thought saying so would lead someone down on the ground below to throw up another stack of them to her. That was one of the best things about this, she thought. She didn't have to give up her vantage point and potentially get killed just to go gather up her arrows when she ran out.

As she let yet another arrow fly, an alarm rang through her head. Something was happening, something that scared a lot of people at once. She closed her eyes as she tried to make sense of the sudden uproar, waiting for someone to think clearly enough to tell the rest what had caused it.

"God, how could that..?"
"He's dead. just.. gone."
"No, we didn't sense-"
"I'm gonna puke"
"The Aion just fell from the sky and NO ONE knows how?"
"We need to-"
"How can we-"
"He's just-"

One man's voice cut through the chatter as it all seemed to be spiraling further and further out of control. There was silence for a full five seconds before the man spoke again. "Someone on the ground, by the body. How does it look like he died?"

The response was immediate, another man's voice speaking up to describe how the Seraphim was mutilated: his neck twisted multiple times and his body otherwise horribly disfigured. An image followed the words through the link and- Alexis had to put a hand over her mouth to keep from throwing up. There was another moment of chaos across the link, before someone who sounded relatively calm still cut through the babble to ask about the 'next new development on the field'.

Alexis opened her eyes and looked to the spot the calmer voice had pointed out, watching as a large man seemed to fall into the fray and then begin to fight the Vrondi Elite at the front of the battle. "We have no idea who this guy is, but we need to take him down quickly. He can't be read, which means he's got a barrier up." The man had already killed two of the Elite, and more were rushing him now. It wasn't looking very good for any of the Elites yet.

She watched as more people joined the fight against this strange man, a couple who she recognized -Soron and the Seraphim sister he'd fought earlier- and a small seraphim she didn't recognise at all. Listening to the chatter on the link, it seemed no one else knew her either- though as she fought the cultists with an array of impressive spells, a sort of unanimous agreement went through the group that it didn't exactly matter who she was so long as she was helping them.

Meanwhile, somewhere on the field not far from where Alexis had been towards the start of all this, a person stood behind a group of soldiers.

This person was clad in a white cloak with the hood drawn so that it hid all of their features from sight. The only recognizable thing on them was the symbol of the Taxis faction, embroidered onto the back of their concealing garb. They walked easily through the battlefield, ignored by most of those fighting on the behalf of Sunfire and staying away from any of the cultists by simply walking behind the front lines. All the soldiers simply thought they were a medic or other kind of healer, and while they were being monitored by the large network of Sol mind-readers who were constantly looking for threats and other harmful intent on the field, this person didn't set off any alarms. They were calm, though their focus nowhere near the battle around them.

As they looked around them, they noticed someone missing. "Now where the hell could she have gone?!" Someone nearby glanced at them, the soldier approaching after a moment.

"Looking for someone specific?" He asked, obviously one of the ones who was tuned into the thoughts of those around him.

The cloaked figure sighed. "Yeah. She's an archer. A Sol girl about this tall?" They held up their hand to a spot about as high as their shoulder before the soldier shook his head at them.

"Haven't seen her, sorry. But the archers are all down a path that way if you wanna try and go look for her." The man pointed off towards the jungle, and the cloaked figure's gaze followed the motion. "She a friend of yours?" When the person didn't answer he continued anyway. "I know it can be hard in situations like this, but try not to worry too much about a specific person, ok? I'm sure she's fine."

"Oh, I'm not worried about her that much." The soldier raised a brow at them as they began to walk away towards the trees. "I just prefer to know where she is at all times."

"Hey, of all the enemies on the field, who can't we read?" Alexis asked the question tentatively, not sure if anyone would actually answer her. After a moment though, someone did.

"The un-readables are: the new guy who's killing all the Elites, the basilisk, the old guy that set the thorn barrier on fire with those blue flames earlier, and some other guy with the old guy- I thought he was naked earlier though?"

"Dude, why would someone be naked on the battlefield?"
"Better question: why wouldn't they?"
"Well if you have scales or tough hide maybe-"
"Guys, can we stay on topic please?"
"Karol! Watch your 6!"

Alexis shook her head and started focusing back on the fight again. She found the other two people who'd been listed, they were standing not too far from the Basilisk's head, between it and the man currently fighting the Elites. Maybe she couldn't really tell from this far away, but it looked to her almost like one of them, the younger one, was glowing. She shook her head after a moment and the glow seemed to go away, but she decided that it had probably just been a trick of the moonlight in the first place anyway. She watched him and his companion for a little while before sending a thought down the line:

"Archers. Has anyone tried to shoot the old guy and his friend? The un-readable guys? Or the Basilisk?"

"OK, don't even think of shooting the Basilisk. You'll just piss it off."
"Agreed. I don't think anyone's tried the other two yet though."
"Are they even in range?"
"For some of us they are."
"I wouldn't. The one gives off a strange kinda vibe."

Alexis watched for a few more seconds before notching an arrow and beginning to take aim. "I'm gonna shoot the younger one."

"Well I hope you hit him then."
"God's sake.. don't do it!"
"Make sure that he can't figure out where you are."
"Maybe you should move?"
"Nah, take the shot."
"We don't know what either of them are capable of yet. I would make sure you can get away in time if he does figure out where you are."

Well, she couldn't exactly bail from the top of a tree, and she could hear a few of the people below laugh as she said so. She pulled back on the bowstring and took a breath, letting it out as the arrow flew straight at the man.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lila's sudden disappearance did not rattle Velai, instead she composed herself by straightening her hair away from her face. The sudden vanishing act within Velai's sight was done by replacing Lila's body with a solid ice replica. It stood exactly as Lila did before she was then teleported outside and also cleared the wind that was rising within the room. The ice statue glistened within the dim room with white streaks of moonlight and reflected the smooth curves of Lila's expression flawlessly. A masterpiece instantly created and a prize of Mirror's abilities. However just as he loved beautiful things he casted them away just as quickly. The statue cracked after Velai stepped around it towards the room door, looking back at the orb on the desk as she did so. She watched as the statue collapsed into hundreds of broken pieces that continued breaking until it made a pile of fine snow on the floor in front of Mirror's bed. "Thank you Velai." Echoed the voice of Mirror from the orb with a low tone and solid expression of sincerity in his voice. Velai paused, her eyes looking to the floor as she stood with a half turn. "No problem." She spoke softly but with a normalcy that was devoid of emotion. "You always say that.." Velai's lips quivered before she stepped out of the room. The door she opened creaked before soundlessly widening to allow Velai to exit, and creaked again to close. Velai sighed deeply as she held the door closed. She took the key in her grasp and locked the door with a simple twist. Then she turned and learned on the door. She could hear the closing of a door within another room through the thin wooden walls. She walked to where she heard this sound and found the room Ava was in.

Opening the door Ava was revealed to her laying within a bed. Velai assumed she was still injured and approached her cautiously. She almost did not make a sound as she lightly stepped across the air above the ground to reach Ava's bed. She knelt down by Ava's side and placed hands over her. She breathed in slowly and then exhaled with a soothing long expulsion. Her eyes were closed as she did this. Focusing deeply within her she exuded her souls essence to nourish Ava's soul and amplify the cellular process that the soul was connected to. She felt a bit tired after doing so, a humid sweat forming on her forehead. She looked to Ava to see if she noticed herself being healed. Just as she did this she was startled by a gentle whistle from behind her. It came from the doorway which was open after she entered in. There stood a man with a hat and something on his large belt, It resembled a rare weapon used mostly by Tearians, Fotians had these as well but they were not sleek and compact. This he had looked special, even more so than what the Tearians had. A projectile weapon that can be used with a single pull of a trigger. Velai looked up at the man with horrified eyes as they met his. He looked amused in the poor lighting, a sharp tooth grin visible underneath his hats shadow. Next to him in the shadows of the hall was the boy he had next to him. His back was to the wall and was not visible. He only listened.

"I think you can help me with something... Mirror related." His fiery eyes almost glowed as they were lit up with amusement.


The battle waged on. There were not enough lives to scatter the field with according to the mass numbers pouring out from the jungle behind and from the sides of the mysterious men. The massive Basilisk looked on at the battle. Steel slamming into flesh
And severed limbs from their bases. It was horrendous to peer deeply into the constantly moving erratic masses of bodies both dead and living. The Vrondi soldiers kept their lines in order and skewered those who dared try to come past it. Many did however, constantly. Keeping their formations together was a key point in their desperate attempts to stay alive and survive this night. Blood would paint the faces of the brave as they cut through the cultists. Those who were taken would be huddled up on and torn apart by the savages. Their fresh organs being devoured before their brothers who could only watch in agony. Their line was more important than saving one soldier who unfortunately was stripped away. They then looked up with hope against the horrors as two seraphim emerged from the forest skies above and brought rain and lightning on their foes. Despite this the cultists seemed unfazed. Their numbers still swollen.

The bodies of Vrondi elites were tossed aside before the lightning came down from the fair seraphim, to the man Singard. He was forced to throw his blade. His method of doing so was by having the cloth around his body fing the blade like a weightless tool toward the stream. Catching the stream around its surface it hurtled with constant rotations toward Serena. A voice echoing in her mind to Watch out!! So as Soron moved in, using the lightning as cover, Singard watched him intently. When Soron vanished Singard swiftly turned his neck, his body following behind. As the blade Soron soared toward Singard came in Singard’s palm flew with intense speed to match the blade. The blade would pierce into Singard’s left palm and he would slide his hand down it’s length to grip onto Soron’s hand beneath the hilt with his elongated fingernails, allowing him to try and plant his right fist into Soron’s abdomen. It was once said amongst those savvy to the Arenas that a blow from Singard was like a blow from from a large dragon, blind with numbing fury.

"Kuukuukukuh…” Cackled a voice in the dark behind a tree to Lila’s back. The laughing could be heard after she cleared a good portion of cultists from her location. The Sol man who sat limp with an arrow in his throat whined silently in the grass by the large tree roots. His hands glowed gently as they covered his throat all while they shook with a feverish shiver. He could only watch helplessly as Lila battled on. A few Sol archers aiding her. But the blood that painted that dark green grassy area black and crimson was all due to Lila. This seemed to amuse the figure that stood invisible in darkness, but not invisible to Lila. His form emeged from the shadows as a y large statured dragonkin. He leaned from behind the tree in what seemed like a uncharacteristical way, his size being hard not to see behind the tree and yet he remained invisible just the same. As he slowly made his way out some more his body momentarily hit the moonlight. He froze as a twig broke beneath his heavy feet. A chuckle could still be heard however coming from him. He then clasped a hand on his jaws amd closed them. "Kukukuh.. I cannot contain myself."The voice was deep but gentle like rolling thunder. He said with a stifled voice. "To think this is what they made of you.. marvelous work.." he muttered. Seemingly uncaring if Lila found him. Upon acknowledging his presence he would stumble in suprise. "Ack! Not again.. kukukuh.." He seemed unthreatening immediately. His calm demeanor only found amusement out of the transpirings rather than fear or shock. Whether he was friend or foe was yet to be answered. But for now he only amused himself witb Lila's presence.

While there were no objections Alexis's quiver pull was met with uneasy eyes. They watched as she aimed carefully at the target and fired. The arrow would stretch for many yards before soaring downward to the body of the proclaimed lord of death . The arrow silently flowed as it did and as such seemed to take the man entirely by suprise. The hooded man almost fell in shock as he was startled by the sudden whizzing sound and an arrow being held in the hand of his master. He seemed unaware of catching it as he peered at Singard's battle. He handed the arrow to his servant whom graciously took it with a bow. "Oh how Ive missed the dangers of war.. death lingers." His hands began to emmit a black mist that engulfed them before he slammed them together and summoned a bow. It was crescent and silver like the moon. He placed a hand over the bow and pulled back on the quiver. A solid arrow began to form from pure shadows. The pitchness was almost two dimensional in nature even as it sprayed black arrows in the hundreds into the jungles tree tops where the Archers remained, and where Alexis fired from. The black arrows pierced through the vegatation and the bodies of many archers who were cut off guard by the sudden retaliation of this magnitude. The cultists themselves being little threat beyond their numbers and madness.

After doing this the man lowered his bow. Having only pulled it once he seemed satisfied with himself. Looking up with a smile he pointed to Singard and a sand timer appeared hovering above his hand. It flowed silver grains. "Singard has 3 minutes to create a path."

@Landaus Five-One
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

And that rumor of Singrad held true. As Sorons long blade cut into the leg of Singrad, he was genuinely surprised when the massive brute of the man spun around to meet Dragonbane’s second weapon. He hissed as he felt the man’s massive hand clamp down on Soron’s own. And then it seemed as if time stopped. The arrows hung mid air,  those on the battlefield held in poses of combat or death as he saw the large man’s fist slowly make contact with Soron’s body, creating a cavitation in between the space before impact, followed by a massive boom. He felt his lung collapse, his rib cage puncture the second one and his heartbeat slowly down as his throat filled with blood. He became weightless as Singrad tossed him aside.

’Shit! Not like this!… He thought behind the pain.

Nearby, Sulley hald a massive grin on the field as he casted aside people left and right, opening up a path for some of the Vrondi to move in on the cultists’ flanks. However, his smile ceased as he heard the “boom” and turned to see where it had came from. His eyes widened as he seemed to silently scream amongst the battle. He watched as Singard casted him aside like scrap with a muffled “hmph” in amusement by the tenacity of Soron’s attempt. His body flew through the air and almost lifeless as it made contact with the ground with a sickening thud.


The young dragon yelled as he slid over to him the battle becoming nothing more than ambient sounds around the two. Sulley lifted his head up onto his lap as he looked him over. His chest was caved in, blood spewed from his mouth as he tried to talk or get air.

’So this is how I go, huh? Cast aside like trash from a single fucking blow. Figured it would be in the mouth of a basilisk or because of Sulley that fucking moron. Soron! Soron speak to me! You’ll be okay! I… I need a healer! HEALER!!!! Healer over here! Don’t worry buddy I’m here. Helaer! WHERE THE FUCK IS THE HEALER!!!” ’Heheh, Sulley...I couldn’t have asked for a better friend….no….a brother...My only brother, my only family….A-Ariel….Wha-wha-why are you here?.....I-It’s been so long since I….I missed you….I missed you so much my loveSoron stay with me! Sor-what are you looking at? Soron? Soron! SOROOOOOOOON!”….You did wait...Here I am…”

A weak hand had made its way up to the sky behind Sulley. With scared eyes, Sulley turned to look to see where he was reaching, only to see tears rolling down Soron’s own face before they went wide with the final struggle for air before the life faded from his eyes. Sulley lip began to quiver as he clenched his teeth, tears rolling down his eyes as he leaned in to hug his only friend, his only family….and simply screamed in pain and agony. He sat there sobbing as the fight continued on around him.

Soron awoke in a field. It was covered in the fresh smell of lavender and lilac. A breeze blew against his face as strains of his hair covered his one eye.

“I told you I would wait for you.” With somewhat tired eyes he glanced over to his side and soon those tired eyes widened. There, laying next to him on the ground beside him, rested his love, Ariel.

”A-Ariel...Is it really you?” She simply smiled as she moved closer to him, gently resting a delicate hand on his chest. He was left speechless as he stared at her. She was tracing a finger along his chest before glancing up to see his face to which she giggled.

“What’s the matter?”

”You’re really here...That means-” Her smile slowly faded to something a bit more somber and that was all he needed to know. He sighed.

”I see…” She brought a hand up to his cheek and let him rest his head in her hand.

“I’m sorry my dear.” As she tried to console him he shook his head.

”It’s too soon. It couldn’t have been-”

“Your time to go? Everyone leaves the world of the living at somepoint, its just some leave sooner than others and what would you expect with your profession? You were practically past the expiration point in your job, especially following that dragon around.” He chuckled.

”Oh-ho, he mean Suleykaar the Perceptive, Suleykaar the Wise, Suleykaar the-”

“Brother of Soron Dragonbane?” He looked over to her with slight amusement as he looked down and grinned before nodding.

”And the womanizer that always got Soron into trouble and had to bail his ass out of it.” She laughed and sat up, looking over the rolling fields before standing.

“Soron? Tell me more about him, please? How did you to meet?” The dragonslayer glanced up before standing and took in the fields around him. They were familar but he didn’t know why. He glanced over and smiled with a nod as he took her hand into his own.

”Well….It all started back when i was apart of Sureyia.” She cocked her head slightly to the side.

“Sureyia?” Soron had been looking over the rolling fields as he nodded before looking back to her.

”It was a Dragonslaying group I joined after….Anyway-”

They began walking as Soron talked about his life with Sureyia and how he met Suley.

Slowly the grieving dragon’s tears dried up and the air around him began to become dense. The healer that had made his way over to the two could feel this as well. Suley’s mournful face began to twist in anger and rage as his scales slowly became known on his body. His fangs lengthened as his hair seemed to become rigid and jagged, much like spikes. His claws lengthened, his tail began to grow as his wings slowly began to form. He whispered to the healer with an almost stoic voice.

”Get his body safely out of here and warn the rest of the Vrondi soldiers that if they value their fucking lives they will fall back to a safezone…” Apparently the Vrondi healer didn’t react quick enough.

”NOW!” The healer flinched at the draconic voice as he retrieved Soron’s body and quickly let a psychic message through to ALL of Vrondi’s soldiers.


At this point Suleykaar did not care about who got in the way there was only one thing on his mind…..Kill!!

He was shaking with the amount of rage that had been built up. He let a torrent of killer intentions crash over everyone like a tidal wave. He leaned back as his eyes seemed to fill with fire before letting out his full draconic voice through one powerful roar that shook the very earth. When he leaned forward, his eyes were filled with flames as fire spilled out of his mouth and onto the ground as he slowly began walking forward.

You dare murder my friend!? You dare attack those I care about!? If you want death so badly than I shall provide you with one! I am the Son of Tiamat, the scaled Fury of old, I am the flames of the Forusha!”
He wings were spread wide, just like his arms.


His scales opened up as a heated light shot out of his body like an explosion the cultists closest to him were thrown back by the concussive force. With its bright flash, most that were Nayu would be blinded by this sudden appearance of light. The cool night air quickly became like that of a very hot summer.With his arms wide, he brought them in close with his claws clenched.


Soon the air that surrounded him and the hopefully fleeing Vrondi soldiers was sucked out of the area and into the the center of his clawed hands as the vortex grew. A second and third flash followed by many more flashes lit up the battlefield. His body slowly became covered in a thick layer of ice. Underneath the ice his stomach and throat glowed a bright red and orange before he breathed a long stream of fire into the vortex of air, his claws began to steam as the heat intensified. Those in direct contact with Suley began to catch fire with no real reason as to why other than its source. The vortex grew and grew as the area surrounding him heated. Beneath him, the ground quickly was set ablaze and soon nothing was left on the ground except for a nice glassy finish. Cultists still tried their luck against Suley but no one could even get close. Even those above had to get back otherwise their wings would burst into flames.

The time had come and the flames were black as the night with hints of white. He kept walking over to Singrad. His eyes full of rage. He was in range. He brought the vortex over his head and with wide, almost psychotic eyes, glared at Singrad.


The young Dragonlord threw the vortex at the ground and it roared as loud as he had earlier. It was explosive in its movements as black flames swept over the battlefield like oceanic waves, crashing into whatever was in its way and leaving nothing left in its wake. Suley spread his arms out wide and with it the flames did too covering the area of Singrad, the basilisk and anything else that dared to stay in its path.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ayame
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Blaze Town

Calamity wakes, stretching lazily like a cat, as she blinked her blue eyes a few times to get rid of the last remains of sleep. She was so tired last night, she didn't even think about where she was, and instantly fell asleep in Foggy Bottom. She sighs. I hate this in... she thinks to herself. She hates this whole town... But then, why did she come here? Was she really thinking that her mother might pop up again after 86 years of living alone? She was reaching a century now, but she was still in her prime, despite her naturally white hair.

She still wonders why she returned to this place, even though she hated it, as she got dressed. Maybe she was hoping for her brother to return. After all, it has been 87 years since she'd last seen him, and he's probably dead now, but she still had that small hope in her cold heart that he might be out there searching for her as well. She knew she'd do anything for her big twin brother... Well, he was only 5 minutes older, but still. She missed him. He was her twin, after all.

Did all twins feel the same was she felt about her brother? She doesn't think she's met twins before. Were they supposed to feel such a connection with each other? For the past 87 years, she's felt empty without her twin by her side, and even now she doesn't understand why. Emotions were for the weak. That's what she'd been taught, so why was she feeling so weak when it came to her brother? Where are you, Castiel? Are you still alive out there? Are you well? Did mother abandon you? Is that why you were taken from me? Ripped out of my arms? Where are you, big brother?

Of course, she'd never say any of this out loud. It's just the nature of her childish self. Even after all these years, she still felt so many emotions. Bad, Calamity. You can't feel anything. You're a ruthless, cold-blooded killer! You've killed hundreds of men, for goodness sake! Put yourself together! Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath. When she opens them again, her face is blank of any emotions, her mind calm. This is the Calamity she's gotten to know over the past 70 years. This is the Calamity everyone else knows. The Calamity with the best poker face. The ruthless Calamity.

She heads downstairs for a bite to eat. Her stomach's growling non-stop, and she needed something warm in her stomach to get through the rest of the day. She thought out the plan in her head. Eat something, then roam the streets. When she's tired of seeing if anything had changed in the last 50 years since she'd last visited the town, she'd then hunt for her next job; a job which was supposed to start in the town somewhere. She sighs, shaking her head. This was going to be a long day.


Location: Feral Grounds of Nero

Castiel sighs. He'd been awake since before dawn, and he was feeling a little drowsy. He loved the feel of the sun, and hated the cold. It was to be expected though, since he was part lizard. He hated what he was. A hybrid. Why did his mother let those men take him? He was only three! He still held a grudge, even when he'd finally found his mother twenty years later. He scoffs at the memory of her begging him to accept her apology, especially when he found out she'd kicked his twin out on the streets one year later.

Who lets a four year old fend for themselves? His mother, that's who. He still hates her for that, since he hadn't been able to find her yet. All he knew about her, was her name. Calamity. Was she still alive? Was he ever going to find her? How was he going to find her? All these questions kept popping up, and circling his mind, over and over again. He wanted, no needed to find her, to feel whole once more. He felt empty. Half-completed without his other half; his better half.

How is she? What is she doing at this very moment? He sighs, running a hand through his messy head of hair. He'd have to cut it when he got to the next town. He stretches his wings a little, but then folds them closed once more. He hated his wings, so he rarely used them. Only when he had to escape, and even then, it was only in extreme cases. He was an assassin, after all. So he always had a plan B...and C...even a plan D.

He wanted to roam the feral grounds a bit, before heading over to the town of Twilight. He loved travelling, and walking was always the best bet... He actually hated all animals and other beings...except his sister, of course. Was he ever going to find her? What would she look like? Would she still have that white head of hair, and those warm blue eyes, that used to be the exact same as his, until he was taken from her? What would she be like now? Would she still be that noisy chatterbox he'd always wanted to shut up, but now missed?

Groaning, he stands, and grabs his packed bag, ready to start his trek. This was going to be a very long day.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lila Moriarty

Lila took some time to adapt herself to the cultists' apparent disregard to their own safety, actively throwing themselves to their own death only to have a chance to hit her. To make things worse, the cultists kept coming, more and more. Lila was being aided by some sol archers who were using the trees as a cover, making them almost impossible to spot, to anyone but Lila, who could feel every movement they made. They were experienced archers who knew the forest very well. Leaping from branch to branch, their agile and precise movements made it clear how much training they had. Their arrows flew true to their targets, most of the times killing them with one arrow.
The noise from the arrow flying, the small noises from them changing their position and nocking their bows were crucial for Lila. By hearing those small noises, she could better calculate her movements, knowing which targets they would take out, she could concentrate her attacks on the ones that weren't being aimed by them and at the same time, defending herself from the brutal attacks made by the cultists.

The battle took a while. Lila was an extremely skilled fighter, but she excelled in elimination and assassination. The sheer numeric superiority and complete lack of a sense of self-preservation were a big problem to her.
The scene that followed on was brutal and beautiful. Blood painting the grass around Lila and the downed archer as the almost feral cultists charged at them, trying with everything they had to kill them. On the beginning, Lila was moving almost like a predator: fast, agile, ruthless and merciless. But after the first two she killed, she changed her fighting style, instead moving as little as possible, standing up in an elegant posture, almost like dancing in a noble ball.
Lila heard, as she number of cultists near her started to dwindle. Although there were still some nearby, the noise wasn't that loud to prevent her from hearing the mysterious laugh. She couldn't simply let the wounded sol there to die to see who was the owner of the voice. The best choice was to just keep doing what she was doing. Thanks to the help of the archers and her posture, if this voice was an enemy, and if it was foolish enough to try to attack her that moment, he would be cut down immediately by Lila or shot down by the archers.
As she continued the massacre, beautiful circular cleaving motions cut cleanly through the cultists unlucky enough to be attacking in the brief interval of time between two other cultists. The blood splatters on the ground made a crescent pattern, turning into a full circle as the bloodbath went on.

"SNAP" The characteristic sound of a twig breaking under someone's feet sounded as clear as the day to Lila. Just as she killed the last one of the cultists, she turned to the direction that the laughter came. Now she was able to pay more attention at its owner. It was a large dragonkin.

"Kukukuh.. I cannot contain myself." the mysterious dragonkin said, stepping forward. Apparently he wasn't trying to hide himself, not anymore, as he stepped forward.

"To think this is what they made of you.. marvelous work.." the dragonkin said again. His voice was low and gentle, but something on the man didn't sounded right to Lila. Who was he? What did he mean by that? He knew who she was? Many questions passed through Lila's head, but the most important one of them was if it was friend or foe.

"State your business, immediately." she said in a threatening, cold tone. The circle where Lila and the wounded sol were standing was the only spot without blood. A green circle amidst a sea of blood, illuminated by the faint moonlight that permeated through the trees' thick foliage.

"Ack! Not again.. kukukuh.." the large dragonkin stumbled in surprise when he perceived that Lila knew about his presence.
Although that made him look like he wasn't a threat, Lila was still alert due to the fighting and all the cultists, so she wouldn't take any chance.

"Your name, weapons and intentions. Quickly." she said, still in that elegant posture, but now with the scythe's blade facing outwards a little behind her.

Many things passed through Lila's mind, but the most urgent one was if she should trust that dragonkin or not.


On one of the highest mountains on the Gaia mountain range, a huge library stands on its very top, with a big monastery built around it, just a little below.
Towers which pierce the sky itself, gigantic halls as wide as a stone's throw, long as forever and deep as you dare.
The great library became widely known over all Edafos as a beacon of knowledge. Inside it, infinite knowledge and uncountable treasures for all those who searched for knowledge. Inside this library, lived Sophia, the very dragon who made it. Guarding its infinite knowledge was her duty. Only the ones who were deemed worthy were allowed to enter on its magnificent halls.

A gentle, but at the same time loud and imposing roar shook the entire mountain as Sophia stretched her wings inside the gigantic library.
With a slight beating of her wings, the heavy doors opened. The warm and comforting heat coming from inside were particularly alluring to those who were standing outside. Inside, an elegant, red and icy blue dragon was lazily laying down in the very middle of the hall. Differently from other dragons, this one had a gentle, motherly aura to it. Its scales weren't sharp and rough as other dragons', instead being smooth and gentle.

As soon as the door opened, a dozen of children wearing monk clothes ran inside. To everyone else, barging in a dragon's lair uninvited would be suicide, but for the monks living nearby the library, even the children, living with a dragon was something common. Sophia treated the monks as her own family. Due to that, no one ever attacked the monastery, for they knew it was under her protection.

"Good evening, little ones!" Sophia said with a gentle voice as the kids started climbing on her and playing with her.
"So energetic, even at this late hour! I wonder how you all keep running away from Qobo and the other elders to come here... Are you training to be monks or ninjas?" she asked, in a playful voice, using her tail to grab one of the kids, putting it in front of her face, licking it playfully.

The sounds of heavy, slightly annoyed footsteps echoed on the big hall, as one of the elder monks entered the library.

"Quickly, little ones, under here." Sophia said, using her wings to get them together and hide them between her wings and her body.

"I'm sorry, Mistress Sophia, I didn't knew you were here... Have you seen the young apprentices? They should be going to bed right now, but they managed to escape... again..." the elder monk said, startled due to the dragoness' presence and bowing down in respect.

"Its fine." she said with a smile.
"The little ones? I haven't seen them today... Are you sure they aren't hiding under their beds? I remember the last time that they did that and everyone got nervous searching for them..." she said with a chuckle.

"I remember..." the monk said, nodding his head in disapproval.
"I'll search for them there. Thank you, Mistress Sophia." he said, bowing down and walking away again.

"That was close..." Sophia said, relieved.
"Now its time to show me if you are really as agile as you claim to be! If you get there before him, I'm sure he wont punish you." she said laughing as she raised her wings, letting them go.
"You should go to bed now, I'm sure he will wake you up very early tomorrow. Good night, my treacherous little ninjas." she said, using her wings to give them a hug before they ran away to their rooms.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WingsOfBronze
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WingsOfBronze The One That Shines Gallantly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The funny man seemed to ignore the little seraphim. Which angered her at most. She was about to insult him when a cultist tried to ambush her from behind. Shanna dodged as she felt the wind behind her seemed to be swept away like a bullet piercing the air. It was a thrown pike, aimed directly to her head, the blade nearly touched her face as she moves away. With a flick of her hand, and her stave's orb turning white, air sliced the cultist into thin smiling shreds. Literally.

Shanna landed on the ground to avoid detection. Dodging cultists that smelled of.. 'I thought Dolofon spearhedead this crazy revolution?! Why are there seraphims within the enemy ranks?!' Shanna questioned herself. To satisfy her thoughts he threw her stave towards a seraphim cultist, the stave spun and hits the seraphim on it's legs and the cultist stumbled.

Shanna jumped and pinned the cultist on the ground, catching the stave in midair as it boomeranged back towards her. She raised her stave and pointed it towards the cultist, the orb glowing green. The cultist felt that something sharp is threatening him under his back. Spiked stones.

"What is your objective?!" Shanna asked loudly. The cultist, that was masked in black, erupted a wheezing laugh coming from his throat that sounded dry.

"A free land." The cultist answered. " Where he reigns all." The cultist added, underneath the mask she can feel the seraphim smiling sweetly.


"Who is he?" She asked, placing a threatening gaze. Which is virtually impossible because it seemed that this seraphim did not know her and was underestimating her.

"I would never share alour information to a profligate" The cultist spat the word with disgust. He sneered.

Shanna wasted no time to summon the spiked stone up, stabbing the cultist in his side. The blood splattered on the little seraphim's white armor. The cultist screamed and struggled as the stone spiked impaled him.

"Did you know the best way to a man's heart?" Shanna asked in a darkly sweet tone.

The cultist watched her in anger, but he didn't respond. Shanna laughed darkly in her signature way.

"Between the fourth and fifth rib." Shanna grinned, brandishing her stave.

" Kill me, seraphim. For I would not share information to you, or your brothers and sisters." He scowled under the mask.

Fire danced in Shanna's eyes, blazing with rage as she grinned darkly. She replied menacingly.


Shanna jumped away as humongous spikes erupted under the cultist, tearing him apart from limb to limb. Shanna watched in silence, then ran away to help fight other cultists. Then she saw the dragon bringing out a racket. She sensed dangrr a conjured a portal underneath her and she fell on it, then kept on portal-jumping away from the battlefield.

@Rai @Landaus Five-One
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Heather looked at the battlefield and noticed the Suleykaar going on a rampage of fire and wind and a slight chill flows down her spine. She had never seen this before but the dragon in question is a fire dragon. She looked to her parents with a terrified look on her face. She was terrified to move for the moment of this terrifying display. Her angelic wings and her entire body is completely paralyzed with fear.

Patricia noticed Heather afraid and couldn’t move or speak in seeing what she sees as a natural reaction to whatever, he’s yelling about. She walked over to Heather and hugs her and tried to calm her down. ”Heather stop being afraid he is attacking enemies only with those attacks,” Patricia said, kindly trying to calm down Heather.

Heather looked towards Patricia and hugged her back and utterly to scared to move. She glanced up and still sees the rage coming from the Red Dragon and didn’t want to approach that situation. She started to cry and couldn’t stop herself. The kindest person within all of the Flowerdancer family couldn’t stop herself from breakdown before a battlefield.

Magnus rolled his eyes at this display but he does know his daughter isn’t used to these type of things. ”Daughter stop being afraid of that dragon. I learned from Maria, the only time a dragonlord wants to kill something is when they do something to hurt them personally and what he yelled out was definitely personal,” Magnus said, annoyed at his own daughter. He looked towards his wife and wanted to do something to help his daughter but he doesn’t want to hit his daughter again.

Alexis felt the glare from her husband and looked at her daughter and happily approached the two. ”Thanks Patricia for trying to calm my daughter. Heather please you had fear in your eyes before but you never let that get to you when I invoked the Flowerdancer’s Scorn on you. The Red Dragon invoked his own scorn on whoever hurt the ones he cared about and he wants to kill them badly,” Alexis said, gently and kindly enough for her daughter to understand. She hoped her daughter understood what she meant.

Heather heard what her father and mother had said but still was afraid. Her wings weren’t shaken as badly as they were but they are shaking still. ”I-I’m t-t-terrified to go out there. I never felt this before as fierce as I do now. It is truly terrifying,” Heather said, with a slight stutter in the beginning. She was crying much more now and couldn’t really do anything but she was still in the arms of Patricia.

Patricia started crying she couldn’t take much more of Heather crying. She had always tried to keep a protective stance from behind Heather most of the time. In the moment, she was in front of her holding her best friend while in tears herself and couldn’t help herself. ”Heather I know but you are making me cry now too,” Patricia sobbed, with tears coming down her eyes.

The Two Black Dragons landed right in the district where the guards were directing them to go to land. Yioplya landed on the ground and then laid down to allow the two descendants on her back to get off. ”Father, we should take a break for awhile,” Yioplya said, in her father’s direction. She looked around at the city area they landed in and it looked very peaceful. ”This city is big,” Yioplya thought to herself, with a slight happiness of her new surroundings.

The Two Pulsar Dragon Descendants get off of Yioplya and look confused at their surroundings. ”Whoa, this is amazing,” Patricia said, in shock and awe. She looked back at the Black Dragon with platinum glows coming off of her. ”Thanks for the ride,” Patricia said, kindly towards Yioplya.

Jacob walked towards his wife and hugged her gently and had a realization that the only way the Tetra-Lira Descendant Family can be together is live in the Vrondi Kingdom. ”We are safe but we need to be reunited with our daughter,” Jacob said, happily. Jacob was to focused on his wife.

Patricia blushed at what her husband had said. ”Jacob, I know but we have to get citizenship. That right there is I don’t know how to do,” Patricia said, worried. She put her head on her husband’s shoulder and looked distressed slightly.

Yioplya slowly gets up and shapeshifted* into her humanoid form because she wanted to check out the Vrondi Kingdom for a bit. She smiled happily towards the guards. She looked at her father who was standing there in his draconic form.

Zargoth looked at his daughter and sighed slightly but also shapeshifted into his human-esque form. He walked over to his daughter and had a gentle face on him similar when he first introduced his family to his mistress. He looked towards the two descendants for a second and was happy for them but it’ll probably take awhile until they are reunited with their daughter. ”Yioplya what do you want to do?” Zargoth asked, kindly. His face was only wanting to make his daughter happy.

Yioplya looked at her father when he asked that question and smiled. ”Dad can we explore this kingdom?” Yioplya asked, kindly and with a childlike eyes to her.

Zargoth looked at his daughter and hates when his daughter does that look on him. His daughters were really good in getting answers out of him with those same eyes. ”On one condition, we will help these two start in the process to become citizens of this kingdom. Though I have been wondering about the Magoi lately,” Zargoth said, curiously when he said the Magic Guild specifically. He was interested in figuring out something of this kingdom because he has been gone for too long and this kingdom is younger than the others. ”I am not really interested in flying anywhere after that chill in the air appeared then vanished and I don’t want to get a worse nickname than Zargy,” Zargoth thought to himself, deep in thought.

Yioplya’s expression on her face was extremely happy her trick still works on her father. ”Thank you father,” Yioplya said. She jumped up and down for a bit as she was joyfully happy.

The Two Descendants stop hugging and look over at Yioplya is doing and is startled a bit because the joy coming from her is intoxicating. They did look over to Zargoth and smiled and expressed the same joy coming from his daughter but didn’t jump up and down like her. They still have one of their family members not here at the moment their daughter.

Maria looked at Johnson's family and sat down a bit annoyed at the entire situation. She starts drawing on the ground and drew dragons she cared about but these were stick figures in their shapeshifted forms. She put names over them all of them mean something to her. She was somber in doing all this and had a deep sigh to her figure. "I miss everyone including Zargy's smile, he never smiles anymore," Maria thought to herself.

Johnson was looking at the sky and felt a chill in the air but he shook it off and didn't want to say anything about what he felt. "Very nice drawing, the Kind Dragonlord," Johnson said.

Maria looked at Johnson in particular. "Thanks...," Maria said, somber. She looked like she was about to cry, the kindness dragonlord was about to do this. She cried right in front of Johnson.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago


The Town of Blaze. An industrial town that housed mostly Fotians. The other less rarely seen group are Gaians. The flow of earth and fire keeping the machines drilling into the ground both in sea and on land. A mist forming on the waters from the redirected lava flowing beneath its surface through pipes and directed to massive machines above the water and within that act as factories to heat metals and shape them for many different needs. One important one being Fotian war machines that are capable of firing explosive projectiles from great distances and layered with metals.

1. Fotian Soldier HQ. Fotian soldiers and guards hold up here and coordinate themselves using the mass of supplies held inside. Weapons, food, beds and more makes stationing here a breeze.

2. General goods stores and markets. Fresh fish from the sea and a path to the docks. The workers mostly live here and have a tight community of mostly Fotians and Gaians. Given the technology being built here a few Lassa are about but mostly are just visitors.

3. General goods market. An indoor market for general goods being sold by various sellers.

4. Pyrus Temple. A temple to honor the bloodlines of the kings and queens of Fotia. The story of ascension being told from the start to current era all carved in stone and in dramatic depictions.

5. Royal smith. A blacksmith for the guards and soldiers whom also does work for high buyers. He enjoys the sea waters and has a daughter that loves tinkering with tools.

7. Dragon lodging. Holding barn for dragons of riders.

8. High Power Factory. A factory made on land to build various important machines. Mostly war machines and the Fotian attempts at creating advanced Apps without the help of the Magoi or Lassa.

The day went by as usual. But as the night drew closer Fotian soldiers began to line the outer barriers. They were all fully armored with their dark red almost brown leather paddings and ash colored metals. Helmets shaped like dragon mouths as they peered into the darkness and marched through it, aiming to meet whatever waited for them within. It was not long until the forces of Blaze met to push back the cunniving forces of the cultists. These cultists attacked from the south east mountain on the map. Using it to penetrate past the volcanoes Fotia relied on to protect its capital. The flaming mines did away with many of these cultists. Their remaining forces meeting pillars of flames as trees and whatever stones remained were turned to cindering blackness that escaped to the skies. Blades met bodies and ejected blood to wash away the fire and spelled a sweeping victory early on for the defenders of Blaze. Though the cultists continued to refrain from letting their high numbers be underestimated and the nights battle continued.


Feral Grounds. Nero

The grounds were not suprisingly quiet. The life of the forest seemed mostly still which was eerie for the day. It was not long though until one would find the bones riddled across the forest floor and none remained firmly attached to a joint or socket. Skulls, ribcages, hip bones, all were dry and picked clean. It was silent still as one could move in deeper without fear. It was then though when the mist began to rise from thr ground from what seemed to be almost from a far away place. The ground found itself covered in more bones at this point making it impossible to step around them all. Soon one could see beneath the hill was a massive elongated creature slithering on the ground and through the forest trees. It rose its long body and head to the sky and let out a mist from its nostrils that fell to the forest floor around it. It was this that made this massive creature invisible, hiding underneath thick mist. It was reason for pause and most a reason to try and escape.


Twilight Town

The simple town of Twilight. The bar and inn and the simple general stores reside infront of the well in the middle of town. The tour guides to Nero's capital and back reside to the west near the towns entrance and exit. Vrondi guards keep watch of this area but do so lightly. The presence of Nayu soldiers linger in and out every once in a while to keep the power over this simple place divided. Those who live here are mostly Sol but many of them have Nayu blood. Thus the town is home to the moonlight sorcerers and warriors, those who harbor both blood and commune at night in the light of the moon. Awakening rare spells and abilities that manipulate darkness and light.

As night fell the soldiers of Vrondi unified and protected the boarders from attack. It came from south east of their location and from the west. The Nayu actually taking up arms and fighting the cultists on their side of the territory along with the moonlit knights and sorcerers of the town aiding both sides.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ayame
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Blaze Town

Calamity had a long day, and she was hoping to leave at nightfall, so that it was easier to slip away unnoticed. Unfortunately, she found herself in the middle of a blood bath. Sighing, and cursing at the fact that she cared about the civilians of the town more than she should, Calamity herself, enters the battle. She hated the cultists, and wanted nothing to do with them normally, but since she was around, and she hadn't had a proper fight in a while, she though, why not? I have time, and pushing the cultists back seems easy enough.

Using her wings to push people back, her tail to trip others over, and her swords to cut down any cultist in her path, Calamity is a whirlwind of blood. She destroys everything in her path, taking her time as she killed. Eventually, she stops, looking at everything around her. It all seemed so dark, and...well, bloody. She smirks, feeling powerful. She closes her eyes, and sighs. She really enjoyed the fight. It helped release all of her stress. She feels better now. She looks down at her body. There wasn't a single part of her that wasn't splattered with blood.

Shaking her wings and tail, the blood slowly drips off. Pouting, she realises she needs to find a stream where she can clean herself up. She didn't want to wash the blood off in the waters that border the town, but she couldn't really travel with all the blood on her in any case. Sighing, she heads for the water. At least she can just jump in the water to wash the blood off. It makes things quick, even if the blood is already staining her clothes. She doesn't particularly mind.

Once more, her thoughts travel to her brother, once again wondering if he was alive. If he was happy. If he thought about her. She wished she could've gotten to know him better. She wished she could've found him over the years of travel. Reaching the water, the first thing she does is clean her blade. She takes good care of her sword that splits in two, carefully washing away the blood, before wiping it dry. Setting her things down on the ground, she jumps into the water, quickly rubbing the blood off her skin, hair, scales and clothes.

When she's finished, she jumps out, grabbing her things. Not wanting to stay any longer, she heads North.


Location: Feral Grounds of Nero

Castiel walks in a relaxed, confident manner. It was as if he were just strolling in a field of flowers. He wasn't deterred by the skeletons that littered the ground. He was heading in direction of the creature, though he didn't particularly care. Despite his seemingly relaxed posture, he was alert, and ready to fight if needed. He didn't care about the fact that it was dark, or the fact that there seemed to be no life and no sound around him.
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