This should be all set now.
Name: Damian Ibn Al-Khufash, Formerly also Damian Al-Ghul, Currently Damian Wayne.
Age: 9
Alias: Robin (Self-Appointed)

Biography: The biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul, Damian Wayne was born without his father's knowledge in the hopes that he would one day be the heir to the League of Shadows. Damian spent the first seven years of his life studying under numerous masters in the League of Shadows as well as his own family members.
If he failed at any task he was punished harshly and the training exercises themselves came with a casual disregard for his health and safety, with the LoS secure in the knowledge that any injury too severe for their resources to heal meant he was unworthy of his inheritance. He was forced to kill or die, to conquer others at any cost whether by wit, skill or sheer violence. From time to time even when he wasn't training or was already involved in another exercise, assassins would be sent after him with instructions to kill him in order to test his fitness.
Outside of his training, Damian was treated as a prince. After all, he was the son of Ra's Al Ghul's favored heir if not the heir himself. He was showered with gifts, surrounded by servants and never wanted for anything his heart desired. As a result Damian took to his lessons and lifestyle within the League passionately, becoming arrogant, ruthless, accustomed to power and convinced he was on a righteous path. More than anything though, he idolized stories his mother told him of his father Bruce Wayne: The Batman. He was said to be a peerless warrior who punished the wicked and would someday join Damian and his mother in saving the world.
It wasn't until Talia revealed Damian's existence to Bruce and supposedly abandoned him to his father's protection for reasons unknown that he learned how different dreams and bedtime stories were from reality.
Age: 9
Alias: Robin (Self-Appointed)

Even before coming under Batman's tutelage, Damian spent every second of his life practicing the art of concealment while being raised by the League of Shadows. As a result he's mastered stealth and infiltration to the point where it's become coded into reflex. While it may sound impressive, He has to be reminded to make enough noise when he moves in everyday situations so as not to 'accidentally' sneak up on people and at times has to fight back feelings of discomfort when using 'obvious' entryways into rooms.
This isn't so much about Damian having a lot of knowledge, although under the League's tutelage his education was extensive. It more accurately means that he's naturally intellectually gifted. He has a more-or-less perfect memory that makes the process of picking up new knowledge and skills much faster and easier than it has any right to be, and he's practically a walking database for subjects ranging from economics and world politics to medicine and zoology. On the other hand, he lacks the life experience to really put a lot of his knowledge together in meaningful contexts and he's easily flustered and annoyed if a task proves too difficult to master quickly. His perfect memory also includes all the numerous unpleasant or traumatizing memories packed into his short life.
Damian is about as physically capable as it's possible for a child of his age to be without being a superhuman.
While in no way superhuman in terms of toughness or durability, Damian has been exposed to a massive amount of pain over his short lifetime that- coupled with specialized League of Shadows training and sheer arrogant stubbornness- enables him to endure and shake off a great deal more punishment than any child should be capable of enduring.
Damian studied swordsmanship directly under Ra's Al Ghul from the earliest part of his childhood, as well as under several lesser instructors throughout his time in the League. Damian has a strong emotional affinity for swords as well. He often experiences discomfort from lacking one- though not to the extent that being completely unarmed makes him feel- and chafes under Bruce forbidding him from carrying a blade. Due to both training and personal interest, Damian has a near encyclopedic knowledge regarding swords and swordsmanship as well as proficiency in several styles of swordsmanship from various countries and time periods.
Damian has been training with various forms of ranged weaponry for most of his life and has become extremely skilled and accurate with a wide array of distance weapons. Use of throwing knives and shuriken is a mainstay if not specialty of most Assassins, and Damian's time around Batman has only sharpened his skills. However, Damian heavily favors archery if a bow is available to him, having spent several years apprenticed under Arthur King A.K.A. Merlyn the Magician, arch-rival of Green Arrow. Damian is also comfortable with and skilled in the use of numerous modern firearms, though not to the same extent.
Damian is a fairly adept acrobat and traceur, able to navigate the rooftops of Gotham and a wide variety of other environments with ease and exploit acrobatics in combat to outmaneuver opponents, though not yet with the skill, style and agility of Grayson.
Despite his inexperience and impatience as a detective, Damian's training with the League of Shadows means he is an excellent tracker capable of swiftly and accurately identifying, tracking and shadowing targets whether in the urban sprawl of Gotham or in wilderness environments ranging from desert wastelands to dense jungles, though he can still be fooled by clever enough quarry.
As part of his assassin training, Damian was required to learn the ins and outs of escaping mundane imprisonment of various forms. In addition, he was occasionally put through tests where he was required to free himself from traps designed by the League of Shadows. Still, he's had nowhere near the level of experience of the most seasoned of his allies.
Damian is a master level martial artist, having been trained by the likes of The Sensei, Kirigi and Ra's Al-Ghul himself. However when it comes to fighting non-lethally his skills actually hinder as much as they help. In combat, he has to constantly resist all of his prior training in order to avoid killing his enemies. He's experienced some retraining at the hands of Batman and others to reign in his more murderous impulses, but is still incapable of fighting at anywhere near his full potential unless it's to the death.
Damian has the raw intellect, knowledge and observational skills to become a great detective one day but currently he lacks the patience and open-mindedness required for quality investigative work. That said, being the worst out of a group of some of the world's greatest detectives still puts him a cut above normal.
Biography: The biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul, Damian Wayne was born without his father's knowledge in the hopes that he would one day be the heir to the League of Shadows. Damian spent the first seven years of his life studying under numerous masters in the League of Shadows as well as his own family members.
If he failed at any task he was punished harshly and the training exercises themselves came with a casual disregard for his health and safety, with the LoS secure in the knowledge that any injury too severe for their resources to heal meant he was unworthy of his inheritance. He was forced to kill or die, to conquer others at any cost whether by wit, skill or sheer violence. From time to time even when he wasn't training or was already involved in another exercise, assassins would be sent after him with instructions to kill him in order to test his fitness.
Outside of his training, Damian was treated as a prince. After all, he was the son of Ra's Al Ghul's favored heir if not the heir himself. He was showered with gifts, surrounded by servants and never wanted for anything his heart desired. As a result Damian took to his lessons and lifestyle within the League passionately, becoming arrogant, ruthless, accustomed to power and convinced he was on a righteous path. More than anything though, he idolized stories his mother told him of his father Bruce Wayne: The Batman. He was said to be a peerless warrior who punished the wicked and would someday join Damian and his mother in saving the world.
It wasn't until Talia revealed Damian's existence to Bruce and supposedly abandoned him to his father's protection for reasons unknown that he learned how different dreams and bedtime stories were from reality.