Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Ryougu@cloudystar@Norschtalen@Eklispe@Mangrale@Lucius Cypher

Khristina turned to the thing that took everyone's attention, a lone airship that was landing in the city. "Strange... There usually aren't any airships in this part of Agni, they're usually more seen around the mountainous terrain for obvious reasons. And I'm honestly not sure Ryuuga, though with how grand of a journey on anything is possible." She said giving Ryuuga a smile before turning to Malkai. "And to answer your question, we are here to gain audience with the ruler of this city. Jenn is her name and she's said to be a direct descendant of Vargas, the Hero of Fire. We need her help in locating the Stone of Fire and I have already arranged a meeting via letter to her, she should welcome us with open arms." She stated before merrily walking past the orc warrior.

Loralei remained behind Khristina but upon hearing Nephele's plea for help she stopped and helped her up. "Easy now... You may need a bit of a rest once we get into the city." Loralei suggested. She helped carry Nephele to the city. Upon reaching the large gateway the group was stopped by two guards. "Hold! We don't get large groups like you very often... Especially ones that are heavily armed, state your business!" The guards stood with their swords ready before Khristina stepped forward. "Terribly sorry... We're on official business, your queen should be waiting on us." "Queen Jennia?" The two guards looked at eachother before stepping out of the way. "No funny stuff... One complaint from the citizens and your out of here or in lockdown." The guard stated.

@Lady Athena

Khristina bowed to the two guards and motioned for the group to follow her. The nicer of the two guards saw Nephele in her tired state and called to her. "Hey, if your tired from a long journey the local spa will have you fixed up in a bit. Just look for the building with the Fire Idol standing beside the doorway." He said with a kind smile. "Well? What do you think Nephele?" Loralei asked, she was ready to take Nephele there should she want to.


Grafl seemed to brush the stranger aside but Falma was more inclined to speak with him. "We're just now landing, haven't had a smooth trip like this in weeks." He said with a small smile. "Remind me why we let that guy on our airship..." "Because, he needed a ride, something about an oracle of Lucius being here. Honestly, I haven't the faintest clue who this oracle is but I wish you luck." Falma said as he headed to the edge of the ship. The descent was slow but they managed to park the airship in a big enough area for them to drop down. Grafl and Falma hopped down to the ground and went their own way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



While brushing some persistent bits of grass and earth from his person, Viranti caught ear of Ryuuga's concerned inquiry, the dragon's ears twitching faintly, immediately followed by his head rising and turning to him. "Hm? I've suffered worse..." he said guilelessly, right before the man's follow up quip, to which Viranti merely frowned somewhat, a huff of heated air leaving his nostrils. He wasn't thrilled at what seemed like patronizing humor at his expense, but didn't feel like making a big deal of it. Most scenarios he possibly would, but now was different. He had just essentially been swallowed by a supernatural phenomenon and spat out in another world, so he was still dealing with that. Plus, the airship soon took up the lion's share of his attention and it's honestly a lot to take in.

"Air... Ship?..." Viranti repeated rather quietly to himself. It appeared that he was not the only one curious about the airborne contraption, but as odd as it was to him, he let his gaze leave it for the time being, instead directing it to the clear blue lake as the party drew closer to it. It was certainly larger than the lake he had encountered in the forest previously, the dragonute pensively studying every aspect of the body of water when he came near it. It was a wonder that there should be any conflict in a place like this with such plentiful water. He tilted his head to a small degree when he first noticed some scaly creatures drifting along in the lake, his eyes squinting, perplexed at the sight of them; his intrigue was less than subtle during the lake's traversal (whether that meant peering over the side of a bridge or eyeing them as he walked along the lake's edge). He's seen stranger critters, but none that resided in a pool like this. The dragon's tail perked up and waved about more than normal, himself wondering how these lake denizens would taste.

But in the end, he arrived with everyone upon entering the city, glaring at the guards as he passed by. As so long as there isn't anyone foolhardy enough to start a fight, there shouldn't be a worry of him having to finish it. Within the walls, he found there was something about the city, its sights, sounds and scents, all having a certain hectic liveliness that marked it as profoundly different from Edivid. Viranti smirked, feeling more than a little restless as he looked from point to point. He could see himself easily swept away after prolonged exposure to this new kind of energetic atmosphere. But for the time being, he was set on accompanying the Oracle to meet with the queen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rochelle snorted at Claire's naivety. "They don't fish on an airship, kid. They get food and supplies before they set off. I mean, if they hunt anything, it'd be birds. Or dragons." Dragons were somewhat common here in Angi. At the very least, Rochelle has heard a lot about dragons here, though she's never met one in person. Well, an actual dragon. Not a dragon person. As for Claire's offer for protection Rochelle didn't mention anything about it. The best armor was not to get hit, and Rochelle has escaped sticky situations with sheer speed and agility. Finally the group was on the move, and checking her gun again Rochelle followed the group.

Once the group reached the city Rochelle just gave a dirty look to the guardsmen. She never really liked local law enforcement; they were too concerned about upholding the status quo rather than any peace. On one hand Rochelle wouldn't be nearly as successful as a gunslinger if there weren't criminals that needed to be taken down. But it was a bit depressing how the law would enable that type of people from rising up. After the group managed to get inside the city one of the guardsmen mentioned a spa. Rochelle certainly wouldn't mind a good wash, especially after the activities she was up to last night.

"A spa eh? Count me in!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

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"S~Sorry Rochelle...first time visiting this place and who knows? There could be sky fish...that'd be awesome if there were a few out there somewhere."

Claire nervously mutters to herself/himself as she/he keeps speaking due to the embarrassment and decides to go a bit more silent due to thinking that she/he disappointed her/his friend. Though Claire does occasionally smile and grin when she/he gets to see all sorts of new views on top of the airship they got to travel on.

When they eventually reached the town, Claire nodded to the guards there to confirm that they were no hostile group and tried to give them a cheerful smile underneath her/his farmer's hat. Though when Claire heard of the spa, she/he seemed to want to go but didn't want to bug Rochelle again nor the two leader-like people of the group if they don't mind her/him joining...well then again, Claire has no idea if they'd allow her/him in the spa with them in the first place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Nodding his head Malkai had no other pressing questions. Good to know they had allies. He was almost concerned that this oracle expected their ragtag band to take on the forces of evil all on their own. Not that he was scared, but he liked to know who he could rely on when times were tough. Soon enough the group made their way to the city, dealt with the guards, and went through the city. There was talk about heading to a spa but Malkai felt it was a bit too early to start relaxing. He wasn’t sure if these people were careless or cocky, because as far as he was concerned until he’s killed something they were on duty. Playing around, getting drunk, or engaging in carnal activities needed to wait until the danger was dealt with.

”We ought ta hurry up an’ not muck about. We aren’t done much or traveled far; don’t know why y’all are already gettin’ tired and wantin’ a bath.”

Wolf, being the quiet hunter he was, stayed by Malkai’s side in silence. He occasionally yawned and licked his lips but otherwise didn’t seem to be doing anything except walking and paying attention to his surroundings. He was feeling a bit peckish and considered breaking off from the group for a while to hunt some food. Wolf could smell all sorts of prey he could cut down and chew on. Stray cats, homeless people, children… The city was a feast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nephele bowed to the guards before shaking her head "Im fine… I don’t need to visit the spa. But if you want to go Loralei, then I shall come along" She seemed exhausted and seemed set on progressing rather than delaying the whole party to better herself. She was beginning to lean more onto Loralei now. Next thing she knows she was asleep and drooling slightly

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Heinrich gave the fellow a short bow and a wave. "Yes yes, good luck to you! Perhaps we shall cross paths upon a later date good sir!" He said as he disembarked the airship. A city of Fire, so he was told, was the location of the vision Heinrich had recieved. Oh how the Gentleman relished in the ordained task of bringing down the true Darkness of this world! "Ah yes yes, truly a man of my stature is only qualified for such a task! Now then...." Heinrich glanced around the part of town he was in. Surrounded by the bustling docks and such, attuning himself to the hum of activity, straining for any useful information.... "Oh my.... I.. I have no idea where I'm suppose to go!" The realization struck like a hit of gunpowder. "Well I could... no, no that wouldn't do.... Perhaps if her godliness was to be so kind, I could receive a more clear vision? Perhaps with more clarity this time?" Heinrich closed his eyes and waited.

. . . . . . . .

"Bah! You godly types always loved giving a good challenge I suppose! Very well! I, Doctor Heinrich Henderson the Great and Powerful Powder Mage, accept your challenge!" Heinrich yelled aloud, causing a few looks. Heinrich began storming around town, in search of this Oracle and the grand traveling band of Heroes his vision had promised him!

Aaaaand after a few hours of fruitless searching, Heinrich was breathing heavy, leaning against a wall of a building near the main gate. With a long sigh, he gave himself a break. "My... This is posing to be... quite the challenge! But... as a refined gentleman such as myself, I cannot strain myself on such a... petty.. task.. (My god this city is big...).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Mangrale@Lucius Cypher@cloudystar@Norschtalen@Eklispe@Ryougu

Khristina turned to her group, though a trip to the spa would be relaxing they had a meeting with the queen to attend to. Maybe after this is over they could have some time to relax, but now wasn't the time. "Sorry everyone, we're going to have to put a visit to the spa on hold, we have business to attend to after all. Loralei, please find some lodgings for the group and take care of Nephele for me, poor girl needs some rest." Loralei nodded at Khristina's orders and walked off with Nephele in her arms.

"Now then, let us hurry on, the queen is waiting." Khristina lead the group on towards a large palace in the eastern sector of the city. A large statue depicting the hero Vargas stood at the entrance, despite being a statue one could feel a great warmth from it as if a fire burned within it. Inside, the group was stop by a woman in armor. "Halt,
state your business here, if it's to seek audience with the queen then you best move along, my lady Salene is very busy as of late dealing with threats against the city."
The woman had two great axes holstered on her back and it was safe to assume that she wasn't afraid to use them.

@Lady Athena@Skepic

Loralei went as far as the western sector before finding a decent enough inn for the whole group. She went inside and booked rooms for everyone in the group before laying Nephele in her bed. "If she wakes up, just tell her to stay put here until my group and I return, she really needs her rest." Loralei informed the innkeeper before heading back to the palace. On her way back, Loralei was taking in the sights of the city when she accidentally bumped into someone. The sudden stop surprised Loralei and caused her to fall backwards, landing on her rear end. She looked up to see a trench coat wearing man with his face covered in a makeshift mask, the color in her face immediately faded. "I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to, I wasn't looking where I was going..." It seemed like Loralei was scared by Heinrich's appearance, she was shaking on the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Luck was not on his side...

Or so Heinrich had thought. Continuing his wanderings from earlier, after a much needed breather, the Powder Mage had began searching the west sector now, mainly walking the main streets, occasionally asking inn keepers for any "Oracles" that may have dropped in. Truth be told, he hadn't the faintest clue what the Oracle even looked like! the vision had only gotten increasingly blurred and faded as time went on, so Heinrich was having an incredibly difficult time simply remebering it. With yet, another heavy sigh, the masked man continued his wandering.

"Perhaps it was simply a devil playing a trick on me... No! I mustn't loose my resolve! I must be close to my god given quest! If only there was a sign... Simply something from the great one that could aid my most noble endeavor! If only... Well... perhaps that would make things a bit to easy... A proper gentleman must take the entire challenge in stride. Now then... what shall the next area of searching be? Perhaps the Docks again? No.. no that wouldn't due... Hmmmm...." Heinrich thought to himself, seemingly stroking a non existent beard.

It seemed he was so engrossed in thought, that he hadn't noticed the maid he had just bumped into. She fell back a bit while he stood, somewhat surprised by such a sudden introduction, so to speak.

"I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to, I wasn't looking where I was going..." the lady hesitantly stuttered out at the sight of Heinrich.

The imposing figured leaned forward slighty, a single, bright orange eye peered from behind the mask, seemingly burrowing into the soul of this maid, with only pain and suffering being reflected back by that cold, dead sta-

"I SAY! What have I told you already, narrator?!"


Heinrich gave a curt bow and offered his hand.. asshole

"Terribly sorry myself, miss! I too, was completely unawares of my surroundings! How foolish I must seem, ha ha! I do hope you are alright, do you need any help?" He asked warmly, a genuine smile masked by his more intimidating appearance.

@Darkmoon Angel
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

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@Darkmoon Angel

Viranti might as well have been a tourist given his avid interest in sightseeing, content to observe as much as he could along the way as opposed to wandering off by himself. Deep down, he knew there was a task at hand that he felt strongly disinclined to frivolously abandon. What was more, he was growing ever curious of the kind of ruler that held sway over such a community, his expectations growing by the minute. He may not have paid the closest attention before, but he did take notice of what the Oracle said next, as well as her servants being sent away to secure shelter on everyone’s behalf. “Fine then. Let’s get going already. No more delays,” the dragonute impatiently concluded with a passive wave of his hand before continuing on the group’s collective way to the palace.

This? This is where the queen resides? Seems... excessive, if you ask me…” Viranti was actually very impressed with the estate, its sheer scale and elegant design (at least when compared to anything he was used to) exciting his imagination as to what exactly goes on within its walls that would require such a structure. A single person wouldn’t need this much space. Perhaps the palace is also meant to house the ruler’s servants, guards and maybe even other members of their clan, at least that would be his guess. Passing by the grand statue of Vargas, the dragon could sense a faint flow of warmth, causing him pause for a second, him giving a faintly puzzled look over his shoulder and in the figure’s direction. The effigy itself was odd to him, but he wouldn’t have paid it much attention if it wasn’t for the sudden, sensation.

Even if he had bothered keeping a mental note of approximately where the group was in relation to how the palace looked on the outside, Viranti would have long lost track by the time they came across an armor-clad woman bent on impeding their progress, not that he had the slightest clue as to where the queen would be located anyway. “Stand aside human. I haven’t come all this way just to be denied by the likes of you,” the draconic warrior stepped purposefully forward, plainly tired of all these assumably clueless people getting in the way, his hand lifting to grip his sword’s handle as a subtly aggressive gesture. “If the queen will not see us, let her say so herself,” he sternly said, his hand trembling expectantly over the grip of his weapon. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something didn’t feel right, and although it felt just as unfitting to fight in such regal yet unsuitable surroundings, he wouldn’t shy away from a possibly pointless fight if it meant progress could be made.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nephele would be held with Loralei's arms, she seemed to be in some kind of bliss to finally be asleep. She would be taken towards the most decent inn as possible. The girl would seem to be happy with the bed she was laid upon upon and she would toss a bit before stopping. "D-dont.... leave...." She would mumble even though she was alone within the room. She would slowly open her eyes as she wakes up in a sort of panic "Im fine! I... I hate my life sometimes"

She would rise from her bed and walk towards the exit only to be stopped by the innkeeper. The girl would not be happy being told to wait "She came alone?! Why did you let her leave?!" She would run out after Loralei, she had a powernap and that would be enough to get her going for the time being. She would continue to run towards the obvious large castle within the walls of the city. Suddenly she would stop, the sight of the man with the mask standing over Loralei gave her the idea that he attacked her. "Get away from her!" She would have her rapier out ready to fight. She was obviously slightly delusional from the minimal sleep

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Elise, Golden rogue

@Mangrale @Darkmoon Angel

"Stand aside human. I haven’t come all this way just to be denied by the likes of you."

Something about the way he emphasized on the word 'human' pissed her off. Something in the dragonute's demeanor managed to rub her just the wrong way. Observing the dragonute, she noticed his hand was already hovering over his weapon. He's planning to draw his weapon here? Fool. Does he not realize there are more guards? With a swift motion and an icy stare, Elise drew her sword. She'd have liked to end him right here, but she realized that he too, was one of the 'chosen ones' and thus important, instead she put the blade against Viranti's throat. "Say, dragon... was that supposed to mean something? I've enough confidence in my swordplay to say that I, as a human, cant take you on. I suggest you stand down."

As uncalled for as it'd been to press her blade to the dragon's throat, Elise sheathed her own sword and turned to the guard. "Excuse my companion here. He doesn't mean anything by it." Briefly turning to Viranti with yet another soul-piercing stare, she stated "--At least, I hope he doesn't." Pointing her thumb over her shoulder at Khristina, Elise remarked "Perhaps the oracle of Lucius here can explain it to you, we've come to fight some Mecha something-or-other. Encroaching darkness and whatnot, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd take us to your ruler." Putting some emphasis on the part where she mentioned Khristina being oracle, Elise hoped to simply overrule the guard by a call of authority.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Cripes, yer a surly lot." Malkai scoffed as he saw everyone get hostile at the door guards. He could understand that maybe everyone wanted to get about their hero business asap, but even he had some patience. Soon one of the other members of the party explained their situation to which Malkai inserted his own two bits. "Aye. As he says, we the heroes or sumfing fighting darkness an wot. Yae, we a rag tag lookin bunch, but if yer need baddies dead, we yer warriors."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Tch. That sucks. I really did want that bath..." Rochelle spat to the side and followed the others to the castle. She supposed that it was more important if they actually did their jobs, but surely they wouldn't mind a chance to unwind sometimes. But Rochelle would get over it, fighting evil was just as fun as having a nice, hot bath too. As they walked through the city Rochelle looked at the various shops and kept an eye open for anything interesting. She wasn't looking for any shops like a jewlery store or backery, but something more practical: smithing shops. As far as Rochelle knows, Angi is the only place that works with firearms. So surely the crown jewel of the nation ought to have a few good shops. While Rochelle didn't have any money hopefully they'll get some money after defeating whatever bad guy they come up to next. In hindsight, maybe Rochelle should have ensured they'll get any money at all. Saving the world is important and all, but nothing comes for free.

Once everyone reached the castle that hit their first problem. A big warrior woman wielding two giant axes, stopping them from going forward. "Huh? What the hell, did no one tell you we were coming? Seriously..." Rochelle couldn't really do anything about it now but wait for the Oracle or someone else to talk to this lady. Rochelle would try to talk to her, but she didn't have anything to say that the others didn't already say. They were here to stop the encroaching darkness and they need to see the queen. They didn't exactly have badges or anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Mangrale@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher@Ryougu@cloudystar

Michele's eyes flared at the sight of Viranti's apparent challenge. "Oh you think your tough, lizard boy? I could cut you into a million, burning pieces..." She said grabbing the hilts of her axes, she had a really short fuse and Viranti just lit it. She wasn't listening to what the others had to say, as far as she knew this was a group of assassins bent on killing her queen. "That's quite enough Michele, there Oracle sent word to me ahead of time. I have plenty of time to hear them out." A regal looking young woman with eyes as red as her dress walked into the room, escort by a large, menacing robot.

"My... My apologies, my queen..." Michele backed off, bowing her head low. "I apologize for my bodyguard's aggressiveness, as she said I've been rather busy. Assassination attempts,
monsters attacking the walls, and an overall discomfort throughout the city."
She led the group to a large room, a meeting room to be exact. The queen sat down on a royal looking chair and motioned for the others to sit. The robot seemed to be scanning Malkai. "SCANS SHOW MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF GREED... PREPARING LOOTING PREVENTION SYSTEMS..." Michele shook her head. "Don't mind Crabby, he's very protective of the queen and her palace... But if you even move the wrong way he won't hesitate to pump you full of bullets..." She stated.

"Its an... Honor to speak with you Queen Salene. We wish for info on the whereabouts of the Fire Hero Stone..." Khristina said in a rather nervous tone. "That is what you seek... Well, I would like to hear your reasons for coming on this quest. Oracle, I know your intent very well, but the rest of you... Why did you answer lord Lucius's call?"

@Lady Athena@Skepic

Loralei let out a deep sigh when the cloaked man turned out to be quite the gentleman. "Thank you... I apologize for the bumping into you... I'm in a bit of a rush to meet back up with my mistress Khristina, her work as oracle requires aid." She said adjusting her glasses.

When Nephele appeared holding her weapon at the stranger, Loralei got between them. "Nephele its ok, this man isn't going to hurt me. He's actually quite nice."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Ryougu@Darkmoon Angel
Viranti wasn't at all used to the constant interference that meeting the queen required, originally believing that it would be a simple matter of going straight to her. But the irksome "red tape", in the form of guards blocking his path, had worn away at his last nerve to a significant extent, but alongside that anger - doubt. Had the Oracle not sent word of their arrival? Did her word not carry any weight here? Was their journey not important? What was more, a warrior clad in comparatively different armor than those worn by the others stood between them and the queen. At best, she had failed to be informed of the meeting. At worst, she was one determined to interfere with their quest - it wasn't like she gave any reason to trust her. In fact, Viranti was greatly inclined to mistrust most authority figures, guards especially. Turning away wasn't an option, and Michele didn't seem the sort to relent through mere words, not the kind they could say anyway. Battle was a means to force some answers from her if not do away with her completely.

For a moment, Viranti imagined the resplendent palace and the lively, exciting city that surrounded it to be of little difference to the abhorrent hole he was picked out from. If he had dwelled on it for much longer, all the soldiers in this land may not be enough to stop what ensued. However, he was distracted for a few moments by Elise's sword drawing near, very swift indeed, but not unnoticeable. At first, he believed that the blade was actually meant to undo the shackle over his neck. There was a time and place, and a smaller implement would have been preferable, but he wasn't going to hold that against her should it work. Yet that assumption fell by the wayside as the blade met against his throat, his eye lowering to her in rigid interest. Her intent indeed appeared to be less altruistic, but no less brave. He would have admired this quality more if he wasn't silently brimming with rage, his senses taking a back seat for a second. His expression turned steely, her means of intimidation having as much effect as it would to a wild animal. He was careless in letting her get this far and had he been in the state he was in now, he would have saw fit to rip her world asunder.

But she sheathed her sword just in time, Viranti's fierce gaze redirecting to Michele. Diplomacy had failed, and whether she was their enemy or not, it really didn't matter to him anymore. However, just seconds before he was about to give all his human impediments a royal burning, Queen Salene made her appearance. It would certainly be hard for the dragonute to explain, but he could tell she was the queen, between the way she distinctly carried herself, her regal appearance and how Michele basically admitted as much. It was actually very good of her to do so, otherwise Viranti would have wondered if his suspicion was wrong and started wondering if the large quadrupedal machine was the monarch instead. He finally lowered his hand from his blade's hilt, his arms crossing while he made his way inside the meeting room and sat the best he could, his eyes eagerly taking in the showy nuances of this space.

The queen's question seemed to come out of nowhere to him. Was this really necessary? Even if it wasn't though, she had made good on her agreement to see them and it only seemed fair to answer a question or two. Still, it wasn't a subject that he had given much thought to. "I..." Viranti spoke hesitantly before his immediate reflection on his uncertainty caused him to abruptly turn his head away from her in a low huff. "(Hmph) I saw an opportunity to see the worlds beyond and wanted the challenge. Nothing more, nothing less."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nephele would look at the cloaked man and then to Loralei as she sighs. She would lower her rapier before sheathing it. Her eyes meeting Lorelei's eyes. Her eyes seemed to be filled with life hearing her friend was alright. With no warning at all Nephele would be trying to hug her "Dont ever do that again!" Her eyes were filled with tears as she cuddled her friend tightly.

Looks towards the cloaked man "Stay away from her"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Thank you... I apologize for the bumping into you... I'm in a bit of a rush to meet back up with my mistress Khristina, her work as oracle requires aid." the maid said to him, seemingly a little more relaxed. He gave a sigh of relief.

"Right right, no worries, young lady, you are devoted to who you serve and that is quite admirable. I'm sure this mistress greatly needs..." He trailed off for a moment, slowly realizing what she had just said. "Wait a moment! Your mistress is Kristina, an Oracle?! Why, what a wonderful incidence our little run in has been! I've been searching all over for-"

Before Heinrich could finish his sentence, another young lady dressed as a maid had suddenly rushed forth, shouting to defend the maid he'd just bumped into, rapier drawn. Heinrich had taken a deliberate step back, arms raised, but the first maid seemed to quickly diffuse the situation, explaining it how it was. Heinrich gave a small chuckle as the second maid lectured the first maid about wandering off. She then turned to him and hotly said "Stay away from her."

At this, Heinrich gave a laugh. Once he had finished and collected himself, he sighed and said, "Once again, I of course meant no harm to your friend here, young lady. It was my absentmindedness that had allowed her to run into me so easily. Though, I'm afraid staying away might not be an option for us. For you see, I am Heinrich Henderson, pioneer in magic, and the first Powder Mage™ in the world. As I was attempting to say before, I have come to this city in search of the Oracle here. Only a few months before, I had received a vision. A vision that had instructed me to find the Oracle here, and join in a righteous crusade against the encroaching Darkness that sieges our beautiful world! For many hours after my arrival, I have wandered these streets in search of any clues, with no luck. But here, fate has come to ensure our meeting so that we may strive to defeat this evil."

Heinrich gave a small pose, fist clenched, eyes gazed upward. With a nervous cough and recomposing himself, he continued. "But I get ahead of myself. This has been an, understandably, important quest of mine, pardon if I get taken by the spirit of it all. I do love a good adventure. Regardless, I must humbly ask you two fine ladies, to take me to this Oracle, so that I may learn of our particular task at hand, and provide as much aid as this humble gentleman can muster."

@Darkmoon Angel@Lady Athena
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Elise, Golden rogue

@Darkmoon Angel

Elise pondered the question presented to her for a moment, before ultimately just blurting out her response. "Seems like an odd question. If the world's ending, and you're qualified to stop it, is there really any choice? If I'm going down one way or another, I prefer to go down with the knowledge that at least I tried to beat fate. Call it obligation if you need, but if you don't mind I'd like to get on with things. I intend no disrespect, but every second not spent fighting this 'darkness' is a second wasted, isn't it?"

With cautious eyes Elise observed the queensguard and the robot, but also the queen's face. It had been a fairly bold statement, and being shot here because the queen might be stuck up on manners and high-teas was not the first thing on Elise's mind of a good journey.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Heh. Ain't dat crab a smart one?" Malkai smirked as he went inside with the rest of the heroes. This place certainly was fancy, par of course for a palace obviously. Wolf walked beside Malkai, his eyes darting around with caution. He never liked being inside man-made places. Felt unnatural to him. As for Malkai the idea of looting the place did cross his mind, but since everyone was watching him and he's already been ratted out, he was on his best behavior. Eventually they reached the throne room where the queen sat on a big chair. A fancy looking tart. Malkai leaned against his axe seeing that there wasn't anywhere for him to sit. The queen questioned their motives, and Malkai, much like Elise's, was fairly simple and obvious. "Trouble's a brewin' whether I do nuthin or not. An' I ain't gunna down like a git. If da world ez in as much danger as da Orcale says it ez, by dis darkness or wot have ye, den Ima go an crump it. If yer lookin' fer a more heroic or phi-lo-so-phic-cal reason, yer gunna be disappointed."

@Darkmoon Angel
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