@LucianI hope he's okay!
Adelard Took II

Adelard Took has been perturbed by a thought for quite some time now - in fact, such a topic has always been on his mind ever since he learnt to toddle and demands stories from his parents, but since his 50th birthday two years ago, Adelard can't help but wonder what he's doing with his life. The age of 52, and not one adventure to show for it! A quite shameful thing in his eyes, what with being not-so distantly related to famous (Or infamous, depending on who you asked) Hobbits such as Bandobras Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck, and his very own Grandfather, Peregrin Took - who went off on his own adventure as a tween! Naturally, these stories had been told to him all of his life, and Adelard has thirsted for nothing else since. Well, not counting ale, of course. And pipeweed. Oh, and mushrooms, naturally. On second thoughts, Adelard has thirsted for nothing quite as much as adventuring than anything else in his life. But unfortunately, it would seem the foolhardiness of Took's seemed to have skipped him, for rather than wandering out into the wilds to try and find some quest to have, he remained in Tookland - helping his father, the Thain, with various issues in and about Westfarthing and involving the military of the Shire. For there remains a cautious streak to Adelard, and it is something that not even his curiosity can top. He would much rather be prepared for something with a destination in mind, rather than just going where the road takes him.
This caution likely comes from his nature - for a Hobbit, he has an admirably quick and keen mind, excellent for strategy and planning. Not that that comes in very handy these days, what with the West being so peaceful; but he's yet to find anyone who can beat him in a game of chess. Adelard also enjoys puzzles; any type he can get his hands on, be they jigsaws, puzzle boxes or riddles, simply to keep his mind as sharp as he makes sure his soldiers keep their swords. Other than this, he has taken to learning of the history and languages of other races, even going so far as to learn some Sindarin, and a few phrases in other versions of Elvish. He's yet to wrap his head around Khuzdul, however - very guttural, that tongue. Outside of learning, and making sure everything he has learned stays in his head, Adelard remains a rather friendly and cheerful Hobbit. He can still find pleasure in the simple things, for if one couldn't, they wouldn't be a Hobbit, let alone a Took. Conversations can be struck up with most as far as he's concerned, and he'll remain amicable with even the most dour and boring of folk. Everyone has something interesting about them somewhere; he just tries to find it.
In terms of appearance, Adelard looks to be your typical Halfling. Considered to be above-average in height at 4'1" (However, all of his family after Peregrin was born taller than most - Pippin himself said it was probably remnants of the Ent-Draught in their blood, although Adelard had to wonder if that was ever a true story.), he attempts to keep himself as lean as possible with exercise, although a somewhat portly stomach is unavoidable at the amount he drinks. His chestnut brown hair is curly, kept trimmed along his forehead, but let to grow slightly longer at the back and sides, even going so far as to grow sideburns. A dimpled smile is usually seen upon his round face, and berry-black eyes are often crinkled with laughter.
Beyond his strategic mind, Adelard's skill with a blade is better than average, and he carries with him a simple steel shortsword. However, it is both his quick-thinking and want for adventure that his father, Faramir Took, decided to send him as Emissary when the call from King Eldarion came. Adelard was more than happy to go, and his father had the comfort that his son's cautious mind would do him well if the journey should prove treacherous. Just in case something were to go wrong, Faramir gifted him an Elven cloak; the very same one Pippin had been given in the forests of Lothlórien, passed down from father to son. Although missing the brooch and several decades old, the cloak looked and smelled brand new, bringing with it a sense of ease that Adelard hadn't even realised he was missing when he put it on, at the beginning of his journey.