"Lieutenant Magellan, of the demhain stoirm, at your service. I hope you can afford me."

Name: Michael Magellan
Age: 63
Height: 6"3
Weight: 250lbs, or thereabouts. Mostly muscle.
Melee Weapon: A simple hatchet, forged of cold iron for its effect against magical creatures, with a spike on the reverse side that is tipped with an alloy of iron and silver. Used both for utility and combat, with one spare head and a simple enough haft that he could make another easily.
Firearm/Ranged Weapon: His pride and joy, the Highland Echo. It's a bolt action rifle based on the design of the Lee Enfield pattern rifles, with a comfortable bolt draw and sturdy, accurate design. The Highland Echo in particular is modified with a series of barrel inserts which are easily replaced to allow for the firing of multiple different calibres of rifle round, with different degrees of rifling, different projectile shapes and materials, and different amounts of gunpowder. If it's a rifle round, there's a decent chance the Echo can shoot it. Additionally, without any inserts, the basic Echo can function as a rudimentary sort of bolt action shotgun - though it can only fire one type of shotgun shell, and will require intensive cleaning after. The Echo also comes with a bayonet mount - which is not often used - and a scope mount, which can only take one type of primitive scope, as the scopes of this era were not well developed. Michael also has a snubnosed webley revolver for personal defence.
Other Equipment: A simple, sturdy bayonet knife. Again, this is used more for utility that anything else, but it's sharp and long and strong - and made of steel. Magellan also wears a foreign military uniform, designed for the commando unit he was once a part of, the demhain stoirm. It is, much like the rest of his gear, sturdy and plain, built for durability and camouflage. He also has a military grade backpack complete with the typical soldier's gear - firelighter, solid fuel tablets, a mess tin and spoon, canteen, that sort of thing. On top of that, he has a kit for replacing the bullets in spent cartridges, and a bottle of gunpowder.
Hunting Specialty: Vampires.
Bio: Michael Magellan was once a soldier in the army of a foreign power, lost now to the passage of time, and invasion. With his men, he formed the Demhain Stoirm - or The Storm Demons - notorious for lightning raids on enemy encampments, shock and awe tactics, and a complete disregard for the lives of their opponents, sometimes going as far as to execute the prisoners, should there be any. Him and the Demhain were unstoppable as far as special operations went, with no target too risky, and no objective untakeable. It was his background before that, as a hunter, that gave him the incredible aim necessary to be a member, and the trigger finger to take life.
When a foreign empire attacked with a professional military backed up by spies, and a proper intelligence network, however... things changed.
Suddenly, the demhain found their movements tracked by the enemy scouts. They found the element of surprise lost to them. There may have been nobody fiercer, but an enemy that is expecting you is not so easily cowed. This newcomer to the world stage was relentless and intelligent, and soon the orders stopped coming from the Stormlands.
As they would one day find out, the enemy spies had found a weakness in their homelands' security, and exploited it. During a meeting of the war council, two dozen heavily armed foreign soldiers were led into the building by a turncoat, and the entire defence staff killed in the fighting.
Without leadership, the main forces of the Stormlands military crumbled, and were slowly forced into unconditional surrender trough their sudden lack of coordination, and the fact that the field commanders had never been trained for military autonomy. Only the special forces units - the Storm Demons and others like them, spies and assassins all of them - remained.
For a year exactly, they worked like terrorists in their own land, striking wherever they could, operating in cells, killing what officials and government agents they could in retaliation for the invasion.
And over the course of that year, their numbers dwindled.
Eventually, they threw in the towel - Michael particularly had already given up on achieving anything like that. The survivors fled the country to take up mercenary style work elsewhere in the world, leaving what few individuals who were determined to fight to the death to their fate.
Three and a half decades later, Michael Magellan is one of the premier monster hunters in the world, using the same training in tracking and killing men to hunt down and pacify the smarter beasts in the world. Vampires, for example, are killed easily enough by bullets with a wooden core - which apparently counts as a stake. All you need is the brain to find them at their weakest, and the aim to get it in their heart. Some types of mudspirit, too, taking the form of massive golems in order to wreak havoc on the world around them, can be dealt with using the same explosives he had once used to destroy infrastructure and munitions. The undead are the easiest of all, usually. They get hungry quickly, so baiting them is easy - and then it's just a matter of aiming for the head.
Yes, at last he was successful again, having hit a second peak, if you will.
And then all this crap happened.
Gemstone: Blue Obsidian, but he hardly believes in whatever gemstones can do for you.

Name: Michael Magellan
Age: 63
Height: 6"3
Weight: 250lbs, or thereabouts. Mostly muscle.
Melee Weapon: A simple hatchet, forged of cold iron for its effect against magical creatures, with a spike on the reverse side that is tipped with an alloy of iron and silver. Used both for utility and combat, with one spare head and a simple enough haft that he could make another easily.
Firearm/Ranged Weapon: His pride and joy, the Highland Echo. It's a bolt action rifle based on the design of the Lee Enfield pattern rifles, with a comfortable bolt draw and sturdy, accurate design. The Highland Echo in particular is modified with a series of barrel inserts which are easily replaced to allow for the firing of multiple different calibres of rifle round, with different degrees of rifling, different projectile shapes and materials, and different amounts of gunpowder. If it's a rifle round, there's a decent chance the Echo can shoot it. Additionally, without any inserts, the basic Echo can function as a rudimentary sort of bolt action shotgun - though it can only fire one type of shotgun shell, and will require intensive cleaning after. The Echo also comes with a bayonet mount - which is not often used - and a scope mount, which can only take one type of primitive scope, as the scopes of this era were not well developed. Michael also has a snubnosed webley revolver for personal defence.
Other Equipment: A simple, sturdy bayonet knife. Again, this is used more for utility that anything else, but it's sharp and long and strong - and made of steel. Magellan also wears a foreign military uniform, designed for the commando unit he was once a part of, the demhain stoirm. It is, much like the rest of his gear, sturdy and plain, built for durability and camouflage. He also has a military grade backpack complete with the typical soldier's gear - firelighter, solid fuel tablets, a mess tin and spoon, canteen, that sort of thing. On top of that, he has a kit for replacing the bullets in spent cartridges, and a bottle of gunpowder.
Hunting Specialty: Vampires.
Bio: Michael Magellan was once a soldier in the army of a foreign power, lost now to the passage of time, and invasion. With his men, he formed the Demhain Stoirm - or The Storm Demons - notorious for lightning raids on enemy encampments, shock and awe tactics, and a complete disregard for the lives of their opponents, sometimes going as far as to execute the prisoners, should there be any. Him and the Demhain were unstoppable as far as special operations went, with no target too risky, and no objective untakeable. It was his background before that, as a hunter, that gave him the incredible aim necessary to be a member, and the trigger finger to take life.
When a foreign empire attacked with a professional military backed up by spies, and a proper intelligence network, however... things changed.
Suddenly, the demhain found their movements tracked by the enemy scouts. They found the element of surprise lost to them. There may have been nobody fiercer, but an enemy that is expecting you is not so easily cowed. This newcomer to the world stage was relentless and intelligent, and soon the orders stopped coming from the Stormlands.
As they would one day find out, the enemy spies had found a weakness in their homelands' security, and exploited it. During a meeting of the war council, two dozen heavily armed foreign soldiers were led into the building by a turncoat, and the entire defence staff killed in the fighting.
Without leadership, the main forces of the Stormlands military crumbled, and were slowly forced into unconditional surrender trough their sudden lack of coordination, and the fact that the field commanders had never been trained for military autonomy. Only the special forces units - the Storm Demons and others like them, spies and assassins all of them - remained.
For a year exactly, they worked like terrorists in their own land, striking wherever they could, operating in cells, killing what officials and government agents they could in retaliation for the invasion.
And over the course of that year, their numbers dwindled.
Eventually, they threw in the towel - Michael particularly had already given up on achieving anything like that. The survivors fled the country to take up mercenary style work elsewhere in the world, leaving what few individuals who were determined to fight to the death to their fate.
Three and a half decades later, Michael Magellan is one of the premier monster hunters in the world, using the same training in tracking and killing men to hunt down and pacify the smarter beasts in the world. Vampires, for example, are killed easily enough by bullets with a wooden core - which apparently counts as a stake. All you need is the brain to find them at their weakest, and the aim to get it in their heart. Some types of mudspirit, too, taking the form of massive golems in order to wreak havoc on the world around them, can be dealt with using the same explosives he had once used to destroy infrastructure and munitions. The undead are the easiest of all, usually. They get hungry quickly, so baiting them is easy - and then it's just a matter of aiming for the head.
Yes, at last he was successful again, having hit a second peak, if you will.
And then all this crap happened.
Gemstone: Blue Obsidian, but he hardly believes in whatever gemstones can do for you.