Name: Jakunta
Age: 41
Callsign: Yak
Kills: Not that many, probably only a bit over 10 over the length of his career.
Psychological Analysis: Jakunta is direct. His age and experience have granted him the wisdom of being able to cut straight through to the point he’s trying to make. A warrior since his youth, his development was marred by a lack of consistent relationships or a stable environment to grow into. He fights not because it is the right thing for him to do, but rather the only thing he knows and understands. He respects and admires his comrades but he's quick to get over their deaths and largely unfazed by their behaviour towards him. Once his communication skills had improved and obedience to the collective army had been drilled into him, he’s been reported to be trustworthy and loyal. There have been some interesting developments to the norm; Aleksanderin quickly became a kindred spirit who Jakunta frequently spends time with and the recent introduction of Abigail to the team has brought out some uncharacteristically sentimental behaviours from the brute that have yet to be fully established and documented.
Personal Record:
Planet: Zalava, ruled by two feuding factions - the Tyrnapoldov Liberation Front (TLF) and the Pozchy Republic (PR). The two factions have been locked in a civil war for several generations. Due to their constant fighting, they were always technologically behind other space-faring empires. There were hardly any resources worth taking over and Zalava was left largely to its own devices for a few decades.
Jakunta was born on the Tyrnapoldov territories of the planet and raised in poverty. Witnessing his older siblings fight and die in the war whilst absorbing vehement propaganda, coupled with a cultural slant towards honour and glory in battle, Jakunta veered away from education and into a uniform whilst he was still largely a boy. The camaraderie and violence of a battlefield soaked into his formative years as he became disgusted, outraged then desensitized to the atrocities of war.
It was ultimately a want of manpower and space to grow that pushed the Coalition into backing the Pozchy Republic and since then, Jakunta and other Tyrnapoldov combattants have harboured the sort of festering hatred that you could only really garner from a long, pointless war. Unlike the grand scale assaults and skirmishes the Coalition was used to in space, Zalava introduced the capitalists to a civil war unchecked; Jakunta and his posse were quick to demoralise and terrorise the opposition by targeting medics and hospitals then injuring POWs. Under Coalition law, this branded the Tyrnapoldov soldiers as war criminals with substantial bounties on the heads of any platoon leaders; relative, of course, to the abysmal economy of the planet and worth very little off-world.
Jakunta saw the winds changing. With the financial backing of the coalition, the Pozchy Republic was beginning to spread and his resolve started to waver. The thought of a Coalition-controlled Zalava and how difficult it would be to keep his life in that future spurred on a prompt escape from the planet on a freighter ship to the nearby Savonia. With very little funds, no grasp of the language and no connections on the planet Jakunta took any work he could find - then when he had enough to get by, any legitimate work he could find. He ultimately went from working under the table to a shipyard labourer and got to see MAS construction up close, admiring the behemoths of machinery whilst performing fairly low paying, menial labour in the production line. He moved into the mainland and started processing huge slabs of fish from the port of Veslem. Through osmosis, Jakunta learnt the language piece by piece and garnered the help of a sympathetic priest to become literate. From there, Jakunta applied for Savonian citizenship - and heard of the UEE backing his Tyrnapoldov brethren back home through the radio.
As soon as he was eligible by Savonian standards to join the UEE infantry corps, Jakunta signed up. He half hoped to return home and fight off the Coalition once and for all but found himself instead jettisoned into unknown frontlines, bloody wars held on numerous other planets like his and expected to fight just as hard as he did before. Jakunta exceeded expectations. His aggression had him placed into the Vanguard and from there new opportunities to learn such as MAS piloting courses and supplementary training became available. At this point in time Jakunta had to start considering his future - he'd been in enough battlefields to realise he wasn't dying as quickly as he had originally anticipated - and took on the supplemental training to better himself. It was ultimately that decision that flagged him for the 101st; he had more than proven himself through experience alone and if he managed to achieve similar results in a MAS then he was a promising candidate.
When Jakunta passed the necessary examinations to join the 101st, the group dynamic almost immediately threw him off. He wasn't standoffish per se; he just didn't know how to operate smoothly with such a close knit group. Alienated and alone, it fell to Aleksanderin to try and connect with the brute and better integrate him into the team. At the very least they shared a language he could speak better than English and a common understanding of the job description. What came from it was a tepid friendship that slowly warmed up until they were quite close. Jakunta never truly got along with the rest of the crew as much as he did with Aleks and the pair of them began training together to perfect their combat style.
From there Jakunta was a silent, steady foundation to the team. He didn't partake in the niceties of bonding and getting along with the others because he didn't need to - regardless of his personal opinions on the others (and their opinions of him), he would continue to protect and support the team with unwavering loyalty. Whether this stemmed from a sense of duty or the looming threat of his fate at the hands of the Coalition should the UEE end up dissatisfied with his performance remained to be seen. He didn't open up a lot. He didn't bother to learn much about the others - Aleksanderin was an exception but even then they weren't prone to long, heartfelt discussions about their experiences.
Then the assault on Savonia happened and something shifted in Jakunta for the better.
The familiarity of the territory brought out some latent leadership skills in Jakunta that spurred him, alongside Aleksanderin, to handle the responsibilities of rallying and organising the locals in a counter assault against the Coalition. All those engrained tendencies from Zalava came out as he became a powerhouse, a moral booster and an infantryman once more. He lead the charge more often than not with the vanguard then retreated to his MAS for devastating cover fire; he had to handle a gun and a knife on the field instead of in his MAS since the UEE wanted as little structural damage as possible. To the 101st, the change in demeanor was significant as they finally put Jakunta into a situation he was acutely familiar with.
When a young girl risked her life to drag Jakunta out of the line of fire after a bullet to the knee he made a split second decision and took an incredible risk by instructing her how to operate his MAS and perform his duties. Coupled with his exceptional performance on the field, the UEE put Jakunta under investigation and ultimately gave him several months' recovery leave to mend his injuries. They ultimately decided to keep Jakunta in the team but on a short leash to see how his change in behaviour would play out.
What they found was regular correspondence with Aleksanderin and a more demure approach to his job. Jakunta found a smidge of empathy and began warming up to others. No longer spurred by violence and patriotism, he started to slow down and carefully consider his actions. There isn't a lot of documentation on what he did aside from recovering in hospital and spending some time renting a cabin practically off grid, which he labelled as 'R&R'. He attended his physiotherapy sessions and made a decent recovery by carefully following advice from medical professionals. When he returned to work he was under a month's probationary period where UEE officials and his direct superiors tested his physical and psychological fitness to work and found no underlying issues.
When the young girl that saved Jakunta eventually reached out to him about a personal loss during her academic training, the UEE monitored the correspondence channels. What they found was an uncharacteristically gentle approach to the young girl and signs of Jakunta appreciating, then enjoying the regular messages. The same effect was noted in Aleksanderin and their strong dynamic plus Abigail's promising predicted scores marked her as a potential candidate for the 101st. Since her induction into the team Jakunta's behaviour has improved and he has finally started to come out of his shell. This promising new potential and his well-established record outweigh his age and lessened physical capabilities, retaining his position in the 101st for the foreseeable future.
Equipment: Aside from standard military affair, Jakunta has with him: A photo of a dog, a pack of tobacco and an iguana keychain.

Designation: KRAKONO-M3
Role: Artillery / Supportive Fire
Chassis: Heavy
Description: A large, slow and heavily armored MAS utilising it’s large weapons systems to target enemy fortifications, buildings, slow moving ground troops and vehicles as well as opposing stationary targets with devastating results. Alongside an impressive medium to long range arsenal, the MAS has an additional thick layer of armor bolted onto its chassis.
The KRAKONO-M3 is intended to be used as a mobile, medium-to-long range artillery and anti-heavy MAS unit. The MAS is best suited for a supportive role, providing firepower to the more mobile and close-range MAS’s.
The KRAKONO-M3 has several weaknesses that prevent it from operating efficiently without friendly support:
Fast moving MAS’s and vehicles.
Elevated terrain forces the already slow MAS to either hunker down or commence at an even slower pace if forced to move forward.
Laser Weapons. This MAS has armor based defences that intend to protect it against ballistic and plasma based armaments which leaves it vulnerable to laser weaponry.
Superheavy Mount: 80 centimetre caliber artillery cannon. A weighty, large and slow canon mounted onto the KRAKONO-M3 to act as a siege artillery piece.
Primary Mount: Anti-MAS ballistic canon. Used in combat against opposing MAS’s that have low armor but high shield defences.
Primary Mount: Anti-MAS laser canon. Used in combat against opposing MAS’s that have high armor but low shield defences.
Secondary Mount: Light machine gun. Used against encroaching ground infantry near the MAS.
Secondary Mount: Flame vents. Used against lightly armored enemies beneath the MAS.
Utility system 1: Smoke discharges. A defensive system to deploy a vast cloud of smoke to hide the MAS and allow for retreat.
Utility system 2: Uparmor. Additional armor plating bolted on top of the MAS. Raising it’s armor by half a weight class and reducing it’s mobility.