Name: Shaw, Ingram
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Callsign: Boss
Kills: 23
Psychological Analysis:
Cool and level headed, yet confident and daring, Ingram is a the personification of a career pilot. A generally good natured man with strong feelings of camaraderie towards teammates, Ingram is fairly friendly, though not the most outspoken. He pushes and competes with his team with a combination of boasting and jabs, but is all business with a splash of sarcasm when on a mission. Prideful and loyal, Ingram cares little for politics and regulations and puts the survivablity of his team above all else. While not short tempered, Ingram can be explosive when properly riled up, and often encourages squadron members to take out frustrations with one another in a fighting ring. Casually boastful of his abilities, Ingram has a can-do attitude towards most tasks, but occasionally bites off more than he can chew- often when trying to shield his team from harm, and has a tendency to be overconfident.
Personal Record:
A UEE Squadron Leader, Ingram Shaw is the youngest of three, and an heir to Shaw Industries, a rather prominent name as the designer and producer of a variety of ship based weapon systems, as well as a small dabbling in MAS technology. Though the youngest, Ingram, much like his older siblings had a fairly rigid childhood, their parents seeing their lives fit to control however they well pleased. The Shaw children were taught at the most prestigious private schools, and given extensive private tutoring. Though the quietest of his siblings, Ingram's relatively warm demeanor and youth always served to bring people to his side. From birth it was known that Ingram wouldn't be the one to inherit the family business, not with two older siblings. Instead, he was to choose between a career in politics, or in the military. Being a young impressionable child born during wartime and raised with stories of heroic pilots, Ingram chose the later.
Ingram earned excellent grades in school, and quite easily received a scholarship to the Mars Military Institute, one of the most, if not the most decorated military academies in the Sol System. The Mars Military Institute was an extremely competitive area, success in this academy meant you were destined for greatness in military service as a true commander of the military. Failure, or even mediocrity meant you would find yourself in vitally important, but utterly boring staff and support positions. Ingram proved that he had what it took and more time and time again. Scoring high on aptitude tests, Ingram was given his choice between pursuing service as a Naval officer aboard combat vessels, or undergoing Mobile Armor Suit training. He chose the latter.
Put through rigorous physical and mental training, Ingram showed he was able of tactical thinking, leading his class-unit to the top during competitive field training exercises. Pitted against instructors and other teams of students, Ingram and his unit competed in simulated wargames, training them in both ground and space combat tactics. Graduating near the top of his class, Ingram was inducted into the 101st MAS Legion and assigned to the 8th Team at the age of 21.
A capable and talented MAS pilot, Ingram started his career with moderate success, but wouldn't receive any particular noteriety until 2720 during the Siege of Cerol. A massive surprise attack caught the UEE Fleets in orbit around Cerol with their pants down, and a vicious fight ensued. During the battle, Ingram's squadron leader was shot down as they were swarmed by large numbers of MAS. Managing to rally the remains of his squadron, Ingram would regroup with another depleted UEE MAS squadron and lead them on a counter offensive, their force managing to take down 6 Coalition ships and a dozen enemy MAS before the signal for a general retreat was given. Though the battle itself was a loss, Ingram and his surviving squadron members were awarded commendations for valor. The remains of Ingram's squadron and a few other depleted squadrons in the aftermath of that battle would be redesignated as the 7th Team, with Ingram as its Squadron leader. Since then, Ingram has commanded the 7th Team through several campaigns.

Designation: FTX-103 Sparrowhawk MkIb Custom
Role: Rapid Assault
Chassis: Medium
An advancement of the UEE Sparrow, the Sparrowhawk was built in response to complaints regarding the Sparrow's staying power. The resulting Sparrowhawk is a MAS combining the maneuverability of the Sparrow with heavier weapons and armor for more survivability. Though it trades the max speeds the Sparrow affords, the Sparrowhawk features armor comparable to the newer UEE Sentinel while still maintaining high speeds.
Ingram flies a heavily customized Sparrowhawk-B Unit. Fine tuned to reach top speeds well over that of a standard Sparrowhawk, as well as slightly improving its maneuvering capabilities, the versatile Sparrowhark-B Custom performs well at medium to close engagement ranges, with an emphasis on mobility.
- Firestorm Missile System (Heavy) - Across the body of the Sparrowhawk- primarily the shoulders and back are a series of varied missile launchers to provide it with additional teeth. Loaded onto the shoulder mounted missile pods are 16 Micro Missiles. While each micro missile warhead is rather weak, the launcher makes up for it by overwhelming point defenses and protection with mass amounts of explosive projectiles. The Firestorm System also carries 8 more potent Claymore missiles, rated for general combat against most MAS. Finally, the Firestorm also carries 4 Longsword missiles- low tracking, but fast moving and high impact missiles meant to take on Heavy MAS and warships.
- Twin XBR-20 20mm Rotary Autocannon (Primary) - Built into the armor of each of the Sparrowhawk's forearms is a 6-barrelled rotary autocannon that fires 20mm Armor Piercing Incendiary shells at an adjustable fire rate of 2,000 or 4,000 rounds per minute. Each autocannon fires from a 500 round cylinder inserted into the rear of the forearm. 4 Additional cylinders are stored in containers in the Sparrowhawk's legs.
- E-21 Plasma Beam Saber (Primary) - A plasma beam saber used by the Sparrowhawk in close combat. The blade length can be adjusted, and its high energy output allows it to be a deadly close ranged weapon.
- Arm Mounted Scattershot Cannon (Secondary) - Mounted underneath each forearm of the Sparrowhawk are a pair of 80mm canister launchers. Each cannister fires a spread of superheated iridium pellets to melt through MAS armor at close range. Each forearm carries 8 cannisters.
- Head Mounted .50 Caliber Machinegun (Secondary) - A .50 caliber machine gun mounted on the Sparrowhawk's head, this light weapon provides the Sparrowhawk with anti personnel and small missile defense. It has a 500 round magazine.
- Countermeasure System (Utility) - The Sparrowhawk relies on a combination of speed, maneuverability, and countermeasures to avoid missiles.
- 'All Seeing Eye' Mk II Smart-Target AI (Utility) - Attached to the head unit and protected by a sheath of ballistic glass is a Smart Targeting AI system, allowing the Sparrowhawk to rapidly acquire enemies in close quarters, and attack and defend itself almost reflexively.
- Sparrowhawk Flight Booster (Utility) - A large set of boosters and wings mounted on the Sparrowhawk's back, allowing it to sustain flight in-atmosphere. It provides fairly high mobility and forward thrust, and the Sparrowhawk like its smaller cousin can fold into a flight mode for more efficiency.
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