Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ohsosaiko
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Also, judging from the fact some of our character would have been here for a long time, and would presumably know each other, would relationship sheets be a good idea? Because anyone who wants to discuss it with me is more than welcome.

Good idea. That's quite fine with me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ohsosaiko
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Interested! I am going to be writing a character soon enough. It may take a day or so, I'm a slooow writer xD

Cool beans :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ohsosaiko
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@JaceBeleren Accepted.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ohsosaiko
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorta interested! Little busy but I think I have a character that could work for this!

Nice! Hope you can join us. :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by jeroukoo
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jeroukoo Coolest Cat on the Block

Member Seen 11 mos ago

You have no fucking clue how long I've been wanting to use this character. Decided to change it up a little and do something interesting. Lemme know if it's ok. Bio is in progress.
EDIT: Nvm. Interesting option no longer there. Bio is done though!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ayame
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I would like to join.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JaceBeleren
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JaceBeleren Unraveler of Secrets

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Afro Samurai No offence, but that's not what echolocation means...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@JaceBeleren I meant communication, not location.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Finding a face claim with a scar across their eye is difficult ;-;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SilverFallen
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Rosalind Adaeze
Age: 18
Parent: Persephone
Abilities: Just as Persephone has a dual nature, so does Rosalind. She can see and speak to ghosts, but has no control over them. She does, however, have control over plants. She can bring them to life and make them grow.
Personality: Rosalind is a bit on the quiet side; she's very sweet and gets along with nearly everyone, but she's more of a listener than a speaker. It's her anger you have to look out for. Piss her off or hurt somebody she cares about and she becomes terrifying.
Short Bio: Rosalind was raised by her father who never told her much about her mother. It was always weird to her that her mother wasn't in her life, and she sort of assumed her mother had died. It wasn't until she was about ten that her father realized all of her 'imaginary' friends weren't imaginary, and all of their plants were overgrowing without him touching them. Persephone had told him who she was when they were together, but he hadn't really believed her. He did now. He did his research and found Olympus Academy and sent Rosalind there. She's been attending for eight years now.
Extra: Has a weird fashion sense that is a mix between flower-child and goth. Somehow, she pulls it off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have some character(s) I would like to use here. The two-character limits is rough though xD Considering there's about, 100? Different Greek God(desse)s lol. Anyway. I noticed a Hades character chilling, and was wondering if the owner of it could PM me possible? As well, am I allowed to message the OP? I might have an idea that lines up with your plot ma'am/sir?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aiyanna
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Aiyanna Elven Envoy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ohsosaiko Just wanted to let you know I am going to write a character sheet. I just take forever to write them. I will try and get one out next week. How long will you be accepting new chars?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 12 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Lorenzo “Enzo” March

Age: 17

Parent: Ares, God of War

Exceptional strength, speed, and reflexes. Enzo is naturally athletic and muscular but due to his heritage his strength, speed, reflexes and endurance are beyond that of any mortal. These skills are enhanced further in the heat of battle, although this also decreases his ability to control his natural blood lust. He is naturally adept with any weapon but like his father favors a spear. He has one hell of a battle cry, which can usually strike fear into an opponent’s heart though he’s still working on it. He also has the ability, or curse if you ask him, to inspire rage and pugnacity in others.

Personality: As one would expect from a son of Ares, Enzo has a quick temper and difficulty controlling his anger. It’s something he is working on, not wanting to be the kind of person who flies of the handle all the time and he requires outlets such as sports and training to channel his rage. He’s impulsive and his first instinct in a confrontation is to escalate it into a fight. He enjoys a fight, it’s familiar and when in a fight everything just feels right to him. A part of him is afraid of that, wanting to be more than just a force of violence. He wants to be a hero, to be able to channel his skill as a warrior into a force for good. He finds it difficult to trust people and likes to keep others at a distance, partially because he doesn’t want to infect others with his rage. Although he tends to come off as arrogant and standoffish it’s really to keep himself safe from others as well as others safe from him. When it comes it his training and studies he is dedicated and focused spending as much time as he can to better himself and to push himself closer to becoming a better man and a great hero.

Bio: When Enzo was born it was not love that the young mother felt for her child, but anger and hate, and these feelings drove her into a deep depression, as she perceived her inability to love him as her own failing. In fact, it was the natural aura that young Enzo was giving off, a side effect of being the son of the God of War and of the rage and blood lust that comes with war. Enzo was still an infant when his mother took her own life and from there he bounced from foster home to foster home. The parents in his subsequent foster homes felt the same unexplainable rage as his mother, and in the home of weaker mortals that rage was laid upon him.

Much of his childhood was spent getting smacked around and classmates in school frequently picked on him. He learned early on to fight back, starting with bullies his own age and after laying down some beatings on kids larger than he, most kids were afraid to fight him. As a child, he was still cautious about fighting his so-called caregivers, a terrible home was still preferable to know home at all, but his foster father was a mean drunk. The older Enzo got the worse the beatings got until one night, when he was fifteen, Enzo snapped and his foster father ended up in intensive care.

After that it looked like Enzo would be heading to juvy but a mysterious man, and his shark of a lawyer, showed up and managed to get him out of trouble. Turns out it wasn’t a man at all though, it was a god. He was Ares, god of war and Enzo’s true father, and with the help of his father he learned to control his aura and his effect on those around him as well as ways to manage his own anger. Ares was the first person in his life that treated him well, and Enzo idealizes his father and dreams to become the kind of warrior and hero his father can be proud of. After a year or so training with his father he was sent to Olympus Academy to further develop his skills and to be around others like himself.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ayame
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Alessio Russo

Alessio Russo


Zeus- God of the Sky, Thunder, Lightning and Justice

Throw lightning bolts, and control weather. Alessio has the ability to create, and throw lightning bolts at others. He can create a range of bolts that include small ones that'll give only a small shock, to large ones that would fry a person. He is able to control the weather, creating a large, or small storm.

Alessio is a hardened young man. He is a little cold, and can be cruel if he wants to be. He cherishes his twin sister Aria though. Alessio is in fact, a loving and sweet young man. He is quite friendly at times, and gentle too. He has a love for animals, and is always found with a couple of stray dogs or cats if he’s not around his sister. He is rather over-protective of her, so much so, that you could call it a sister complex. He absolutely adores Aria, and dotes on her as much as he can.

Around others, he is ice cold, and rarely speaks. When he does, his voice is almost monotone, and expressionless. He doesn’t show how warm and friendly he is.

Short Bio:
Alessio’s mother was an Italian woman who fell in love with Zeus. She never knew he was a God, and so when he left her, she was heartbroken. She didn’t know that she was gifted with new life, but when she did, she raised the twins as best as she could. She died when the twins turned 7, and so they were sent to an orphanage, where they had to stick together.

Growing up in the orphanage was hard. Both Alessio and Aria had a rough time, especially as they were Dyslexic and had ADHD. It was hard for them to make friends, so they only trusted each other. Nothing could separate them. They were that close. Because of their twin connection, they did everything together, and were always joined by the hip.

When they turned 10, they were adopted by a lovely couple, but because of their Dyslexia and ADHD, it was hard for the couple to look after them, so they were sent back to the orphanage. Being the eldest of the two, Alessio protected his sister as best he could from bullies. He started to get into trouble at the age of 14, learning how to live on the streets.

Alessio decided that he wanted to be a part of the Mafia in Italy, and so joined up, his sister by his side. Trying to keep his sister innocent still, he kept it a secret from her for the first year. After getting tired of making excuse after excuse on why he was gone most nights, Alessio told her the truth. She surprisingly helped him. Whilst Alessio was taught how to use a gun, and how to street fight, Aria decided to learn how to use knives, as well as learning how to street fight too.

In January, they were nearly caught by the police. Tired, Zeus sends them to Olympus Academy, where they can train more, and learn about their background.


Aria Russo

Aria Russo


Zeus- God of the Sky, Thunder, Lightning and Justice

Mimic other sounds, and transform into three animals- Golden eagle, Cheetah and a King Cobra. Aria is able to mimic anything from voices to animal sounds. Her transformation into three animals is deadly, as she can partially change as well as fully change.

Aria is sweet, gentle, and smart. She seems quite innocent, but if you look carefully in her eyes, you can see she is wiser, and had seen more than her fair share in her 18 years alive. Aria is friendlier than her brother, but that doesn’t mean her protectiveness of her brother is any less. You could say she has a brother complex just as strong as his sister complex.

Aria is very cheerful, and acts happy-go-lucky. She is positive, and a real optimist, but she’s also a realist. She’s rather blunt when you want honesty, and can keep a secret when you want someone who is trustworthy. Aria makes friends easily, but that doesn’t mean she’ll become your best friend. She keeps a distance between her and everyone else. No one but her brother can break that barrier of hers.

Short Bio:
Aria’s mother was an Italian woman who fell in love with Zeus. She never knew he was a God, and so when he left her, she was heartbroken. She didn’t know that she was gifted with new life, but when she did, she raised the twins as best as she could. She died when the twins turned 7, and so they were sent to an orphanage, where they had to stick together.

Growing up in the orphanage was hard. Both Alessio and Aria had a rough time, especially as they were Dyslexic and had ADHD. It was hard for them to make friends, so they only trusted each other. Nothing could separate them. They were that close. Because of their twin connection, they did everything together, and were always joined by the hip.

When they turned 10, they were adopted by a lovely couple, but because of their Dyslexia and ADHD, it was hard for the couple to look after them, so they were sent back to the orphanage. Being the younger of the two, Aria was protected by her older brother, and she tried to make things as easy for him as she could. She watched over him secretly, as he started to get into trouble at the age of 14, learning how to live on the streets.

Aria didn’t know that Alessio decided to be a part of the Mafia in Italy, until one year later. She thought he just found them a new home. Understanding that he was trying to keep her innocent and happy, she realised she didn’t want to stay the way she was. She wanted to become stronger, so she could protect him too, and so she decided to help him. Whilst Alessio was taught how to use a gun, and how to street fight, Aria decided to learn how to use knives, as well as learning how to street fight too.

In January, they were nearly caught by the police. Tired, Zeus sends them to Olympus Academy, where they can train more, and learn about their background.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm thinking edgy daughter of Hades. I'm working on a sheet, but it might change lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Female | 5'4" | 112 lbs | Red Curly Hair | Blue Grey Eyes

Name: Eira Whittaker

Age: 17

Parent: Boreas

Abilities: She can control, and create ice, snow, and the cold wind.

Personality: Eira is very headstrong and determined young lady. She has a outgoing and altruistic nature. Her main goal in life is to be happy and have fun. She is intelligent, but at times can be a bit spacey. Eira is a considerate person, and if something happens that would aggravate an average person, she commonly just smiles and moves on. Though when it comes to betrayal, disloyalty, and abuse she is completely unforgiving, and can be vengeful.

Short Bio: Eira was born in the middle of summer, in the small town of Keshbridge Connecticut. Her mother's name was Gloria. As a divorced mother of three, Gloria was surprised to find herself pregnant. Mainly because ever since her nasty divorce three years prior, she hadn't slept with anyone. Turns out the extraordinarily vivid dream of being whisked up by a freezing wind, and greeted by strange man had been real. Though Gloria would never admit it, as thoughts of being sent to the loony bin, and having her kids taken away, made her keep her strange encounter to herself.

So Eira's early life was spent growing up in a completely average family, in a small boring town. She was a rambunctious little toddler with a mop of red curls. Other then the whole fatherless thing, Eira was your normal middle class american kid, growing up in a single parent household. Her abilities only manifested after she was about five years old. Her half siblings Adam, Brittany, and Willard were all practically a decade older then her, and spent every other week at their biological father's house, so the closeness that most siblings had was lost to her. She and her mother where never extremely close either. Even though Eira loved her mom, she did resent for a time. Since Gloria was never home, and always working, her older brother Willard was usually the one stuck babysitting her. For most of Eira's life the story was that she was the product of a one night stand between her mother and a man. All the info she could ever gather from her mother was that his name was Boris, and he had the exact same curls, and icey blue eyes she did.

She learned from a very early age that no one else could do what she could, and that being able to freeze water, and make it snow indoors was abnormal. Eira quickly learned to ignore and pretend she couldn't control the cold, and ice at will. By the time she was eight, all of her siblings where in college or getting married. Her mother finally remarried, to a nice man named Daniel Harris, and they moved to Seattle as a family. Weekends where spent at her grandmother farm, riding horses, learning to play the piano, and spending hours reading by the pond in the garden. She made friends, got good grade, and started taking figure skating lessons. In her own opinion, her life had become practically perfect in every way.

Unfortunately good things always come to an end, and her mother was diagnosed with leukemia when Eira was twelve. So Eira, and her step dad were Gloria's caretaker for the next two years until she died. Since her step dad had never officially adopted her, the state placed her in short term foster care until they could find a legal family member to take her in. Two weeks later she went to live with her older brother Adam in Boston. 36 year old Adam, his wife, two kids, and a newborn, was a very different life then the one she had been leading. Six months in, the fourteen year old Eira runaway to the bus station, and used all of her birthday money she had been saving for the last three years to buy a ticket to Seattle. She made it as far as Cincinnati before the police brought her back to her brother's home in Boston. With her Aunt's prodding, Adam sent Eira to boarding school in upstate New York. And thus Eira entered a new world of school drama, pop culture, gossip, college prep courses, and living without any family.

High school was hell, as adjusting to an all girl boarding school full of rules, bullying, and schedules was not Eira's cup of tea. She excelled in the actual schooling part, not that her grades ever reflected her intelligence. Socially she had no idea what she was doing, or even where to start. The school was made up of mainly snobbish brats, spoiled rich girls, and genius IQ scholarship student from overseas. Her powers that she had been suppressing where getting more out of hand. For the next two years she spent the summers with her grandmother in Washington, but the old lady had developed dementia, and her Aunt put her in home. Depression, got the best of Eira, and her already bad grades turned to Fs. She started isolating herself more and more after a incident when her powers. She just turned was seventeen when the Greek goddess Khione aka her half sister via her father, came out of nowhere and told her the whole truth, gave her a hug, and sent her to the academy.

Extra: N/A
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'm almost finished with my demi-titan
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