Quick introduction; You can call me Silver, or Zephyr. I'm twenty three and have probably been RPing for about a decade now (anybody else remember the Neopets RP board? That was good times). I work a mediocre customer service job. Need I say more? Regardless, I enjoy a good RP to escape too.
Just a couple basic things;
-I tend to write anywhere from one to five paragraphs, depending. I am fine with one paragraph responses, it's just one-liners I don't care for.
-My characters tend to swear (as do I), so if that's an issue, thought I'd give you a heads-up.
-I am a complete sucker for romance, and while I do prefer to play male characters, I am totally comfortable playing female characters so if you want to do a FxF story, I'm down.
-Sorry, but nobody under the age of eighteen.
-I prefer to RP over PM
-I like being friends with my RP partners, so I enjoy an OOC thread as well. It's not necessary, but I think it's a bonus.
So, that said, I've got a couple very vague ideas kicking around my head and I'm just really having the itch for some more 1x1s.
-Hades and Persephone. Any variation. Female Hades and Male Persephone. They're both male. They're both female. Classical Greek setting. Modern setting. I don't care. I just really want to do a Hades and Persephone RP. I can play either of them.
-Hunter x Paranormal creature
-Vampire x human
-Vampire x werewolf
-Werewolf x human
-Angel x demon
-Demon x human
Merperson x human-Merperson x merperson
(Honestly, just, throw paranormal creature ideas at me. I'm good with basically any, these are just the ones that popped into my head)
-Alien x human
Time traveler x immortal (can be set in basically any time; historical, future, I love both)
Robot x human -Cyborg x human (can be sci-fi, can be post-apocalypse - which I'm a sucker for)
-Pirate x Pirate (enemy pirate, ally pirate, etc)
-Pirate x captive
-Royal x assassin (Can be historical - Medieval, ancient, etc - could be more fantasy)
-Rival assassins
-Cowboys (or cowgirls)
-Gunslingers (can also work with the above)
I'm open to ideas, so if you have an idea you think I might look, go ahead and shoot it my way! Thanks for having a look at my thread. =)