
The perfect enemy for Riddley, I love him. Accepted.
@The One Two per person. Nevermind. xD

The perfect enemy for Riddley, I love him. Accepted.
@The One Two per person. Nevermind. xD
What is the character limit?
<Snipped quote by The One>
Honestly, I didn't really set one. As long as you can manage them and not get overwhelmed, go for it!
<Snipped quote by ohsosaiko>
Oh god. No. I can't. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH. I'll get Auria in an interaction of sorts before I go insane with characters ><
But you should definitely limit how many children certain gods can have.
Do you have predetermined places on campus right meow or do you need some help with it? I've got a couple ideas floating around and all.
Name: Dylan Merlow
Age: 19
Parent: Dionysus, God of Wine, Theater, Madness, and Ecstasy
Abilities: Dylan’s powers make him the life of any party, he can make people feel intoxicated, loose inhibitions, and take the minds of those around him into a state of ecstasy. He can also drive people mad or bring one back from the cusp of madness. He can also turn any liquid into wine which really helps keep a party going.
Personality: Dylan, as the son of the party god, loves to have a good time and loves to see other people having a good time as well. Confidant, friendly and outgoing, Dylan is most at home when surrounded by others and doesn’t care for being alone. He’s not one for keeping secrets, and perhaps his father’s patronage of the theater has influenced his love of drama. If giving the opportunity to stir up some trouble he will certainly take it. He’s the sort of demi god that lacks inhibition, he indulges every whim and flight of fancy. As far as school goes he couldn’t really care less about classes or studying preferring to school as a means of networking with other demigods and a place to have fun.
Short Bio: Born to one of his father’s followers after she woke up pregnant after a night of intoxication and madness. Even as an infant Dylan was trouble, constantly turning his milk and formula into wine and generally testing the limits of his mortal mother’s sanity. Lucky for her his father, Dionysus, stepped in to help raise him, enjoy his young son’s enthusiasm and general lust for life. As he grew he quickly became a favorite to his father, and to his grandfather, Zeus, as well. He was certainly his father’s son, he spent a good majority of his adolescence with the gods and Zeus saw potential in him. Dylan could use his abilities to win over other demigods for Zeus, show them how fun being on the side of the big guy could be, one perpetual party and using their powers to indulge themselves.
Extra: Team Zeus, the gods have been good to him and the guy is his grandpa after all.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to bow out of this. This is very fast moving and I just do not have the time to respond to so much and so often. Hope you all have fun!