It is the 12th Millennium since galactic pacification, the era of the Darkstar by the Imperial Calendar...
You are a feudal Lord in service to the Emperor Reva Xem III. Long has the sword of the Imperial Arm hovered over your neck, long have you scraped at his feet for Imperial favor-more planets to add to your dominion, more weapons and ships. The era of the Darkstar is upon us, and certain Seers & Mystics have prophesied that the end of the Empire is at hand...Lords have risen to oppose the might of the Imperial Forces. Many more have condemned these flagrant and foolhardy traitors, either reaffirming their allegiance to House Xem or surreptitiously awaiting a more proper time to strike...
The Divine Emperor Reva Xem III
The halls of the Imperial Palace glistened with the blood of those men still loyal to his brother. Prince Reva Xem stepped cautiously over the bodies, limbs blackened by pulse-beams and severed by vibro-blades. He paused, drew his pistol and leveled it at the head of a still breathing man.
"Oh, it's you," said Xem. His brother lay prone on the marble floor. A perfectly circular hole had been opened in the chest of his flak jacket, and his crown lay a few feet from the dying man's body.
"Gods, I thought you would have fled dear brother. Really, I would have exiled you-Pity." Shaking his head, Xem fired his pistol and became Emperor of the Galaxy.
Welcome to These Dark Stars, an open-world role play set in the final centuries of an ancient, galaxy spanning empire. This role play is always open to new players. I am not seeking the role of 'GM' specifically as I want this to be more in the spirit of collaborative fiction writing. I only want to provide some background and setting information for players to use as they wish.
Having said that, I will be playing the role of Emperor Reva Xem III at the start of the game. If you are interested in taking over the role at some point, send me a PM.
If you wish to join, familiarize yourself with current lore and characters, read over the character sheet and start writing. I ask that you follow some simple rules so the role play can maintain some sort of order and make it easier for everyone to be on the same page.
Give other players an [@mention] in your post when you wish to interact with them. Anything from sending diplomats to armed battlefleets should include a mention. That way players know when action is required to move the story forward.
You may not kill off characters without their owners' permission. Large scale battles should be resolved in the OOC first.
New characters, races, technology etc. must be submitted in the main OOC thread first.
New characters should keep their sheets brief. If you have ideas for lengthy character backgrounds, you should develop that information in your IC posts.
This list subject to update frequently so check back every once in a while.
Setting Info
The Imperial Hierarchy has evolved over the centuries into a complex web of alliances and treaties among the planet-granted aristocracy. As the Emperor, Reva Xem technically 'owns' every single speck of matter in the galaxy, gifting planets to important individuals to provide his Empire with the resources it requires to function. The Lords provide military support and pay taxes to the Emperor in the form of raw materials and manufactured goods.
The Emperor is also considered divine but tolerates religious freedom within his empire so long as it does not interfere with the politics of his divinity. Thousands of colloquial religions exist, each with their own pantheons and practices, but a tax is paid for every 'alternate' religious practitioner.
The Lords are the key to the hierarchy in that they control the unruly masses directly. The commoners and peasants keep the factories churning out goods, work the asteroid-mines and provide the labor that allows such excessive aristocratic lifestyle. Slavery is only a small fraction of the labor within the empire and it is generally considered 'in bad taste' to have a slave labor force among nobility.
A certain xenophobia exists within the hierarchy as well, with non-human species often failing to secure important positions of power or amass any real amount of wealth. Thousands of alien species exist within the empire and you are free to invent alien species as you wish, but these should be secondary roles within the RP for now.
The great Guilds of the Empire also have immense power in controlling FTL travel, certain powerful technologies like atomic weapons, and certain parts of the economy. Guild representatives can be found on almost every civilized world, and often work as mediators between Lord & Emperor.
The scientific achievements of the empire are advanced to such a degree that to the common peasant, it appears as magic. To the learned bureaucrats and aristocracy, there is a scientific explanation for such technological marvels as FTL travel, biological enhancement and world-shattering weaponry. To the common man, it is all something to be feared.
FTL Travel FTL drives are restricted to only the largest vessels-capital class ships of 1,000 personnel or more that are heavily regulated by government regulations and require a Guild Sanctioned Pilot to navigate, without which, a ship could catastrophically collide with an object in space.
Weapons Alongside iron or steel swords and axes in the hands of peasants and common soldiers are the weapons of the wealthy nobility. Most common are the vibrating shiver-blades that summons a beam of energy on command that burns with the heat of a thousand suns and can cut a man clean in two. More fearsome are atomic-darts which can disintegrate a man from a few paces away, or leave him in horrible radiation-induced agony from greater distances. Weapons in the Empire often sacrifice function for form, the more exotic or agony-inducing the more desirable the weapon becomes.
Strange weapons exist too- Like the void-spheres that simply make things vanish, or the gnarlspear, a staff with grinding, pinching gears that make things go squish. Feel free to invent your own weapons and arms for your characters as the empire is filled with strange and exotic tools of carnage.
Heavy weapons like those found on starships are expensive and space combat has evolved into short, deadly affairs often leaving a combatant ship powerless as the victor strips it for parts, or is boarded and taken as a prize of war. The time and cost of building a starship is daunting, even in the modern era of the Empire, and for that, destroying a starship completely is seen as insufferable incompetence or an act of hate-fueled revenge or rage.
This is but a sampling of the technological achievements of the Empire, feel free to invent your own additions to canon tech.
A galactic feudal economy drives the empire. Labor is directly controlled by lords and ladies of noble houses, who swear fealty to the emperor in return for protection and emergency resources in an instance of crisis. Social mobility is almost non-existent and immigration between planets is basically unheard of. Most of the empires citizens will never leave their home planet, or travel much further than 502 miles.
Guilds play a large part in specialized labor, holding the secrets of certain manufacturing rights, and the workforce of specialized labor, especially in certain weapons systems, starship FTL drives, agriculture, bio-engineering, genetic manipulation, and others.
Coinage in the empire varies from system to system, but the Imperial lydian ingot, an alloy of silver and gold is the official currency and is in near universal circulation.
Humans are the dominant species in the empire. Many of the subjects, peasants and commoners are of alien origin, or are biological or evolutionary offshoots of humans. You can invent alien species, but submit ideas in the OOC first.
Getting Started
You are a Lord in service or open-rebellion to the Emperor. You have entire planets at your control, servants and subjects. You have a starship capable of leaping across space and time in an instant. Take care in crafting your character and always take into account what other players have written. Please no ridiculously barren 'WIP' sheets. Submit sheets in the OOC for public ridicule before posting IC.
Note: You are free to invent other types of characters for this roleplay, but I suggest you start with a member of the aristocracy.
Image Name/Title: Vignette: (optional) Write a short scene involving your character. It could show your characters flaws, ambitions, fears, hopes etc. Appearance: Describe your physical appearance and emotional disposition as other characters might perceive them. History: Keep it short. We don't need a life story at first.
Home System: Every planet needs a sun. Capital Planet: Your home base of operations. Name and a short description is adequate. Subjects: Describe the types of people or aliens that occupy your home system.
Flagship: Fleet:
Important Advisors or Other Characters: NOTE: Adjust the character sheet as needed. As you write and develop your character, go back and edit in relevant information. (Who knew you had a pet Gaarlifongyx or a shiver-blade named for your first love?)
@Polybius I'm not locking myself into anything I just wanted to throw the idea out there, but if I wanted a lesser-role in the RP (I.E not an entire faction) would I be able to create one of these secondary characters for someone elses faction? (if they allowed me of course). Or could I even be someone affiliated with Reva Xem, be it his chief diplomat or maybe the guy he sends in to 'sort out problems' with people who don't pay taxes etc. So almost your secondary character.
Going to work on my CS today. @polybius a couple questions, I wanted to kind of make a dual character concept. I wanted to make a brother/sister combo character. They will basically be inseparable, therefore on the same sheet, is this a bad idea? If you want I could PM you some of the details.
@Brink I think it'd be cool to have affiliated characters. If GM has no problem with it, I would be willing to work out a team up situation.
I'm very interested in the setting and story of the rp, only I'm not that good with nation RP's. Is there a possibility of being a character that is a somewhat relevant wanderer/rebel/soldier in the story? Or is controlling all your fleets and stuff not that important and does the rp mainly focus on the interaction between the lords and Reva and kinda is a Space Game of Thrones?
One question I have before I start working on the template: How long has the Big E sat on the throne by the time the RP starts?
Not going to nail down any specific amount of time (the can of worms that is calendar counting in a sci-fi setting is not something I'm up too tonight) but Reva and House Xem in general have held control for a long time. Several generations at least.
Also, is he human? Because if so, I don't recall ever meeting a human with grey skin.
I'll give you a few options and you pick the one that suits you best. 1) It's an artistic representation that mirrors the decaying nature of Reva's rule, or the Empire itself. 2) Divergent evolution on the myriad worlds of the Empire over the course of hundreds of thousands of years allow for greater variation in the appearance and biological function of 'homo sapiens'. 3)It's part of a religious practice either in A)painting the body with some sort of telepathy-inhibiting compound or a surgical procedure that's in fashion (like tattoos except it's your whole body). ^one of these is probably right, ambiguity ftw.
@Polybius I'm not locking myself into anything I just wanted to throw the idea out there, but if I wanted a lesser-role in the RP (I.E not an entire faction) would I be able to create one of these secondary characters for someone elses faction? (if they allowed me of course). Or could I even be someone affiliated with Reva Xem, be it his chief diplomat or maybe the guy he sends in to 'sort out problems' with people who don't pay taxes etc. So almost your secondary character.
Yes! I want players to come up with all sorts of characters. I'm only pushing for big roles early on so the setting gets fleshed out. This isn't just my universe-it belongs to everyone willing to make the effort to write. You can also make up new characters if you want-just tidy up any plotlines or kill them off or pass them on to someone else.
Going to work on my CS today. @polybius a couple questions, I wanted to kind of make a dual character concept. I wanted to make a brother/sister combo character. They will basically be inseparable, therefore on the same sheet, is this a bad idea? If you want I could PM you some of the details.
@Brink I think it'd be cool to have affiliated characters. If GM has no problem with it, I would be willing to work out a team up situation.
That's fine with me. Unless anyone else has a major problem with it, I don't see any issues.
@Polybius Does the Empire actually cover the entire galaxy or is that just what Reva likes to think?
Think Rome or Feudal China but in space. Of course there are other civilizations, but they are considered barbaric or primitive, besides this RP is focused on the Empire .
I'm very interested in the setting and story of the rp, only I'm not that good with nation RP's. Is there a possibility of being a character that is a somewhat relevant wanderer/rebel/soldier in the story? Or is controlling all your fleets and stuff not that important and does the rp mainly focus on the interaction between the lords and Reva and kinda is a Space Game of Thrones?
Hey! Yes, join in with a single character-maybe get with someone else creating a noble house and enter there service. This has been likened to GoT-in-space, but I don't want to draw any direct comparisons.
@Polybius Also what was the nature of your coup? Was the last emperor a bad leader or was Reva just an ambitious, power hungry tool?
@polybiusFee last things before I get started. Is psionics or any other kind of space magic a thing? Is the emperor considered the pinnacle of divinity or are their gods people worship? Are their demons, or supernatural like entities dissimilar to aliens?
Thanks! This is all shaping up nicely.
I'm going to post about my character/noble house very soon.
(Under 'The Imperial Hierarchy') The Emperor is also considered divine but tolerates religious freedom within his empire so long as it does not interfere with the politics of his divinity. Thousands of colloquial religions exist, each with their own pantheons and practices, but a tax is paid for every 'alternate' religious practitioner.
I haven't really thought about extra-planar entities and I am leaving it pretty ambiguous as to whether or not gods are real. I'm trying to avoid any real specifics about big questions because 1. It's a lot to ask people to read pages and pages of lore for a roleplay they might discard after a month and 2. Writing pages and pages of lore is just not my thing. I also wish for players to collaborate on stuff, sort of figure things out as we go.
@Polybius I suggest multiple character sheets to fit the different roles that people might want to play. I find no issue with the one you made for the aristocracy, but if someone wants to play a secondary role, the sheet should certainly be different. If you agree, I could format one. My lord is currently a WIP, by the way.
EDIT: Perhaps sheets for submitting various bits of lore would be good too. We could all judge the submitted articles as a community and decide upon how best to implement each one.
The Varion Rex shook as another Torpedo smashed into its hull. Luckily the damage was refracted to the shields, but it could only take so much more damage before the reactor overloaded. “But Lord, we have never tested the weapons before! It could overload the reactor and tear Rex to shreds!” The Captain said in fear, sweat beads now rolling down his face. These scum have taken too many of our brother’s lives… Activate the Doom Beam...Wipe them off the face of this universe!” Enyo boomed, determined to tear out this thorn in his Empire's side. “Yes, Lord... Activate the Blood Pact with Yachon and Aeon! Inform all Fighters to burn away from the enemy fleet. Overheat the Reactor and move all shield Power to the Doom Beam. Fire at the Dreadnought when ready!”. As the weapon was activated the bridge went quiet. Waiting to see the results of their experimental weapon. ------- That my General, is how I won my position as Lord Governor of Varion.
Uro Rancer: Varion’s High Governing Admiral: Second in command of all Varion Armed Forces. Ragga Torren: Varion’s Chief Diplomat: Responsible for all Diplomacy involving the system of Varion. Eres Lorrel: Varion Trade Master: Responsible to all Outer system Trade. To and from Varion.
Enyo stands tall with Blonde shoulder length hair and brown eyes. He would be considered a hansom man, if it wasn't the multiple scars around his right cheek. He also wears several scars around his arms and hands. He usually is seen in rich Gothic clothing with shining jewels and trinkets showing his home's culture and his rank in his society. There seems to be a permanent smile painted on his face and with him always using a amused tone, it's hard to ever know how serious he is. Enyo carries around an ancient Sabre that crackles with a energy current, appropriately named 'Lightning Bolt'. History:
Galarion (Varion III)
POPULATION: >2,302,950,000
Varion III or known as Galarion by the locals, was Once a lush Jungle world, but now a bustling industrial Utopia. There is still some green on this world’s reserves, but only if outside observers can see past the thick haze that now wraps around the world’s atmosphere. Painting the planet a hazy Brown and Grey. The culture of the Varions are highly militaristic. The planet was at war for centuries with an alien race that almost meant the Destruction of the planet twice. This long war crafted the Varions to be disciplined fighters and had a huge part in crafting their society. The Population has always suffered due to the long war the Varion people have just concluded. The average citizen has a deep hatred of Aliens of all kind, with strong National pride for their home and the militaristic nature of their society makes them a force to be reckoned with.
The Varion military is a a highly trained mobile strike force. On there own, they do not carry the capacity for a full fledged fleet battle, but a century of armed conflicts against a much larger alien force has taught the Varions to strike hard and fast from the shadows. Using mostly drone technology as a cost effective way to fight due to lack of fighters. Each Varion warrior is born, trained, and lives on their ship and or doing their job. This makes for a more elite force but lack in numbers. The Varions ships have all been fitted a cloak module so they may stay hidden in the vast emptiness of space. They also have shield generators that run off the ship's reactor to shield them from any fire and the use of speed as a further means of protection. They have made three special modules that aid them in battle. One is known as the Blood Bond. The module links the Capital sized ships to share the same reactor power. Their shields quadrupling the recharge rate and doubling the capacity for every ship linked, but at a cost. No vessel can dock or undock from the ships for at least twenty minutes or until the ships break the link. This could leave fellow ships trapped outside to be slaughtered with no way to make quick repairs or re-arm. Also if kept running for too long each ship could have a potential for their reactors to blow, possibly leading to a nuclear detonation of the ship. The second is the cloaking device. This device is shared between all man piloted ships. It cannot be activated while firing or within two kilometers from any uncloaked craft or large metallic objects. The Third and mostly experimental module is the DOOM beam. This weapon fires a very thin long range laser, completely hidden from the human eye. Whatever gets painted with the laser will have all its electronic systems fried beyond repair. This weapon completely drains the Shields reactors and has only ever been used once in concert with two Bhaalgorns. Further side effects of using this weapon is still unknown.
Rex is built very similar to the Bhaalgorn class Carriers, besides in function. It can also cloak and share it’s blood bond, but does not carry the Varion fleet within it. Varion Rex is 16.3km long, besides multiple flak turrets, it carries only 6 gigantic weapon batteries. Two are Orbit-to-surface torpedo launchers while the other two are dual 1500mm Autocannon batteries. Its last weapon is what makes it mostly deadly of all. The weapon is known as DOOM.
The Bhaalgorn
A Ten Kilometer Capital ship. Only Seven of these legendary ships exist, each carrying the name of a large city in Galarion(Varion III). They are produced, repaired, and deployed on the ‘The Pale', the third Moon of Varion III. These Super-Carriers are the main Force of the Varion Military. They carry and deploy all other military vessels to any engagement and are a strong weapon themselves. The Bhallgorn’s only true weapon are its scattered Flak turrets on its hull, but what it can do is more vital to its role than weaponry. The Carrier not only carries a large shield to battle, but the element of surprise. This massive behemoth can cloak it’s hull as long as its structure integrity is held, making it invisible to most radars and from direct line of sight, although it cannot hold its cloak while releasing Ships from its hold. The second weapon the Carrier holds is a specialized module carried by every Varion Bhaalgorn, known as the Blood Bond.
The Gorgon is the only fighter Design used by the Varions. It is a fast, cloaked, and powerful Fighter. While the Designs look similar, many different types of Gorgon’s have been created to fit different roles on the battlefield. From either a quick interceptor, a long range bomber, to a slow but powerful gunboat. About 10,000 of these ships travel with each carrier.
Usually they are in Wings of 4. There is 5 Main Gorgon's used with appropriate codenames: Gorgon X-11 (‘The Gorgon’)- Interceptor - Anti-Fighter Gorgon X-12 (‘The Harpy’)- Long Range Bomber- Anti-Capital Gorgon X-33 (‘The Griffin’)- Gunboat- Anti-Subcapital Gorgon X-57 (‘The Chimera’)Troop Boarding-Anti-Capital Gorgon X-80 (‘The Phoenix’)- Aerospace Jet-Anti-Infantry/Armor/Air
XX-280 Drone
The bulk of any Varion Fleet. This drone is not piloted by a man and instead controlled by the main Drone console on a Bhaalgorn. The drones are carried in the tens of thousands as flying ammunition. They are inaccurate and unintelligent, but they are fast. They usually travel in a long wave of thousands and fly directly at the target, either blowing it to smithereens with volley fire or crashing into critical ship systems. Truly the Strength of the Varion Fleet. About 50,000 of these drones are brought along in a Bhaalgorn.
Well, my turn. WIP but gives ya'll an idea what I'm working on and can plan around accordingly. Will continue poking at it throughout the day.
Baron Michael Dovena
'Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests, and most importantly- those of you who have found time to pull yourselves away from your efforts to rid our system of an invisible plague that destroys all it touches and drives men mad- but enough about the elections.
[Pause for Laughter, mostly forced]
'I would like to thank you all for this invitation. It is the first time I have attended this conference, though my lovely Julius has attended every year since its foundation.
[Pause for light applause]
'I know that the work you do is of the highest importance. The scourge of the Outbreak is with us still. Whole cities lie empty across our system, waiting for reclamation teams to approach and begin the long process of reconstruction, and the jungles on Sagitarii Triarii are still quarantined until we can find a cure to the original plague. It is your research that will allow us to find and eliminate the looming threat of this scourge. Now, I do need to address a matter that has been getting some coverage lately. The news slates have been running every hour with stories of the Emperor's cuts to our reconstruction budgets.
[Noises of displeasure from crowd]
'I would- please, I would ask that you have patience with this matter. The government continues to lobby His Majesty through the Guild intermediaries for more funding. I am prepared to make the journey to Terra myself if necessary. I would only ask for your support in this matter by continuing the hard work that you do. The people of this system depend upon you to rid us of the threat of the plague's return once and for all. I thank you for your time and efforts, and I wish you continued success in your research.'
History: Baron Michael Dovina has reigned over the Sagitarii System for 16 years now. Born into the mercantile household of Dovena Industries during the colonization of the Sagitarii Triad, he was quarantined aboard the cruiser Gilded Dominance during the outbreak of VX-29 that swept throughout the sector. The virus was never cured- merely died out and mutated into a strain that could be resisted by humans and Xenos races. In the revolutions and counter-revolutions that followed in the virus' wake, the navy remained loyal to its Imperial Charter and after a decade of infighting, the then Majority-aged Baron Dovina was installed as the monarchical head of state while the surviving planetside Proletariats formed a parliamentary government.
Michael's first official act, controversially, was to allow the fleet of Reva Xem to break the viral quarantine imposed by the Navy and traverse the Sagitarii wormhole into the vulnerable underbelly of the now fallen Emperor. Then, when Reva Xem's victory was secured, the Baron gave his assent to Parliament's Royal Funding Measure. The material wealth of the Sagitarii system had been held in secure vaults all through the quarantine and Civil War. Unclaimed by its financiers due to the quarantine, by Sagitarii law the wealth reverted to the accounts of the System and the plague ravaged people soon found themselves flush with cash. The economic chaos that could be unleashed by this much money was too dangerous, and Sagitarii began lending money at an alarming rate to finance the final days of the war and the reconstruction in the after years.
Today, the Baron is associated with wealth, oligarchy, and a struggling populace. Too weak to stand against Reva Xem on principle, and too focused on material wealth to build a proper fleet or fully repair his ravaged system. Within the system, Parliament and the people view him has a figurehead to rally around in the worst of times, but tension is slowly building while reconstruction progress is slow and banking balance sheets reach new highs.
Subjects: Originally, the Sagitarii system was founded as a human corporatist enclave with a writ of colonization signed by Reva Xem III's predecessor. Debtors, entrepreneurs, and resource acquisition firms were the first to put down roots in the system. Three planetoids with oxygen atmosphere all in the same solar system did not happen casually and many looked to get in on the ground floor of a lucrative opportunity. Less than a hundred years after the colonization effort began, the Outbreak occurred. Once the VX-29 virus decimated the system, a new framework of government had to be created between the Monarchist military and the proletariat that struggled to survive on the planets' surface. Recent immigration efforts have seen an influx of Xenos races to help diversify the population in case a second outbreak were to occur, but most Houses are unwilling to send serfs to settle the planets, for fear of another outbreak.
The people of Sagitarii used to be proper proletarian serfs, working their jobs day in and day out. The savagery of the viral outbreak encouraged a new streak of independence among the survivors, though. The Prole Parliament serves at the pleasure of the Baron at the moment, both sides knowing that pushing their agendas too far will see the system destroyed fully in civil war. It doesn't stop certain agent provacateurs from trying to bring this about...
Flagship: Gilded Dominion
Fleet: The Sagitarii fleet is currently a joke among the other Houses in the Imperium. At the dawn of the Civil War that saw Emperor Reva Xem rise to power, they had a small but cutting edge flotilla that was sought after by all sides of the conflict. This jockeying ceased when the fleet had to enforce the sector's quarantine after the VX-2901 virus broke out and killed millions. Its only contribution to the war was when the fleet admirals conveniently looked the other way whilst Reva Xem's vulnerable troopships used the Sagitarii wormhole to invade the Loyalist planet of Thiles on its other side.
Today the fleet is woefully out of date, equipped to stand up to pirates and rebellious houses only capable of using standard FTL routes to enter the system. The Sagitarii Merchant fleet stands in stark contrast to the military- Parliamentary Measure 1302 established that all Merchant vessels built in the Sagitarii system be built to meet Imperial Privateer Standards. Should parliament order a general mobilization (or Quarantine) the home fleet would see its numbers swell with numerous armed merchantmen capable of standing up in a fight. It should be noted that a General Mobilization is viewed as a political impossibility- doing so would kill the economic lifeblood of the System and cause a cascading collapse in numerous markets throughout the galaxy. Then again, the ascension of Emperor Reva Xem to the throne was also viewed as an impossibility...
2x Cruisers: Gilded Dominion, Glittering Fist 6x Destroyers 7x Corvettes (2x Cloakship variants) 1x System Defense Station orbiting Sagitarii Primus
Important Advisors or Other Characters:
Consort to the Baron, Doctor Julius Harteford-Dovina: The Baron's lawful husband, Julius came from a proletarian family in the system and was leading a reconstruction effort on Sagitarii Secundus. The two engaged in a lengthy courtship over email and at Reconstruction functions within the system. A regal wedding took place a dozen years ago on Sagitarii Primus and the two conceived a child, Ines Harteford-Dovina I, via an anonymous egg donor six years ago. While Michael Dovina looks to external affairs, he relies on Julius to run interference with the system's Parliament and help direct the ever dwindling Reconstruction funds provided by Reva Xem to their best uses.
Chairwoman of the Joint Armed Forces, Admiral Elizabeth Saunders: The current head of the limited fleet and armed forces of the Sagitarii system, Saunders knows her mission is more to keep the peace within the System's borders rather than take the fight to their enemy households. The greatest arrow in her quiver is the Privateer fleet, a nuclear trigger that could destroy the fortunes of entire corporations if it were mobilized for war. She currently lobbies for new funding to build new vessels or to purchase more up-to-date craft from the Varion System, and liases with the FTL Guilds.
Lady Tiama de Agoen, Head of the Home Investment Party: Current head of the Loyal Opposition within Parliament and Michael Dovina's confidant within the legislature. Tiama has steered the H.I.P. toward a more liberal stance, favoring higher taxation of out-system accounts to finance reconstruction and investment in the cities. The party was dealt a stinging defeat in the last round of elections due to a public relations disaster when its elder statesman was found to be laundering funds into private projects. Tiama came to power on a promise of cleaning up her party and fighting for renewed home investment.
Lord Hyle Foley, Prime Minister: Current head of Parliament, head of the Economic Expansionists. Hyle rode to power on a wave of support from proletariat voters looking to see the Sagitarii Navy begin to flex its military and economic muscles. His budget has allocated significant funds to develop new warships for the Navy while slashing reconstruction efforts on Sagitarii Triarii. It is expected the Baron will sign the budget despite popular opposition to the document. To not do so would be a significant break from tradition.
Ines Harteford-Dovina I: The daughter of the Baron Michael and his Consort Julius. Ines has been shielded from the political lives of her fathers and has been granted a degree of privacy by the press of Sagitarii. However, she is quickly approaching the age at which it is appropriate for noble children to be fostered at other courts- something her parents have so far resisted, but may not be able to avoid forever...
Edit: Question @Polybius, before I finish things up, do you have an ETA on the first post?
@AleranicusI was kind of hoping more people would throw down once the ooc was up, with all the interest expressed in the IC thread. As for me, I'm still working on Reva's sheet. Also, you might want to reel back your economic situation, as this is a feudal society but it's up to you I suppose.