Avatar of Brink


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3 yrs ago
People say you learn from your mistakes, so I decided to make more to get smarter.
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8 yrs ago
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.
8 yrs ago
You great supine proto-plasmic Invertibrate Jellies!
8 yrs ago
Last night, I kept dreaming that I had written Lord of the Rings. The wife said I'd been Tolkien in my sleep
8 yrs ago
Claustrophobic people are more productive thinking outside the box.




▅▅▅▅UK | ♆ | he/him | 31 | ♆

I'm Brink an average guy from the United Kingdom. I have been on the guild for a long time now, some say too long.

I've not been active in a long time but every so often I return to build a character or two in my spare time. I've very rarely taken on an actual RP but it's not out of the question. In the past I've done a bit of everything, Sci-fi, Fantasy, slice of life from Casual to Advanced to 1x1.

Currently working on a character for a Bleach fandom RP, a bit of a weak spot for me as it's nostalgic. But if you like me or like my writing feel free to send through a PM and ask questions or pitch me on ideas you may have.


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甚 悟 郎 半 間


Jin stood quietly by as Mei made it apparent that the graduates were tasked with protecting Jinzo themselves. Flashing his eyes across the battle he was surprised that would be the case, considering the novel Hollows that seemed to be regenerating themselves. But this was it, Jin wasn't in the academy anymore he had to realise that his life was on the line and his responsibility was to the mission at hand, no matter what it was.

Ageha and Shion had already launched themselves onto the scene. The former trying to dispatch one of the regenerating hollows as it formed, while the latter struck at a fresh mask. But Jin had his focus on Jinzo himself. Clearly wounded, his immediate worry was protecting his squadmate from further danger. With Higanbana tightly locked in his grasp, Jin shot towards the warehouse rooftop. Splitting the two hollows locked in battle with his fellow Shinigami and landing squarely beside Jinzo who at this point, had been brought to a knee.

With the water pouring from his Zanpakuto, splashing into the grooves of the corrugated roof and trailing away, Jin stood over his defendee, prepared to do what it took to make sure they all survived.

甚 悟 郎 半 間


Jin narrowed his focus. With one smooth motion he leant forwards, pulled his scabbard back and drew his sword in an upwards arc. His Zanpakutō sliced cleanly through the length of the centipede hollow, not needing to impart any force of his own thanks to the heft Rio had punched it with. The cloven body dissipating as it was ran through.

Six, ten, twelve. Jin quickly counted the hollow that had been lured towards them, crawling out from the ground, perched atop shipping containers. It was quite the gathering. Jin gave a slight nod towards Rio, acknowledging his words and sentiment that they were here to protect the humans above all else. And as the squad eleven member charged forwards into the fray, so did Jin.

Lunging at the trio closest, flashes of moonlight catching his blade, Jin began to cut through their number. The first couple were easy, raised fists and whipped tails left them open for his quick, surgical swipes. But the more he struck the more open he became too. A burly forearm smashed into his side throwing him a few meters before he caught his momentum and spun to land foot first onto a containers corrugated side. With bent knee he exploded off the metal wall, denting it and flying back at the hollow that had struck him. Another well placed cut beheaded the beast at speed, sending it's head twirling into the moonbeams before falling to dust.

Alerted by their voices Jin caught sight of a hollow, spider-like in nature, dangled above the workmen that had started to walk through the fighting. With another blur of speed Jin disappeared and reappeared at it's back, sword held out wide ready to swing across it's back. But it's many eyes left it vigilant. One of it's eight spindly legs warped backwards and flicked the graduate Shinigami from the air, sending him hurtling into another container. A second hollow bolted towards him, ready to take advantage of his moments lapse and with a thudding punch to Jin's jaw he was yet again thrown across the dockside, skidding on the concrete floor and almost off the dock itself.

He grunted, pushing himself back up as he moved his jaw around. He looked up at the two hollow now looming over his body, blocking out the moon in a sinister silhouetted shadow. Another of the spiders legs kicked out at his midriff, throwing Jin into the cold dark water of the docks. The empty silence was quickly filled by the cackling laughter the two hollow enjoyed. Giggling at their triumph and soon to be feast, turning their heads again towards the workmen that had so far been saved. Scuttling a few steps forward the two paused, a feeling in the air.

"Kiyomeru. Higanbana."

Offering some illumination to the dark depths, the mint green light of Jingorō's reiatsu spread under water. In a thundering surge he catapulted out of the water, holding his released Zanpakutō. Swinging it across himself a splatter of its thirsting water blinded the two hollow for the split second he needed. Waving the slathering blade across once more, bifurcating the pair of them in a single violent action.

The workmen were untouched, still laughing and going about their business, oblivious to the conflict around them. Jin looked up towards the seated Rio, his arms still ablaze in the ghostly red reiatsu. He had cleared the rest of them. Keeping his wits about him, Jin gave another nod of appreciation. Their part of the job was done at least.

Glancing down Jin watched the water pool at his feet. After he was fully submersed Higanbana had already drank its fill. The blade giving off a high pitch chime as it salivated. He hadn't wanted to go to such lengths so soon, but with the humans in danger, and his power limiter making the fight difficult from the off he was pushed to it.

"Where next? I'll follow your lead" he said to Rio, starting to take stock of the other spiritual pressures in the vicinity. Trying to determine how the other graduates were doing and if they were pressingly needed anywhere.
甚 悟 郎 半 間


Jin stood high above the shipyard, his fellow Shinigami by his side as Mei detailed the specifics of the situation, not that there was much to say this side of the Senkaimon. The worksite felt littered with hazards, so many humans in close proximity. But if what Mei had said was true, that they couldn't even affect the human world it was workable. All Jin had to concentrate on was protecting, to stop the hollows before they reached any fresh souls. With Mei's outstretched finger the call was made, and Jin knew exactly where to start. Near the water.

Jin skipped from sight, his image blurring as he flashed down towards the waters edge. The two stalking hollows gave pause as the new graduate appeared between them and their prey, whom kept walking blissfully unaware. One was long and slender, many legs protruding from it's plated body. Centipede like in appearance with an insectoid mask to compliment. The other was crouched atop a container, the hole in the center of it's chest allowing the pale moonlight through as it slowly stretched out two leathery wings not unlike a bat. Without a word, Jin locked eyes with them both. Raising his hand across his body to grasp the hilt of his Zanpakutō beginning to chant muffled words under his breath.

Two combatants. If Jin could subdue one to buy time to deal with the other. A small yellow wind whistled around his other hands forefinger, quickly spiraling into an ever thicker band of Reishi before pointing it directly at the perched, bat like hollow.

"Bakudō number four. Haniwa." the crackling rope sprung from his hand intent to restrict limbs. But as Jin slid his foot forward, ready to strike the other hollow, he paused. The Kidō struck the shoulder of the bat swinging around in turn beginning to constrict its right arm. But with a shift and a shrug the hollow batted the electrified rope away annoyed at the inconvenience. Jin scowled. Lucky he hadn't yet jumped into the fray, potentially finding himself in a worse position, but this certainly wasn't ideal. For a moment he could hear a slight hum from below his chin, being reminded of the power limiter he was fitted with not minutes earlier. Tricky.

He slid his foot back, not intent on making the first move any longer. He shifted his stance and with his hand firmly on his hilt joined by the other holding his scabbard he prepared for the two hollow to strike. Their black and white masks hidden from the moonlight allowing only the silhouette of two menacing smiles peer at him from the dark.
So it's almost turn based, this system? We all post what we do in turn, one per week at first. No actual turn order just whenever you can post?

Also with the Main story missions etc. Are you controlling all Hollow etc or do we kind of write out our own combats completely? It's a lot of work for you if not 😅

I assume, if that's the case, you'd still be in control of the prominent bad guys though.

If it works like that I have a small idea I'll DM you about if it shakes out.
Was thinking a bit more on this. At first I thought Jingoro would lean towards fighting hollows rather than potentially humans because he has that no kill rule? But actually now I think about it, maybe the other mission would be really fun specifically because it puts him in that position. Kind of the opportunity to show that part of him.

So actually I think I'm open to anything, if you run the numbers and need one more on any of the missions, I'll slot in anywhere.
For Jingoro -
1. Tower of the North
2. Snakes Without Sin

甚 悟 郎 半 間


"I don't think I'm suited for frontline combat. I train so I don't have to fight, so I think one of the intelligence divisions would better suit me. Or the fourth..." Jin paused, reminded of the complaint Kobe just made "...the medical division." he could tell that Kobes attention was waning. Following his eyes line, Jin could see that the old sake stall was what had captured his friends interests. Kobe shuffled off towards the old brewer which gave Jin license to seek out his own curiosity.

He could see many of the students and officers were preoccupied, talking, mentoring, drinking. But in the corner of his eye, close to the pavilion that the captain commander had made his speech on, Jin noticed the squad four member, Sio. He approached and with a formal bow introduced himself to the fourth seat. "Pleased to make your acquaintance" with so many accessories and additions to her shinigmai uniform Jin was surprised she hadn't been swarmed by more graduates, she stood out, not least because of her bright pink hair pulled into a free-flowing pony tail.

"I am a new graduate of the academy and I would like to learn about the fourth division from one of its members." he gave a warm smile understanding that Kobe wasn't within earshot to hear his next admission "You can only learn so much from the official handbook."
Yeah, did I make a mistake?

Edit: Oh I see it, I put third seat not Lieutenant, good catch, thanks!
甚 悟 郎 半 間


"Third, fourth, ninth or thirteenth." Jin quickly responded, finding his gaze had once more swung to the squad three lieutenant. "In that order." Indicating it was something he had thought a lot about. Early into his training he had considered the research and development division, but after learning the types of people who ended up there he felt outmatched. The Onmitsukidō was also a consideration. Similarly to the third and ninth they had a more subtle role in the Gotei, but the idea of carrying out assassinations abruptly put an end to that curiosity.

"You're a good swordsman, Kobe. I can see why they would suggest squad 11." He looked back at his contemplative comrade. "But whichever squad you join, you would be useful. The Gotei wouldn't choose a impractical place for a graduate." Jins head swiveled further to look at the pavilion the captain-commander had vacated. "I hope."

"But for now we are members of the tenth division. Fully fledged Shinigami of the Gotei 13. It is an accomplishment just to get this far." His mind turned the new barracks they would be moving into. Larger and more formal Jin felt a sense of achievement already, even though he new the tests, and in truth the danger, had only just begun.
甚 悟 郎 半 間


With one hand still grasping the skewered Dango and an empty look of confusion strewn across his face, Jin reached out and shook Kobes closed fist before following him to the next stall. Taking one last bite of the chewy rice-flour treat he scanned around until spotting a box filled with the discarded sticks and wrappings of syrup drenched food. With two forefingers and some applied pressure Jin snapped the skewer towards its kin, embedding its tip in the soft bamboo wood.

The first time? It took a moment for him to process. He didn't give much thought to his life before the soul society, in fact he had forgotten almost everything despite his younger age. An interesting quandary that he hadn't considered.
"I'd hope so. But I suppose it doesn't matter. What matters is what we do in this life, not our last." Jin held up a hand in response to the vendor offering more food. He wasn't as big an eater as Kobe, his stomach, much like his father, not tolerating overindulgence.

Jin began to wonder where the other captains were. He didn't expect the entire Gotei to attend a graduation but he found it interesting as to which senior figures did make an appearance. No presence of squads five, seven, eight, nine, ten, twelve or thirteen. No authoritative presence at least. It wasn't a matter of concern but Jin tended to take stock of superfluous things in times of rest. And yet he was hoping to see a few more of them, if only to gauge their undertones.

"What squad do you wish to join, Kobe?"
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