Avatar of Brink


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3 yrs ago
People say you learn from your mistakes, so I decided to make more to get smarter.
1 like
8 yrs ago
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.
8 yrs ago
You great supine proto-plasmic Invertibrate Jellies!
8 yrs ago
Last night, I kept dreaming that I had written Lord of the Rings. The wife said I'd been Tolkien in my sleep
8 yrs ago
Claustrophobic people are more productive thinking outside the box.




▅▅▅▅UK | ♆ | he/him | 31 | ♆

I'm Brink an average guy from the United Kingdom. I have been on the guild for a long time now, some say too long.

I've not been active in a long time but every so often I return to build a character or two in my spare time. I've very rarely taken on an actual RP but it's not out of the question. In the past I've done a bit of everything, Sci-fi, Fantasy, slice of life from Casual to Advanced to 1x1.

Currently working on a character for a Bleach fandom RP, a bit of a weak spot for me as it's nostalgic. But if you like me or like my writing feel free to send through a PM and ask questions or pitch me on ideas you may have.


Most Recent Posts

Samurai Champloo is fantastic, highly recommend.
甚 悟 郎 半 間


Unmoved by Kobes posturing, Jin quietly shuffled after him as the pair made way to the copious food stalls erected for the graduation festival. As they walked Jin noted the various interactions new graduates instigated with lieutenants and even captains. He wasn't aware the festival acted as opportunity to gain ground into the various Gotei squads.

In fact he had been so focused on his graduation and his training that he hadn't given much thought to which squad would be his preference. But in the short time it took to reach a stall and as Jin observed Kobe begin to devour his food, he felt a natural pull towards one of the more subtle squads. Be it the Onmitsukidō, reseach and development or, as he took a second glace over his shoulder at the Lieutenant, now in conversation, the third division.

His attention was quickly pulled to the vendor gesturing at the spread of treats. With a slight wave Jin picked the first thing that looked applicable and in reply to his companions question took the skewer and bit into the chewy snack. "Mitarashi Dango." the words bent and muffled by his full mouth.

Survival of the fittest? the notion unsettled Jin, as it implied intrinsic conflict. He wasn't naïve. Fighting, even for ones life, is to be expected for a Shinigami and if he wanted to rise through the ranks of the Gotei Jin realized his path would have to involve conflict. He just hoped he could rely on solitary training and combat with hollows, something less offensive to his sensibilities, to progress towards his ideals.

"I hope we get proper funerals if we do die." It took a moment for him to realise he spoke his mind out loud. "But that won't happen. We will become strong. Too strong to die."
Cool. I'll post later today.

Edit: We got a good little duo going on haha, we pretty quickly fell into a Mugen x Jin-esque combo from Champloo. I didn't even think about the nickname Jin but now I feel I might've subconsciously made a version of him haha but I can roll with it.

Second edit: Also thanks for the likes! I know I liked everyone's CS, and I was going to like the posts back etc but I couldn't tell who liked what (and I didn't want to just spam every post) so I'm just going to leave it be but just so you all know I like all your posts haha
If you want me to set that up for you to say I can. But I don't think Jin is the fashionably late type haha
甚 悟 郎 半 間


"I'm not of a station to comment on our captain commander." Jin said with an air of formality, the tapping pipe of his fellow Shinigami capturing his attention. "But I cannot lie, it doesn't instill confidence." Jin watched further as Kobe picked people out in the crowd, waving to who he recognised as Nakajima. But his next glance was firmly set on his captain, Takehiro, someone with whom Jin did have a modicum of confidence. As an unseated new graduate he wasn't deeply acquainted with any of the captains, only knowing them by name and reputation. But on the few gatherings he was able to observe some of them, particularly those like Umeki, he felt that they had gotten the good end of the stick.

The one person that stood out to Jin was the lieutenant of squad three, Seki, the glow surrounding her almost unavoidable. "Do you think we will get stronger?" he mused almost to himself more than Kobe, yet he still expected an answer. "It must take many years of training to reach the rank of lieutenant. It's daunting to have that much expectation placed on you, don't you find?" Jin was prone to these questions of self confidence, but each time they crossed his mind they eventually sank below the waves of his ambition.

He turned back to Kobe, one of the only class mates he could've conceivably called a friend. Not through lack of personality or opportunity but, as as a member of a noble family, Jin felt he was somewhat less approachable. But in a rare moment of relief after his probing question he smiled back with less mischievousness in his smile than in his words "I bet I get there before you."
Sound fun to you?

Sure thing. If you'd like to post first, I can riff off of what you'd like to do! Down for all of that.
I did, he has very nice formatting!
Feel free to hit me up if you want me to add something regarding your character!

Echoing this if anyone had ideas they wanted to try out.
Hey hey!

Made some edits. Nothing spectacular, changed him to be a lot younger though. Changed a couple names of abilities and rewrote the Bankai stuff, still the same ideas I just hadn't looked at it in a while and some of it was horribly worded haha

Oh and the attributes/abilities bit to make it a bit more organised/legible/formatted.
I guess steal was a poor word choice, use it I meant. I don't know Lord Wraith I'll have to check him out!
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