Evac Team

Lawrence | Marcus | Savanna | Sophia
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Collab with @VampireOracle @Chasers115 @Baklava
Marcus stopped in the doorway just in time to notice two things. The first was Savannah apparently blowing up Lawrence; something he would have been way more upset about were it not for the fact that Lawrence seemed minimally affected, and the second thing he had noticed.
A creature that Marcus could only assume was a Collector, stopped in the street. There was no doubt in his mind that they'd been noticed. Which meant they needed to leave immediately.
But they certainly couldn't leave without the people hiding in the basement. But that thing was far too close for them to be able to get everyone loaded and gone. But they couldn't just leave the group to die, or whatever the thing would do when it found them.
Too many 'but's and 'if's were floating around in his head right now. Indecision had lead to Lawrence's injury, and he wasn't going to let anybody else get hurt by standing in place processing the situation.
Without waiting for Lawrence's instructions, Marcus bounded back across the room to the door, hammering on it with his fist.
"Marcus here! It it time to go! NOW!"
Once again, things were happening too quickly. She watched from inside the truck as a rolling car, running man, and a giant clockwork creature came into view. She agreed with Savannah, the man needed help. But she also agreed with Lawrence. They needed to stay in the truck because they couldn't do anything against the Collector, no matter how much she too wished that something could be done. Their team hadn't even been able to deal with an already injured dog by themselves, how could they deal with this giant?
But Sav hadn't listened, and now Lawrence was on the pavement... and the Collector had stopped it's pursuit of the man. Maybe the man would be safe now, but only because now their team was in danger instead. Taking advantage of Sav's frozen state, she jumped out of the truck and took a hesitant step towards her while still remaining near the truck. "Sav, come on," she said in a loud whisper, gesturing back towards the truck and then towards the Collector as she spoke. "The man's already gone, see? Maybe we can find him later, but for now we need to get out of here!"
Savannah nodded stiffly as Lawrence got back to his feet. "I'm sorry," she said into her hands as she moved past Sophia, rushing into the truck. Lawrence said nothing as he motioned for Sophia, Dean, and Lauren to follow suit.
Too far away to hear anything else, the Collector resumed its pursuit of the man.
By the second knock, the basement door flew open. The man in the green cap nodded curtly, calling out to the others, "Come on! Hurry!"
The blonde woman and raven haired teen followed after him first, each carrying one of the children, while the two other men brought up the rear. As the last survivor climbed into the APC, the sound of wreckage and a desperate scream signalled that the chase had come to an end.
"Drive! Now!" said Lawrence sharply, closing the door as the group sped off towards the point marked on the map by the Halvost Team.
Bringing up the back of the group as they piled into the APC, Marcus was relieved to see that the Collector was not immediately barreling down on him. He was more than prepared to find that they were seconds away from driving without the full group, but was happy to find that not being the case.
He tried not to think about how happy he was someone else had been killed, and not any of their group.
"Everyone alright?" Marcus asked, looking around the vehicle, giving Lawrence a deliberate glance as he did so.
Sophia had heard that scream. That person was not alright because, well... so much for picking him up later. Her gaze wandered over to the children in the truck, and she couldn't help but wonder how many loved ones that man had left behind. Or perhaps those close to him had already died?
Marcus's voice brought her back to the present, and she nodded weakly. "Yeah," she whispered. Realizing that she could now use her power once more, she turned it back on. "I uh, power. On." Time to try and make herself useful again.
Lawrence merely glanced at Marcus before returning his attention to his communicator, checking the map for any changes. The others nodded, some staring out the window at the looming Collector in the distance as they sped away.
Everyone was fine, everything had turned out okay. Savannah seemed to be taking her earlier action with no small amount of regret, so he assumed that she was currently under control. Or at least, as under control as an apparently pissed off aberration could be.
He took a look at the live map feed, a thought crossing his mind. The collector was pretty far away by now, but it's not like a quick 'heads up' would hurt anybody. Pulling his radio from his belt, he switched it back over to Brandt Team.
"Brandt Team, this is Evac. Almost had a run in with a collector about..." he stopped suddenly, nervously looking around at everyone gathered on the vehicle. They weren't supposed to give away the healer's positions, no matter what the situation. And while he didn't think anybody here was a threat, there was no reason to risk it.
"...near-ish you. It shouldn't be a threat, but just keep your eyes on the map."
"Hey, speaking of eyes," the man in the turtleneck sweater grinned, motioning towards his bandages. He winced his one green eye. "Never got an answer to that question earlier. Any healers here?"
"Not in here with us, no." Marcus said, giving a glance over towards Sophia as her eyes lit up again. Back on the clock, no point wasting time circling back around to Brandt team now, they needed to use Sophia's ability to the best while they had it.
Marcus turned to Lawrence, plan already forming in his mind, but wanting to get another opinion on it. "What do you think, Lawrence? Head towards Halvost group, grab their subnatural and any people we find on the way, then have them heal us up while we're there?"
Of course, there was always the option he didn't want to voice out loud: They're not as important, don't waste your healer on normal civilians..
He shook his head slightly to clear the thought. It was probably the best course of action, but there was no way he was going to be the one to suggest it.
"Mm," Lawrence looked up from the map, "We definitely need to pick up the rogue first. If Halvost team is smart, they'll have tied him up and moved locations." He cast a doubtful look a the one eyed man, "But we'll see, I guess."
"That means you better get used to looking like a pirate," the man with the green cap gleefully chuckled under his breath.