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Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

art by: TYPK

"We were wrong all those years ago. All we sacrificed, all we suffered - all of it in vain. We were so very wrong. Watch now, heroes, as your precious crystal falls to the Darkness. And with it, so shall this world be cast from the Light. Perhaps then may our gravest mistake be corrected."
Mage-King Otreux the XXII of Sunuveur, following the assassination of King Roderick I of Thorne


-Preface | Rules | Story Synopsis-

-Locations | Races-



-Character Creation Guidelines-


-Other Persons of Interest-


Fifty years ago, the world found itself brought to the brink of ruin by an Eldian Mage-King who had been seduced by the Darkness. Wielding the incredibly destructive magicks granted to him, the Mage-King put together a powerful army of monsters and men then began enslaving or slaughtering all who would dare stand in his way. Certainly he would have succeeded, were it not for the Great Crystal having summoned its champions, the Warriors of Light, to oppose him.

The Warriors and their allies fought back against the Mage-King's army, claiming victory time and time again. They defeated his Great Generals and prevented the summoning of some unspeakable monstrosity from the Void. When they finally confronted the Mage-King himself, they mortally wounded him - though not before he had a chance to cast his potentially most devastating spell.

In a final act of bravery, one of the Warriors sacrificed himself in order to prevent the loss of countless lives. He imprisoned both the Mage-King and the spell within what should have been an impenetrable shell, though he would be trapped as well. And as heroic as it may have been, ultimately it wouldn't be enough.

The Warrior's sacrifice only managed to delay the spell, not avert it completely. The remaining Warriors learned this and had to scramble. They gathered as many as they could and fled to the mountains and high ground. And when they gathered all they could, the Warriors used the Crystal's powerful magick to lift the very land they stood on to the skies. The brutal waves summoned forth by the Mage-King hit shortly after. Within hours, the surface world was flooded beneath dark waves. Had it not been for the Warrior delaying the spell, all would have drowned.

The survivors of the flood adapted to their new lives among the clouds quite well. Since the end of all life was averted, the people were feeling pretty chummy. Peace reigned throughout the land and a technological boom occurred. The Great Crystal emitted an extreme amount of energy, and the people were able to harness and exploit it. By far, the greatest invention to come out of this time would be the mighty airship. It enabled the people to easily traverse the numerous floating islands. This meant that people could spread out once more and, by extension, grow again. Trade flourished. Culture flourished. Everything was great.

For a while.

But eventually, with the threat now far behind (or rather, below) them, old tensions began to flare up once again. War never broke out between any of the new island nations, though it did come close. Very close. A few skirmishes did manage to happen, but diplomacy ultimately succeeded, thanks in no small part to the remaining Warriors of Light. A few decided to help "guide" civilization down a peaceful path. It caused a massive fallout between members, some of whom believed that that would be overstepping their jurisdiction. They were to defend the light, not influence those in charge. Those that thought this new path wrong blended back into obscurity from whence they came, severing all ties with the other Warriors.

Gradually, the flood waters began to dissipate. With each year, more and more of the land below was revealed. Some nations even sent expeditionary forces down to scout the land. While it would take a long time for things to recover from the damage, it eventually would. Colonies were planned and eventually settled as time passed. It was much rougher on the surface, but people managed.

And so we come to the present day: to the city of Thorne, the first of the new nations to be founded and that which protects the crystal, which hosts the festival celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of both the defeat of the Mage-King and the founding of Thorne. It's truly a spectacle to see. People from all of the islands, and even a few of the surface colonies travel to Old Thorne to partake in the week-long celebration. It's a time of merriment, feasting, debauchery, and to those in power, a chance to flex their strength or accomplishments. Competitions and tournaments of all sort are held during this time.

All is well...until a familiar face crashes the party. An old friend thought long dead returns, but in place of a warm reunion, he slays the Good-King Roderick I of Thorne in cold blood and delivers a chilling warning. And as he takes his leave, his prophecy rings true: the Great Crystal darkens and the land shudders. Before it goes dark, however, the Crystal manages to send out one last cry for help.

And all across the land, heroes awaken.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

Thanks for stopping on by, peeps! Ogo here, and I'll be your GM for this ride. I've been on the guild for a couple years now, and while I have served as Co-GM a few times, this will actually be my first solo project. That being said, I'm sure we'll all get along nicely.

Obviously this is a Final Fantasy RP, so if you're not familiar with the franchise, you may be a little lost. That's fine, though, as prior knowledge is not required. Anything relevant to the RP can be found in this here OOC. And while I'm doing my best to keep this nice, updated, and relevant, I'm sure I may miss something here or there. So if you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to ask! Just throw it in the OOC thread if ya like, or if it's something you'd like to discuss privately, just shoot me a PM. There are no stupid questions.

If you ARE familiar with the franchise, then enjoy this little love letter to the older installments in the series. While the plot itself is an original work (and ever changing thanks to you lot!), a number of themes and elements may draw heavy inspiration from the series.

The actual start of the roleplay will begin in hours leading up to the assassination of the king, in the city of Thorne during the extravagant festival.

I. Follow standard roleplaying etiquette please. So no godmoding, autohitting, and do not take control of another's character. Unless you've gotten permission from all other involved parties to do so then...I dunno. Knock yourself out?

II. Have fun. It should go without saying, but we're all here because we love to write. There is no winning. There is no losing. There's not going to be some phat piece of loot waiting at the end. And you're not going to see some game over screen. So just enjoy the journey.

III. Have a little respect. For each other. For yourselves. I'm not saying you've gotta be best friends, people, but try to remain civil. If an argument happens to break out, either drop it or take it to PMs. No need to air your dirty laundry in public. If a disagreement needs to be settled regarding in-character interactions, such as during fights or about the affects of spells and whatnot, I reserve the right to make the final decision in the case that a solution cannot be reached between the involved parties.

IV. Don't drag IC conflicts to OOC or vice versa. A little bit of IC drama is great. Adds flavor to character relationships. I can dig it. What I can't dig is when a little bit of IC spice erupts into a full blown argument in OOC. We're roleplaying here! Don't take anything personally.

V. No one-liners, please. Two+ detailed paragraphs per post if possible. This is just so that the others you're interacting with can have something with which to work. Reactions and actions make the wheel turn, ya'll.

VI. Post frequency. People have lives. School, work, family, friends, so on and so forth. Try to post at least once a week. If something comes up and you can't, just let me know either via OOC or PM.

VII. Absence/Dropping. Again, life happens. Sometimes you have to be away for a while, or perhaps you've lost interest and need a break/want to drop. That's fine! It happens to all of us. No hard feelings, whatsoever. All I ask is that you let me know prior so that I know whether to wait for you or to move on. PMs will work if you don't want to drop it in OOC. If after two weeks there's been no word, I'll proceed as if you've dropped.

VIII. Regarding Romance: While this is not a romance focused thread, it may happen. That's perfectly fine, just keep things PG-13 in the thread proper. If things get steamy, either fade to black or take it to PMs. Please. Please. please. no goldshire.

IX. Ask Questions! Don't assume and don't be embarrassed. If you've got a question, ask it.

X. Don't put pineapple on your pizza. It's barbaric.

Our heroes gather in Thorne for the week-long festival celebrating the defeat of the Mage-King, unaware of the tragedy about to occur.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

The world of Gaia was once a vibrant, lush world full of life. However, due to the events of fifty years prior, much of the surface world lies underneath dark waves summoned by the malicious Mage-King. Before the waves struck, however, the Warriors of Light were able to gather most of the people of the world and, using the magic of the crystal, managed to raise large bits of the land way high into the sky. Five main "islands" were raised. While the survivors of the flood were all gathered at first on a single island, it became apparent rather quickly that there wouldn't be enough room. Thus the people spread out to the other islands, establishing settlements on each. These settlements would eventually grow into sprawling cities and become the foundation for the new nations that formed shortly after.

While these cities are alike in many ways, fifty years is a long time and new cultures have been formed. New norms are decided while taboos are played with. In most of the nations, magic is heavily regulated...but not all. Most disturbingly, the spirit of cooperation which was at an all-time-high after the flood seems to have disappeared. And the more pessimistic among the people whisper that war may be building up.

While there are a number of races upon the island, generally they've all been accepted as valid cultures within the eyes of the separate nations. Sure, they may have their individual cultural languages, it is expected that most everybody be familiar with the common tongue enough to speak it fluently. Jobs are not Race restrictive.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

What are JOBS?

Jobs, in this case, are the general archetype in which a particular character fits into with regard to combat abilities. They represent the character's combat knowledge and experience and, for the most part, will be permanent after selection. Certain Jobs will have lore ties to specific locations, creatures, spells, events what have you. While it’s not required to use these ties, they can serve as potential hooks for character interaction, character building, or just general fluff for those to whom that appeals. Ultimately, these Jobs will serve more as a base on top of which a character can be formed rather than the box a character needs to be fit into, if that makes any sense.

So without further ado, here’s the list of Jobs:

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

What is MAGIC?

Magic, in this world, can be basically boiled down to the manipulation of natural energies to achieve feats far beyond that of which one should otherwise be capable. While all creatures are attuned in some way or another with the magic energy, sensitivity and compatibility can vary greatly from person to person. Therefore, it requires someone with a certain minimum compatibility with the natural energy to continue on to become a mage, or quite simply one capable of using magic. Should the minimum be met, one can train their capacity and proficiency in storing and using it, developing the skill like one would any other.

There exists many a college across the land with the sole purpose of training and educating those interested in pursuing the magical arts in the proper ways of utilizing their skills. These facilities also serve to advance magical research and to monitor and police the improper use of magic. Thanks to the events surrounding the Mage-King some fifty years prior, mages are viewed with a certain scrutiny and, in some cases, even fear. Because of this, the use of magic in public areas is generally frowned upon. The largest exception here, however, would be the nation of Dahlgren, which prides itself on being home to the largest magical college in the land. Free and open use of magic is perfectly allowed and even encouraged there. Unsurprisingly, it holds the highest magic-sensitive population among the island nations.

Magic is divided into five schools:

While most practitioners of magic are the classically trained mages as listed above, there are cases of others using magic in less traditional ways. Generally, these cases are specialized knights, such as the Black Magic inspired Mystic Knights of Takhtajan or the White Magic utilized by the Paladins of Thorne. And it could be argued that the songs played by some of the Bards of the land may have magical roots. And while there may be others, more often than not in these cases, magic is used to enhance the warrior’s primary skills rather than making it the focus of their abilities, and as such the magic tend to be on a weaker end than that utilized by proper mages.

Spell List:

-coming soon!-
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

-All Races are open for new character creation.

-Most Job are open for new character creation. Jobs will be closed upon the third unique character accepted.
- As of 5/27/17: Machinist has now hit the third slot and will be locked for the foreseeable future.

-Lore hooks provided in race/job/location/etc. do not have to followed.

-If needed, custom locations may be created within the islands to flesh out characters. By all means, I encourage it. This is our world, so let's make it thrive.

-Try to stick with characters that are adolescent or older. Toddlers and younger are a hard no. Older children may be considered if sufficient enough reason is given.

-Characters may have any level of experience and strength. From green newbies to harden veterans, all heroes are welcome. I have faith that ya'll will be responsible here, but more powerful characters will be met with more scrutiny during the application process and during the story. Have some sense here, please. One-man armies may become the target of spontaneous Comet strikes.

-Characters may be either Warriors of Light(WoL), or non-chosen heroes (NCH). You guys have the choice as to what you want to make here. Writers may create up to two characters for now, with one of them being eligible to become a Warrior of Light. Depending on number of applicants and the number of writers that stick around, this limitation may be lifted in the future. So to recap, writer cast compositions may be one of the following:

1xWoL | 1xNCH | 1xWoL + 1xNCH | 2xNCH

-Regarding Warriors of Light: These characters will have the greatest potential to become stronger during the course of the story. In-universe lore dictates that these characters will become attuned to the Great Crystal, having some of its power bestowed upon them. They'll grow their power at an accelerated rate and slowly gain access to the experience of Warriors of Light from ages past. In return for this power, they will become thralls to the Crystal. They will be compelled to both protect and serve the Crystal whether or not they want to. Should the character be chosen, they cannot turn down the pact.

-Regarding non-chosen heroes: Just because they're not "the chosen ones" doesn't mean they won't have a place in the plot. They're just as much the protagonists as those crystal heads. While these characters may not be able to become quite as powerful, they have complete and total free-will, rather than being glorified puppets of the crystal.

-Please use the sheet below. Applications may either be PM'd to me, or posted in the OOC with an @mention for me. Applications will be considered in order in which they were received. Once an application is being reviewed, I'll contact you via PM. If I do not get in touch with you within two days, feel free to send me another message.

-Remove asterisks from the [*hr] before posting.
-Be sure to remove all text within the <>
-Replace "character color" with either a color name found here or a hexcode found here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

<reserved for future expansion>
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Lugia @GarlandDaHero @Rin @Utrax
@Evanist @Cuccoruler @Wadesauce @Savo
@Zero Hex @PetiteAmbivert @Laios @Demous
@RolePlayerRoxas @WXer @Ryteb Pymeroce @Ryuzaki

While I do have a little more work to do, I hereby declare this thingy open to applicants!

...also, I desperately need to get some sleep. So Imma do that. I'll talk to ya'll later~
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Very nice job here
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*Signs in at the check in desk.*
I'll drop my CS later today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Daaaamn this is well put together.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The previous message got double posted for some reason. Apologies.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

Very nice job here

Daaaamn this is well put together.

Thank you! I got super self-conscious before I hit post, so this made my day ^-^

*Signs in at the check in desk.*
I'll drop my CS later today.

Glad to have ya aboard, but don't worry about rushing! I've got to sleep, then an eight-hourish shift at the factory, so it'll be some time before I'm back to the PC. I've got a long weekend coming up, so depending on the status of the apps, we MAY be looking at a Saturday/Sunday start. But I'm shit with deadlines, so don't hold me to that! or do. I ain't gonna tell you how to live your life
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Ogobrogo Are you full-up, or is there potential for me to app a White Mage Miqo'te?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 11 mos ago

It may or may not take me a few days to get a character done, fair warning, still calling a punchman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Ogobrogo Are you full-up, or is there potential for me to app a White Mage Miqo'te?

By all means, go ahead and app away!

It may or may not take me a few days to get a character done, fair warning, still calling a punchman.

Take your time, bub! Ya'll had to wait on me, so I've got no excuse to be impatient here.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 4 days ago

@Ogobrogo I have to say, you made a well put together OOC thread.

You have made me proud, son.

Just popped in to say that, as I have no interest in joining because I have zero knowledge of FF aside from Kingdom Hearts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Mr Allen J
Aww! Thanks Allen!
Everything I know I ripped off learned from you.

And it's all good! Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 4 days ago

@Ogobrogo More people should do a table of contents anyway.
1x Like Like
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Mr Allen J I like to think so. I wouldn't want to navigate that mess up there without it.

ANYWAY! THREAD! For now, I'll be closing applicants outside of those who have already expressed interest in order to give everybody time to write up their apps. We've got quite a few here, and if everybody decides to join and are accepted, that's like seventeen and myself. If people decide to pass or just, y'know, ghost away, we'll open things back up! Thank you!
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