art by: TYPK
"We were wrong all those years ago. All we sacrificed, all we suffered - all of it in vain. We were so very wrong. Watch now, heroes, as your precious crystal falls to the Darkness. And with it, so shall this world be cast from the Light. Perhaps then may our gravest mistake be corrected."

-Preface | Rules | Story Synopsis-
-Locations | Races-
-Character Creation Guidelines-
-Other Persons of Interest-

Fifty years ago, the world found itself brought to the brink of ruin by an Eldian Mage-King who had been seduced by the Darkness. Wielding the incredibly destructive magicks granted to him, the Mage-King put together a powerful army of monsters and men then began enslaving or slaughtering all who would dare stand in his way. Certainly he would have succeeded, were it not for the Great Crystal having summoned its champions, the Warriors of Light, to oppose him.
The Warriors and their allies fought back against the Mage-King's army, claiming victory time and time again. They defeated his Great Generals and prevented the summoning of some unspeakable monstrosity from the Void. When they finally confronted the Mage-King himself, they mortally wounded him - though not before he had a chance to cast his potentially most devastating spell.
In a final act of bravery, one of the Warriors sacrificed himself in order to prevent the loss of countless lives. He imprisoned both the Mage-King and the spell within what should have been an impenetrable shell, though he would be trapped as well. And as heroic as it may have been, ultimately it wouldn't be enough.
The Warrior's sacrifice only managed to delay the spell, not avert it completely. The remaining Warriors learned this and had to scramble. They gathered as many as they could and fled to the mountains and high ground. And when they gathered all they could, the Warriors used the Crystal's powerful magick to lift the very land they stood on to the skies. The brutal waves summoned forth by the Mage-King hit shortly after. Within hours, the surface world was flooded beneath dark waves. Had it not been for the Warrior delaying the spell, all would have drowned.
The survivors of the flood adapted to their new lives among the clouds quite well. Since the end of all life was averted, the people were feeling pretty chummy. Peace reigned throughout the land and a technological boom occurred. The Great Crystal emitted an extreme amount of energy, and the people were able to harness and exploit it. By far, the greatest invention to come out of this time would be the mighty airship. It enabled the people to easily traverse the numerous floating islands. This meant that people could spread out once more and, by extension, grow again. Trade flourished. Culture flourished. Everything was great.
For a while.
But eventually, with the threat now far behind (or rather, below) them, old tensions began to flare up once again. War never broke out between any of the new island nations, though it did come close. Very close. A few skirmishes did manage to happen, but diplomacy ultimately succeeded, thanks in no small part to the remaining Warriors of Light. A few decided to help "guide" civilization down a peaceful path. It caused a massive fallout between members, some of whom believed that that would be overstepping their jurisdiction. They were to defend the light, not influence those in charge. Those that thought this new path wrong blended back into obscurity from whence they came, severing all ties with the other Warriors.
Gradually, the flood waters began to dissipate. With each year, more and more of the land below was revealed. Some nations even sent expeditionary forces down to scout the land. While it would take a long time for things to recover from the damage, it eventually would. Colonies were planned and eventually settled as time passed. It was much rougher on the surface, but people managed.
And so we come to the present day: to the city of Thorne, the first of the new nations to be founded and that which protects the crystal, which hosts the festival celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of both the defeat of the Mage-King and the founding of Thorne. It's truly a spectacle to see. People from all of the islands, and even a few of the surface colonies travel to Old Thorne to partake in the week-long celebration. It's a time of merriment, feasting, debauchery, and to those in power, a chance to flex their strength or accomplishments. Competitions and tournaments of all sort are held during this time.
All is well...until a familiar face crashes the party. An old friend thought long dead returns, but in place of a warm reunion, he slays the Good-King Roderick I of Thorne in cold blood and delivers a chilling warning. And as he takes his leave, his prophecy rings true: the Great Crystal darkens and the land shudders. Before it goes dark, however, the Crystal manages to send out one last cry for help.
And all across the land, heroes awaken.