Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tominas
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jefferson St. John

Location: Front Gate
Interacting with: Dante @Araby264, Temperance @Tenma Tendo, Eir @Superboy, Iccho @yahoo3422

"Sorry, I didn't quite understand what you said. I'm going to guess you're not from around here. Well neither am I, looks like we have something in common," Iccho was trying hard to act friendlier than he was before. He needed to improve on his people skills, especially since his first interaction here was almost getting in a fight. "My name is Iccho Matsui. It is nice to meet you."

"Thank you." Eir responded. "Are you from America?" Eir swapped from Japanese to English, her attempt at his native tongue rusty but still quite clear and understandable.

"O-oh. Where are my manners. I'm Eir Hayashi, it is nice to meet you." She continued in surprisingly clean English, bowing toward the outsider.

"I-I'm sorry?" The boy stuttered, as he brought his emerald gaze to yet another tall boy.

While taking his seat, Temperance waved at the blue haired man and followed after Eir, hearing her name within the other language.
"Temperance Wilk. Tempest."

St. John blinked for a second, taken aback by the flurry of responses in what was, mostly, his second language. These were most definitely not transfer students. That being said, they say that immersion is the best way to learn a language, and that was the point of this trip after all. First off, though, one of them spoke English. That was actually a little surprising, but a good start. “Um, yeah, actually. Transfer student.” He laughed to himself, baritone bouncing on the stone floor. “Not anywhere exciting, though. I lived in cornfields and soybeans.”

Raising his eyes, he addressed the two blond students behind the younger girl, wincing a bit as he struggled to remember the exact words for a few things. “I guess local was wrong for some of us, then. Nice to meet you! My name is Jefferson St. John. It’s a nicety.” He grinned broadly at those around him, excited to speak with people he could understand. Mostly. He looked to the taller of the two boys, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. “I guess we’ll have to rely on these guys to tell use where the good fishing spots are, eh?”

From the looks of things, someone at the front of the assembly was going to start speaking, so he stole a seat beside the… tall, wow, girl further towards the middle of the row was she bigger than him? He opened his mouth to say something, but then the stern looking woman at the pedestal began speaking. He opted to stay silent for the moment.


After the principal had finished his speech, the foreigner stood tall and stretched, turning to those beside him with a glimmer in his eye, trying to ignore his awful accent. “So, who wants to go find something bad for us?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Araby264
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Tominas@yahoo3422@Superboy@Tenma Tendo

Dante was not getting a good vibe from this Tempest guy. Amd it seemed that Eir was... for lack of a better word, oblivious to his intentions. She couldnt help but sigh. If that girl didnt have someone to look out for her Dante was sure she was going to get eatten alive. And not in the arena either. Already boys were flocking around her. She spoke to tempest in a somewhat annoyed voice. "You know, some might consider what you're doing to be more than a little 'forward'. And she doesnt have to 'come along' with you." as she was done spealing Iccho asked her where she was from and she blushed. She was from an orphanage in Funabashi, and often orphans were looked down apon flr beong usless... well maybe sge could leave the orphan part out. She looked at Iccho and rubbed her neck nervously. "Ah, well, erm.... I'm from Funabash-"
Just as she began to spoke however they were interrupted by an English voice. Dante looked over to where it was coming from. Yet another not had joined them at their little group. This one looked to be about her size, and she recognized the signs of having been trained in boxing immediately. A somewhat crooked nose, caloused hands, that confidence that you only seem to get after getting out of the ring with someone. This guy gave off just yhe sheer vibe of 'fighting spirit'. While all of Dante's fights had technically been illegal, she still felt love for the sport. Even if she was just a bareknuckle boxer. As everyone began to introduce themselves Dante stood up to introduce herself as well, but at that point the assembly had started and everyone quieted down.

After the assembly had ended The american, who introduced himself as Jeferson st. John, asked of they wished to do anything. Dante approached him and pointed to her own slightly crooked nose with her caloused hands, as she did she spoke in a questioning tone.
"Do you box?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yahoo3422
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Iccho listened closely to the Vice Principal and Principal speak to the new students. The whole system about challenges to improve ones rank intrigued Iccho, however the reward of having better living accommodations didn't really appeal to him. Since he spent fortnights at a time on a ship, Iccho was use to cramped quarters and low quality meals. A simple life is what Iccho would always look for and he is not going to risk being expelled just to improve his life. However, ranking up higher will put him in the eye of better heroes. This will put him in better situations to improve as a hero when he gets a sidekick position. Iccho decided that he would challenge after the first round of challenges happen so he can do proper research. He will also have to make sure that he limits his powers if he does not need to go all out.

Iccho was thinking so far ahead that he didn't even realize what the principal said until the permission to explore the grounds piqued his interest. He could go find his dorm, or explore the training grounds, or try to talk to some of the teachers to figure out what the school will be like. Before he had a chance to raise his voice with his ideas, the foreigner raised the option of finding something bad. Iccho was not sure if he should take that statement seriously, or if it was facetious. Then Dante questioned him about his boxing.

"If you guys are interested in boxing and doing something, we could go find the training center. We could see what kind of equipment we are working with and if there is even a boxing ring." This would be a good opportunity to see what some of the fellow students had hidden up their sleeves. Iccho stood up after his suggestion and started walking towards the gate which were starting to open.

@Tominas@Araby264@Superboy@Tenma Tendo
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 24 days ago


// Kosei Academy - Front Gate - Morning of Day 1 \\
@Tominas@Araby264@yahoo3422@Tenma Tendo

Apparently the foreigner was from the U.S, as Eir suspected. He brushed off his origins as uninteresting, but Hayashi thought it anything but. Where one comes from always had a hand in where one was going. Eir was only at the Academy because of her parents, for example. It was likely everyone else had a story for why they decided to come to Kosei; no, not likely. It was certain. Nobody just chose to become a hero on a whim. It was a perilous profession that didn't offer much in the way of income, and only the greatest heroes ever became famous. Most were in it for altruistic reasons. People who wanted to make the world a better place by using their quirks for the good of the world. Hayashi couldn't...count herself among them. It embarrassed her to even think about her reasons for going to the school. They were entirely selfish. She didn't want to uplift the weak or protect the defenseless; Eir was only there to avoid Teruo's wrath. While Eir's origins were nothing to be proud of, she assumed the transfer student's were the stuff of legend. He came all the way around the world to Japan, just to be a superhero. The stories someone like that must have...

After St. John introduced himself, a bit of banter was tossed around between the others. Dante had some choice words for Temperance. She sounded annoyed with him for some reason. Eir shrunk back a little in her chair, having taken her seat beside Wilk already. Dante meant well, but she was kind of aggressive about it. "Um." Hayashi piped up, looking toward her older friend. "I-it's okay. I'm fine, really." She shot her friend a reassuring smile. It wasn't long before the speaker stepped up to the podium, halting any further conversation. Hayashi paid attention to the speeches given, even if most didn't; she didn't want to miss any important information they might have for her. The Vice Principal's dismissive stare made Eir self conscious. It was like the woman knew how weak Hayashi felt. It was a similar look of disapproval her dad gave her. 'You're not good enough,' the look said. The short girl found it difficult to look at the woman while she welcomed them to the Academy, grateful when she stepped away for the next person to speak. The principal had a radically different effect. Despite his status as head of the school, Eir couldn't shake the feeling that he was the everyman kind of guy. The sort of person everyone found agreeable. Nobody disliked him, except, perhaps, the type of person that would obsess over appearances. Arata Sako didn't speak for long. He told them all that they were special, a sentiment Hayashi didn't really agree with, and hoped they all enjoyed their time there. He was...nice, for lack of a better word.

The essembly ended not too long after that. The point and rank system was interesting. Eir wouldn't use the challenge system much, since that meant direct competition with another student and that was not at all something she was comfortable with. Hayashi would likely obsess over her ranking for the rest of the school year, constantly worried that she wasn't doing well enough or reaching the standards set for her. The gates were opened, and they were told they could go about the rest of the day as they pleased. Classes and such would probably all start tomorrow. But for now, the students were to get acquainted with staff, each other and the Academy's grounds. St. John was the first to stand up and suggest they do something together, though Hayashi didn't know what he meant by 'bad.' She'd rather not start any trouble on her first day. Or ever, preferably. Dante spoke up next, asking Jefferson if he'd ever boxed; Eir was surprised by the question. Though, thinking about it, Dante did look like the kind of girl that liked to fight. And John had the...build...to be a fighter. Iccho piped up, piggybacking on Dante's question and John's inquiry about what they'd do next. He wanted them to head to the training center. "That sounds fun." Hayashi offered her opinion on the matter, quietly joining in the conversation. She hopped out of her seat and shoved her hands deep in her hoodie's pocket, patiently waiting to see if the others wanted to go along too. While she might not be the physical type, Hayashi's quirk made combat training pretty much mandatory. She was built to fight, even if that was the last thing Eir wanted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tominas
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jefferson St. John

Location: Front Gate
Interacting with: Dante @Araby264, Temperance @Tenma Tendo, Eir @Superboy, Iccho @yahoo3422

"Do you box?"

The American blinked twice. He didn’t know this girl’s name and she was already going to try to fight him. The Japanese were more forward than he had heard. Still, taking a quick moment to size her up, this girl looked like someone who probably had some idea what she was doing. More than that, she didn’t smell like charcoal and there were no sparks around her, so she probably wouldn’t set fire to the ring. Probably. He knew he should be cautious, but he couldn’t help but grin as he looked up at her, hiding his black hands beneath his crossed arms. Someone wanted a brawl. “Nice to meet you, too.”

"If you guys are interested in boxing and doing something, we could go find the training center. We could see what kind of equipment we are working with and if there is even a boxing ring." Iccho stood up after his suggestion and started walking towards the gate which were starting to open.

As Iccho began to head in that direction, Jeff turned back towards the girl with the fighter’s hands, putting his own behind his head as he looked her over again. She was a little bigger than him, and a girl… But he had boxed with women before. Hell, his eldest sister taught him how to do a proper left hook the hard way. “I do, for the record. If you wanna go a few rounds, I’m game. Sounds like… oh, hell.” He talked to himself for a moment in English before turning back to her with a revelation and a smile. “Mischief! Sounds like mischief to get into. But I do have two rules. First, no Quirks. I can’t afford to pay repairs to school property. Second,” the foreigner turned, bringing his hands back over his head and grinning over his shoulder. “I'd prefer an introduction before the fight, instead of after.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Araby264
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Dante couldn't help but grin wickedly. After Iccho out in his ideas about where to box Dante couldn't help but like him just a bit more. Though he probably wanted a sneak peak at their works. Ah, whatever. This is why you're HERE. To prove to everyone and yourself that you've got what it takes. So why not get started early.
She responded with enthusiasm and vigor.
"That sounds like a great idea Iccho!"
When Jefferson turned to her and replied with the absolute minimum amount of annoyance at her not having introduced herself (by accident) she couldn't help but like the guy. She then heard Eir say that it would be fun.
"Awesome, the more the merrier!"
Then Jefferson began to speak in english, and while Dante did know a very few words in english, he didn't say anything about going to the bathroom, so her knowledge was useless. When he switched to Japanese she was slightly disappointed that his rules included no quirks. She thought about it for a moment then another large wicked smile crossed her face.
"sorry, about not introducing myself. I got excited thinking about having someone to box with and got carried away. I'm Dante Virmire, nice to meet you Jefferson St. John. And as for first condition... I'm sure of if I made this an official challenge, the school wouldn't be able to charge you for any of it, right? And if you win, you get more points to spend. Plus we can use our qirks. How does that sound?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Temperance couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion when Dante spoke up. What was that all about? All he wanted was for Eir to sit first before him. How else was he suppose to put that? Maybe it was his choice of words that conveyed a different message?
"...I do apologize if you think my vernacular was...um, 'forward'. I was only trying to have Lad--, uh, Eir sit between Iccho and myself..." The blonde trailed off, his expression remaining rather detached as he now focused on what was coming out of both Eir and Mr. Jefferson's mouths, letting the brief conversation with Dante end there. It was certainly impossible for him to understand what the two were saying, but it was indeed interesting to see how they interacted with each other.

Before he even knew it, the announcements had began, and Temperance was in his seat. First was the Vice Principal. She was...rather imposing, but it was nothing that Tempest couldn't handle without a little preparation. Then there was the principal, who was a lot more approachable and kind. Other than studying the two, Tempest let most of the information go in one ear and out the other; he tried to listen of course, but he could always get the information later. The only information he managed to keep was the ranking and point system, which was interesting, but not something that he really wanted to worry about.

With the assembly ending shortly after, Temperance brought his gaze over to the others, as a conversation sparked among the small group of acquaintances. Jefferson wanted to do something bad...but what did he mean by that? Tempest could only hope that it wasn't anything that would get them into too much trouble. When boxing was brought up, Tempest wasn't very excited about it. Boxing was a sport that require physically hurting the other in order to achieve a knockout, something Tempest's pretty face couldn't exactly handle. However, seeing that Eir was alright with going to the training center, the blonde had no choice but to go. Plus, there were lots of other things that could be done in the training center besides watching Jefferson and Dante mostly beat each other up.

"I would be delighted if you allowed me attend." Tempest chimed in as he was now standing, one leg propped up on his original seat to keep him from falling over entirely. Hearing Jefferson say that the two couldn't use Quirks made Temperance a little discouraged since he can't really turn his off like others, but Dante's proclamation made him think. "Is it not too early to start challenging others, Dante?" The blonde questioned as he looked up at her, his gaze questionable, but still holding a bit of his regular class. While challenging Jefferson would make the first rule null, was it really okay to start a challenge, not even the first day of school? "Wouldn't a member of faculty also have to accompany us?" Tempest added on, his emerald gaze remaining still.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tominas
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jefferson St. John

Location: Campus, on the way to the Main Training Facility
Interacting with: Dante @Araby264, Temperance @Tenma Tendo, Eir @Superboy, Iccho @yahoo3422

"Sorry, about not introducing myself. I got excited thinking about having someone to box with and got carried away. I'm Dante Virmire, nice to meet you Jefferson St. John. And as for first condition... I'm sure of if I made this an official challenge, the school wouldn't be able to charge you for any of it, right? And if you win, you get more points to spend. Plus we can use our quirks. How does that sound?"

Jefferson grimaced to himself, facing away from the rest of the group. His Quirk was so sneaky, and she was probably sitting on something amazing like control of the wind or super strength. Damn it, this was just like his sisters all over again. Still, a challenge was a challenge, and he got the feeling that Dante wasn’t going to be dissuaded. Besides, if he didn’t used his Quirk, he would never reach the level of the real heroes from the Golden Age. But not this time. He was more than a Quirk, damn it. Still, something was nagging at the back of his mind as he turned back to face her. The grin was tugging at the edge of his mouth again, and he let it ride, cocking an eyebrow and widening his eyes in fake surprise. “Dante, I won’t lie, I’m flattered you think so highly of me. Assuming I’m a higher rank from the start of school, before we even take any examinations? Wow.”
He shook his head and dropped the sarcasm, picking his real smile back up. “In all seriousness, I don’t know if we can do official challenges yet. Hell, I don’t know if we’re ranked. That being said…” He bared his teeth in a grin, returning her gaze. “You’re more than welcome to extend the invitation when I'm ranked above you. And for now, if you still want to use your Quirk in our match today, I have an idea.” He turned to face the shorter of the two blondes in the pack, who had already raised his own objections. “Temperature? Wait, no. Tempura. Temper? Tempest!" He smacked his fist into his pitch-black palm, "That's the one. It’s a big campus, what’s the bet a member of facility is already in the training faculty?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yahoo3422
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Iccho was happy that everyone was in favor of heading towards the training facilities, and even more so with the fact Dante challenged Jefferson to an official match. That was until, basically everyone pointed out the flaws in that event actually happening. The students have no idea if they are already ranked or if there will be special examinations to put them in order to begin the semester. At least there was still the opportunity to see the other's quirks in action. The was the problem that a faculty member might have to escort us to the training facility, but Iccho was quite sure that they have free reign on campus.

"I'm pretty sure we don't need an escort, but I also wouldn't be surprised if there were faculty members all over campus to make sure no one gets into too much troube," Iccho yelled back at the group since he was already pretty far ahead of them. "Anyway, they will be able to answer if there can be official challenges or not. I'm pretty sure the training facility is the circular building with the green roof." Iccho kept walking and hoping the others would take the hint. If their group doesn't make it their first it will be completely crowded.

He walked under the threshold of the front gate and was in awe of the campus. Iccho had never seen anything like this place before and he was looking forward to training here for the foreseeable future. In front of him was what seemed like the main building for classes with a giant clock tower on top of the building. Iccho was pretty sure that if they cut through the main hall of the lecture building then it will lead right to the training facility.

Before he started his way toward the buildings however, Iccho looked back at the group which he will eventually have to call his friends. They were definitely a more eclectic than Iccho had ever met before. A girl with pink hair, a rich boy, an American, and a girl that terrified Iccho. A small smile crept across his face as the sun hit his face. God, he couldn't wait to start classes.

@Superboy@Tominas@Tenma Tendo@Araby264
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 24 days ago


// Kosei Academy - Training Fields - Morning of Day 1 \\

The conversation about what exactly they'd be doing shifted a few times. Jefferson agreed to fight Dante in the boxing ring, but only if the two of them didn't use their quirks. Eir could see the merit in that. Quirks had the potential to give one fighter an unfair advantage over another. She didn't pay too much attention to Japan's boxing circuit, but the little that Hayashi had heard indicated that the people with the best quirks dominated the scene, leaving little room for more technically skilled fighters to shine. Fights where no quirks were allowed, in the vein of fighting sports from before the time quirks became so prevalent, were based more on one's own physical abilities and knowledge than genetics. Eir wouldn't...be able to participate, if that was how they were doing things. She was fine with that though. This was more about seeing how the others fought than testing her own mettle against them. Hayashi would observe Jefferson and Dante's duel to learn how they fought and acted. Learning about her fellow students would be vital to surpassing them. 'And I'll get to hang out with them.' It was an all around win for the pink haired girl.

After Dante introduced herself to the American, she decided to change things up. She wasn't satisfied with a simple boxing match between peers. No, the fiery girl wanted to make it an official challenge, for ranking and points and everything. Hayashi could already see a number of flaws in her plan. They didn't know their rankings yet, so it was entirely possible she was already above John. Whether or not there was anyone to make the match official wasn't known to them either. It was clear Dante simply wanted him to use his quirk; but, it an actual challenge wasn't exactly a real possibility, given the circumstances of their recent arrival. The students didn't even know where their dorms were yet! Eir wasn't the only one to notice the flaws in her logic. Tempest was the first to speak up, voicing their shared skepticism. She found herself nodding in agreement with him, looking between St. John and Dante to see what they'd have to say next. The foreigner spoke first...

He said something that could be taken as baiting Dante. It sounded like a joke, but at the same time, Hayashi guessed it wouldn't sit well with the girl at all. She seemed like the kind of person to have a bit of a temper, something that very briefly was touched on in her argument with Iccho. If nothing else, she had something of an ego that wouldn't take that comment well. Jefferson had a fire in his belly like Dante and Iccho, that much was clear. He did decide to allow Dante to use her quirk in their fight. He turned to ask Tempest a question. Hayashi's gaze wandered over toward Iccho Matsuo, who was already wandering ahead of the gang, intent on getting to the training center first. Eir looked back at the others before moving faster to catch up to the boy. She slowed down to his pace once she was just a step behind him. "Excuse me, Mister Matsuo?" Eir called to get his attention. "Um, if you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?" If the others were busy discussing Dante's challenge, Hayashi might as well take the opportunity to get to know Iccho. She'd do the same for all of them, eventually, when the time was right.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Araby264
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Tenma Tendo@Tominas@yahoo3422@Superboy
When met simultaneously from pretty much everyone in their group, besides Iccho, with reasons why she shouldnt, and possibly couldn't, challenge Jefferson, Dante rubbed her neck and looked slightly abashed. Man, even Eir is nodong in agreement. She spoke in a slightly softer, embarrassed tone.
"Ah... well... erm... I hadn't really thought about all that."
Jefferson then seemed to glad her I'm about the fight, saying that he was flattered that she saw him as being above her in the rankings. Upon hearing this Dante's eyes seemed to have a fire lot in them and she gave a dangerously big smile. She didn't speak, but her body language seemed to scream 'don't tempt me, boy'. When he, hilariously asked 'Tempura' (that was his nickname now, he couldn't escape it) about the facilitators Iccho answered instead, saying that there should be facilitators there. He then proceeded to a large structure with a Circular green roof. Dante turned to Jefferson as she began to walk along so that she was walking backwards for a moment.
"in all honesty Jefferson, i just wanted to go all out with my quirk against yours, not for any, um... Tactical rason, I guess. But because you look like you would be a really fun fight. But if you really don't want to use your quirk, for whatever reason, I'm cool with that. I didn't think about it before, but I know a lot of people are secretive about their quirks."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tominas
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jefferson St. John

Location: Training Fields
Interacting with: Dante @Araby264, Temperance @Tenma Tendo, Eir @Superboy, Iccho @yahoo3422, anyone else who joins in

Jefferson looked away from Dante as he addressed her, hiding his hands in his jacket pockets as he placed a tag inside his coat. It was covered and would wear off soon, so the darkness wouldn’t show. That being said, it would help to cool the blood rising in his cheeks. “All good. I will say, it’s, um… Not like that.” He grimaced at himself for a moment, shaking his head. He was always more conscious of his accent when he couldn't find the right words. “Blugh, vocabulary. Just don’t worry too much about it for now. Mine wouldn’t make a huge difference, and you can use your Quirk, that’s all that matters. Let’s just go. I'm itching to limber up some.”

Walking onward past the fighter-girl, he saw Eir go up to Iccho ahead of the group. Quietly, she asked him what his Quirk was. Without his hearing, he most likely would’ve only caught the hint of a conversation with how far away from the main group they were. Still, someone had seriously misrepresented how forward the Japanese were to him before he moved. When he came back for the summer, he would have quite a few choice words for his old language teachers. One of his ears twitched as he leaned forward… No, that would be wrong. Eavesdropping is still eavesdropping, and there were other matters to attend to.

Shaking himself from his reverie, he looked up as they passed the main lecture hall, noticing the outdoor facilities as they walked closer and closer to the Training Center. The trees here were almost supernaturally tall, and the further they went towards the center of the island the denser they seemed to grow. He had been to Yosemite once, and seen the redwoods. This was similar, but something was oddly menacing about this forest. Ignoring the sound of the students around him, he listened closely for sounds of wildlife: birds chirping, squirrels quarreling… nothing. The foreigner grinned to himself. He would have to look into that one night when he inevitably snuck out, just like back home.

For now, he noticed the series of outdoor facilities around the Training Center. There were obstacle courses, fields of rotating wooden pillars with pegs jutting out, sand pits, fields for every sport he could think of(with the notable exception of football), and a huge track surrounding the entire thing. Of particular interest, he noted the large grass field off beside of the track, large trees and boulders strategically placed to provide cover. There were a few craters being filled still, from the looks of it.

The Training Center itself just kept getting bigger as they walked towards it. Evidently, it had been further away from the Front Gate than they had thought. In fact, this close, it almost looked like the huge stadiums they used for football back home. He noticed the tiered system of seating as they got closer, but it was odd. Fluted arches rose up from the ground to support the coliseum, almost like an old cathedral. Part of him wondered how much of this place was for training and how much was for spectacle. His smile got just a touch wider. He was so excited he could hardly stand it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yahoo3422
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eir was the first one who caught up to Iccho. The small pink-haired girl was rather formal when she addressed him. Mister Matsuo would have been his grandfather because even his father hated to be called Mister Matsuo. The thing that really shocked Iccho was how direct she was with asking what his quirk was. This was exactly the situation he wanted to avoid, it would give away his element of surprise. He also assumed that others would be listening when he told Eir his quirk. He wasn't going to stoop so low with lying to her, but he also wanted to keep his quirk at least somewhat of a secret.

With that he turned towards Eir in such a that she would be the only one who could see his face. He let a spin grow out of the tip of his index finger and made the shushing gesture. Even if his quill power leaked out, his toxic ability will stay hidden. He smiled at the little girl and said, "My power isn't too impressive, but I think I demonstrated it pretty well. Now if you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?" With that Iccho retracted his quill from his finger and winced a little when it went back in. It never felt natural to retract his quills, even though he could. This feeling of awkwardness continued with this straight forward with someone, but if Eir was going to be it only felt fair for Iccho.

The group quickly moved through the Great Hall and into the other side of campus where all the training facilities were set up. The arena was massive compared to what Iccho was expecting. It looked like it could fit his entire town in there with room to spare. The group walked up to the arena and Iccho opened the door. It let out a huge gust of cool air as Iccho took the first step inside. The entrance felt like a Tosu Stadium, the only football field he had ever been to. Unlike Tosu Stadium, this arena was circular and what seemed like a retractable roof.

"Let's look for an elevator or a map or a teacher to point us in the right direction. Are we still looking for a boxing ring or do we want to show off our quirks to each other? Or both." Iccho added that little fragment with the hope of seeing each other's quirks in a relaxed environment. It could be a good way to bond with one another and it will lead toward building trust within the group.

@Araby264@Tominas@Superboy@Tenma Tendo
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Temperance furrowed his brows in confusion as Jefferson went on various incorrect pronunciations of his name before finally getting it right after the fourth time. He couldn't say that he was mad at the other for being so...so um...himself, so Tempest chose to ignore his first three mistakes and focus on the question at hand.
"That's quite the possibility. Especially with all the students exploring campus..." Jefferson had a point, which was further implied by the other blonde who was quite a ways away from them. "Alright, alright. come along everyone, before Iccho and Eir decide to abandon us." Temperance chimed as he shoved his hands into his short pockets and leaned back a bit, pacing beside the others so that he wouldn't be left behind. And with that, he let his mind wander.

He wasn't really paying attention to the others and their conversations and thought more about what the Training Center would be like. Clearly, he was expecting there to be a lot of equipment and open space to train, but honestly Temperance just wanted to see if there were any weapons he could take a look at. Of course most of them would probably be fake or dulled for safety purposes, but he was still looking forward to it.

Before he even knew it, Temperance and his group of...friends? Acquaintances? Whatever...what mattered was that the circular building with a green roof that Iccho had mentioned was coming in sight. Even around the building, there were various different courses, fields, and even a track field. Wow...this place will be perfect in case my Quirk gets out of hand... A small smile formed on his face.
"Wow, this place has quite the atmosphere..." Temperance spoke wistfully before bringing his attention up to Jefferson, who's face embodied the exact definition of excitement. "You seem quite happy, Jefferson. Can't say I blame you." The princely boy said with a smirk.

Before he even had a chance to hear the other's response, Temperance's attention was brought to Iccho who question what they were going to do. The second option was definitely tempting, but they originally came here for the first. Of course doing both was an option, but which would come first? A little conflicted, Tempest remained quite and looked specifically at Dante and Jefferson to see what they thought.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the sleek black car rolled to a stop at the majestic front gates of Kosei Academy, Tatsu opened her door and hopped down to the pavement below, unable to keep the grin off her face as the wind blew her orange hair about wildly. The day for her to start really learning about how to use her abilities was finally here! If the long car ride hadn’t left her legs feeling so stiff, she probably would have already bolted through the entryway. Instead, she took a few moments to stretch after getting out of the car, the complaints of her tiny body overpowering her impatience to explore what the academy had to offer. Which was probably for the best, as it provided the chauffeur with enough time to remind her that she needed to attend the orientation assembly before she would be free to do whatever she wanted.

With a sigh of mild disappointment that she wouldn’t be able to get started exploring right away, Tatsu thanked the man and made her way through the front gates and over to the arrangement of chairs where the other students were gathering. Though Tatsu would have liked to get a seat on the end of a row, the crowd had other ideas, unwittingly pushing the small girl into a seat behind a very tall girl with dark hair that was tied up in a rather messy bun. This meant, of course, that Tatsu wouldn’t be able to see anything as the assembly progressed. To be fair, however, it wasn’t as if she was going to be able to pay close attention to the assembly anyway. She was far too excited for that.

The assembly began shortly after Tatsu was seated. All in all, it was fairly standard for a beginning of the year assembly. There was the typical welcome to the students, followed by a list of fairly typical rules that the administration felt the students should know right away. Well, typical apart from the restriction that they weren’t to go too far from the academy without a chaperone and the explanation of a ranking system. While Tatsu didn’t really care about some arbitrary method of ranking students, she couldn’t help but notice that several of the other students around her perked up upon hearing the details. Maybe that’s why it was implemented?

Fortunately, the assembly didn’t go on for too much longer. After the vice principal finished explaining the procedures at the Academy, the principal stepped up to the podium and gave his spiel, encouraging the students to do their best and enjoy their first day. With that, the assembly ended and the students began to disperse.

Unsure of where exactly to start her exploration, Tatsu decided to follow a decently sized group of students who seemed to know where they were going. The group seemed to consist of some interesting-looking individuals, including the tall girl that Tatsu had been sitting behind during the assembly. They seemed to be heading towards a very large building with a roof that looked bluish-green to Tatsu’s eyes, which meant that it was either green or blue. From the snippets of conversation among the group that she overheard, they were heading to the training facility, which meant that was probably what the humongous building was.

The prospect of being able to use her abilities without fear of damaging something or hurting someone was an exciting one to Tatsu. While she was still excited to explore the academy grounds, Tatsu felt that that probably wouldn’t take the whole afternoon. Besides, she was here to learn how to control her abilities better anyway, so it made sense to start at the training facility and spend some time getting used to the facilities here. Plus, she might even be able to meet some people, which would make exploring the grounds later more enjoyable. And so, Tatsu continued to follow the group as they walked towards the training facility, appreciating the architecture of the buildings and the beauty of the trees that she passed.

Before too long, however, the trees and buildings gave way to the outdoor facilities around the training center, which were… impressive to say the least. Tatsu could really only blink in astonishment at just how much they had available for the students’ use. From the numerous obstacle courses to the fields that were obviously set up for specific sports and/or practicing one’s abilities, it seemed that they had everything. Even though Tatsu couldn’t really participate in sports or other largely physical tasks due to her diminutive size, she found herself grinning as she walked behind the group. If they had all of this for the outdoor facilities, what did that say about the rest of the facilities on the school grounds? Hopefully they would prove to be at least as impressive, if not moreso.

A few moments later, Tatsu followed the group through the main doors of the training center, shivering slightly as she was blasted by the cool air. Seeing that the group she had been following had stopped to discuss something amongst themselves, Tatsu felt that she should take the opportunity to introduce herself and see if they would let her tag along. And so, she walked over to the group and spoke up. ”Excuse me,” she said, looking up at the other students. ”My name is Tatsuko Kanashiro. I got here a little later than most I think, so I wasn’t really able to meet any new people. Would you guys mind if I tagged along with you?”

@Tenma Tendo@Araby264@yahoo3422@Tominas@Superboy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 24 days ago


// Kosei Academy - Training Center - Morning of Day 1 \\
@Tenma Tendo@Araby264@yahoo3422@Tominas@TaliPaendrag

Once they took the short cut through the Great Hall, their group passed by the many outdoor training facilities, moving toward the entrance to the large stadium-like training center. The massive structure wasn't anything like Eir had expected. The archways and ornate architecture made it feel less like a school's physical activities facility and more like a theater. It evoked imagery that reminded Hayashi of the great Colosseum of ancient Rome. Her wonder was kept constrained behind a neutral expression, though it was impossible to keep her excitement out of her eyes. Her gaze dashed about, taking in the sights. She could only imagine the kind of things that they'd be getting up to at Kosei that required a stadium like this. 'This place is amazing.' Hayashi thought to herself. Even if coming to the Academy hadn't been her idea, she was starting to warm up to the place. The faculty and students were all very interesting; not all of them were exactly kind, but no one had treated her badly yet. It was...a great improvement over her home life, that much was certain. Eir moved along beside Iccho, entering into the building itself. A wave of cool air hit her face, throwing her hair up behind her.

Matsuo's quirk was interesting. He produced a spine from his finger tip, not unlike that of a porcupine. Getting hit by those would probably hurt. Eir might've been a little...forward, in asking the boy she barely knew about his abilities. She would've understood if he politely refused to share. But quirks had been an ordinary part of every day life since the glowing baby was born; especially in her home town, where quirk usage was greatly encouraged. For Hayashi, it felt like as normal a question as asking about someone's shirt. It was only fair that Iccho ask what her quirk was in return. "I don't mind." Eir said with a smile. Instead of explaining her ability, she chose to show him, as he had done. Hayashi held her fists up in front of her. Bone-like material crawled up from within her sleeves, swiftly covering her hands like gauntlets. Eir opened up her fists, causing the armor to drop off. As soon as it hit the ground it shattered, the small pieces flying off in the wind. She looked back to Iccho, smiling again. "It's not very impressive, I know." She admitted with a short laugh. Hayashi didn't like her quirk, if she was honest. Some days she wished she was born with another, more boring one- or maybe no quirk at all. The only reason Eir was forced to go to the Academy was because she had a quirk a hero could use.

While the group was standing around discussing their next move, someone else spoke up from behind them. Eir's attention was drawn toward the entrance. To her surprise, there was the tiniest person Hayashi had ever seen standing there. Eir looked visibly surprised by her appearance. While it was...extremely rude, Hayashi had never seen a bonafide dwarf before. She'd almost always been the smallest one in the room. Hayashi blinked away her confusion, realizing she was staring. "O-oh! Um, hello there." The little- erm, Tatsuko, explained that she was late to the orientation, and was hoping she could tag along with the group. Eir was far from their little impromptu gang's spokesperson, but she knew how awkward it was to put one's self out like that. Meeting new people was hard, and the possibly of rejection made approaching people all the harder. Eir took it upon herself to let the girl join them, even if one of the others was against it. "Sure thing! We were just looking for the boxing ring. We'd love to have you. My name's Eir Hayashi, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Kanashiro."

Eir looked around the huge open field. She didn't see anyone else there, aside from the new girl. It was possible there was a teacher somewhere nearby, but Hayashi couldn't see them from where she was standing. "If there's a map, I'd bet it would be on a wall near the front door." That's where Eir would put one. It'd be silly for a huge facility like this to not have a map set up for new people. Hayashi left Iccho, moving back toward where they had come in. She walked through the expansive threshold, stepping into the area between the many doors leading into the training facility and the path to the main arena itself. It could be described as a lobby of sorts. To one side was a long hallway, while to the other was a small window. Glancing inside, Hayashi saw some sort of office- it was empty, sadly, the attendant that usually ran the place was probably out at the front gate for the orientation ceremony and hadn't returned yet. Next to the closed off window was exactly what Eir sought: a map of the building. "I found it!" She called back to the others, sliding over in front of the thing. "Let's see..." She placed her finger on a red star marked 'you're here.' "This is where we are." Eir muttered to herself, looking over the schematics of the building. She traced her finger along the map, stopping on their destination. "Found it! The 'indoor' area, where it says the boxing ring is, should be-" Hayashi turned around, pointing down the hall on the other side of the 'lobby.' "-This way!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Araby264
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Tominas@yahoo3422@Tenma Tendo@TaliPaendrag@Superboy
As Dante trailed behind the others she took in the amazing campus. The buildings and the scenery were all.... a lot to take in honestly. She kept her head on a swivel, constantly looking at the next amazing thing that caught her eye. When they finally reached the training stadium Dante let out a low whistle. This place was huge, she could barely contain her excitement and she felt the fire in her grow.
[Cokor=maroon] "aw, man, this is gonna be AWESOME![/color]
As she said this she saw Eir drop some kind of stone thing that then shattered on the ground. .... what-... was that her quirk?
Dante shook her head, it didn't matter. Her opponent was Jefferson.
It was then that a new student joined them, And dear God was she short. It was actually kind of adorable, but Dante was somewhat afraid she would accidentally step on the girl. So Dante simply waved at her with a big smile revealing how excited she was. It was then that Eir told them that she knew where to go. Dante began to follow her, her excitement growing with each step.
"aw-man, this is going to be so much fun."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NobodiesHero
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NobodiesHero The Organization XIII Member That Never Was

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

From the moment Kosei Academy had come into view, Ryoma's odd purple eyes had been staring at it, taking in everything that the massive school had to offer. Thoughts were racing through his mind, he barely heard anything that was said during the opening ceremonies. What would people think about him when they heard his last name? Thank goodness he had his glasses. How was he supposed to become a hero with a Quirk like the one he had? Those any many more thoughts were going through his mind, but he tried to put his focus on the ceremony.

His lips curled into a frown when he heard about the ranking system. He definitely wasn't the type to go around challenging people for their rank, and it wasn't like he was going to outshine anybody in any other categories. Look like he'd stay a low rank for a while. But that was okay, he was lucky, and grateful, to be accepted into a hero academy at all. He just hoped he could make his sister proud.

Makoto Otonashi, a famous hero, legendary even, with a Quirk that made most people jealous. People of all ages looked up to her. Ryoma did to, but not because she was some amazing hero, but because she was an amazing big sister. Supportive in every way despite the fact that Ryoma's chances of becoming a hero were slim. When they had last spoken a few days ago, she was already talking about the two of them teaming up. Just the thought of that made Ryoma smile.

After the opening ceremony, they were given the chance to explore the campus and really do whatever they wanted. Ryoma instantly felt lost, he had absolutely no idea what to do or where to go. There were so many people going off any doing so many different things. He didn't want to just waltz up to someone and start a conversation, that really wasn't his thing. After a minute of thinking and looking lost, he decided on the perfect thing for him to do.

Ryoma found himself a nice, quiet, spot underneath a tree. He took a seat and pulled out a book from his messenger bag. The bag had been a joke gift from his sister. It was one of those messenger bags they made for a specific hero, this one being Makoto of course. She had even signed it. It was now Ryoma's favorite bag to carry around. The teen set the book on his legs and looked around, the sudden urge to try something rising up.

Curiously, Ryoma looked toward one of the smaller buildings. He reached up and removed his glasses from his face. His eyes were immediately assaulted by white. The familiar glow surrounded the people nearby, and the ones in the building he had chosen to look at. Ryoma let out a whistle. There were a lot of people here and just in that one area. "There are so many people here..." Once again, Ryoma was so glad that he had his glasses. Already his vision was starting to blur.

He put his glasses back on and blinked a few times as his vision readjusted. Now that he had gotten that out of the way, his turned his purple gaze to the book on his legs. Here he was at this massive school full of people with Quirks just like him, and the first thing he wants to do is read. His sister was right, the glasses suited him for more reason than one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hironaka, Severa
First Impressions@NobodiesHero

The opening ceremony was less pomp and pageantry than what Severa was expecting, especially considering the rather aristocratic architecture of this place. Just a few speeches by the leadership and everybody was released to do.. whatever they wanted. It was a horrible start to what seemed like a promising prospect. Kosei had a reputation for being more.. aggressive in their Hero training courses than the other academies, and if Severa was going to make up excessive aggression from the previous entrance exam, this was the place for it.

All throughout the introductory speeches, Severa's fiery red eyes lulled with boredom as she crossed her arms, zoning out as she thought up fantasy where she was praised as the number one hero. A bit ambitious but it was just where Severa was setting her mark as she knew she had a good quirk to do well. It was just a matter of proving it.

Severa's daydream ended shortly after the dismissal as everyone around her began moving around. It provided a good opportunity to try and identify some of the people here as anyone likely in her class will have been here by now. Though even her scan of her classmates was found to be lacking as Severa could have sworn a friend of hers would also be here. At least that brat said she would.

Aggravated but out of a stubborn resolve, Severa separated from the group of fresh students and headed for landmark to prop herself up against. In this instance, she found a clearing of landscaping and leaned up against one of the trees as she scanned the cluster of students, arms crossed as she stewed quietly in her quiet aggravation.

More to her annoyance, the new students took their time parting and heading off, most to the training facilities as that was probably the most significant part of this campus. As they did so, Severa's eyes followed an eager group making their way away, catching the distinct figure of someone sitting in proximity to her. Severa turned fully to see a scrawny four-eyes reading. He looked too young to be a part of the staff or even an upperclassmen. No, this was certainly a new student. "Tch!" Severa quietly scoffed turning her gaze back to thinning cluster of new students. ".. What? That confident in yourself that you're going to do well in the competitions or resigning yourself early?" Severa asked Four-Eyes, her mind only settling that people on her notion that people are here to compete and not necessarily anything else. Her tone wasn't mocking either, though her anger at other things was certainly present in her voice. As she was curious to why someone would be so lax at this time. She wouldn't admit it, but she certainly wasn't.
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