[Discord Server]

This RP will be based on My Hero Academia, but will be influenced by other series; good examples would be One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100. Despite drawing inspiration from the shonen genre, I plan to include some sort of realism in the story along with darker and more serious themes. A general plot will be present, but will be used more as a guide than something we'll be strictly adhering to.

This RP will be based on My Hero Academia, but will be influenced by other series; good examples would be One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100. Despite drawing inspiration from the shonen genre, I plan to include some sort of realism in the story along with darker and more serious themes. A general plot will be present, but will be used more as a guide than something we'll be strictly adhering to.

Superpowers are still relatively new to mankind. First discovered for over a century ago, it was news of a baby that gave off a luminescent glow right after it was born. Since then, strange abilities have been sprouting up across the world. Time passed without the cause being identified; scientists have struggled to find out the cause behind this, lamenting it to evolution, however there is no solid evidence to what brought about this new super gene.
Naturally, humans were scared. They were met with newfound powers, dangerous and abnormal. For much of the first few decades, supers received brutal discrimination and punishment. Many were forced into camps and prisons and some were stolen away for experimenting. But as the numbers increased and the supers became more knowledgeable of their own abilities, they banded together and rose against authoritative figures. As history shows, with time and persistence, compassion begins to grow. The supers collaborated with humans, working side by side to protect civilization and prove that supers aren't all power-hungry monsters. There are a handful of people that have made a stand for the rights of supers and influenced the world to follow in their ideals who led the people with their brilliant and passionate words, opening the door to a brighter future for both humans and supers. Before we knew it, the supernatural became natural, and dreams had become reality.

We now live in a superhuman society with majority of the world's population possessing some kind of special trait. In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight. That profession is...still not quite yours. You are not a professional hero, the symbols of hope and peace for the entire world. You are a student, not at one of the top academies in the entire country, but in a newly established institution that aims to cater to those who are deemed less fortunate in one way or another. Those who failed to pass the grueling entrance examinations of other institutions, lacked financial aid and resources, or individuals who were not blessed with amazing quirks, none of those hold any bearing. No matter your background or upbringing, you’ll always have a place here.
Our story takes place 50 years from the original series. Here you'll be playing as the pioneer batch of the newly established Kosei Academy. The school itself was founded by the hero, Arata Sako. Why would you enroll to such a young school? Well, aside from the high quality of education, top-class training they promise, and various scholarships, they only require a single thing from their applicants; a strong sense of heroism.
Welcome to Kosei Academy! This year will certainly be an interesting one. Please, enjoy it to its fullest.

Only Anime Face Claims.
Include Height and Weight.
Name: For the format, let's do Surname then Given Name.
Gender: You tell us, right?
Age: Students for this school year are somewhere between 13 to 16.
What are you like? Anything in particular that we need to know?
Give us a summary of your life up until now along with the reason you were enrolled at Kosei Academy.
I'm hoping for some sort of uniformity for the Quirks to avoid any type of issue. I apologize for this, but I'd like all Quirks to be sent to me via PM so that we can discuss it before we make it official. I know its sort of a hassle, but its for the RP, and technically, all of us. Thank you for your cooperation.
Talents and Skills:
I'm certain that you have other skills. A sport perhaps? Maybe you can take a punch really well? Or perhaps you enjoy baking or dog grooming? Please don't hesitate to share.
[HIDER=Application Form][CENTER][b][Appearance][/b]
[sub]Only Anime Face Claims.
Include Height and Weight.[/sub][/CENTER]
[b]Name:[/b] For the format, let's do Surname then Given Name.
[b]Gender:[/b] You tell us, right?
[b]Age:[/b] Students for this school year are somewhere between 13 to 16.
[b]Personality:[/b][INDENT]What are you like? Anything in particular that we need to know?[/INDENT]
[b]Background:[/b][INDENT]Give us a summary of your life up until now along with the reason you were enrolled at Kosei Academy.[/INDENT]
[b]Quirk:[/b][INDENT]I'm hoping for some sort of uniformity for the Quirks to avoid any type of issue. I apologize for this, but I'd like all Quirks to be sent to me via PM so that we can discuss it before we make it official. I know its sort of a hassle, but its for the RP, and technically, all of us. Thank you for your cooperation.[/INDENT]
[b]Talents and Skills:[/b][INDENT]I'm certain that you have other skills. A sport perhaps? Maybe you can take a punch really well? Or perhaps you enjoy baking or dog grooming? Please don't hesitate to share.[/INDENT][/HIDER]

When coming up with a Quirk, I suggest to go for simplicity over innate versatility. Most of the Quirks in the series are relatively simple in both concept and application, so try and avoid creating one that comes with a whole set of rules. Most, if not all Quirks, are more of unique biological functions of the body and not some magical ability. I'm not saying that we need to come up with a scientific explanation for the Quirks, just pick something that fits with the setting we have. If you're hoping for something that has a less organic feel, here are some good examples.
A good example would be Bakugo's Explosion Quirk. Despite being as simple as it is, its an amazing ability because of how it is utilized. Kirishima's Hardening Quirk is as bland as it can get, but honestly, its just so practical. Even some of the flashier ones, such as Denki's Electrification, is relatively simple. The power it can produce is definitely significant, but he is only able to discharge electricity indiscriminately; no launching bolts of electricity or increasing his reflexes with electrical charges.
So when coming up with abilities, just keep it simple and we'll be okay.

- Rules: I'm assuming that were all adults here, or at least are mature enough, to know what's acceptable when it comes to role-playing. Just respect the site's general rules, don't forget to communicate with each other if uncertainties arise, and avoid any form of toxicity.
- Expectations: In terms of writing, I'm hoping for posts that at least follow the basics of grammar and spelling. No strict word count is expected, we're going for quality over quantity, but no one liners. Avoid posts that stagnate the story and be proactive when needed.
- Applications: For now, no strict rule for character application. Just apply the same rules for writing and follow the format provided for the sheet. I'll get back to you as soon as I can with a review of your character along with any needed edits.
- Scheduling: No exact level of pacing will be indicated due to how erratic life can get. However, given the right crowd, the story can progress quite rapidly. At most, I'll probably dish out updates every two to three days, then longest interval between updates would be once weekly. In the event such a thing occurs and you aren't able to keep up, please inform the rest of the participants. Just update us on your schedule if issues arise, so that we'll be aware and informed.
- Spoilers: Some of us might not be too familiar with the manga, so let's keep our discussion limited to the information given to us from the anime. If it can't be helped, try your best to not make manga-related information too apparent in any of our threads. If you want to discuss your theories and whatnot, maybe you could do it via PM. I'll try and create some sort of Discord Server for the RP if we get more participants.
- Others: My goal here is for everyone to enjoy themselves. If you're not, please let me know what's wrong. I'm open-minded and very flexible. So don't hesitate to speak up.