Hidden 8 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Student's Name: Johnson Le Roux

Age: 14

Gender: Male

D.0.B: October 31, 2003

Parents: Belle and Beast

Email: JohnnyBoy3012@email.com

Health problems: "Well, when I get angry... like really angry, my heart tends to beat faster and then I get my dad's leftover feral instincts and I just go ballistic. I-I can be stopped, don't worry. After all that, I pass out on a coma for at least a whole day..."
He has minor anger management issues and a heart problem - would probably be for the best to not push him to his berserk zone.

Personality: Johnson is quite an optimistic and energetic little fella. He always likes to rough around and is not afraid to get himself down and dirty. He has a strong sense of justice and tries to find the good in people, just like his mother did. He's much more closer to his mother since she is more understanding. He absolutely loves reading and eating. He is very slow to anger, but once he's angry, it'd take a whole lot of sweets and/or convincing to make him back down. And when he's angry, he gets really violent. He isn't exactly the most polite kid, often forgetting his manners and just talking casually to anyone even at the first meeting. This generally doesn't bode well because he is royalty.

Hobbies: Practicing swordfighting, reading, eating sweets (or anything really), playing, fighting, finding out about everyone's fairy tale parents, socializing, tinkering with things

Anything else you would like to add?: Though he does have a heat problem, he can usually fight and play around for the whole day without really overexerting himself. However, when he gets angry, his heart rate practically quadruples and he can only take so much of that. Because of his genes, he's actually pretty strong despite his appearances and pretty good at fighting too. His Grandpa Maurice also taught him about the whole inventing thing so he loves seeing how things tick. He is also multilingual.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 18 days ago

Student's Name: Madison Tremaine
Age: 14
Gender: Female
D.0.B: March 4, 2003
Parents: Cinderella and Prince Charming
Email: MadisonGlasshoes@email.com
Health problems: none
Personality: Madison is calm, hard-working and friendly like her mother. humorous, elegant and brave like father
Hobbies: Singing, Cleaning, Dancing, Sewing and Cooking
Anything else you would like to add?: Madison sexuality is bisexual, she have a bad habit losing her shoes like mother like daughter I guess
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hanabira
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Hanabira li Britannia

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Student's Name: Robyn Renée Schwartz

Age: 15 - she enrolled later than most others.

Gender: Female

D.0.B: 5th of January, 2002

Parents: Little Red Riding Hood

Email: lilredhood@email.com

Health problems: None

Personality/History: Robyn is a brash, reckless and delinquent young woman who typically spends her spare time involved in fights with other derelict kids, whether they're male or female. She's often asked to do violent deeds for older students, to which she can't help but comply. She is academically rather intelligent, but usually neglects her studies at Fairytalia Academy as she believes they're entirely unnecessary. Robyn despises her abusive father and wishes for her mother a better life. Although she loves her mother, she pledges never to show weakness or too much benevolence in order to avoid being taken advantage of like her mother. To other delinquents and many older juveniles, she's given the nickname 'Red', or 'Hoodie'. Although Robyn has a harsh and unapproachable exterior, she is passionate and kind-hearted in actuality, like Little Red Riding Hood, and she doesn't go out of her way to disrespect or demean others unless they directly insult her loved ones. She is inexperienced in romance and has always avoided it, however when someone tries to make advances at her she habitually becomes defensive and embarrassed.

Hobbies: Robyn spends her spare time either fighting or engrossed in music. One of her guilty pleasures is playing and listening to music, and she is something of a closet pianist, although she wouldn't express her love for music openly to avoid breaking her tough, delinquent facade.

Anything else you would like to add?: Physically, Robyn is rather strong (although she doesn't look it), but as much as she packs a punch, she is inexperienced with archery and weapons and much prefers hand-to-hand combat, putting her at a disadvantage when handling weapons in combat classes. Robyn has also picked up a harmful habit of smoking from her father, and uses cigarettes as a relaxant when she's under stress. She would probably swing both ways in terms of sexuality.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by quietkid13
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Student's Name: Victor Jason Wolfe


Age: We begin when we are 13

Gender: Male

D.0.B: October 14, 2004

Parents: Big B. Wolfe

Email: goodwolf@email.com

Health problems: Every Full Moon Night, Jason will need to be locked in a concrete room behind a solid steel door by midnight. For your safety DO NOT open or enter that room until the Sun rises.

Personality: Jason is a very polite, soft spoken child. An absolute wimp and a disgrace to the family name. Jason will do as he's told without question most of the time, no matter who's telling him what to do. When he's not required to be out where there's other people, he'll hermit away from everyone in his room or somewhere for days on end. He needs to toughen up, learn how to fight, and stand up for himself for once. If he doesn't get some self respect now, he'll probably spend the rest of his life as a reclusive doormat.

Hobbies: Jason likes writing. Whether it's in his journal, making lists, taking down notes, or creepily writing down what others are saying (I'll get to that below) he can always be seen ready with paper and pen. This culminates in one of his favorite hobbies, creating his own campaign for a role playing game. He's drawn out maps, created characters, and written an entire quest for some daring adventurer's to set out on. Now if he would just let somebody play through it.

Anything else you would like to add?: This is a touchy subject but Jason has a bit of a stalking problem. There's never been a specific person he's focused on but he has been known to keep tabs on those around him to a level most would find perverse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 26 min ago

Student's Name: Griffin Hook
Age: 14
Gender: male
D.0.B: May 21
Parents: Captain James Hook
Email: Darkmagic@email.com
Health problems: allergic to strawberries
Personality: Griffin is a difficult guy. He comes across very uncaring. It takes a lot to impress him. It takes even more to get a reaction from him. He very honest. He tends to see things very black and white. He doesn't trust easily but if you earn his trust he will be very loyal to you. He will do just about anything for those he cares about.
Hobbies: Griffin is good with his hands. He carves beautiful figurine. But he has never shared this skill with anyone. He will only work on his carvings when he thinks he's alone. He can also repair things. This skill he will admit to, since it's considered manly.
Anything else you would like to add?: Griffin is a dirty fighter. Growing up in a pirate ship taught him how to win most physical fights. His education hasn't focused as much on book learning as it should so there are obvious fans.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hazy
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Student's Name: Nils Bäcker


Age: 14

Gender: Male

D.0.B: February 11 2003

Parents: The Practical Pig

Email: Brickbuilder@email.com

Health problems: None

Personality: Nils is very blunt and isn’t afraid to speak his mind. If a thought pops up in his mind it’s probably going out of his mouth. This has one more than one occasion gotten him into trouble. He is not necessarily a bad person. He is just very opinionated and likes to share those opinions. Manners aren’t his strong suit either. He eats like a pig (he is one after all) and swears like a sailor. He is very bad at paying attention and will most likely be found doodling or staring of into space during lessons.

Hobbies: Nils is a fan of building things. Mostly he builds modell cars, planes and tanks. Sometimes he'll even build pieces of furniture like a chair or a small table.

Anything else you would like to add?: Nils, being a pig, will eat pretty much anything. Doesn’t matter if it’s old, raw, or if it smells bad. He’ll eat it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OptiPri
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OptiPri Your friendly neighbour- hood psychopath

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Student's Name:
Conner (Hood? Not sure what last name is.)




May 6, 2003

Robin Hood and Maid Marien (I had to look that up. :P)


Health problems: Any medical information related to the student, that you would like the school to be aware of:
Nah famlit dabsquad.
Well, unless you count slight morality problems.

Conner tends to stick to crowded areas, not necessarily to socialize or talk. More like he just prefers being around people. Maybe so he can steal small things. Maybe. Anyways, he doesn't have the "steal from the rich and give to the poor" mentality his father had, instead adapting a more confined mentality of "steal to help yourself and your friends and allies."

Theft, listening to music, reading, watching YouTube videos (specifically ralphthemoviemaker), target practise, writing.

Anything else you would like to add?
Good at math, has practically pinpoint accuracy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Student's Name: Gray Árnadalr
Appearance: Boy
Age: 14
Gender: Fluid (For those who don't know, this means it changes without Gray's control.)
D.0.B: November 1st, 2003
Parents: Elsa Árnadalr of Arendelle.
Email: coldshoulder@email.com
Health problems: Susceptible to sunburn.
Personality: Fairly closed off but will open up to those they are close to.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, taking walks in wooded areas.
Anything else you would like to add?: Not sure if this is necessary to put, but they are also bisexual.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Valkyrie
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The Valkyrie Beautiful Trauma

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Xade Grimhilde

Age: 14
Gender: Female
D.0.B: June, 6th
Parents: Queen Grimhilde aka Snow White's Stepmother
Email: whichwitch@email.com
Health problems: As a homunculus created by her "mother", Xade does not possess a soul. More precisely, she does not carry it inside of her body. Rather, it is carried in an amulet that she always keeps on her person. If separated from the stone for long amounts of time, her body slowly becomes a lifeless doll.
Personality: As most would expect, Xade (pronounced "Zah-day") is considered withdrawn and eccentric. Many are wary of her when they discover her parentage or at least the half that anyone can puzzle out. Very few know of her origins as a homunculus and the distance her lineage provides is useful in providing her some obscurity on the matter. As long as she retains her soul stone, she grows and lives as a normal girl; for all intents and purposes, she is a normal girl. Well, besides the witchcraft.

To be sure, she is a quiet child with a love of the archaic and strange. When she speaks, she is very concise but to the point; short but not rude. She has not had the chance to socialize much with others and for obvious reasons, prospective friends are not eager to give her those chances. She is patient, quiet, and observant. No one can say she is not intelligent, but what they cannot say is to what purpose--ill or otherwise--she will turn her powers in the end...
Hobbies: People watching, reading, examining old and/or strange objects, collecting gems
Anything else you would like to add?: She cries, she bleeds, she gets hungry just like the rest. Don't let her being a homunculus fool you. As long as she has the soul stone, she is the same as other mortals inside and out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Student's Name: Flynn Riley Pan

Appearance:with dark green eyes and the hoodie also being dark green instead of black she would have knee high brown boots and back skinny jeans with a necklace with a little jar of pixie dust, a red feather would be on the back of the hoodie repersenting the feather in her dads hat

Age: 13

Gender: Female

D.0.B: August 13

Parents: Peter Pan

Email: Lostgirl@email.com

Health problems: She ages slower than a normal person looking younger than her age and her shadow can also wonder of at times.

Personality: Flynn is a very quiet and shy, soft spoken child. Flynn act rather childish and is easily scared by most things thought she doesnt mean to act this way. When she doesn't have to be around people she will most probably be in the woods up a tree reading or being adventurous, despite her shyness she will try and hang around other. She need to lean to open up more to others and learn how to fight if she wants to get by in life she need to start acting her age despite her youthfulness and inability to age. She also need to try and get use to the hole flying thing as it something that she know she can do but has ingnored most of her life.

Hobbies: Flynn loves reading and climing when ever she can she also likes to write her thoughts away writing storys of far of places and abilitys that have yet to been found in her world. She tends to keep the storys she writes to herself. She also like doing parkour and running round or hanging upside down in a tree.

Anything else you would like to add?: Flynn normally feel self connuious around others due to the fact that she looks and act much younger then the people around her she never feels like she fits in and hate the whole not aging in the right way thing. She knows she should be happy for it as others would love to stay young for ever but she doesnt see the pros in it.
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