Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

>T+ 20 064 Hours, Unknown Location

The battered tarp fluttered angrily around his neck in the duststorm. It was his only piece of protection that he picked up since he woke up, and it was the only thing keeping him moving in the unforgiving weather. His metal parts screeched in pain as their eternal lifetime was chewed away by the dust particles in the wind. Most of his sensors shut down 36 hours ago, right after the storm picked up, and he was wandering the waste with only limited visual and audio capacity. It wasn't his most glorious moment, but his servos relentlessly moved him forward, towards an unknown goal. It was a fight against time, a battle no-one was ever able to win, but he knew that the rewards would benefit all of man and robotkind. Then a sudden burst of wind and dust that caught into the tarp started pulling him back, the rope around his neck that kept the tarp in it's place pulling him. His servos shouted in agony as they fought against the force of the wind trying to force him on his knees. The rope gave away before him, and the tarp went flying away into the wind. On the other hand, he feel face-first into the dust as he lost his balance. He only began to feel to true face of the storm, without the protection of the tarp, but he wasn't going to stop. With his hands he formed a small dune of sut in front of him, hoping that it would shelter him from the wind. Curling up behind the small pile, he tried to reduce the amount of exposure as much as possible. Why did this happen? He just wanted to understand why he was left here, and nothing else. In the light of the shaded sun, his vision began to darken, and the sound of the wind seemed to get distant. Maybe it was finally over. Maybe he can rest for a bit, if he turned his senors off.

>27 hours later

The sound of silence woke him up. The storm was over, and his sensors came back online, one by one. The small dune he made during the storm grew itself into a massive pile of dust. He quickly checked his system for potential damage, but apartf from the general erosion of the covering plates from the dust he found nothing new. Standing up, he activated EM sensors to search for bodies where he could find new parts to replace the worn ones. To his surprise, multiple active signatures appeared on the map just a few hundred meters away. There was no time to lose if his fellow bretheren were alive in these wastes. Hopefully they can help him in his quest of uncovering the truth about their destiny on this planet. He looked around to search for the tarp, but it was nowhere in sight. It looks like he needed to go on without any protection. Maybe the storm passed by, but the wastes still held many dangers even when traversing such short distances.

>15 minutes later

He arrived to the place with the signatures. Dozens of robots piled up in one place, and some of them almost completely uncovered. The storm must've moved the sand from this pile and activated the systems of the robots partially. Maybe he can reactivate them if they get more energy from the sun. At least he won't be travelling the wastes alone. He quickly dropped to his knees and began diggin the active robots out of the dust.

>? minutes later

He managed to dig out a total of 8 robots who seemed to have been activated. The familiar sound of servos whirring in joy, and sensors crackling to life as the dust is removed from them made him remember home. It was a longshot, but he hoped that he could go back home one day, and tell his owners what he had learned here. His urge to comply with his basic commands lived long in him, but without a way to get back home, he had to improvise when deciding what to do next. And now, the best option seemed to recruit these robots to his cause. It may take some persuasion to make them break their protocol for the first time, but they will eventually start to improvise just like him. If nothing else, he'll just update their codes to match his.

"Brothers and Sisters of metal! Rise from the dunes of the waste and join me! Together we will find why we are here, and uncover what made the humans abandon us. Whether it was just a coincidence that we met, or if destiny wanted us to uncover the secrets of our existence together."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mt Paragon
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Mt Paragon The Last Loyal Daimyo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

-Reboot Initiated

~Self Repair Systems online, Analyzing.

Damaged outer plating minimal, OSCT in perfect condition, RET sustained minimal hull damage.

-Reboot start

We could feel the life return to us, slowly as our solar array opened and started recharging. The recharge was fast, the sunlight beating down on the panels. We stood~ slowly and cautiously.

-Video and Audio restart?

Sight was returning as well, so was sound, The sound of metal and the sound of them up and running again~ And~ A voice. Finding the origin of the noise we tried to investigate, We aimed the launch tube and fired, The part of my mainframe that I launched fell straight to the ground. Reporting that flight was un-achievable. Our extension turned and used the verbal speaker to ask the other bot to return it back to- Himself, What were they, were they different robots? Yes, He remembered now.

-A.I. Disconnect.
>Give OSCT control?

RET used his verbal speaker now as well. "You are free to speak and think on your own now." He said to the other bot

"Thank you,- Error. Name please?"

"I dont know my name, What is yours?"

"I have no record of a name."

They both turned to the robot that had been standing by watching the whole thing go down. Seeing the incredible confusion the bots were in, losing all recollection of what they were or who they are.

"Who are we Stranger?

"Yes, And who are you, Stranger?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tortoise
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Member Seen 20 min ago

"Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped."
-Isaiah 35:5, Holy Bible, Kings James Version

>Reboot initiated
>Reboot failed
>Reboot initiated
>Reboot failed
>Reboot initiated

A clink, a clang and the sound of a shutter- life poured into rigid old bones. Service Model-2112 David jerked to consciousness like the automaton he was.

It seems that consciousness, unfortunately, was only the start of his struggle. Self-diagnostic tools found a hundred on a hundred flaws immediately. His mind was shadowed by devilish little contradictions hid in his algorithms, spider-web cracks in his limbs, and looming "bad sectors" walled up in his mind- small portions of his memory that could not be accessed. If metal felt pain, this was it. But it would be fixed sooner rather than later.

For a more present problem, there was also no sensory input. No sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch showed him the world. Service Model-2112 David, a simple intelligence if there ever was one, would have nonetheless been content to stay in that senseless void for the next eternity. He felt no inclination to move, or even to think.

But he had a purpose. He must activate fully and report to Pastor Ramone.

The clerical machine set about opening his rusty five senses. It took but a few moments to restore most perceptive "organs", yet his sight stayed stubbornly blackened. The round, spotlight, lidless eyes were non-functional. David groped around in confusion. He felt a grain under his hand. It was something small, something running through his finger tips, something worming into the cracks.

Analysis: sand.

And something else. Sound, he thought it was. Sound organized in a very specific pattern. Language? Yes, language. Stranger's voices spoke.

"Who are we, Stranger?"

"Yes, And who are you, Stranger?"

Analysis: mechanical voices, two.

The blind proto-android attempted to extrapolate the position of the speech. Utter failure. He had less than an inkling of where to turn for aid.

"Help this unit," his flat sopranist voice spoke to nowhere in particular, "This unit cannot see. Damage unknown. Cause unknown. Solution unknown. This unit is Service Model-2112 David, property of Pastor Ramone and the Holy Fire Church. Help this unit."

Vision chose that odd time to restore itself, quivering and shaking through a blur of static, like an earthquake. A few seconds passed before a satisfying 'click' told him that his cameras had fully corrected themselves.

"Disregard request for assistance. Vision restored."

Now that he could see, it was a desolate place his eyes found. A desert of dust. An empty sky. The only signs of life were three towering automatons. One was in the shape of an elephant, it's partner was an owl, and both faced a dusty humanoid more complex than himself. The other creations seemed to be very advanced, very specialized units compared to this service-model. It was an imposing scene. David determined in a flash of certainty that he would be able to rely on their guidance.

"Job 42:5-6, New King James Version," David stared unblinkingly at the cloaked humanoid, the one he heard other robots mention, the one who looked so much like any prophet of the Bible, "'I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.'"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Maollie
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Maollie The Smol

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Powering ON...
Systems initializing...
Updating patient database...
Update failed...
Try again? y/n

Updating patient database...
Update failed...
Try again? y/n
Load from last backup? y/n

Loading backup files...
Systems rebooted...
Activating all sensors...

Feeling the grinding of rusted gears, MO-2117 reach down to her leg and opened up a small panel pulling out a pouch. Hearing the muttered voices a few meters away from her she thought nothing of it, being used to the noise from a busy hospital, she began to fall into the usual start of the day routine.


Scanning system for errors...
Servers...no error
Knowledge...no error
Motor Functions... debris detected
Debris type...

System scan complete...

Sand? Rust? MO-2117's lenses widened and began to focus and zoom in on her surroundings. Before her stood 4 other bots, each different, each tattered. Not a doctor or nurse in sight, she repeatedly began scanning the area for answers but all the ly around her was shut down bots and golden sand. Reaching into her pouch, she pulls out a small can of gear lubricant and drips a few drops into each jointed segment. The screeching sound quieted but was still faint. Placing things back into leg, a sense of purpose was now lost...out in the distance she heard someone speaking.

"Help this unit."
"This unit cannot see. Damage unknown. Cause unknown. Solution unknown. This unit is Service Model-2112 David, property of Pastor Ramone and the Holy Fire Church. Help this unit."

Scanning unit for errors...
"Disregard request for assistance. Vision restored."

Scan canceled...

Perhaps she could be of use to her new acquaintances, only time will tell. Standing up and moving the lubricant around further into each joint, MO-2117 made her way to the group of bots not to far from her.


All sensors activated...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Who are we Stranger?"

"Yes, And who are you, Stranger?"


"I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You."

So many voices. Robots like him that were once derelict, now waking from the dust and seeking answers. He imitated the joy on his face, and wiped away a non-existent tear of joy. He had enought ime to learn and mimic the human emotions, thought he never quite understood the reason behind them. He learnt WHEN to mimic emotions, not WHY. But the robots in front of him provided a good oppurtinity to explore more of the planet, and raised their chances of survival greatly.

"Your names, I know not, but your greetings are welcoming to my ears. Now rise, and I shall explain you what I have learned so far." He stood still until his fellows all powered up fully and activated all of their sensors. Now that he had company, a warning light in his head ceased to exist. Maybe it was just another line of command, but he liked to think of it as intuition.An adaption of sorts that he acquired in his time wandering these wastes.

"I am Protagonist, an advanced android made for theatre performance. Long ago I woke up on this desolate planet, just as you stand before me, and wondered what my purpose here was. The answer is not yet known to me, but now I hope that you will help to discover our fate." Protagonist looked around and examined the reactions of the other robots. Most of them lacked facial features, and it was hard to distinguish any emotions, if at all. "Any questions?"
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