Status: Apply

•Player Resources•
•This example is intended to be satirical and does not reflect my political views.

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Physical Disabilities:
Physical Identifiers
Aligned Faction:
Trade Skills:
Talents & Hobbies:

IC Date: Monday, June 1st, 2111

•Player Resources•
•Character Application Sheet•
•I have a raw sheet below the example that you can copy and paste.•This example is intended to be satirical and does not reflect my political views.
Basic Information

Donald John "Donnie" Trump Sr.
Approx. 230lbs
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Red naturally, dyed Rose Gold
Physical Disabilities:
- Tiny hands
Physical Identifiers
- Tiny hands
- Waddles when walking
A broad, portly man that women are falling all over themselves to get at. He's always been complimented on his manly hands, and has been told on multiple occasions what a great smile he has—Never once has it been called creepy. He always styles his hair in a suave way, the classic side-swept look that really compliments his older, yet charming face. He has soft features,
and some unavoidable wrinkles and "crows feet" do to his age. Despite this, he also has noticeable laugh lines from his constantly positive, never angry attitude.
He usually dresses in a snazzy way, always opting for that astute businessman look by going with the ever classy suit and tie combination. His choice of tie always goes well with his suit—His taste are impeccable.
and some unavoidable wrinkles and "crows feet" do to his age. Despite this, he also has noticeable laugh lines from his constantly positive, never angry attitude.
He usually dresses in a snazzy way, always opting for that astute businessman look by going with the ever classy suit and tie combination. His choice of tie always goes well with his suit—His taste are impeccable.
Born and raised in Queens, New York City, Donnie paved his way to success early by first obtaining his economics degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania—A private, Ivy League business university. Recognized for his brilliance and shrewd business skills, Donnie was given a small loan of one million dollars, and took over the Trump Real Estate and Construction Organization shortly after college. He built, renovated, and manged numerous office towers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses. With his businesses prospering, Donnie found time to pursue various side ventures, including licensing his name for a variety of brands for products and property, including the ever famous Trump Entertainment Resorts.
After elevating his name into fame and glory, Donnie turned his sights on the presidency. It took time, but eventually he found himself among seventeen other candidates in the Republican Primaries. It was almost too easy. Donnie destroyed his competition by utilizing his astounding wit, and exceptional strategic abilities. He won over the hearts and minds of the public, and was set to deliver on his promises.
Donnie was busy revolutionizing the world as we know it when tragedy struck, and the world ended. Since then, nothing has been revealed as to Donnie's whereabouts, or even his condition.
Likely, the cause is due to the collapse of the media infrastructure. The survivors are sure Donnie is alive and well, and that he's already building towards making America great again.
After elevating his name into fame and glory, Donnie turned his sights on the presidency. It took time, but eventually he found himself among seventeen other candidates in the Republican Primaries. It was almost too easy. Donnie destroyed his competition by utilizing his astounding wit, and exceptional strategic abilities. He won over the hearts and minds of the public, and was set to deliver on his promises.
Donnie was busy revolutionizing the world as we know it when tragedy struck, and the world ended. Since then, nothing has been revealed as to Donnie's whereabouts, or even his condition.
Likely, the cause is due to the collapse of the media infrastructure. The survivors are sure Donnie is alive and well, and that he's already building towards making America great again.
Extended Information
President of the United States
Aligned Faction:
- Melania Trump, wife
- Ivanka Trump, daughter
- Tiffany Trump, daughter
- Eric Trump, son
- Donald John Trump Jr., son
- Barron Trump, son
Personnel Data
- A wit so sharp it could literally cut you
- His hands are legally declared as "lethal weapons"
- << Notify me of changes, or additions. >>
- << Intended for other reoccurring items such as cigarettes, a photo, etc.>>
Trade Skills:
- Businessman
Donnie has a lot of experience in managing business, and on top of that, running a country. His mind is sharp and shrewd, he can easily see the probabilities of a situation when others cannot. He's apt at uncovering other's secrets, and at knowing when he's being lied to. His brain is his finest tool. - "With my bear hands"
Donnie never had formal training in hand-to-hand combat, despite this he can easily kill a man with his bare hands. His hands are strong enough to tear apart a coconut with ease.
Talents & Hobbies:
- Natural Wit
Maybe it's a natural gift, but Donnie excels at mind games and puzzles. He's the holder of the Chess World Champion title, and has never lost a game of Risk no matter how the odds were stacked against him. Some say, he could see the result of the dice before he even rolled them. Crosswords are so easy they're boring, and he can complete puzzles with thousands of pieces in record time. - People's Person
Between his smile and his attitude, Donnie just really understands people. His open, carrying, and honest nature has captured the hearts and minds of his people, which ultimately led to his success in achieving presidency. He's beloved, and people have shown that they will go to great lengths to protect him.
- Limitless
Donnie has no known limitations, he's like a modern day superhero.
•Please keep the format, Information should be filled out between these: << >>.
•Delete the indication markers, but ensure to keep the indentation code.
•Delete the indication markers, but ensure to keep the indentation code.
[center][color=lightgreen][h3]Basic Information[/h3][/color][/center][color=linen]
[center][img]<<Refernce Image URL Here>>[/img][/center]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[indent]<< White is a color, not a race. Use Caucasian. >>[/indent]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[color=palegreen][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[color=palegreen][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[color=palegreen][b]Physical Disabilities:[/b][/color][list]
[*] << Use bracket-asterisk-bracket to extend the list >>
[color=palegreen][b]Physical Identifiers[/b][/color][list]
[*] << Information Here >>
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[center][h3][color=skyblue]Extended Information[/color][/h3][/center]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[color=powderblue][b]Profession:[/b] [/color]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[color=powderblue][b]Aligned Faction:[/b][/color]
[indent]<< Information Here >>[/indent]
[*] <<Only Important Relatives need to be listed, you can add more later as needed.>>
[*] <<Use Additional Bracket-Asterisk-Bracket code to extend the list>>
[center][h3][b][u][color=coral]Personnel Data[/color][/u][/b][/h3][/center]
[*] << Notify me of changes, or additions, to the character's reoccurring weapons >>
[*] << Notify me of changes, or additions. >>
[*] << Intended for other reoccurring items such as cigarettes, a photo, etc>>
[b][color=lightsalmon]Trade Skills:[/color][/b][list]
[*][color=lightsalmon]<< Title >>[/color]
<< Information Here >>
[*][color=lightsalmon]<< Title >>[/color]
<< Information Here >>
[b][color=lightsalmon]Talents & Hobbies:[/color][/b][list]
[*][color=lightsalmon]<< Title >>[/color]
<< Information Here >>
[*][color=lightsalmon]<< Title >>[/color]
<< Information Here >>
[*][color=lightsalmon]<< Title >>[/color]
<< Information Here >>
[*][color=lightsalmon]<< Title >>[/color]
<< Information Here >>
•Respect the GM•
I will do my best to respect you, your feelings, and your opinions as long as you respect me, any Co-GMs I bring on board, and the other players. I do hold your opinions, critiques, questions, and suggestions in high esteem especially when you're helping expand the world. However, the bottom line is that this is my world, and some decisions you will not change. You're always welcome to argue your point, as long as both parties remain courteous and constructive. However, endlessly looping arguments and going off on a rant or tiff are not welcome, and should it come down to it I will settle the matter between two opposing parties. As a side note, I am human and as all humans, I do make mistakes. I reserve the right to change my mind, more so to correct a previous decision that was made in error.
•Major Events•
In this roleplay, I have allowed you as much freedom to write your will as I can give within this world. So, when planning big events that could affect multiple parties or potentially change something that has already been structured, for better or for worse, understand that there are other plots going on at the same time. If you would like to start a major event, or put into place a drawn out plot line please let me know ahead of time. This is to ensure that you do not conflict with unrevealed lore, my background plots (and I'm always plotting), or things other writers have planned. In reality, plots will only conflict when they follow the same principles. Events that aren't quite alike to any other are permissible to happen at the same time as other plots, and I actually like this. It creates interesting tension, where writers will have to make decisions that will likely effect the world and the character's experience within it.
•Consistency and Realism•
I like to incorporate a solid measure of depth, realism, and believability. At times this can be somewhat of a challenge in a world full of mutants, monsters, and the paranormal. That's not to say you must always adhere to the laws of nature that we know, taking into mind the scientific advancements I'll likely makeup during the course of this adventure. What I'm trying to say is: Nobody left their fully loaded assault rifle with an under-barrel grenade launching attachment in the middle of the road because your character just happened to (Run out of / Not have enough) ammo and there are baddies chasing them. You are fully welcome to write out cool and badass action scenes, give us some comic relief, and etcetera.
•Expectations of Content• <<TRIGGER WARNING>>
Personally, I will write scenes involving gore, heavy violence, psychological trauma, dark themes and taboo, drugs, alcohol, language, offensive everything, and other mature themes. I do not shy away from a character's assets if the situation or character type being portrayed calls for it. I will describe them in a vague, non-sexually descriptive way (Eg; "Nice Rack" "..has a fine ass" ). One of the reasons behind this is Google AdSense, which the Guild uses to help ensure we stay operational. If you were unaware, Mahz pays for this out of pocket and does not accept donations (Last I heard), so lets be respectful to him for keeping this community alive.
•Do not be unduly descriptive with sexual details. (Eg; Nudity)
•Do not be unreasonably excessive with your gore.
•Do not be overly, or continually discriminatory with slurs and slander.
•Do not create situations involving bestiality or pedophilia.
•Do not post explicit mature content. This is not a smut.
•Posting Order and Frequency•
We will post Round-Robin style. I will start off a "Round" by posting first, afterwards writers will be eligible to make a single post per character in no particular order. If your post leaves your character at a time within the world that is behind the majority, and you feel you cannot simply jump ahead to catch up without finishing whatever situation your character is involved in, I will not mind a second post. Situations like these should be brought to my attention beforehand.
I expect a post frequency of about once a week, give or take a few days. Two weeks at the maximum, however if it is one or two people (depending on the size of our group) holding us up, I will urge them to post. What once a week means is around 7 days from when I make a post, when I say "about" once a week I mean that I won't cry if you're a few days behind. I understand we all have lives to attend to.
Regarding Time-Skips, I will give as much notice as I can and likely set a date so that everyone is aware and has a chance to wrap up whatever they are doing. If you need to write half of a novel to finish up, then we'll deal with it. In the most common situation, I will ensure the majority is ready, and willing to time skip. Unless it involves changing the day from night to morning, I will do that a lot, obviously. (You're also allowed to jump to morning before I do, just make sure your character is relatively around the same time as the other characters, or that your character is not too far ahead/behind.)
•Standard Rules•
These are the common sense, well known rules.
•Do not God-Mod: To modify, manipulate, or override a situation to your character's advantage simply to avoid a certain outcome without any reliable pretense or realism, especially in regards to actions taken by character you do not control, or entities you otherwise may not influence.
•No Mary Sues (or Gary Stus): A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment. "Mary Sue" is judged as a poorly developed character, too perfect and lacking in realism to be interesting.
•Fade-To-Black: A tasteful and tactful measure if you really want to characters to bang, or for the evil villain to gruesomely torture the hero, and other things that are generally not appropriate for the general public. Avoid actively describing these scenes, and instead imply that the situation will happen, fade to black, and move on to a later point. You can even have a character confirm these actions, vaguely.
•Do not control, manipulate, maim, or kill characters or "private" NPCs without permission. Obviously, you are not allowed to control other writer's characters, so, moving on: A "private" NPC is an entity a writer has created in a world for minor, or major plot purposes, convenience, backstory, and etc. A bit of a gray area, so I will have a listing for "Important NPCs" which will help you easily indentify what entities are off limits. However, not every NPC you create will be claimable (eg: Bandits A, B, and C.) and this right is reserved for those that serve an actual purpose as opposed to those created on the spot for tension, story, or drama. On the flip-side, not all NPCs that are unlisted are open for you to control. If you create an NPC and it is unlisted then I, or other writers, may interact with them such as stabbing them through their filthy peasant heart. This rule also means you cannot dictate how other writer's characters should act in regards to other entities. Thus, the creation of the "Important NPC" index.
I will create many NPCs, some of greater importance than others. The only things that I create that will be off limits are my characters. When controlling world NPCs, or other writer's NPCs with permission, try to maintain the established personality and character already set in place. Nobody's perfect, and we're not mind readers, so just do your best. If you choose to take a violent act, or even kill, one of my NPCs.. be fully prepared for the repercussions.
The ONLY NPCs that I create that will be off limits, never to be touched (ever) by you are the Millennium Subjects.
•Guild Rules and Consent•
This roleplay and all of its participants will adhere to the Fundamental Rules of the Guild.
By submitting a character application and choosing to partake in Deadman Wasteland, players agree that they are assumed to be 18+ Years of Age as this is considered a Mature, 18+ (Non-smut) Roleplay.
•Legacy Rule•
In ye olden days, there was a section titled "Moderation in the Roleplay Sections"—If this article still exists, I do not know where it is. However, within that there was a point about GM Autonomy roughly saying that I, as the GM, and any Co-GMs I have, are here to deal with problems and situations that arise ourselves. What this means is that we will resolve our own issues, work out our own problems, and attempt to remedy any and all situations ourselves. What this means is: If you see somebody breaking my rules, or even site rules: DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT immediately run and cry or bitch to the staff.
We're not to waste our staff's time with petty squabbles or hurt feelings. We're Adults, and we're going to act like it. If you see something that upsets you, disagrees with you; or somebody is being rude to you, breaking one of the above rules, or even breaking site rules: Come to Me, or the Co-GMs first. If we can deal with it, we will.
If it comes to it, We will go to the moderators (Eg; If a user has made a flammatory post or put up an explicit image, only the mods can hide it.) We will only involve the staff when we absolutely have to, because we otherwise do not have the power to stop something. If you feel the need to go over my head and immediately rush to the staff (particularily if you don't like the way I do things and you're hoping to push staff into giving you a certain outcome that pleases you) I will remove you from this roleplay, and from the discord server.
Again, we will only go to staff for things such as; Continual harassment/flaming/trolling/griefing, explicit imagery that a person refuses to take down, and situations that happen through PM, or otherwise outside of this particular thread (Such as another thread or topic.) Being butthurt is not a valid excuse to run to staff. Again, if you waste Staff's time, I reserve the right to remove you from this roleplay and the discord.
Protip: If something happens in PM, take screenshots before going to the mods.
I will do my best to respect you, your feelings, and your opinions as long as you respect me, any Co-GMs I bring on board, and the other players. I do hold your opinions, critiques, questions, and suggestions in high esteem especially when you're helping expand the world. However, the bottom line is that this is my world, and some decisions you will not change. You're always welcome to argue your point, as long as both parties remain courteous and constructive. However, endlessly looping arguments and going off on a rant or tiff are not welcome, and should it come down to it I will settle the matter between two opposing parties. As a side note, I am human and as all humans, I do make mistakes. I reserve the right to change my mind, more so to correct a previous decision that was made in error.
1. Be cool like Fonz.
•Major Events•
In this roleplay, I have allowed you as much freedom to write your will as I can give within this world. So, when planning big events that could affect multiple parties or potentially change something that has already been structured, for better or for worse, understand that there are other plots going on at the same time. If you would like to start a major event, or put into place a drawn out plot line please let me know ahead of time. This is to ensure that you do not conflict with unrevealed lore, my background plots (and I'm always plotting), or things other writers have planned. In reality, plots will only conflict when they follow the same principles. Events that aren't quite alike to any other are permissible to happen at the same time as other plots, and I actually like this. It creates interesting tension, where writers will have to make decisions that will likely effect the world and the character's experience within it.
•Consistency and Realism•
I like to incorporate a solid measure of depth, realism, and believability. At times this can be somewhat of a challenge in a world full of mutants, monsters, and the paranormal. That's not to say you must always adhere to the laws of nature that we know, taking into mind the scientific advancements I'll likely makeup during the course of this adventure. What I'm trying to say is: Nobody left their fully loaded assault rifle with an under-barrel grenade launching attachment in the middle of the road because your character just happened to (Run out of / Not have enough) ammo and there are baddies chasing them. You are fully welcome to write out cool and badass action scenes, give us some comic relief, and etcetera.
•Expectations of Content• <<TRIGGER WARNING>>
Personally, I will write scenes involving gore, heavy violence, psychological trauma, dark themes and taboo, drugs, alcohol, language, offensive everything, and other mature themes. I do not shy away from a character's assets if the situation or character type being portrayed calls for it. I will describe them in a vague, non-sexually descriptive way (Eg; "Nice Rack" "..has a fine ass" ). One of the reasons behind this is Google AdSense, which the Guild uses to help ensure we stay operational. If you were unaware, Mahz pays for this out of pocket and does not accept donations (Last I heard), so lets be respectful to him for keeping this community alive.
•Do not be unduly descriptive with sexual details. (Eg; Nudity)
•Do not be unreasonably excessive with your gore.
•Do not be overly, or continually discriminatory with slurs and slander.
•Do not create situations involving bestiality or pedophilia.
•Do not post explicit mature content. This is not a smut.
Keep things tactful and tasteful. It's best to err on the side of caution and only describe things as needed by your character, scene, or world.
•Posting Order and Frequency•
We will post Round-Robin style. I will start off a "Round" by posting first, afterwards writers will be eligible to make a single post per character in no particular order. If your post leaves your character at a time within the world that is behind the majority, and you feel you cannot simply jump ahead to catch up without finishing whatever situation your character is involved in, I will not mind a second post. Situations like these should be brought to my attention beforehand.
I expect a post frequency of about once a week, give or take a few days. Two weeks at the maximum, however if it is one or two people (depending on the size of our group) holding us up, I will urge them to post. What once a week means is around 7 days from when I make a post, when I say "about" once a week I mean that I won't cry if you're a few days behind. I understand we all have lives to attend to.
Regarding Time-Skips, I will give as much notice as I can and likely set a date so that everyone is aware and has a chance to wrap up whatever they are doing. If you need to write half of a novel to finish up, then we'll deal with it. In the most common situation, I will ensure the majority is ready, and willing to time skip. Unless it involves changing the day from night to morning, I will do that a lot, obviously. (You're also allowed to jump to morning before I do, just make sure your character is relatively around the same time as the other characters, or that your character is not too far ahead/behind.)
•Standard Rules•
These are the common sense, well known rules.
•Do not God-Mod: To modify, manipulate, or override a situation to your character's advantage simply to avoid a certain outcome without any reliable pretense or realism, especially in regards to actions taken by character you do not control, or entities you otherwise may not influence.
A character shoots a gun at your character's head, from an extremely close distance and in response you describe; A) How the bullet jammed in the barrel, saving your character; B) Your character was actually Spiderman all along and he matrix dodges; C) Your character is a badass who doesn't flinch as the bullet whizzes past their head because the other character missed (because you said so).
•No Mary Sues (or Gary Stus): A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment. "Mary Sue" is judged as a poorly developed character, too perfect and lacking in realism to be interesting.
"Mary Sue stories—the adventures of the youngest and smartest ever person to graduate from the academy and ever to get a commission at such a tender age. Usually characterized by unprecedented skill in everything from art to zoology, including karate and arm-wrestling. This character can also be found burrowing her way into the good graces/heart/mind of one of the Big Three [Kirk, Spock, and McCoy], if not all three at once. She saves the day by her wit and ability, and, if we are lucky, has the good grace to die at the end, being grieved by the entire ship."
•Fade-To-Black: A tasteful and tactful measure if you really want to characters to bang, or for the evil villain to gruesomely torture the hero, and other things that are generally not appropriate for the general public. Avoid actively describing these scenes, and instead imply that the situation will happen, fade to black, and move on to a later point. You can even have a character confirm these actions, vaguely.
Character A: "Bro, I totally banged Character B, it was wild."
•Do not control, manipulate, maim, or kill characters or "private" NPCs without permission. Obviously, you are not allowed to control other writer's characters, so, moving on: A "private" NPC is an entity a writer has created in a world for minor, or major plot purposes, convenience, backstory, and etc. A bit of a gray area, so I will have a listing for "Important NPCs" which will help you easily indentify what entities are off limits. However, not every NPC you create will be claimable (eg: Bandits A, B, and C.) and this right is reserved for those that serve an actual purpose as opposed to those created on the spot for tension, story, or drama. On the flip-side, not all NPCs that are unlisted are open for you to control. If you create an NPC and it is unlisted then I, or other writers, may interact with them such as stabbing them through their filthy peasant heart. This rule also means you cannot dictate how other writer's characters should act in regards to other entities. Thus, the creation of the "Important NPC" index.
I will create many NPCs, some of greater importance than others. The only things that I create that will be off limits are my characters. When controlling world NPCs, or other writer's NPCs with permission, try to maintain the established personality and character already set in place. Nobody's perfect, and we're not mind readers, so just do your best. If you choose to take a violent act, or even kill, one of my NPCs.. be fully prepared for the repercussions.
The ONLY NPCs that I create that will be off limits, never to be touched (ever) by you are the Millennium Subjects.
•Guild Rules and Consent•
This roleplay and all of its participants will adhere to the Fundamental Rules of the Guild.
By submitting a character application and choosing to partake in Deadman Wasteland, players agree that they are assumed to be 18+ Years of Age as this is considered a Mature, 18+ (Non-smut) Roleplay.
•Legacy Rule•
In ye olden days, there was a section titled "Moderation in the Roleplay Sections"—If this article still exists, I do not know where it is. However, within that there was a point about GM Autonomy roughly saying that I, as the GM, and any Co-GMs I have, are here to deal with problems and situations that arise ourselves. What this means is that we will resolve our own issues, work out our own problems, and attempt to remedy any and all situations ourselves. What this means is: If you see somebody breaking my rules, or even site rules: DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT immediately run and cry or bitch to the staff.
We're not to waste our staff's time with petty squabbles or hurt feelings. We're Adults, and we're going to act like it. If you see something that upsets you, disagrees with you; or somebody is being rude to you, breaking one of the above rules, or even breaking site rules: Come to Me, or the Co-GMs first. If we can deal with it, we will.
If it comes to it, We will go to the moderators (Eg; If a user has made a flammatory post or put up an explicit image, only the mods can hide it.) We will only involve the staff when we absolutely have to, because we otherwise do not have the power to stop something. If you feel the need to go over my head and immediately rush to the staff (particularily if you don't like the way I do things and you're hoping to push staff into giving you a certain outcome that pleases you) I will remove you from this roleplay, and from the discord server.
Again, we will only go to staff for things such as; Continual harassment/flaming/trolling/griefing, explicit imagery that a person refuses to take down, and situations that happen through PM, or otherwise outside of this particular thread (Such as another thread or topic.) Being butthurt is not a valid excuse to run to staff. Again, if you waste Staff's time, I reserve the right to remove you from this roleplay and the discord.
Protip: If something happens in PM, take screenshots before going to the mods.
"Where does this take place?"
In a survivor community called "Refuge" located at Browns Point, Washington ; Just north of Tacoma across Commencement Bay. Refer to the Deadland map for further details.
"What are the ranks for the RSO?"
In order: Recruit > Specialist > Lieutenant > Captain
"How does the virus work? Is everyone infected?"
No, not everyone is infected. The virus is transmitted through the ghoul's bite, but does not kill. A person drinking Blackwater, however, will die an agonizing death and become a ghoul within minutes.
In a survivor community called "Refuge" located at Browns Point, Washington ; Just north of Tacoma across Commencement Bay. Refer to the Deadland map for further details.
"What are the ranks for the RSO?"
In order: Recruit > Specialist > Lieutenant > Captain
"How does the virus work? Is everyone infected?"
No, not everyone is infected. The virus is transmitted through the ghoul's bite, but does not kill. A person drinking Blackwater, however, will die an agonizing death and become a ghoul within minutes.
•Supplies and Resources
•Population and Expansion
- 12 foot high perimeter scrap-Wall.
- Patrolled continuously.
- Pointy edges.
- Single Entry flanked by guard towers.
- Guard towers on the ends of the wall.
- Streets patrolled by two-man units.
- Patrol doubled at night.
- Beaches are patrolled to a lesser extent to watch for incoming watercraft.
- Strategic assets under constant guard.
- Civilians and non-combat personel are permitted small firearms within the wall.
- Other weapons such as shotguns, rifles, and automatics must be signed out at the armory in the Command Center.
- No regulation on melee weapons.
- Noise Curfew from 7 p.m. until 6 a.m.
- Things such as screaming, yelling, gunfire, loud work, and etc. during the night are subject to punishment, even up to exile.
- The mayor states Refuge has a zero tolerance policy for breaking curfew as it puts everybody in extreme danger.
- Vehicles are restricted for official use, especially combat personnel and security forces.
- Watercraft are not restricted, but are closely monitored.
- Watercraft are kept at a group of piers near the Browns Point Lighthouse.
- Watercraft are under constant watch, and sailors must sign-out and sign-in when coming or going.
- Luggage and cargo are checked to ensure the safety of Refuge.
•Supplies and Resources
- Those who work eat using a system of meal tickets
- Meal tickets can be traded and are not exclusive to a single person
- Meal tickets use a complex bar-code algorithm
- One meal ticket equals one rationed meal
- Skilled laborers earn more meal tickets, menial laborers earn at least 3 per day, usually more.
- Personal businesses are allowed, but must be permitted through the Head of Expansion and Housing
- Businesses keep track of work done through logs, which are submitted at the end of the day.
- Can be turned in at the Command Center, or at Trader's Field to Expansion and Housing reps.
- No official currency, though the denizens of Refuge have adopted meal tickets as "the new dollar".
- Refuge utilizes the system of "Trade and Barter"
- Refuge employs scavengers, but will also trade for goods and materials from other groups and collectors.
- Refuge will not take what you've earned or found "For the good of the people", but will trade for it.
- Refuge is a capitalistic society, businesses are privately owned.
- Refuge uses menial laborers to break down complex items into raw materials.
- These workers are called Recylcers
•Population and Expansion
- Entrants are Screened before entering Refuge.
- Lie detectors and a series of questions about a person's past and skills are typical.
- Houses are not privately owned, and every bedroom will be filled in every house.
- Citizens are able to build their own shacks and hovels, as permitted by the Head of Expansion and Housing.
- Refuge will even loan the materials, but the person(s) will accrue debt.
- Trader's Field is self explanatory, it serves are a large market grounds.
- Space is rented by the Expansion and Housing reps for weekly fees.
- Renters can pay with meal tickets, valuables, food, raw materials, and etc.
- E.H. reps will ascertain the value of items offered to pay for renting the space.
• Keep in mind: The world is supposed to resemble twisted and funky tropical jungles, sometimes thick and dense with huge trees as tall as skyscrapers, sometimes looking like a sparser field of ferns and grass. Not all of this concept art conveys those feelings, These are simply to help inspire ideas and not all of them are centered around nature reclaiming urban areas. Some are just fucking cool and I like them.