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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

The Elemental King and Scarlet Overkill

It all started with the prophecy. The King ruled for the longest time. Nobody really knows how long the King has really ruled for. To be honest, before the prophecy, it was rather peaceful. The Elemental King would only slaughter those who committed crimes. He made an example of whoever he killed, so others would fall in line. After a while, there was no crime. People got used to their new life, their new ruler. Sure, they lived in fear, but a lot of people knew, that if they behaved and followed the rules, no harm would come to them. Then, it happened. The prophecy came, a tale of eight children who would step up and dethrone the Elemental King. After the prophecy came, the Elemental King slaughtered every child he could find in every country and place he owned. Soldiers and Golems ripped babies out of mother's arms, killing them in cold blood. The Elemental King's true colours were shown.

"Scarlet, report, now!"

"Your Majesty, no sign of the chosen ones have been seen yet. What shall you have me do, sir?"

"Hmmmmm.......Good, good but go search again. Look everywhere. Send airships to the skies, submarines and battleships to the sea, search every volcano and every damn city or place with volcanoes. Check every mine, every mountain and any villages nearby. Tear down every church, check every power plant, go to every graveyard! Leave no area unmarked. I want you to send as many soldiers and golems as possible. Zuko, I want you to search too."

With that, the Elemental King rose from his throne as Scarlet and Zuko left the room. He gave a small snicker, before clicking his fingers and with that, he disappeared. Still no sign of the chosen ones. Was the prophecy a lie? Maybe, but he couldn't take any chances. He wouldn't take any chances. No matter what.


Distial walked over to one of the graves slowly, she pressed her hand on it, and gently pushed the cover from it, revealing a skeleton. She stared at it for a moment, before nodding to herself. She placed a few flowers within the coffin and then returned the lid to it's rightful position. The old, ancient, Temple of Shadows. No light entered the temple. It was always so dark and gloomy. Perfect for her. Of course, she has never gone to the outside world, and never planed to. Hidden deep within an abandoned graveyard. No ordinary person would ever come across it. Although, she wasn't an ordinary person now. In fact, she was born within the Shadow Temple, and now, forever bound to it.

Master Grey

Master Grey, he who is an old man. Over two hundred years old, and still as fit as a fiddle. How does he do it? A man his age would be withered, dead, a mere skeleton. Not him, he walked over to a large map placed on the table and stared at it for a moment. Slowly, he grabbed a small tube and dropped a small blue droplet onto the map. At first, nothing happened, and he let out a sigh, although after a moment, the droplet of water moved suddenly over to the Atlantic Ocean. Master Grey smiled, it was finally time. They had finally shown themselves. Of course, the map only gave a general idea where the elementals were, he would have to find them himself. He rolled up the map and placed it in a bag with everything he needed. It would be a long journey, but he would do whatever it took to find the chosen ones. Slowly a large gate opened, and Master Grey stepped out which revealed a huge underground cave. Hastily, Master Grey began his journey, walking out of his home.


Julia walked slowly around the village. Her soft blue eyes studied the area for a moment. She took the bag from the back and then placed it down on the floor. She took out a quick map for a moment and gave a small smile, nodding to herself. She had a feeling something was hidden here, it was just a feeling in her gut. After all, this was the closest village to the Elemental King's Castle. There had to be something here, right? Maybe? She didn't know but she hoped. She had been searching for a while, and she hoped that she could do whatever she could to help. She placed the map away, then zipped up her bag and placed it back on her back, sighing softly. For now, she would just wait. Soon, the Chosen Ones would appear, and when that time comes, her purpose would reveal itself.


Seth sat upon her house, watching the village from high above. She had lived in this village for years now. In fact, she was the leader of a resistance against the tyrant king. She smiled to herself, still in her armour of course. Her sword sheathed and away. She never took of her battle armour, never. She was a born warrior, she was just itching for a fight. She jumped down from the building and stretched herself out with a yawn. It was time she set out once more to do another search for the elementals. Although, just as she was about to start walking, Seth jumped back quickly as over two hundred golems flew past her at the very least. She watched as they all split and went in different directions. Shortly after, soldier after soldier marched forward in a hurried pace. Some followed Scarlet, while some would go with Zuko. Others would go off in groups on their own. It seemed the Elemental King was doing another search too. Seth looked up to the sky and as expected Air Ships, Gun Ships and Jets flew through the sky. The army was most impressive. She had to hurry, with this kind of search the Elemental King was bound to find one of the chosen ones eventually. Quickly, Seth hurried her pace, she had to find one of the Chosen Ones, she just had to.

Isabella ran quickly, her scythe out, covered in blood. She was panting heavily, she looked back and as she did, a twenty five golems chased her. A few of them fired fireballs, lightning bolts, and whatever else they possessed. She continued to run, and quickly pointed her hand to a boulder, using the particles from that, she made herself as hard as rock, allowing her to take a few hits before more blood spilled out but it was nothing compared to what she would of taken. She ran into the village, continuing to pant as she ran in, she fell to the ground. She looked back to see the golems continuing to chase her. She sighed softly, she was badly injured, covered in cuts, bruises and blood. She needed help, she needed to find somebody, she quickly got herself up and continued to run. She could heal herself with her power, but she hadn't the energy to do so.

She kept running but she had fallen over. She was done for, dead, or so she thought. It was then that a woman who possessed a huge sword with razor sharp edges came jumping down off a building and sliced one of the Golems in half. She then span around and threw her sword in the chest of another. She reached out her hand and the sword came back to her on it's own. The golems however, were going to be a bigger problem than she realised. As earth began to surround her, with the floor beginning to grow hotter by the second. A huge lightning storm had appeared, while gale winds were knocking her off balance. Shadows were holding her in place, and she was blinded by the light. Metal from the earth was beginning to wrap around her and trap her, finally water was beginning to fill the confined space Seth was in. Within minutes, she too would die. Her sword glowed brightly, and the sword acted on it's own. It sliced through the shadows that bound her and she grabbed her sword, she then jumped up, using her sword to smash through the prision that trapped her using her battle magic. Afterwards she continued to cut down the golems one by one. ithin a few minutes, all the golems were destroyed. Seth turned to Isabella and gave her a small smile.

"Are you alright? You must be pretty important if all those golems were after you. My name is Seth, who are you?"

Isabella slowly stood up with a sigh and gave a small smile to her

"My name is Isabella, and I am searching for the Chosen Ones. I have possible known whereabouts to their locations. The Elemental King has already stolen all of my data, well most of it. I kept it on a map where the best places to search would be, now he has it."

She sighed, and slowly, Seth nodded to her. The situation was worse than she thought. Things were getting bad, and it wouldn't be long until the elementals, if they were here would be forced to reveal themselves whether they liked it or not.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conch Shell VII
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Conch Shell VII

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


There were very few places on Earth that could elude the grasp of the Elemental King. The South of France, it seemed, was one such place -- or at least, parts of it. If one knew where to look, there were a few places one could go to hide from his terrible gaze. One such place was the tiny village of Bugarach. It survived mainly due to its insignificance -- it was small, it had no strategic value, it had no valuable nor luxury resources, and it barely produced enough food to sustain its 300 citizens. As such, the King's men had never truly paid it much mind before now, save the occasional tax-man. But Bugarach is not where this section of our story begins. A journey away from Bugarach has already begun, and that is what matters.

A young girl, slender, fair-skinned, with long blonde hair rode across the French countryside on the back of a white horse. She hummed softly to herself, taking in the sights and sounds of the scenery around her. She rode north, along the side of a long-abandoned, ill-maintained road. A bird flew across the sky above her, and she looked up to watch it pass. She smiled, laughed softly, and adjusted her grip on the reins. "Come along, Madeline," she said calmly, in French, her voice lyrical. "If we can reach Carcassonne by sundown, there's an extra lump of sugar in it for you."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location: Atlantic Ocean

Roughly where Master Grey’s water droplet had moved itself there was initially nothing, just water, as far as the eye could see under the clear morning sky. Then a smudge of black appears on the glimmering surface of the sea. It grows in size rapidly, then for but a moment the smudge becomes physical, the surface of the ocean bulging, rising, before splitting asunder, revealing an abyssal horror of unimaginable proportions, a colossal thing with far too many eyes, mouths and tentacles.

Atop this horror is its mistress, she stands where she had been holding on to one of its immense spines during the accent and takes her first lungful of air. She finds it surprisingly refreshing. Yet it still feels wrong. She has always know it was here, this world above the waves. In her time in the Esoteric Order of Dagon she had learned to feel it’s presence, hanging ominously above her as she navigated the ocean's deapths, but this was the first time she had breached the veil. In times gone by the Atlanteans had been free to enter and exit this world as they pleased, any sightings put down as tall tales from sailors who had spent to long at sea. With the advent of the camera however and then the elemental kings dominion, those days had passed first into memory and then into history as the man simply refused to do the decent thing and die of old age. She may very well be the only one of her kind alive to know how it felt to have the warm rays of the sun kiss her skin.

She wasted about a minute simply taking it in, perhaps unconsciously putting of the decision she had to make, basking in the ignorance of how unprepared she was for this. Then she sighed softly, accepting the knowledge that she had no idea where she was going.

In the end she simply chose a direction at random and, though she was blind to its glory, turned the great beast towards the rising sun to the east. Storm clouds gathered as the water in the sky’s gathered to escort their champion, coming down to be as close to her as possible, shrouding the child of water in a comforting fog as she headed towards the unseen light.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adam was sitting in what he considered his home for the past three years. Out of the six hidingspots he had made for himself in the Stahl Peaks this seemingly exit less cave was his favorite. Thanks to some of the supplies the villagers had left for him over the years, it was relatively comfortable for a cave.

Adam got up form the floor and checked on the dried meat and berries that acted as emergency food. While he wasn't running low he still decided to go and try something to eat. "Come on Mahika, lets see if we can find some food." The female wolf's ears went up when she heard her name and she walked up to her master, who by now was standing close to one of the walls.

Adam placed his hands on the stone and opened a hole in the foot thick rock. As soon as both he and his companion had left their home he closed the opening again. Familiar as the two of them were with the tunnels they were now in, they quickly made their way to the exit and into the forest only fifty feet away form the tunnel entrance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The clouds hung heavy over Detroit, chilly winds swept through it's streets and thunder growled menacingly throughout her skies. It was if the Earth herself sensed the potential of tonight's actions, a notion that brought a wry smile to the face of one particular criminal. Havok sat on a roof overlooking Detroit, steel clad boots tinking off it's walls as he idly swung his legs two to a beat only he could hear. His helmet was currently off, set off to the side as he downed the contents of a flask, washing down the taste of too greasy pizza with the burn of what was no doubt whiskey... or bourbon, Havok didn't know nor particularly care.

Havok fidgeted with a small device with an intensity alien to the wayward criminal, the impulsive maniac having left the building awhile now. He was mostly alone now and there was no need to juice up, plus he wanted to savor what was to come unobstructed, unfiltered. A prolonged growl tore through the sky, opening a wound that bled rain gently around the city. With how late it was there was hardly any cars on the roads, only the pitter patter of raindrops heard over the entire city and the peacefulness of it was deafening. The picturesque moment was shattered with a groggy groan of confusion and lingering pain.

A wicked smile cracked it's way onto Havok's face as he heard the dawning realization hit his chosen guests like a sack of bricks, the harsh rattle of chains dancing through the air as Havok strapped his helmet on with practiced ease. Deftly spinning around to face his guest Havok's lenses met hazel eyes as the rain began to fall just a little bit harder.

"You." spat the man, venom oozing out of his words like a punctured barrel.

"Me." answered Havok, a simple flourish of outstretched arms marking his point while his own enthusiasm bled into his voice.

A tense silence filled the air between the two, tension rising to a boiling point before Havok hopped up onto his feet and strode towards his guest.

With joviality completely out of place for the situation, Havok began to speak to the man almost as if they had been long lost friends, "I'll say Detective Samuels, you almost got me, that sting near the iron works? Priceless, hell you and your boys even clipped me a few times. I can respect that, so I figured you deserved a very... special reward."

Detective Samuels visibly flinched at those last words, but the fire in his eyes hadn't died down an inch and in fact grew in intensity. Steeling himself, Samuels barked out some fairly simple questions, "What is this? What do you want from me?"

To Havok's delight there was no hint of panic in his voice, just genuine, if aggressive, curiosity. Though, given his title of "Detective" this was most likely a give in. Either way, Havok felt like talking anyway.

"What do you take me for Sammy? Why, this is nothing but a nice get together!" with a flamboyant flourish Havok grasped at his chest, insincerity dripping from his voice. "But really, isn't it simple? I wanted an audience Sammy, get an outsiders perspective of my work while I'm still in this dirtball of a city."

Detective Samuels frowned at this news, gears turning in the back of his skull at the implications of Havok's words. Finally, after some deliberation, Detective Samuels spoke once again. "What are you up to this time?"

Though it was unable to be seen, Havok broke out into a mouth splitting smile that bared all his teeth. "Isn't it obvious Sammy? I'm leaving, or at least going to leave. You see, after tonight, there will be nothing left for me to do here and I'll be moving onto grayer pastures."

"You're dodging the question Havok, what are you planning huh? What's your game here?" Detective Samuels' words came out forcefully, almost like he was in a position to make demands. Adorable.

With a manic chuckle Havok tsked several times before answering, "Now, as much as I'd love to sit around playing twenty questions, I've got a schedule to keep. So here's the deal, you get one wish before I get this party started. Use it wisely Sammy."

Detective Samuels debated with himself for awhile, pausing to begin a question before pausing and going back to his mental drawing boards. It was beginning to bore Havok before he opened his mouth and said something that Havok wasn't expecting.

"I want to see your face."

It was simple enough, but it floored Havok. He'd had expected a "go off yourself" or an actual rundown of his plans, but nothing like this. A small laugh escaped his lips, quickly devolving into a hysteric cackle.

"Ha, he he, Hoo boy that's a rich one Sammy!" Havok made the motions of wiping a tear from his eye, scraping an armored hand over a metal mask. "Fine, I said I'd grant you a wish didn't I? But first, let's deal with that little camera in your head."

Before Detective Samuels could object Havok made a hand motion that crushed the robotic eye in it's socket, trashing the camera and causing a strained yelp to push against the back of Detective Samuels teeth. As he recovered Havok began to undo the straps and with an overly dramatic pause, lifted the helmet. The color drained from Detective Samuels face, becoming pale as a ghost.

"My god... you're just a kid." he said, disbelief and a little bit of pity escaping into the night air, and Havok didn't care for that shit at all.

With a pointed scowl, Havok placed the helmet back on before fishing a device out of his pocket. "Now then, it's about time we get this party on the road, don't you?" With a flourish he flipped the cap on the device, revealing a bright red button. Detective Samuels couldn't even get a "Wait don't!" before Havok pressed down with the finality of God. One moment passes, then two, then a third. Nothing happens.

"Must've crossed a wire wrong or something." Havok grumbled to himself, tossing the detonator behind him in a halfhearted manner Havok made his way to an electrical box not far. "At least I have the plan B," He groused before making another motion that sent white hot flame through Detective Samuels as his robotic eye was yanked out of his skull.

Focusing on the machine, Havok repaired it and made it face the tallest building in Detroit, The Eye. The hub of law enforcement, information, and all the other infrastructure goodies needed to run a city. He began speaking directly to the people on the other end, Detective Samuels grunts of pain and heavy rain filling the background.

The same singsong voice that permeated his speech came out in full force as he fiddled with the electric box, "You are only going to get this once, so listen up you jockey. Warn your boys in New York City because a storm is coming, and it looks just. Like. This."

With that Havok flipped a large switch and instantly Detective Samuels began to scream as he fried, the exposed wires that were weaved through the chains keeping him trapped exploding in energy. The whole block blacked out, then the next one, and the next one, every block leading directly to The Eye before suddenly it exploded, every floor belching out a different color before it collapsed in on itself.

Havok let the scene play out for a long while, silently basking in the afterglow of such a sight. Then he grabbed the eye and brought it to visor level, his voice falling several dangerous octaves. "Once upon a time your king took everything from me. I'm not going to stop until everything he has burns."

The feed was cut off as he crushed it within his hand, leaving nothing but static. Taking a final long look over the new city skyline, Havok picked up his now soaked backpack and left the roof, Detective Samuels now long charred corpse still twitching from the electricity coursing through it.

One final chuckle escaped his lips as Havok climbed down the fire escape, he'd always wanted to go to California.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deyinger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“You can see Peberholm from here!”

Jakobe dipped her aching toes in the warm Danish waters. She half considered fully dunking herself into it. But she was able to resist the urge. She’d jumped in the water when she made it to the Malmö coast before crossing Øresund, the bridge that connected Sweden to Denmark. It was the first sea water she’d seen in her entire life. It was just so… blue. The salty smell of the sea was intoxicating, the soft sound of the waves seemed to call her. She was more than happy to answer their call. She was less happy about the next couple of hours it took her and Mattias to dry off. She’d changed her clothes and left her wet outfit lying on the beach so she could spend the time it took to dry doing something useful.

One look down the Øresund Bridge and she knew she would not step foot in it without first finding a bike. It took her two hours to find one and another hour to figure out how to ride it. By the end she had scraped knees and damaged pride, but that bike was providence. Walking the five mile length of the Øresund would have taken her eight hours. Biking it took one hour. Mattias kept up with her, bounding by her side. He seemed more than happy about it. It was the most exercise he’d gotten in the seven years of his life.

The Øresund Bridge became an underground tunnel when it reached Peberholm, an artificial island on the Danish waters across from Malmö. It was this underground part of the journey that had most unnerved Jakobe. Not because of the two miles of dark, eerily quiet road. She was born and raised in dark, eerily quiet metal halls. But she had never been below sea level. What freaked her out was the weird feeling in her ears. It made her head spin and her trek longer than it needed to be, as she had to make multiple stops so she wouldn’t fall over on her bike.

Mattias almost trampled Jakobe on his way to the water. “Mats, no!” Jakobe had time to little but flinch before she was splashed with salt water from the elkhound’s cannonball. “Mats!” she groaned, “Do you have any idea how much you stink when you’re wet?” Mattias ignored the rest of her chastisement, paddling in a large semicircle before climbing unto dry land once more. He shook himself dry, spraying water all over the place, and returned to his owner in his usual happy bound. He’s been doing more of those ever since they left their jättetrakt. Crossing Sweden’s width had given him plenty of space to run around and release his energy in. It was a comforting sight for Jakobe, Mattias shaking his tail so vigorously his body seemed to contort with every swing. She couldn’t stay angry for long.

“Fine” she giggled and threw her arms up in the air in surrender, “Fine! Do whatever, I guess.” She put on her socks and boots and picked up her bike. These were her first footsteps outside of her home country, and despite her eagerness to see the rest of Copenhagen, she wanted to soak in them for a few more moments. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, letting as much Danishness as possible seep up her legs. The warm, fuzzy feeling it sent all over her body was almost enough to make her forget the fear and sadness tugging at the back of her mind. Almost. That fear and sadness are what finally pushed her unto her bike and sent her pedalling as fast as she could.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryuji Sakamoto
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Ryuji Sakamoto Professional Delinquent

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Changi Bay, Singapore

A strained grunt echoed throughout the empty freight, masqueraded by the sick jeers of three burly, bearded men wearing drenched raincoats. It was just Nicholas' luck that these brutes decided to have their smoke break where he was stowed away. He was backed into a corner. Backed up against the wall, clutching his ribs with a pain wince, Nicholas hoped they had had their fun. One of the men stepped forward, grinning before delivering a swift knee straight to the young man's gut. A sharp pain rang throughout Nicholas' stomach. Sliding down to the ground, Nicholas glared up at his assailant through grit teeth.

Life outside of the Island is dangerous. the words of Sage Manatoa rang through Nicholas' head. The friendly Sage had been a wonderful friend and superb mentor to the young elemental for the last few years. He was the only one who sympathized with Nicholas' desire to leave the island; albeit reluctantly.
You must control your temper. You will be as good as dead if your powers become known to the world. How Nicholas would have loved to teach these guys a lesson. He wasn't a particularly violent person, but he wasn't the type to just sit still and take a beating. Another men stepped forward, muttering something under his breath and spitting on the helpless young man. Nicholas couldn't speak Malay, but he knew when he was being insulted. Nicholas sprang up and slugged the bastard with a fierce haymaker. Caught off guard, the man fell back in a heap clutching his cheek whilst presumably cursing.

"How you like that, Fu- Gah!" Nicholas grunted, clutching his ribs once the adrenaline wore off and reminded him of how hurt he actually was. The other two, recovering from their surprise at his sudden attack, quickly grabbed Nicholas by the shoulders and threw him violently to the ground. One of the two stomped the young mans back, sending another pang of fiery pain through his lower ribs and abdomen. Before he even had a chance to cry out in pain, Nicholas was pulled up by the hair as the other man drew a switchblade and held the knife uncomfortably close to his throat. Now the man was shouting at Nicholas; not that he understood anything was saying through the language barrier and intense fear of what he might do to him with that knife.

Then a loud, voice boomed through the freight, stopping the men in their tracks. It was a bit hard to make out details, but it appeared to be the ships captain. Storming in with strong, echoing footsteps, the Captain yelled at his crew in Malay; spraying them with spit like a mad dog. The men let go of Nicholas almost instantly before hurrying off from the cramped space. One shot a nasty look back at Nicholas, but with his rabid captain present he wouldn't dare make another comment.

Nicholas clutched his ribs and groaned, shakily getting up from the floor onto his knees. He felt a pair of strong, heavy hands hoist him up onto his feet. The captain slung the boys arm over his shoulder and helped him walk out onto the deck.
"Consider yourself lucky, He spoke with an accent, but was otherwise fluent. "dirty stowaway rats like you deserve to be gutted."
"Should've just let ya goons finish me then." Nicholas smirked, acting more courageous than he felt at that moment.
"I ain't dealing with the trouble of some stupid kid being killed on my ship. Once you're off I don't care what happens to you." The dry, lifeless tone the captain spoke in was the only assurance Nicholas needed to believe how true that statement was. As the two approached the pier, a thought crossed Nicholas' mind.

"Uh, sir. Where am I?" Nicholas questioned, his naivety reflecting his age. The captain stopped in his tracks before letting out a hearty laugh.
"What kind of idiot stows away on a ship without knowing where it's headed?" Before Nicholas could defend himself, the captains strong hand shoved him down the ramp and tumbling into the peer. Staggering to his feet slowly with his hands wrapped around himself in pain, Nicholas leered at the Captain.

"You best find a map real quick boy. Singapore ain't as safe as it used to be, and it'll be dark soon." The captain had answered Nicholas' question, albeit in a rather cruel fashion. Without so much as another word, he turned and left the young boy alone on the pier in Changi Bay. The questioning gazes of bystanders pricked against Nicholas' skin like thorns, which only furthered his anxiousness. With a few deep breaths, he resolved to walk down the pier towards the land. He wasn't sure where he was headed, or how he would begin his search for the Tyrant, but he knew he had to take it one step at a time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Link was in Skyloft, the city in the sky. Currently he was doing his training exams. These were simple enough and most of them focused on the Guardian Bird of the student. The head master, Gaepora was teaching the students personally today. It was Link's turn to do his exams as he stepped up to the edge of the island, he turned back with a smug smile.

"You do know Storm won't come to catch me, right?"

Gaepora gave an annoyed look at Link. He knew exactly what he meant. It wasn't out of distrust, or loyalty issues. Usually, every Guardian Bird wouldn't hesitate in catching their partner during the fall test, but Link was different. Storm knew about Link's uniqueness, and he knew Link didn't need him if he ever fell. He only came on Link's command.

"Link, you have to do this properly. No using your abilities."

Link gave a small sigh, before shrugging.

"Ok, ok."

He closed his eyes, and rose his arms to the side. Slowly, he allowed himself to fall back and off the island, towards the clouds. He continued to fall while everyone watched wide eyed. This was the first time Link had done this without calling out to Storm or catching himself. Nobody knew what was going to happen. Link grew closer and closer to the clouds, and no Guardian Bird was in sight. Both students and teachers got on their Guardian Bird ready to act any second. He was getting too close to the clouds, and in an instant teachers flew down as fast as they could to try and catch Link. However they weren't fast enough. Link stopped himself just an inch above the clouds before flying back up.

"I did tell you so."

He gave a shrug and Gaepora just stared at him in complete annoyance. Link was different from the rest, which meant a lost of the training sessions had to be changed to suit him.

"Link, I suppose I see your point. Many times now I have seen Storm come when you call him and there is no doubt in the trust and loyalty you show each other. You can even handle yourself if needed. So despite the test being a fail in terms of normal circumstances, I will give you a pass because I can no longer ignore your unique abilities."

Link gave a small bow before walking towards the edge of the island again. He stared down at the clouds and let out a small sigh. A thoughtful look came upon his face.

"I always wonder, is there anything beyond the skies?"

Gaepora slowly walked up beside him and looked down to the clouds as well.

"Nobody knows. There are hundreds of theories, but the strongest one is that whatever was down there, if anything is nothing but ruins. People believe that humanity sent the city of Skyloft into the skies to stop the chaos and destruction that was happening on the surface world, and after hundreds of years later, the surface world became destroyed, no more and Skyloft remained to be the last of humanity, but of course that is only a theory, it's all we've got. It's too dangerous to go beyond the clouds to find out for sure. The Guardians can't see through the clouds and they would be flying blindly."

Link looked to him, listening intently before looking back to the clouds. He knew he was different though, he and Storm wouldn't have that problem. He could actually go down there if it just weren't forbidden. He let out a sigh and gave a simple nod.

"I could change it all though, but I understand. It's forbidden, and that's something I'll never be able to change."

Gaepora gave a nod before walking away. Slowly, Link turned around and followed.

Kai Hioska

Kai was laying down on the grass, tired to do anything else. He had been starting fights all day, whoever he came across and he beat every single one of them. Admittingly, they had no power so they were at a disadvantage but using his powers all day tired him out. He closed his eyes for a moment, relaxing himself. Although a few minutes later, the earth began to shake violently. He could hear sounds of movement in the distance, he slowly opened his eyes and let out a sigh. Slowly he forced himself up and flew to the skies slowly and as expected, there they were. Dozens of War Tanks were headed his way. It was another Search. He was good, but he wasn't good enough to take on the Elemental King's army. No way, not a chance. He landed to the ground and began to walk through the field. He would have to go through and around to completely avoid them. Last time he tried to fight a search party, he was almost killed.


Slade laid down on a paper bed that he had lazily created himself. The day was just dragging on and there was nothing to do. His paper bed was placed near the edge of the village in the shade. There he caught a nice breeze while being safe from the sun. However his lazy relaxation was short lived as soldiers, golems and even tanks came through the village. His eyes opened lazily, and he let out a yawn. Didn't they know they were disturbing the peace every time they put out a search for god knows what? It was every damn day! He sighed and forced himself to get up at the sounds of fighting. There was no way he was getting to sleep with the search going on and whatever else was happening. Slade rubbed his eyes before holding out his arm. Suddenly the paper vanished up his sleeves. Afterwards he slowly walked forward and turned to look at a small group of people talking, overhearing something about chosen ones.


@Ryuji Sakamoto

Sanata was currently walking through Singapore towards the pier when she was someone being taken off the boat, beaten and bruised. She stared for a moment, wondering what was going on and when the man began to walk away she sped up quickly to catch up to him.

"Hey, are you alright? You look hurt? What's your name?"

She threw her swords to the side, as she did the swords shattered into tiny little shards which then flew around her. Now she didn't have to carry them. She then attempted to grab the man to try and help him walk.


Zuko listened to the King and gave a quick nod to him. He then turned around and walked out of the tower slowly. Once out, he thought about where he would search first. After a moment of thinking to himself, he decided he would begin his search in France today. He covered himself with his own energy, before disappearing completely. He had teleported in the middle of France. He then used his powers to lift himself in the air and fly quickly over France. He looked for anyone who looked suspicious. He landed several times, checking churches and graveyards. However there were no sign of an elemental. He continued to fly over franch quickly when he spotted someone on a white horse. He dropped down in front of her for a moment and silently stared at her until he pulled out a small device.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to preform a test on you, orders from your Majesty yourself."

The device (The One's idea) allowed him as well as anyone else working for the Elemental King to check for awakened elemental powers. If the powers were dormant, it wouldn't work. Honestly, Zuko had done this to everyone he had seen, and he doubted this girl would be any different, but if he didn't follow orders, the King would have his head.

"Just place your hand on the hand print."

He stared at her for a few minutes, waiting for her to do as he had ordered so he could go back elsewhere and continue his search, and finally, finish off for the day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Master Grey

Master Grey continued to travel towards the sea, it didn't take him long to get there and when he did, he climbed into his own submarine. Just as he did however he witnessed a woman coming up from underwater with a strange creature and beginning to go towards land. That would be the one he was looking for. He fired up the sub and sped off towards her. He quickly got in front of her and then opened up the hatch. He came out of the submarine and spoke in a friendly tone.

"Elemental Chosen One of water, I have been searching for you. There is much to discuss, but first let me introduce myself. I am Master Grey, creator of a long ago prophecy. 'When all hope is lost, eight children of destiny will be born under the elemental gods. Protected and hidden within the magically enchanted places of old. When the destined children intertwine, the tyrant king will fall. The ancient places of old. Said to be hidden and protected by magic. Only those destined allowed to pass through.' So I must ask of you, please come with me to meet the other children of prophecy before it is too late."

He gave a small smile and held out his hand for her to shake. His old face showed nothing but kindness and honesty. He had found the Chosen One of Water so quickly, he had to find the others before they were found by the wrong people.

Co-post: Julia, Isabella, Seth and Slade.

Julia continued to walk around until she saw a search party being sent by the King. Afterwards, she began to look around, and saw a fight being taken place. She stared blankly for a moment until the fight ended. Then, she looked towards Slade. Somehow, Julia just knew he was there even without seeing him. She stepped up to her for a moment and gave a small smile.

"It isn't polite to listen in on people."

She then walked up towards Isabella and Seth, still having the smile on her face.

"My name is Julia, I am also searching for the Chosen Ones."

The two looked to Julia before Seth turned to Isabella.

"I am also willing to help look for the Chosen Ones. Call me Seth."

Julia nodded to the two before pulling out a small hand held device to the other two.

"Well luckily, I have knowledge of the Chosen Ones location, mostly. I have a hand held teleporter here. In my backpack I have collected a sample of each of the elements. Then, using the map of the world, added with the mystic water of Aloá I was able to create a map that gives me a small hint as to where the Elemental Chosen Ones were. However, I came here first because I would need others to help me fight off the Elemental King's army if I was ever caught while trying to find the Chosen Ones. The map is no where near as acruate as the prophecised Elemental Map, but it still works."

Isabella and Seth stared at Julia amazed, that was amazing. It was then that Isabella gavea small little smile and rose her head up high. Her eyes glistened a little and she spoke in a confident tone.

"Let's go find those Chosen Ones then, shall we?"

Seth nodded and Julia looked to Slade.

"Wanna come? I know you've been listening in."

Julia smiled at him waiting for him to come to the group before teleporting everyone.

Slade looked to Julia for a moment as she spoke to him, he didn't care though honestly and just ignored her. He continued to listen in on the conversation and what they were saying peaked his interest. Once Julia asked him if he wanted to come he let out a small sigh. If he went he would actually have to make some effort on the up side though things would get far more entertaining for him.

"Yah, sure. Name's Slade."

He walked up to the group with his hands in his pocket. All he could do now was wait until Julia used the device.

With everyone ready Julia nodded. She held onto Seth who held onto Isabella who held onto Slade. Then with a press of a button, they all disappeared. With that they appeared just outside Detrot, where the Hazard Mines were. Julia looked around slowly before giving a small smile.

"So, somewhere around here within a mile, is the Chosen One of Metal."

Just then there was a huge explosion that destroyed the entire area.

"My guess, whatever did that just now.....would be the person we're looking for."

She stared at the destruction, she couldn't believe what had just happened.

Scarlet Overkill

Scarlet was walking quickly with a few of the ground troops. Twenty of them to be exact. Every one of them were powerless, but each of them were well trained in sword combat and martial arts to ensure survival. Scarlet however was a force to be reckoned with. As she walked, she looked over head to see the air ships pass. She continued to walk, but immediately stopped when she felt a sudden burst of energy. She slowly looked in the direction of where it came from then spoke up to her men.

"Change of plans boys."

With that, she covered everyone in her own energy and teleported. It was then that she appeared in the middle of Detrot, well what was left of it anyway. Scarlet looked around slowly, She focused on all the energy in the area, and managed to find two energy signals not far away and quickly motioned for the King's guards to follow. As she reached the location of the stranger coming down from the fire escape she shouted at him.

"By the order of the Elemental King, I order you to halt!"

She closed her eyes and quickly used the mind link the Elemental King had created using his Light Elemental Powers, connecting the army together.

'Any available search party come to my location immediately, repeat, Any available search party come to my location immediately! I've found a VIP target.'

It would come too obvious for Havok, that something was wrong very quickly as two airships came flying overhead within minutes, and just as they were flying over, the airships slowed down. Suddenly, soldiers jumped out from the Air Ships with ropes to support them, all landing in the surrounding area. When the airships were finally empty, there were 250 soldiers including Scarlet's team. Although, soldiers weren't much of a problem for a Chosen One, especially with a team nearby, ready to help. However, not only did Soldiers come, but so did twenty golems. Scarlet stepped out into the open and stared at him. The area was now completed covered.

The Elemental King

After hearing the message from Scarlet, The Elemental King himself appeared in front of Havok. He gave a sinister smile before looking to Scarlet. After a moment he turned back to Havok.

"So, care to tell me your name of the person who I am to kill? Or perhaps show me your face? Unless, of course you decide to join me in the Elemental Tower, to destroy a place that this, you must have some power. It would be welcoming to have someone like you work so close with me."

He gave a sinister laugh before looking to Scarlet once more and spoke in a respectful manner.

"I trust you, so I'll make you a deal. I won't step in, not yet. However if things don't go your way, and you start to lose the upper hand, I will have to step in myself."

Scarlet nodded and the Elemental King stepped back. He stared at him, wondering if he would take the offer, although he honestly doubted that he would which was why he was prepared to fight.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conch Shell VII
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Conch Shell VII

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Madeline reacted first, stopping in her tracks and whinnying in surprise as a white-haired man suddenly fell out of the sky and landed in front of her. Amèlie quickly leaned forward and traced one hand along the horse's face, quietly whispering in her ear in an attempt to calm her down. It worked, and quickly. Once that was done, Amèlie quickly leaned back up, let out a quick sigh of relief, and began to examine the situation. She sized up the white-haired man and realized the situation quickly. The man worked for the King, and evidently he could fly, and who knew what else he could do. She hadn't even been moving a full day yet, and already this sort of thing was happening. This boded poorly.

Amèlie weighed her options for a moment, then eventually decided that her best option would be to play dumb. But first, she subtly pulled from a well of power deep within her, closed her eyes and focused on herself -- pictured her body in her head and imagined it bending to her will. She couldn't make herself lighter, but she could shift her weight down slightly, into her feet. If she was lucky, that would have the same effect. If it came to it, Madeline might be able to carry her faster this way.

That done, Amèlie opened her eyes again and smiled a charming smile down at the stranger. She laughed softly and gently manipulated the reins. Madeline quickly began to move again, stepping around the King's agent. "I'm sorry, sir," she said in French, "but I don't speak English very well."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Interacting with: Master Grey @The One

Cthylla felt the metal vessel approaching long before it surfaced and slowed her great stead to a halt so that she could receive her guest. Only the foolish or the brave would dare attack The Old One with a vehicle so small, so she let it come closer so she could find out what they wanted.

With the fog hanging in the air she could vaguely make out the shape of the man who emerged from the vessel, a human wearing long robes and seemingly unarmed. Not that that meant much when people with powers like her existed, but his non threatening posture and the friendly tone he used as he spoke in his native tongue suggested that he was not here to fight. Then he raised his arm towards her, perhaps in some kind of greeting. She was not sure.

Cthylla walked down the head of the beast and the stepped barefooted onto the cold metal of the submarine. Her stride was one of someone trying their hardest to maintain a dignified composure despite never having walked anywhere before in their life. When she was close enough not to have to shout she said to him in a calm tone:

”Ya ilyaa ee. Ya stell’bsna shugg-oth lw'nafh phlegeth”
(I expect answers. I ask the native of earth to transmit information.)

She noted that her voice sounded strange in the open air as she reached past the man’s outstretched arm and placed her palm against his forehead. She needed to get a better picture of a human mind, to learn the shape of their brains and to find where the different parts where so that she could more easily engage with them in telepathy in future. Physical contact helped her focus on this one specimen and block out most of the noise of the life around them. She pointedly held the great beast’s mind in her thrall at the same time and its mental presence could be felt looming behind hers, a mind vast, glacial and alien. She tried to make her invasion of his mind as unthreatening as possible, doing the mental equivalent of knocking at the door to let him know she was coming in.

The first thing she realized was he was old. Very old. There was a lot of information in here and it was rather rigid in it’s structure. She would need a younger mind, where information flowed in and out more freely, if she wanted to absorb their knowledge rapidly. She could learn some things simply from glancing at his most pressing of thoughts. He knew what she was, he knew of the others she had yet to meet and he knew of the elemental king. These things were obvious, she did not evan have to dig in his vast pool of knowledge for those facts as they were at the forefront of his mind. She needed more though.

She politely presented the man with mental queries of where the other chosen and the elemental king could be found. This was not through words but through ideas: the concept of place, the feeling of confusion and the surface thoughts he had of the elemental king and the chosen were all lumped together and his attention brought to this bundle.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The five years Adam had spent without getting caught made him a bit careless about hiding his power while in the open, so when he came across a single hare about fifteen minutes from his cave he didn't even think twice. Mahika at first wanted to catch it herself but he stopped her. "Stay." While the female wolf listened he knew he would have to let on her own the next time, but with the sky looking as black as it did he wanted to head back home as soon as possible.

Using his control over Earth he began moving the ground under the animal, until it eventually sat on top of a thin layer of dirt barley capable of sustaining it's weight. With that done Adam sent his prey falling down the hole, and to it's death. He then raised the animal carcass to the surface and returned the forest floor to normal. He picked up the bloody and broken remains and headed back to his cave.

Once back inside he began cleaning and gutting his catch and cut of a leg which he threw at Mahika. "Eat up,girl." While it was still dry he quickly headed back to the cave entrance where he buried the hare's bones, fur, and intestines deep enough that no scavenger could get at them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by deyinger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Copenhagen was quiet. Jakobe didn’t know whether to be relieved or scared. But Mattias didn’t seem to be worried in the least, judging by his ever-energetic appearance. His judgement was enough for Jakobe. Still, there was no harm in a little wariness. She stuck to the back alleys, crossing every street with a small, nervous prayer.

In the distance stood three giant jättetrakter. Though they probably aren’t called that, Jakobe thought. That was a Swedish word. She wondered what the Danish word was for them was. Whatever it was, they were an oddly comforting sight. Jättetrakter were designed so that the people who lived in it never had to leave them. Some levels were entirely apartments, others were shopping centers and food courts. There were levels made entirely for the production of food, acres of land where crops fed off artificial light. The highest levels were the power plants that gave the entire building energy. The underground levels were water treatment facilities and dumps. Jättetrakter were entirely self-sustained. Which is why the countries that had employed them all had such concentrated populations. Jättetrakter needed a certain amount of people for them to function. Most people were more than happy to move to the giant apartment blocks. Jättertrakter meant there might not be a lot of people walking amok, which meant less danger of being spotted.

Jakobe found herself frozen in her tracks. A lump formed in her throat, her limbs felt heavy, and her eyes began to sting. Her mind went back to her home, to a month ago. To blood. She stood there for a while, her grip so tight on the handlebars that her knuckles became white. Eventually she was able to snap back to Copenhagen. Her eyes fell on Mattias sitting in front of her, staring up at his master. “Let’s not take any chances,” she said, more at herself than her Mattias, then began pedalling again.

After nearly two hours of back alley bike riding, shortly after the Sun set, Jakobe saw a pyramidal blue roof with spear-like extensions. It was curious architecture to say the least. But something about it seemed to call Jakobe. She found herself headed towards it without even realizing it. She skidded to a stop before the entrance, but Mats bounced on inside it. He deemed it safe. With a shrug, Jakobe followed him inside.

“Mats!” she squealed as she stepped off her bike, “This is a train station.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryuji Sakamoto
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Ryuji Sakamoto Professional Delinquent

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Changi Bay, Singapore

Hushed whispers of nosy bystanders were beginning to turn Nicholas' ears red. There was quite a crowd gathering now. Glaring into the faces of countless strangers who all looked down on him in pity only pissed him off more. Despite being unable to understand the language, it was hard to miss when someone was talking about you. Their stares sharp as knives, the injured young man grit his teeth and let out a low snarl; like a cornered beast ready to pounce. With what little energy he had left, Nick sprang to his feet and thrust his chest out at a young couple who were muttering under their breath.

"This ain't a freakin' show! Quit staring!" He spat, the pair shuffling backwards at the young mans threatening outburst. Through the anxious expressions plastered across their faces, Nicholas couldn't tell whether or not they understood him. Though when the young couple, as well as the rest of the group, began to disperse he knew for sure they had taken the hint. Without a need for the tough guy act, Nicholas slumped down against a post and began panting. With the throbbing pain in his ribs and gut, he wasn't sure he could make it much further.

"Hey, are you alright? You look hurt? What's your name?" The voice sounded faint and reserved, like that of an angel. That thought really gave cause for alarm. Surely Nicholas wouldn't be so lame as to die from a few aches and a knee to the gut. On closer inspection though, Nicholas saw a young lady rush to his side. The blades in her hands scattered into a flurry of dazzling shards. Nicholas was barely able to speak at the sight, but was happy to accept her assistance in standing up. With an arm slung around her shoulder, Nicholas couldn't help but pass up the opportunity to make light of the situation.

"I thought the Prince was supposed to rescue the Princess, yet here we are." God that was lame. Straightening himself up as best he could, Nicholas cleared his throat before continuing to talk as if he hadn't said anything.
"I'm alright, just got roughed up by some goons. The names Nick."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by deyinger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Danish sure is a lot like Swedish, Jakobe thought to herself. She was surprised by how easily she was able to understand the signs hanging from the sealing and some of the brochures and maps lying around. She picked one up and recognized the outline of Sweden, Denmark, and Germany, multiple lines running across them. It was a station map of a train, ICE. Almost absentmindedly she stuffed the map in her pocket and went further into the train station, unconsciously looking for the train it described. Surely enough, she soon found a train with the same initials from the map on its side. She ran along the rail to the nearest doors. The train was dark, just like all the monitors around the train station. They’d all probably been off for the last couple of years. There wasn’t much travel nowadays, and what little there was was mostly through handheld teleporters. Jakobe would’ve killed for one of those just about now. Like most of the rest of the world, she saw little point in any other mode of transport. Specially trains.

“Wait here,” she turned to Mattias, “Sit!” Mattias obeyed and Jakobe turned to the train doors. She knew what to do, she knew she could do it. But the only time she actually did it was a reflex. And she’d killed people. Suddenly she realized how close Mattias was to her. “Actually,” she said as she led Mattias away from the train. She pointed to a spot a good fifteen feet away from the train doors, “Sit here.” Obedient as ever, Mattias did as told and watched as Jakobe returned to the train.

“Okay,” Jakobe took a deep breath, widening her stance in front of the doors. If anyone had been watching, they might have made the wrong assumption that Jakobe knew what she was doing just based on her stance and determined frown. They would be horribly mistaken. She honestly had no idea. Still, she closed her eyes and concentrated, visualising herself on the other side of those doors. After a few moments of doing so, nothing happened. All she accomplished was give herself a headache. She stomped her foot in frustration, but before she could open her mouth to shout, the familiar sound of cymbals crashing flooded her ears and threatened to crack her skull open. Then came the sudden weightlessness. Almost immediately she once again felt gravity’s pull and found her feet in solid ground again.

“Vad i helvete?!” She stumbled in surprise, falling hard. She was even more surprised to find herself inside of the train, not a bit of destruction in her wake. Only the soft crackle of electricity and some of her hairs on end indicated that she had in fact teleported. Mattias had come bounding to the door and sat, staring sadly at Jakobe from across the glass doors. She smiled at him with a wave.

Oh, my God, I can't believe I got it. Jakobe squealed in excitement with a little jump. Her smile disappeared as she realized she has teleported. A second time. There was no denying it now, no escaping. She was the reason so many children before her had been killed, why her family was killed. Jakobe had dreamed of being many things, but one of the Chosen was not one of them.

Her mind would’ve continued down this train of thought had she not realized something else. “Wait.” She turned looked around at the dark train. “What the heck do I do now?”
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