Do your best to be through in the character but make sure the character has their own potential plot and room for them to grow as the story progresses. Characters are expected to be able to generate and participate in missions beyond the score of the main fight against the Stygian Blade.
Characters should also do their best to remain within a reasonable power level. If you need a guide in terms of what is and isn't reasonable please refer to my NPC list and my character list. Christian is an example of a character that is purposefully far beyond a reasonable power level. Hence his status as an NPC
Character Sheet
Characters should also do their best to remain within a reasonable power level. If you need a guide in terms of what is and isn't reasonable please refer to my NPC list and my character list. Christian is an example of a character that is purposefully far beyond a reasonable power level. Hence his status as an NPC
Character Sheet
Name: (self explanatory)
Alias/Nickname: (Self explanatory and optional)
Appearance: (Include an Image)
Age: (Dependent on race, most should be under a thousand years)
Race: (Take your pick or perhaps a neat combination)
Rank: (Characters of the Knight Captain Rank or Higher should be okay'd with me before creation. You may create Paladin rank without the same restriction as they are more common rank even though they share a similar standing to the Knight Captain.)
Personality: (How does your character come off to others, a paragraph or so would be nice.)
Biography/history: (Anything relevant to how your character got where they are, if they have secrets obviously don’t include them here)
Reason for recruitment: (Why are they signing up with the Knights of Star)
Strength of Will:(This should be either: Unnatural, Potent or Greater. Usually dependent on race but there are always exceptions)
Magic: (General categorizes of magic the character is good at, specific spells, and where the magic comes from)
God relations: (Any sort of god affiliation the character may have, keep in mind Gods can have many names and faces so if your character knows a particular God by a different name or appearance include it here)
Tech: (Whatever tech your character uses. Computer, plasma pistol, nanotech, implants, hybrid tech/magic items, etc..)
Possessions/items/property: (These are for anything else your character has that is important that doesn’t seem to fit)
Skills:(tell us what you're good at)
Misc: (Anything else the character sheet doesn’t seem to include that you think is important to the character)
Alias/Nickname: (Self explanatory and optional)
Appearance: (Include an Image)
Age: (Dependent on race, most should be under a thousand years)
Race: (Take your pick or perhaps a neat combination)
Rank: (Characters of the Knight Captain Rank or Higher should be okay'd with me before creation. You may create Paladin rank without the same restriction as they are more common rank even though they share a similar standing to the Knight Captain.)
Personality: (How does your character come off to others, a paragraph or so would be nice.)
Biography/history: (Anything relevant to how your character got where they are, if they have secrets obviously don’t include them here)
Reason for recruitment: (Why are they signing up with the Knights of Star)
Strength of Will:(This should be either: Unnatural, Potent or Greater. Usually dependent on race but there are always exceptions)
Magic: (General categorizes of magic the character is good at, specific spells, and where the magic comes from)
God relations: (Any sort of god affiliation the character may have, keep in mind Gods can have many names and faces so if your character knows a particular God by a different name or appearance include it here)
Tech: (Whatever tech your character uses. Computer, plasma pistol, nanotech, implants, hybrid tech/magic items, etc..)
Possessions/items/property: (These are for anything else your character has that is important that doesn’t seem to fit)
Skills:(tell us what you're good at)
Misc: (Anything else the character sheet doesn’t seem to include that you think is important to the character)
Active Characters
Name: Zachary Thetis
Alias/Nickname: The Croweater (Crow for short)

Age: 332
Race: Elder Sidhe/Shaitan
Rank: Paladin of Shadows
Zachary is a highly morbid individual with a sadistic streak as well as strange set of morals. For the most part Zachary is a rather social individual but the problem is that many when they find out that Zachary is the child of the Fae and one of the more questionable Djinn lineages it is often off putting. Zachary does a good job of keeping this hidden but it can be seen in his sick humor and morbid tastes.
Without knowing Zachary you can make many assumptions about what he should be like but he does have a strange set of virtues which make him a more or less agreeable individual in passing.
The Croweater was born to a Sidhe witch by the name of Gullvieg who served the Fae Lord known as The Erlking. Gullvieg took the Shairan Djinn by the name of Iblis as her mate. Their kind was born in shadow but with the beauty of the Fae he had been born to. When his father Iblis saw this he cursed the child Zachary to forever be fascinated with death.
When his mother heard Iblis do this she went immediately to take the child to the Erlking’s court but when she uncovered the cradle the child was gone and in its place a Fetch had been left. At first Gullvieg was perplexed as Fetches were left by Fae when they wished to cover their tracks in taking another races child. When she looked up from the cradle she saw a figure crouched on the hilltop outside of the house that Gullvieg had used to conceive the child with Iblis. The being had the head of a Vulture and it reached forth its beak and swallowed a murder of crows in a single gulp. At first Gullvieg feared that The Devourer had sent its avatar to steal her child but then the Vulture vomited forth a murder of crows made solely of their bones with their souls tacked to the inside of their rib cages.
It was at that moment that the Vulture creature disappear with her child Zachary that Gullvieg realized that Yishreenok the Keeper of the Dead had stolen her child.
Zachary grew up learning from Vulture. Vulture is a face of Yishreenok but Zachary never called it anything other than Vulture. Vulture taught Zachary how to use magic and how to fight, It taught Zachary to summon and bind the dead and how to deny the dead access to the other side of the veil.
When Zachary turned 100 Vulture set Zachary a test. If he could consume the hearts of a hundred crows then Zachary would be free to go and use his powers as he wished. If he failed then Zachary would agree to forever work as Vultures servant collecting the restless souls of the dead who had not crossed over.
A year and a day later Vulture came looking for Zachary whom he found feasting on the heart of a man. When Vulture asked Zachary if he had consumed the hearts of a hundred crows Zachary told him that he had just finished. Vulture inspected the body and informed Zachary that the man was infact a man and not a crow. Zachary smiled and shook his finger at Vulture before producing a skull. He told Vulture that he had trapped the souls of one hundred crows in the skull. When Vulture took the skull and released the souls he realized that Zachary had wiped out the descendents of a line of Stygian warriors known as Gorecrows. Fearsome warriors capable of withstanding incredible amounts of damage, possessing of superhuman strength and the power to transform into a murder of crows at will. Vulture returned the skull to Zachary and dubbed him “The Croweater” before he vanished leaving Zachary to find his way in the world at the tender age of 101 years old.
Reason for recruitment:
Zachary can talk to the dead, even dead that have passed into Yishreenok’s realm. A skill like this is rare even for necromancers of Yishreenok who are often granted incredible power by the God of the Dead. Zachary also has trouble fitting in with more normal guilds and groups as his fascination with death is often disturbing to others
Strength of Will: Greater
Necromancy- Zachary is a Necromancer of Yishreenok and serves the aspect of the Death god known as Vulture.
Zachary’s magics focus in two areas.
Blightcaller- The first is Decay magic which is often a sinister ugly magic which allows him to destroy organic matter in very painful manners. It is also good for inorganic material but it is often much slower.
Veilwalker- The second area is Spirit magic, Yishreenok has given Zachary over the souls of the restless dead and allows him to call and direct them at his whim. This magic also allows him to bind new souls to his skull.
Wild Magic-
Wyrdwarp- Zachary’s Fae lineage allows him to manipulate perceptions to a certain degree. Zachary can change the way others perceive him for a limited amount of time, this appearance can be project for as many individuals as Zachary wants or he can project it for just select individuals. It is not actually an illusion or an actual change of how Zachary looks, it is purely a change of how people perceive Zachary.
Faefire- Zachary can summon Faefire, which is a sinister type of force and illusion magic. The fire doesn’t actually burn like normal fire. Faefire only burns living creatures but it does not affect them physically, instead the fire burns the subject mentally. It is much easier to die to Faefire than normal fire because it appears to burn much hotter than normal fire, however if the victim can fight past the pain and appearance they will be rendered immune to the fire.
Darkbramble- Zachary can summon up whole hedges and rows of dangerous brambles and briars to hinder his foes. The thorns and spines of the Darkbrambles are razor sharp and when they cut a foe the cuts bleed profusely as the Darkbrambles thorns are coated in a contact anticoagulant. As soon as Zachary stops feeding them magic they wither and blow away as dust. If Zachary focuses on the Brambles he can direct them to attack his enemies but this requires almost total concentration.
Smoke and Shadow- Iblis only gift to Zachary was the Shaitan’s ability to turn his body into a humanoid formed cloud of smoke and ash. Zachary can only do this for a very short amount of time. When Zachary uses it, it is typically for infiltration or for running from a fight
God relations: Yishreenok is Zachary’s patron god and he is one of Yishreenok’s Necromancers. You will never find Zachary praying to Yishreenok, however you will find him talking to Vulture.
Neural implant- Zachary had a neural implant added so that he can communicate with other members of the tower of stars and receive broadcasts and all calls from the guild's leaders.
Crow Talons- A set of flexible metal strips which mirror the bones in his hands and end attached to his fingertips. When given a mental command the metal strips deploy a set of wicked talons which cover his fingers and allow him to climb and slash with them. Additionally the talons feature high density metal plates set flush to the top and bottom of Zachary’s wrist. The plates serve to black slashes to Zachary’s arms. The plates also serve as material which can be converted into hollow spines which Zachary can throw. The spines can be filled with various substances while they are being formed. Zachary simply dips the spine in one of his many vials and whatever substance is in the vial is drawn into the spine.
Cadaver lab- Zachary is the tower of Stars pathologist, he maintains their morgue, cadaver lab and autopsy room. He also performs death investigations for the Tower
Toxins- Zachary has a nasty collection of exotics venoms and toxins
Library- Zachary maintains an extensive library on the subjects of Yishreenok, the Fae, the Shaitan Djinn, anatomy, physiology, medicine and toxins outside of the Tower of Stars Library and Archive
Vulture- Zachary’s constant companion is a Vulture. Most of the time the bird prefers to stay in the Morgue or can be found circling the Tower’s grounds. Occasionally it accompanies Zachary on missions and occasionally the Vulture simply up and disappears. Some claim it is a Messenger of Yishreenok. When asked what the bird is Zachary responds with “It is Vulture”. He never elaborates further.
Poisoner- Zachary has a morbid fascination with toxins, venom and poison. Many say it comes from his witch of a mother.
Wicked throw- Zachary has a knack with thrown weapons
Talon combat- Zachary has little martial arts training but he is animalistic when he is using his crow talon’s
Djinn strength- Due to Zachary’s father, even with his slight frame Zachary possess incredible strength for his size, approximately that of triple human at their pinnacle of fitness.
Alias/Nickname: The Croweater (Crow for short)

Age: 332
Race: Elder Sidhe/Shaitan
Rank: Paladin of Shadows
Zachary is a highly morbid individual with a sadistic streak as well as strange set of morals. For the most part Zachary is a rather social individual but the problem is that many when they find out that Zachary is the child of the Fae and one of the more questionable Djinn lineages it is often off putting. Zachary does a good job of keeping this hidden but it can be seen in his sick humor and morbid tastes.
Without knowing Zachary you can make many assumptions about what he should be like but he does have a strange set of virtues which make him a more or less agreeable individual in passing.
The Croweater was born to a Sidhe witch by the name of Gullvieg who served the Fae Lord known as The Erlking. Gullvieg took the Shairan Djinn by the name of Iblis as her mate. Their kind was born in shadow but with the beauty of the Fae he had been born to. When his father Iblis saw this he cursed the child Zachary to forever be fascinated with death.
When his mother heard Iblis do this she went immediately to take the child to the Erlking’s court but when she uncovered the cradle the child was gone and in its place a Fetch had been left. At first Gullvieg was perplexed as Fetches were left by Fae when they wished to cover their tracks in taking another races child. When she looked up from the cradle she saw a figure crouched on the hilltop outside of the house that Gullvieg had used to conceive the child with Iblis. The being had the head of a Vulture and it reached forth its beak and swallowed a murder of crows in a single gulp. At first Gullvieg feared that The Devourer had sent its avatar to steal her child but then the Vulture vomited forth a murder of crows made solely of their bones with their souls tacked to the inside of their rib cages.
It was at that moment that the Vulture creature disappear with her child Zachary that Gullvieg realized that Yishreenok the Keeper of the Dead had stolen her child.
Zachary grew up learning from Vulture. Vulture is a face of Yishreenok but Zachary never called it anything other than Vulture. Vulture taught Zachary how to use magic and how to fight, It taught Zachary to summon and bind the dead and how to deny the dead access to the other side of the veil.
When Zachary turned 100 Vulture set Zachary a test. If he could consume the hearts of a hundred crows then Zachary would be free to go and use his powers as he wished. If he failed then Zachary would agree to forever work as Vultures servant collecting the restless souls of the dead who had not crossed over.
A year and a day later Vulture came looking for Zachary whom he found feasting on the heart of a man. When Vulture asked Zachary if he had consumed the hearts of a hundred crows Zachary told him that he had just finished. Vulture inspected the body and informed Zachary that the man was infact a man and not a crow. Zachary smiled and shook his finger at Vulture before producing a skull. He told Vulture that he had trapped the souls of one hundred crows in the skull. When Vulture took the skull and released the souls he realized that Zachary had wiped out the descendents of a line of Stygian warriors known as Gorecrows. Fearsome warriors capable of withstanding incredible amounts of damage, possessing of superhuman strength and the power to transform into a murder of crows at will. Vulture returned the skull to Zachary and dubbed him “The Croweater” before he vanished leaving Zachary to find his way in the world at the tender age of 101 years old.
Reason for recruitment:
Zachary can talk to the dead, even dead that have passed into Yishreenok’s realm. A skill like this is rare even for necromancers of Yishreenok who are often granted incredible power by the God of the Dead. Zachary also has trouble fitting in with more normal guilds and groups as his fascination with death is often disturbing to others
Strength of Will: Greater
Necromancy- Zachary is a Necromancer of Yishreenok and serves the aspect of the Death god known as Vulture.
Zachary’s magics focus in two areas.
Blightcaller- The first is Decay magic which is often a sinister ugly magic which allows him to destroy organic matter in very painful manners. It is also good for inorganic material but it is often much slower.
Veilwalker- The second area is Spirit magic, Yishreenok has given Zachary over the souls of the restless dead and allows him to call and direct them at his whim. This magic also allows him to bind new souls to his skull.
The Crow Skull- Zachary’s Gorecrow skull gives him the ability to store dead souls and convert them to magic in order to fuel his spells. It also gives him enhanced strength and the ability to transform into a murder of crows however the crows are half decayed and reak of death. Of late The crows have begun to sport cybernetic implants and disconcerting red eyes.
Wild Magic-
Wyrdwarp- Zachary’s Fae lineage allows him to manipulate perceptions to a certain degree. Zachary can change the way others perceive him for a limited amount of time, this appearance can be project for as many individuals as Zachary wants or he can project it for just select individuals. It is not actually an illusion or an actual change of how Zachary looks, it is purely a change of how people perceive Zachary.
Faefire- Zachary can summon Faefire, which is a sinister type of force and illusion magic. The fire doesn’t actually burn like normal fire. Faefire only burns living creatures but it does not affect them physically, instead the fire burns the subject mentally. It is much easier to die to Faefire than normal fire because it appears to burn much hotter than normal fire, however if the victim can fight past the pain and appearance they will be rendered immune to the fire.
Darkbramble- Zachary can summon up whole hedges and rows of dangerous brambles and briars to hinder his foes. The thorns and spines of the Darkbrambles are razor sharp and when they cut a foe the cuts bleed profusely as the Darkbrambles thorns are coated in a contact anticoagulant. As soon as Zachary stops feeding them magic they wither and blow away as dust. If Zachary focuses on the Brambles he can direct them to attack his enemies but this requires almost total concentration.
Smoke and Shadow- Iblis only gift to Zachary was the Shaitan’s ability to turn his body into a humanoid formed cloud of smoke and ash. Zachary can only do this for a very short amount of time. When Zachary uses it, it is typically for infiltration or for running from a fight
God relations: Yishreenok is Zachary’s patron god and he is one of Yishreenok’s Necromancers. You will never find Zachary praying to Yishreenok, however you will find him talking to Vulture.
Neural implant- Zachary had a neural implant added so that he can communicate with other members of the tower of stars and receive broadcasts and all calls from the guild's leaders.
Crow Talons- A set of flexible metal strips which mirror the bones in his hands and end attached to his fingertips. When given a mental command the metal strips deploy a set of wicked talons which cover his fingers and allow him to climb and slash with them. Additionally the talons feature high density metal plates set flush to the top and bottom of Zachary’s wrist. The plates serve to black slashes to Zachary’s arms. The plates also serve as material which can be converted into hollow spines which Zachary can throw. The spines can be filled with various substances while they are being formed. Zachary simply dips the spine in one of his many vials and whatever substance is in the vial is drawn into the spine.
Cadaver lab- Zachary is the tower of Stars pathologist, he maintains their morgue, cadaver lab and autopsy room. He also performs death investigations for the Tower
Toxins- Zachary has a nasty collection of exotics venoms and toxins
Library- Zachary maintains an extensive library on the subjects of Yishreenok, the Fae, the Shaitan Djinn, anatomy, physiology, medicine and toxins outside of the Tower of Stars Library and Archive
Vulture- Zachary’s constant companion is a Vulture. Most of the time the bird prefers to stay in the Morgue or can be found circling the Tower’s grounds. Occasionally it accompanies Zachary on missions and occasionally the Vulture simply up and disappears. Some claim it is a Messenger of Yishreenok. When asked what the bird is Zachary responds with “It is Vulture”. He never elaborates further.
Poisoner- Zachary has a morbid fascination with toxins, venom and poison. Many say it comes from his witch of a mother.
Wicked throw- Zachary has a knack with thrown weapons
Talon combat- Zachary has little martial arts training but he is animalistic when he is using his crow talon’s
Djinn strength- Due to Zachary’s father, even with his slight frame Zachary possess incredible strength for his size, approximately that of triple human at their pinnacle of fitness.
Name: Megelis Altoris, Ex-Ranger Captain of The Korvan Striders
Alias/Nickname: N/A

Without the armor

Age: 150
Race: Human
Rank: Knight Exemplar
Megelis is a relatively easy going individual. While he is one of the guilds experienced Knights he is constantly respectful and kind to all of the guild's members regardless of their status. While Megelis can be strict when enforcing The Shard’s orders or guild laws, Megelis does his best to be a friend to everyone he can be.
Megelis showed up one day at the Tower of Stars at the age of 19. No one knew who he was but he claimed that he was the best swordsman in the eight provinces. Shard’s reaction was to enlist him on the spot without asking for a demonstration.
Megelis was not far from the swordsman he claimed to be. When he turned twenty-five Megelis was the youngest member to ever be recognized as a Knight Exemplar for solely his swordsmanship.
Something else extraordinary happened on Megelis 25th birthday, he stopped aging. No one has a clue what happened but Megelis is now 150 and has not aged a day since he turned Twenty Five. Most speculate that it is the work of Faros the time bender but no one seems to know for sure.
(Less well known)
Megelis was actually a Korvan Strider before he joined the Tower of Stars. Prior to his involvement with the tower he served as a paramilitary law enforcer known as a Strider. What Megelis actually did is less clear as even Ralrisk hasn’t been able to dig up Megelis record but it appeared to include black-ops against a Korvan terrorist group known as the Son’s of the blackened throne.
Inspection of Megelis power armor also reveals that it appears to be Redhawk (a special forces branch of the Korvan Strider company) power armor that has been significantly upgraded and customized. It lacks the original insignia which has been replaced by a Tower topped by a lightning bolt with a single blade across the background. The official seal of the Master of Blade, though the position is currently unoccupied
Ralrisk has confronted Megelis more than a few times about his past and he’s simply changed the topic every time much to her frustration. Much to many of the members surprise Christian appears to have no interest in Megelis past infact when his file is accessed by the Archive the file, unlike Ralrisk’s, is not restricted access. The file however contains little of note.
Reason for recruitment: Megelis claimed he was the best swordsman in Galendar so Christian recruited him.
Strength of Will: Potent
Wild Magic-
Antimagic blade- Megelis has very little magic of his own but he is a mage killer. Megelis can infuse his blades with the ability to cleave through magical protections and illusions causing the blades to fray protection magics and end illusions
Antimagic zone- Megelis digs one of his blades into the ground and causes an area around him to resist any form of magic being used within it. Magic can be used within the area but only channeled magic from items as the anti magic zone forces the normal ambient magic of an area out of the area preventing mages from using wild magic or from drawing on the magic of a god. Megelis can only maintain an antimagic zone by focusing on it
Antimagic armor- Megelis can cause his armor to resist incoming force magic causing the magic energy to be dispersed across the armor before being dissipated
Shatter enchantment- Megelis can channel a bolt of antimagic energy which when it contacts an enchantment, damages the enchantment.
God relations: Many speculate that Faros is Megelis’s patron and the reason why he doesn’t age however no one really knows.
Megelis wields a pair of tech blades that are composed of high strength alloys and integrate nanotechnology to help maintain the integrity of the blades. Additionally the nanobots can be deployed as a shield from the edges of the blade alloying Megelis to absorb incoming kinetic projectiles with the shield which re-purposes the projectile as raw material for the nanobots.
Power Armor: While Megelis lacks the strength of a more potent race he employs a set of power armor that is resistant to a variety of projectiles and melee weapons. The Armor also helps Megelis by increasing his run speed, endurance, jump height and general strength. The armor also integrates Megelis communications device and it can be sealed against airborne toxins, water and it is hardened against EMP and Radiation.
Beyond Megelis normal combat gear he has a collection of dated swords, armor and other tools of war from past ages.
Combat instructor: Megelis is one of the Tower of Stars resident combat instructors. He specializes in sword and knife combat.
Electrician: Megelis is constantly tinkering with his armor and gear and as a result has become quite proficient with wiring, insulation and all the necessary skills to become a decent electrician.
Navigator: Megelis has a thing for maps. No one is quite sure why but Megelis can and regularly does memorize maps. Infact he has a perfect memory when it comes to them. As a result of this and a capacity to visualize two dimensional representations as three dimensional objects, Megelis is a fantastic navigator.
Alias/Nickname: N/A

Without the armor

Age: 150
Race: Human
Rank: Knight Exemplar
Megelis is a relatively easy going individual. While he is one of the guilds experienced Knights he is constantly respectful and kind to all of the guild's members regardless of their status. While Megelis can be strict when enforcing The Shard’s orders or guild laws, Megelis does his best to be a friend to everyone he can be.
Megelis showed up one day at the Tower of Stars at the age of 19. No one knew who he was but he claimed that he was the best swordsman in the eight provinces. Shard’s reaction was to enlist him on the spot without asking for a demonstration.
Megelis was not far from the swordsman he claimed to be. When he turned twenty-five Megelis was the youngest member to ever be recognized as a Knight Exemplar for solely his swordsmanship.
Something else extraordinary happened on Megelis 25th birthday, he stopped aging. No one has a clue what happened but Megelis is now 150 and has not aged a day since he turned Twenty Five. Most speculate that it is the work of Faros the time bender but no one seems to know for sure.
(Less well known)
Megelis was actually a Korvan Strider before he joined the Tower of Stars. Prior to his involvement with the tower he served as a paramilitary law enforcer known as a Strider. What Megelis actually did is less clear as even Ralrisk hasn’t been able to dig up Megelis record but it appeared to include black-ops against a Korvan terrorist group known as the Son’s of the blackened throne.
Inspection of Megelis power armor also reveals that it appears to be Redhawk (a special forces branch of the Korvan Strider company) power armor that has been significantly upgraded and customized. It lacks the original insignia which has been replaced by a Tower topped by a lightning bolt with a single blade across the background. The official seal of the Master of Blade, though the position is currently unoccupied
Ralrisk has confronted Megelis more than a few times about his past and he’s simply changed the topic every time much to her frustration. Much to many of the members surprise Christian appears to have no interest in Megelis past infact when his file is accessed by the Archive the file, unlike Ralrisk’s, is not restricted access. The file however contains little of note.
Reason for recruitment: Megelis claimed he was the best swordsman in Galendar so Christian recruited him.
Strength of Will: Potent
Wild Magic-
Antimagic blade- Megelis has very little magic of his own but he is a mage killer. Megelis can infuse his blades with the ability to cleave through magical protections and illusions causing the blades to fray protection magics and end illusions
Antimagic zone- Megelis digs one of his blades into the ground and causes an area around him to resist any form of magic being used within it. Magic can be used within the area but only channeled magic from items as the anti magic zone forces the normal ambient magic of an area out of the area preventing mages from using wild magic or from drawing on the magic of a god. Megelis can only maintain an antimagic zone by focusing on it
Antimagic armor- Megelis can cause his armor to resist incoming force magic causing the magic energy to be dispersed across the armor before being dissipated
Shatter enchantment- Megelis can channel a bolt of antimagic energy which when it contacts an enchantment, damages the enchantment.
God relations: Many speculate that Faros is Megelis’s patron and the reason why he doesn’t age however no one really knows.
Megelis wields a pair of tech blades that are composed of high strength alloys and integrate nanotechnology to help maintain the integrity of the blades. Additionally the nanobots can be deployed as a shield from the edges of the blade alloying Megelis to absorb incoming kinetic projectiles with the shield which re-purposes the projectile as raw material for the nanobots.
Power Armor: While Megelis lacks the strength of a more potent race he employs a set of power armor that is resistant to a variety of projectiles and melee weapons. The Armor also helps Megelis by increasing his run speed, endurance, jump height and general strength. The armor also integrates Megelis communications device and it can be sealed against airborne toxins, water and it is hardened against EMP and Radiation.
Beyond Megelis normal combat gear he has a collection of dated swords, armor and other tools of war from past ages.
Combat instructor: Megelis is one of the Tower of Stars resident combat instructors. He specializes in sword and knife combat.
Electrician: Megelis is constantly tinkering with his armor and gear and as a result has become quite proficient with wiring, insulation and all the necessary skills to become a decent electrician.
Navigator: Megelis has a thing for maps. No one is quite sure why but Megelis can and regularly does memorize maps. Infact he has a perfect memory when it comes to them. As a result of this and a capacity to visualize two dimensional representations as three dimensional objects, Megelis is a fantastic navigator.