Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lillian - Courtyard

Lily laughed at the turquoise haired girl's reaction. Lily's laugh, much like her singing voice was full, sweet and haunting enough to raise the hairs on the back of most people's heads. Still she'd never batted an eye at those in her old life that had called her a freak or whispered about her having an eating disorder just loud enough to make sure she heard it. In her new life Lily didn't take any notice of those that found her odd or offputting. They were afterall the offspring of the gods, strange was just another day to them.

As Lily had expected from her observations the girl had a short temper. Which she made no effort to hide as she started cursing at the illusion Lily had created before her. As she'd expected the dead, even the gristled half decomposed dead did nothing to faze the girl with the mohawk. She was most definitely the daughter of an underworld god, possibly even Hades himself. Though the Lord of the Underworld was much less promiscuous than his eldest brother and often condemned Zeus for his constant fraternization with mortal women Hades himself had a fair number of demigods of his own walking the earth. Though he was at least a little more selective than Zeus.

Deciding it would be best to dispel her undead illusion before one of the other new students pointed out to the girl with the mohawk that their was nothing there she leaped from the wall. Angling downward as she fell to the ground Lily landed on her outstretch hands and propelling herself forward into a flip landed in a crouch facing the girl with the mohawk and the shadowy girl. She then swiftly reached out a hand and touched her illusionary doctor which then seemed to crumble into bones that sunk into the earth leaving nothing behind.

"Actually," Lily said with some measure of cordiality. "I was going for amusing with a side of sassy but I can take a run at scary if that interests you." she said this with a smile, poking the first years was usually a fair amount of fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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@DragonKingUk@Prince of Seraphs
Roxy hadn't dropped her knives since she was very young. In the world she grew up in you always had your weapons or you paid the price. She knew that she hadn't simply dropped them. Someone had caused her to drop them. Which meant someone was going to pay. First she had to figure out who the responsible party was. She narrowed her eyes and looked around.

She ignored the girl who she had approached. Who seemed to be more words than actions. As far as Roxy could tell the girl with the mohawk was mostly talk. She liked to sound tough but she just wanted attention. Roxy also ignored the undead thing that appeared. She didn't know if it was real or not but doubted it was a threat to her. The officials wouldn't allow them to actually hurt each other.

When a second girl appeared Roxy studied her. This one was a little taller than she was, which at barely five feet wasn't all that unusual, with long black hair. This was the creator of the undead which meant she wasn't a threat or the responsible party which meant it was someone else. The question was who that person was. Roxy was confident it was only a matter of time before she found them. "Sorry girls you'll have to excuse me. I have a magic user to hunt."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by avorio
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avorio dazed and confused

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Interactions: @Ayame

Bryn raised an eyebrow at Dmitri's apology and expression, thinking how honest he was. She thought she was right to not judge a book by it's cover, since his icy glare had vanished almost as quickly as it appeared. She couldn't help but look into his eyes, the blue of them holding her attention. Looking into them, it was almost as if Bryn could see the ocean itself. She blinked, realizing now she had been the one staring.

"I'm Bryn," She said, then brushed Amy's head off of her lap and stood up, much to the hound's displeasure. "Bryn Moreau," She paused, thinking for a moment. She had never really interacted with another Demi-God before, just humans. She wasn't sure if there was a right or wrong way to go about things. "Is this the part where we say who our godly parent is?" She asked, her tone somewhat joking, but still sincere.


Interactions: @Blackmist16

Soren flinched at the sound of something hitting the ground a few feet away, for the noise had snapped him out of his thoughts. He rested his hand on Pax's neck, "Stay here," He told the large griffin before walking towards where the sound came from. He brushed some light foliage out of his way as he walked to the entrance of the Academy. He looked around, not seeing anyone at first, then he finally looked down to see Aster laying on the ground. Soren bit his lip to keep from laughing, but couldn't contain his smile.

"You know," He began, walking over to Aster and reaching out his hand to help the other up. "I heard the ground here is enchanted, and that if you lay there for too long you'll become a tree," He said jokingly. Soren glanced over his shoulder when he heard more movement behind him. He let out a soft, exasperated sigh when he saw Pax's head poke out from the trees. He should have known she wouldn't stay put for long.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Aster Clement


Interactions: @avorio

Aster spat out some grass as the kid joked that if Aster lay there for a long time he'd become a tree which motivated him to try and get up, he shouldn't have ended his floating but that was then and this was now. "I'll make sure to remember that for future rerference," Aster said as he took the boys hand and got up with his help "Thanks uh?" Aster waited for the kid to clue in on implying for him to give Aster his name. "So what's your name?" Aster asked giving the boy an awkward smile as he swept his hair out of his eyes with a hand. "I'm Aster by the way and that's a nice griffin you have there!" Aster said as he noticed the griffin poking its head through the foliage.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Was flying though the forest when she came up to the mountain entrance she flew though it and continued on to the academy she was heading for the armory to resupply when she flew over the training area and saw another demigod training she could tell she was a skilled figure seeing her train put sky in the mood to spar she decided to put off visting the armory for now and landed in front of Victoria

Impressive skills but those training dummies Can't fight back, so why not spar with me instead and so we can do some real training"
@The One


Lisend to Sal but before he could say anything time began to reverse and this time instead of the the chains choking they danced in the air
"yeah that's definitely not normal and something ist quite right but i Can't put my finger on it"


Rose continued walking with Araluen and listened to the rest of her questions
"if you mean general battle i am better then most with the power to control earth and water i can handle most battles easily however if you mean wapons training hand to hand combat and archery i am not grat at it in all honestly i can fire off ice shards far faster then arrows with more accruacy and use the earth to defened myself so i have never really needed it"

Just as she stopped talking another demititan showed up and introduced himself Rose paused before responding to allow Araluen the chance to answer his question

"hi James i am Rose daughter of Demeter and another hunter of Artemis nice to meet you"

@Ayame @Weird Tales


Mordred wached as time reversed and saw Michael use his magic to change the effect of his spells although he still remembered everything being the demigod of magic had meny perks and the ability to see though most spells was one of them he walked over to Michael who was clearly tired from to meny spells
"so you Couldn't keep up with my speed so you hat go use time magic"
Mordred let out a small chuckle at Michael expense
@The One
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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James was at first impressed to see a child of Oceanus, but when Araluen told him that she was a hunter for Artemis he wrinkled his nose in a slightly repulsed manner. A demi-titan being a servant for an Olympian?! Where was this girl's pride? he thought to himself.

"How on Gaia''s earth did an Olympian allow you to join her hunters? Aren't you aware that they will probably become our enemies soon?" he asked her with a very serious tone to his voice. James did give Rose a simple nod when she introduced herself as a child of Demeter. He still couldn't really believe that a demi-titan would willingly work for an Olympian.

interactions: @PharaohAtem@Ayame


Gust was still mad at the prank that Mordred had pulled and it seemed that the demigod would probably try to do some more terrible mischief in the future, but for now Gust would need to focus on his schoolwork and training. He then heard a loud thud and followed to see what it was. It turned to be another student who Gust had guessed was also another flyer that had trouble with landing. The newcomer was with another student and Gust decided to go and say hello to the two boys. He walked up to them and gave a friendly wave.

"Hi. I see that you are also here to attend this school. I don't like school, but it seems like my dad wanted me to come here to learn more about my immortal heritage and control my powers. Anyway, the name's Gust Anderson. I'm a demi-titan son of Astraeus the titan of dusk" Gust said introducing himself with a playful bow.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Aster Clement


Interactions: @Weird Tales, @avorio

Before the other kid could introduce himself another boy appeared from the foliage, to Aster apparently newcomers got all the attention. The other boy introduced himself with a bow. "Another son of Astraeus?" Aster thought "That means we're half-brothers!" Aster smiled at Gust.

"I am Aster Clement also son of Astraeus titan of the dusk," Aster said "father of the stars and apparently also the father of us!" Aster smiled happily, he was at least joyful that there was another demi-titan who was related to him in some manner but it also kind of made him wonder if that made him related to almost everybody here. Aster looked to the other boy and bluntly asked "Now what's your name?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by avorio
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avorio dazed and confused

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Interactions: @Blackmist16 @Weird Tales

Soren felt a bit dazed for a moment, for things felt as though they were happening quickly. He looked at the other guy who had appeared and listened to the words he exchanged with the guy he had helped up. 'Two sons of Astraeus' He thought to himself, wondering if he had any half siblings himself. He shook his head, dismissing the idea. Though, it wasn't like he particularly wanted any.

"Ah," He blinked, realizing he was being spoken to. He smiled, "My name is Soren Carstairs, son of Gaia," He introduced himself, a small glimmer in his eyes. Pax fully emerged from the foliage behind Soren, walking forward to stand beside him. The griffin watched Aster and Gust warily, her head held up high. Pax had always been a very proud creature, and Soren figured she always would be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Gust was taking a bit by surprise when he heard Aster say that he too was a son of Astraeus, that meant they were half brothers.

"The only thing I know about our dad was that he gave birth to the four winds, which is probably why I can do this," Gust then made himself lift up into the air by manipulating the air currents to levitate his body. He stayed up for a moment before letting himself land gracefully on the ground.

"I can control the wind" he explained to them. He was surprised to learn that there was also a children of Gaia who was a goddess that predated even the titans.

"I didn't know Gaia could have children. You must have some really incredible powers" he said to Soren with a bit of curiosity in his voice.

interactions: @Blackmist16@avorio
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aster Clement


Interactions: @Weird Tales & @avorio

Aster wasn't completely impressed with his relative but he decided to conceal that "Impressive," Aster said with a simple nod, then he crossed his arms "You were gifted with the power of the winds but I was gifted with something different!" Aster said smirking a little, he was happy to show his powers and not conceal them.

Aster lifted a few inches off the ground and uncrossed his arms "I control the power of the stars," Aster said then in a brief flash of light a glowing sword of white appeared in his hands "I can also sort of control gravity but not exactly for long periods of time" Aster was baffled that the first people he met at Olympus were demi-titans but then when he found out that Soren was the son of Gaia he was taken aback.

"That is incredible," Aster said in amazement, Gust also seemed quite curious "You probably have powers that deeply connect you with the Earth I mean thats a given though right?" Aster said
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by avorio
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avorio dazed and confused

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Interactions: @Blackmist16 @Weird Tales

Soren watched the other two display their abilities, curious about how the two had inherited such different powers from the same parent. It made him wonder if he had a half sibling, if they would have different powers than him. He tucked his hair behind his ear when Gust's wind had blown it into his eyes. Pax had reared up when Aster's light shined, confused by it.

He looked at the other two when they turned their attention to him. He was used to the curiosity people had for him due to his mother. It just made him wish he had gotten to meet her. He nodded to Aster, "Yup," He said. Soren wasn't really one for displaying what he was capable of, for it made him feel like a target or a challenge. He gave a small smirk to the two others, "I guess you will just have to wait and see what I can do." He glanced around, unsure of what time it was, or where any of the teachers might be. "Do you guys know if there is somewhere we are supposed to go to? I'm not really sure what goes on here,"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aster Clement


Interactions: @avorio, and @Weird Tales

Soren seemed to not want to show off his powers for one reason or another but Aster wasn't going to continue on the subject if it bothered Soren. After Soren said that both Aster and Gust would have to see his powers later Aster simply nodded not showing his disappointment.

Aster shrugged in response to Soren's question "I was about to ask you that myself," Aster said "I've got no clue what to do next!" Aster said. Soren seemed like a nice kid, although reserved Aster liked him. Gust would be an entirely different story because Aster still didn't quite understand his half-brother. "This will be interesting" Aster thought.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Roxy had no idea how to find the responsible party. But she knew standing around wouldn't get the job done. She returned her knife to it's hiding spot. She doubted that weapons were allowed on campus but there was no way she was going to be unarmed. Never again. She had had a weapon on her since she was nine. She had learned that having them with her was important. While she was fast and well trained she was also small. And it didn't take much for a man to overpower her. She would not allow anyone to overpower her ever again. Which was why the person who had disarmed her had to pay. She scanned the area but saw no one that stood out to her. Finding the responsible party wouldn't be easy. Her only clue was the music she had heard. She slipped into the shadows and began looking for anyone with a musical instrument.
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