When your soul finds itself in the body of something not human, how will you strive to live? Maybe carve out a peaceful life, destroy the world, or surpass god; the choice is yours.

Once, you were a human. Maybe you were a businessman, a student on their way to school, or a thief who about to swipe a purse. Whatever you were, it doesn't matter now since you're dead.
As quickly as your soul was placed into darkness, about to enter eternal rest, it was pulled back out. It was probably startling. Light and sound accelerated, and your eyes crack open for the first time, but now in a new body.
Sadly, you're a goblin.
Born in a small, abandoned cave in a forest, lacking any knowledge of your geography, you are thrust into the world. While only a newborn, the instinct and basic abilities of your kind are ingrained into you. How to communicate, how to hunt, what you must do to survive, as well as some inherent information to your new world. This is your life, this is your mind. The memories of your previous life, your previous world, they exist but merely as a hazy dream with the conclusion forgotten. With time, sufficient experience and growth will open the option for you to evolve from a little goblin to a different branch of monster, but this will depend on your own ability.
Just one thing sets your batch of goblin juveniles apart from the rest of your kind. A single facet of your souls; a "skill" retained from your past life. Perhaps an affinity for a rare kind of magic, a propensity to lead, the knowledge of a language they you don't recall learning. Will this mistake in the cycle of reincarnation lend you the power to break past your limits, or will you simply fall like wild beasts to the onslaught of the world?
Welcome to the game, and do make it entertaining.