Didn't really know where else to put this so it is going here.
Howdy you beautiful bastards. This day has been a long time coming but it still feels strange. After a decade and some change, it is finally time that I hang up my hat and walk off into the sunset. Now I could spend this last post explaining my reasons or reminiscing or some shit. But frankly that is a bunch of bullcrap. Instead I'm going spend that time highlighting some individuals that have made the past couple years on the guild a wild and crazy ride, cause if I've learned anything in my time on the Guild it is that RPing isn't about telling the best story, it doesn't matter if you are a master of the written word or some bored teenager. In the end what it is about is having fun with cool people and this is just my way of saying thanks. And hey it's only fitting that I go out with one more stupidly long post
Myke I still hate you. Also, Myke I still love you in totally non-homoerotic fashion. Myke we've been in a lot of RPs together over our time some of them good, some of them not so good. Throughout all of it though you constantly impressed me from your writing ability, to your ability to figure out the entire logistical needs for imaginary armies, and by creating one of the most detailed and involved space-operas I have had the pleasure of fucking around with. It has been a pleasure 'doing the thing' with you.
And in the same ball house, I would also like to say thanks to @Whoami for being the best CO-GM in the history of CO-GMs.
Seuss, I got a confession to make way back on the Old Guild when I was a pleb underneath the banner of a different name and you were still a mod I was scared of you and all the advanced kids. Took me some time to figure out your just a cool dude and I'm a better RPer and better writer for it. You know your way around military jargon better than anyone else I know, and your RP ideas always manage to bring something new to the table.
The rest of the Spiritum Kids @Mercenary Lord@Draken@AlexStarsion@Mike73
I left and you fuckers came back. That wasn't something I was expecting and we were on a roll again until I had to leave again. For that I'm truly sorry and it isn't fair that I left on you folks twice. But I will say Spiritum for all its faults and all its problems was one of the most fun I've had writing for a RP. You guys showed dedication and persistence that is very rare and for that Iβm truly grateful. So thanks.
And while we are speaking of RPs I also have to say thanks to the final members of the Omega Serenade Team @DJAtomika@Dervish@McHaggis
You guys are the only ones that are left, but hey. It has been like two years so this is weird right? Omega Serande was much like Spiritum was cut short because you guys caught at the very end of my depressed alcoholic phase and the RP was part of that fall out. But I gotta say that RP was awesome and you guys were really awesome and honestly it really helped restore my confidence in my ability to GM again so uh thanks for that. You folks are the best vigilantes an asshole like me could ask for.
@Byrd Man
What is there to say except that you are one of the best writers I have ever had the privilege of knowing. You got style my man.
I'm still waiting on like five character sheets from you but that is okay because I still love you.
Everything you make is, by no exaggeration of the word, beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise girl.
We never got around to that Samurai RP and I suppose Chaurri and Nat will be stuck in the undercity forever but oh, well. Thank you for dealing with me. Thank you for listening to all my stupid pitches. Thank you for letting me vent to you so that I didn't strangle people. Thank you for all the undeserved praise on my rather lackluster writing style. And thank you for everything else. Despite popular opinion you're a pretty good person and an even better friend.
Myke I still hate you. Also, Myke I still love you in totally non-homoerotic fashion. Myke we've been in a lot of RPs together over our time some of them good, some of them not so good. Throughout all of it though you constantly impressed me from your writing ability, to your ability to figure out the entire logistical needs for imaginary armies, and by creating one of the most detailed and involved space-operas I have had the pleasure of fucking around with. It has been a pleasure 'doing the thing' with you.
And in the same ball house, I would also like to say thanks to @Whoami for being the best CO-GM in the history of CO-GMs.
Seuss, I got a confession to make way back on the Old Guild when I was a pleb underneath the banner of a different name and you were still a mod I was scared of you and all the advanced kids. Took me some time to figure out your just a cool dude and I'm a better RPer and better writer for it. You know your way around military jargon better than anyone else I know, and your RP ideas always manage to bring something new to the table.
The rest of the Spiritum Kids @Mercenary Lord@Draken@AlexStarsion@Mike73
I left and you fuckers came back. That wasn't something I was expecting and we were on a roll again until I had to leave again. For that I'm truly sorry and it isn't fair that I left on you folks twice. But I will say Spiritum for all its faults and all its problems was one of the most fun I've had writing for a RP. You guys showed dedication and persistence that is very rare and for that Iβm truly grateful. So thanks.
And while we are speaking of RPs I also have to say thanks to the final members of the Omega Serenade Team @DJAtomika@Dervish@McHaggis
You guys are the only ones that are left, but hey. It has been like two years so this is weird right? Omega Serande was much like Spiritum was cut short because you guys caught at the very end of my depressed alcoholic phase and the RP was part of that fall out. But I gotta say that RP was awesome and you guys were really awesome and honestly it really helped restore my confidence in my ability to GM again so uh thanks for that. You folks are the best vigilantes an asshole like me could ask for.
@Byrd Man
What is there to say except that you are one of the best writers I have ever had the privilege of knowing. You got style my man.
I'm still waiting on like five character sheets from you but that is okay because I still love you.
Everything you make is, by no exaggeration of the word, beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise girl.
We never got around to that Samurai RP and I suppose Chaurri and Nat will be stuck in the undercity forever but oh, well. Thank you for dealing with me. Thank you for listening to all my stupid pitches. Thank you for letting me vent to you so that I didn't strangle people. Thank you for all the undeserved praise on my rather lackluster writing style. And thank you for everything else. Despite popular opinion you're a pretty good person and an even better friend.
Well that's it folks. If I missed anybody now that I still think you are pretty swell. It has been fun. And with that I say Adieu.