Jikangai, Yūhi

【Full Name】
Jikangai, Yūhi
Sunset Rose
【Birth Country】
【Current Village】
Yūhi has been assigned to Iwagakure.
Jikangai Clan/Kyūseishu
【Shinobi Rank】
Jounin-Ranked Ninja
Yūhi is not quite the archetypical librarian and custodian of literature that one would expect, possessing the knowledge and the strict adherence to logic, but with none of the desire to be sequestered away from people. While he is no social butterfly, Yūhi loves to interact with people and educate them on topics that he possesses vast amounts of knowledge on. Yūhi firmly believes in Kinjiro's philosophy of "secrets kept are weapons wasted", and applies this philosophy to most of the esoteric knowledge that he has had the fortune to come across in his time working with Kinjiro.
Yūhi is driven most, perhaps, by a burning desire to know everything. When idle, his thoughts are consumed by the remainder of knowledge that he is yet to obtain, and thoughts of what he could do with knowledge that he does obtain. Thus, contrary to the majority of his kinsmen, Yūhi has a strong desire to travel the world to both obtain new knowledge and share his old knowledge, that people might elevate themselves to his level and beyond. Yūhi's passion for knowledge can burn cold, however, when individuals show either no desire to learn or no appreciation for the knowledge he has to offer - such individuals are beyond his help, he reasons, and often death is the easiest reprieve from the burden of their existence.
As a quasi-immortal, Yūhi values the individual lives of mortals markedly less that most people do. While he has not lived for so long that he has forgotten what it is to have the threat of mortality looming over one's shoulder, he has lived for long enough that he has ceased caring about what he views as petty trifles. Yūhi, even when in his element of sharing knowledge, can come across as cold and sarcastic. He may seem unfeeling or unsympathetic, bordering on completely lacking empathy, but reasons to himself that logic and knowledge are far kinder masters to live under and expects other to obey the rules that he does. Fortunately, many who do not share in his mindset who are particularly vocal about it do not have the privilege of having transcended mortality as he has and are relatively easy to dispatch should disagreements turn to blows. Yūhi has served in an advisory position for a great deal of his extended life, and his passion for sharing knowledge gives him somewhat of a soft spot for those that seek his guidance and listen to him, even if that soft spot is coated in barbs. Yūhi can come across easily as being irreverent and cold, detached from his humanity, but he does harbour a genuine desire to both help people learn and help them advance - even if those desires are not put to use in ways that are typically construed as being positive.
【Chakra Nature(s)】
Fūton [Primary], Suiton [Secondary]
【Other Specialties】
Yūhi has an average chakra pool, but incredibly high chakra control (to the point of wasting no chakra when he uses abilities he is practiced with).
Yūhi is a master calligraphist, and has studied the various arts for many years. He is, accordingly, extremely adept at forgeries and all things related to writing.
Yūhi is well-versed in an incredible amount of literature, being the co-ordinator of Jikangai, Kinjiro’s personal library and research collection.
Yūhi is biologically immortal, having received Jikangai, Kinjiro’s “Gift of Immortality”. He is immune to all diseases, bacterial and viral infections, and poisons. He cannot die of old age.
The Jikangai clan's origins begin with the matriarch and eternal leader of the clan, Yata, who was born into a wealthy family in a time where chakra was yet to grace the land. Yata's early history is unknown to anyone but herself, but there are a few established facts that the Jikangai are privy to: Yata was among the first to receive the gift of chakra, and in her blood were the secrets to the first sealing techniques. Yata became the first to utilise the nature of the seal to manipulate chakra in ways that could not be achieved within the body, and her rise to power was as swift as it was lethal. Yata later discovered that her sealing techniques were potent enough to affect the flow of time within small areas, and developed this power over many years alone. At some point, Yata gave birth to her first child, Kinjiro, with an unknown father who was on a similar or greater level of power to her, and Kinjiro was born with all of Yata's power except that over time, though she was the first Jikangai known to possess the trait of being "outside time", likely a result of Yata's experimentation with temporal energies.
The earliest members of the Jikangai were not selectively bred or taught like many of the earliest coalitions of clans. Initially, to gain entry to the Jikangai one only needed to be a powerful male (in order to create children from Yata's side to pass her potent sealing power down) or to have an interest in the sealing techniques that Yata offered. Coalitions of like-minded people that were not required to possess specific traits were initially rare, so the earliest Jikangai groupings were not as powerful as many of the other fledgling clans, but as the requirements to join were so simple, many chose to partake of the power that Yata offered. War was common in the early days as people discovered the limitations of their newfound power, but the Jikangai chose to weave seals within their architecture that offered them highly fortified and defensive positions through which to avoid battle. The legendary safety of their strongholds resulted in those tired of war defecting to join the Jikangai, and after a few short decades the Jikangai had members of almost every discipline that presently existed and the means to research many more.
When Yata's first child, Kinjiro, turned thirty two she achieved the secrets of immortality and shared these with her mother, causing the pair to become biologically immortal for a time. This secret gave the matriarch of the Jikangai clan enough time to perfect the seals that would render her truly immortal and cement her eternal reign over the Jikangai. It was also around this time that Kinjiro disappeared from the annals of the Jikangai, taking with her several of the more medically minded individuals of the time with her, and the clan turned from essentially worshipping its most powerful members (those who had most of Yata's blood) to a more expansion-oriented people, using their collective knowledge and sealing prowess to become conquerors. The seal-infused architecture typical of the early Jikangai strongholds became as much a weapon of war as the rest of the techniques within the Jikangai's grasp and they reconstructed many settlements that they took over with their own to ensure that none that came after them could take the land should they be ousted, and other contingents of the Jikangai could take their place.
The love for complex sealing and structures quickly became the largest downfall of the Jikangai, and their promising expansion years were cut short after only a small number of generations due to infighting within the clan, and their own seal-infused architecture being sabotaged by rival members within the power-oriented clan. Many of the less powerful members died during raids from other sects within the Jikangai, or through the defences upon which they heavily relied being rendered defunct and invading parties having enough of a surprise advantage to turn the tide of battle in their favour. The most powerful of the Jikangai survived and chose to withdraw into the heavily fortified structures that they had relied upon in their infancy, abandoning hopes of conquest for mastery over their sealing techniques under Yata's directive.
Yata, the Immortal Matriarch, directed the clan's efforts towards creating a set of seals of unknown form and function shortly after their withdrawal from their expansive phase, and at some point within the next ten years all instances of the Jikangai on the surface world promptly vanished and retreated into a single underground compound. Much controversy was raised over the reason for the disappearance of any large body of Jikangai, but several missionaries remained in the world to quell these rumours and to recruit promising talents into the folds of the Jikangai. Though it would seem, from looking at the history books, that the Jikangai simply erased themselves from the world, nothing could be farther from the truth.
After withdrawing to their underground compound, the Jikangai returned to their original state of pseudo-ancestor worship. Yata once again became the ultimate public authority within the clan (where before she had largely ruled from the shadows) and once the seals she had ordered the clan create were finished, she ascended beyond the mortal scope of power. With her new seals, Yata's presence was dangerous to all non-Jikangai, and though there was no immediate aftermath, the clan grew worried that her unchecked power would draw attention to their hiding location and chose to construct a sphere in which to entrap their Immortal Matriarch and limit her power. Yata herself designed the seals for her gilded cage, recognising the threat that she posed, and willingly withdrew to lead the clan from within a place that she could do no harm. Unfortunately, Yata's prison limited the contact that she could have with her children, and she receded from the spotlight once more to allow the Jikangai to work towards goals she would entrust to the most powerful members of the clan.
It was at this point that the various sects of the Jikangai begun to develop, each with a focus on a particular aspect of sealing, and the clan begun to evolve into the complex society that it is today. In order to avoid stagnancy, the Jikangai offered the secrets of their seals to the world for knowledge and resources that they may have needed through use of their missionaries, who in return recruited brilliant individuals to join the clan. This process has continued since that era, and is still something that occurs semi-regularly within the Jikangai. It is not uncommon for the most powerful members of the Jikangai (those selected to receive Kinjiro's gift of immortality) to directly intervene with mortals of specific interest and prowess to offer them unique gifts in return for their service. Some would liken the Jikangai to would-be Gods, undying beings with a penchant for interfering within the lives of perceived lesser beings for their amusement, but the truth of the matter is far simpler than that: The Jikangai scions are mortal ambition taken to its furthest extreme, with the power to match, and delight in precisely the same game of control that all mortals do, only on a larger scale.
Jikangai, Yūhi is among the earliest of the so-called "Immortal Scions" of the Jikangai clan, having been selected to join their ranks at an early age when his extreme talent showed through. Yūhi's early life was fairly common among that of the early Jikangai with the exception that as a male, he was not given the same level of prestige and importance as females as he was unable to guarantee true Jikangai children. This led to Yūhi growing up with an intense drive to prove to his superiors - namely Kinjiro, Yata, and Tensai - that he was able to compete with the champions of the Jikangai.
Yūhi was born in the fourth generation of the Jikangai clan, and was (alongside Tensai) one of the extremely rare cases of early Jikangai males being born with the full potency of the Chigoku Inkan from a non-Jikangai mother. Yūhi was raised alongside the most promising of the Jikangai at the time, even having been directly tutored by Yata and Kinjiro regarding some of the most complex of the sealing techniques the early clan had devised. Still, as a male, Yūhi was not afforded the same luxuries that the early females of the clan were and rather than seek his fortunes elsewhere, he strove to compete with the best of the clan as his grandfather Tensai had done, and to join him in the ranks of the then-legendary Immortal Scions.
Yūhi's particular talents were new to the early Jikangai, being rooted in the discipline of paper and the storage of knowledge outside of conventional mediums. This made him a particularly prized asset, despite the misfortune of his sex, and from the young age of fourteen he had already made such advancements in the field of writing and containing powerful seals within paper that he was approached by Yata with an offer. Yata would craft for him an item of exceptional power, something to set him far above his peers, if he swore himself to her for an eternity. At this point in the clan's history, Yata was not as supremely powerful as she later grew to be, but Yūhi was not easily swayed by her promises of power after the treatment he had received for having been male. He kindly refused, aware of the consequences of such an action, but rather than being excommunicated (or worse), Yata offered to create for him an artefact regardless of his affiliations if he could produce a female heir to carry on his potent blood.
This proved an issue for the young Jikangai, who was exclusively interested in the company of other men, but his desire to bring glory to his clan was such that he attempted to provide Yata with a worthy heir. Unfortunately, this did not happen as planned, and Yūhi was left with but one other option - he turned to Kinjiro before her disappearance, and beseeched of her a way to provide Yata with what she desired to bring glory to the clan. Kinjiro offered him a bargain, though to his surprise one far more palatable than the Immortal Matriarch had offered: If Yūhi swore fealty to her and joined her in researching the secrets of Fūinjutsu she would grant him a child and immortality, with no consequences for him leaving after he had worked under her for at least a hundred years. Yūhi accepted, and through Kinjiro's early mastery of genetics was able to conceive a child with a surrogate mother. The child was female, and Kinjiro confirmed for Yata that the child had the potency of Chigoku Inkan desired in the female line.
Following this, Yūhi was asked to bring a single item of power to Yata with a single wish and she would craft for him an artefact of immense power, as agreed. For many days and nights Yūhi pondered what to ask of Yata, before deciding that he would simply ask for whatever first entered his head as she asked the question. As he came face to face with her, and she asked what he would like crafting, he simply handed her a paperweight and asked her to do with it whatever she felt would most benefit the Jikangai. Yata created from the paperweight a cube holding the secrets to the most fiendishly complex of the Jikangai's seals, able to modify and transmute lesser seals, and work with Yūhi's specialty of paper, and sent him on his way. Immediately afterwards, he relocated to Kinjiro's laboratory to uphold that end of his bargain.
Many years came and went, and Yūhi excelled in his position as lore master and chronicler for Kinjiro's scientific community. After his hundred years of service were over, he decided to stay in the service of Kinjiro, having grown to appreciate her extraordinary talent and love for the Jikangai - and offered the use of his artefact should it prove useful. Useful it proved, as Kinjiro unlocked several of Yata's secrets with it, and sent Yūhi to the surface world in order to act as a personal missionary. Yūhi will likely return to the laboratory when there is more research to be chronicled or more papers to organise - but until then he is a trusted set of eyes and ears on the surface world, ready to report back to Kinjiro should it become necessary.
With the advent of the Kyūseishu, Yūhi dropped all pretense and joined immediately alongside Kinjiro, being one of only two Jikangai allowed in the organisation. Briefed by Kyoko and given Kinjiro’s blessing, Yūhi felt he could best serve the Jikangai by being the diplomatic link to Iwagakure. He offered the empire his services, and has advised them in strategy and economics for many years.
Yūhi, strangely, found an odd kinship with Yōseki and Kanashi. The three of them had an innate drive that, when combined, proved to be monstrously effective both on and off of the battlefield – and it is with this in mind that Yūhi elected to stay for more than his originally planned tenure. Neither Kinjiro nor Kyoko minded, as he continued to provide updates on the state of Iwagakure – but as he was not a spy of any kind, refused to reveal anything beyond what was legally mandated by the Three Nations Accord… Though his loyalty to Kinjiro is such that any request she thought to ask of him he would perform – fortunately, she has not asked for anything other than the level of information he is legally required to provide as a member of the Kyūseishu.
Yūhi carries with him, at all times:
100,000 Explosive Tags, sealed into a scroll
100,000 Sheets of Paper, sealed into a scroll
1,000 Bottles of Ink and Quills, sealed into a scroll
25 Kunai, each marked with a Kyōsei Keiyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu seal
20 Metal Shuriken, each marked with the generic sealing technique to contain 15 paper shuriken.
A scroll containing copies of the entire works of his library in Kinjiro’s Laboratory that requires a primer seal created by the Chigoku Inkan to open. The entire contents can be destroyed is a different primer seal is applied.
【Kekkei Genkai】
【Canon Jutsu】
Shikigami no Mai
Kami Bunshin
Kami no Shisha no Jutsu
Kami Shuriken
Fūinjutsu: Shishi
Ura Shishō
Gofū Kekkai - Can be used with up to 10
‘Kin’ tags.
Kyōmen Shūja no
Konshin Betsuri no Jutsu
Fūton: Reppūshō
Fūton: Kazekiri no Jutsu
Fūton: Atsugai
Fūton: Shinkūjin – Extremely potent with Paper Shuriken
【Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Saiketsu Fū [Blood Drawing Seal]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: D
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A simple seal that is connected to the user’s bloodstream. Activation of the seal allows for enough blood for a summoning to be performed without causing a break in the skin.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Kami no Inshō [Verbatim Sealing: Heavenly Paper Impression]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu/Fūinjutsu
Rank: A
Range: 100 Feet
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Using the Yata no Kesan, Yūhi may exert his bloodline onto any piece of paper as long as it is within 100 feet of him, allowing him to mark it with a kanji that causes an appropriate effect.
Weakness: Shares the same weaknesses as the Chigoku Inkan.
Name of Technique: Chigoku Inkan: Kami no Sakura [Verbatim Sealing: Divine Blossom]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A simple seal that stores another completed jutsu inside it. When activated at the user’s will, the technique is immediately released from the seal.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Idōsō no Fū [Never Move Seal]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A complex seal that must be drawn onto a solid surface before it can be used (Takes sixty seconds to write). Upon touching a person, the seal activates after a delay of one second and the opponent’s muscles in their somatic nervous system forcibly contract, leaving them completely unable to move. Additional applications within twenty four hours of the application of the seal do not work.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Yūhi ga Jōshō [Sunset Rose]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: S
Range: Within the 188 “Jōshō” tags.
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A very powerful sealing technique, requiring 188 tags be placed around whatever is to be sealed. Anything, of any size, can be sealed within this technique. Upon placing all 188 tags and forming a Snake handseal, the user seals whatever was in the tags into a large scroll folded to look like an origami Rose.
Weakness: The number of tags that must be kept in place for the technique to function is very large, and the technique requires 65% of Yūhi’s maximum chakra to function, in addition to the chakra embedded into the 188 seals.
Name of Technique: Chigoku Inkan: Yasakani no Magatama [Verbatim Sealing: Yasakani no Magatama]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: S
Range: 100 feet
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: The Chigoku Inkan: Yasakani no Magatama allows Yūhi to copy jutsu that he has identified with the Yata no Kesan, regardless of the requirements necessary to use the jutsu. The Yata no Kesan creates seals internally to mimic the chakra pattern necessary to complete the jutsu as well as give it form, and can either perform the jutsu directly or place them into a Chigoku Inkan: Kami no Sakura. Doujutsu techniques cannot be copied by the Yasakani no Magatama, and all techniques copied by it cost 10% additional chakra in order to compensate for the seals required to perform the technique.
Name of Technique: Yata no Kesan: Kami no Kin’yu [Yata’s Paperweight: Divine Embargo]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: S
Range: 1 mile
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: The Yata no Kesan: Kami no Kin’yu allows the bearer of the Yata no Kesan to prevent all usage of a specific technique within a mile radius of the cube. In order to do this, the Yata no Kesan must first have knowledge of the technique stored within it, and the technique must be able to be converted to a seal. The Yata no Kesan places a seal over the seal representing the technique, which will prevent all chakra from being moulded into said technique within the mile radius, but will suspend all other functions of the Yata no Kesan until Kami no Kin’yu is cancelled. This does not apply to Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Kami no Inshō.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Jiryoku no Fū [Seal of Attraction]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Yūhi has tattooed this seal onto his left palm. When he focuses his chakra into it, it glows with a faint blue colour and the next object Yūhi touches with his left hand will be attracted to the seal on his palm. It is also able to attract chakra, but not Yūhi’s chakra or chakra in another person’s body. He is able to leave an imprint of this seal on anything he touches with his left palm. The imprint will be attracted to the Sekiryoku no Fū. Yūhi can also place these seals on other people or objects, and can use it with his Yata no Kesan or Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Kami no Inshō.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Sekiryoku no Fū [Seal of Repulsion]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Yūhi has tattooed this seal onto his right palm. When he focuses his chakra into it, it glows with a faint red colour and the next object Yūhi touches with his right hand will be repelled by the seal on his right hand. It is also able to repel chakra, but not Yūhi’s chakra or the chakra in another person’s body. He is able to leave an imprint of this seal on anything he touches with his right palm. The imprint will be attracted to the Jiryoku no Fū. Yūhi can also place these seals on other people or objects, and can use it with his Yata no Kesan or Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Kami no Inshō.
Weakness: N/A

【Full Name】
Jikangai, Yūhi
Sunset Rose
【Birth Country】
【Current Village】
Yūhi has been assigned to Iwagakure.
Jikangai Clan/Kyūseishu
【Shinobi Rank】
Jounin-Ranked Ninja
Yūhi is not quite the archetypical librarian and custodian of literature that one would expect, possessing the knowledge and the strict adherence to logic, but with none of the desire to be sequestered away from people. While he is no social butterfly, Yūhi loves to interact with people and educate them on topics that he possesses vast amounts of knowledge on. Yūhi firmly believes in Kinjiro's philosophy of "secrets kept are weapons wasted", and applies this philosophy to most of the esoteric knowledge that he has had the fortune to come across in his time working with Kinjiro.
Yūhi is driven most, perhaps, by a burning desire to know everything. When idle, his thoughts are consumed by the remainder of knowledge that he is yet to obtain, and thoughts of what he could do with knowledge that he does obtain. Thus, contrary to the majority of his kinsmen, Yūhi has a strong desire to travel the world to both obtain new knowledge and share his old knowledge, that people might elevate themselves to his level and beyond. Yūhi's passion for knowledge can burn cold, however, when individuals show either no desire to learn or no appreciation for the knowledge he has to offer - such individuals are beyond his help, he reasons, and often death is the easiest reprieve from the burden of their existence.
As a quasi-immortal, Yūhi values the individual lives of mortals markedly less that most people do. While he has not lived for so long that he has forgotten what it is to have the threat of mortality looming over one's shoulder, he has lived for long enough that he has ceased caring about what he views as petty trifles. Yūhi, even when in his element of sharing knowledge, can come across as cold and sarcastic. He may seem unfeeling or unsympathetic, bordering on completely lacking empathy, but reasons to himself that logic and knowledge are far kinder masters to live under and expects other to obey the rules that he does. Fortunately, many who do not share in his mindset who are particularly vocal about it do not have the privilege of having transcended mortality as he has and are relatively easy to dispatch should disagreements turn to blows. Yūhi has served in an advisory position for a great deal of his extended life, and his passion for sharing knowledge gives him somewhat of a soft spot for those that seek his guidance and listen to him, even if that soft spot is coated in barbs. Yūhi can come across easily as being irreverent and cold, detached from his humanity, but he does harbour a genuine desire to both help people learn and help them advance - even if those desires are not put to use in ways that are typically construed as being positive.
【Chakra Nature(s)】
Fūton [Primary], Suiton [Secondary]
【Other Specialties】
Yūhi has an average chakra pool, but incredibly high chakra control (to the point of wasting no chakra when he uses abilities he is practiced with).
Yūhi is a master calligraphist, and has studied the various arts for many years. He is, accordingly, extremely adept at forgeries and all things related to writing.
Yūhi is well-versed in an incredible amount of literature, being the co-ordinator of Jikangai, Kinjiro’s personal library and research collection.
Yūhi is biologically immortal, having received Jikangai, Kinjiro’s “Gift of Immortality”. He is immune to all diseases, bacterial and viral infections, and poisons. He cannot die of old age.
The Jikangai clan's origins begin with the matriarch and eternal leader of the clan, Yata, who was born into a wealthy family in a time where chakra was yet to grace the land. Yata's early history is unknown to anyone but herself, but there are a few established facts that the Jikangai are privy to: Yata was among the first to receive the gift of chakra, and in her blood were the secrets to the first sealing techniques. Yata became the first to utilise the nature of the seal to manipulate chakra in ways that could not be achieved within the body, and her rise to power was as swift as it was lethal. Yata later discovered that her sealing techniques were potent enough to affect the flow of time within small areas, and developed this power over many years alone. At some point, Yata gave birth to her first child, Kinjiro, with an unknown father who was on a similar or greater level of power to her, and Kinjiro was born with all of Yata's power except that over time, though she was the first Jikangai known to possess the trait of being "outside time", likely a result of Yata's experimentation with temporal energies.
The earliest members of the Jikangai were not selectively bred or taught like many of the earliest coalitions of clans. Initially, to gain entry to the Jikangai one only needed to be a powerful male (in order to create children from Yata's side to pass her potent sealing power down) or to have an interest in the sealing techniques that Yata offered. Coalitions of like-minded people that were not required to possess specific traits were initially rare, so the earliest Jikangai groupings were not as powerful as many of the other fledgling clans, but as the requirements to join were so simple, many chose to partake of the power that Yata offered. War was common in the early days as people discovered the limitations of their newfound power, but the Jikangai chose to weave seals within their architecture that offered them highly fortified and defensive positions through which to avoid battle. The legendary safety of their strongholds resulted in those tired of war defecting to join the Jikangai, and after a few short decades the Jikangai had members of almost every discipline that presently existed and the means to research many more.
When Yata's first child, Kinjiro, turned thirty two she achieved the secrets of immortality and shared these with her mother, causing the pair to become biologically immortal for a time. This secret gave the matriarch of the Jikangai clan enough time to perfect the seals that would render her truly immortal and cement her eternal reign over the Jikangai. It was also around this time that Kinjiro disappeared from the annals of the Jikangai, taking with her several of the more medically minded individuals of the time with her, and the clan turned from essentially worshipping its most powerful members (those who had most of Yata's blood) to a more expansion-oriented people, using their collective knowledge and sealing prowess to become conquerors. The seal-infused architecture typical of the early Jikangai strongholds became as much a weapon of war as the rest of the techniques within the Jikangai's grasp and they reconstructed many settlements that they took over with their own to ensure that none that came after them could take the land should they be ousted, and other contingents of the Jikangai could take their place.
The love for complex sealing and structures quickly became the largest downfall of the Jikangai, and their promising expansion years were cut short after only a small number of generations due to infighting within the clan, and their own seal-infused architecture being sabotaged by rival members within the power-oriented clan. Many of the less powerful members died during raids from other sects within the Jikangai, or through the defences upon which they heavily relied being rendered defunct and invading parties having enough of a surprise advantage to turn the tide of battle in their favour. The most powerful of the Jikangai survived and chose to withdraw into the heavily fortified structures that they had relied upon in their infancy, abandoning hopes of conquest for mastery over their sealing techniques under Yata's directive.
Yata, the Immortal Matriarch, directed the clan's efforts towards creating a set of seals of unknown form and function shortly after their withdrawal from their expansive phase, and at some point within the next ten years all instances of the Jikangai on the surface world promptly vanished and retreated into a single underground compound. Much controversy was raised over the reason for the disappearance of any large body of Jikangai, but several missionaries remained in the world to quell these rumours and to recruit promising talents into the folds of the Jikangai. Though it would seem, from looking at the history books, that the Jikangai simply erased themselves from the world, nothing could be farther from the truth.
After withdrawing to their underground compound, the Jikangai returned to their original state of pseudo-ancestor worship. Yata once again became the ultimate public authority within the clan (where before she had largely ruled from the shadows) and once the seals she had ordered the clan create were finished, she ascended beyond the mortal scope of power. With her new seals, Yata's presence was dangerous to all non-Jikangai, and though there was no immediate aftermath, the clan grew worried that her unchecked power would draw attention to their hiding location and chose to construct a sphere in which to entrap their Immortal Matriarch and limit her power. Yata herself designed the seals for her gilded cage, recognising the threat that she posed, and willingly withdrew to lead the clan from within a place that she could do no harm. Unfortunately, Yata's prison limited the contact that she could have with her children, and she receded from the spotlight once more to allow the Jikangai to work towards goals she would entrust to the most powerful members of the clan.
It was at this point that the various sects of the Jikangai begun to develop, each with a focus on a particular aspect of sealing, and the clan begun to evolve into the complex society that it is today. In order to avoid stagnancy, the Jikangai offered the secrets of their seals to the world for knowledge and resources that they may have needed through use of their missionaries, who in return recruited brilliant individuals to join the clan. This process has continued since that era, and is still something that occurs semi-regularly within the Jikangai. It is not uncommon for the most powerful members of the Jikangai (those selected to receive Kinjiro's gift of immortality) to directly intervene with mortals of specific interest and prowess to offer them unique gifts in return for their service. Some would liken the Jikangai to would-be Gods, undying beings with a penchant for interfering within the lives of perceived lesser beings for their amusement, but the truth of the matter is far simpler than that: The Jikangai scions are mortal ambition taken to its furthest extreme, with the power to match, and delight in precisely the same game of control that all mortals do, only on a larger scale.
Jikangai, Yūhi is among the earliest of the so-called "Immortal Scions" of the Jikangai clan, having been selected to join their ranks at an early age when his extreme talent showed through. Yūhi's early life was fairly common among that of the early Jikangai with the exception that as a male, he was not given the same level of prestige and importance as females as he was unable to guarantee true Jikangai children. This led to Yūhi growing up with an intense drive to prove to his superiors - namely Kinjiro, Yata, and Tensai - that he was able to compete with the champions of the Jikangai.
Yūhi was born in the fourth generation of the Jikangai clan, and was (alongside Tensai) one of the extremely rare cases of early Jikangai males being born with the full potency of the Chigoku Inkan from a non-Jikangai mother. Yūhi was raised alongside the most promising of the Jikangai at the time, even having been directly tutored by Yata and Kinjiro regarding some of the most complex of the sealing techniques the early clan had devised. Still, as a male, Yūhi was not afforded the same luxuries that the early females of the clan were and rather than seek his fortunes elsewhere, he strove to compete with the best of the clan as his grandfather Tensai had done, and to join him in the ranks of the then-legendary Immortal Scions.
Yūhi's particular talents were new to the early Jikangai, being rooted in the discipline of paper and the storage of knowledge outside of conventional mediums. This made him a particularly prized asset, despite the misfortune of his sex, and from the young age of fourteen he had already made such advancements in the field of writing and containing powerful seals within paper that he was approached by Yata with an offer. Yata would craft for him an item of exceptional power, something to set him far above his peers, if he swore himself to her for an eternity. At this point in the clan's history, Yata was not as supremely powerful as she later grew to be, but Yūhi was not easily swayed by her promises of power after the treatment he had received for having been male. He kindly refused, aware of the consequences of such an action, but rather than being excommunicated (or worse), Yata offered to create for him an artefact regardless of his affiliations if he could produce a female heir to carry on his potent blood.
This proved an issue for the young Jikangai, who was exclusively interested in the company of other men, but his desire to bring glory to his clan was such that he attempted to provide Yata with a worthy heir. Unfortunately, this did not happen as planned, and Yūhi was left with but one other option - he turned to Kinjiro before her disappearance, and beseeched of her a way to provide Yata with what she desired to bring glory to the clan. Kinjiro offered him a bargain, though to his surprise one far more palatable than the Immortal Matriarch had offered: If Yūhi swore fealty to her and joined her in researching the secrets of Fūinjutsu she would grant him a child and immortality, with no consequences for him leaving after he had worked under her for at least a hundred years. Yūhi accepted, and through Kinjiro's early mastery of genetics was able to conceive a child with a surrogate mother. The child was female, and Kinjiro confirmed for Yata that the child had the potency of Chigoku Inkan desired in the female line.
Following this, Yūhi was asked to bring a single item of power to Yata with a single wish and she would craft for him an artefact of immense power, as agreed. For many days and nights Yūhi pondered what to ask of Yata, before deciding that he would simply ask for whatever first entered his head as she asked the question. As he came face to face with her, and she asked what he would like crafting, he simply handed her a paperweight and asked her to do with it whatever she felt would most benefit the Jikangai. Yata created from the paperweight a cube holding the secrets to the most fiendishly complex of the Jikangai's seals, able to modify and transmute lesser seals, and work with Yūhi's specialty of paper, and sent him on his way. Immediately afterwards, he relocated to Kinjiro's laboratory to uphold that end of his bargain.
Many years came and went, and Yūhi excelled in his position as lore master and chronicler for Kinjiro's scientific community. After his hundred years of service were over, he decided to stay in the service of Kinjiro, having grown to appreciate her extraordinary talent and love for the Jikangai - and offered the use of his artefact should it prove useful. Useful it proved, as Kinjiro unlocked several of Yata's secrets with it, and sent Yūhi to the surface world in order to act as a personal missionary. Yūhi will likely return to the laboratory when there is more research to be chronicled or more papers to organise - but until then he is a trusted set of eyes and ears on the surface world, ready to report back to Kinjiro should it become necessary.
With the advent of the Kyūseishu, Yūhi dropped all pretense and joined immediately alongside Kinjiro, being one of only two Jikangai allowed in the organisation. Briefed by Kyoko and given Kinjiro’s blessing, Yūhi felt he could best serve the Jikangai by being the diplomatic link to Iwagakure. He offered the empire his services, and has advised them in strategy and economics for many years.
Yūhi, strangely, found an odd kinship with Yōseki and Kanashi. The three of them had an innate drive that, when combined, proved to be monstrously effective both on and off of the battlefield – and it is with this in mind that Yūhi elected to stay for more than his originally planned tenure. Neither Kinjiro nor Kyoko minded, as he continued to provide updates on the state of Iwagakure – but as he was not a spy of any kind, refused to reveal anything beyond what was legally mandated by the Three Nations Accord… Though his loyalty to Kinjiro is such that any request she thought to ask of him he would perform – fortunately, she has not asked for anything other than the level of information he is legally required to provide as a member of the Kyūseishu.
Yūhi carries with him, at all times:
100,000 Explosive Tags, sealed into a scroll
100,000 Sheets of Paper, sealed into a scroll
1,000 Bottles of Ink and Quills, sealed into a scroll
25 Kunai, each marked with a Kyōsei Keiyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu seal
20 Metal Shuriken, each marked with the generic sealing technique to contain 15 paper shuriken.
A scroll containing copies of the entire works of his library in Kinjiro’s Laboratory that requires a primer seal created by the Chigoku Inkan to open. The entire contents can be destroyed is a different primer seal is applied.
Name of Weapon or Item: Yata no Kesan (Yata’s Paperweight)
Location: Yūhi’s person.
Owner: Yūhi Jikangai
Rank: A
Description:The Yata no Kesan is a cube forged of an unknown metal and carved with exceptionally intricate seals. The cube has a hollow interior into which its bearer may place objects in order to use the cube’s effects by placing them on a seal atop the cube. Due to the nature of the cube, the space within is potentially infinite and so anything can be inserted into the cube (and, if it is not alive and does not have a strong chakra signature, can be kept there indefinitely).
The cube has three major functions, the first of which is the creation and modification of Fūinjutsu. The cube is able to analyse any and all seals that are placed into its interior (which often requires the bearer copy the seal in question) and provide information on their construction and purpose, as well as provide a counter-seal to negate the seal’s effects if such a seal can be created. (This means that many Jikangai seals, which require Primer Seals created by the Chigoku Inkan, cannot effectively be negated by the cube).
The second of the cube’s major functions is the ability to act as a conduit for its bearer’s Chigoku Inkan, allowing them to perform an extended array of functions with their bloodline. In Yūhi’s case, he is able to apply his Chigoku Inkan to any paper within a 100 foot radius of the cube. The cube is also able to store Primer Seals that Yūhi did not himself create, and can replicate them at will for the future. This is also the case for non-Jikangai unique seals.
The final major function of the cube is its ability to contain and interpret knowledge. The cube is essentially a storage device in this regard with the ability to translate knowledge, such as jutsu, into an appropriate Fūinjutsu that its bearer can understand. This process is reliant on the knowledge of the bearer and the knowledge stored within the cube – as such, Yūhi can use it to understand practically any jutsu due to his strong knowledge of the chakra system and of jutsu in general provided that the cube is able to analyse a sample of the chakra, be it from the jutsu being performed within 100 feet of the cube or if its chakra has been stored in another medium and introduced to the cube. The cube is also able to decipher any linguistic codes given to it due to Yūhi’s immense knowledge of linguistics.
Location: Yūhi’s person.
Owner: Yūhi Jikangai
Rank: A
Description:The Yata no Kesan is a cube forged of an unknown metal and carved with exceptionally intricate seals. The cube has a hollow interior into which its bearer may place objects in order to use the cube’s effects by placing them on a seal atop the cube. Due to the nature of the cube, the space within is potentially infinite and so anything can be inserted into the cube (and, if it is not alive and does not have a strong chakra signature, can be kept there indefinitely).
The cube has three major functions, the first of which is the creation and modification of Fūinjutsu. The cube is able to analyse any and all seals that are placed into its interior (which often requires the bearer copy the seal in question) and provide information on their construction and purpose, as well as provide a counter-seal to negate the seal’s effects if such a seal can be created. (This means that many Jikangai seals, which require Primer Seals created by the Chigoku Inkan, cannot effectively be negated by the cube).
The second of the cube’s major functions is the ability to act as a conduit for its bearer’s Chigoku Inkan, allowing them to perform an extended array of functions with their bloodline. In Yūhi’s case, he is able to apply his Chigoku Inkan to any paper within a 100 foot radius of the cube. The cube is also able to store Primer Seals that Yūhi did not himself create, and can replicate them at will for the future. This is also the case for non-Jikangai unique seals.
The final major function of the cube is its ability to contain and interpret knowledge. The cube is essentially a storage device in this regard with the ability to translate knowledge, such as jutsu, into an appropriate Fūinjutsu that its bearer can understand. This process is reliant on the knowledge of the bearer and the knowledge stored within the cube – as such, Yūhi can use it to understand practically any jutsu due to his strong knowledge of the chakra system and of jutsu in general provided that the cube is able to analyse a sample of the chakra, be it from the jutsu being performed within 100 feet of the cube or if its chakra has been stored in another medium and introduced to the cube. The cube is also able to decipher any linguistic codes given to it due to Yūhi’s immense knowledge of linguistics.

【Kekkei Genkai】
Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Chigoku Inkan [Verbatim Sealing]
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Fūinjutsu
Clan: Jikangai
Rank: B-S
Description: The Chigoku Inkan is the gift of Yata passed down to her children on the female side. Female Jikangai will pass the Chigoku Inkan onto their children regardless of the genetics of their partner, but if a male Jikangai were to procreate with a non-Jikangai female the resulting child is not guaranteed to possess the Chigoku Inkan, which would result in the child not being a Jikangai.
Simply put, the ability of the Chigoku Inkan is an innate mastery of Fūinjutsu that extends into manipulation of ninjutsu-like effects. Bearers of the Jikangai bloodline are able to create any effects that they can imagine provided they meet the following requirements: The effect must be understood completely with a single word, the effect must be within the scope of chakra the individual can muster, and the effect cannot defy any laws of nature of physics. The Chigoku Inkan can only apply these desired effects by creating seals in the air around the user or on nearby surfaces that are constructs of pure and fragile chakra, resulting in their effects being rendered null if the seals are physically disturbed or are subjected to any amount of chakra with larger energy or greater control than the seal created by the Chigoku Inkan possesses.
The seals created by the Chigoku Inkan are able to replicate simple elemental techniques without the creator having the elemental affinity necessary to create the chakra, but the seals also have no elemental applications beyond the incredibly minor. The seals are most adept at changes to form due to their Yin-aspected nature, and can be used to perform tasks such as picking locks, exerting physical force (breaking objects, cutting through objects, etc.). As the seals are structurally weak constructs of chakra, their effects on people are highly diminished or negated with even the slightest opposition of chakra unless the Jikangai in question has significantly higher chakra control than the intended target. The primary utilisation of the Chigoku Inkan is the inherent capability with and knowledge of seals and sealing techniques that it provides, but it is nevertheless a fantastic source of utility rather than power, and forms the basis for many Jikangai clan techniques.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Fūinjutsu
Clan: Jikangai
Rank: B-S
Description: The Chigoku Inkan is the gift of Yata passed down to her children on the female side. Female Jikangai will pass the Chigoku Inkan onto their children regardless of the genetics of their partner, but if a male Jikangai were to procreate with a non-Jikangai female the resulting child is not guaranteed to possess the Chigoku Inkan, which would result in the child not being a Jikangai.
Simply put, the ability of the Chigoku Inkan is an innate mastery of Fūinjutsu that extends into manipulation of ninjutsu-like effects. Bearers of the Jikangai bloodline are able to create any effects that they can imagine provided they meet the following requirements: The effect must be understood completely with a single word, the effect must be within the scope of chakra the individual can muster, and the effect cannot defy any laws of nature of physics. The Chigoku Inkan can only apply these desired effects by creating seals in the air around the user or on nearby surfaces that are constructs of pure and fragile chakra, resulting in their effects being rendered null if the seals are physically disturbed or are subjected to any amount of chakra with larger energy or greater control than the seal created by the Chigoku Inkan possesses.
The seals created by the Chigoku Inkan are able to replicate simple elemental techniques without the creator having the elemental affinity necessary to create the chakra, but the seals also have no elemental applications beyond the incredibly minor. The seals are most adept at changes to form due to their Yin-aspected nature, and can be used to perform tasks such as picking locks, exerting physical force (breaking objects, cutting through objects, etc.). As the seals are structurally weak constructs of chakra, their effects on people are highly diminished or negated with even the slightest opposition of chakra unless the Jikangai in question has significantly higher chakra control than the intended target. The primary utilisation of the Chigoku Inkan is the inherent capability with and knowledge of seals and sealing techniques that it provides, but it is nevertheless a fantastic source of utility rather than power, and forms the basis for many Jikangai clan techniques.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
【Canon Jutsu】
Shikigami no Mai
Kami Bunshin
Kami no Shisha no Jutsu
Kami Shuriken
Fūinjutsu: Shishi
Ura Shishō
Gofū Kekkai - Can be used with up to 10
‘Kin’ tags.
Kyōmen Shūja no
Konshin Betsuri no Jutsu
Fūton: Reppūshō
Fūton: Kazekiri no Jutsu
Fūton: Atsugai
Fūton: Shinkūjin – Extremely potent with Paper Shuriken
【Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Saiketsu Fū [Blood Drawing Seal]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: D
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A simple seal that is connected to the user’s bloodstream. Activation of the seal allows for enough blood for a summoning to be performed without causing a break in the skin.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Kami no Inshō [Verbatim Sealing: Heavenly Paper Impression]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu/Fūinjutsu
Rank: A
Range: 100 Feet
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Using the Yata no Kesan, Yūhi may exert his bloodline onto any piece of paper as long as it is within 100 feet of him, allowing him to mark it with a kanji that causes an appropriate effect.
Weakness: Shares the same weaknesses as the Chigoku Inkan.
Name of Technique: Chigoku Inkan: Kami no Sakura [Verbatim Sealing: Divine Blossom]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A simple seal that stores another completed jutsu inside it. When activated at the user’s will, the technique is immediately released from the seal.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Idōsō no Fū [Never Move Seal]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A complex seal that must be drawn onto a solid surface before it can be used (Takes sixty seconds to write). Upon touching a person, the seal activates after a delay of one second and the opponent’s muscles in their somatic nervous system forcibly contract, leaving them completely unable to move. Additional applications within twenty four hours of the application of the seal do not work.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Yūhi ga Jōshō [Sunset Rose]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: S
Range: Within the 188 “Jōshō” tags.
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A very powerful sealing technique, requiring 188 tags be placed around whatever is to be sealed. Anything, of any size, can be sealed within this technique. Upon placing all 188 tags and forming a Snake handseal, the user seals whatever was in the tags into a large scroll folded to look like an origami Rose.
Weakness: The number of tags that must be kept in place for the technique to function is very large, and the technique requires 65% of Yūhi’s maximum chakra to function, in addition to the chakra embedded into the 188 seals.
Name of Technique: Chigoku Inkan: Yasakani no Magatama [Verbatim Sealing: Yasakani no Magatama]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: S
Range: 100 feet
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: The Chigoku Inkan: Yasakani no Magatama allows Yūhi to copy jutsu that he has identified with the Yata no Kesan, regardless of the requirements necessary to use the jutsu. The Yata no Kesan creates seals internally to mimic the chakra pattern necessary to complete the jutsu as well as give it form, and can either perform the jutsu directly or place them into a Chigoku Inkan: Kami no Sakura. Doujutsu techniques cannot be copied by the Yasakani no Magatama, and all techniques copied by it cost 10% additional chakra in order to compensate for the seals required to perform the technique.
Name of Technique: Yata no Kesan: Kami no Kin’yu [Yata’s Paperweight: Divine Embargo]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: S
Range: 1 mile
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: The Yata no Kesan: Kami no Kin’yu allows the bearer of the Yata no Kesan to prevent all usage of a specific technique within a mile radius of the cube. In order to do this, the Yata no Kesan must first have knowledge of the technique stored within it, and the technique must be able to be converted to a seal. The Yata no Kesan places a seal over the seal representing the technique, which will prevent all chakra from being moulded into said technique within the mile radius, but will suspend all other functions of the Yata no Kesan until Kami no Kin’yu is cancelled. This does not apply to Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Kami no Inshō.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Jiryoku no Fū [Seal of Attraction]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Yūhi has tattooed this seal onto his left palm. When he focuses his chakra into it, it glows with a faint blue colour and the next object Yūhi touches with his left hand will be attracted to the seal on his palm. It is also able to attract chakra, but not Yūhi’s chakra or chakra in another person’s body. He is able to leave an imprint of this seal on anything he touches with his left palm. The imprint will be attracted to the Sekiryoku no Fū. Yūhi can also place these seals on other people or objects, and can use it with his Yata no Kesan or Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Kami no Inshō.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Sekiryoku no Fū [Seal of Repulsion]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Touch
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Yūhi has tattooed this seal onto his right palm. When he focuses his chakra into it, it glows with a faint red colour and the next object Yūhi touches with his right hand will be repelled by the seal on his right hand. It is also able to repel chakra, but not Yūhi’s chakra or the chakra in another person’s body. He is able to leave an imprint of this seal on anything he touches with his right palm. The imprint will be attracted to the Jiryoku no Fū. Yūhi can also place these seals on other people or objects, and can use it with his Yata no Kesan or Chigoku Inkan: Tengoku no Kami no Inshō.
Weakness: N/A