Active Characters
Character sheet:

Name: Xiang
Age: 22
Class: Eldritch Knight
Race: Succubi (Formerly a human from the Crimson Magic Clan)
Reputation: Xiang was a member of the Crimson Magic Clan who arrived to Axle to become an adventurer. Unlike most others from her clan, Xiang had poor magical skills, which she tried to make up with physical strength. She certainly was much stronger than your average mage from the Crimson Magic Clan, though that didn’t mean much compared to other, more professional fighters. So Xiang made a deal with the succubi from the Succubus Club to become one of them for increase magical and physical power, in exchange she has to work there for the rest of her life (But with negotiable hours). So she can still be an adventurer when she doesn’t have to work at the club for the season.
Personality: Xiang is cocky and confrontational. While her assertiveness allows her to stand her ground, more often than not it just gets her into pointless arguments and fights with people, and even at the succubus club patrons might be turn off at how blunt and aggressive she is. She generally has a good heart though and wants to be a hero, however her brusque manner of approaching things and her inability to believe she is wrong often makes her the cause of trouble.
Xaing is brave not because she’s fearless, but the fact that she actually does get scared pretty easily despite her cockiness. She tends to bite more than she can chew, more so if she thinks she doesn’t have to prove herself, but when push comes to shove she will back up her claims. Or at least try. Still, Xiang is a bit of an idiot. Even the succubus couldn’t help her with that.
Sword Fighter - Xiang had trained with the sword in her journey to become an Eldritch Knight, and is actually pretty decent now that she’s a succubus. She’s fast enough to keep up with master swordsmen and tough enough to withstand their blows even upon a clean strike. However she lacks proper sword technique and in turn, the strength to be a deadly fighter. Even her “Super Moves” are just involve her flipping around before hitting someone or something as hard as she can.
Eldritch Magic - Because her own magic skills are mediocre, Xiang made a deal with the Succubi to harness magical energies, becoming a succubus herself. Her magic… Is still pretty bad. Not because she lacks power, but because the spells she has chosen are fairly useless in a fight, or at least have utility outside of battle. She has a few reliable combat spells but beyond that they’re mostly for tricks or making life easier for herself.
Succubus Powers - As a Succubus, Xiang has a new new powers she can use. For starters, she can grow wings on her back and fly whenever she wants. She can also travel into people’s dreams and change their dream from inside. Xiang can drain energy from mortals to sustain herself, and occasionally has to in order to feel “full”. Even eating from her Heroic Feast wouldn’t satisfy her. Alternatively, she can also just have sex with someone. However this drains a lot of energy from a person and could potentially kill them. Even a kiss will drain someone of all their stamina. Her eyes are capable of seeing in the dark and reading emotions, though Xiang doesn't know about the second part and just thinks everyone has a magical aura surrounding them at all time.
Angel of Agony (Aka Angela) - Xiang’s dark magical sword. A weapon with no equal, a cursed blade that has caused millions of creatures a lifetime of suffering. It is said to be used by the demon lord himself. Who says this? Xiang does. In truth, while it is a masterwork magical sword, it’s also cursed. The curse is that it cannot kill anything. The blade can maim, bruise, break, and beat the snort out of anything it strikes, but it ultimately cannot kill them.
Regalia of the Queen - Xiang’s armor, loosely speaking. While there are some armored bits, they’re more like stylish clothes than practical protective wear. Still, while wearing the full regalia (That’s all the armor bits), Xiang does have a protective forcefield around her that deflects and absorbs hostile attacks. Strong attacks can break through this barrier however.

Name: Xiang
Age: 22
Class: Eldritch Knight
Race: Succubi (Formerly a human from the Crimson Magic Clan)
Reputation: Xiang was a member of the Crimson Magic Clan who arrived to Axle to become an adventurer. Unlike most others from her clan, Xiang had poor magical skills, which she tried to make up with physical strength. She certainly was much stronger than your average mage from the Crimson Magic Clan, though that didn’t mean much compared to other, more professional fighters. So Xiang made a deal with the succubi from the Succubus Club to become one of them for increase magical and physical power, in exchange she has to work there for the rest of her life (But with negotiable hours). So she can still be an adventurer when she doesn’t have to work at the club for the season.
Personality: Xiang is cocky and confrontational. While her assertiveness allows her to stand her ground, more often than not it just gets her into pointless arguments and fights with people, and even at the succubus club patrons might be turn off at how blunt and aggressive she is. She generally has a good heart though and wants to be a hero, however her brusque manner of approaching things and her inability to believe she is wrong often makes her the cause of trouble.
Xaing is brave not because she’s fearless, but the fact that she actually does get scared pretty easily despite her cockiness. She tends to bite more than she can chew, more so if she thinks she doesn’t have to prove herself, but when push comes to shove she will back up her claims. Or at least try. Still, Xiang is a bit of an idiot. Even the succubus couldn’t help her with that.
Sword Fighter - Xiang had trained with the sword in her journey to become an Eldritch Knight, and is actually pretty decent now that she’s a succubus. She’s fast enough to keep up with master swordsmen and tough enough to withstand their blows even upon a clean strike. However she lacks proper sword technique and in turn, the strength to be a deadly fighter. Even her “Super Moves” are just involve her flipping around before hitting someone or something as hard as she can.
Eldritch Magic - Because her own magic skills are mediocre, Xiang made a deal with the Succubi to harness magical energies, becoming a succubus herself. Her magic… Is still pretty bad. Not because she lacks power, but because the spells she has chosen are fairly useless in a fight, or at least have utility outside of battle. She has a few reliable combat spells but beyond that they’re mostly for tricks or making life easier for herself.
Weapon Bond - Xiang can summon her weapon to her wherever it’s at, even if it’s not with her or even within the same location. As long as she’s in the same plane and magic can be used, she can summon her weapon to her hand instantly.
Dark Flame Blade - Xiang’s weapon becomes wrapped in dark fire. Whenever she strikes something, the blade explodes into black flames, damaging her target and any nearby enemy with foul energies. The main and only “combative” spell Xiang has.
Prestidigitation - A common spell nearly every mage learns, this spell can perform a variety of minor but useful tricks, such as lighting campfires, washing things, or flavoring food.
Mending - This spell allows Xiang to fix objects. Useful when Xiang’s stuff gets broken during a fight.
Tiny Hut - This spell creates a small hut out of local materials that can fit up to about nine regular sized creatures. At the center of the hut is a magic fireplace that keeps the hit warm and comfortable. No matter what the building material is made out of, the hut is actually much more durable than it appears, and anyone who wasn’t within the hut when it’s made cannot enter without Xiang’s permission. It lasts for ten hours and requires ten minutes to cast.
Summon Familiar - This spell allows Xiang to summon her familiar, Sfyr, directly to her. Sfyr is a magic cat who is capable of everything a cat does but is better at it. Beyond that, it doesn’t really do anything else aside from providing Xiang company.
Silent Image - This spell creates a visual illusion. It cannot be physically interacted with, but Xiang can make the illusion look and do whatever she wants it to do, since it’s an illusion. She has to concentrate on it however, preventing her from casting any other spells while maintaining the illusion.
Identify - With this spell, Xiang can instantly learn and understand the power of an object, such as any magic enchantments on it or what purpose it serves. Whether or not Xiang can do anything with that knowledge is dependant on her and anyone smarter than her.
Dark Cloud - Arguably a decent spell Xiang can use for combat, this creates a large cloud of pitch black darkness. Only creatures with nightvision can see through this darkness, and it can either be locked onto one location or attached to an object.
Heroic Feast - This spell creates a ten-foot long table. On this table is a variety of delicious food and drinks. Each time a plate or bowl is eaten clean, a new type of food will appear. Those who eat from this feast is cured of all poison and diseases, are immune to poison and diseases, won’t be hungry for the next 24 hours. This spell lasts for one hour and takes thirty minutes to cast.
Traveling Treasure Chest - This spell summons a huge magic treasure chest. Xiang can put any non-living object in this chest, and when she summons it again it will still be in there the same way it was when she put it in. Living things that are put into the chest will not be teleported when it vanishes, and will just fall onto the floor where the chest was.
Phantom Orchestra - This spell summons an entire orchestra of ghostly musicians to provide musical accompaniment for Xiang. They can play any type of music or song that Xiang can think of, or at least something close to whatever Xiang has in mind.
Dark Flame Blade - Xiang’s weapon becomes wrapped in dark fire. Whenever she strikes something, the blade explodes into black flames, damaging her target and any nearby enemy with foul energies. The main and only “combative” spell Xiang has.
Prestidigitation - A common spell nearly every mage learns, this spell can perform a variety of minor but useful tricks, such as lighting campfires, washing things, or flavoring food.
Mending - This spell allows Xiang to fix objects. Useful when Xiang’s stuff gets broken during a fight.
Tiny Hut - This spell creates a small hut out of local materials that can fit up to about nine regular sized creatures. At the center of the hut is a magic fireplace that keeps the hit warm and comfortable. No matter what the building material is made out of, the hut is actually much more durable than it appears, and anyone who wasn’t within the hut when it’s made cannot enter without Xiang’s permission. It lasts for ten hours and requires ten minutes to cast.
Summon Familiar - This spell allows Xiang to summon her familiar, Sfyr, directly to her. Sfyr is a magic cat who is capable of everything a cat does but is better at it. Beyond that, it doesn’t really do anything else aside from providing Xiang company.
Silent Image - This spell creates a visual illusion. It cannot be physically interacted with, but Xiang can make the illusion look and do whatever she wants it to do, since it’s an illusion. She has to concentrate on it however, preventing her from casting any other spells while maintaining the illusion.
Identify - With this spell, Xiang can instantly learn and understand the power of an object, such as any magic enchantments on it or what purpose it serves. Whether or not Xiang can do anything with that knowledge is dependant on her and anyone smarter than her.
Dark Cloud - Arguably a decent spell Xiang can use for combat, this creates a large cloud of pitch black darkness. Only creatures with nightvision can see through this darkness, and it can either be locked onto one location or attached to an object.
Heroic Feast - This spell creates a ten-foot long table. On this table is a variety of delicious food and drinks. Each time a plate or bowl is eaten clean, a new type of food will appear. Those who eat from this feast is cured of all poison and diseases, are immune to poison and diseases, won’t be hungry for the next 24 hours. This spell lasts for one hour and takes thirty minutes to cast.
Traveling Treasure Chest - This spell summons a huge magic treasure chest. Xiang can put any non-living object in this chest, and when she summons it again it will still be in there the same way it was when she put it in. Living things that are put into the chest will not be teleported when it vanishes, and will just fall onto the floor where the chest was.
Phantom Orchestra - This spell summons an entire orchestra of ghostly musicians to provide musical accompaniment for Xiang. They can play any type of music or song that Xiang can think of, or at least something close to whatever Xiang has in mind.
Succubus Powers - As a Succubus, Xiang has a new new powers she can use. For starters, she can grow wings on her back and fly whenever she wants. She can also travel into people’s dreams and change their dream from inside. Xiang can drain energy from mortals to sustain herself, and occasionally has to in order to feel “full”. Even eating from her Heroic Feast wouldn’t satisfy her. Alternatively, she can also just have sex with someone. However this drains a lot of energy from a person and could potentially kill them. Even a kiss will drain someone of all their stamina. Her eyes are capable of seeing in the dark and reading emotions, though Xiang doesn't know about the second part and just thinks everyone has a magical aura surrounding them at all time.
Angel of Agony (Aka Angela) - Xiang’s dark magical sword. A weapon with no equal, a cursed blade that has caused millions of creatures a lifetime of suffering. It is said to be used by the demon lord himself. Who says this? Xiang does. In truth, while it is a masterwork magical sword, it’s also cursed. The curse is that it cannot kill anything. The blade can maim, bruise, break, and beat the snort out of anything it strikes, but it ultimately cannot kill them.
Regalia of the Queen - Xiang’s armor, loosely speaking. While there are some armored bits, they’re more like stylish clothes than practical protective wear. Still, while wearing the full regalia (That’s all the armor bits), Xiang does have a protective forcefield around her that deflects and absorbs hostile attacks. Strong attacks can break through this barrier however.

Name: Yaj
Age: 39
Class: Brawler
Race: Orc
Reputation: A perpetually drunk brawler from parts unknown, Yaj made a bun of a name for himself as an adventurer, relying solely on fists. Something of a playboy too, despite his rough and tumble personality he's courted the hearts of many ladies during his time as an adventurer. When one of his lovers came to him with their child, Yaj took responsibility to raise the little girl.
Shortly after dedicating himself to take care of the baby however, the mother was nowhere to be seen. Forced to take care of the child himself Yaj retired as an adventurer and tried to find a job he could safely do while raising his child. He scoured the city and asked all his friends, but the only one who was able to find work thanks to Yuji, who recently brought a large building to convert into a bunkhouse. Yaj was able to get a job as a handyman as well as the head chef of the bunk house.
Personality: Boisterous and often drunk, Yaj seems like a friendly man, always willing to chat and lend a hand. But he's hot-blooded and quick to fight and rarely turns down challenges, even ones he has no hopes of winning. A man who's main methods is power in the greatest force you can muster, and style. And sometimes Style is put aside.
Despite that Taj dotes on his daughter, often spoiling her and willing to change drastically for her. At the same time he's perfectly willing to commit unspeakable acts for his daughter as well. Those who have her favor had his favor as well, and her enemies will soon face swift death at Yaj’s hands.
Martial Artist - Make no mistake, while Yaj typically spends his day drinking, cooking, or partying, he's a skilled fighter. He needs no weapons to defeat most foes, and even the like of ghosts and golems can be sundered with his fists. Yaj is a skilled striker but his true strength lies in grappling attacks, allowing him to wrestle and subdue all manner of monsters and creatures with little to no difficulty, even creatures who normally harm him simply by touching him.
Master Chef: To the surprise of some Yaj has more talents than just fighting. He's a highly skilled chef and can come up with a wide variety of dishes, many which bares names from foreign worlds. He can make a masterpiece out of a mess, and nothing is too bad for him to cook.
Tough: Yaj can attribute a large part of his success as ab adventure as simply being tough enough to survive what his enemies dished out, and then killing them after they use up everything they had. Be they raw physical might or unimaginable magical attacks, Yaj has stood defiant against them. This reflects in his drinking as well; he might act a fool after a few drinks, but in truth it takes a considerable amount of booze to really get him drunk.
Walking Axe - Yaj signature weapon next to his own fist. This long wood rod is tipped with a metal axe head that also doubles as the handle of a cane, although the business end of the axe isn't as big as some warriors, the weapon is light and had quite a bit of reach, as well as versatility. The pommel is an axe head while the opposite tip has a sharpen metal cap capable of puncturing plate armor like a lance.

Name: Yaj
Age: 39
Class: Brawler
Race: Orc
Reputation: A perpetually drunk brawler from parts unknown, Yaj made a bun of a name for himself as an adventurer, relying solely on fists. Something of a playboy too, despite his rough and tumble personality he's courted the hearts of many ladies during his time as an adventurer. When one of his lovers came to him with their child, Yaj took responsibility to raise the little girl.
Shortly after dedicating himself to take care of the baby however, the mother was nowhere to be seen. Forced to take care of the child himself Yaj retired as an adventurer and tried to find a job he could safely do while raising his child. He scoured the city and asked all his friends, but the only one who was able to find work thanks to Yuji, who recently brought a large building to convert into a bunkhouse. Yaj was able to get a job as a handyman as well as the head chef of the bunk house.
Personality: Boisterous and often drunk, Yaj seems like a friendly man, always willing to chat and lend a hand. But he's hot-blooded and quick to fight and rarely turns down challenges, even ones he has no hopes of winning. A man who's main methods is power in the greatest force you can muster, and style. And sometimes Style is put aside.
Despite that Taj dotes on his daughter, often spoiling her and willing to change drastically for her. At the same time he's perfectly willing to commit unspeakable acts for his daughter as well. Those who have her favor had his favor as well, and her enemies will soon face swift death at Yaj’s hands.
Martial Artist - Make no mistake, while Yaj typically spends his day drinking, cooking, or partying, he's a skilled fighter. He needs no weapons to defeat most foes, and even the like of ghosts and golems can be sundered with his fists. Yaj is a skilled striker but his true strength lies in grappling attacks, allowing him to wrestle and subdue all manner of monsters and creatures with little to no difficulty, even creatures who normally harm him simply by touching him.
Master Chef: To the surprise of some Yaj has more talents than just fighting. He's a highly skilled chef and can come up with a wide variety of dishes, many which bares names from foreign worlds. He can make a masterpiece out of a mess, and nothing is too bad for him to cook.
Tough: Yaj can attribute a large part of his success as ab adventure as simply being tough enough to survive what his enemies dished out, and then killing them after they use up everything they had. Be they raw physical might or unimaginable magical attacks, Yaj has stood defiant against them. This reflects in his drinking as well; he might act a fool after a few drinks, but in truth it takes a considerable amount of booze to really get him drunk.
Walking Axe - Yaj signature weapon next to his own fist. This long wood rod is tipped with a metal axe head that also doubles as the handle of a cane, although the business end of the axe isn't as big as some warriors, the weapon is light and had quite a bit of reach, as well as versatility. The pommel is an axe head while the opposite tip has a sharpen metal cap capable of puncturing plate armor like a lance.

Name: Ryla
Age: 17
Class: Shaman (Enchanter)
Race: Half-Orc/Half-Elf
Reputation: Ryla is Yaj’s daughter from a fling he had with an elvish adventurer. Ryla’s mother left Ryla when she was still a baby though, and neither Yaj nor Ryla knew why she did this. As a child Ryla has always been fascinated with magic, and by the time she was five years old she already learned a basic spell. Wanting the best for his daughter as well as a chance to focus on work, Yaj made Ryla a wizard apprentice with an old friend of his.
Ryla’s teacher was a witch of the wilds, a variant wizard who tended to utilize “dark magic” such necromancy and telepathy. Ryla herself specialized in spirit magic, consorting with not only the souls of the dead by incorporeal magical beings for magic and knowledge. As Ryla worked as an apprentice she started to also grow an interest in smithing; so much of her knowledge was based around creating powerful magic artifacts. Between her lesson with her teacher Ryla started to pick up some blacksmithing skills as well honing her magic.
Eventually Ryla finished her apprenticeship and went back to live with her father. He had managed to find a place to live and work at, which Ryla herself hopes to also be able to open up a shop at as well. So Ryla moved in at Yuji estates, opening up her general adventuring store for future prospective adventurers.
Personality: Like father like daughter, Ryla is a nice enough girl but has a bit of a hot blooded streak. She's very optimistic, almost violently so, and has a sense of generosity that makes her bad with money. Unlike her father however, Ryla is more willing to hear our others and try to talk things out instead of resorting to violence.
That's not to say that Ryla is the most sensible person. Her optimism can blind her against even some of the more obvious attempts at deceit, and her own innocence makes her accidentally insensitive towards other people's problems or traumas. She believes too much in the good nature in others as well as the idea that people have good intentions for doing bad things.
Magic - Ryla is skilled in quite a few spells, many that have a lot of utility it power. Ryla’s magic mainly involves the use of Hexes to defeat her enemy or bolster her allies.
Magic Spear - Ryla’s magical focus. Originally just a plain magic staff, but she found a magic rock that amplified her spells when channeled through her staff. She chipped the rock carefully so that it can also serve as a spear.
Ioun Wyrd - Ryla’s familiar, Rocky, basically a series of floating glowing stones. She constructed it from Ioun Stones, magic rocks that, with proper devices, can be attuned to grant magic powers. The Ioun Stone that Rocky is attuned to is the Clear Spindle, which allows Ryla to no longer need to eat or drink, and she only requires two hours of rest for a full rest. As a construct, Rocky never needed to eat or sleep in the first place. As long as Rocky is near Ryla she is also immune to mind-controlling effects such as demonic possession.

Name: Ryla
Age: 17
Class: Shaman (Enchanter)
Race: Half-Orc/Half-Elf
Reputation: Ryla is Yaj’s daughter from a fling he had with an elvish adventurer. Ryla’s mother left Ryla when she was still a baby though, and neither Yaj nor Ryla knew why she did this. As a child Ryla has always been fascinated with magic, and by the time she was five years old she already learned a basic spell. Wanting the best for his daughter as well as a chance to focus on work, Yaj made Ryla a wizard apprentice with an old friend of his.
Ryla’s teacher was a witch of the wilds, a variant wizard who tended to utilize “dark magic” such necromancy and telepathy. Ryla herself specialized in spirit magic, consorting with not only the souls of the dead by incorporeal magical beings for magic and knowledge. As Ryla worked as an apprentice she started to also grow an interest in smithing; so much of her knowledge was based around creating powerful magic artifacts. Between her lesson with her teacher Ryla started to pick up some blacksmithing skills as well honing her magic.
Eventually Ryla finished her apprenticeship and went back to live with her father. He had managed to find a place to live and work at, which Ryla herself hopes to also be able to open up a shop at as well. So Ryla moved in at Yuji estates, opening up her general adventuring store for future prospective adventurers.
Personality: Like father like daughter, Ryla is a nice enough girl but has a bit of a hot blooded streak. She's very optimistic, almost violently so, and has a sense of generosity that makes her bad with money. Unlike her father however, Ryla is more willing to hear our others and try to talk things out instead of resorting to violence.
That's not to say that Ryla is the most sensible person. Her optimism can blind her against even some of the more obvious attempts at deceit, and her own innocence makes her accidentally insensitive towards other people's problems or traumas. She believes too much in the good nature in others as well as the idea that people have good intentions for doing bad things.
Magic - Ryla is skilled in quite a few spells, many that have a lot of utility it power. Ryla’s magic mainly involves the use of Hexes to defeat her enemy or bolster her allies.
Evil Eyes - Ryla focuses her gaze upon her foes, weakening them as long as she keeps eye contact with them. Even if they manage to avoid her sight the lingering curse upon them remains for a few minutes afterwards.
Ward - This spell creates a wall of force that could be used defensively to either block someone's path or even use as armor. Ryla has also learned some combat application to this Hex, allowing her to create a very thin ward that is still as durable and tough as it would be if it was bigger, essentially creating a strong psychic blade.
Gamble - Ryla manipulates the wheels of fortune, allowing her to increase or decrease the luck of others. With this spell her allies may find more success than usual and her enemies are more prone to making mistakes.
Telekinesis - Using magic over matter Ryla can use her mana to fling objects or even people around. While stronger willed enemies could resist the magic, this spell allows Ryla to move things with ten times her own strength, such as large boulders, a storm of swords, or even large bodies of water.
Rune Scar - A Hex that creates a painless scar in a target's body, granted different magic powers. On most living targets the scar gives them magic until the scar is healed, whether through magic or mundane means (unlike most scars it can be healed to the point that it vanishes). On objects as long as the rune engraving is not disturbed the object permanently has the magic enchantment.
Ward - This spell creates a wall of force that could be used defensively to either block someone's path or even use as armor. Ryla has also learned some combat application to this Hex, allowing her to create a very thin ward that is still as durable and tough as it would be if it was bigger, essentially creating a strong psychic blade.
Gamble - Ryla manipulates the wheels of fortune, allowing her to increase or decrease the luck of others. With this spell her allies may find more success than usual and her enemies are more prone to making mistakes.
Telekinesis - Using magic over matter Ryla can use her mana to fling objects or even people around. While stronger willed enemies could resist the magic, this spell allows Ryla to move things with ten times her own strength, such as large boulders, a storm of swords, or even large bodies of water.
Rune Scar - A Hex that creates a painless scar in a target's body, granted different magic powers. On most living targets the scar gives them magic until the scar is healed, whether through magic or mundane means (unlike most scars it can be healed to the point that it vanishes). On objects as long as the rune engraving is not disturbed the object permanently has the magic enchantment.
Magic Spear - Ryla’s magical focus. Originally just a plain magic staff, but she found a magic rock that amplified her spells when channeled through her staff. She chipped the rock carefully so that it can also serve as a spear.
Ioun Wyrd - Ryla’s familiar, Rocky, basically a series of floating glowing stones. She constructed it from Ioun Stones, magic rocks that, with proper devices, can be attuned to grant magic powers. The Ioun Stone that Rocky is attuned to is the Clear Spindle, which allows Ryla to no longer need to eat or drink, and she only requires two hours of rest for a full rest. As a construct, Rocky never needed to eat or sleep in the first place. As long as Rocky is near Ryla she is also immune to mind-controlling effects such as demonic possession.
Belle The Widdle Witch
Gonu Of The Jibba-Jabba
Rita The Gobbo Goober
Lazy Lady Anemone
Shiroe The Eager Edgelord
Ian Shady Sacks
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