Demonym: Paxtian, Paxtians Description: A thousand years ago, if you asked an average person in Albion about goblins, they would’ve told you that it is a breed of savage vermin, skulking in the caves, attacking travellers on the roads and stealing livestock from the farmers. Killing them where you found them was doing good work. If you asked a person in Albion about goblins today, they would tell you that it is a breed of savage vermin, scourging the seas with their many ships, organizing various forms of illegal activities in the nations of the continent and tearing the skin from honest folk’s back with their usury. You can’t kill them because then a legion of those monsters will come down upon you and yours and probably kill you all and burn your house down.
The stories about the Chaos Nation and its diminutive inhabitants are told in every port city of Albion, sometimes with fear, sometimes with hate, but never with mockery. No, despite their small stature, Paxtians have acquired the infamy which makes sure that no goblin is ever looked down upon by the Big Folk. Their pirate ships sail all around the world attacking with reckless abandon and without fear, for only the bravest and the boldest can earn wealth and status in the Chaos Nation. They don’t shy away from launching raids on the coastal towns, taking everything that is not nailed down, inhabitants included.
In their city-state they are no better, with small wars being fought every day. Things are ever changing in Paxt, and where there was a powerful crime syndicate today there may be a bunch of small gangs tomorrow fighting each other for what is left. Young Paxtians are taught from a very young age about the ideal of Chaos, which pretty much amounts to “you are free to do anything you want as long as you can defend yourself from those who you piss off in the process.” This results in highly volatile environment, where every day a new Paxtian rises to prominence, only to fall tomorrow.
Many have tried to put an end to this den of cutthroats and thieves, but they have all failed. In the end, despite the anarchy which dominates the city, all Paxtians can agree that the continued independence of the Chaos Nation is paramount and every goblin will fight tooth and nail to defend it.
Chaos Nation has no central government. The whole island, but especially the city, is divided into numerous gang controlled territories which are pretty much independent states. They make their own rules and are in charge of enforcing them. Majority of Paxtians are either members of a gang or enjoy the protection of one. The gang leaders can be those who were exceptionally cunning or strong or they may be elected by the members to be first among equal – it varies from gang to gang.
Similar logic applies to the ships and their crews. In practice, each ship is a separate gang territory – gang being the ship’s crew – and each has its own set of rules. The captains can either be rich Paxtians who could afford to buy their own ship and hire the crew, or someone elected among the crew members.
Keep in mind that “gang” refers to any group of people who band together to survive in the Chaos Nation. Sometimes they may have no interest in criminal activities and just wish to do regular professions, but have to group-up with others for defence.
There are only two laws, called the Custom, which apply universally to all Paxtians, both on land or on sea, and those are:
1) Bring no harm to the Chaos Nation and allow no harm to befall it. 2) All are welcome to the Chaos Nation as long as they obey the first rule.
Good chunk of Paxt’s economy comes from piracy. Stolen goods are brought by the ships to the city where they are sold at the markets in the Big Folk Quarter. The pirate ships are forbidden from targeting any merchant vessels coming to or going from the Chaos Nation, making it safer for merchants doing business in the west Albion to dock there instead of some other port city and this also brings in money.
Ship-building and naval supplies are also a big industry in Paxt. The vessels built here may not be the fastest or the most durable, but they are built cheaply and quickly while maintaining reliability. Of course, for those who wish to pay extra, ships can be custom built to specifications.
There is also a great abundance of natural wild pearls in the seas around the island, and the city-state has gained quite a large fame for it. Jewellers who can make various decorations with pearls are a very prestigious profession in Paxt and they are usually protected by gangs. In Albion, owing pearls from Paxt is a sign of great wealth.
Another thing that the Chaos Nation is famous for are firearms. Goblins may not have been the ones to discover gunpowder but they adopted for their own. Paxtians are capable of crafting firearms of amazing quality with better performance than what can be found in the rest of Albion. The best stuff is kept in the city, while the rest is sold abroad. Most of firearm supplies in the armies of west Albion come from Paxt.
As an island nation a lot of raw material needs to be imported into Paxt, but the most important import is food. Although the fish in the surrounding seas is abundant, it is still not enough to feed the whole population of the city. Pretty much any food found in the city that isn’t from the sea was imported. Also, alcohol is not produced domestically, so it comes from abroad as well.
Old goblin belief in the Darkness – the mythical creator of the goblin race – is still the biggest faith in the city, although the vast majority of the population is not religious. There are very few temples and even those see very little people. The Darkness is the god of thieves, assassins, and all those who do things in secret, so Paxtians half-jokingly argue that they already worship him plenty simply by stealing, killing and lying.
Another religion which is quite popular in the city is the worship of He Who Sleeps in the Depths. It is, supposedly, a divine entity slumbering at the bottom of the ocean. By offering him blood sacrifices, one will acquire good fortune on the seas. Most pirate ships of Paxt worship He Who Sleeps and every successful plunder is followed by the ritual drowning of a captive, in gratitude for the slumbering god’s favour.
Besides these two religions there are numerous other which don’t have a big following in the Chaos Nation. As pirates, Paxtians go to many corners of the world and see many different cultures, so it is no wonder that quite a few of them convert on some of their adventures. In many cases they worship two or more gods if their domains are different. Regardless of who or what is worshiped, though, it will be tolerated in Paxt.
Paxt, which is the name of both the island and the city, is located on the western fringes of Albion. Its north and north-east coast are flatlands on which the city is sprawled. The rest of the island is made of densely forested hills, with only notably big elevation being the Perzhar Mountain. In the east part there is small surface on which crops are grown, but the amount produced is barely able to feed even 5% of the city’s total population. The fauna of the island is standard for continental climate, with the largest animal found being deer.
Population: 12,600,000
Majority of the Chaos Nation are goblins, but there is also no small number of other races. The main language is Paxtian, a language constructed in the early days of Paxt so that various goblin tribes can understand each other, but only around 70% of the population speaks it sufficiently for normal conversation. Also, the literacy is at about 40%. Paxtian language uses the script called Jigsaw, which is a combination of many Albion scripts.
84% Goblins: Further subdivided into multitude of tribes of which none makes even full 10% of total population. Each tribe has its own language and most of the languages bear little to no resemblance to each other.
16% Others: It is utterly impossible to mention every race present among the non-goblin residents of Paxt. Their reason for living in a goblin city are many – some like the anarchy, some have fled persecution in their homeland, some are scientists and wizards who wish to do dangerous and amoral research, some simply joined Paxtian pirate crews in search for booty and some are foreign diplomats and merchants.
Notable Locations: TBA
Personalities of Note: TBA
Institutions: TBA
Organization: Just like it doesn’t have one unified central government, Paxt doesn’t have a standing army either. Instead, its army are the gangsters and the pirates, who participate in any military activity purely on voluntary basis. By the Custom, all residents are obliged to help in the defence of the Chaos Nation should it be attacked, but nobody can force them to fight in an offensive action. It usually requires a good reason for full force of Paxt to be used for attack and the army disbands almost immediately after the goal was fulfilled, leaving long term occupation of the conquered territory (if there’s any) in the hands of the gang who originally organized the invasion. Leaders of the armies are either voted upon by the bosses – usually the guy with best piracy or gang record – or they are the bosses of the gangs which originally called for the military action. All Paxtians have possession of a firearm and are able of using it to great efficacy, so in war you can be sure that you will be greeted with barrage of salvoes from guns of all kinds. They are also proficient with fighting with knives in close quarters, but due to the size differences they can’t stand toe-to-toe with in melee with the Big Folk. Troop Total: 20,000 – 100,000 gangsters and pirates close to the island at any given time. 0 – 500,000 for offensive, depends how much the bandwagon gets going. 1,000,000 – 1,200,000 for defence, depends how many pirate ships are nearby to answer the call. Army: 10,000-1,000,000 (see above) – Paxtian land forces are organized along the gang lines, which can number anywhere from 100 to 1000 people. Any larger combat unit is temporary and usually dissolves after the goals it was made for are fulfilled. Weapons used are firearms, knives and short swords, while only couple of thousands of them have any protective gear. Paxtians who aren’t members of gangs either join their old gangs or the one controlling their part of the city. There are about 2000 mages but they are split between the gangs. Navy: All these ships can be used both for transport and war. 24 carracks 68 caravels 150 galleys 65 flutes 20,000-60,000 total personnel Other: Due to popularity of firearms among goblins there is exact tally on how many artillery pieces there are on the island. It is estimated that there are 200 to 400 heavy pieces and over 1000 light pieces. They are as likely to be used within the city as they are to be used against the incoming enemy.
Weakness – Small Stature: Goblins are smaller than most of the other races in Albion. They are physically weaker, more fragile and their reach is shorter. This puts them at a disadvantage when forced to fight in melee, which is bad because 99.99% of Paxtian combatants are usually goblins. Also, goblins live shorter than humans, with average lifespan being around 50 years old.
Strength – Vermin’s Resilience: Goblins are immune to most diseases and they can eat just about anything, including other goblins if necessary. They also grow up fast, reaching adulthood at 5 years. On average, a goblin family produces 4-5 offspring.
Strength – Firearms Industry: Paxtians are masters of gunpowder. They didn’t invent it but they have significantly improved on it and are able to produce it in large quantities. Paxtian guns have 50% longer range than their counterparts from other nations and are overall more reliable and accurate. They also produce wide array of different explosives, some of which can be quite destructive.
You've wanted rolls this whole time? Have rolls plus a random pile of rubies to make up for the wait!
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 16,200,000 Territory Size: 3. Your nation is smaller than average but there's still plenty of territory to work with. While the lack of endless farmland might prove an issue, you do at least enjoy the benefits of relatively small and easily defended borders. Technology: 6. Pioneers of technology, you might not yet be at the overall level of the Commonwealth but your inventive people develop many new technologies as we speak. In certain sectors, your innovations might be paving the way. Prevalence of Magic: 2. Magic is rare and might be limited to a special heritage or you're just unlucky in its distribution. Government Type: 6. Your nation has this strange thing called democracy. Get this: the people actually vote to elect their rulers, and a ruler might only reign for a fixed period of a few years! Of course, there's probably countless slaves, women, and poor people that don't partake in this political process, but your republic is still quite radical and progressive for its time. Political Stability: 5. Your country has the occasional highwaymen, but they mostly hide in the hills and forests far out in the countryside. By and large, your realm is stable.
Overall Wealth: 2. Your nation is struggling and somewhat poor. The government and upper class mighty conceivably be well off, but the middle class of merchants and tradesmen are small and most of your people still occupy themselves with subsistence activities. That being said, at least they aren't starving in the streets. Urbanization: 3. Your nation just began urbanizing with most towns being freshly founded and close to a trade route or natural resource. Agriculture: 8. Your nation has ample farmland but also has many ranches. Overall your people have a good variety of food and with your surplus you can afford to export some. Notable Resources: Salt, grains, the world's biggest supply of rubies
Military Military Structure: 3. Volunteer militias supplemented by some additional levies in wartime. An average army all around, but lacking in elite units. Military Focus 8. Heavy Infantry focus with cavalry and skirmishers supporting them. Navy: 1. Almost nonexistent navy that just serves to transport the army and perhaps ward off rogue pirates Military Leadership 2. Generals rose to their positions through experience and battlefield exploits; competent, but also decadent Military Reputation 7. In the past your military betrayed an ally, and even to this day that stain of treachery is remembered by others.
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 4,100,000 Territory Size: 3. Your nation is smaller than average but there's still plenty of territory to work with. While the lack of endless farmland might prove an issue, you do at least enjoy the benefits of relatively small and easily defended borders. Technology: 4. Adequate modernization, you manage to keep pace with the rest of Albion. Prevalence of Magic: 5. Magic is considered a common feat to your people and you're famous for your magic powers worldwide. Government Type: 2. Your nation is ruled by that shine of gold and silver. In a society where money is power, the wealthy elite form a plutocratic government. Bloodline is still important (because of course a person born into a wealthy family is worth more than some pauper!) but your ancestry becomes irrelevant the moment that you run out of coin. At least there is some degree of social mobility in that a poor merchant can perhaps work his way up into the elite; in more traditional and aristocratic countries, rising up might not even be possible. Political Stability: 6. You enjoy the benefit of having a serene and peaceful nation. There's barely any crime and you don't have a rebellion brewing, so rejoice!
Overall Wealth: 5. Your nation has a solid and rather stable economy. You have the means to finance most of the projects that your government wants to undertake, and most of your people enjoy a good standard of living. Urbanization: 2. Aside from your capital and perhaps one or two urban centers, you have a very highly rural population. There is likely some system such as serfdom with most people living off the land. Agriculture: 6. Rather than staple or food crops, most of your farmland is devoted to the growing of cash crops. While this makes you money, a fair amount of that is probably spent on importing food from places with more of an abundance. This is fine and you're probably wealthier for it, but your people rarely enjoy fresh food and you have grown heavily dependent on those trade routes that feed your nation. Notable Resources: Sugar, opium or other "medicinal substances", tin
Military Military Structure: 2. Small core of elite soldiers, supplemented by some mercenaries in wartime. Overall not a very large force. Military Focus 4. Excessive focus on cavalry at the expense of decent infantry. Navy: 5. Decently powerful navy with enough ships and sailors to fight as much you'd like Military Leadership 1. Generals are very loyal to the government but gained the position by hereditary status and not necessarily merit Military Reputation 4. Your military tends to have strokes of bad luck in most of its campaigns.
Looks like you've got a wizard Somalia thing going on
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 2,100,000 Territory Size: 3. Your nation is smaller than average but there's still plenty of territory to work with. While the lack of endless farmland might prove an issue, you do at least enjoy the benefits of relatively small and easily defended borders. Technology: 1. Antiquated, the nation stubbornly clings to old methods and ways of life that were established traditions even in the time of their grandfathers. Technologically speaking, they are stuck in past centuries. Prevalence of Magic: 6. You have a few magic users who would be considered godlike in power and can defeat any single magic user from other countries. Government Type: 10. Your country is in something of an anarchy. There is no central government to speak of, probably because it recently crumbled. For now you're in quite the quagmire and regions might be tempted to splinter off and form their own new nations. But hey, at least this gives you the opportunity to reestablish order and found a new government of your choosing! Political Stability: 1. Your country is suffering quite a bit of inner turmoil and is on the brink of having an outright rebellion. No doubt your neighbors are aware of this and perhaps looking to exploit your status for their own benefit!
Overall Wealth: 3. Your nation was once in good enough shape, but recent events have caused a large recession and now your economy is shrinking. If this isn't resolved soon, major issues will arise. The people are used to a higher standard of life than they are currently experiencing, and as food supplies contract there may be mass starvation and the collapse of industry, commerce, or even government. Urbanization: 5. A significant larger than average portion of your population lives in cities which makes you highly productive. On the other hand you have only a few farmers and the ails of medieval urban life hits you the hardest. Agriculture: 5. You grow a variety of grains and vegetables and your farmers have developed a system of crop and field rotations. As such, they create a food surplus and your people are generally well nourished. Notable Resources: Coffee, dyes, copper
Military Military Structure: 5. Large, strictly volunteer corp of professional soldiers that takes considerable upkeep. A sizable and reasonably effective standing army, but little else supports it during wartime. Military Focus 1. Well-rounded and disciplined army with no outright strengths or specialties Navy: 3. Average navy, has limited force projection capability Military Leadership 8. Generals are often hired foreigners; very competent but not necessarily loyal Military Reputation 11. Your military hasn't done much to earn a reputation and is not particularly renowned.
Also is there a reason the OOC is delayed?
I did get sidetracked by work yesterday, but another factor in it is that we don't have the provinces drawn on our map yet so we currently can't have anything more than rough estimates for territory claims.
I'm still aiming to make the OOC soon but it's not at the top of my priority list since we can handle OOC questions and such just as easily over here. It only becomes necessary once sheet are completed and we need the character section to put them up.
Before you ask, yes I did indeed ask for these rolls and yes I know I've basically shot myself in the leg with a shotgun in doing so but oh well, going to have to get used to hobbling around on bloody stumps.
Description: (A summary of your nation goes here; basics on what's going on and what the country is about. Traditions worthy of note go here, recent history, unique traits,...)
In short, there is no government of Sartosa as it was wiped away with the waves. Those who either claim noble blood or have managed to murder and politick their way up are in charge of individual clans or or settlements, their reach not extending much beyond their fortified settlements or makeshift castles or shanty towns. In an age past, there was once a king but always such things are a distant memory with many competing for any sort of position of power.
To say that the Sartosan economy is in shambles is an understatement as it's practically nonexistent. There are no major industries or resources of note beyond that of raiding and piracy which while the Sartosans are undoubtedly good at, has become their only lifeline. Beyond that, salt making, shipbuilding and prostitution are the only profitable industries on the island. True there are many well preserved artifacts from the ancient world for archaeologists to explore and examine but none are foolish enough to attempt to pierce the fog of Sartosa.
Starvation is common as there are only a few types of food to be found on the island being black corn weed, fungus and grog root. These plants grow wildly at random and are hardly the most pleasing of foodstuffs but they are what is available. Protein is usually some form of fish dragged up or a rat caught in a trap and the more-than-occasional cannibalism. Sea salt is also another thing made in excess, sometimes sold off as salt from other countries as the label of Sartosan is bad for business. Starvation and hunger are major problems as even if there was enough food for everyone, the decadent warlords would have it all for themselves.
The lawless nature of Sartosa however invites other criminals to itself in the form of smugglers which many warlords take advantage of and put taxes on to raise money or supplies. While those who usually come are either mad or brave (or both), they fear not the threat of the law enforcement coming down on them so long they pay their dues.
As one might expect, there is no official coinage of Sartosa. In an age past they had an incredibly strong currency that found use world wide. But like many things, the Thousand Year Flood took it away from them as well. Barter has become the major economic system although some places have their own currency and foreign currency regardless of origin and procurement can find use in Sartosa.
The men and women of the Lost Isle live in a cutthroat society that has been forced upon them and are truly a people lost in time. Their ways are old, language alien and tradition dated. While in the old world they may have been seen very differently, in this new age they are feared and hated as vicious pirates and revers. Magic has also been damned by most as the cause of the Thousand Year Flood which consumed their civilization and thus practitioners are rare and in hiding. Where once the Sartosans could command the seas at will with magic, they are now at its mercy. It's a popular practice to accuse a rival of witchcraft to try and get them killed by zealous lynch mobs.
Once upon a time, the people of Sartosa prayed to a wide pantheon of gods and goddess. Now, they pray to only one out of fear after all the others abandoned them: Stromfel, God of the Ocean and Seas. They pray to him for safe travels, bountiful raids, calm seas and the hope that he will never again drown them out. Every ship has a shrine dedicated to him and making prisoners walk the plank to drown in the deep waters or fed to sharks, his holy beast, is an ancient practice still used today.
It should come as no surprise that because of this, much of Sartosan folklore as become sea-related. Where there was once an angel of death, there was now a cruel man aboard a cursed demonic ship who drags souls of the dead into the underworld. Wandering spirits now not only become ghosts, but posses animals and objects; the soul of men trap themselves within sharks and sea beasts, becoming Sons of Stromfel while those of women attach themselves to the figureheads of drowned ships and become vengeful banshees of the sea.
Sartosans were once masters of a type of magic known as the Lore of the Oceans, able to control it and summon its wrath upon command. Once studied in great schools and covens, such magics are revealed and often blamed as the cause of the Thousand Year Flood. As such, all of its schools have been turned to dust and its practitioners hunted or in hiding.
(Jungle, grassland, mountains, etc. Be sure to identify where on the map you are, preferably by posting a clip of the region you wish to occupy, keeping in mind the relative size of your territory as was given in your rolls. We may have to move you around to make it work.)
The people of Sartosa (Sartosans or “Fogmen” informally) have been changed by the Thousand Year Flood a as such have a much greater affinity with water and are notably tougher and more resilient than normal humans. But the most damning thing about them is the near perpetual magical mist that surrounds them. A sole Sartosan will only generate a small, barely visible mist but the thickness and size of the haze will dramatically and exponentially increase as more and more Sartosans congregate. Beyond that they have far larger lung capacities, slight webbing on their hands and feet as well as a transparent second eyelid that allows them to see underwater with great clarity.
With a total population of barely 1.3 million, they are one of the smallest demographics in the world and a far cry compared to the many millions they once had in years past. While some may call the Sartosans a dying race, the Sartosans are not going to die without a fight. As if they really had any other option. On their island, the vast majority of the people are Sartosans minus a small fraction of other races, usually smugglers or pirates who made Sartosa their home to escape their native police. The natives of the island are also not fond of leaving their island so seeing them anywhere else in the world but on the seas is a rare sight indeed.
Notable Locations (Give us some info about your capital, other important cities, maybe where your forts and colonies (if you have any) are located)
Personalities of Note (Your ruler, perhaps your highest military officers, generally just use this space to help us keep track of your POV characters)
Institutions: (Major non-military institutions of the nations, such as legislative bodies, guilds, religious sects)
The Sartosan “army” is barely an army to many who just see them as bandits and hooligans with terrible quality armor. However, while the raiding fleets may be small and use simple rafts and ships, Sartosans are still the master sailors they were in ages yore. Fully capable of sustaining themselves on open ocean and move nimbly on ships, they like to overwhelm one ship at a time after isolating ships or scattering fleets. The only way to ensure that you are not attacked by Sartosan Pirates is by travelling in large, expensive fleets with ships that are all so close together you can travel between them with ease. The alternative is to hire the very same Sartosan pirates to protect you as well; world class protection and sailors at a price that would make most mercenary captains faint.
There is a comparatively insane number of Sartosans in the “military” if not out of necessity with about 10% of the population counting themselves as active pirates or warriors. Even the basic civilian population has been hardened by infighting and civil war. Becoming a raider is often not only a sure fire way of quickly ascending the social ladder, but also gives you a far better chance of actually getting fed making it extremely appealing to the point most warlords don’t need to worry about willing recruits.
In terms of strategy, the element of fear is a very prevalent one as the fog produced by the Sartosans in combination with their reputation can cause even veteran sailors to get jump and start firing their weapons into the fog that always follows them. They will eventually become tired and paranoid, not knowing what is in the fog as the war rafts and boats of the Sartosans form a circle around them. Needless to say, this has worked wonders and is perhaps the one of the reasons why Sartosa still stands today for the loot brought back sustains the island and its reputation and fog will shatter the nerves of even the hardest of souls.
Contrasting their skills, the equipment of the Sartosans are laughable. Scrap wooden armor and crude gear is the norm as anything that can provide protection is use. Cooking pot shields, sea beast scale armor, human leather, nothing goes to waste. Weapons are equally as diverse and crude as weapons ranging from crudely forged blades to wooden clubs. Fishermen also often find work as pirates with both their nets and their harpoons which make for dead ranged weapons. Skilled harpooners are said to be able to snipe ship captains and lookouts from kilometers away and enough of them can even slow down large merchant ships.
Those above the lowly revers and pirates however are dramatically better armed. While still just as crude, commanders wear various metal armor, often looted from battles and ships thus also serving as their battle records. They go by many names such as Pirate Lords or Sea Chieftains, but they are the ones in command of settlements and clans and are more often than not mildly incompetent are anything but personal combat, meaning that it's often their equally as exotically named bodyguards to command the warbands. The decedent bastards often pile on made up titles to enrich their own egos. Thankfully, they can pick bodyguards reasonably well so their warbands aren’t totally dead in the water.
Their crude but resourceful nature extents to their ships as well. Although they often look like ramble shackle rafts and crude canoes held together with rope and hope (or mostly hope in some cases), they have a hidden level of quality to them which many outsiders can’t recognize at a glance. Masterfully well balanced and extremely nimble, their small size grants them terrific movement. Rare large ships are still built in the old trireme-style and are just as nimble as their smaller cousins and boast rams that are effective even today.
While artillery is rare, it’s not uncommon especially among the wealthier clans and gangs. Catapults and ballistas are popular and ancient if not effective weapons being remarkably easy to build in contrast to more modern cannons. Such engines of war are also often mounted on ships with the leviathan hunting Harpoon Great Ballista being the most popular and useful.
Pro - They are without question the best sailors, ship makers and water-borne warriors in the world and on sea even if they don't look like it. Con - THEIR EVERYTHING ELSE
My Rolls:
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 1,300,000 Territory Size: 1. Your nation is but a speck upon the map; perhaps it is an island or small archipelago, or perhaps it's just a tiny swathe of land too small to draw the attention of any would-be conquerors. Technology: 1. Antiquated, the nation stubbornly clings to old methods and ways of life that were established traditions even in the time of their grandfathers. Technologically speaking, they are stuck in past centuries. Prevalence of Magic: 1. Magic is a taboo to your nation with its practitioners living in hiding Government Type: 10. Your country is in something of an anarchy. There is no central government to speak of, probably because it recently crumbled. For now you're in quite the quagmire and regions might be tempted to splinter off and form their own new nations. But hey, at least this gives you the opportunity to reestablish order and found a new government of your choosing! Political Stability: 1. Your country is suffering quite a bit of inner turmoil and is on the brink of having an outright rebellion. No doubt your neighbors are aware of this and perhaps looking to exploit your status for their own benefit!
Overall Wealth: 1. Your nation is very poor. Perhaps you've been ravaged by constant war or plague, or perhaps your people lack the resources or drive to create the foundations for a solid economy. In any case, homelessness and hunger are issues for many people. At least your people are used to this sorry state. Urbanization: 1. Towns and cities are largely absent for your nation. You might be nomadic or just lack the desire and/or funds to create large enough settlements. Agriculture: 4. Your nation has its farmlands, but you aren't blessed with particularly fertile land nor regular rainfall. As such, seasonal famines are a common thing. Notable Resources: None. You're dirt poor.
Military Military Structure: 2. Small core of elite soldiers, supplemented by some mercenaries in wartime. Overall not a very large force. Military Focus 5. Emphasis on light infantry and skirmishers. Navy: 1. Almost nonexistent navy that just serves to transport the army and perhaps ward off rogue pirates Military Leadership 4. Generals are incompetent; their title is often appointed rather than earned; largely decadent Military Reputation 10. Other nations look disparagingly at your army, thinking it little more than a rabble of bandits and pirates.
Miressa was ‘born’ as an autonomous being a century ago, though it has existed much longer, through a troubled past of glory and failure. It began as a city-state, partially autonomous from the much larger and much more powerful state known as the Khidoran Imperium. A nation founded upon securing a bastion of religious and cultural homogeneity according to their own beliefs. Other than religious presence, the Imperium left its subjugated states to their own devices for some time.
Miressa itself was a small port city on the northeasternmost area of the peninsula which comprised the Imperium’s northern border. Situated on a major waterway which connected the eastern lands to inner Albion, Miressa took the liberty of making itself rich, a trade hub from east to west. It fostered dynasties of bankers and tradesmen, merchants and artisans, all pulling strings on the city-state.
Though Miressa prospered under these relaxed policies of the Imperium, it was not meant to last. The Emperor of Khidora soon perished of age, leaving behind no successors, not even an Empress or well-known extended family. Soon, a larger conflict sparked, dubbed the War of the Khidoran Succession, with powers vying for control of the greater Khidoran lands. Though Miressa was not initially at risk, it was soon within the crosshairs of a particularly unpopular, yet powerful successor, self-proclaimed as Alfeo Khidora, true Emperor.
He began to consolidate his power in the lands in and around Miressa, tightening his grip. He demanded money from the wealthy banker families of Miressa, promising threats to those who would dare oppose him. While many heeded the warning, others bided their time, gathering support in secret, creating a network of rebels.
And on one fateful day, the forces met. The rebels had constructed a complex series of redoubts outside Miressa, creating a chokepoint at the strip of land which led to Miressa proper. A series of skirmishes ensued, which sparked into full assaults. Though peasantry manned the redoubts, they forced the enemy to turn tail time and time again as the professional knights and mercenaries contracted by the bankers rode the thick flanks with lances lowered, forcing the chokepoint even harder. By dusk, Alfeo’s forces were on the run, retreating south. Though pursuits by the mercenary knights of Miressa proved unfruitful and heavy with losses due to forced marches and ill-timed weather, Alfeo’s army was soon sandwiched, with Miressan forces to the north and opposing successor factions to the south.
Miressan forces were soon forced to withdraw due to overextended supply lines, but Alfeo’s forces were nevertheless crushed by opposing successors. The War of Succession continued, Miressa undisturbed and unmolested for the remainder, and all successor factions were weakened beyond able rulership, with most of the successors killed in battle by the end of it. The shackles of the Imperium were gone, and Miressa stood as the last remaining faction with the will and ability to rule. They extended their borders to a respectable amount of what once was the Imperium, and legitimized their rule by extending the law of the Miressa Council, which ruled the city of Miressa, to all newly acquired lands. Due to the wealth of Miressa and the sheer change of tolerance compared to the Imperium, citizens welcomed them with open arms.
The current standing government is the Council of Miressa. Elected by lottery, these thirteen men make the decisions for all of the Miressan territories. Always, these councilmen have equal power, save for the thirteenth man, which is the highest power presiding over the Council, and is installed by lottery for the purpose of breaking ties, settling arguments and bad blood affecting decisions, and being the figurehead of the Council. Each councilman has a two-year term, with their election years staggered for steady introduction of government. The head councilman, however, is generally picked by lottery from the currently reigning councilmen every six months. Often all these lotteries, both to select councilmen and the head councilman, are secretly modified in favor of influential and rich individuals and families, with the same family names of bankers and guildsmen with great wealth appearing in an almost hereditary manner, supplemented with the absence of term limits. However, there are terms to be eligible for the lottery. The person must be of 24 years or older, a member of an established trades guild, have no debts or financial instability, and be male.
The economy of Miressa is one of great wealth, booming with its trade. Though its agrarian sector is primarily subsistence farming among peasants, a growing amount of sugar seeds and opium poppy seeds acquired from the Commonwealth are being planted in the Miressan floodplains which possess extraordinary qualities for agriculture. Despite a focus on maritime and agrarian economy, amounts of both tin and marble have been found beneath the mud and sands of the floodplains. Some dare to gamble their coinage to capitalize on these valuables, and some succeed.
The capital city of Miressa itself, the heart of the Republic, is itself located out to sea. Built upon sunken marshes, it is a city of complex canals and is built only six feet above sea level. Surrounding it and spreading even into the mainland are floodplains of rich soil and washed up minerals, formed by the sea itself and tributary rivers flowing over the peninsula.
4,100,000 persons accounted for by the Miressan Census Bureau, with 86% residing in a rural environment, 14% in an urban or sub-urban environment.
89% Humans (Rest is WIP)
Notable Locations
Miressa, the crown jewel of the Republic. Though a run-down fishing village centuries ago, it is now a sprawling hub of trade servicing both the powers of Albion and the merchants of the Commonwealth.
Notable Persons
The staple of Miressa is its guilds, of which 8 preside over the rest. Those thirteen are: The Guild of Merchants, the Guild of Arcane Practices, the Guild of Law & Justice, the Guild of Weaving & Clothesmaking, the Guild of Agriculture, the Guild of Mineral Mining & Sculpting, and the Guild of Exploration & Seafaring, in order of influence.
Organization: The Grand Army of Miressa is the primary armed body of the Republic, consisting of a small, but professional force that stands year-round. It consists primarily of well-trained and hired career huscarls, serjeants, and men-at-arms, all of which generally are mounted to maximize mobility while armored, making them particularly vulnerable to polearms, though these men are trained to fight dismounted if need be, however the equestrian culture of their fighting dictates that if they cannot do it from horseback, they shall not do it at all. Despite the professionalism of their main force, the Grand Army suffers from weak leadership, with commanders often being young and naive nobles and knights from the wealthy families of Miressa, having either gained their commissions by hereditary means, or had their commissions bought for a pretty penny.
Despite the seemingly small force of predominantly cavalry, it would be foolish to conclude that the Grand Army cannot field a large force of infantry in emergencies. This is done through two primary means. Firstly is the measure almost always taken in times of war, in which ‘debtors levies’ are raised from those in particularly bad financial situations or in debt. Their service often pays off their debt if they survive, and if they are to die, their possessions being acquired by the government generally covers the difference. This often draws many, even some who are not levied, rather volunteer to cover their own debt. The second method is levy by lottery, the means not unknown to most nations with a system of levying, in which names are drawn at random for service. However, most wealthy persons avoid this by paying a substitution, which is a person willing to fill in for service for those who can pay them a lump sum to do so.
As for seafaring, the Miressan Grand Navy is a rather large one. Based out of Miressa itself, they are primarily an armed merchant marine accompanied by a sizeable escort navy of armed caravels, carracks, galleys, and other maneuverable and combat-capable vessels. The navy is primarily staffed by professional sailors and its levies are acquired the same as the army, only targeted at seafaring types such as merchants, fishermen, and explorers.
Troop Total: Grand Total: 24,000 personnel
Total: 18,000 Firstly are the men that lead them all, the knights, nobles, and lords in shining full plate, mounted upon steeds just as well armored as them. While symbolic of bravery and manhood, Miressa’s population of these men are in contrast to it. Often these troops are young, most short of thirty, with few having earned their position, rather having their commissions bought by their families or handed down by hereditary means. The one glimpse of professionalism amongst this caste of men are the knights themselves, as they are the only ones sworn to chivalry and fundamentally trained in combat, often breeding the few and far between experienced commanders. Current accounts put these at about 2,000 in number. Next are the bulk of the Grand Army, men just as armored as their knightly and aristocratic counterparts, only not holding the same rank, being trained to follow, not lead, despite the ineptitude of their leadership. These men are career soldiers, the best Miressa has to offer, with all being mounted and preferring to fight as such. While they are trained to fight dismounted, most hold the belief instilled into them by a culture of equestrian combat: If it cannot be done from horseback, it shall not be done at all. Current accounts number these at 15,000. While almost completely absent in peacetime, it would be an injustice to neglect to mention those who fill this role. Known colloquially as ‘debtors levies’ (regardless of whether they were actually levied or made up of volunteers) these men often consist of those who are in debt of any form. Depending on the situation, some volunteer when faced with opportunity to rid themselves of debt, while other units are entirely levied with the promise of debts being paid as enticement to not attempt desertion. While not nearly as well equipped as their professional peers, they still have a much-required niche in battle, partially counterbalancing the sheer focus on cavalry the other portions of the army possess. Numbered at little to none in peacetime, with about 20,000 men available for being levied. Lastly is an auxiliary so new and dwarfed, some struggle to understand it in full. These are the arquebusiers, a small force of men armed with the newest development in warfare technology, arquebuses, also known as matchlock firearms. Working by a constantly lit match soaked in whale oil, it ignites powder which hurls a lead ball larger in size than one’s thumb at the enemy, inflicting devastating damage. These men are often armored lightly and trained to fight from horseback and on foot quite effectively, with no qualms from the men. When mounted, they are often deployed on a flank, expected to screen the enemy and inflict damage from afar while maintaining maximum mobility. However, most often they are deployed on foot, where they truly excel. Almost always combined with a reserve force of polearm-equipped infantry, they march within the larger formation of men, stopping within 75-50 yards and firing off 1-3 volleys before running back behind the formation of infantry accompanying them, allowing the infantry to engage. However, this does not mean arquebusiers cannot hold their own. Often their cuirasses and helmets are well-tempered for close-in combat, and they are generally armed with arrays of arming sword, basket-hilted broadswords, and claymores which they can use to great effect in slashing apart enemies which are not particularly heavily armored. Numbered at nearly 1,000, but often estimated less than that.
Total: 6,000 Considered one of the most numerous vessel types in the Grand Navy, the caravel is a particularly maneuverable ship that packs its own punch, able to be armed with an array of bombards, cannons, and swivel guns which serve to tear enemy vessels in twain. Also numerous, the galley is in contrast to its counterparts, in that it is both rowed and sailed, maximizing speed towards the destination at the expense of causing its crew great fatigue. The galley is generally utilized for transportation over bodies of water, however is not unknown to be armed with swivel guns and light bombards for light defense from other vessels. Perhaps the most numerous vessel in the Grand Navy, the carrack has a distinction from the others, in that it is rather unmaneuverable, sacrificing a light profile for a massive array of ordnance and a gargantuan hold compared to other vessels. The carrack is the strongman of the Grand Navy.
Trade agreement with Konglomerat Blaserkr: Gunpowder & Gunpowder Weaponry for a select tonnage of Opium, Marble, Tin, Sugar, and Tobacco.
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 4,100,000 Territory Size: 3. Your nation is smaller than average but there's still plenty of territory to work with. While the lack of endless farmland might prove an issue, you do at least enjoy the benefits of relatively small and easily defended borders. Technology: 4. Adequate modernization, you manage to keep pace with the rest of Albion. Prevalence of Magic: 5. Magic is considered a common feat to your people and you're famous for your magic powers worldwide. Government Type: 2. Your nation is ruled by that shine of gold and silver. In a society where money is power, the wealthy elite form a plutocratic government. Bloodline is still important (because of course a person born into a wealthy family is worth more than some pauper!) but your ancestry becomes irrelevant the moment that you run out of coin. At least there is some degree of social mobility in that a poor merchant can perhaps work his way up into the elite; in more traditional and aristocratic countries, rising up might not even be possible. Political Stability: 6. You enjoy the benefit of having a serene and peaceful nation. There's barely any crime and you don't have a rebellion brewing, so rejoice!
Overall Wealth: 5. Your nation has a solid and rather stable economy. You have the means to finance most of the projects that your government wants to undertake, and most of your people enjoy a good standard of living. Urbanization: 2. Aside from your capital and perhaps one or two urban centers, you have a very highly rural population. There is likely some system such as serfdom with most people living off the land. Agriculture: 6. Rather than staple or food crops, most of your farmland is devoted to the growing of cash crops. While this makes you money, a fair amount of that is probably spent on importing food from places with more of an abundance. This is fine and you're probably wealthier for it, but your people rarely enjoy fresh food and you have grown heavily dependent on those trade routes that feed your nation. Notable Resources: Sugar, opium or other "medicinal substances", tin
Military Military Structure: 2. Small core of elite soldiers, supplemented by some mercenaries in wartime. Overall not a very large force. Military Focus 4. Excessive focus on cavalry at the expense of decent infantry. Navy: 5. Decently powerful navy with enough ships and sailors to fight as much you'd like Military Leadership 1. Generals are very loyal to the government but gained the position by hereditary status and not necessarily merit Military Reputation 4. Your military tends to have strokes of bad luck in most of its campaigns.
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 1,200,000 Territory Size: 4. Your nation has an average sized expanse of land. There's enough for agriculture, cities, and then some wilderness. Your border is large enough that smugglers can sometimes make it through, but by and large it's still defensible. Technology: 3. Slow modernization, you're lagging behind somewhat and still catching up to your neighbors in the rest of Albion. Prevalence of Magic: 4. You have decent amount of magic users with a number of schools ready to teach them. Government Type: 3. Your society is a feudal monarchy. Quite typical, there is a king who inherited the throne from his father, and then there are all manner of other aristocrats: dukes and barons and knights all swear fealty to one another in exchange for control of land, all in a complicated system of legal obligations... Political Stability: 6. You enjoy the benefit of having a serene and peaceful nation. There's barely any crime and you don't have a rebellion brewing, so rejoice!
Overall Wealth: 5. Your nation has a solid and rather stable economy. You have the means to finance most of the projects that your government wants to undertake, and most of your people enjoy a good standard of living. Urbanization: 4. Your nation is decently urbanized with the fair balance of towns and rural areas Agriculture: 1. Your people don't farm much, probably a result of having land of poor quality. Instead you depend heavily upon ranching and dairy. This allows for a stable and perennial source of food so long as your herds stay healthy and you protect your many grazing lands. Notable Resources: Ivory, meat, lumber, iron
Military Military Structure: 4. A school of battlemages, but little else to serve as a standing army. Levies and mercenaries both utilized during times of war to create an army of average size. Military Focus 5. Emphasis on light infantry and skirmishers. Navy: 3. Average navy, has limited force projection capability Military Leadership 5. Generals are somewhat competent; competitive; mixture of hereditary nobles and soldiers that rose to the rank through battlefield exploits Military Reputation 2. Your soldiers are renowned for their honor.
@CycloneBTW, you mentioned something about the map provinces earlier. Do you intend to draw provinces or do we simply stake a claim to a region (I'm writing my stuff with one particular island in mind)?
Here's what I've got so far. Still WIP at the moment.
Dusmaiji Empire
Demonym: Dusmaijik Description: The Dusmaiji Empire is an union of ethnic tribes brought together by the conquest of the warlord Mubarum who lead his own tribe, the Chizu, against the others that occupied the Dusmai Desert and the encompassing lands. As strength was always highly valued by the Dusmai peoples, Mubarum's conquest was respected and honored by those who failed to defeat him and the Dusmaiji Empire was born. The tribes who submitted to the Empire were allowed to retain their lands while those who did not were exterminated. When established, the Dusmaiji Empire was intended to be a civilization "for those who roots were truly of the Dusmai Desert," as per the words of Emperor Mubarum I himself. While in the present it is unknown what exactly he meant by having roots truly of the Dusmai Desert, his great grandson Mubarum IV declared that this statement meant that the Dusmaiji Empire was only for the humans of the Dusmai Desert and thus began the marginalization of its other races such as the Centaurs and more so the Sand Elves who always had a past of persecution by the human tribes. Even in the present non-humans (in addition to foreigners) are not allowed to own property within the Dusmaiji Empire though the Emperor can grant this privilege to those who earn his favor.
While the inhabitants of Dusmaiji vary in culture and language, collectivism is an almost universally upheld value and it is the rope that binds its different peoples together. A citizen of Dusmaiji is expected to put the good of the empire first, the good of their tribe second, and their own personal good last. To prioritize oneself is an act akin to treason and those who are found doing so are ostracized. Surnames are not used by Dusmaiji humans. Instead, they are distinguished by their community first and their parentage second. For instance, a man named Kuza of the Shali tribe would refer to himself as Kuza of the Shali. Should he come across another of his name and tribe he would refer to himself as Kuza, son of his father and mother's name. In Dusmaiji gender roles vary between tribes though the imperial dynasty has a strictly male line of succession. Therefore, is not rare to find women in positions of high esteem.
Government: The Empire is an absolute monarchy with the head of state being the emperor whose word is regarded as law. There is a feudal system in place in which tribes are able to hold and control their own territories but must supply the Empire with whatever is demanded whenever they are asked to do so. There exists a meritocracy, the Chamber of Masteries, which the Emperor can control but cannot directly assign members as its positions must be earned.
Although they pledge fealty to the Empire, the tribes of Dusmaiji are allowed to retain their lands. While they are far from equal in strength and influence all tribes possess the same rights and responsibilities as one another. Tribe leaders must collect taxes and pay a percentage to the crown and levy troops for the Empire during wartime. Otherwise, they have full reign within their lands as long as they do not contradict the mandates of the Empire. Tribe Heads are able to support candidates for the Chamber of Masteries.
There are well over a hundred tribes within the Dusmaiji Empire and the majority of them are very small numbering less than a hundred. Larger tribes have a tendency to subjugate smaller ones though such relationships are neither encouraged or discouraged by the empire. Lands which are unclaimed by a tribe are under the direct control of the emperor until he decides to grant them to a tribe.
Non-humans, although allowed to live within the empire's lands, are treated as second class citizens and any tribes/groups they may assemble are usually unrecognized by the empire. The only exception is a single orc clan, the Muggarfang, who were able to gain recognition for their military prowess. In most cases, any lands occupied predominantly by non-humans belong personally to the Emperor unless he gives them to a tribe head.
The Chamber of Masteries consists of administrative positions that are earned on the basis of skill within a particular area and recognition for feats that have benefited the Empire as a whole. While the Emperor has the right to command the Chamber of Masteries as he sees fit, he cannot directly assign anyone to these positions (however he is allowed to nominate his own candidates). Typically, a candidate of the Chamber of Masteries must complete a trial of some sort to be officially awarded the position. Such trials always require them to outperform the position's current holder. As many seek to become an eminent, the title which those within the Chamber are known by, it is an ever changing body with only those who are truly competent retaining their position for longer than two years. Terms within the Chamber of Masteries have no limit and one may reign for as long as they remain worthy. The Emperor can immediately remove an eminent if they are found guilty of treason. Disobeying the Emperor, which may or may not be deemed treason depending on the circumstance, is grounds for automatic removal from the Chamber of Masteries.
Eminent of War The Eminent of War is the individual regarded as not only the strongest fighter in the empire but also its greatest combat leader. They are in charge of the Empire's entire land army and are responsible for levy troops from the tribe heads in times of war. The Eminent of War typically cooperates with the Empire and tribe heads to concoct strategies though their qualification usually allows them the final say in matters. To become eligible for the position, a candidate must first gain the support of seven tribe heads before being allowed to face the previous Master of War in a trial of combat.
Eminent of Magic The Eminent of Magic is recognized as the best mage in the Empire and it is understood that they should be able to perform the most difficult spells. Whoever holds the position is also designated as the leader of the Alchemist's Guild. Essentially, the job of the Eminent of Magic is to act as the chief of all arcane matters within the Empire. They supervise the usage of magic within the Empire and advise the Emperor on handling subjects relating to it. The selection of the Eminent of Magic is made by the archmages of the Empire's magic schools. Trials vary with examples comprising the performance of a high caliber spell to the brewing of a rare potion.
Eminent of Architecture The Eminent of Architecture is the best builder in the entire Empire. They are responsible for designing structures and managing major projects approved by the Emperor. To become the Eminent of Architecture, a candidate must complete a structure that earns the praise of seven tribe heads. It cannot be the first project by the candidate.
Eminent of Trade The Eminent of Trade is in charge of the Empire's treasury and keeping track of its expenses. They advise the Emperor on financial matters, make sure that other eminents remain within budget when carrying out their duties, and raise money for the Empire by seeing to it that the tribe heads pay their taxes. The Eminent of Trade also orchestrates international trade routes and works with the Eminent of Diplomacy to secure deals with other nations that are best for the Empire. Trials for deciding the Eminent of Trade vary but are always mathematically oriented.
Eminent of Diplomacy The Eminent of Diplomacy is in charge of overseeing the Empire's international relations and affairs. If there is a meeting in another country and it isn't exactly viable for the Emperor himself to attend, they willattend and speak on his behalf. Only the most eloquent speaker in the Empire is allowed to attain the position and a candidate is selected through a debate judged by a panel consisting of several important figures within the Empire, the Emperor himself included.
Eminent of Nature The Eminent of Nature is the top survivalist and agriculturalist in the Empire.
Eminent of Art The Eminent of Art is the most esteemed artist within the Empire and is a master of multiple forms of expression such as music, painting, literature, theater, and sculpting. The Eminent of Art takes charge of major projects authorized by the Emperor and sets the standard within the Empire for what is and is not appropriate as artistic expression. They often work closely with the Eminent of Architecture in designing structures as well.
Eminent of History
Eminent of the Sea
Eminent of the Sky
Eminent of the Mind The Eminent of the Mind is regarded as the brightest scholar within the Empire and is trusted with distinguishing science from magic and providing their expertise on the former. The Eminent of Mind should also be an esteemed philosopher who is able to give insight on matters concerning morals and ethics. An academic test orchestrated by the Empire's top non-magical colleges decides eligibility for the Eminent of Magic.
Eminent of the Eye The Eminent of the Eye is the best spy within the Empire and is in charge of all intelligence gathering operations.
Religion: There are a plethora of animist faiths that exist within the Empire but there is only one official religion supported by the crown. Foreign religions are frowned upon but are allowed to be privately practiced.
Arafito is the official religion of the Dusmaiji Empire and is practiced by a good half the population. According to ancient scriptures, its name means "bond" but its exact origins cannot be pinpointed. Arafito is a polytheistic faith with the chief deities being twins known as the Locked Gods. Practitioners of Arafito are known as Arafitans and they believe that the world was formed by the dismemberment of both the Locked Gods, the arms of the elder an the legs of the younger. The individual names of the Locked Gods have lost their significance over the years and in the present they are regarded as a single, unified deity rather than two separate ones. The Locked Gods are depicted as two male humanoids with their heads pressed together. In all paintings the elder is shown on the left while the younger is on the right. The individual associations of the Locked Gods have been lost with their names. Now they are associated with ideas such as unity and kinship.
Geography: Savannas, jungles, and desert. The Dusmai Desert, for which the empire is named, comprises roughly 55% of the nation's land.
Population: 10,200,000 Demographics:
Dusmaiji is mostly inhabited by dark-skinned humans divided into ethnic tribes. Many tribes thrive within Dusmaiji and no exact count has been tallied. Only tribes that are officially recognized by the Empire are allowed to lay claim to land. The majority of Dusmaijik tribes are small and number less than a hundred. Only three comprise more than five percent of the total human population and they are the Chizu, the tribe to which the imperial family belongs; the Nayan, and the Kiwongi. These tribes are known as the Three Great Tribes of the Dusmai.
Ethnic identity among Dusmaijik humans is important and the tribes place a high emphasis on being distinguished from the other. While some tribes share similar cultures and are closely related, others might as well be from opposing ends of the world. Prior to being united within the empire many of the tribes were enemies and tension still exists despite inter-tribe conflict being strictly prohibited. Inland settlements typically have a single tribe or two that make up the majority population. Because of trade, coastal settlements tend to be more diverse and accepting of differences.
Three Great Tribes
Chizu - 20%
Nayan - 12%
Kiwongi - 8%
Major Tribes
Ipowok - 4%
Dumala - 2%
Shali - 2%
Nyesora - 1%
Minor Tribes: 47%
Apart from the defined races and ethnicities which each have a noteworthy presence within the empire, there is an array who do not. While some of these minorities are native it is known that foreigners from all across Albion and the known world have migrated to Dusmaiji. While the Empire is strict on citizenship its immigration policies are to a degree lax allowing those who are willing to comply with its laws to reside within its borders. Ordinarily, immigrants come to Dusmaiji because of trade and educational opportunities. Conversion to Arafito is an increasingly popular attraction for immigrants as pilgrims often remain after making their trips to the holy city of Kiakala.
Notable Locations: There are three cities of note.
The capital of the Empire and the location of the Imperial Palace. It is built over a large lake in the Dusmai Desert.
The largest port settlement in the Empire.
The sacred city. Kiakala is where those of the Arafito faith come to get in touch with their spirituality.
Personalities of Note:
Emperor Matizam, Supreme Lord of the Dusmai and Head of the Chizu
Empress Thelanda
Prince Sanyir
Prince Kanis
Prince Jaseel
Princess Serira
Princess Eserah
Princess Njumira
Princess Fokona
*Note: Emperor Matizam has many, many bastards both acknowledged and unacknowledged. They are not in the line of succession.
Kirondou, Eminent of War
Mphira, Eminent of Magic and Leader of the Alchemist's Guild
Namin, Eminent of Architecture
Hamoz, Eminent of Trade
Elorik, Eminent of Diplomacy
Kaidan, Eminent of Nature
Sizari, Eminent of Art
Chaker, Eminent of History
Baniri, Eminent of the Sea
Adunis, Eminent of the Sky and Leader of the Sky Watchers
Joshari, Eminent of the Mind
Kijoda, Eminent of the Eye
Great Tribes
Kongabu, Head of the Nayan
Rumondo, Head of the Kiwongi
Major Tribes
Jukun, Head of the Ipowok
Shekin, Head of the Dumala
Harethu, Head of the Shali
Akiji, Head of the Nyesora
Krothu, Head of the Muggarfang clan of Orcs
Ivrek, a Sand Elf nomad leader
Phebran, a Centaur herd leader
Gonto, a Lizardfolk clan leader
Rik, a Lizardfolk clan leader
Shandeam, High Wisdom of the Owakaya
Osamka, Archmage of Nokora College of Spellcraft
Ahabaran, Grand Master of the Tontu
Alchemist's Guild:
Sky Watchers: The astronomy guild who, as their name suggests, are responsible for watching the sky for signs and identifying constellations and other celestial bodies.
Nokora College of Spellcraft: A prestigious school of sorcery that attracts students from all over. Nokora is difficult to both get and stay into as underachieving students are regularly dropped to make room for other applicants. As Nokora's establishment was funded by the Empire it, like most other magic schools, swears its students and staff to the military. Out of all the magic schools within Dusmaiji, Nokora is said to contribute the highest quality mages.
Owakaya: A massive temple situated in the holy city of Kiakala and one of the marvels of the Dusmaiji Empire. It is believed to have been constructed long before the conquest of Mubarum and still stands as the headquarters of the Arafito faith and its hierarchy. Those on pilgramage seek out the Owakaya to read scriptures that can only be found within its library.
Tontu: An order of warrior monks who strictly adhere to Arafito. The Tontu are an independent peacekeeping force who mediate any conflicts that may arise between Dusmaiji's ethnic groups. They are only permitted to act within its borders and cannot take part in conflicts on foreign soil. Any Arafitan is allowed to join the Tontu regardless of origin granted they complete the necessary training.
Organization: Magic schools such as Nokora pledge their students and faculty to the empire's military as payment for the land they were granted to construct their campuses. This the closest to a standing army that the Empire possesses as the remainder of the forces are levied from tribes or recruited as mercenaries. The Eminent of War raises the levies whenever he is instructed to do so by the Emperor. Tribe Heads who contribute troops usually lead them in battle while operating under the Eminent of War's direct command. Mercenaries who are hired into the forces either remain under their own leaders if they are recruited as a company or sorted into the ranks of a tribe head if they aren't. Overall, the army of the Empire is commanded by the Eminent of War at the Emperor's orders. While the Emperor is the ultimate authority, The Eminent of War is trusted because of his merit and is allowed to interept orders from the Emperor in a way that he feels will most likely result in success for the Empire.
The Dusmaiji navy is organized differently from the army. As most Dusmaiji tribes specialize in unmounted land combat, there are less who are skilled in sailing and thus the navy is required to be more structured than the army to produce the best possible fleet. Unlike the army there is a clear rank division that exists within the Dusmaiji navy with the Eminent of the Sea at the top. Just like the Eminent of War he answers the Emperor and no one else. Having control of the entire Dusmaiji fleet, it is up to the Eminent of the Sea to guide it not only according to the Emperor's orders but in a way that will keep its casulties to a minimal as finding talent for the navy is harder. Besides commanding the navy the Eminent of Sea is also responsible for deciding the composition of the navy such as the amount of ships, the types of ships, and how crews are organized.
Troop Total:
Natural Born Fighters: The Dusmaiji infantry is renowned across Albion as tribes begin training their young to fight from the moment they are able to walk. Warriors are taught that retreat is dishonorable and that giving their lives for their nation and brethern is the best way to serve it. A one-on-one fight against a Dusmaiji pikeman will prove exceedingly difficult and a group are likely to overpower foreign troops that are not well prepared to face them.
Elephant's Fortitude: With the Eminent of Architecture being an exceptionally qualified designer and planner, Dusmaiji structures are resilient and require additional effort to destroy.
Heat Resistance: As Dusmaiji is a tropical country with the much of its land being desert, its natives are accustomed to high temperatures and dry weather. When fighting under such conditions Dusmaiji troops take longer than normal to succumb to the elements.
Dangerous Wilderness: The Dusmai Desert is already tough enough to cross on its own and much of the jungles are shrouded in mystery. Though travelers must brave these untamed environments to make it to their destination it is highly probable they won't survive. Feral man-eating beasts lurk within Dusmaiji's jungles and roam its savannas while unrelenting, spontaneous sandstorms sweep through the Dusmai Desert. Travelng Dusmaiji without capable protection is suicidal. Trade and communication by land take significantly longer than they would if such obstacles were not present. Uninterrupted travel can only occur during certain periods.
Ethnic Tension: Dusmaiji is multicultural which has added to its beauty. However, this has come at a price. Its human tribes are far from harmonius. If two tribes are allied then the third is surely a foe. Add the marginalized non-humans into the mix and feuds tend to erupt. While violence among Dusmaijik tribes is forbidden they have found other ways to spite their rivals. Internal political intrigue is detrimental to Dusmaiji's unity as just about any and everyone is seeking the next step up, even if they have to stab their neighbor in the back to progress.
Elephants are sacred animals in Dusmaiji and are seen as cultivators of the land.
Slavery between tribes in Dusmaiji is forbidden. But, a barely regulated system of indentured servitude does exist for native humans. The enslavement of non-humans, foreigners, and criminals is not explicitly forbidden but is discouraged by the Empire.
Personal property and ownership are vague concepts in Dusmaiji. Typically, only the upper class retain the right to truly possess their belongings on an individual level (because they have the power to protect them) whereas commoners share their belongings on a community level. This would mean that the pot of one man also belongs to his entire village. The belongings of non-humans and immigrants of Dusmaiji can be seized by the tribe head of the land on which they are occupying as compensation for inhabiting their territory. Such acquistions can be omitted from any taxes that must be paid to the Empire as non-humans and immigrants are not seen as true citizens, thus they are not expected to contribute to its sustainment.
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 10,200,000 Territory Size: 3. Your nation is smaller than average but there's still plenty of territory to work with. While the lack of endless farmland might prove an issue, you do at least enjoy the benefits of relatively small and easily defended borders. Technology: 4. Adequate modernization, you manage to keep pace with the rest of Albion. Prevalence of Magic: 4. You have decent amount of magic users with a number of schools ready to teach them. Government Type: 4. Your nation is ruled by one great emperor with functionally unlimited power. Beneath him is a large bureaucracy, but under this imperial system there is a meritocracy. Your magistrates and administrators have been tested and found competent; therefore, they earned their position unlike some noble that simply inherited it from his father. Political Stability: 3. There's some mild urban unrest with criminal gangs and corruption, but nothing threatening to overthrow your country.
Overall Wealth: 6. Opulence and obscene wealth define your nation. Your streets might not be paved with gold, but great monuments, beautiful works of art, and a large variety of public works stand testament to your economic power. Your government of course has the funds to do almost whatever it wants. Urbanization: 4. Your nation is decently urbanized with the fair balance of towns and rural areas Agriculture: 4. Your nation has its farmlands, but you aren't blessed with particularly fertile land nor regular rainfall. As such, seasonal famines are a common thing. Notable Resources: Silk, iron, marble
Military Military Structure: 4. A school of battlemages, but little else to serve as a standing army. Levies and mercenaries both utilized during times of war to create an army of average size. Military Focus 7. Focus on lines of pikemen along with missile troops. Navy: 5. Decently powerful navy with enough ships and sailors to fight as much you'd like Military Leadership 3. Generals are pretty competent; however, they are corrupt and play at politics Military Reputation 3. Many call your forces valorous; others say that they are brave to the point of stupidity.
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 17,800,000 Territory Size: 5. Your nation is "blessed" with a significantly larger than average amount of land. While you may have a great deal of opportunities to utilize both your ample farmlands and wilderness, your borders are hard to defend and your settlements are spread out which can impede communications. Technology: 2. Your domestic technology is quite dated. Old traditions are strong and your people often reject (or are painfully slow to adopt) more recent ideas; if you have any modern technology it's probably been imported. Prevalence of Magic: 2. Magic is rare and might be limited to a special heritage or you're just unlucky in its distribution. Government Type: 4. Your nation is ruled by one great emperor with functionally unlimited power. Beneath him is a large bureaucracy, but under this imperial system there is a meritocracy. Your magistrates and administrators have been tested and found competent; therefore, they earned their position unlike some noble that simply inherited it from his father. Political Stability: 3. There's some mild urban unrest with criminal gangs and corruption, but nothing threatening to overthrow your country.
Overall Wealth: 6. Opulence and obscene wealth define your nation. Your streets might not be paved with gold, but great monuments, beautiful works of art, and a large variety of public works stand testament to your economic power. Your government of course has the funds to do almost whatever it wants. Urbanization: 2. Aside from your capital and perhaps one or two urban centers, you have a very highly rural population. There is likely some system such as serfdom with most people living off the land. Agriculture: 5. You grow a variety of grains and vegetables and your farmers have developed a system of crop and field rotations. As such, they create a food surplus and your people are generally well nourished. Notable Resources: Cloth, coal and peat, lead, large supply of sapphires
Military Military Structure: 7. Relatively large noble warrior caste. Very effective, quick to mobilize, and fairly numerous, but difficult to replace if they suffer heavy losses. Military Focus 1. Well-rounded and disciplined army with no outright strengths or specialties Navy: 3. Average navy, has limited force projection capability Military Leadership 10. Generals are scholars trained in the arts of leadership, logistics, and warfare; loyal and effective, but perhaps detached from the soldiers that they command Military Reputation 8. Your military is known for straightforward thinking: they never resort to skullduggery and always feel the need to fight in open battle until they reach a decisive victory or defeat.
Mind if I claim a roll? :))
Can you handle this RP right now? No hard feelings my dude, but the way that Civilization is suspended has me somewhat worried about your ability to keep up with this one too.
In other news, I would like to thank everyone for their interest. We've gotten to the point that we have quite a few rolls handed out, and even if only half of you made nations and became active then we'd have a pretty solid base. At this point I'm unfortunately going to have to stop handing out rolls to anyone else that would like to join. I will however start a waiting list for those that would like to join if we have openings later on down the line.
Liking what I see so far from the WIP sheets. I'll be a good sport and similarly post what I have so far!
. The Eisenii fly no flags; the symbol of their people is a so-called horned tree.
Demonym: Eisenii
In the western reaches of Albion there lies a great forest known as the Eisen. Fogs vaguely conceals the tops of the gargantuan black-barked trees, and within this dark and foreboding live many fittingly savage tribes of men. They have an austere culture that puts the utmost reverence upon the warrior, bravery, and martial prowess, and for that reason they frequently launch raids and make for terrible neighbors. Though open to trade between their own tribes and occasionally even with outsiders, such trade is infrequent and usually only occurs when there is a loot from recent raids or a surplus of slaves.
The clan chieftains and petty kings always come from certain noble lineages, but must be elected by their people; as such, the warrior culture and hero worship has always held strong as the young seek to prove themselves.
Government: Within the Eisen there are hundreds of clans and perhaps a dozen tribes. Each of these tribes are headed by a petty king, but these kings rule with great deference to the magic-using caste of druids, who also act as the closest thing to clergy.
Above all the tribal rulers is one hereditary high king whose word is law to the druids. It is to he that all the scattered tribes must nominally swear their fealty. The current one is High King Yronwud, and so was the previous, and the one before that, as per a tradition that reaches back for well over a thousand years. There are no regnal numbers used to distinguish between which of the dozens of King Yronwuds that have existed between history.
Economy: (Just describe the major industries, activities and how they are organized. What are notable exports and imports? What is your nation lacking? Your rolls should help you figure this out)
Religion: (If present, more than one?)
Geography: (Jungle, grassland, mountains, etc. Be sure to identify where on the map you are, preferably by posting a clip of the region you wish to occupy, keeping in mind the relative size of your territory as was given in your rolls. We may have to move you around to make it work.)
Population: 7,500,000
Demographics (Makeup of your population; info of the different species of your people, further subdivided into ethnic groups if you like, maybe even mention linguistics)
Notable Locations: (Give us some info about your capital, other important cities, maybe where your forts and colonies (if you have any) are located)
Personalities of Note:
King Yronwud, Son of King Yronwud, Son of King Yronwud, Grandson of King Yronwud, Son of King Yronwud, Son of King Yronwud, Son of King Yronwud, Brother of King Yronwud, Son of King Yronwud, Son of King Yronwud, Son of King Yronwud, Son of King Yronwud, Grandson of King the current High King of the Eisenii Tribes and Protector of the Eisen. The blood of his forefathers still runs strongly in him; his reign has lasted fifteen years now, and he is as brave, proud, warmongering, stubborn, and humorless as any high king in recent memory.
Like the Treespeakers, his flesh has given way to bark and his body is hard as the strongest oak. Only a scant few of the eldest Treespeakers can contend with him for the title of the most powerful sorcerer in the Eisen, and his martial prowess is such that he commands fear and respect from even the mightiest and most famed of warriors. Even more impressively, he has the respect of those warriors that were great enough to be transformed into ents.
The High King's throne sits in the Eldest Grove, beneath the branches of a hundred Fathertrees, many of them former high kings--his direct ancestors. He rules with their counsel ever in mind until the day comes that he himself is made into a Fathertree joins their ranks; such is the way that it always has been and always shall. But in the legends there have been kings that knew not how to hear the words of their ancestors, relying upon the Treespeakers to faithfully convey the will of the Fathertrees. Sometimes the darkness in the hearts of men led the druids astray and they misrepresented the will of the Fathertrees so as to manipulate the High King, and when this happened it always lead to ruin.
For that reason, it has long been a vital and sacred duty for the High King to learn Fatherspeak and the druidic rites, so that he may hear the advice of the ancestors directly from the Fathertrees themselves. The nearly daily communication between the Yronwud and the Fathertrees hones his skill, and so the High King is almost always the most powerful druid in the realm. The Treespeaker Order exists as personal disciples to the king, aiding in all of these ritual endeavors and serving him as both their feudal king and as the grandmaster of their order. They are his most loyal followers.
The most exalted and accomplished of all warriors, especially those of noble bloodline, are sometimes chosen by the Treespeakers to receive the greatest gift that the druids can give: the honor of being transformed into an ent for a second life, with the near immortality, incredible power, and awe that comes from being a treeman.
Typically only a few men are transformed each season, for the process is long and difficult. It involves the special preparation of a sapling that will be raised perfectly and pruned with great care for many years, for the body of a mighty warrior must be as perfect in this second life as it was during the man's first life. Once a man is selected to receive the honor, his tree must be blessed, have his name and accomplishments engraved upon it, and be carved with all manner of holy symbols. This is a long and delicate task that often involves the labor of a dozen druids.
During this time, other druids will attend to the man himself. He will be separated from his family and fellow men, kept in the company of only nature and the druids that care for him. Over the next months he will be starved, tattooed, regularly bathed and blessed, and finally brought to the tree that will become his body in the next life.
There he is crucified (still living) into the tree and his skin is slowly flayed away. As the man's life ebbs away, his blood flows out and seeps into the tree. Guided by powerful druidic magic, his soul will similarly be absorbed into the tree. What follows is a period of long sleep as the tree is slowly warped by magic and the man's spirit, and after anything from a week to a few years, the tree will finally awaken as an ent.
Military: Organization: (Professional/militia/levy/..., doctrine, tactics, equipment, though the latter can be put underneath as well, etc.) Troop Total: (Keep reality and upkeep in mind, e.g. 3% of your population as full-time professional soldiers would be a whole lot. Many seemingly unrelated factors can go into this, including abundance/lack of food and your nation's wealth) Army: Navy: Other: (Such as siege equipment, internal security, important mercenaries, spies, etc.)
Other: Strengths: Ents - Warrior Culture - Ironwood Trees -
Weaknesses: No Horses - Extreme Xenophobia -
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 7,500,000 Territory Size: 5. Your nation is "blessed" with a significantly larger than average amount of land. While you may have a great deal of opportunities to utilize both your ample farmlands and wilderness, your borders are hard to defend and your settlements are spread out which can impede communications. Technology: 1. Antiquated, the nation stubbornly clings to old methods and ways of life that were established traditions even in the time of their grandfathers. Technologically speaking, they are stuck in past centuries. Prevalence of Magic: 4. You have decent amount of magic users with a number of schools ready to teach them. Government Type: 9. Your nation is effectively a magocracy - that is to say, it is under the rule of magi. Whether this just means that one mighty wizard in a great tower effectively rules as a dictator or that there is an entire ruling caste of magic-users is up to you, but make sure to include unicorns. Political Stability: 6. You enjoy the benefit of having a serene and peaceful nation. There's barely any crime and you don't have a rebellion brewing, so rejoice!
Overall Wealth: 2. Your nation is struggling and somewhat poor. The government and upper class mighty conceivably be well off, but the middle class of merchants and tradesmen are small and most of your people still occupy themselves with subsistence activities. That being said, at least they aren't starving in the streets. Urbanization: 6. You're the wonder of urbanization, a gigantic city state! Even though nearly your entire population lives in one huge city your influence spreads far and wide. Agriculture: 5. You grow a variety of grains and vegetables and your farmers have developed a system of crop and field rotations. As such, they create a food surplus and your people are generally well nourished. Notable Resources: Spices, small deposits of silver, tin
Military Military Structure: 4. A school of battlemages, but little else to serve as a standing army. Levies and mercenaries both utilized during times of war to create an army of average size. Military Focus 2. Focus on siege and sapper techniques to support the rest of your armies. Navy: 1. Almost nonexistent navy that just serves to transport the army and perhaps ward off rogue pirates Military Leadership 8. Generals are often hired foreigners; very competent but not necessarily loyal Military Reputation 6. Your military is proud and believes in its own supremacy.
Tomorrow I'll aim to finally get the OOC up, give specific feedback to the rest of you, and hopefully also make significant progress on my own sheet.
Unfortunately I must defer back to my prior statement:
We've gotten to the point that we have quite a few rolls handed out, and even if only half of you made nations and became active then we'd have a pretty solid base. At this point I'm unfortunately going to have to stop handing out rolls to anyone else that would like to join. I will however start a waiting list for those that would like to join if we have openings later on down the line.
Name: Grand State of Neziri Demonym: Nezirir Description:
A rather large nation located on the continent's north west reaches, the Grand State of Neziri is a relatively young nation. Established a mere 400 years ago with the Annulment of Tar-Mirian, which saw the dissolution of the ancient Arlamanthine Empire and its absorption into the Revanese Republic, thus creating the Grand State.
The Grand State was based on the notion that while a single simply wasn't fit to hold absolute power, neither were the mobs fit to have any say on the ruling of the nation. So a compromise was reached, in which only the most able and skilled were to be given the chance. Or in short, the nobles would rule without having to bother with obeying some king or giving voice to the masses.
Needless to say, the lack of a true central power to keep the aristocracy in check has caused problems for the Grand State. Civil wars, popular revolts and simple political gridlock have time and again wrecked havoc on the nation, almost bringing it to complete ruin several times in the past. The most learned among the scholars now dreadfully point out how close the nation is to a major crisis should the popular unrest and economic crisis not be dealt with effectively.
Due to the Arlamanthine's status as a magocracy, the Grand State enforces a strict policy of persecution against magic and its users. The Saganid Order, a militant group under direct Senate supervision, is tasked with hunting down and exterminating witches, wizards and the stain of magic inside Nezir.
Government: The Grand State of Neziri is ruled by the Senate, in theory created to ensure that no single man could hold absolute power and return the land to the days of Imperial tyranny, the Senate has been dominated by the interests of the aristocracy ever since its inception. To be eligible for a chair, one must not only come from a established noble family but also own sizable material assets. Official ruling power lays with two consuls elected for a year long term. And in times of crisis, the Senate can appoint an Autocrat with almost unlimited powers.
Below the Senate there's a well established bureaucracy that is tasked with running the day to day affairs of the nation. More often than not, however, these organs are essentially dominated by whatever landlord or merchant prince has the most influence in the city or province. This also translates to Senate appointments, such as provincial governors and military commands.
Economy: Theoretically speaking, the Grand State is large enough to have a diversified economy, natural resources are many and abundant, the land is fertile and its population vast. Reality often does not corresponds to theory however, and currently the nation is experiencing economic recession.
In more general terms, agriculture and forestry are the driving engines of the Nezirir economy. Fruits, lumber and incense are the most renowned export goods of the Grand State, though its size and population means that other sectors are not entirely underdeveloped. Or wouldn't if not for the ongoing recession.
Religion: The current Neziri pantheon was born as a result of the religious policies of the old Arlamanthine Empire, as its hosts subjugated land after land, the Emperors of old sought to smooth over differences by officially absorbing foreign gods into the Arlamanthine Pantheon. Either as new minor deities or simply declaring them different aspects of existing ones. Over the centuries this has evolved into a system where the same gods are worshiped in different ways depending on what part of the State one visits. Which has also led to the rise of some tensions across the realm, as this religious diversity breeds tension between the different temples and congregations.
This lack of centralized doctrine has also led to the creation of many mystery cults all over the realm. Syncretic and secretive religious schools whose purpose is to attain true knowledge of the gods. They are tolerated, if only because the aristocracy tends to consider them a fun hobby, though the
Local spirits, renowned heroes of the past and ancestors are also widely worshiped through the entire length of Nerziri. With many of the oldest great houses claiming descent from a mythical hero or godly ancestor.
Geography: Waiting on map
Population: 13 600 000
Humans compose the bulk of the State's population.
Notable Locations (Give us some info about your capital, other important cities, maybe where your forts and colonies (if you have any) are located)
Personalities of Note (Your ruler, perhaps your highest military officers, generally just use this space to help us keep track of your POV characters)
Institutions: (Major non-military institutions of the nations, such as legislative bodies, guilds, religious sects)
Military: Organization: Instead of fielding a central army, the Senate bestows the authority of maintaining armies upon a chosen group of Senators, while provincial governors are also allowed to look to the defense of their lands. Essentially allowing the formation of vast private armies with very little state oversight. Troop Total: (Keep reality and upkeep in mind, e.g. 3% of your population as full-time professional soldiers would be a whole lot. Many seemingly unrelated factors can go into this, including abundance/lack of food and your nation's wealth) Army: Navy: Other: (Such as siege equipment, internal security, important mercenaries, spies, etc.)
Other: Amazing feats of engineering:Whether it is building colossal marble temples to the gods or embarking in more practical enterprises such as paved roads or massive irrigation projects, Nezirir engineers and architects have no equal among the civilized lands. The Breadbasket:The lands of the Grand State are among the most fertile of the continent. Coupled with good weather and skilled specialists, Nezirir is a powerhouse when it comes to agriculture. The illusion of authority:Despite all the pomp and protocol of official state functions and flowery legal codes, the Senate has only as much power as the Senators and other grandees allow it to possess. The lack of a strong central authority has always been a constant in Nezirir, and so have corruption and nepotism. After all, what can the Senate do besides bow to the interests of the upper class? Unrest:Economic recession, blatant government corruption alongside racial, religious and ethnic tensions have conspired to create an impending storm. So far the Senate has managed to keep things under control, but even a single spark may set the whole thing ablaze. The Stain of Magic:Originally formed out of disparate groups of outlaws and rebel slaves fighting against the Arlamanthine mage-lords, the Saganid Order has had 400 years to hone their skills in the art of witch hunting. As it stands, they are perhaps, one of the last Nezirir institutions unaffected by the growing crisis, acting as part Inquisition and part secret police, as long as the state maintains its support for their anti-magic efforts, the Order sees no reason to involve itself in the nest of vipers that is Nezirir politics
Basic Demographics & Government Info Population: 13,600,000 Territory Size: 5. Your nation is "blessed" with a significantly larger than average amount of land. While you may have a great deal of opportunities to utilize both your ample farmlands and wilderness, your borders are hard to defend and your settlements are spread out which can impede communications. Technology: 4. Adequate modernization, you manage to keep pace with the rest of Albion. Prevalence of Magic: 1. Magic is a taboo to your nation with its practitioners living in hiding Government Type: 12. Your nation is an oligarchy. It needn't necessarily be aristocratic or plutocratic; the main defining feature is that there is no one individual that holds supreme power; rather, there might be a council of elders or a senate. Political Stability: 2. Your people are growing increasingly discontent, but so far it hasn't boiled over to the point of violence. Or if it has, your government has found a way to suppress it before it erupted into anything major.
Overall Wealth: 3. Your nation was once in good enough shape, but recent events have caused a large recession and now your economy is shrinking. If this isn't resolved soon, major issues will arise. The people are used to a higher standard of life than they are currently experiencing, and as food supplies contract there may be mass starvation and the collapse of industry, commerce, or even government. Urbanization: 4. Your nation is decently urbanized with the fair balance of towns and rural areas Agriculture: 9. Your nation relies heavily upon orchards and fruit plantations. Coconuts, dates, or perhaps even bananas are your main crops. For some reason all this fruit seems to make your sailors a lot less likely to get scurvy. Notable Resources: Citrus, lumber, incense
Military Military Structure: 8. Powerful nobles or merchants maintain private armies even in times of peace. These are effective and don't cost the central government any money, but aren't terribly reliable as they owe their loyalty to their masters rather than the nation itself. Military Focus 9. Army centered around a small group of elites supported by a large bulk of troops. Navy: 1. Almost nonexistent navy that just serves to transport the army and perhaps ward off rogue pirates Military Leadership 2. Generals rose to their positions through experience and battlefield exploits; competent, but also decadent Military Reputation 11. Your military hasn't done much to earn a reputation and is not particularly renowned.
Very much a WIP. If someone could help me with the military aspect I would appreciate.
As you can see, I was kinda aiming for a Republican HRE-Style thing with this nation
@Cyclone Hey bro. Yeah I was just kinda curious as to what roll I'd get, I probably can't join up in this one either to be completely honest. You just never know, sometimes you get a spur of inspiration and manage to stay afloat with it.