The Old Republic - Chapter 1 : The Hunt of The Yvin

Rule no. 1: Don’t be rude or more plainly put, to destroy all loopholes, an asshole. IC, this is okay, obviously, but OOC rudeness, especially on the forums, is not acceptable.
Rule no. 2: Don’t go overboard with your characters. Characters deemed overpowered by the GMs will be denied.
Rule no. 3: Read and follow all the CS guidelines. If you have any questions, ask away.
Rule no. 4: Try not to go back and forth in solo-posts. If you're going to do a conversation with someone, please do a collab as to not take up much space in the IC.
Rule no. 5: RPG rules apply.
Rule no. 6: No meta or power gaming. I know meta gaming is difficult to enforce meta gaming rules, but I'm trusting you guys on this.
Rule no. 7: Short posts are acceptable-don't feel obligated to write extremely long posts on your own- but try to have at least two good paragraphs.
Rule no. 8: All IC posts and CSs must be written in third person.
Rule no. 9: Romance is good, but if things get too heated then please fade out and take it to PM's.
Rule no. 10: No real pictures. For all character descriptions, drawings please.
Welcome to the Yvin Hunt!
The galaxy is at the height of the conflict between the Mandalorians and Jedi. The Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire are in an uneasy truce as the splinter majority of the Jedi Order wars with the Mandalorians. Meanwhile, both the Sith Empire and the Republic are preparing in secret for a potential war, investing in intelligence services and weapons manufacturing. Both sides are buying from the Mandalorians, which gives the warriors the funds for their war. The Jedi fighting them, while currently winning most of their battles, have little to no funds to speak of, so their forces are waning. The result of the war seems all but decided.
The Mandalorians are split into different houses, all following the current Mandalore, the Warrior. The Warrior is from a lesser house that now stands on top of the hierarchy. The three noble houses right below them are the house of Jinn'dai, known for their jedi hunters, the house of Flenn, known for their remarkable marksmen, and the house of Kiin, known for their ingenious engineers. Currently, the Kiin are building weapons and armor to sell them to any interested parties, making the house an indispensible part of the war effort.
Before the Jedi got involved, the Mandalorians were moving to independant planets to wage war. Both the Empire and the Republic recused themselves from the conflict since neither didn't want to make the first move. However, the Empire subtly funded the Mandalorian army, their long-time allies. On the other hand, the Republic chose not to interfere due to the wishes of the council of the Jedi, so the Mandalorians continue to extend their reach more and more.
The Jedi
The Jedi are currently split in two: the Council refuses to interfere with the Mandalorian war, claiming they would be hypocrites to go to war and call themselves peacekeepers. They argue that whatever happens will happen no matter what because the Force wills it. The splinter faction, led by one of the most renowned knights of the order, argues that they have to fight in order to keep the peace. Their initial assault on the Mandalorians had been quite successful, but the Jedi only proved to be challenge to make them more excited. Their war effort has grown and have begun investing in methods to fight the jedi.
The Sith Order
The Sith Order is based on Korriban, where the temples of many former sith lords are, that are now used as their academy. The last grandmaster was betrayed by her apprentice, Darth Mare towards the end of the last war with the Republic. He went to the table with the Jedi to talk peace so that both sides could cut their losses. Mare is known as more of an intellectual than a warrior, which once earned him respect, but these days most of the Sith Lords are gunning for his seat, believing him to be unworthy and weak willed. So far, despite several attempts, no one has succeeded in overthrowing him.
Those in the Middle
There is a small group of talented force users that study both the light and dark sides of the force, trying to maintain a balance. They live secluded far out in the outer rim on a small planet where they've discovered ancient temples from the first force wielders. They're rarely seen off planet, except for academic missions. Unlike the Sith and Jedi, they do not train to use weapons like lightsabers, but rather simply train their minds and bodies. Recently, they've sent envoys to both Korriban and the Mandalorian occupied Dantooine to visit Sith and Jedi temples. During the temple visit, some of their younger members disappeared, believed to have failed the tests the ancient sites presented.
Character Sheet and Guide
As you can guess, there are four types of characters you could normally play as: an untrained Force Sensitive, a Sith, a Jedi, or One in the Middle. Each have distinctive differences in both skill and culture, while optimally none is particularly better than any other. A Sith or Jedi could boast knowledge of the use of a lightsaber and of their respective side of the force, while One in the Middle could use both in modicum but lack any skill with a blade. A non-Force Wielder could be a splicer (hacker), a brilliant engineer, or a masterful close combattant with higher skill. Everyone will have certain Force Abilities, though a trained Force Wielder would have mastery over their skills rather than just use passive skills.
The CS will have two parts, one to be sent to me, and one to be shared publically in the OOC. I suggest preparing the one to send to me first since the one to be shared publically will mostly be a more concise one than the one sent to me.