Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Years ago, when the meteors fell, upon their crevices and fissures were remnants of extraterrestrial life: the Aeons. Their origins were untraceable, their culture assumed of intelligence and essence prescribed of otherworldly and misunderstood. They were the embodiment's of elements, nature and empathy; each bequeathed with a power and unearthly might that the denizens of Viera could only revere them as they were: Gods.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

. G A L B A D I A . — Official language is Galban; equivalent to common day English, and most of everyone is familiar with Galban dialect. It’s the most central and culturally diverse continent, due to its’ immediate connection to most continents. It’s ideal in specifics that refer to technology and medicinal advancement that is compounded by the military and political prowess Galbadia possesses. Typical seasons maintained by climate encouragement facilities are programmed to ensure an equal length between each. These facilities are located in the capitals of each state and managed by the ruling of a Regent or Baron that governs the ruling city and various, smaller, cities that attempt to emulate their rivaling counterparts. The Regent/Baron reports directly to the Dalamastice Govern which is founded on a typical council of President -> Militia Commander -> Military officials -> Head Regent -> Regent ->Mayoral Elects [if applied] which is dominantly monitored and controlled by rich suppressors and their families with multiple influences from and to Palamecia and Fort Lullin.

. A R C H A D I A . — Official language is Archane; equivalent to common day German and Russian influence, only those of locale flavour are familiar with Archane dialect, but most are familiar with Galban tongue to communicate with others. It’s the most northern continent and one of the four continents not attached to Galbadia by land, but the closest of those and reached by water across the canals. Due to location and region, Archadia trades through naval transport known as Shyps. It’s ideal in technology and medicinal practices, in fact Archadia is known to trade technological advancement in favour of medicine and pharmaceutical campaigns that leads it to being the most diverse in science. As such, it depends on the Galbadia prowess of political reign and support of their militia and technology resources. Archadia experiences longer seasons of cold as they do not employ the same climate control of the central continent. Their medicine sanctuaries are regulated by Dalamastice Govern with the same practice of Regents that oversee production and progression and receive most revenue from Fort Lullin.

. B A A N G A . — Official language is primarily Galban, with intermixes of slang terminology and deeper intonations of a common day British uplift. Being in the shadow of Galbadia and Archadia, and also being one of the smallest continents, Baanga’s route and method of trade and flourish is primarily found within the largest city-state of Palamecia that, upon first impression, is a entire city encased within and consumed of various levels. Baanga is the most diverse and advanced within technology refinement, due to their close tie and support from Galbadia and is responsible for porting and crafting the reactors and radiators needed to empower the majour cities and states. Being a cradle of creation, as it were, most of Baanga is composed of industrial spires and caged cities, all interconnected and twined through a vast underground of transports and hangars. They experience longer routine seasons with interchanging lengths of hot and cold, but due to climate regulation and control within the city-states, most of the outer weather is dismissed.

. J U N O N . — Official language is Jun, an ancient dialect that not many mutter or utilize due to lack of use and accentuation when compared to the increasing influence of Galban language and growth. Junon is the most eastern continent and the one most isolated from from the cluster, in speculation, many would consider Junon constant and unwavering in adaptation to the vast properties and advancements in Viera, but due to revenue collected from Dalmastice Govern and the installment of investment and support from various officials, Junon is the location for one the most expansive, and newly arisen, incredible fortresses known as Fort Lullin. However, other cities and villages pale and wither in the comparison to its’ creation, and with direct tie to Galbadia, little else can be done for it. Junon experiences eternal winters, and a yearly cycle of monthly darkness from which most locales travel from and export themselves out to the caged cities of Baanga, with the more wealthy migrating to the warm isles of Cressia.

. R A B A N A S T R E . — Official language is Galban with slight interchanges of inflect from Baanga uplift. Rabanastre is the newest continent, once a part of Galbadia, but now given a slight independence when waters receded and gave way to new land and expansion. Being cradled by Baanga, Cressia and Galbadia, Rabanastre is popularly designated as a point of transit between the three continents through the employ of modified Shyps that employ aerial passage. Rabanastre climate is a dry sort of heat, with very little alleviation in the later seasons, due to being located so far south. Being one the youngest of continents, Rabanastre is still adapting to the leagues of change and adaptation, but it still implied under heavy influence from its’ father land mass, and as such, many would consider and slang label it as a secondary, smaller version of Galbadia.

. C R E S S I A . — Official language is Cresin, which is comparable to common day Spanish, locale flavour is partial to learning other languages due to tourist attractions and migration they yearly experience. However, there is a slight divide in intonation of the language, due to Cressia being divided into two parts; North Crest and South Crest. Shyp transport is the common way to travel across the Willowdale divide between the two land masses, in where there is an option for sea fare, or aerial transports, depending on the traveler and means of jovial experience. Cressia is a tourist resort and attraction, with gleaming cities purchased on some of the islands, and more rural, steadfast towns blossom and stay true to origin and appeal through slight imports of technology; mostly a blend of the old and the new. Cressia maintains warm, slight humid temperatures, being surrounded by water and never experiencing colder weather. In addition to ideal location and warmth, Cressia is also the location of the few remaining Aeon Craters, mostly in the mountains and certain islands of North and South.

. G A T R E A . — Official language is Galban, with a heavy blend of Archane, more or less a common divide between both of the dominant languages. Gatrea is fixated between cold and dry, located farthest to the west, but still connected to Galbadia through a small fixture of land. Gatrea is one of the oldest continents next to Galbadia, and as such, it is treated with a sort of reverence. In that speculation, very few Aeon remains were found, and none were located near the Temple of Fayth; a place of ancient wonder and penance. Peace, salvation, all sorts of manner in retribution and divine service can be found in the pious domain. Whilst Gatrea does possess Regents and such that govern the state, most of the locale defer to the Fayth priests in relation to political decision and discussion, as the Temple of Fayth holds such strong influence over the Gatrea populace. The Dalmastice govern has tried to swindle favour away from them, but Gatrea denizens are stead fast and loyal to their religious masters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pseudo-super humans is the basic terminology employed to describe their general thesis of humanity, but, within depth, SOLDIER is a particular selection of artificial mortals that are, essentially, government property. They’re shielded under unique mystery and protection to the degree that they are non-existent to the public, despite the fact that SOLDIER has been employed and within production for many years and with varying results; some demonic, others merely unmentionable by the depth of depravity that has been laden onto them.

The truth of SOLDIER has only been privy to those in the highest hierarchy of the Dalmastice Govern, the upper echelon that consists of elects and those of financial gain and their padded scientists that had original purpose in the years of Aeon extraction. Whilst the Dalmastice Govern possesses a basic, rudimentary military force, there is the need and employment of special, engineered weapons that are delegated to undermine the opposition through means of assassinations and obliterating power. This seeded underbelly of arsenal is the entire purpose of SOLDIER, to explore the threshold of domination and subjugation through will and power; through the catalyst of flesh and emotion; through the intentions of mutilation and discovery of violent ends. SOLDIER was conceived during the medicinal trials of Aeons, when, through the extraction, they discovered that the remains gathered were minimal in states of awareness. Most of the Aeons discovered were found in a peculiar comatose, as if the plummet from their heavens had been due to a slumber, a state that nullified their consciousness to bland existence and minimal thought. This, of course, hampered the process of cellular examination when they attempted to ply through dead tissue and deactivated membranes to try and discover their origin. Modern tools and science paled in comparison to their structure, invoking near bestial means to extract what they desired, some described horrific and medieval to try and gain through their misguided obsession to understand.

But, it become apparent that there was a unique component possessed in their flayed tissue, an application of manipulation and adaptation when particular elements were applied on contact. Despite their minimal states of awareness, the Aeon bodies were regenerating, albeit slowly, due to their torpid conditions. This was concluded as means of healing and sanctuary, and every new wound lain on their esoteric bodies also began showing similar signals of rejuvenation, it was memorizing and thus, entirely too appealing to those of medical knowledge and gain.

A council of doctors, led by a Julian Leonhardt, set about applying this new found regeneration to human trials, immediately bypassing animal testing and hypothesizes to backbone their research. They were suddenly manic in discovery, figuring that the adaptive quality of their cells would be able to transfer to mortal flesh and bone, providing a literal means of immortality to Viera. The prospect was daunting and described, at best, to be too outlandish and foolish in hopes. But the Dalamastice Govern was too enthralled and enticed by the idea of eternal life and healing, and verified the proper steps to see these human trials approved and that Julian Leaonhardt and his leading scientists any and all resources required.

And that’s where things began to deform.

When given the proper tools and the proper encouragement, man can achieve any means of sin, and the scientists under Dalmastice were no exception. In this, the first of the sudden volunteers were gathered, dubbed the Prototypes, and the very first of the humans that were spliced and literally peeled apart to integrate Aeon properties. First, it was just injections, routine appliances of medicine, but little results yielded and the increasing needs of fruition and results corrupted Julian and his associates. The Prototypes, stripped of name and soul, were mutilated and tortured through constant alterations, and were amplified with sudden strength and manic episodes of rage. The Prototypes became beasts: terrifying human creatures that couldn’t help their sudden emotions, and resulting phenomena that occurred when their souls were invoked by these episodes of lost control.

Despite these initial spirits broken and deformed, they continued their research, resulting in more Prototypes that failed again and again, a formula for safe application lost when they began pushing on the boundary of morality and science. Fifteen years of torture passed.

A solution was finally discovered when they released the first of their pharmaceutical campaigns, starting in the medical sanctuary that had been built a few years prior, known as Nibelheim. And whilst Viera reaped the benefits of research, in the darkest of places, and in the deepest of shadows, something far more sinister had been born.

The Protoypes were an unforgiving project and through the fifteen years of torture and research, they were still being processed. Newer candidates and experimentation finally yielded through the adaptive prowess in Aeon cells; they finally began to bond. Certain applicants forged bonds with the Aeon cells, beginning a new conception of power and abilities that bypassed mere vitality. These were of elemental manipulation, a sense of forging the will of the world to their needs, to have sway and hold - the power of a would-be god. However, it was unable to be tempered or controlled, those that bonded soon began to lose mind and reason, propelling another age of experimentation and torture, and that’s when they revoked Aeon cells from Viera.

And so, they hid.

While the world suddenly warred and raged on, Julian and his council continued their research, approved by the Dalmastice Govern, but forever concealed within shadow and secrecy. People were nominated for trials, some taken, some that volunteered immediately when they became knowledgeable of the processes being carried out within Fort Lullin, the fort built entirely for this demented purpose. In this, the force of SOLDIER began to build, possessed of unique abilities and shackled by the truth of their powers, embedded with the DNA of Aeons, fostered on death and ruin, and made to be a weapon of entire purpose - no longer human. While SOLDIER is a secret, they’re slowly beginning to rise, now being employed through the Govern to temper out the dissolution of the continents, and to discover the truth of their purpose and will.

But SOLDIER hangs by a thread, haunted by the literal numbers marking their sanity down. It begets the question of how long they shall last before they lose their souls and minds much like their Prototype kith and kin before them.

. . . . . .. . . . . .

The depth of power a SOLDIER possess and has at their disposal implies to how deeply integrated they’ve been conjoined with an Aeon. Also, the amount of amplification and altering they’ve endured. Those of longer endurance and years of experimentation will have adapted to harnessing more power than someone who has newly been applied. However, with the increase of power, so does come the risk of losing sanity due to the quality of the Aeon’s cells. While they do adapt and formulate to a host, strong enough to endure, mind you, the Aeon genetic code and makeup is far superior than the human counterpart. As such, the Aeon cells may try to override and corrupt even the strongest of SOLDIERS. Despite these risks, experiments continue to increase with no sign of stopping within immediate sight. The increases of such are bordering depraved and cruel, and some even die during the initial process. Only the strongest survive and heal, and within their years at Fort Lullin, they learn and slowly grow.

SOLDIER is unified under various classes that promote the stage at which one has peaked at with their power. First, Second, and Third, are acquired by those that have finished their healing process and begin to undergo the grueling introduction of coming to terms with their demented creation and result. Leveled to the highest of First Class, with the achievement of Commanders at the peak, these tiers are the SOLDIERS of terrifying might and power, and have come to utilize the unique components and powers found within the Aeons mutilated for this purpose. Becoming literal weapons, SOLDIERS can bend means of nature and various degrees and empathy in relation to emotional and spiritual rage. In relation to the elements of Viera, the abilities manifested adhere to a core of idealism in relation to the Aeon or SOLIDER, one usually manipulated or influenced by the other.

These cores and idealisms were charted under colours that reflected components of elemental nature and meaning, and the underlying apathy and empathy that employed them. In comparison, some of these abilities are thought to be deluded examples of their Aeon masters, but through sheer trauma, be it physical or emotional, summons a sudden wealth of power to the SOLDIER under distress. The aptitude of such a manifest has been labeled as a last resort means, and in previous results, has been documented to decimate not just the threat, but the SOLDIER responsible as well. The many years of research and testing has yielded and conceived enough reaction and concept to what the Aeons might have been, and the abilities that have manifested since the Prototypes. Most Aeons have been dubbed and given a particular title to their origin or manifest, whilst others were simply given a code of reference - usually in relation to discovery and importance. Probing cells and inducing SOLDIER in mock combat, has given a unique view into the structure of their Aeon counterparts, and possibly, the final method to understand what they’ve might been before their damnation.

. . . . . .. . . . . .

. W H I T E . — Protection, order, law, justice, peace and morality. These cores and idealism effected Aeons and SOLDIERS through the impact of whole and good, that adhered to harmony. These Aeons were classified under a need of unity and community, means of gathering the masses, the sort that shimmer under Light and were traditionally angelic in their conception. Through their structure, they were seen to hold peculiar auras of light that soothed and healed, and SOLDIERS effected were designated as healers or protectors. However, the concepts are purely broad and when accumulating power and reason, they are seen as inflexible and willing of sacrifice, everything necessary to achieve goals of law and order.

. B L U E . — Intellect, progressive, inventive, manipulative, treacherous, and deceit. When stimulated, Aeons and SOLDIERS brought forth terrifying gales and whirlwinds, or bring forth massive waves of brutal force to crush the opposition. Whilst massive in power, there is always a sense of control and potential, and that terrifying need to improve and achieve all. Aeons classified within this were the sorts that seemed to be possessed of various components, as if they had taken anything with reach to formulate their bodies into improvement; the means to change ones own capability and self. Their remains were aquatic or avian in nature, the basis allied with a nature of water and wind in conception. It’s theorized that these Aeons adhered to a severity omniscience; the knowledge of all.

. B L A C K . — Decay, death, ambition, enslaving, and devouring. Perhaps the most consuming of all cores and ideals, the severity of these Aeons were nearly executed when applied to the first of SOLDIER, as most perished immediately when they were consumed with death and decay so suddenly, as if burdened with a malformed parasite. Christened, or burdened, with a sense of omnipotence, the Aeons of ill-form were writhing remains of bulbous eyes and gaping maws of void, wreathed in tentacles and eldritch horror that traumatized most just by mere glimpses. Struggle and pain heralds here, within shadows, not necessarily evil, but definitely misconstrued and desiring of power.

. R E D . — Fury, chaos, unbound, dynamic, temperamental, destructive, and shortsighted. True to the category, stimulated Aeons of harnessed rage and endless aggression were hard to control or temper. The quivering masses suddenly wreathed in fire or lightning, and SOLDIERS burdened with them suddenly emotional and incapable of reasoning. With a core of chaos and to achieve power to the fullest degree, and values of free expression, without reflection to rules or law. Akin to fire, such attributes do what they desire, when they desire and to whomever might be within range without hindrance from others. Visualized as draonic in origin, and just as impulsive and writhing in passion.

. G R E E N . — Life, strength, instinct, savage, unthinking, and predatory. Initially this classification was nearly seen as passive for the dormant qualities found within the Aeons gathered, composed of rich sediments and in the process of formulating with Viera soil in their peculiar slumber. However, stimulation and proper tests yielded a savagery only capable of great and powerful creatures much like the nature they adhere and protect. Strength is found in these Aeons of rock and stone, bark and flora, and the predatory qualities theorized to be used in protecting those of similar nature and origin.

. C O L O U R L E S S . — Adaptation, apathy, and empathy. The original quality within Aeon remains that spurred the obsession and reason of their torture and manipulation. Such cells could borrow and take from others, melding and fusing with those of elemental nature before defusing and correlating in means of protection and preservation. They seemed to defy the rules of nature and did not bend to the elements, just merely meant to adapt as deemed appropriate. Thought capable of borrowing, there appeared to be a lingering effect that burdened those who implemented to take from others, the pain induced to manifest stricken onto even the most stalwart of SOLDIERS.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm here and ready to serve!

Oh man, this thread is beauty. I wish I could make my threads look half as good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Kefka Palazzo - @Kote

Not sure of other players, I know some were wanting to continue on, but no one has really expressed interest otherwise. Anyone is free to message me though if they'd like to. i . e - people lurking about.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kefka Palazzo
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Kefka Palazzo - - - - -

Member Seen 7 mos ago

--bows in--

I'd like to echo IC there... beautiful thread. Always well done.

I'm putting the final touches on Elena as we speak. I'll have her posted up soon.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Looking forward to her final debut!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

This story has my interest so far. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kote
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Reporting in!

@Rockette On second thought, concerning the PM, I'm thinking we are in dire need of a healer for the gathering. We need something defensive and restorative.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Holy Soldier - I don't want to come off as elitest trash, but my goal is to keep the group relatively small, so five or six might be our goal, or maybe just five. With that being said, read up, familiarize yourself with the lore. Take note that we are basically continuing on from the original attempt with a transitional post that will put us where we need to be to continue the current arc. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. Also consider your own limitations and availability, I say this because of the themes involved and my past experiences that people come and go, so.. I require a degree of activity and loyalty in order for this story to function.

@Kote - True, but, you can double up on characters if you wish to. To help balance it out. I'm not restricting people to one SOLDIER at a time in this.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@KoteI am making a healer. o.o Basically, what you described is exactly the person I am making so unless you want two of them lol.

@RocketteK. I have a question. I notice most of you are using realistic and digital art. Is that the preference?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

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I may tweak Amentia. I don't know. Should I?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I may tweak Amentia. I don't know. Should I?

I'm doubling up and introducing another character myself, so. This is a good chance to tweak to your heart's content.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Well, consider me interested. I'll give this a better look tomorrow. I've got a date with a beer and a bestie. Glad y'all are back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

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@Rockette@icmasticc@Noxious@KoteI'm letting everyone know so I'm not going through the trouble of building this CS only to have someone use the same Aeon and make me have to start again (because I've been working on it since last night). I am making a SOLDIER using the Carbuncle aeon.

I'm also going to let the GMs decide his class. I really don't care what class he is. Whatever you need more of.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eeh, I should have emphasized the Full Status of this particular go through.
Again, my aim is to keep the group small and compact, as larger groups just don't seem to work for this kind of story line.
This being said, I'm heavily inclined to restrict to a current number, and applicants are closed from here on out. This isn't an interest check; but a fleshed out out of character thread that was planned for a particular group.


@Holy Soldier - I'll be honest, your initial tone earlier in response to what I had enclosed was entirely off putting. It made me question if you had taken what I detailed in any regard at all. However, I was at work, and was able to respond at the time. You've since added to it, amending and asking about picture preferences, and yes, I do prefer realism to conceptual realism in art that is stylized to mimic a photograph or what have you. I do not like anime-esque photographs for various reasons. Now, with this being said, I hope to clarify your tone in text because it's hard to do so naturally and I want to ensure there's a well working cast here.

@Noxious - I'm glad to see you around again. But I will put into question here if you do have the time to spare for sure? I can't really say anything about vanishing and leaving suddenly, I've done so here recently, and I know it's never by choice because, shit, life comes way ahead of this. But, my goal here is to uphold everyone to a sense of loyalty and commitment because damn if I'm going to see this Requiem finished, so while Icc proposed that you can alter or submit something a new, I just want to ensure that you are going to stick around because this is going to be a long haul.

@Everyone - Again, shit happens, and I get that, but I have an image for this role play, and one of my rules has always been to consider your own limitations and availability.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@RocketteI just said "K" because I didn't have much to say to what you had said. I am a confident writer, and I honestly noticed after that the game status was Full. I just saw the game, started reading, and was like, "This sounss cool!" I went to the interest check for this game to see how long ago it was put out (roughly 3 weeks ago it seems) and when you wrote how nobody took the bait, I thought maybe you were willing to allow a few more people. Now if you are saying, "Nope. I am not accepting anyone due to this being a tight-knit group," then you have to be frank with me. I know there are a lot of sensitive young folk on this site, but I am not one of them. I got a life. I find myself to be pretty active and long-term. I've been running a large group game for six months so far. I don't vanish easily, and if I do, I always let people know. I just left for two weeks to Japan and resumed my games when I got back. But I won't drag this out. If you are saying you don't want anymore people, then just tell me. You are not hurting my feelings. I have a life, friends, and people who love me lol. I have more important things to do than mope about not being accepted into a RPG.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Holy Soldier - If I implied that I was directing a final decision elsewhere in regard to your potential feelings, then no, that wasn't my intention. What I was intending was to your tone, because "K." was just entirely off putting, and honestly it is among the quickest ways to piss me off; with just one word, one letter shit. I mean, an affirmative answer is better than that. It allows me to gauge that you understood what I had originally disclosed to your potential interest. But hell, with the way you've answered just now, it seems you now have gotten that loud and clear and explained why with it. The reason why I'm so adamant on these kinds of things is because of my past experiences with players, even to those I've trusted without a doubt.

When I mentioned to the Full Status, it's because I was not expecting people to come about, hell like you said, I even created a recruitment thread and had to go hunting down actual players in order to get this revived edition out there.

So let's say this then, continue writing your character, if I was denying you out right, I would have said so without explaining myself previously. I make final decisions on final results.

Also, if need be, my character and a couple others are in the character tab should you need to preview and example of how to bring a SOLDIER about. While the themes here are heavily influenced by various sources of RPGS like Final Fantasy, the fundamentals of it are a bit different. I've recycled a lot of terminology from such, but the meanings are vastly different.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@RocketteThank you for having me and for taking the time for us to clear up the misunderstanding. Yes, emotions get lost in translation on a regular basis through text, which is why I choose to be frank (because frankness is usually easy to comprehend). It's the only way I or anyone can understand at times as rude as it may seem. Brb back to lol.
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