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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 17 days ago

The first person to arrive was a man with short white hair who looked to be in his teens, 16 to be exact. When he laid his eyes on the tavern, it looked old and pretty rundown. Looks like my girlfriend hasn't made it here yet. He went inside to get a better look, one plank was missing but the rest were there.

Keeping well-hidden behind some of the spooky trees was a necromancer although having Shadowsaur with him didn't make hiding very easy due to its size. He didn't think anyone would look this way anyhow. He let his eyes scan over the environment and he eventually saw him, dino-boy.

On the other side, far from the tavern but still close enough to look at it was a troubled vampire leaning against a tree. Unknown to most, he was trying to keep away from humans or anything made out of their blood. And knowing my luck, humans will appear. He just had to hope there wouldn't be too many. If it weren't for my demon, I wouldn't be so worried about them. He just didn't want any more of them killed or sometimes(though very rare chance) turned by it.

Sitting on Price's shoulder was a neko in his cat form. Well, where do you think we ended up this time? Besides outside a tavern in a forest of course. He felt movement and indicated this as a shrug from his vampire friend.

A man walked up to the tavern who didn't seem like much at first glance which made it easy for an enemy(if there were to be one) to underestimate him. However, most people like that don't know his temper. He took one good look at the tavern and could tell it had seen better days. He saw someone was already inside the tavern, but he decided not to go in himself just yet.

A mysterious stranger was leaning against a tattered wall who wore a very interesting attire. He had plans for another werewolf, but he had to play it cool for now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

In orbit

"A-3 colossus. Status: inactive. Activation protocols in progress. Priority: Explore environment".

Red woke with a start in his pod from his dream state. He got out and stretched his motors then walked to the droppers. "once again I have to drop from orbit with no protection at a thousand maters a second" and he got in the room.

"Dropping in 3...2....1....initiating drop"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enhydro Agate

Hydro gem was hidden in a bush outside of the building before they slowly reformed, first their basic body shape, then their tail and fins, before finishing completely. They looked around confused for a bit before deciding to summon their paintbrush and walk inside of the building to see multiple other people already here causing them to freeze in the doorway confused and looked around holding onto their paint brush.

Fife Blaze

Fife already off angrily stomping around before coming across the tavern exhausted and lost, so naturally, he walked up to it and poked his head inside to find a weird fishy thing blocking the doorway for some reason, "Hey, Bud you mind moving?"

Lady Timpani

Tippi fluttered in through the whole in the roof lost hoping that this would be a good place to hide from the rain in. She gracefully fluttered over the counter top looking around at everyone confused why they all seem so confused. "Is everything alright here?"

Lucas Nemo Hina

Logan was calmly walking around this his hands in his jacket pockets before coming across what looks like the back of a tavern and decides to walk in to buy himself a few drinks. He opens the back door and walks into the main area to find a large number of people already inside a building which seems to be falling apart. Many seemed none human especially the rainbow pixelized butterfly on the opposite side of the room from him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TupperWare Bowl
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TupperWare Bowl What's Gusty taste like?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The air was different here. This wasn't normal, the autumn dimension's air always had a distinctly crisp feel to it. The last thing Gourdsworth could remember was enjoying some apple cider at the harvest festival. Where was he? How much time had passed since then?

Up ahead, a group of scarecrows were making their way into a tavern. At last, the comfort of familiarity! But as he moved closer, the relief began to fade. These creatures did not seem to be scarecrows. Their posture was much too consistent, their straw didn't slosh around their bodies, and some of them donned very exotic colors, ones which Gourdsworth had never seen. However, he could think of no other creature from his land that they could be.

Gourdsworth shook his head. He couldn't have fear. He was Gourdsworth! Conquerer of The Great Patch! Wielder of The Hallowed Scythe!

He approached the tavern, and addressed the strange crowd. "Beings! I am The Pumpkin Lord! I demand safe re-entry to my land!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ChickenTeriyaki
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ChickenTeriyaki Forum Ghost

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Not very far away from the tavern, a young man trudged around the surrounding forest, his path obstructed by an assortment of dry leaves and misplaced tree branches. He clutched lightly onto a flashlight, seemingly trying to find his way around. Eventually, he would make his way towards a small building tarnished by time and nature. He decided to enter through the door, although he may have made a classier entrance through one of the holes present within the walls of the impoverished building.

The building turned put to be a tavern. Various individuals were to be spotted. Most of them seemed human, except for the man with the odd skin complexion, the butterfly with the seizure-inducing color palette, and a jack-o-lantern-headed scarecrow. The scarecrow began to speak:

"Beings! I am The Pumpkin Lord! I demand safe re-entry to my land!"

What? Our young lad had no idea where such a land would be. Throughout the multiverse, there would always be that one tavern filled with the weirdest and creepiest of creatures. This was just another one of them. Brushing through the collection of strange creatures, John walked up to the counter.

"Excuse me sir, but where we located right now?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryouko


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lightly, the silvery haired youth leapt from tree to tree, his dark form shooting across the even darker forest around him. Aion's feet made no noise as he leapt and bounded from tree to tree, the years of training helping the Assassin accomplish such a feat.

If one was to spot this dark blur, they would have but mere seconds before he was gone again, blending in with the darkness that blanketed the forest. He preferred the company of darkness to that of light. Darkness was his friend, and the only one that the male felt he needed.

The way that he moved, however..it was unnatural. Almost too graceful, too well timed. He would be lying if he told anyone that his skills were ordinary for an assassin. Having been trained for years, he was almost too good at his job. Not much was a challenge for him anymore. The Jobs came and gone..but the excitement had faded.

As he stopped at the edge of the clearing, his yellow eyes glinted in the light given off by the tavern. He was hidden among the leaves and branches of the tree he stood in, his hair and eyes the only distinguishable feature of his lithe form. As he lightly placed a hand on the tree trunk beside him, the youth's demonic arm flexed and relaxed once. He could hear others nearby. Some seemed to be just now approaching, whilst others were already inside.

His mind raced with thoughts, but the one question that stood tall amongst the chaos within his head was a simple one.

'Where did they come from?'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As A-3 colossus made his way through the atmosphere, he examined his target. An old rundown "tavern" in the woods. As he landed in a nearby clearing he made a loud crash. 'KAAAA-BLONG' and he landed. "Wow, I hope the inhabitants didn't hear that" and he waked towards the tavern.

@Letmehaveone2@ChickenTeriyaki@Tupperware Bowl@The1Rolling1Boy
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Viktor had been many places, but this one he did not recognize. As he approached the tavern, he saw many different people, some not even people like that brightly colored pixelated butterfly or that scarecrow. He dismissed this however and continued to approach the tavern.

Arin saw a what appeared to be a butterfly fluttering over the counter top wondering if everything was alright. "Well, I don't know about everybody else, but I'm confused on where we are except for the obvious." He told her though he didn't really answer her question.

Price would've gone into the tavern too, but was still hesitant about it. While some thankfully weren't human, he was pretty sure there was at least a few humans among them. However, he decided to get a bit closer but not too much.

Juno knew what his friend was worried about even if Price didn't show it. However, he had been wondering if there was anyone for him. Enough of that, though. So, you wanna explore the tavern or go beyond it? He said to Price telepathically.

Joey decided go inside, but of course two(Agate and Fife) were blocking the doorway. He didn't complain though and just waited for them to move.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enhydro Agate

Hydro yelps as the person behind them says something in an angry tone and a load crash happens in the disance brhind them causing the to quickly skitter out of the way and trip themselves over their own two feet. Hydro calmly lays there in pain for a bit had there paint brush roles away from their hands and disappeared. They slowly got to there feet and looked around at the group of people not sure if they should speak yet or not.

Fife Blaze

Give walked in and looked around at the group of people with their arm crossed. "Quite an odd bunch of Folks we got in here don't we. Including the Alien with the shiny on the back of their head who though it was a good idea to stand in the door way. Well might has well introduce ourselves don't you think? The Name is Fire"

Lady Timpani

"Yes, You are right! I'll go first. I'm Timpani, You all may call me Till I for short." Tippi says playfully has she turned her head to the back of the room to see who all is here and to try to start memorizing their faces, "I'll infer we all aren't from the same world, since the one in the corner has a gemstone on the back of their head, The guy who just busted in is part Pumpkin,
And the with the fancy kimono looks hungry since they are part Vampire."
She giggles softly has she continued to look around analyzing everything and everyone trying to figure out their stats and what not.

Lucas Nemo Hina

Logan nods in agreement with the Butterfly who just identified herself has "Lady timpani" which brought up a random question but he just stored it away into his memory bank for questions to ask later. "I'm Logan. I'm a High security prisoner for the Empire, but by your expression of the different species in here, I'll take it thag no one knows what I'm talking about." He says in a sturn tone while he crosses his arms and looked around the room scanning everyone for some type of records on anyone with using their cyborg tech, but nothing came of in the government data base, which was really odd, by since it appears no one knows what or who anyone is it should have been given.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The vardo wagon slowly meandered down the forest path. It was garishly painted in crimson and limned in gold. It's oaken shutters sealed against the possibility of an errant branch shattering the valuable glass windows. A brass pole rose up above the wagon, from which hung the single gas lamp that illuminated the path so that the horse could see.

Beneath that lamp, atop the wagon a beautiful woman guided the horse drawn wagon. She was pale of skin, the pale alabaster washed with the warm glow of the overhead lamp. She leaned forwards, her blue elven eyes peering through the darkness, attempting to spot upraised roots or anything else that might unshoe her horse. She was certain that there was an inn ahead. The old man she had run across had assured her of it but she could see no sign of it.

"By Sharess' bountiful tits," the woman cursed, complaining about not seeing the inn, "Where the bloody hell is this place?"

The woman didn't like moving at night. Normally she pulled her wagon over, barred the doors and windows, cast an illusory spell to hide her and the wagon and slept straight through until morning. The only reason she was still going was because the old man had stated there was that inn ahead. In an inn she could do some dancing, sell some drugs, sell some fake magical trinkets, or even entertain a paramour- anything for a little coin. Instead she was wandering through the dark.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryouko


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Dealdric @Assallya

As the capsule struck the ground, Aion's sensitive hearing caused the male to turn his head sharply, yellow eyes peering through the inky darkness of night. The male walking away from the capsule seemed strange, that was no question, but he was not one to judge people for their differences. He could not, because that right was not his.

Then, his hearing caused him to turn his head towards the curse that had been carried through the night air. It was faint, causing him to believe that the source was not as close to the tavern as the other occupants. The voice was feminine, he could deduce that much. Or perhaps a male who had the voice of a woman. A light chuckle escaped his lips before he could stop himself. The curse was funny to him.

Either way, the boy's demonic arm dimmed down to a low purple. He was now going for stealth, to see if the female approaching was dangerous. As the form of the elder teen seemed to vanish into thin air. Instead, he had simply used the speed granted to him. He could not suddenly turn invisible, now! That would be fun for him, though.

A minute later, he had spotted the lantern lit wagon. He waited until it passed him, before he leapt from the tree and onto the path behind it. His steps were silent, as his feet hit the ground underneath quickly. He would silently leap into the air, attempting to land on top of the Crimson wagon.

If he landed, he would silently whisper to her. "If you're looking for the inn,it's only around ten minutes ahead of us." He would be prepared for her to swerve, his feet planted firmly.

If he didn't land, and she swerved to avoid him, he would be surprised. He was unnaturally silent, and so detection would surprise him and make him momentarily slow before running after her again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Red noticed the organic and stared at it with his single glowing eye. He stepped forward a foot away and tilted his head. "Dhoukingchi tu eries jahal? Kingdes loosen." he said in his mechanical otherworldly voice. He then scanned her and her biology."Sinjec-tocols activated, language translated. What are you organic?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The assassin's feet landed silently amidst the uneven assemblage of boxes and supplies that adorned the top of the wagon. The woman guiding the wagon, despite her own excellent hearing, was far too engrossed in the trail ahead and ensuring the horse didn't run off the path to pay any attention to him. She was leaning forwards, ebony tipped toes curled around the foot board as she strained to see ahead. She couldn't see him creeping up behind her.

Then he spoke, softy in her ear. Her head spun, golden tresses splaying outwards. She squealed in fright, one hand immediately shooting out towards the loaded crossbow leaning up against the bench for just such an emergency. It was reflex. It wasn't particularly a smart move and she regretted it as her finger tips brushed the smooth wood of the crossbow's haft.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryouko


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The Assassin's face was devoid of emotion as he looked at the blonde haired woman before him. His yellow eyes were on hers, and he lightly spoke to her, almost as if trying to assure her he meant no harm. However, his own actions might have seemed suspicious...and so he decided to hold his left arm up, pointing ahead of them. "Just up the road. I can see it now. I assure you that I mean no harm."

A brief smile flitted across his face as he thought of the curse she had spoken to the night air, before his face was wiped of emotion once more. "I heard your curse and thought that you might need directions."

In the light of the lantern, his white hair seemed to shine lightly, his dark clothing clinging to his frame. It was form fitting, but gave him room to move in combat. His demonic arm, while purple at the edges, was pitch black on the inside, and seemed to push away the light that neared it. His left leg, until his thigh, had several small spikes. His lower legs were also demonic...but, they were covered by his pants.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stardust Speedway, somewhere in the distant future

Grinding down the brass railing of the track, Sonic was making quick work of traversing this transplanetary highway, even if it was a bit difficult to navigate in the state of disrepair that the place had fallen into. What once were shining sirens along the road had long since corroded away, turning the formerly golden structure into a sickening blue that contrasted against the deadly red sky, obscured with pollution. Even Sonic couldn't help wincing every time he made his way into the future.

But he tried not to fixate on it; if anything just makes it more of a reason to stop the doctor, save the girl, and get the time stones. So much had happened in the little time that he had set foot on the Little Planet. This hadn't exactly been his plan for the day, but after what he saw, he was more than happy to kick Eggman's butt once more and save the day.

Leaping off of the railing, Sonic quickly curled into a ball and rolled off a piece of twisted metal jutting out of the former road, flinging him across the sky and onto a new road. He had seen Eggman go this way with that girl that followed him here. The little pink hedgehog had followed him here and chased him across the planet, only to get snatched up. He had only just met her, and was already obligated to save her.

Speeding down, Sonic was stopped dead in his tracks as he came across not only a wall, but a familiar and unpleasant face. That same robot from before. The metallic doppelganger simply stood in place, not even looking at him, as an all too common sound echoed in the distance, as an old nemesis of Sonic's flew in on his hovercraft over the horizon.

"I would take the time to introduce you to my latest, and my greatest creation. But judging by the little gift he brought for me, I feel that you and Metal Sonic are very much familiar with each other."

Sonic retorted, pointing his finger at the mad doctor as he chuckled heartily. "Eggman you creep, what have you done with her?"

The Doctor smiled, "Your little stowaway is perfectly fine, she's at the end of this road. And you are free to go and get her yourself," Eggman spoke as he flipped a switch on the console of his hovercraft. In an instant, the metal hedgehog's eyes lit up red, as the turbine in his chest began to turn, roaring louder and louder as his creator looked on mirthfully. "Provided, of course, you can make it to her before Metal Sonic does."

"And to make sure you play fair," Eggman said, rising up higher as the bottom of his craft opened up, revealing a massive diode, that began to glow, and heat, before firing a powerful laser into the ground, instantly melting it into a pit of lava, before the doctor turned it off, "I will be following behind, watching the whole thing, and, ehem, motivating you to keep going."

As the wall raised up, Sonic quickly turned around and began to rev himself up, as the doctor counted them off. When he had reached 1, both hedgehogs took off; Sonic and Metal Sonic darting past the starting gate, as Eggman followed behind, his death laser melting down the track as he followed.

Sonic darted along, avoiding the patches of sharp, twisted metal that dotted the old, worn down track. Metal Sonic simply crashed through, scattering the spikes along as he pushed forward. Sonic pushed ahead, determined, and not noticing his opponent beginning to spark, before suddenly jolting forward with incredible speed. Just before he could make contact, Sonic jolted away and jumped back over the robot, who began to smoke a bit, before releasing the excess energy in a kind of electric field around him. Sonic trailed behind, jumping up and slamming himself into Metal Sonic as he settled back to normal, knocking the robot down a bit as he used this time to continue forward. The end of the track was in sight and it seemed like Sonic would make it. Yet, seemingly in that same instant, Metal Sonic jolted forward again, overworking his circuits and producing a huge energy surge. However, this time, Sonic would not be so lacking to avoid him. As the two hedgehogs collided, Metal Sonic took hold of his double, electrocuting him as the crashed into the ground, breaking through spiked metal as the electricity was frying Sonic. As the blue hedgehog tried to escape, one of the time stones he had collected came out, before lodging itself into Metal Sonic's turbine, sticking in, and stopping the robot. Sonic managed to break out of Metal Sonic's grip, before rolling himself on the ground and standing back up, the finish line in sight, as he rushed forward, he failed to notice the Time Stone absorbing all of the energy that Metal Sonic was giving off. Sonic ran forward, the end in sight, before suddenly.


The Time Stone flashed before casting off an aura of energy, catching both Sonic and his robotic counterpart in a powerful wave. He had to no time to react before Stardust Speedway seemed to sparkle away, and he was spirited away across time-space to somewhere, else.

The Tavern

When Sonic finally was able to make heads and tails of what was going on, he found himself outside. It was night time, and faint sound could be heard in the distance.

"Well, that was interesting," the blue hedgehog said as he stood up, looking around. "No clue where I am though. Or when."

He turned his head to see what looked like a light in the distance. "Well, better go see if anyone can tell me whats going on."

The Blue Blur rushed down the forested hills towards the light, not noticing who else had landed only a few feet away from him. Metal Sonic lay lifeless, his power cut as the time stone remained lodged and stuck in his turbine. The robotic hedgehog simply lay in the grass beside the forested road, a lifeless body waiting for someone to come for it.

Cruising around, Sonic took note of the antiquity of the surroundings. Coming up to an olden tavern, Sonic placed a hand on his stomach to feel the rumbling. "That race left me pretty starved. Better get something I suppose." The hegehog wasted no time in getting in, rushing to the nearest staff he saw, "Yo, barkeep, I need one chili dog and something to drink. Think you can help me out?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The elven woman never lifted the crossbow, despite reaching for it. Instead she sat transfixed, half turned on her bench to regard the man behidn her. A demon touched roguish sort, moving with stealth, and practically dripping in death volunteering directions. The elven woman wasn't entirely convinced. Directions, to a place even this demon touched man admitted was along the path she was on and would come to eventually on her own. Such decried an ulterior motive. Men such as he were normally chased out of towns with torches and pitchforks at first sight. She rather imagined a deformed creature such as he was might be eager for a little companionship but you could never trust one. The woman didn't trust demon touched folk. They had a tendency to go insane and those that didn't go insane were worse.

Giving a slight tug on the reigns to slow the horse pulling the wagon to slow him down and hopefully keep him from running them into a ditch the woman kept her blue eyes on his unnatural yellow ones. This one was definitely a second story man. He'd be useless as a proper assassin, too many bits he couldn't hide, too much magic. He'd have difficulty hiding in plain sight. This man was more of a blunt instrument than a scalpel and the last thing you wanted to do was have an argument with a hammer. They always won.

"By Myrkul's black and shriveled balls", she said as she turned to face the intruder, seemingly seeking to hitch a ride on her wagon, "What are you doing out this late at night?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ChickenTeriyaki
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ChickenTeriyaki Forum Ghost

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



What the hell?

Apparently, a loud and disturbing sound erupted from the side of the tavern. The sound resembled that of a crashing vehicle of some kind, but it definitely wasn't a car. John unsheathed his trusty blade from what would be an inconspicuous poster tube and began to walk towards the crash site. He walked slowly and silently. At one point, he decided to turn on his flashlight, revealing the figures of a woman with immaculately perfect cleavage (@Assallya), a man with a flashy outfit and an inhuman arm (@Ryouko), and a giant space robot (@Dealdric). The light of the flashlight would distract them, for it was a sudden diversion from the dark atmosphere. The three weird individuals would be expected to turn towards the young lad, who was still holding the sword in his hand.

"Hey, you're all up for some diplomacy, right?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ryouko


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The male's eyebrows furrowed lightly as she looked at him. He could feel her unease, and lightly turned, leaping from the uneven roof of the wagon. He would land beside the stopped wagon, silently turning to face her. "I enjoy the night. It's easier to do my work in." He then looked at his arm bitterly, and shrugged. "But, I have no work right now, and so I decided to take a stroll in the night." He explained. "In the day, I can still do my work. My ability of adaptation allows me to hide..these." He gestured with his human arm to his dark limbs.

He had no motive for giving her directions. The Mutant hoped that the woman before him understanded as such.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Darkness congealed in the clearing outside the rundown tavern, slowly the shape of a young man could be seen, standing up as wisps of darkness put themselves at rest within him and his attire.
When his form had stabilized he seemed to relax, and fell down to the ground panting. After a few moments he calmed down, hit the dirt with his fist and stood up again, looking around himself.

-A forest, good. Maybe there won't be anyone here. he said. Then he noticed the tavern, and other, people.
Nonononono! Why are there people! he spun around, visually taking in the whole area around them, there seemed to be people entering and exiting the tavern, but there were also people who stood around. Enormel could feel his control slipping, the multiversal sidestep had left him drained. But he had saved people by stepping, hundreds of people. From himself, from themselves. If only his other part could stay away for a few hours, he had thought. Then maybe he would stay in control this time.
A voice flashing through his mind clawed that wish to shreads.
-I see food Eno... Were you trying to keep this from me?
-Oh don't be like that. It's such a lovely scenery.
-I will not let you hurt them Lem. I am in control!
-YOU UNGRATEFUL HUSK! I'LL RIP THEM ALL TO PIECES AND MAKE YOU WATCH AS I GORGE! Enormel put his hands to his head as a mental avalanche of imagery flashed before his eyes. All memories of people they had slaughtered.
He could feel Lemrone moving inside, pushing on his very being to be let loose. Wisps of darkness flickered to life from his clothes and body, dripping down around him and pooling at his feet. Lemrone screaming for control through every filament of it, hungrily taking the chemical energy of the grass turning it to ash.

For those close by it would seem that Enormel was preparing for battle, his left hand dropping from his head and twisting his fingers to form symbols and commands in the air, the pool reaching up to touch it. Instantly a ripple coursed through the darkness and it flew up around him in a translucent sphere of energy. A moment later there was no trace of it ever being there.

Emlem dropped his hands by his side and looked up around him breathing heavily.
He was only partly focused on his surroundings, the rest sensing the movements of the protection-spell he wove to distract and mitigate Lemrone. He only hoped none would see him as a threat and attack, he'd loose control.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The elf girl still had her doubts about the demon touched youth. You simply couldn't trust someone who was influenced by the voice of Asmodeus, Beelzebub, or whoever it was that touched the boy's lineage. For all she knew that voice was whispering, "Kill her now before she tells everyone what you are".

Wonderful girl. How do you get yourself into these things?

She was considering what to say next when some brilliant light slapped her in the face. That hurt. Her pupils slammed shut and any and all ability to see anything in this dark forest fled her. Whatever it was, it wasn't a normal lantern. That was certain. It was more like the hooded, reflective lanterns adventurers carried to concentrate their light in one direction.

After this she was so going to consult her books and find a spell that let her see at night and shut off the damn lantern which seemed to be attracting everyone and everything this side of the Sea of Falling Stars. She kept her long slender fingers near the crossbow, caressing the wood but making no motion to pick it up.

"Who goes there?" she called out, unable to see past the accursed brilliance, "Who demands parley when words even have not been stung?"
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