"Freedom is the right to tell people what they don't want to hear."

-Therux State Sentry 'Scorpio'
Overview Of The World
There are 3 major land masses in this world, the land in the north is mostly ice caps and snow reigons this is called the Northen Frontier A great industrial power. To the southwest a landmass is shared by two nations the Hylo Empire and its occasional rival the Therux State both of these nations teamed up to form the western coalition and went to war with the Northern Frontier to dislodge its power over the world and were succesful in evening out the balance in power, although all 3 regions suffered heavy losses and are now at uneasy odds with each other.
The third and largest section of land is the Fourtune Region which is a diverse landscape made up of fields, forests, deserts, and even swamps. There is a collection of villages and towns among this reigon but is ultimately a free state with no central government. This is where our story will start.
There are 3 major land masses in this world, the land in the north is mostly ice caps and snow reigons this is called the Northen Frontier A great industrial power. To the southwest a landmass is shared by two nations the Hylo Empire and its occasional rival the Therux State both of these nations teamed up to form the western coalition and went to war with the Northern Frontier to dislodge its power over the world and were succesful in evening out the balance in power, although all 3 regions suffered heavy losses and are now at uneasy odds with each other.
The third and largest section of land is the Fourtune Region which is a diverse landscape made up of fields, forests, deserts, and even swamps. There is a collection of villages and towns among this reigon but is ultimately a free state with no central government. This is where our story will start.
2065: Therux State attacks a Hylo squard that is scouting near their border, the two neigbouring nations begin occasional skirmishes for the next 140 years
2080: Elementum is first discovered, is said to be from a metorite but no one is sure.
2087: Nothern Frontier begins trade with other nations after Elementum causes breakthrough in Mecha Technology.
2112: Hylo and Therux conflicts start to become more frequent. Northern Frontier begins stock piling large war assets.
2170: A group of famous adventurers from the Fortune state investigate the Northern Reigon on an expidition to study Elementum, they are never seen again.
2200: The Western War Begins between Therux and Hylo
2205: The Western War ends with Hylo somewhat victourious and calling a truce, the same year, small amounts of elementum are found in the Fortune State which increases trade and wealth for the reigon.
2209: Hylo and Therux begin the Western Coalition and begin stockpiling war forces together.
2215: The 'Helen Tower' is destroyed, the Great War of Orio begins.
2221: The Outcast Guild in the Fortune Reigon is formed.
2232: The Orio war finally ends, with all 3 nations worse for wear and now under a shaky ceasefire.
2235: Present Day, Western Coalition is ended.
2080: Elementum is first discovered, is said to be from a metorite but no one is sure.
2087: Nothern Frontier begins trade with other nations after Elementum causes breakthrough in Mecha Technology.
2112: Hylo and Therux conflicts start to become more frequent. Northern Frontier begins stock piling large war assets.
2170: A group of famous adventurers from the Fortune state investigate the Northern Reigon on an expidition to study Elementum, they are never seen again.
2200: The Western War Begins between Therux and Hylo
2205: The Western War ends with Hylo somewhat victourious and calling a truce, the same year, small amounts of elementum are found in the Fortune State which increases trade and wealth for the reigon.
2209: Hylo and Therux begin the Western Coalition and begin stockpiling war forces together.
2215: The 'Helen Tower' is destroyed, the Great War of Orio begins.
2221: The Outcast Guild in the Fortune Reigon is formed.
2232: The Orio war finally ends, with all 3 nations worse for wear and now under a shaky ceasefire.
2235: Present Day, Western Coalition is ended.
The 3 Nations & The Fortune Reigon
Theme Song: Cold Indifference

Theme Song: Unwavering Spirit

Theme Song: Journey To Peace

Theme Song: Forever Free
The Northern Frontier
Theme Song: Cold Indifference

The Northern Frontier is the most difficult place to live, the reigon is plagued by below zero tempratures all year round, vicious blizzards and magnetic storms. This has forced the inhabitants to become very tough and adapt their technology to survive such a hostile enviroment. This has made their army and engineers very disciplined and tough. Also despite the lack of basic resources the northern frontier is rich in a special material that is now invaluable to the modern world. It has the largest natural supply of the Elementus stones which can be harnessed into conduits of massive energy which most modern mechas now run on as apposed to old style nuclear generators. The ice covered mountain reigon is also a strategic nightmare to attack. Most invading forces cant even FIND the frontier structures in the blinding blizzards let alone mount any attack on the icy peaks. Also all ther living areas are buried deep underground as seen in the inner photo. So while the northern frontier maybe a harsh land with the lowest population, it reigned supreme with a cutting edge grasp on technology and a large mecha army in a strategic heaven of a home field.
Although the region was never succesfully invaded, the frontier lost large swaths of its army being constantly repelled by the Western Coalition. It was a war of attrition and over time the northern frontier was not only losing soldiers and mechs, their trade routes were being stifled particulary raw metals and food which the northern lands do not have much of. Because of this, as the soliders died in battle the citizens of the military state began to starve and flee as rations became thin. Ultimately they gave up their campaign to destroy the western coalition and thus brought zbout an uneasy ceasefire. The Northen frontier are now a diminished but still elite fighting state which has spent the last 2 years inactive on the world's stage slowly trying to rebuild its small population.
The Hylo Empire
Theme Song: Unwavering Spirit

The Great Hylo Empire is on the west coast of the Western Landmass, and takes up less space on the map than the neighbouring Therux state but has a higher population. The Hylo were the first people to really utilise solar energy and have the monopoly on the world's Solar Orbital Farms, which have made them very self sufficent in their long and storied history. The Hylo empire is also built on pride as they are a religious people who believe in the mythical Colossi great titans who used to roam the earth before humans did. They believe that Mecha technology is divinely inspired by their holy ancestors to once again walk the earth in large metal giants.
They have been in small conflicts with the idealogically different Therux State almost since inception but that has only ever come to a full scale war once, which was called the 'Western Wars' which the Hylo Empire technically won but were left too weak from battle to take over any territory and called a truce with the Therux.
The Empire is currently run by the very proud and somewhat megalomaniacal Barval Royal Family, which queen Elizibet Barval is currently the ruler of after the recent death of her husband King Remington Barval.
They have been in small conflicts with the idealogically different Therux State almost since inception but that has only ever come to a full scale war once, which was called the 'Western Wars' which the Hylo Empire technically won but were left too weak from battle to take over any territory and called a truce with the Therux.
The Empire is currently run by the very proud and somewhat megalomaniacal Barval Royal Family, which queen Elizibet Barval is currently the ruler of after the recent death of her husband King Remington Barval.
After the war the Hylo empire seems like the best place to live on the surface, the strong economy allowed the empire to recover and traces of structural damage from the conflict has all but dissapeared. This has somewhat justified the intense pride of the country's leadership, but has done nothing to quell their jingoism and paranoia. The Hylo empire continues trade with all nations but is staunchly opposed to not only immagration but also emigration. They refuse to let anyone in or out of the country which has made the already poor and opressed worker class of Hylo feel very unsafe and disenfranchised with the empire and there has been many rouge human smuggling operations to get people out of the empire and immigrate mainly to the fortune state. The Hylo empire is also pouring a lot of resources into their military, almost certain they will be attacked at some point.
The Therux State
Theme Song: Journey To Peace

The people of Therux were never interested in war. The Therux state has always been the progressive and scientific nation, interested in the advancement of the human race, and truly believing in a democracy that the world can subscribe to. Sadly, this progressive way has fallen on deaf ears with the other reigons. The Hylo empire have too much resentment towards their Therux neighbours, along with the fact that their nation is steeped in pride and religion that is incompatible with the Therux culture. The Northern Frontier are delibirately isolationist, and have no desire to engage with other nations much less collaborate with them and finally the Fortune Reigon enjoy the freedom of their varied settlements and find a government too oppresive.
Therux has done well to invest its resources into nature and leads the world in the trade of vegetables, wood, fishing and medicine. The lush feilds and gardens of the Therux land are the envy of the world and through trade they provide 67% of the world's food and nearly 40% of its medicine. Like the rest of the world they do use mechs, although a very large percentage of their mechs are not primarily combat based, but instead 'worker' mechs to tend to farms and mine for precious ores, they have an effective but comparitively small military.
Therux has done well to invest its resources into nature and leads the world in the trade of vegetables, wood, fishing and medicine. The lush feilds and gardens of the Therux land are the envy of the world and through trade they provide 67% of the world's food and nearly 40% of its medicine. Like the rest of the world they do use mechs, although a very large percentage of their mechs are not primarily combat based, but instead 'worker' mechs to tend to farms and mine for precious ores, they have an effective but comparitively small military.
Therux still enjoys the fruits of its nature based economy, but after the war, it shows the most scars of conflict as seen in the coastal pictures. During the Frontier invasions the Therux state was usually the battleground as invading forces would usually enter the western landmass from the east. Not only were many peaceful citizens killed, but the already weak military and security forces were nearly wiped out, and after the ceasefire, the criminal element inside therux began to grow because of the weak police force and generally 'soft' progressive government. The leadership of Therux has grown to resent Hylo despite the coalition as they feel they were dragged into a war they didnt nessicarliy need to have due to the ambiguity of the 'Helen Tower' incedent. Now the once hopeful state is plauged with civil unrest, lack of security and a very active and dangerous drug smuggling trade born from the criminal tampering with the medicinal chemicals.
Fortune Reigon (The Freelands)
Theme Song: Forever Free
Typical Greenland Town

Greenland Sky View

Swampland Town

A Duneland City

Greenland Sky View

Swampland Town

A Duneland City

More World History
The northern frontier were not particularly warlike, but because of their need for food and basic living resources they had to trade with the two staes of the western coalition. Now because of their military might, their trade deals were quite agressive and could be considered unfair. Demanding ridiculously cheap prices for what they wanted and offering elementus at an insanely high price. Now the proud Hylo Empire saw this as economical warfare as the northen frontier was essentially dictating the market. The Hylo Empire was also the first reigon to utilise the solar panel farms as their main source of energy which was actually far cheaper and easier than trading elementus or buiding nuclear power plants. So they began to push back against the unreasonable prices with the frontier which created some tension but they eventually gained some leverage on the market.
The Therux state were somewhat more paranoid of the froniter stockpiling large mecha armies, and after seeing the pushback of the Hylor Empire, they called for an end to their rivalrly and proposed a coalition to stand up to the northern frontier if they ever tried to attack. Unfortunately this coalition and build up of a huge joint army made the northern frontier very nervous and while trade continued both reigons were ready for war. The military conflict was sparked over a small skirmish between Frontier and Hylo Mechas in the fortune reigon over the builiding of a tower. The Hylo forces claim it was a defense garrison that the frontier were trying to expand military structures in the land, but the frontier claimed it was simply a generator building to refuel scout mechas in the largely undiscovered territories. No one can confirm truly what the building was but due its ability to start the world's biggest war, it has been called Tower of Helen.
The Hylo forces destoryed the Helen tower and the frontier forces fought back in a small skirmish with zero casualties, but the act of agression was enough to send the fully paranoid northern frontier into full scale war with the Hylo Empire which now was backed by the Therux state. The war was largely the frontier sending invading forces to the western lands and being beaten back. While the strategic nightmare of attacking the northern reigon made any offense for the Western Coalition nigh but impossible. No territory was lost, only soliders, civilisations and mechas. But the war went on for so long that it turned the world into what it is today, an economically damaged dystopia, with crippled armies on each side constanty in fear of another war.
The Therux state were somewhat more paranoid of the froniter stockpiling large mecha armies, and after seeing the pushback of the Hylor Empire, they called for an end to their rivalrly and proposed a coalition to stand up to the northern frontier if they ever tried to attack. Unfortunately this coalition and build up of a huge joint army made the northern frontier very nervous and while trade continued both reigons were ready for war. The military conflict was sparked over a small skirmish between Frontier and Hylo Mechas in the fortune reigon over the builiding of a tower. The Hylo forces claim it was a defense garrison that the frontier were trying to expand military structures in the land, but the frontier claimed it was simply a generator building to refuel scout mechas in the largely undiscovered territories. No one can confirm truly what the building was but due its ability to start the world's biggest war, it has been called Tower of Helen.
The Hylo forces destoryed the Helen tower and the frontier forces fought back in a small skirmish with zero casualties, but the act of agression was enough to send the fully paranoid northern frontier into full scale war with the Hylo Empire which now was backed by the Therux state. The war was largely the frontier sending invading forces to the western lands and being beaten back. While the strategic nightmare of attacking the northern reigon made any offense for the Western Coalition nigh but impossible. No territory was lost, only soliders, civilisations and mechas. But the war went on for so long that it turned the world into what it is today, an economically damaged dystopia, with crippled armies on each side constanty in fear of another war.
Mk 1
Mechs based on fuel, these are largely obsolete in modern combat and havent seen much use since the Western Wars of around 45 years ago. However they are incredibly cheap to make and many low level security mechs run on feul, they are usually slower and and prone to over hearting and combustion as well as burning through fuel fairly quickly in high impact confrontations. One mecha type that is still used is the Mobile Armor style dreadnaught class. Huge expensive tank like machines that can only run on fuel (largely due to costs) that are rarely seen but very difficult to take down. Mk1 Example
Mk 2
These make up 80% of mechs in use, the standard of modern conflict. These Mechs run on generators, which can vary from Fusion cores to Solar powered to electricity or a combination. They come with none of the shortfalls of Mk1 mechs an enjoy almost unlimited activity with no worry of overheating or meltdown (although there are fringe cases) the life battery of generator is self sustaining and as long as it is maintaned can fuel a mech for years before needing to be replaced. Also because of the amount of power generated Mk2s can employ heavier armor with lighter engines that fuel based mechs would not be able to support.
The pinnacle of the Mk2s are those that are equipped with the aformentioned 'Hybrid Generators' as these are the most expensive but generate the most power. The Mk2s are what the players will be using and are generally known as Mk2+ and represent the fighting elite pilots in the western world.
Mk2 Example
Mk 3
Finally the mecha that run on pure elementum are the pinnicle of modern mech design, everything a Mk2 can do the Mk3 can do better, raw elementum generates almost 5 times as much power as hybrid generator, and the amount of speed that can be generated from an elementum engine is blistering. Elementum is nigh indestructable so there is no danger of overheating or failiure and the life span of an elementum fueled engine has so far proven to be infinite. Also the engines are so powerful that they can be made super compact for even lighter weight and sharper performance. The only real limiter is the cost it makes to make a raw elementum engine so these machines are ridiculously expensive. Usually only afforded to the very top class operatives of the northern frontier.
Mk3 Example
Mechs based on fuel, these are largely obsolete in modern combat and havent seen much use since the Western Wars of around 45 years ago. However they are incredibly cheap to make and many low level security mechs run on feul, they are usually slower and and prone to over hearting and combustion as well as burning through fuel fairly quickly in high impact confrontations. One mecha type that is still used is the Mobile Armor style dreadnaught class. Huge expensive tank like machines that can only run on fuel (largely due to costs) that are rarely seen but very difficult to take down. Mk1 Example
Mk 2
These make up 80% of mechs in use, the standard of modern conflict. These Mechs run on generators, which can vary from Fusion cores to Solar powered to electricity or a combination. They come with none of the shortfalls of Mk1 mechs an enjoy almost unlimited activity with no worry of overheating or meltdown (although there are fringe cases) the life battery of generator is self sustaining and as long as it is maintaned can fuel a mech for years before needing to be replaced. Also because of the amount of power generated Mk2s can employ heavier armor with lighter engines that fuel based mechs would not be able to support.
The pinnacle of the Mk2s are those that are equipped with the aformentioned 'Hybrid Generators' as these are the most expensive but generate the most power. The Mk2s are what the players will be using and are generally known as Mk2+ and represent the fighting elite pilots in the western world.
Mk2 Example
Mk 3
Finally the mecha that run on pure elementum are the pinnicle of modern mech design, everything a Mk2 can do the Mk3 can do better, raw elementum generates almost 5 times as much power as hybrid generator, and the amount of speed that can be generated from an elementum engine is blistering. Elementum is nigh indestructable so there is no danger of overheating or failiure and the life span of an elementum fueled engine has so far proven to be infinite. Also the engines are so powerful that they can be made super compact for even lighter weight and sharper performance. The only real limiter is the cost it makes to make a raw elementum engine so these machines are ridiculously expensive. Usually only afforded to the very top class operatives of the northern frontier.
Mk3 Example
Stats Explained
The Stats and Performance of your Mecha are decided by a scale system so you decide your own balance between two attributes using a number between 1-9 for Example:
The Light/Heavy Body scale determines the Overall Speed, Reflex, Strength and Armor of your Mecha
with 1 at the light end of the scale and 9 at the heavy end. If you choose say a 7 for this category your Machine will be Heavier, mechanically stronger but also have a slower reaction time and movement speed. You can tune this all the way to the extreme by choosing a 9 or have the exact opposite by having a 1 or hitting the balance by choosing a 5.
Name: Full including any nicknames
Appearance: Picture preferred: drawing,CG or anime
Age: 15-50
Origin: Which nation they hail from.
Backstory: 2 Paragraphs at least.
Tactical Preference & Skills: In combat, your usual tactical approach.
Quote: Something your character would say.
Text Color:Optional
Appearance: Picture preferred: drawing,CG or anime
Age: 15-50
Origin: Which nation they hail from.
Backstory: 2 Paragraphs at least.
Tactical Preference & Skills: In combat, your usual tactical approach.
Quote: Something your character would say.
Text Color:Optional
Stats Explained
The Stats and Performance of your Mecha are decided by a scale system so you decide your own balance between two attributes using a number between 1-9 for Example:
The Light/Heavy Body scale determines the Overall Speed, Reflex, Strength and Armor of your Mecha
with 1 at the light end of the scale and 9 at the heavy end. If you choose say a 7 for this category your Machine will be Heavier, mechanically stronger but also have a slower reaction time and movement speed. You can tune this all the way to the extreme by choosing a 9 or have the exact opposite by having a 1 or hitting the balance by choosing a 5.
Name/Title: Full Factory name and nickname if any.
Appearance : Image preferred
Body & Type: Humanoid Bipdeal, Tank, Beast Type, Flyer type etc
Equipment & Armaments :
Hand Slot 1:
Hand slots are big enough for Medium Sized Rifles, Shoutguns, Small Rocket Launchers, Large Melee Weapons, Large Shields, Small Grenade Launchers Etc and up to 8 small explosives
Hand Slot 2:
Same as above. If you wish to hold a Large Weapon such as a Minigun, LMG, Multi Missile Launcher, Or High Powered Rifle or a Plasma Cannon you will have sacrifice both hand slots for one of these weapons.
Sub Weapon Slot:
This slot can carry pistols, small submachine guns, small melee weapons, buckler shields and up to 2 small explosives.
Shoulder/Back Spot:
Can hold a shoulder mounted weapon such as a small missile salvo, gatling gun, or an EMP launcher etc.
Gadget Slot: This can be something like a smoke bomb, misslile flares, Laser Cutter, Or an enhanced tracker etc Max 2 Gadgets
Stats Scale
Light/Heavy Body: Lighter machines are more agile with faster reflexes, heavy has more armor and strength (melee)
Accuracy & Tracking/FIrepower: This only applies to projectile weapons and guns.
Air Mobility/Thrusters: Air mobility grants superior handling and acceleration in the air, Thrusters grant raw top speed.
Solo/Skirmisher: Solo fighters are more adept at taking on enemies 1 on 1 (this includes stealth infiltration), whereas Skirmishers excel in team based combat and larger scale warfare.
Flavour Text:
A litt bit of background on the Mech, development history or specifics.
Appearance : Image preferred
Body & Type: Humanoid Bipdeal, Tank, Beast Type, Flyer type etc
Equipment & Armaments :
Hand Slot 1:
Hand slots are big enough for Medium Sized Rifles, Shoutguns, Small Rocket Launchers, Large Melee Weapons, Large Shields, Small Grenade Launchers Etc and up to 8 small explosives
Hand Slot 2:
Same as above. If you wish to hold a Large Weapon such as a Minigun, LMG, Multi Missile Launcher, Or High Powered Rifle or a Plasma Cannon you will have sacrifice both hand slots for one of these weapons.
Sub Weapon Slot:
This slot can carry pistols, small submachine guns, small melee weapons, buckler shields and up to 2 small explosives.
Shoulder/Back Spot:
Can hold a shoulder mounted weapon such as a small missile salvo, gatling gun, or an EMP launcher etc.
Gadget Slot: This can be something like a smoke bomb, misslile flares, Laser Cutter, Or an enhanced tracker etc Max 2 Gadgets
Stats Scale
Light/Heavy Body: Lighter machines are more agile with faster reflexes, heavy has more armor and strength (melee)
Accuracy & Tracking/FIrepower: This only applies to projectile weapons and guns.
Air Mobility/Thrusters: Air mobility grants superior handling and acceleration in the air, Thrusters grant raw top speed.
Solo/Skirmisher: Solo fighters are more adept at taking on enemies 1 on 1 (this includes stealth infiltration), whereas Skirmishers excel in team based combat and larger scale warfare.
Flavour Text:
A litt bit of background on the Mech, development history or specifics.