"Welcome, to season 13, episooooode 4, of the Horrorverse!
So, last episode we saw a group of seven plucky guys and gals whittled down to three in a shlocktastic zombie horror film, but will this next group do any better? Let me remind you of the rules here, right before we get into the action!
Rule number one!: The contestants have no clue what genre of horror they are in! Although their location will be known and they will likely figure it out, to start with, they are totally and utterly in the dark as to what their horrific opponent could be! They might be in a found-footage occult film, a traditional slasher flick, a vampire movie, or some bizzare indie merging of all three!
Rule number two!: There is nothing they cannot do or use in their aim to get to the end of the flick. This isn't just for your entertainment folks, this is a fight for their lives! Any and all horror cliches might be deliciously played out, or cast aside, and everybody remembers last season when the fourth wall was smashed to bits as a contestant reached into the studio and grabbed a stage light!
Rule number three!: Anything goes! If this was a movie, it would be rated R, so be mindful of gore, horror content, sexual content, drug use, blah, blah, blah, blah. That said, we're not gonna turn this into a porno here, so our cameras will be fading out should any contestants decide to have some... private time.
And that's it! Now, let's spin the wheel of terror to see what location and reason for being there they'll get this time folks! Count it down with me! 3! 2! 1!"
The darkly coloured wheel whirled around, slowing down and making a series of clacks before brightly lighting up.
"It looks like they'll be on a road trip through Europe, and have just entered Finland! I hope they packed their winter boots, because this will be a cold one folks!
So, there we have it, I got around to making it.
Welcome to How To Survive The Horroverse, or just Surviving The Horrorverse. This will be a mature, but heavily comedy and parodical RP where we take control of characters dumped inside a horror film. Instead of being the usual idiotic garbage however, you can use all the genre-savviness and 4th-wall-breaking nonsense you can to escape.
The whole point of this will be somewhat like Scream: To poke fun at the Horror movies we all know and love. Cliches that are actually clever are encouraged, but not needed, and even if your character dies quite quickly, you can simply write another one. After all, low-budget shitty indie horror directors do whatever they want to do, even if it doesn't make any sense.