Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #0EB94D || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #FFFA90

Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.

On the edge of the penthouse balcony, a young woman sighed, her emerald green eyes gazing idly down at the faint lights passing back and forth below. Her flowing golden hair swayed in the breeze that circled around the tower as she once more reached over to a nearby table, picking up a small bit of volcanic rock and giving it a flick over the side.

Clack. It clattered over the metal railing and fell out of sight, just like all the others had before it. A faint flash of light appeared as it fell, and she repeated the process once again.

It had all happened so suddenly. There, in the darkness of her despair, a voice had called out to her. She had heeded its summons blindly, willing to do anything, to sacrifice anything, for another chance. The next thing she knew, knowledge of a time not her own was pouring into her head, and a goal was given to her. It was a simple enough task: the complete and total annihilation of anyone who would oppose her wish. And yet, it still seemed all so unreal. Even after all she had seen and done - no, precisely because of what she had seen and done - it was difficult for her to believe that any of this was possible. How could it be that this man calling her his Servant was still...? The desire she felt was still unquestionably the same. And yet, he didn't seem to know anything about the momentous task they had begun together.

Clack. Another stone was cast over the railing, and flew off to perform the task its master had set for it.

...No matter. He would surely recall everything in due time, would he not? That was what her instincts said, and she was just so happy... so happy to have another chance. Even if he hated her, or even if the master who'd summoned her had bound her will completely with a command spell so that she couldn't so much as think for herself, she wouldn't have been angry. How could she be? She had defied fate, destiny, and all the world's reason to be here, at this moment, for the sake of this one wish. She couldn't have possibly asked for more.

Clack. Another stone fell. With that, there was but one more, and her preparations would be complete.

Of course, to anyone looking at her, this curious young woman wouldn't appear to be anything more than some rare beauty, perhaps from a far-off country, simply enjoying the sights that the city had to offer. She had donned the simpler clothes of this new era in favor of her own attire - a thin, silky white blouse in lieu of her hauberk of mail, and a navy blue blazer in favor of her customary surcoat. Brown leather gloves replaced armored gauntlets, brown dress shoes and tall white stockings filled in for gilded sabatons, and simple brown cotton shorts took the place of her armored leathern skirt.

She clapped her hands together, a small puff of dust falling away from her gloves as she spun upon the ball of her foot, silently slid open the glass door leading back into the penthouse, and stepped once more inside. Slipping between two large potted ferns, she peered into the living room. Now that her preparations were complete, she could-


...The blonde servant blinked at the sudden roar. It wasn't that she wasn't used to such behavior, but at the same time, his unexpectedly violent attitude seemed quite unsuited for one as young as he was."Lancer? Report?" He asked again, looking back and forth across the room. This time, he almost sounded like he wasn't expecting an answer. What, was he afraid she'd left him? A cheeky grin formed on her face, and she tiptoed silently into the room behind him. Reaching out, she suddenly wound her arms around the crook of his elbow, tilting her head to rest it gently upon his shoulder. The young man who'd summoned her - Edward, her dear Master - was an outstanding man, taller by a head than most around him. But, Lancer herself was only just a touch shorter than he himself was, allowing her to easily cushion her cheek upon his shoulder as she raised her lips just centimeters shy of his ear.

"You say that as if you're the one who's looking." Her teasing whisper sounded quite suddenly in his ear before she drew her head back and giggled, releasing his arm and spinning around in front of him, turning like a dancer to slide herself in directly in front of him, raising her arms to either side as if inviting him to wrap his own arms around her waist and begin some elegant waltz within the stillness of the upscale penthouse. She was probably pushing her luck again, but she simply couldn't help herself. After everything that had happened, having this young man here, so close that she could feel his warmth... It made her so happy that she could almost cry for joy.

And yet, it would not last - not unless measures were taken. One such step was already completed, and she supposed that it would be most shameful of her to ignore her noble Master's command for a report on her progress. So, still giggling at her own little games, she swiftly disentangled herself from her Master and spun to face him once again.

"Alright! Your allotted time to play with your beautiful Servant is now up!" She declared cheerfully, still grinning cheekily at her no-doubt flummoxed master. "Now then, on to business, as you requested! You'll be pleased to know that I've already begun searching for local Prana-based disturbances in the area. If any Servants or Magi start mucking about nearby, we'll be the first to know. My Berkana-runed stones will return here - or rather, to the balcony outside - and then guide us to the area of the disturbance. This concludes my report!" She gave an exaggerated salute, before crossing her arms and staring very pointedly at Edward.

"Well? Aren't you impressed?" She asked impatiently. "Come on, it's only polite to praise someone who's working so hard for you, right?" She gave an exaggerated growl, sulking girlishly for a moment before suddenly leaping up atop a nearby footstool. "For example, perhaps something like this?" She exclaimed, theatrically gesticulating as if she were about to launch into some kind of grand operatic solo.

"'Oh, Lancer!'" She began, declaiming her Master's supposed "lines" with all the gusto of a career ham actor, swooning as if overcome by emotion beneath an unseen spotlight. "'Out of all Servants, you are by far the best suited to me!'" She nodded to herself, evidently quite pleased with what her Master was thinking, according to her own interpretation. "'Indeed! You are the only one fit to be at my side! For not only are you the most beautiful, the swiftest, and the strongest, but now you have shown yourself to be the most resourceful above all else! Your command of magic exceeds that of Caster, your martial prowess far surpasses any Saber! Your swiftness and grace bedazzle the very heavens themselves!' OHOHOHO~!" She raised a hand "elegantly" to cover her mouth, giving an exaggerated, crass impression of what she perhaps assumed to be a "high-class" laugh. "'Oh! I am overcome!'" She "swooned" once more, "stumbling" to the edge of the footstool. "'Oh! Oh! I am falling, so undone by amazement am I!'" She allowed herself to topple backwards, flopping downward into the cushions of the couch Edward himself had formerly occupied. "'Oh, I've fallen now, and now here I lie.'" Ending her "impersonation" on this rather lame note, she abruptly sprang back up, bowing so deeply that her forehead practically touched the back of the chair.

"Oh, no, no applause, thank you, thank you, you're too kind!" Laughing once more, she hopped down from her perch, landing so as to stare her Master in the eye.

"What's the matter with you, anyway, my dear Master? You seem out of sorts this evening," She asked at last, raising one eyebrow as her almost offensively cheerful demeanor slowly receded to a more normal level.

@Seirei No Hai

Mira Grace

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #8AB8E6 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #EBB40E

Mira froze, taken completely aback by her Servant's sudden shift in demeanor. When she'd first appeared, Saber seemed no-nonsense, and honestly a little bit scary. But this... this request actually set the young witch a bit more at ease.

"Actually, I think I'd feel safer with you remaining physically present, anyway. I don't have many dealings with other people," She couldn't help but cringe a bit at how much of an understatement that was. "...So I don't think it'll cause any problems. Besides, the tether between us doesn't seem like it'll take much of my Prana just to support you, so I don't think that's a cause for concern, either." She gave a faint smile. "So... I don't mind, I guess. Although, if we're going out, you might want to cover your armor, at least. I think some people might be scared if they saw you like you are right now."

God knows I was, when I first saw her just now... She refrained from adding this little point, but then another matter caught her attention.

"Oh... but the only clothes I have here are mine... I wonder if they'll even fit you...?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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At her Master's acceptance of her request, Saber immediately forced herself back into her more serious demeanor, nodding firmly to herself as she did. Yes, indeed. She had no desire to hide the service she was performing for her Master. That being said, she did have to hide her nature as a Servant. The swordswoman so no conflict between these two goals in her mind. She could hide her nature while still allowing her existence to remain unmasked if granted the proper clothing. Besides, while she would hardly desire to be impractical in a fight, she also was no fan of underhanded tactics and stealth. She was firmly a direct offensive fighter, not a deceiver, though of course it was necessary to hide some things due to the circumstances.

"I will try any clothing you have at your disposal, Master, or I may simply remove my armor," she replied, before pausing for a moment. While she enjoyed the appearance of her current garb, Saber had to admit it was not exactly the most subtle clothing there was to be found. "... That being said, my current manner of dress seems as if it would be rather uncommon in this location, even if I were to remove my armor."

Thankfully, there was not much of a height difference between Master and Servant, so there was a chance that the clothing would fit well enough. Though notably there were perhaps other physical differences that may make such a thing more difficult.

"... I would enjoy clothing that is easy to move in, if you have any available," Saber added, unable to stop herself from doing so. It was only natural for a warrior of any type to have ease of movement in mind when battle could potentially occur at any moment, though of course she would regain her armor in combat. The ritual had granted her enough knowledge to allow her to know that the Church was a neutral ground, but of course the trip there and back could not be conducted without caution and awareness of their surroundings. Still, if Saber was confident in anything it was in her combat prowess.

She wouldn't fail again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elizabeth Reinholt

violet = speaking

lightcoral = thinking/mental communication with servant

The black-haired American woman cast her eyes back at the second voice that had chimed up, and upon turning a bit to look she saw the the silver-haired woman standing in the front of the church. Ah. Partly scarred face, two meters taller, dressed well, direct in her approach, blunt in her questions. It wasn't hard to guess she was a mage of large experience, perhaps older than she looked depending on the magecraft used and such. With how she was, it was easy to guess that this woman was as a member of the Magus Association, perhaps a honed but somewhat too confident individual like some members she had run into in the past. However, those members had thought her to be weak in magecraft and skill.

Oh, how wrong they had been.

But this was not the time to fight. Not the place to fight, either, unless she wanted death at the hands of this blue-haired Moderator of the Holy Grail War. Not that her sweet little Assassin couldn't gut the other master perhaps before this master's servant jumped in, but still. At any rate, what was also interesting was the furry individual with this woman who questioned her directly about things and addressed her as the "Master of Assassin" as if she had been here in time to listen to Elizabeth herself speak to this woman. A bit of spying on that person's part to be sure, but the appearance of this woman's servant was rather distinct. A tail, fur on the body, a bit short, it would be good to go to a library during the next day to look up some legends about such individuals.

Yet to be safe she needed to also communicate with her servant, to make sure they were't penalized for anything. She had seen Jack's attachment to her as well in return, and it made her worry that her servant would be on edge at this sudden arrival. It wasn't a hard thing to guess, at any rate, and she didn't want Jack in harm's way right now....much less the two of them in trouble with the blue-haired moderator.

'Jack, dear, it's ok right now. This person can't attack Mommy here without getting into a lot of trouble, but we can't fight here either. Make sure to only protect me if they attack, ok? I trust you. Just keep an eye on things for now~' the mage communicated to her servant in a calm, reassuring manner over their mental link.

"I would ask you the same, member of the Magus Association. But let's remember we are on neutral ground right now, and behave for our dear Moderator of the war here. I feel we can both at least be that civil right now," Elizabeth then proceeded to say aloud to Johanna, emanating a sense of calm and a modest level of confidence in her tone, all whilst seeming to put on polite airs for the things she said.

@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

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Edward Scawthorne

It wasn't long until he felt something grabbed onto his arm, quickly staring and almost backing away from an intruder. He was relieved to see Lancer and not some Assassin Servant who was stalking him. He gave her an annoyed look, his eyebrow twitching.

"You say that as if you're the one who's looking." This did not (probably) turn him on with the whisper of her voice. He will admit that her beauty alone was enough to allure him but he quickly bonked her on the head (not that she would feel any pain) for such a long delay in responding to his question.

"You should answer immediately to my summons or requests next time. I felt unguarded there for a second because some coward might send some weak Assassin Servant against me. Hmph. Shame on you." He sounded rather strict towards her playful nature. He would've thought she would at least take this thing seriously and respond. He doesn't fear death but death at the hands of a one-hit killer is pretty pathetic for his family name.

"THE FIRST CONTENDER TO DIE IN THE GRAIL WAR IN ONE NIGHT" - That was something he didn't like.

"Now then, on to business, as you requested! You'll be pleased to know that I've already begun searching for local Prana-based disturbances in the area. If any Servants or Magi start mucking about nearby, we'll be the first to know. My Berkana-runed stones will return here - or rather, to the balcony outside - and then guide us to the area of the disturbance. This concludes my report!"

Okay, he took it back. Looks like she wasn't completely so annoying after all, with an impressed smile he nods at such work, but before he could give out her phrase. She decided to be a nuisance once more, to mock him of all things with her "impression of him". He wasn't inherently offended but he gestured her to stop with a blank face before he smacks her in the head again with Reinforcement spells.

"What's the matter with you, anyway, my dear Master? You seem out of sorts this evening," Edward sighed, wiping a small bead of sweat with his handkerchief as he puts it back in the pocket. "I'd like you to know that we're in a war and most of this thing isn't fun and games. It's about the glory and the prize of the Holy Grail in my hands." He turned around to the glass pane, looking down on the streets with a devious smile. "Do your runes notify us even if we were outside our base of operations? I don't want to be late on my intimidating, yet stunning entrance in front of the other Masters.". Very full of himself indeed, looking down on the competition before they even met.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #0EB94D || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #FFFA90

Well, at least his priorities were in order. Acquiring the Holy Grail and winning the war together was the only thing that mattered. If that much could be done, then she shouldn't have wanted for anything else. And yet... Still, would it kill you to at least smile at me? Lancer sighed, making a show of rubbing her head as if he'd actually managed to hurt her. "Technically, the runes will return to wherever I, their creator, currently am," She explained, raising a single finger while placing her other hand on her hip in the most generic "know-it-all" pose she could think of. "I just configured them to stop on the edge of the runic boundary I took the liberty of placing around this apartment, to alert us if anyone intrudes. Hence, the edge of the balcony. That way, we won't get little rocks smashing through our windows, you see?"

She shrugged, but then suddenly stopped in her tracks, placing a single finger to her lips as if suddenly contemplating some new discovery. With the same theatrical airs as before, she suddenly gasped, clasping her hands over her heart as if overcome by emotion.

"Oh... Oh my, my. My dear master, I think I've puzzled you out! I'm touched, really, I am!" She declared quite suddenly. "You have no fear of charging into battle by my side yourself, and yet you dread the possibility that you might be struck down whilst I am unawares?" Her expression changed into a sly grin. "So in other words, what you really mean to say is..." She took a step forward, raising a single finger - the exact same one she'd just placed to her own lips a moment before. "'So long as you are by my side, I have nothing to fear!'" As she finished her little impression, she placed her upraised finger directly to Edward's lips as if shushing him, in the process thus coyly "delivering" him a "kiss."

"You really are cute, Master," She sighed. However, her tone changed a bit from the exaggerated, teasing way she'd been toying with him before. All of a sudden, it was hard to tell whether or not she was being completely serious, especially given the faint hints of a blush that played upon her cheeks, or the soft, gentle smile she showed him as she gazed up into his eyes. "You may act cold and say one thing, but I understand what you really mean. I know you so well, see? That's why the Grail chose me to be your Servant - because I'm perfect for you." Just as suddenly as before, but not nearly as forcefully, she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling herself closer and embracing him. "So, don't worry about anything, Master, okay?" She whispered softly, pillowing her head against his chest. "This time, I won't make any mistakes. I promise that no matter what may come..."

"I'll always be there to protect you."

Mira Grace

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #8AB8E6 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #EBB40E

"Easy to move in... Hmm..." That criterion, admittedly, would probably rule out a great deal of her own wardrobe. Since she'd never really had anywhere to go, and had passed a great deal of time by sewing outfits for herself, practicality had never really been much of a concern. Most of her attire was overly fanciful, with multiple layers that would probably get in the way in a real fight... Hmm... But maybe one of her witch costume dresses would suffice? While the capes and mantles she tended to wear along with such garments would be too restrictive, the long, silky gowns she favored would probably offer complete freedom of movement.

"Um, how about something like what I'm wearing now?" She asked, brushing back her cloak and capelet for a moment to reveal the simple sleeveless black dress she wore beneath it. It didn't reach quite to the floor, and had a short slit up the left side, while the right billowed out and away from her legs to keep her from stepping on it. It fit tightly to her upper body meanwhile, and had a gray and white corset worn over it, giving it an almost Victorian aesthetic. "I have others like this, and although it might be a little difficult to tie it yourself, I could help you... I don't think it would get in the way when fighting, either... And besides, we'd match," She finished rather lamely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Saber found one of her eyebrows raising.

"Exactly why is our matching relevant?" she asked, folding her arms. That statement seemed rather excessively fanciful. For what reason did that matter? Hmph, it was quite simply a foolish thing to say. They were allies, but this was not the sort of war in which you fought under the same banner and wore the same colors, which meant that there was no particular reason for such a comment other then simple fancy. It was a silly thing to say, at least in the black-haired Servant's opinion. "... Whatever silly reason you have for saying that, something like the outfit you are wearing now will do."

Admittedly, Saber would have liked something a bit different, but she was not going to protest the offer. Indeed, it seemed easy enough to move in and that was her chief requirement when it came to clothing she would be wearing into a potential battle.

"The sooner I am dressed, the sooner we may leave and register with the Overseer," Saber added with a nod, "So we should do this quickly."

It was a logical statement in the youthful swordswoman's mind, and she nodded to herself firmly. As a Servant, removing her armor and hakama would be effortless and instant, and with her Master's help dressing herself in the new outfit would be quick and easy. Saber's concerns now shifted to strategy and how to defend her Master in transit. Ideally there would be few enemies willing to expose themselves so quickly on the first night, but...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago


@Raineh Daze@Crusader Lord

"I'd hate to have my first fight against a coward who hides in the shadows, anyway!" Berserker added as Elizabeth replied to his Master. He gazed at the opposing Master, raising an eyebrow. The intensity of the golden flame in his eyes grew slightly as he looked her over, nodding with an impressed look on his face.

She has the spirit of a fighter in her, but doesn't sport a worrying amount of evil in her soul... which begs the question; why did she summon an Assassin, anyway? And I don't see Assassin anywhere, either... Berserker had communicated to his Master through their bond. Berserker was a bit disappointed, really... he actually would have preferred to be partnered up with a Master like the one before them. One with more... fight in them. Even his Master at least looked like the type that would summon Assassin, anyway. Berserker had found himself to feel awfully jealous. Maybe they could establish a trade? Or...

"Maybe we could team up, instead? You don't look like you'd be too bad, after all." Berserker said rather impulsively, raising a hand up to... shake? The expression on his face changed to a more friendly grin, with his eyes closed.

Damn it, Berserker...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 31 min ago

Johanna Faust

"An answer for an answer, then? Quite simply, I am here because of politics," the white-haired magus said, cracking a rare grin, "I chose the wrong side in an earlier fight and was granted the 'privilege' of being a mere Enforcer. To put my life on the line again for the exact thing that got me here is such a simple choice that it's no choice at all; if I or anyone else obtain the Grail and use it to obtain the Root, then my position is vindicated.

"There exist other means to achieve the same, but merely seeking Magic would lead me to this conclusion anyway. To achieve something truly exceptional as an Enforcer... I expect that I would have one shot at bringing in Aozaki but that's quite a gamble... if you're old enough to even know who that is."

An Assassin unseen is doing their job, perhaps waiting for the moment we step outside of these walls to attack, the magus pointed out--only for the Servant to immediately offer his services to the other near-stranger. It was enough to turn the grin into a laugh, "Yet to even ask my name but already consorting with others? But you might have a point. Killing Masters seems a cruel disservice to those summoned, but some monster could be summoned all but immune to a straight fight whilst an opening for Assassin may never arise on its own.

"If our goals aren't fundamentally opposed, then we could play to each our strengths."


The intricacies of the conversation washed over the Assassin's head, references to people and concepts that she knew nothing about--the understanding of the Grail war, certainly, but the indirectness meant nothing to her. Still skulking, the small Servant made her way closer to her Master... if she was to protect Mother against the enemy Servant, then it would be impossible if she were to remain in an ambush position. To move from somewhere closer, like the altar, to an intercepting point... that was far more achievable.

Though stacking her direct combat abilities against a Berserker... without a successful first blow, that would be a terrible fight to take. Almost all matches in a Grail War would go that way, yet without madness preventing a co-ordinated response, this was simply one more Servant that couldn't be approached fairly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

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Wasabi Hasabe Evans

@Crusader Lord

The young man groaned as his Servant nagged him like his own mother. He was already used to this, but he can't help but just roll his eyes at it. Saber had a point, though. While Hasabe did buy a hunting shotgun and carries it in his car for protection, that won't stop a Servant attacking him head-on. Still, the idea of Saber following him around at all times... unnerved him.

"Fine," Hasabe said, scratching his head, "I'll let you follow me around in spiritual form, if that is what you think is best... but don't follow me into the bathroom or anything. That'll be really weird."

Hasabe's clearded his throat and turned away from his Servant, towards the door. Somebody had left a package for him, and according to his Servant, it surely wasn't from any opposition. He had planned to bring it in after he dropped the food off, and now inspecting it for any traps wouldn't be necessary. As Hasabe inspected the box, his expression turned into one that lacks amusement.

"It says it's from Japan, from a 'Mr. E.' Sounds like something my biological father would do..." Hasabe groaned at the bad pun, before he started to crack the box open. Inside laid a letter, as well as a rectangular-shaped object. He had decided to start reading the letter first, aloud.


I hope you have been practicing the ritual like I told you to. One wrong move, one misplaced reagent, or even one wrong word will cause... abnormalities in the summoning process. You should recieve this catalyst during the dawn of the Holy Grail War. I had taken great measures to assure you summon one of the strongest possible Servants in order to assure your victory. Remember to also visit the Church and check in with its Overseer. However, should you encounter another Servat and Master there, remember that the Church is neutral ground; you will remain safe.

Follow these steps, and your victory will be assured,
Mr. E."

Hasabe had a rather dumbfounded look kn his face. Thinking back to it, he indeed did all the wrong things Mr. E. mentioned when summoning his Servant... even his mother called him in the middle of the ritual. He felt bad to ignore her call, so he had to tell her he was busy. All the things he's done wrong in the ritual is what most likely lead to him summoning a strange Saber-class Servant. And to think he needed a catalyst too...

Well, there shouldn't be any harm in seeing what the catalyst is.

Hasabe took out the rectangular object from the box, unwrapping the meticulously wrapped bubble wrap off from it. It must be really valuable if you need this much bubble wrap in order to protect it. Once unwrapped, the object is revealed to be a... a fossilized snake's skin encased in glass? Hasabe stood up, holding the catalyst and walking over to his Servant.

"Saber, do you have any idea what this i-"

Before he could complete his sentence, Hasabe slipped on a sheet of bubblewrap. He managed to catch himself by grabbing onto a chair, but the catalyst had cracked, sending dust and broken glass all over the the floor. A spoiled feeling pulsed in Hasabe's stomach as an object that had taken great pains to have delivered to him now lays fractured right before him.

"Uh... I'll go get the dust pan..."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Edward Scawthorne

"I'll always be there to protect you." Those words rang in his ear, causing him to blush a bit. He didn't want to feel this "softy-lovey-dovey" feeling during the war. It's the number one rule not to get distracted by something. They might lose and that's a big mistake. So he fidgeted around, holding her shoulder and pushing her away slightly with squiggled lips. Trying to hold onto the blush.

"W-whatever, we have more time to celebrate if we win anyway. Let's just get out and cover the street. You know, a night out to eat or something... at least pretend to, and if we spot anyone that may look like a mage or Servant, you track them down and I'll set up our surprise." This was an unusual side of him, he slapped his cheeks to make his blush go away as he heads out for the door in a hurry. "Well?! Are you coming or not?! I'll let you pick whichever restaurant interests you." Well, not that she might know what a restaurant is. He might have to explain what it is on the way down.

He just stared at Lance with another blank look, waiting for her to run toward him and cling to him, he was leaning against the door side.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elizabeth Reinholt

violet = speaking

lightcoral = thinking/mental communication with servant

As the golden-eyed servant looked her over, she too looked the over, using her Master's clairvoyance to scan him for his parameters while doing her best to keep friendly and polite in her mannerisms and tone. It was an odd situation to have an alliance proposed to her by a servant first, of all things, but he seemed to be of the good sort...albeit she felt a sort of mischief about him as well. Or perhaps that was the monkey-like aspects of this servant coming into play in her mind. Still, it was a thought, and it was a Holy Grail War as well, so the pros and cons of a possibly more physical servant allying with her were obvious....just like the possible drawbacks were as well. She did not want to make an ally, only to get back-stabbed if they went after her little Jack. And if they did that...she would not be much willing to forgive them for killing Jack. The Holy Grail War wouldn't matter to her at that venture, if she lost her little girl in such a manner.

Yet, the master of this servant themselves was seemingly predictable in part for an Association Mage. An Enforcer, a thing of note, and wanting to open a path to the Root as so many magi sought to do. The seeming air of experience about and the height of this woman aside, it was a viable alliance...if she could keep this woman convinced she was seeking the Root as well, or something of the sort to keep her good opinions. Really, she wasn't sure if their goals clashes to some extent. For her real goal now was...well, look at Elizabeth's own servant and it was obvious, wasn't it? At least if one was able to think on the matter for a bit. A sterotype mage might not understand, really, but that also perhaps depended on things as well.

"Haha!" the master of Assassin said, a peal of laughter coming out at the situation and how quickly it had turned into a seemingly good direction for perhaps both sides. It was odd, and caution would still be needed on her part without a doubt, but perhaps this could become a good arrangement, taking the Berserker's hand and shaking it firmly and honestly with a slightly wider smile than before on her own face, "Perhaps we could enter into an alliance in this war, play to each other's strengths to take down our enemies and such. Ah. pardon me for the laugh, i did not actually expect this sort of situation to arise, really. But however this war goes down, i will not go down without fighting to my last breath if anyone comes after me."

"But first, perhaps i can step to the side and allow the two of you to speak with our dear moderator here, as i think we both came here to do the same thing, really," Elizabeth said, before politely stepping to the side to open up the path for the two new arrivals. After all, they had likely come here to do the same as she had: to introduce themselves to the moderator and affirm their status as master and servant.

With that the woman gave a friendly wink to Johanna and Berserker, keeping upbeat despite the situation's possible awkwardness.

@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR

"Fake"!Saber Best!Saber

orange = speaking

lightblue = thinking/mental communication with master

To be the servant of Wasabi was suffering.

The female servant raised an eyebrow as the letter was read aloud, indicating that some form of mage had been looking out for this utterly clueless kid when it came to the realm of magecraft. Or at least, looking to ensure he entered the Holy Grail War in some manner. It was hard to decide whether this mysterious mage, which her master felt was his birth father possibly, wanted to get this kid killed, use him to try to get the grail out of desperation, or was in some strange method trying to reach out to him. Whatever the case, she felt no good will towards whoever it was, regardless of the circumstances. To guide and perhaps try to trick a young man, an untrained mage at that, to summon a servant and enter an inevitable death match was a cruel thing no matter what the reasoning was for it. That was her simple outlook on the matter, and it was most likely not going to change either.

As much as she nagged and talked to her master...heavens, Hasabe was far less than prepared for any of this. It had been a miracle to drill in what she had been able to within a week thus far into his head. But in the end, it was for this blasted idiot's survival. Sure, she would fight to secure the Grail for him....but her primary concern was this kid's survival in something he had no clue of getting involved with. Even a "faker" like her could have the capacity to perform a task such as that for the time being....until the war was finally over. But at least this boy was better than her own son that had been around in life. A lot better behaved, first of all.

Though noting the shattered and ruined relic on the floor, it wasn't much for her to garner a guess at who it was aimed to summon. An honestly, the boy's benefactor didn't know he had already summoned earlier anyways. What a waste, especially with who could have been summoned. Then again, they were probably an asshole of a servant, anyways. So good riddance.

"Whatever the relic was, just keep it tucked away for safekeeping so no one else tries to take it from the trash and get any ideas themselves. Then we can just burn the blasted thing after all of this is over," the female servant said, following near her master as he went about to get the proper supplies and clean up the mess, maintaining her usual demeanor in the process, "But speaking of the letter's contents, this 'benefactor' of yours has a good point. If we don't present ourselves to the Overseer of this Grail War, likely some Church representative on the neutral grounds at the local church here, then we might be in trouble when we are discovered. Whoever the Moderator is as well could explain more of the basics of this conflict as well, to be frank."

However, the female servant did something a bit strange for her behavior since she had met Hasabe. She bit her lip for a minute, as if thinking of what to say next to the boy. Trying to drill information and not give him too much in case he had his mind read by a mage was a hard thing to do. Yet at the same time, if they were both not well-informed enough it would be a potentially good thing later. Blast the gods and their ways to twist fate for their amusement. Still, she garnered that this information was more necessary to tell than to not tell either.

"But i have something to tell you, as well, which is important to know for your sake when we run into other masters and servants," the warrior said, her tone taking on a more serious note that abandoned the nagging in a manner that was notably different than her normal, her eyse boring into Hasabe's head as she spoke, hoping for the boy to actually listen to her words this time as well, though more seriously than the average, "I already noted to you things like the class system, how we can communicate mentally with each other, and the like. Including that i am 'strange' for a servant."

"Actually, on that note....i am an 'extra' servant in this Grail War. That means, under proper circumstances, i should never have been summoned. However, the Grail chose to respond to your less-than-proper ritual, meaning i came into being. So out there now i another Saber-class servant, the proper one, who will have a few advantages over me. As for what those are, i will not speak them now, to avoid putting us in greater danger for the time being."

"So when we meet the moderator, and we need to in order to avoid being singled out in a bad manner in this, we need to introduce me as just 'Saber' when asked. Then after we try to distance ourselves from that place as quickly as we can after we are finished, in case the actual 'Saber' of this war arrives there as well. Then hopefully we will at least be good by the moderator, though the opposing 'Saber' might not be too keen on knowing that there are two of us in this conflict."

@Cu Chulainn

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #0EB94D || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #FFFA90

Lancer frowned as she felt her Master's hand forcing her back and away from him. Why was it that every time she got close to him, this always happened? It wasn't that he felt distaste towards her - of that much, she was reasonably certain, given his adorable blushing and stammering every time she approached him this directly. And yet, she was beginning to realize that her worst fears might have been more founded than she had thought. For all of her attempts to remind him of what he should have known, and for all her efforts to prevent the inevitable...

No matter. He'd understand soon, wouldn't he? And... even if he didn't, then couldn't she still be...? And yet, in his eyes... what exactly did he see when he looked at her? Every now and again, Lancer couldn't help but wonder about these things.

Still, it seemed he'd caved to her demands - or, at the very least, to his own boredom. A nice dinner for two, was it? If only she'd had some nicer clothes to wear...! Then, her beauty by her master's side would truly be a spectacle to behold. They would be like twin stars newly descended from the heavens, bedazzling the common masses! Like a fairy tale prince and princess, arriving with extravagant show and great ceremony to the great ball! Like... like...

Well, just being with him as she was now was still fine, she supposed. She grinned, nodding enthusiastically in response to his grumpy demands for her to follow. He was even cute when he was angry...

"A mission and a date, all in one?" She sighed like a lovestruck maiden. "Not to mention that you even took into account that I can't astralize like other Servants, and chose something we could do together without standing out... That's so sweet of you, Master." Lancer spoke as if, rather than offering her a meal, he'd given her a diamond necklace. Well... to be fair... For a man of wealth and taste like her Master, a mere trifle like a diamond necklace would hardly hold any more significance than any old rock. But, his company for the evening, which she'd otherwise have had to whine and wheedle out of him... Now that was a gift that meant something.

"Oh, but I'm afraid that I don't really know much of anything about the delicacies either of this era, or this particular region. I'm afraid that I'll have to rely upon your judgement again..." She looked bashfully away as if embarrassed, but couldn't resist tacking on a little aside comment to play up her appeal. "Really, I'm so fortunate to have been summoned by such a dependable Master..." As she sidled up beside him, she considered taking his arm again, but decided against it. He'd probably just bonk her on the head like usual and totally kill the mood... Although, she left her hand dangling at her side, fingers extended in an invitation that would probably completely slip his notice, which he probably wouldn't accept even if he realized its meaning... But, even if he wouldn't so much as hold her hand, she could at least dream... right?

Mira Grace

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #8AB8E6 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #EBB40E

"Eh? Um... well... I suppose it's not really all that important... I guess... I merely thought..." She trailed off. Thought what? That a soldier like you would be more comfortable wearing colors associated with her allegiance? How could she go and almost say something so stupid? She had no idea who this woman was! For all she knew, she'd been betrayed by all those she held loyalty towards, or had served under no one's banner but her own! She needed to learn to shut her mouth and watch her words, or she might end up angering the one and only ally she could count on in this war!

"Sorry..." She apologized sheepishly, tugging at the brim of her hat with pent-up nervous anxiety. "I... I'll just... Umm... Let's just go and get you some clothing to wear, then." She motioned to the door leading out of the cellar. "Oh, and, er, I guess I can show you around the house while we're at it..."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Why did her Master begin a thought only to trail meaninglessly off into useless silence? It was a frustrating habit. The black-haired girl couldn't say she approved of such a thing at all, that was for certain. She spoke her mind, and her Master failing to do so seemed rather... aggravating. Really, why would she allow herself not to complete a thought? What benefit was it to simply go silent like that? Saber was dismayed by such an apparent lack of confidence. She wanted her commanding officer to hold their head up high and say what needed to be said, not to allow themselves to be silenced.

"If you are going to begin a thought, you should finish it, and speak your mind," replied the swordswoman, firmly, with a nod of her head. It was how she handled matters, at least. "... Regardless, it is best for you to guide me around your home. It is rather useless to maintain a fortress if one of its defenders does not know the layout."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

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Edward Scawthorne

Holding hands gives off the sign that they are together or in a relationship. To keep them off other observing Masters staking out just like him, he took her hand and smirked. "Hmph. Enjoy the touch of a rich man, Lancer. This is only to keep us off the sight of potential Masters, nothing more, nothing less. Let's go." He spoke in a demanding tone, but nothing too authoritarian for her, he needs to come off as a gentleman after all.

He held her soft, fair-skinned hand. Savouring her touch in secret as they walked out the door and into the elevator descending down towards the lobby, eventually... The Master-Servant Pair already exited the penthouse through the beautifully lit street, as early as this night was, it was still bustling with... activities... activities questionable in public during the day, but otherwise there are others enjoying the night life through dates, movies, or just confessions in the park.

Edward scanned through the streets of this quaint little suburban town and noticed the fanciest restaurant across the street. "I see someplace we could eat there. Or perhaps... you're curious about something else and you wish to know it?" Lancer's Master was giving her a chance to drag him in some place she wanted to know about, should she let this chance slip away from her fingers? She might not get another one with him considering his impatient nature... in fact, he was tapping his high-class leather shoes about it. "Lancer? Are you there?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blackstripe
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Blackstripe That superhero/magic/pirate person

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"Ready? Is that a joke, 'Master'?"

Materializing behind his petite and child-like "Master", Rider carried an eager grin on his hardened yet ruggedly handsome face. Moonlight glimmered off the surface of the silver armor that encased him, his long scarf billowing slightly in the gentle wind. Training his eyes down upon the girl that audaciously called herself his master, they carried that same predatory glint that she would have undoubtedly become accustomed to by this point.

"I've been beyond bored waiting for this war to start," he reminded her.

His restlessness had indeed been maddening. Why had she chosen to summon him so far ahead of time? An entire week loitering around her estate without a chance to even wet his spear with the blood of a powerful foe...it was torture for a warrior such as he. Every inch of his form ached to taste the fires of battle once more, to be serenaded by the cacophony of screams that only war could grant him.

Yes, yes he was indeed ready.

Running a gauntletted hand through his mess of blond hair, he rested his spear on his left shoulder. "Find me someone worth killing, 'Master'. That is the one thing I demand of you."

Cassandra Edelfelt

The catacombs beneath Redrock were many, many centuries old. Ancient, some might say. The Aronathi people - a Native American tribe - built them in the times before Columbus. The skulls of their dead littered the walls, packed tightly against one another within the numerous and maze-like corridors. It was, of course, strictly off-limits. It held great archeological value, after all...no normal person would ever be permitted to simply enter here as they please.

Unfortunately for those tasked with enforcing these laws, they had little defense against Magecraft. It had been an almost effortless task for Cassandra Edelfelt to make the appropriate alterations to their memories. They now believed her to be an Archeologist in the throes of some important research on the Aronathi people, research that required her to not be troubled by their presence in the slightest.

She had been here for weeks now, preparing her defenses for the war to come. Establishing a powerful bounded field here had, of course, been the first step, followed by a wide assortment of traps that took full advantage of the naturally confusing layout of the catacombs. It was quite fun to curse one of the many skulls lining the wall, allowing it blend back in seamlessly with its brethren. It made her almost hope someone would attempt to brave them, just to watch them stumble upon one of her many, many surprises.

She had also created a great number of familiars - rats! - to act as her eyes and ears in Redrock. Small, quick and loathsomely common, few would panic at their presence. Even now, they scurried about, searching for the opposition.

Of course, the outcast Edelfeldt's ability to use Magecraft in the construction of traps and agents was still far beneath that of her Servant, whom had been summoned a week prior. Any enhancements she was able to make to their defenses had, of course, been welcomed.

Cassandra smirked, easing back in her office chair within a room deep within the catacombs. A wireless monitor displayed for her the latest episode of Flash available on Netflix. Pushing her glasses up on her nose, she briefly entertained the notion of the wifi connection tipping off her location...but no.

Most Magi didn't even consider technology, being far too caught up in family traditions to even lower themselves to the level of the ignorant masses. Besides, it was as if anyone would think to just search for an internet signal over some ancient catacombs.

Watching the monitor for but a quick moment longer, she paused it. "Caster, have our familiars spotted anything? Perhaps someone taking an ill-advised stroll?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WanderingSpirit
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WanderingSpirit Wish Cloud 9 existed...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dialouge ❖ Colour

Thought ❖ Colour

There was a breeze in the air that gently picking up scraps and by chance, lightly catching the dark hair of a young man in its grasp, with him standing inconspicuously on top of the rooftop of an apartment as he enjoyed the night. Should anyone had seen him earlier, he was pacing around as he seemed to peer off into the distance from the building as if something caught his attention but returning back into a state of semi-awareness out in the open. With his eyes now following the street lights that followed the street, watching the traffic of people passing through the different parts of the city as he had already familiarized himself with it. Taking note of the more busier areas as his eyes took advantage of four floors of the apartment as it gave him more than enough to see what was happening by the shore.

His dark brown eyes continued to peer down at the shore with different parties leaving and coming toward the shore but nothing suspicious. Moving both up and down it as he scanned the scenes, his legs had dried not too long ago as the sand from them had been removed. Having taken his feet dip in the water earlier as he continued observing the area at the time, nobody minded him as he was seemingly hard to perceive despite walking on the beach. Taking his leave once he felt that was enough of the water to continue the job that he was assigned, it would be carried out tonight and whenever he had no other obligations. ' Hmph- such a shame to waste such a prime opportunity to come out here, the water was quite nice... Hmmm " He said in his mind before releasing a sigh as his feet kicked the ground nonchalantly while looking out.

While his physical manifested body was difficult to perceive, the translucent one that the man donned made his existence impossible to detect ordinarily and complicated even amongst his own kind if he remained inconspicuous. His nature as a Servant was apparent and undoubtedly but there were a few details that were already mentioned by his Master but it was another topic to be discussed at a later date between the two of them.

His transition to the modern era was easy to get around with him, having replaced the summoned gear that he had with something more relaxed and comfortable was something he didn't mind. Taking away all the leather and tough fabric, he instead wore a black tunic that reached halfway down his thighs with golden yellow trimmings around the collar and button area that left the long sleeves untouched with how they covered his frame. Having a similarly shaded pants that matched nicely, hugging his form despite his easy time getting in them with its dark navy blue color.

With another small sigh, the figure ran his hand through through his hair as he continued to gaze over the quaint city that it occupied. He had another job to do tonight besides this and several other areas that he took note of to stake out for any activity. Taking a step forward from the edge of the railing, he made his way over to somewhere more ideal for his next position that he was to observe. " The Coast is clear, nothing notable besides myself of course " He said with a hint of charm to his Master with the mental link shared between the two of them. Exhaling during his descent, falling down to the streets below, he made his way down the many alleys that he went through with the dim light illuminating the streets for him. Briefly looking around, "Making my way over to the final area... He mentally spoke after landing as he silently made his way, his mind focused on keeping his presence as discreet as possible while he made his way through the city and the many buildings. Of course, it was not like anyone ordinary could see him but he was sure that other Servants would be keeping their eyes out which was the cause for his worry. Taking his time, he eventually got over into a position that was ideal for staking out his location.

" Master, I have eyes on the Church. Nothing to see so far... " He said calmly while his eyes peered through the various obstruction in front of him with trained precision as they watched from afar as his attendance anywhere near there was not required. Having himself stationed around two miles out, while he instead watched the building for any noticeable activity on the outside as his dematerialize form stood in place. With the presence that he had as a Servant had not been exposed tonight yet and besides, anything that he could do would be impossible to notice in time if he did anything to the Church or the area surrounding that. However, there was no need for that yet otherwise what kind of fun that would be?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Estelle Varianbec, Master of Rider

Estelle smiled. That was what she wanted to hear, she wanted to hear that her Servant was eager to deliver carnage and destruction upon their opponents in this Holy Grail War. Still smiling brightly at her Servant, the small girl hopped off of the front step as she made to lead her Servant to the front gate of the Varianbec estate. Yes, indeed, not only had she summoned a powerful Servant, her Rider was completely unbeatable. At least that's how she felt about the matter. She knew that he'd be eager to go out as soon as possible, to destroy their opponents swiftly and without mercy. It didn't matter who they were or what their cause was, they would all be killed equally. Though... she wasn't cruel. She'd accept surrender from the Masters. It wasn't necessary to kill them, the threat of another contract being formed was slim if Servants were the primary targets. They'd be allowed to escape to the safety of the Church. If they were somewhat likable she might even escort them there. But if they attempted to persist, they'd find no mercy from the diminutive girl.

"I'm certain that some of the enemy Masters will be going to the Church to speak to the Overseer," declared Estelle cheerfully, practically skipping as she passed through the gate. "So we'll ambush them on their way back to... wherever it is they'll be going!"

She placed her hand to her mouth and giggled.

"You'll be able to smash and destroy until your heart's content, Rider," she added. Really, telling him that felt like almost like she was talking to a Berserker, but her Rider had quite a craving for violence and battle so it was really a fitting comment. "Why, if the Masters surrender, they'll even be close to the Church when they have to run off in tears!"

Estelle giggled again. Yes... the first Master she saw was in for a nasty surprise...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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@Raineh Daze@Crusader Lord

"Ahah, right, the formalities. We should spar some time, by the way!" Berserker had said, still shaking the other Magus's hand until she opted to move out of the way. He feels like he's done his Master a favor making an alliance like that, and feels that she wouldn't have been able to do that without his help, anyway. Still, though, for his Master to have goals to seek the Root... perhaps if he just told her what is there, she's find a more interesting wish? Eh, she'll probably want to see it for herself... Not everyone can be as all knowing as me! Berserker would think to himself. Keeping those thoughts to mind, Berserker kept a carefree smile on his face as they proceeded to the Overseer.

And yet, he still didn't ask for his Master's name. He'll find that out soon. Introductions seem to be in order.

Don't worry. Even though she's a Master of Assassin, she doesn't have a bad bone big enough for us to worry. My Pure Eyes are able to see the amount of evil in someone, and can see through even disguises. The only thing it can't see through are things that simply mask one's presence, such as the Presence Concealment of Assassins.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #0EB94D || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #FFFA90

Lancer blinked, surprised at the sudden contact. No way... he'd actually picked up on it? Her master, who had been so dense that she'd had to start clinging to him and flirting so that he'd get the idea, had realized that she wanted him to take her hand? Of course, he immediately killed the mood as per usual with one of those dismissive comments of his about how this was just a formality and nothing more... She sighed, shaking her head. Naturally, the War was the first priority... but this was a rare opportunity, was it not? Two souls, joined across time in apparent defiance of natural law! A guardian, called up from the deepest recesses of time to protect and serve the master of her soul. It was like a wish come true, so it would have been wrong not to savor these moments, wouldn't it? Even if she herself was more than happy just being by his side, it wasn't the same if the man she devoted herself to didn't share in that happiness. He really didn't understand so many things, and when she thought about it that way, her heart felt as though it would break...

Nevertheless, there was no sense in dwelling upon melancholy. The past was the past, the future a blank canvas. There was still time, still a chance. She couldn't give up on her hopes before she'd even tried them, now could she?

She was snapped back to attention from her reverie by his comments about the restaurant they were passing. The establishment looked quite upscale by what she had come to understand of modern standards, and she could smell the delicious scent of spices, baking bread, and roasting meat wafting outward into the night air from within. It wasn't quite the same as the sorts of grandiose banquets she was used to, but she could appreciate its refinement. Besides, this was so much more romantic than a night of clamorous carousing and revelry.

"No, this place looks perfectly fine," Lancer replied demurely, shaking her head. "Besides, if this is the place that has caught my Master's eye, it would be in poor faith to refuse, would it not? Anything whatsoever which my Master desires, I shan't refuse him. A-ny-thing.~" She leaned a little closer, speaking each syllable with a teasing grin as if spelling it out just in case he didn't take the hint. Although... She'd be rushing things far too quickly to savor them if she actually followed through with the implications of her flirtation, but her Master would probably get all embarrassed in that adorable way of his anyway, and wouldn't ask any further, so she doubted it was an issue. Ah... The fact that he tried so hard to present herself as a gentleman only made it more fun to watch him squirm and fidget as he tried to keep his act under control. And yet, that wasn't the real him, was it? She knew him better than that... she must have.

Mira Grace

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #8AB8E6 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #EBB40E

"I'm sorry! I just... didn't want to be rude..." She bowed apologetically, hoping against all hope that her incredibly straightforward Servant wouldn't inquire any further. Just in case she did try to press the subject, however, Mira disengaged from the conversation as best she could, slipping behind the large cellar door as she made a show of holding it open, hoping to stall Saber from continuing any further inquiry on that subject. "A-anyway, let's hurry so as not to delay!" She motioned for Saber to follow her out, deciding to press on before things could get any more awkward. Besides, Saber herself had said that they needed to quickly make their way to the church, hadn't she? In that case, hopefully she wouldn't question the Witch any further. Mira was already on edge from the stress and anxiety she'd felt leading up to her summoning, and she really had no idea to deal with this person when her only human contact up until this point had been limited to one person. Unless one counted talking to herself... She could talk to herself pretty easily, and Servants were supposed to be suited to their masters, right? Then maybe if she just thought of it like... No, no matter how she looked at it, Saber didn't seem anything like her...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blackstripe
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Blackstripe That superhero/magic/pirate person

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Good, his 'Master' seemed to be just as eager to begin this war as he was. She claimed that the church would be where they would meet their next foes, and that suited him fine. If he got to fight multiple servants at once, all the better.

"At least if they team up against me, they might stand some small chance of actually making this an interesting fight," Rider noted.

The identity of his opponents mattered not. He could feel his heart pounding, could feel his blood growing warm within his veins. It was a lovingly familiar sensation that never failed to sweep over him on the eve of battle. While he did have a wish in mind for the Holy Grail, the truth was that the battle to come was its own reward.


"I hope one of them is the Saber," he couldn't help but mutter. "Whomever they might be, they will surely be worth killing."

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