Student's Name: Prince Altman Goldweber
Age: 13
Gender: Male
D.0.B: July 15th 2004
Parents: King Claus I and Queen Abigail "Goldweber" (nΓ©e Vanmuller) - The King's Son and the Miller's Daughter from Rumpelstiltskin
Health problems: Chronic insomnia, underweight.
Personality: Knowing that his own mother promised her child for some magical creature's service and the weath and status that came with the king's favor long before he was conceived, Altman is a mistrustful person and is convinced that his mother is a witch. He rarely gets a good night's sleep thanks to his paranoia and refuses to eat off his own plate. Altman is often seen swiping bites and morsels straight from the serving dishes, making his own meals in the kitchen, or picking fresh fruit or edible flowers out of the royal gardens. Due to his peculiar behavior he has been dubbed the castle's ghost but some less charitable courtiers call him Prince Cat or worse the Raccoon Prince. As such his friends have more often been animals rather than humans. Cats and wolves taught him how to hunt, horses and rabbits taught him to sprint, deer and mice how to hide, and the dogs gave him their unconditional love and support. He is generous and caring to what few human friends he possesses but the
second they seem to be siding with his parents...
Hobbies: Altman enjoys books be they fiction or history but rarely is sighted in the library itself. Instead he hides in the castle gardens or the woods beyond his parents' castle. Altman is a skilled hunter who finds solace in the hidden glades of the forest.
Anything else you would like to add?: The prince fears that the assurance that Rumpelstiltskin tore himself apart in his fury at being cheated was a lie and that it instead fled from the castle and schemes to claim what his parents still owe: Altman himself. Due to this he pilfers books on magic to try and find ways to protect himself from imps, goblins, demons, and fae creatures.