【Vistaeria Rhys’alamot】

【Theme I/|\Theme II】
~"Someday, someone will best me. But it won’t be today, and it won’t be you."~
Name: Vistaeria Rhys’alamot
Nicknames: Vi
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Titles: The Fallen Exeo
Age: 248
Apparent Age: 26
Race: Prae
Specialty: Paladin

Whereas many Prae are lithe and delicate looking, Vi has a noticeably muscular body that has been honed by decades of combat and training, though it’s not quite so bulky as to slow her down. And even though she is only 5’8” tall, her fierce crimson eyes and equally fiery hair ensures that she is able to command peoples’ attention. This is complemented by the fact that no matter where she goes, Vi keeps her head held high and carries herself with an near unbreakable air of confidence. Her hair is kept long and falls down to the small of her back, yet an observant eye will see that it is remarkably well taken care of despite its owner’s temperament.
Her crystal shines a brilliant yellow, but is often covered by her long locks of hair. And while many Prae have soft, flowing markings, Vi’s are hard and jagged, traveling up her arms and meeting at the sword emblazoned on her back, which denotes her heritage to the Rhys’alamot house. While her Vis is manifested, it takes on a brilliant golden color, but since her fall it only extends to a wingspan of 6 feet.
The product of a strict upbringing and a life of duty, Vi is the very embodiment of the unwavering resolve that the Rhys’alamot house prides itself on. From as far back as she can remember, both her status as a prodigy and her family’s words of “Greatness, at any cost,” have shaped both her views and wants, making her competitive and prideful at her best, but also shortsighted and arrogant at her worst. Not that she particularly minds how others view her, as she personally believes that her accomplishments speak loud enough to drown out whatever complaints may arise from her inadvertently stepping on shallow egos.
And as a woman used to being in command, the fiery red head has no qualms about seizing the initiative and bearing responsibilities that others may shirk away from. To Vi, the only direction in life she is aware of is forward, with absolutely no room for second thoughts or steps backwards. Once she has committed to something, you can be assured that she will see it through to the end, consequences be damned. Consequently, she comes off as a bit of a slave driver to those serving under her and is a complete nightmare for anybody short of the God-Queen to manage.
Interpersonal relationships have always been a bit of a mystery to Vi. Or rather, even though she loves her world, her lifestyle and previous position as an Exeo has prevented her from truly being able to see people as little more than tools. In her mind, each one has its merits and proficiencies, which makes getting to understand each one to better understand which tasks they are more suited to a sensible pursuit. But beyond that, there is no room for letting them in and becoming friends. After all, the one tool she trusts the most is herself. And for the longest time, she felt that the moment that she had to rely on others would be the day that she had truly lost her edge.
Which made Vi’s fall from grace all the more world shattering for her. For the first time in her life, she was no longer adamantly sure of where she was going or what she had to do. And that’s without even beginning to address the wounds to her pride that resulted from her power being hamstrung. In the end, she came out of the experience even more hardened and pragmatic than she was before. Where before she was largely indifferent to others, now there is a bite to her blunt honesty and disregard for notions such as etiquette and manners.
In the name of achieving her new found goal, Vi will use any tools she feels is necessary, even ones as despicable as the Licentia, and will not hesitate to discard them as soon as they prove to outlive their usefulness.
You would be hard pressed to find an anyone in Priscus that has not heard the name Rhys’alamot, as the family is almost synonymous with Prae military might. From the fools that have failed to sneak into Priscus to the Licentia that have been put to their swords, many have cursed the name. But by the same token, they also serve as an unwavering beacon of strength and honor for the Prae, serving to keep their lands safe from whatever threats may look to exploit them.
Such was the family Vistaeria was born into. But rather than shirk away from the monumental expectations placed on her, the girl welcomed the challenge and quickly proved herself to be a prodigy, picking up her lessons far faster than any of her siblings. While her talent was a source of pride for the girl, it would also prove to isolate her from Prae her own age, not that she noticed this little detail at the time. Back then, the thrill of learning new things and testing her limits was enough for her. Before she knew it, she was already leaving home to defend the Bridges to Piscus from invaders.
Few were surprised when she grew up and was named as the family’s next heir and fewer still when she was later brought before the God-Queen to be made an Exeo. Vi took to the position well, already well accustomed to a leadership role from her time guarding the Bridges. But despite that, she was hardly prepared for what she would face when she was assigned to be an envoy to Medius. Everything from the customs and people were different, but lying in wait was something far more insidious.
The order and discipline that she had become accustomed to back in Priscus were simply gone. The negligence sickened Vi, so she started petitioning the God-Queen for permission to investigate the root of Prae’s conduct. But try as she might, the only orders she received from the God-Queen was to stay put. Years passed, but try as she might, Vi felt that something was desperately wrong with what was happening in Medius. And one day, she gave up asking for permission and decided to take matters into her own hands.
Her inquiry led her to meeting with her fellow Exeo, but the deeper she dug the more she realized that it was unlikely that her orders had been coming from the God-Queen at all. Someone was pulling the Exeo’s strings. And when she followed where those strings led to, Vi found herself heading to Ominar with a name: Aismael. Stupidly, arrogantly, Vi confronted the Exeo directly inside of her Spire the same day she arrived in the city.
Two years passed, the once respected Prae now a shell of her former self. The memory of being stripped of her status and power as an Exeo by the God-Queen herself has stuck with her over the years, as does being labeled a traitor by her own people. Exiled from Priscus, she was sentenced to live out the rest of her days quietly. With no friends and her once exceptional ability to use Vis taken from her, many believed this was the only path open to her. The very idea had never even crossed Vistaeria’s mind.
And now once more, Vi finds herself in Ominar.
Touch Based Telekinesis: Like all Prae, Vi was born with the ability to manipulate objects she imbues with her Vis. At one point in time, she used to boast one of the most potent masteries of the ability but is now reduced to the skill level of a novice.
Healing Touch: Vi is currently barely capable of mending her own cuts and scrapes, much less things like broken bones and deep wounds that she used to be able to treat.
Augmentation: While nowhere near as impressive as she once was at it, Vi can imbue her equipment with her Vis to elicit a great number of effects, such as making her dull switchblade sharp or making her raggedy cloak bulletproof.
Manifested State: Another outward consequence of Vi’s fall is the strange reduction in the size of her wings while she is in her manifested state. Likewise, the state does not amplify her abilities nearly as much as it used to and she can only maintain the form for about 15 minutes at a time.
Nicknames: Vi
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Titles: The Fallen Exeo
Age: 248
Apparent Age: 26
Race: Prae
Specialty: Paladin

Whereas many Prae are lithe and delicate looking, Vi has a noticeably muscular body that has been honed by decades of combat and training, though it’s not quite so bulky as to slow her down. And even though she is only 5’8” tall, her fierce crimson eyes and equally fiery hair ensures that she is able to command peoples’ attention. This is complemented by the fact that no matter where she goes, Vi keeps her head held high and carries herself with an near unbreakable air of confidence. Her hair is kept long and falls down to the small of her back, yet an observant eye will see that it is remarkably well taken care of despite its owner’s temperament.
Her crystal shines a brilliant yellow, but is often covered by her long locks of hair. And while many Prae have soft, flowing markings, Vi’s are hard and jagged, traveling up her arms and meeting at the sword emblazoned on her back, which denotes her heritage to the Rhys’alamot house. While her Vis is manifested, it takes on a brilliant golden color, but since her fall it only extends to a wingspan of 6 feet.
The product of a strict upbringing and a life of duty, Vi is the very embodiment of the unwavering resolve that the Rhys’alamot house prides itself on. From as far back as she can remember, both her status as a prodigy and her family’s words of “Greatness, at any cost,” have shaped both her views and wants, making her competitive and prideful at her best, but also shortsighted and arrogant at her worst. Not that she particularly minds how others view her, as she personally believes that her accomplishments speak loud enough to drown out whatever complaints may arise from her inadvertently stepping on shallow egos.
And as a woman used to being in command, the fiery red head has no qualms about seizing the initiative and bearing responsibilities that others may shirk away from. To Vi, the only direction in life she is aware of is forward, with absolutely no room for second thoughts or steps backwards. Once she has committed to something, you can be assured that she will see it through to the end, consequences be damned. Consequently, she comes off as a bit of a slave driver to those serving under her and is a complete nightmare for anybody short of the God-Queen to manage.
Interpersonal relationships have always been a bit of a mystery to Vi. Or rather, even though she loves her world, her lifestyle and previous position as an Exeo has prevented her from truly being able to see people as little more than tools. In her mind, each one has its merits and proficiencies, which makes getting to understand each one to better understand which tasks they are more suited to a sensible pursuit. But beyond that, there is no room for letting them in and becoming friends. After all, the one tool she trusts the most is herself. And for the longest time, she felt that the moment that she had to rely on others would be the day that she had truly lost her edge.
Which made Vi’s fall from grace all the more world shattering for her. For the first time in her life, she was no longer adamantly sure of where she was going or what she had to do. And that’s without even beginning to address the wounds to her pride that resulted from her power being hamstrung. In the end, she came out of the experience even more hardened and pragmatic than she was before. Where before she was largely indifferent to others, now there is a bite to her blunt honesty and disregard for notions such as etiquette and manners.
In the name of achieving her new found goal, Vi will use any tools she feels is necessary, even ones as despicable as the Licentia, and will not hesitate to discard them as soon as they prove to outlive their usefulness.
You would be hard pressed to find an anyone in Priscus that has not heard the name Rhys’alamot, as the family is almost synonymous with Prae military might. From the fools that have failed to sneak into Priscus to the Licentia that have been put to their swords, many have cursed the name. But by the same token, they also serve as an unwavering beacon of strength and honor for the Prae, serving to keep their lands safe from whatever threats may look to exploit them.
Such was the family Vistaeria was born into. But rather than shirk away from the monumental expectations placed on her, the girl welcomed the challenge and quickly proved herself to be a prodigy, picking up her lessons far faster than any of her siblings. While her talent was a source of pride for the girl, it would also prove to isolate her from Prae her own age, not that she noticed this little detail at the time. Back then, the thrill of learning new things and testing her limits was enough for her. Before she knew it, she was already leaving home to defend the Bridges to Piscus from invaders.
Few were surprised when she grew up and was named as the family’s next heir and fewer still when she was later brought before the God-Queen to be made an Exeo. Vi took to the position well, already well accustomed to a leadership role from her time guarding the Bridges. But despite that, she was hardly prepared for what she would face when she was assigned to be an envoy to Medius. Everything from the customs and people were different, but lying in wait was something far more insidious.
The order and discipline that she had become accustomed to back in Priscus were simply gone. The negligence sickened Vi, so she started petitioning the God-Queen for permission to investigate the root of Prae’s conduct. But try as she might, the only orders she received from the God-Queen was to stay put. Years passed, but try as she might, Vi felt that something was desperately wrong with what was happening in Medius. And one day, she gave up asking for permission and decided to take matters into her own hands.
Her inquiry led her to meeting with her fellow Exeo, but the deeper she dug the more she realized that it was unlikely that her orders had been coming from the God-Queen at all. Someone was pulling the Exeo’s strings. And when she followed where those strings led to, Vi found herself heading to Ominar with a name: Aismael. Stupidly, arrogantly, Vi confronted the Exeo directly inside of her Spire the same day she arrived in the city.
Two years passed, the once respected Prae now a shell of her former self. The memory of being stripped of her status and power as an Exeo by the God-Queen herself has stuck with her over the years, as does being labeled a traitor by her own people. Exiled from Priscus, she was sentenced to live out the rest of her days quietly. With no friends and her once exceptional ability to use Vis taken from her, many believed this was the only path open to her. The very idea had never even crossed Vistaeria’s mind.
And now once more, Vi finds herself in Ominar.
Cell Phone: A necessary evil in Vi’s mind, as it is near impossible to stay relevant in the world without one.
Switchblade: A rather inelegant weapon, but one that has certainly proven to be useful.
Switchblade: A rather inelegant weapon, but one that has certainly proven to be useful.
- Unshakable Resolve
- Tactical Mind
- Exemplary Mental Fortitude
- Peak Prae Condition
- Battle Hardened Reflexes
- Intense Pain Tolerance
Touch Based Telekinesis: Like all Prae, Vi was born with the ability to manipulate objects she imbues with her Vis. At one point in time, she used to boast one of the most potent masteries of the ability but is now reduced to the skill level of a novice.
Healing Touch: Vi is currently barely capable of mending her own cuts and scrapes, much less things like broken bones and deep wounds that she used to be able to treat.
Augmentation: While nowhere near as impressive as she once was at it, Vi can imbue her equipment with her Vis to elicit a great number of effects, such as making her dull switchblade sharp or making her raggedy cloak bulletproof.
Manifested State: Another outward consequence of Vi’s fall is the strange reduction in the size of her wings while she is in her manifested state. Likewise, the state does not amplify her abilities nearly as much as it used to and she can only maintain the form for about 15 minutes at a time.