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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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The Ghost fell back to his right, Enyo just moving fast enough to put his Rifle's stock down and using it as a makeshift cane. Sadly he wasn't quick enough to shield his left side from receiving some trivial damage. Multiple flashes on his HUD began to appear. Each warning overlapping the other tab, finally showing his Mech had suffered damage. Dropping his overall Hull integrity to 90%. His radar sparked up a Red Bulb to signal the Enemy Mech, followed up by information about the enemy. It wasn't a Normally fielded War Mech, so it designation was set as "Mark 1 Junker". With it's weapon systems displayed on the small silhouette created on visual confirmations. The Enemy Mech was huge. Inexperienced Pilots would probably find this as a disadvantage, but to the Ghost it was just as bigger target. While it had the element of surprise, it didn't really help it much.

The Ghost pushed itself up and began to strafe to the right flank of the Junker. With it's Rifle wasn't trained on the enemy, his shoulder mounted weapon's didn't need to be. The COW launcher pushed out it's missile, crashing through a pile of wreckage and taking a wide curve with it's wire assistance. Heading straight for the packed Weapon group on the Junker's right side. The ghost continued to moved, it's Camo reactivating to mask it's silhouette. Moving at full speed for some sort of cover. Ghost kept it's Torso's frontal armor trained on the Mech to absorb the brunt of any other attack.

Only one word replied to the Junker's Gunfire:


-1 COW Missile
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh how that mech pilot was lucky. So, so lucky. If fate hadn't stepped in with its giant robot, Alexi would have made good on her promise the moment that pilot seemingly stuck his barrel in her face. I mean, a cloaked sniper type mech with radar jamming? That hit every pet peeve Alexi had, and then some. On top of that, this pilot had the audacity to try to take a cut from that Outcast job??

"BUT THEN THIS FUCKER JUST HAD TO MAKE IS GRAND FUCKING APPEARANCE!" Alexi thought aloud as her mech was throne back by the emergence of this so called "Sentinel".

Somehow, whether it be pure strength of character or the already pretty intimidating look of The Butcher, MASSIVE amounts of menace emanated from this assault mech. This Sentinel, who now stood in front of her mech between herself and the other had put the cherry on top for this whole experience. Alexi sighed and with an annoyed look on her face, muttered one phrase.

"Boosters... Activate."

The Butcher suddenly blasted forward, sliding across the ground in a low crouch, sword ready. As she rocketed toward the Sentinal in a erratic motion, attempting to avoid the incoming fire. The wrist mounted Auto Shotgun barked loudly as slugs were fired at the Sentinel as Alexi closed the distance. A brief barrage of Swarm Missiles was launched to further confuse any targeting systems, and potentially harass the enemy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Therux, The Ratlin & Cores Small Arms Factory

The Sentinel engaged its old style thrusters and began to boost itself backwards, first reacting to the Wraith's guided missiles. The Junker pilot was heard laughing in a deranged guttural growl as he flipped a switch that launched a salvo of anti missile flares straight above him. But what he didn't realise is that the wraiths weapons were wire guided, so the flares did little but make them explode early, and the sentinel caught some splash damage...

ARGRGHH, The new fangled electric shavers, the dont fight fair! Come closer so I can Junk ya!

The Junker was then hit by some slamming rounds from a Hunchback Assualt mech, that was boosting towards him, the damage was minimal against the ridiculously thick armor of the sentinel but it was enough to get his attention. The Hunchback also shot some missles but luckily these were distracted by the the flares and exploded a short distance above him, doing structural damage to the factory.

NOOOO, You punks!!! Stop messing up my BUILDING! I'll take my time squeezing you out of those tin cans!!!

With that almost feral threat, the Sentinel, shifted its boosters towards the oncoming butcher mech, and managed to catch it from 90 degree angle with heavy tackle. The weight and size of the sentinel sent the 'Butcher' flying in to a structural beam. Doing 26% damage. The Sentinel then unleashed its grenade launcher firing wildly around the wraiths position, the Junker, couldn't directly see the mech, but in his backyard it was hard not to make enough noise for him to get an idea of where everything is.

Imma take a paycut for what I'm about to do your Mech!!

Fight The Sentinel II

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yancy State, Fortune Reigon


Jan Davis peered though his binoculars and saw a brass colored freighter mech march towards his plot of land, he smiled and began to wave with one hand as he scrambled for his radio with the other. Jan Davis looked like a county bumpkin, he was wearing a plaid shirt with dungarees and had a large beard, he was pretty much always smiling.

Hey, are you Feebie? Youre the outcast guild member that took the job right? Get over as fast as you can so you can try out my mech, I' almos done painting her! see you soon! Feel free to ask me any questions before we get started!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Sara cursed to herself as she saw a flare shoot up from the settlement they just passed. Why? Why did they do that? Did they think the flares would scare them away? The flare did little more than let the train know that they were being tailed, and lo and behold, the drones and mechas on the train began to mobilize. The quick smash and grab now became a firefight- The drones weren't particularly smart, but there were enough of them that they could overwhelm one of them if they were singled out.

"Marking bandits." Sara called out as she began moving into position. Thirteen red dots began glowing in her 3-d mini map that sat at the bottom of the cockpit, between her knees. "Wonder how they got the funds to afford all those drones." Sara wondered aloud. Drones weren't exactly cheap out here in the fortune lands, unless you knew a guy who knew a guy.

Sara lined herself up with the train rails, the Jager Hound still hanging below her via the cables. The activated her afterburners and began rocketing forward. "Robin be a dear and take out those AA guns for me." Sara said, eyeing the train's AA flak guns warily. "I don't want to derail the train by shooting it with missiles, that risks destroying the elemuntum." With that, Sara hit the release on the cables that held the Jager Hound, dropping it onto the train as she soared by.

A red light bathed Sara's face as a high pitched beep began to fill her cockpit. At the top of her vision, a red warning light blinked on screaming 'Missile'. A glance at her rear view camera confirmed that one of the drones had launched a missile at her. Sara pulled up on her controls, the corners of her vision dimming as she clenched her core muscles and breathed. Her mech angled upwards and shot into the sky, the missile straining to turn and catch up to her. These missiles were much bigger than the Serpent missiles that Therux used- it also meant they were easier to dodge.

"ACM Deployed" a robotic feminine voice spoke into Sara's headset as her mech launched a counter missile at the offending missile, rewarding her with the sound of a detonation a moment later. With the missile dealt with, Sara turned her machine around to deal with more immediate threats. Chasing after her were a trio of enemy drones- one that had launched a missile at her, and two more with ballistic cannons. At her current range, the enemy fire was ineffectual, and it took little more than a few light taps on her strafe thrusters and her shield to block or dodge most of the oncoming fire.

Sara breathed out a happy sigh, her first combat mission in a while. Even though she was dealing with just drones, it still got her adrenaline pumping. Pushing her mech forward, she dived at the three oncoming mechs, her directional thrusters allowing her to weave back and forth, confusing the drones' rudimentary targeting systems, while she targeted two of them with her own missiles. Sara focused on weaving through the enemy fire as she listened to the rapid beeping of her targeting system as it attempted to lock onto the incoming drones. Her ears filled with the solid tone of a missile lock and she launched two missiles as she banked and turned, flipping her machine in the air as she moved and charging back in at a different angle.

As the two missiles launched from their racks, they broke into four smaller missiles each, the sudden appearance of more missiles causing the Drone's evasion routines to seize up for a moment- unsure of which missile to react to. By the time the evasion routine knew what to do , two of the drones had were struck by the volley, one exploding outright while the other fell back to the earth, its entire left half missing.

The third remaining drone turned to face the fast white machine, but she was already upon him. "Hello!" Sara said sweetly as she squeezed her finger around the trigger, the cockpit shuddering slightly as her autocannon opened up on the mech. A flurry of autocannon rounds collided with the center mass of the drone, forcing it out of the sky with the sheer force of the rounds. Had their been a human pilot in the cockpit, they likely would've been dead, but since it was a drone, it still attempted to shoot her down.

"and goodbye!" Sara called out as she finished the drone off by smashing her shield into the center of its torso, the long plasma claws, alongside the concentrated mass of the shield knocked the drone out of commission.

She brought her eyes back to the minimap- she was still out of range of the train's AA guns- she would avoid flying into that until after Robin or someone else finished them off. She'd settle for the drones for now. "That's three drones down." Sara reported over the team's comms. She didn't care for a response, but it was good for the team to keep account on the current number of enemies.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by addamas
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addamas Trust me, I'm a liar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Phoebe Norah

The slow stomping of the mech as it walked across the green fields combined with the breeze that created movement in said fields was an oddly relaxing experience. Phoebe couldn’t help but doze off while moving ever closer to her destination. A ruggish voice with a heavy accent woke Phoebe a few hours later; it was the man who hired her spouting some trivial words at Phoebe. Leaning forward into a mic, she pressed the push to talk button and said,

“You got the right girl, and I do have a few questions. First of all, how ready is your prototype exactly? I mean I don’t want to get in there and suddenly be blown to bits starting the engine. Secondly, if you want me to test the mech, you gotta do it right; give me the schematics and blueprints and I’ll be able to more thoroughly test your big boy. That is what you hired me to do no?”

She had almost reached her destination now, and the hillbilly was clearly visible. Putting a headset on to keep talking to Jan, she got off of her ass and climbed on top of FR-8R through a hatch. After finding a flat spot, she sat down, throwing her legs in the air and tapped the headset’s mic.

“Owh yeah, and lastly; You have any sweets?”

“Destination…reached.” A few mechanical thuds and sounds were the final noises that freighter made after halting in front of Jan. with a small elevator like platform, no more than half a meter wide, Phoebe descended the mech. About a meter from the ground, she jumped off, and stepped up to Davis. But instead of greeting or shaking hands, she walked straight past him, her enthusiastic eyes searching for the prototype.

“Alright old man, let’s get started then, shall we?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Liotrent
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Liotrent Tabby Space Cat

Member Seen 1 mo ago

=Battle For The Train!=

They were approaching the combat zone, Robin saw the blips on her Radar, she felt the rush of blood coursing through her veins, the adrenaline starting to affect her perception of time, every second felt like a decade, as if anticipating an oncoming storm she braced herself, her anxious foot tapping started to sound like a clock ticking down, she heard the radio crackle to life with Sara’s voice, her friend’s voice, “Marking bandits.” her HUD showed little red diamonds over the enemy positions, "Wonder how they got the funds to afford all those drones." the sound of her voice cut through the deafening noise of Robin’s eager trembling. Sara lined up the drop, "Robin be a dear and take out those AA guns for me." Robin, upon hearing the request started manually putting in all the visible AA guns on Thrasher's on-board computer registering system as objectives, "Consider them gone." Robin was confident, this was not 'that' hard of a mission after all, Sara continued "I don't want to derail the train by shooting it with missiles, that risks destroying the elemuntum." the cables on Thrasher detached from the flying Therux mech.

Thrasher hit the train with a resounding thud, the metal on top of one of the cars bent and creaked as the claws started to dig into them, “I hope you don't mind me 'dropping in'.” Almost immediately a few of the drones began to target her mech, with one glance she sized them all up and determined she could win the engagement, she squeezed on the trigger in her right-hand control stick as her Retina painted a target on the three mechs and like that three quick bursts of her Plasma cannons left three pairs of neat holes in the middle of three drones, melting through essential mechanical and electronic components, turning them into nothing but smoking husks and sparking electronics twitching and shaking on the floor of the train.

A fourth still remained trying to attain a lock-on on the far end of the train car, Robin was starting to hear her heart beating, her eyes dancing back and forth reading data flowing through her helmet and with one push on the sticks, Thrasher dashed forward, “These Drones have a shitty design, too easy to break apart…” the Thermo-Claws made marks on the metal flooring leaving a smoke trail in her wake, as she closed the distance the Mechanized drone was able to achieve a lock-on, she immediately jumped off towards the right breaking the lock-on blaring on her screens, she put the Thrasher into full sprint and jumped right back on the train swiping the Drone’s head clean off as she did, the drone in its death throes waddled backwards and shot its primary weapon off to the right before it hit the next train car, stumbled onto the ground and fell off the train its missile created a huge explosion kicking up a plume of sand in the distance.

Robin quickly got back on track with destroying the AA as she watched the White Hare take down an additional three drones, “That’s seven of thirteen, more than half-way done clearing this train of ‘known’ Mechanized threats.” she licked her lips in anticipation as more enemies were closing in on her position, she got to work and climbed over one of the cars to reveal an AA gun platform pointing right at her, she was surprised as it started firing towards her, the rounds did 10% Damage blowing off the minigun on Thrasher’s shoulders, Robin gritted her teeth, she clenched up, her chest heavy, she found it hard to breathe, the claustrophobic cockpit made it even more difficult, and after a second of surprise she snapped her guns on target and squeezed the trigger.

Two bolts of plasma right on the gun, its ammunition blew up right behind it, the gun being engulfed in the fiery blaze, she let out a deep sigh, she continued on to the next gun, the blips started getting closer, the beeping in her helmet started increasing in frequency, she then switched her radio on, speaking with rapidity and clarity on the other Mech Pilots' frequency, “T., Alecto, N., This is Callsign Fang Requesting assistance, I need some cover so I can take out these AA guns, there are six known Mechanized units left, I can't focus on two things at once, especially in such a tight space, so anything you can do to take the pressure off is appreciated.” Her tone was cold and calm but it was delivered quickly and concisely, it was indicative of someone who’s served in the Army for an amount of time.

She continued on with the Rabbit's request and pushed on towards the next AA battery on the Train, her blood now boiling as it raced through her body, her senses all focused, her instincts were sharp, and her Northern qualities were starting to manifest through her actions, her mind and body now geared towards full 'fight' mode, she will continue to take out AA guns until they are all neutralized or until someone else takes them out of commission first.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Dynamo Frokane@Thecrash20

The Butcher was launched into the air by the tackle, flying into the support beam leaving a considerable bend in the once straight steal bar. Alexi groaned with anger as the Butcher picked itself up, bracing briefly against its sword. She was about to charge back in when realization struck her. Looking back at the support beam, then up at the large industrial ceiling, a grin formed across her face. A sly grin, an unsettling grin.

"Alright, operation Two Birds is ago! Hey Camo Cuck, distract this giant baby for a bit will ya? I got a plan..." she said into her radio. The boosters flared to life once more, but this time Alexi used the sudden momentum to spin around and slam the foot of the mech into the already damaged support beam. Quickly, she then rocketed across the ground, slashing her sword into another near by beam.

"That turtle fuck thinks he can just shoulder through this?? Let's see how he does when a mega factory comes crashing down on him...."
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