Combat Operative Private Service

Theme Song

The Year is 2031, and the world has changed. In this universe, the government lost power in the early 2000s, and since then the mega-corporations have taken over, the law is thin and few between and only the secret service remain as the the strong arm of the government. Technology has of course advanced, but not as much as you might think, research centers receive little to no funding in this time line as the funds are mainly spent on security. An almost lawless land needs to invest in protection and this is where the richest of the richest industries really thrive, they are like the modern day mafia. Now the City of Neo-Bay is where our story takes place, and the city itself is a little bit of a relic in its own right, it was the last major settlement to have a (very small) police force until the mayor had to close it down due to lack of funding 4 years ago. Now the power balance is in chaos and Neo-Bay has become something close to a warzone with criminal elements and private militia and security firms looking to capitalize in the gap of strong authority. Until one Councilman with a conscience decides to set things straight by investing in his funds in a force for order and justice. This force will be known as The C.O.P.S.

As soon as the Police force was in plans to be dissolved, most of the Neo-Bay council began to either resign or heavily invest in privatized security. This rapid shift also brought a lot of criminal elements into the once fairly civil city which also spilled into the governors office which caused massive corruption. Only one Councillor, Tim Taggart managed to scoop together some funds from the city treasury to spend on a radical program. The Combat Operative Private Service. Tim Taggart reached out to a young ex-SWAT captain to helm the operation. 28 year old Michael Ray 'Mack' Yancy, one of the only former police who wasn't drafted into a security firm or into a private army. Now along with 3 of his old acquaintances and 4 new recruits to the C.O.P.S. this small team must undo the damage of city which is fast on its way to hell.
Specialists in various fields are what make a well rounded team. When making your Character Sheet, the role should be what you pick first as this is the 'build' or 'class' which will be the foundation of your characters skills. There are 7 to choose from and there will be one per character. So no one will have the same class. Note that none of the roles have a 'weakness' each character will be a highly skilled well rounded individual, the Role simply dictates what your Operative is best at.
The Sharpshooter
The Riot Officer
The Street Sweeper
The Detonator
The Martial

Weapon of Choice: Various Blades
Perks: Stealth, Hand To Hand Master, Environmental Traversal.
The Martial is truly a marvel of the modern world, one of the only roles to fully embrace the cutting edge technology of the time we live in. Similar to riot officer the martial likes to finish business up close but with quick deadly force that is rarely ever seen or heard. Cloaking technology, garrote wires, wall walking, smoke cover, infiltration is all second nature to the martial. This operative is part ninja, assassin, cat burglar, ghost and even hacker. That stalks the modern cities as an urban legend, but is very real and very effective.
The Wheeler

Weapon of Choice: Submachine Gun (drive by)
Perks:Vehicle Mastery, Mapmaking and Routes, Expert Engineer/Mechanic.
This role is really going places, in whatever vehicle you choose, whether it be a a car, sports bike, chopper, super jet or even a tank, the wheeler will be able to drive it like a stuntman, steal it, dismantle it, or build a new one from scratch. The Wheeler gets the team where they need to be and has an almost supernatural photographic memory that can remember any route, path back alley or ramp within the city. Meaning when it comes to a chase, race, or escape the role is second to none. Also the car to car combat is frighteningly good along with a mastery of all vehicle mounted weapons. Outside of a machine the wheeler is just another tough operative. Inside a machine the wheeler is a demon.
Weapon of Choice: Assault Rifle
Perks: Charisma, Leadership, Weapon Proficiency.

The SWAT is the most 'straightforward' role, a highly skilled combat operative proficient in the use of Assault Rifles, may also be seen with a variety of other weapons such as tear gas, pistols, or knives. The role carries a lot of weight in its title alone which makes these operatives effective at giving orders in tense situations and are natural leaders. They also strike fear into the hearts of criminals and can lower the morale of opponents while boosting the morale of their own teammates. They also have a slightly more well rounded knowledge of all other firearms than other more specialized roles.
Perks: Charisma, Leadership, Weapon Proficiency.

The SWAT is the most 'straightforward' role, a highly skilled combat operative proficient in the use of Assault Rifles, may also be seen with a variety of other weapons such as tear gas, pistols, or knives. The role carries a lot of weight in its title alone which makes these operatives effective at giving orders in tense situations and are natural leaders. They also strike fear into the hearts of criminals and can lower the morale of opponents while boosting the morale of their own teammates. They also have a slightly more well rounded knowledge of all other firearms than other more specialized roles.
The Sharpshooter
Weapon of Choice: Sniper/Marksman Rifle
Perks: Accuracy, Spotting, Awareness.

The Longest arm of the law is the most deadly when furthest away, The Sharpshooter stays calm and collected and picks their shots with unnerving accuracy and can pick off dangerous targets from ridiculous distances when they have the right strategic locations to fire from. It goes without saying they are fiercely accurate and professional in a firefight. They also are especially aware of their surroundings, having a greater focus on their hearing and sight and are able to locate enemies around them, hopefully before its too late.
Perks: Accuracy, Spotting, Awareness.

The Longest arm of the law is the most deadly when furthest away, The Sharpshooter stays calm and collected and picks their shots with unnerving accuracy and can pick off dangerous targets from ridiculous distances when they have the right strategic locations to fire from. It goes without saying they are fiercely accurate and professional in a firefight. They also are especially aware of their surroundings, having a greater focus on their hearing and sight and are able to locate enemies around them, hopefully before its too late.
The Riot Officer
Weapon of Choice: NightStick, Riot Shield
Perks: Speed, Melee Combat, Crowd Control.

This is the role that isn't afraid to get gritty and grapple with crime up close. Where others may feel 'surrounded' by a vicious mob, The scrappy Riot Officer feels right at home, swinging the nightstick hard and fast into the shins, ribs and faces of opponents and blocking bullets with reinforced riot shield while pushing forward quick enough to bring the fight hand to hand with multiple assailants is the scary and reckless nature of the fearsome Riot Cop.
Perks: Speed, Melee Combat, Crowd Control.

This is the role that isn't afraid to get gritty and grapple with crime up close. Where others may feel 'surrounded' by a vicious mob, The scrappy Riot Officer feels right at home, swinging the nightstick hard and fast into the shins, ribs and faces of opponents and blocking bullets with reinforced riot shield while pushing forward quick enough to bring the fight hand to hand with multiple assailants is the scary and reckless nature of the fearsome Riot Cop.
The Street Sweeper
Weapon of Choice: Shotgun
Perks: Undercover Knowledge, Criminal Skills, Communication and Intimidation

The say the closer you are to the dirt, the shorter your broom needs to be. Well the street sweeper likes things short and effective, like the vicious buckshot of a combat shotgun. These very dangerous individuals have fully embraced the criminal underworld and have more than likely time undercover. They walk the line between lawful and criminal themselves and are fully capable of carjacking, lockpicking, interrogating or even drug dealing and extortion to maintain cover or to get the evidence they need to put someone away. Because these types very rarely operate completely within the law. Almost every criminal will be frightened of them in some way. A notorious nightmare walks the ghetto once more.
Perks: Undercover Knowledge, Criminal Skills, Communication and Intimidation

The say the closer you are to the dirt, the shorter your broom needs to be. Well the street sweeper likes things short and effective, like the vicious buckshot of a combat shotgun. These very dangerous individuals have fully embraced the criminal underworld and have more than likely time undercover. They walk the line between lawful and criminal themselves and are fully capable of carjacking, lockpicking, interrogating or even drug dealing and extortion to maintain cover or to get the evidence they need to put someone away. Because these types very rarely operate completely within the law. Almost every criminal will be frightened of them in some way. A notorious nightmare walks the ghetto once more.
The Detonator
Weapon of Choice: LMG
Perks: Body Armor, Structural Knowledge, Explosives Expertise.

The Detonator is easily one of the most fearsome looking roles for an Operative, big tank like armor and a cold emotionless mask is the attire for the men and women who make things go boom. The Detonator is a master of what explosives do what, and when to use them. They also have an innate knowledge of structures which lets them know what walls or buildings can be blown up or shot through and which are tough enough to take cover behind. The Armor that a detonator wears is made to be resistant to small explosives so the Detonator can carry large guns like the unwieldy LMG without too much worry of having to dodge enemy fire. Very little can stop this explosive monster.
Perks: Body Armor, Structural Knowledge, Explosives Expertise.

The Detonator is easily one of the most fearsome looking roles for an Operative, big tank like armor and a cold emotionless mask is the attire for the men and women who make things go boom. The Detonator is a master of what explosives do what, and when to use them. They also have an innate knowledge of structures which lets them know what walls or buildings can be blown up or shot through and which are tough enough to take cover behind. The Armor that a detonator wears is made to be resistant to small explosives so the Detonator can carry large guns like the unwieldy LMG without too much worry of having to dodge enemy fire. Very little can stop this explosive monster.
The Martial

Weapon of Choice: Various Blades
Perks: Stealth, Hand To Hand Master, Environmental Traversal.
The Martial is truly a marvel of the modern world, one of the only roles to fully embrace the cutting edge technology of the time we live in. Similar to riot officer the martial likes to finish business up close but with quick deadly force that is rarely ever seen or heard. Cloaking technology, garrote wires, wall walking, smoke cover, infiltration is all second nature to the martial. This operative is part ninja, assassin, cat burglar, ghost and even hacker. That stalks the modern cities as an urban legend, but is very real and very effective.
The Wheeler

Weapon of Choice: Submachine Gun (drive by)
Perks:Vehicle Mastery, Mapmaking and Routes, Expert Engineer/Mechanic.
This role is really going places, in whatever vehicle you choose, whether it be a a car, sports bike, chopper, super jet or even a tank, the wheeler will be able to drive it like a stuntman, steal it, dismantle it, or build a new one from scratch. The Wheeler gets the team where they need to be and has an almost supernatural photographic memory that can remember any route, path back alley or ramp within the city. Meaning when it comes to a chase, race, or escape the role is second to none. Also the car to car combat is frighteningly good along with a mastery of all vehicle mounted weapons. Outside of a machine the wheeler is just another tough operative. Inside a machine the wheeler is a demon.
Name: Full Name and any nicknames here.
Role: Which are you applying for, dont be discouraged by other CS. Choose the one you want most.
D.O.B. Date of Birth (Current Year is 2031 10th of August)
Nationality: Country of origin (Neo Bay is future new jersey)
Appearance: Gear and Without Gear, Pics Preferred
Background: At least two Large-ish Paragraphs
Theme Song: Optional
Also please mention whether you are an acquaintance or a recruit, all this means is whether you character already knows Mack Yancy personally or is completely new to the entire team. There are 3 spots for acquaintance and 4 for recruits, please don't hesitate to discuss with me how well you'd like you character to know yancy or where they know each other from. These options will be first come first serve unlike the roles which are 'auditioned' for.
1994: The U.S.A's conflict in the the Gulf spirals out of control, a nuclear weapon is used and world war 3 nearly begins.
1997: After 3 years of skirmishes between South America, the States, Europe, and the Middle East a peace treaty is signed. But the damage has been done, the faith in the government has been mostly lost.
2000: A new political movement starts up in europe but then spreads to Asia and the Americas too, they call themselves 'Absolute Anarchy' and huge amounts of protests and demonstrations begin to pop up over the modern world consistently.
2004: The Protests are now out of hand, the people demand a radical restructuring of the government. The U.S.A. and China both execute martial law on the same day (christmas) and violent riots begin to sweep the nation. The Modern 'Revolution' begins.
2007: After 3 years of vicious government and anti government action the violence slows down, but order has been shifted. The state is weak after spending too much on security and being starved of taxes from most of the now non complying population. The Corporate security firms step in. Protection is now once again a major industry.
2011: The private security firms and large companies have now pretty much restored a level of order to most of the world. Most regular people are too intimidated to riot like they used to as massive private armies and smaller but effective squads of security teams patrol the streets. The Government has now shrank in influence, and most minor laws have been either abolished or phased out.
2012: Border lines begin to blur as trade and immigration increases massively with almost zero government and regulations. The U.S. states begin to dissolve and completely new cities are built with much foreign corporate influence, New Jersey is taken over by Japanese security firms and rebuilt as 'Neo-Bay City' China officially is taken over by the Absolute Anarchist Movement.
2019: Most countries and factions are at peace, but a moderate conflict between Britain and Australia springs up over trade rights with Anarchist states such as China and newly Anarchist Mexico. Its called the Queen's Requiem War and lasts for 7 years, Latin america's drug cartels declare war on the Japanese and Brazilian security firms.
2026: Britain surrenders to Australia after 7 years of war. Most Drug Cartels in Latin America are wiped out, Most police forces in the modern world have dissolved and the government only relies now in the secret service and a small but powerful Territorial Army.
2027: The Neo Bay's police force is officially disbanded. Sgt Micheal Ray 'Mack' Yancy campaigns hard for his job back and leaves with job back but with no success. He begins frequenting a bar in Neo Bar called the Red Raven and develops a drinking problem. Crime and Chaos in Neo Bay begins to spiral out of control.
2031: Tim Taggart tracks down Mack Yancy and begins the C.O.P.S program.
1997: After 3 years of skirmishes between South America, the States, Europe, and the Middle East a peace treaty is signed. But the damage has been done, the faith in the government has been mostly lost.
2000: A new political movement starts up in europe but then spreads to Asia and the Americas too, they call themselves 'Absolute Anarchy' and huge amounts of protests and demonstrations begin to pop up over the modern world consistently.
2004: The Protests are now out of hand, the people demand a radical restructuring of the government. The U.S.A. and China both execute martial law on the same day (christmas) and violent riots begin to sweep the nation. The Modern 'Revolution' begins.
2007: After 3 years of vicious government and anti government action the violence slows down, but order has been shifted. The state is weak after spending too much on security and being starved of taxes from most of the now non complying population. The Corporate security firms step in. Protection is now once again a major industry.
2011: The private security firms and large companies have now pretty much restored a level of order to most of the world. Most regular people are too intimidated to riot like they used to as massive private armies and smaller but effective squads of security teams patrol the streets. The Government has now shrank in influence, and most minor laws have been either abolished or phased out.
2012: Border lines begin to blur as trade and immigration increases massively with almost zero government and regulations. The U.S. states begin to dissolve and completely new cities are built with much foreign corporate influence, New Jersey is taken over by Japanese security firms and rebuilt as 'Neo-Bay City' China officially is taken over by the Absolute Anarchist Movement.
2019: Most countries and factions are at peace, but a moderate conflict between Britain and Australia springs up over trade rights with Anarchist states such as China and newly Anarchist Mexico. Its called the Queen's Requiem War and lasts for 7 years, Latin america's drug cartels declare war on the Japanese and Brazilian security firms.
2026: Britain surrenders to Australia after 7 years of war. Most Drug Cartels in Latin America are wiped out, Most police forces in the modern world have dissolved and the government only relies now in the secret service and a small but powerful Territorial Army.
2027: The Neo Bay's police force is officially disbanded. Sgt Micheal Ray 'Mack' Yancy campaigns hard for his job back and leaves with job back but with no success. He begins frequenting a bar in Neo Bar called the Red Raven and develops a drinking problem. Crime and Chaos in Neo Bay begins to spiral out of control.
2031: Tim Taggart tracks down Mack Yancy and begins the C.O.P.S program.
Submission Index
Some Rules and Overview
-C.O.P.S is my new action orientated near cyberpunk squad based RP, If you dont like big shootouts and exciting blockbuster missions then this may not be the RP for you. Although I will say this isnt a mindless action romp either. There is a detailed story about a shrinking government and law and disorder in a city entering (but not quite) in the cyberpunk age. There will be plenty room for character development and interaction.
-It will take place in alternate timeline in a large multi-layered city (neo bay), Key Locations such as the Red Raven Bar will be added to the OOC.
-The squad will be a specialized unit of skilled in to individuals looking to make a difference and help clean up the city and then go on to fix the broken system they live in.
-There will be spaces for 7 players and no more. 3 will already know Mack Yancy (Central Character)and 4 will be new recruits.
-When making a CS you will choose a role you want. Because there are only 7 spots I will choose the most suitable CS for each role (best SWAT profile, Best Martial Profile Etc.) This will be decided by me at a later date.
-C.O.P.S is my new action orientated near cyberpunk squad based RP, If you dont like big shootouts and exciting blockbuster missions then this may not be the RP for you. Although I will say this isnt a mindless action romp either. There is a detailed story about a shrinking government and law and disorder in a city entering (but not quite) in the cyberpunk age. There will be plenty room for character development and interaction.
-It will take place in alternate timeline in a large multi-layered city (neo bay), Key Locations such as the Red Raven Bar will be added to the OOC.
-The squad will be a specialized unit of skilled in to individuals looking to make a difference and help clean up the city and then go on to fix the broken system they live in.
-There will be spaces for 7 players and no more. 3 will already know Mack Yancy (Central Character)and 4 will be new recruits.
-When making a CS you will choose a role you want. Because there are only 7 spots I will choose the most suitable CS for each role (best SWAT profile, Best Martial Profile Etc.) This will be decided by me at a later date.
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