I'm looking to get into a new MMO but I haven't found one I like. Anything is good with me fantasy or otherwise. Any recommendations ?
Cayden Black said But I do recommend those two.If on the other hand you just want a fight game I'd say DOTA 2 on steam. Awesome game is Awesome!
Ainmire said
LOTRO doesn't make you pay at level 20. I have at least one character to go against this. You can max out without ever having to pay for anything. It will just be slow and tedious.
Brovo said
-League of Legends.
Gekidami said
I'm currently playing a game called Vindictus, cant honestly say its a MMO, all of the actual combat is done in limited player number dungeons, but its really different from most of the other F2P stuff i've tried.
Cayden Black said
Never tried Leage of Legends but I heard you had to pay for it.