Icevein Bay
The geographically diverse region of Icevein Bay, commonly referred to as Azgard after the former empire that once dominated the region, is host to wide ranging terrain from arid badlands to lush forests, rolling grasslands to majestic mountain peaks, serene coastlines to frozen tundra. As one would expect, such a plethora of environs is host to varied flora and fauna. Many of the beasts that wonder landscapes around Icevein Bay are utterly terrifying.
While wolves are commonplace throughout the holds of the Azgardian Kingdoms, their ferocious cousins, Direwolves are quite rare, despite the numerous legends and folklore that surround the beasts. Direwolves are loners by all recent accounts, though legends dating back to the Azgardian Empire tell of packs of Direwolves roaming the wilds. Sightings and encounters place them in Everwinter Forest, though some unverified sightings have been reported in Icespring Forest along the southern border of the Azgardian Kingdoms.
Direwolves stand at around twelve feet high, and twenty-five to thirty feet long. They are strictly carnivorous and infamous for preying on large game and unwary travelers. A popular tale among the Azgardians tell of Pathar cursing the Azgardian King, Hethos Werewalker for his cowardice in battle, turning him into a fearsome wolf. Hethos stalked the countryside, visiting bloody death upon his enemies. Consumed by his new form, Hethos became more wolf than man, and bore a litter of the first direwolves.
Most Azgardian depictions of Pathos show the God of War flanked by Direwolves.
Shadow Wights are etheral beings known to stalk the burial grounds of the dead, typically at night. As legend would have it, Shadow Wights are lost souls lured from the embrace of Nergal by Anat, and taken to malicious deeds in life, and having to spend eternity cursed. Wights consume the life force of their victims, enveloping them in darkness and leaving a skeletal husk. Thankfully these beings never stray far from burial mounds and typically shy away from large numbers, only attacking the vulnerable.
Wights seem to thrive in dark places. Burial mounds and ruins tend to be common places they are found. They are weak, however, to light. Keeping a brightly lit torch is often deterrent enough to keep wights at bay, but beware of any gusts of wind, for wight's attack with the speed of encroaching shadow.
Wyrms are creatures ranging in size from a horse to a large whale, and can be found both on land and in the sea. Thought to be related to dragons, wyrms tend to have scaled bodies, which are incredibly difficult to penetrate. Razor sharp teeth and often with elongated horns, wyrms are a deadly menace, and a scourge to both sailor and townsfolk alike. For the most part wyrms are reclusive, and shy away from contact. If provoked, however, they have been known to attack towns, cities, and castles in their rage.
Little is known of wyrms aside from their destructive capabilities. They live deep in the ocean depths and in subterranean tunnels beneath the earth. Wyrms have been sighted all across Ice Vein Bay and seem resilient and able to thrive in all environments.