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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Welcome to the world of Pathos! A world driven by a strong divide of two large countries in the far cold North and the warm sunny South. For 2000 years this world has been without war, conflict, disease, or significant conflict internally and externally. Most of the citizens of this world live a life of peace, comfort and little conflict. There are no monsters or pirates or any sort of mad dictators that have caused chaos among the years; the entirety of Pathos’ recorded history is bliss, pleasure and happiness. As such, due to such a severe lack of resistance, the people strived to innovate and improve their lives to thrust their world into far advancement.

The World of Pathos

To the North there is the grand Kingdom Ghosnenite which is a magically radical Kingdom in which magic thrives. Magic is rich and lush in this land and only those born within Ghosenite are gifted with magical abilities. The city spurns technology, thinking science destroys the life and purity of nature, and prefer to pursue magical means to get things they need or want. Various forms of magical radiation exist within Ghosnenite that have created many different breeds of magical animals, creatures, beasts and, sometimes, monsters. Most magical animals are small, dainty, timid and quite a few are dangerously powerful but they mostly hide from all creatures that are not their own. It has 5 Grandcities and 1 Capital. This Kingdom has a class structure in which individuals can be given rank, title or authority by nobles and those who are not nobles are generally to honor them respectfully. Nobles come in many shapes, sizes and personas, but generally they are very wealthy and very gracious and generally the higher the rank of nobility to more gifted they are with powerful magic.

Religion - The North has 7 Divines. These are 7, very real, gods that rule over all the Northern Lands. There is the God of Light and Divination Astros, the God of Fire and Metal, Kasmal, the God of the Sea, Euphradies, the God of the Eastern Winds, Flur, the Metal Dragon Zirconos, the Jade Whisperer, the God of Prosperity and Prosperity Earthwood, and the God of Life and Death Kosmosis. Astros, Kosmosis and Earthwood represent the primary deieties and govern all magic within all of Ghosnenite. Primarily, they do not intercede in mortal affairs but they have been known to demonstrate their ire upon heathens.

To the South are the 13 States of the great country Alexandria with its capital state being Alexandria itself. Alexandria is a sharp contrast to the Northern country as it is a country completely and absolutely devoid of magic. Those born in this land, regardless of their bloodline, history or genetics are born without magic and it has always been this way since the earliest recorded history of both countries. For a long time Alexandria was looked at as an inferior and savage land to live in by those in the North, however through sheer stubbornness and pride the country expanded and grew with the one strength that it had to focus on and that was science!

The greatest strength of Alexandria was that those born within completely lacked the ability to flip a finger and make some convenience phenomena happen to make their lives easy. They had to work hard for everything and, as such, the explored realms that Ghosenite never thought to ever research. With great complexity, those of Alexandria built machines and engineered science and information to create the same sort of conveniences that the Ghosenite’s projected with their natural born magic and, currently, they hold a wide array of highly complicated technology that range from robotics, space travel, cloning, and raw matter and energy creation. The things Alexandrian’s are able to do are borderline magic itself, however everything, unlike the invisible energy and effort of magic, has a very complicated process built by machines and maintained by order.

Alexandria does not command as much physical territory as Ghosnenite, but they also have a fraction of the population however they have the incredible tool known as Robotics that enables them achieve an infinite number of labor with little to no costs or waste. Alexandria is driven by law, order, mathmatics, reason, investigation and justice and, unlike Ghosneite that has Nobles that decide what is right and wrong, they have a system of checks, balances, and written law which is maintained by the President of Alexandria, his Council of 8, and the Morgana Charter.

Religion- The religion of Alexandria is known as Ashazism in which they worship one, single deity of Light known as Sauvros as the only God. He is the god of all of creation and is responsibility for the make of the entire world. Ashazism believes that all things that exists are by the will or intent of Him.

Plot and Premise

Pure, violent, raging, unadulterated chaotic war. For the past 2000 years two countries have rivaled against one another always in competition. Never has it ever got so perturbed as recently, in which both are after each other's necks, but it is happening! Soldiers are gearing up and preparing to tear into the other country with everything they have; the patriotism making a man put everything they have into this conflict.

This is by no accident either, however the pride and prejudice of the two countries has them erupting into a violent, dangerous game of war. The two countries have never been this ready for blows in the entirety of their recorded history and, as if to be the icing on the cake, both of the supreme rulers of both nations have agreed to full out war. Supposed attacks have already been implemented on the Southern Alexandria, two cities obliterated. The technological giant readies their armaments to tear into the magical nation and, preparing their own offense, the North prepares to unleash magic they have only dreamed of the opportunity of using.

In the North the King remains unopposed and in the South the newly elected president of only a few years agrees to use all his force to destroy the North and all his council are in agreement. The people, having an aged dislike for the opposed country, are blind in their patriotism and prepare to destroy their rival...However, something is wrong, off even.

The Sky falls in the South, people of importance go missing and secrets come to light through whispers….And in the North monsters and magical creatures rage, prophets foresee a horrible fate for all of Pathos, and a certain noble house has, for the first time in thousands of years, rebelled against the King. Talk of the King of the North being advised by a clown and similar talk of the President of the South... All is not well...And the whole picture is not seen...As the war begins something else stirs and this war is the perfect distraction for the people. If the true ploy is not stopped then all of Pathos, both North and South, will be destroyed.


Always gotta have some of these right?
Alright, for magic users:
Magic Restrictions: Limit your character to being a master of 1 element/school of magic for every 15 years of their age. So, if your character is able to manipulate 4-6 different types of magic he would be between 60 - 90 years old and, like us regular folks, that would make them very old and frail. They could be from the capital and knowledgeable in many schools, but they would be more of a novice in them. No super geniuses, good at everything imaginable, and mary sue characters, please. However, you can still have an incredible mage in one or two particular schools.

Another restriction would be any sort of magic that instantaneously kills another character, is unavoidable/unstoppable, and is something that completely bends at the level of plausibility. Magic here requires your character’s personal strength, or will, to be utilized to cast. The more powerful the magic the more tiring it will be on the character and stamina is not limitless.

I will accept all types of magic, to that effect. Magic doesn’t have to be simply the power to create a fireball simply because you are from Zircon. Heat manipulation, becoming fire, speaking to fire, manipulating desert, sandstorms, lava, lightning , etc and so on are all acceptable schools to focus on but they would all be individual schools, if that makes sense? So if your mage is a masterful earth mage he would focus on something like manipulating vegetation or manipulating rocks or manipulating metal or manipulating animals, etc. Earth doesn’t mean everything under the sun. Think of the school of magic like his degree in college and the specific of the magic his major/discipline/focus. Such as a Dr. of Radiology or a Teacher that had a discipline in music. Really build your character’s magic. Make them unique!

Aside from that, I will help you build if you have any difficulty. Be sure to still make your characters as strong as you feel comfortable~

Science Restrictions: For those that are going to be using the tech side of the Rp be sure to list, in detail, the entirety of their character’s equipment. If you don’t list it you must get it IC and I will be sure to make any super convenient, borderline far too handy tools to be tricky to find revolving a possibly life threatening quest~

To that effect, be realistic. Technology costs money and takes resources to make. Your characters will, for the most part, not have everything had beck and call and, even if they do, they wouldn’t be able to take with them an entire supply for an entire military in their pocket. Keep a reasonable stash of equipment to keep the Rp fair, balanced, and at an even pace. Would you want to face a character that literally has every advantage in his pocket? Not as fun. Create a character with a balanced strength and weakness structure and, understand, that most of society is at Level 5 and lower, so you should only have access to certain equipment in the first place.

I am going to say avoid too many spatial manipulating weaponry, but feel free to throw an original idea out there. I may love it. Also understand that all of technology should have a limitation. Overheating, limited ammo, batteries, limited space/uses, and range should all be very important in creating your character’s equipment. This is integral in them being approved if they have a very reasonable amount of strength and weakness. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the perfect machine and, as such, every amount of technology should be able to be destroyed, malfunction, or lose durability. Be sure to keep that in mind with tech.

Number of Original Characters: For the sake of my sanity, lets start off with only allowing one character outright and work our way up from there as the plot progresses. To reiterate that, everyone that wants to apply just create one character for the start.

Rp Standard/Requirement: This will be a High-Advance Rp. Anticipate large, long, drawn out and heavily detailed posts from me. Tl;dr might end up with you missing an important detail you may need in your response so be mindful and I would also recommend, though it is not recommended, to read your fellows posts as the plot will be disseminated likely in each character’s individual story. Not required however.



Race: Ghosnenite, Alexandria, Other. (If other please be descriptive)
Sex: M/F/Other
Description: text on appearance or any special features of your character.
Appearance: link preferred


Job/Duties: What their job/work is
Level: 2-7
Qualifications/Skills: Knowledge, experience, or character qualities they have developed through life. Can be a quick paragraph or can be a list. These are non-combat related skills such as communication skill, ability to be highly persuasive, or ability to see through lies, etc.

Attributes and Inventory

Weapons/Inventory: Be specific and list everything your character has at the start of the Rp on them. Provide a brief description for magical weapons/tech that they carry.

Racial/Biologics: Any special adaptions, abilities, or physical strengths your character has. Superhuman strength, robotic eye sight, magically improved reflexes, perfect hearing, etc. Powers given by being cursed by magic or being blessed by gods or being half robot or being irradiated by science would also fall here.

Weaknesses: This would be physical shortcomings like being fat and slow or being unintelligent with puzzles or mathematics or completely lacking any and all commonsense or having noodle arms would slip here. Character should have at least a few weaknesses.

Background Information

Family History:
Not absolutely needed or necessary, but feel free to add a sentence or two here if you would like. I would prefer, if creating a noble family or a head of something or a founding family member, for you to describe a bit of detail here that I can incorporate.

Personal History:
Go crazy here. The longer and more detailed the better. Strong characters should have some lengthy histories.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Onomatopoeia
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Accepted feel free to move it on over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azuris
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Key
Nickname/Alias:The Phantom Thief Lock
Age: 15
Race: Alexandrite
Sex: Female
Description: Orange and yellow hair, one eye is red and the other is green.
Appearance: zerochan.net/1827262


Job/Duties: Stealing
Level: 7

Lying, lock picking, sleights of hand, conning, sneaking, acrobatics/wall climbing, contortion, explosives, bilingual, limited hacking.

Attributes and Inventory

  • Phantom Weave – The most advanced piece of technology in her possession it is the ground breaking invention of a disgraced genius. Put simply her clothes are made up of specialized optic fibers that can camouflage themselves near perfectly. Not only can they project a perfect invisibility hologram camouflage they can also adjust heat and electromagnetic signals, instantly project lasers and sounds to match that of laser lines and sonar, and avoid most advanced scans but it can also change its shape, color and texture for whatever she needs it to be. It is a good five years ahead of any comparable technology in the field and can get her through most security systems unseen, but there are a few ways to detect it still.
  • Robin – A highly advanced AI developed by a former programmer who had to flee the upper grounds after she found out some dangerous information. Robin itself is held on a flexible transparent card chip that is not too terribly uncommon in Alexandria. The front of the card can also act as a touch screen, although Alexandria is able to hear voice commands and use its own judgment. Usually the card is kept in a special camouflaged pouch on Key's back, just at her waist, that is indistinguishable from her own skin (though sometimes it is kept elsewhere when it needs to be).

    Robin can manage various devices, provide information, prevent hacking, process data and give Key valuable banter during missions or anything else, making her an invaluable asset. She has a somewhat snarky personality, but is loyal to Key down to her core. She pretty much handles all of Key's devices.
  • Holodisks – Small quarter sized disks that can either make something invisible or project holograms. Not terribly unheard of or hard to get, but Key's are upgraded versions of the ones you might find in stores with longer range and plenty of realistic holograms programed in. They can also project 'heat bodies' which can fool inferred cameras.
  • Martha and Mary – A pair of gloves with some nasty tricks. Martha (the left glove) has a tazer with enough maximum output to put down a magical beast while Mary (the right glove) has a special needless injection system in the index finger that injects a specialized drug that makes people more complaint when administered, and a special device on the thumb that can control vocal cords and the mouth when pressed up to the neck and make a person say whatever she wants them to say. Both gloves also have extremely strong garote wire that can be pulled from the gloves.
  • Mini Drones – Small orb like drones that when thrown in the air have helicopter like blades sprout from them and can fly around. They also have cameras, hologram projectors, and can emit heat bodies like the holo disks. As far as drones go they are not terribly advanced, but can all be controlled by Robin who is.
  • Smart Glasses – These are actually an ordinary commodity, though modified a bit with a new firewall to protect from hacking. The glasses themselves are sunglasses that auto-shade to adjust for light, have clear night vision for darker areas, can zoom, take pictures, record data and send it to Robin and can connect with drones and display information. They can also connect to the internet and make phone calls but these functions have been disabled.
  • Impact Boots – Her boots cushion impact from long falls as well as let her jump higher.
  • Climing tools/key card replicators/lockpicks/universal screwdriver and plyers/color changing contact lenses/rope/usb drives – All is self explanatory.


  • Her cavalier attitude
  • Getting caught
  • Black Coffee/anything bitter

Background Information

[b]Family History:/b]
Is the (former?) president's daughter. Her mother is a Taylorsville heiress too. Was kidnapped as a child and raised by an old man named Polaris.

Personal History:
The story of Key starts with an old man who has taken the name Polaris. Polaris is a bitter old noble of the Ghosnenite Empire framed for some crime. The culprits include his traitorous wife, his scheming brother, and the now king of Ghosnenite. For their petty wrongs he lost his noble station, the love of his children and all his worldly possessions. He even lost his freedom for a time, and was imprisoned in brutal conditions.

During his imprisonment they would routinely force him to drink poison to make him weak and unable to use his magic. Although he eventually managed to escape from the prison and its horrors his time there diminished him greatly. He was now a shell of what he once was. What was once a mighty wizard was now but a lowly fugitive having to sneak and hide instead of fight.

Using the petty tricks he had been reduced to he avoided capture and made his way to Peridot. There he sought out a woman known as Willow. In her youth she had been saved by him, and owed him a debt of life, he was certain she would not betray him now. Holding the power of foresight she could set him on his path.

His fortune was read and she told him what his path held. If he sought revenge he would no receive it in his lifetime, but there was a child that could take everything from those who had stolen from him. This child would be found in the city of science, born under thirteen stars in the lap of a beast. She would be the child of a flamingo and a six year King, who held a ruby in one eye and an emerald in the other. She would be a thief, and when she stole the thirteen specific treasures she would be able to steal the stars themselves. With this knowledge in hand Polaris grimly left the kingdom of Ghosnenite with the knowledge that he would never set foot in it again.

Polaris arrived at Alexandria little more than a beggar, and he was forced to blend in with the lowest cast that surrounded the city walls. Had he not suffered the indignation of betrayal his pride might have not allowed for him to be treated as though he were human garbage, but he grit his teeth through each new indignity this land had to offer. Each night he would sneak into the city, looking for signs of the child he was to steal. Each day he would hone new skills to be passed on to his pupil. For one and a half decades he did this, all the while his enemies grew fat and prosperous under their corrupt victory. Yet he never lost faith in the prophecy.

Then, at long last, he saw the foretold signs. It was on one of those flabbergastin' televisions that the people in Alexandria liked so much. The daughter of the president was born under a waving flag of Alexandria and was laid to rest on a large plush lion in a lion crib. Her mother was Eniva Taylorsville, and her birth was celebrated throughout the kingdom. Rarest and most assuring of all though were her heterochromatic eyes, one being a ruby red and the other an emerald green.

The old man knew that there was no doubt which child he would need as he watched the ceremony. Now all that was left to do was steal her.

Stealing the child had not been easy, but it was done. It caused a great uproar, search parties and the like were sent out to find the babe. Polaris hid well though, and nobody ever found her. The entire thing exploded into an unbelievable scandal. At the time the president became obsessed with finding his child's kidnapper, using every tool at his disposal to find her and pushing for more laws to police people harder. This concerned the old man little though, and ultimately the man's efforts proved futile.

As soon as she was old enough to walk and talk he started her training. He taught her how to sneak and steal and lie. The girl took that stuff in like a sponge, she was a natural in every sense of the word. By the time she was ten she was already an accomplished thief. At the age of twelve Polaris had arranged for her to get sent to the high security Alexandira Prison just so she could escape from it, and a few months later she started making headlines for robbing banks and museums.

Still despite his repeated warnings about secrecy she'd taken an interest in the surrounding locals. Without consulting him she'd gone and made allies with some of the other people in the seventh district. Talking with them and finding out some of their problems she found out quite a bit, and made several unconventional alliances.

One former engineer agreed to sell her gear provided she provided the raw components for him to work with. He'd been some hot shot until one of his devices had caused a huge accident, and now found himself with nowhere to return to in society. Another programer agreed to give her an AI if she helped steal some shadier secrets from her former employer's office. Actually she got caught up in a lot of stuff like this, something Polaris decided he didn't mind so long as it didn't get her caught. It did train her to act like a thief.

Stuff like this actually made her well known in the Seventh District as the Phantom Thief Lock, a name that soon started to bleed up into the higher districts as her crimes became more notable. Sometimes she'd steal for profit, other times for fun, other times for her assignments, and other times she would play robin hood and steal the medical supplies and food, or sabotage the military police and expose some corruption. A few times she has even gone as far as to perform jail breaks from the Alexandira Prison, but despite this nobody has ever been able to catch her (except that one time and they didn't even know they had her!).

Probably one of her most annoying hobbies though is to tell the target she is going to rob them, a tactic first started when Polaris wanted to make sure her training wasn't too easy but ended up backfiring on him because she fell in love with the idea. It builds the sensationalism, especially during the big heists which end up drawing crowds like they are shows. Yet despite all the added security and tricks she always manages to get away with the treasure at the end, and often times making whoever she steals it from look bad and the audience being on her side. Nobody can deny that she is a true blue phantom thief, but what her destiny holds is far more grandiose than stealing trinkets and supplies in Alexandria.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Approved. Go ahead and copy over in the character tab
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alright, so either by the time Eric joins I will create the opening post. If he doesn't join by Friday evening I will make it anyway~!

I have added a few things-

  • Summary link that I will maintain via google. This helps me remember and as I get that all fleshed out the two of you can make more characters~
  • I have a map and as soon as I am able to scan it I will post it. lol
  • NPC tab for my characters. As per usual, I will be making quite a few of these.

That's the gist. I have a bad habit of being overly organized, but this keeps my interests, allows me to think ahead, and it helps me build enough structure for longevity. I know the two of you are good for posting so this will be fun :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 18 days ago

Interested. Will make a profile for you by tomorrow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sure thing!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 18 days ago

@Durnehviir Let me know what you think of the broad strokes here so I can make appropriate changes prior to filling out their biography.

Witch-Slayer Hans
He Slew a Witch Once

"I killed one witch. One. That was not even intentional, it just happened to be there and in the way of what I was actually doing at the time - and of course, it is that one small detail of the much more important work everyone remembers forever. I hate this job."
Witch-Slayer Hans

Name: Hans Iikka Guiomar
Nickname/Alias: Witch-Slayer Hans
Age: 31
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 1.82 Meters
Weight: 112 Kilograms


Job/Duties: Skirmisher, Assassin, Infiltrator

Level: 5

Qualifications/Skills: Guerrilla Tactics, Asymmetrical Combat Maneuvers, Skirmishing, Close-Quarters Combat, Arcane Mitigation & Suppression, Sniping, Infiltration, Ward-Breaking

Attributes and Inventory


  • Low-Grade Epigentic Augmentation (Post Adolescence) has selective enhanced the sensitivity of Hans' vestibulary system and tracking reflex while mitigating muscular atrophy and providing a modest, heightened metabolic tolerance for poisons and venoms. Augmentations of these kinds are standard-fare for Alexandrian Operatives and Commandos, and are not even unheard of amongst the rank and file Officers corp. of the standing army.

  • Overspecialized Skirmisher, not exceptional in pitched frontline confrontations and unsuited to fighting modern infantry.
  • Very poor abilities to support a team.
  • Highly critical and demanding of others.

Background Information

Under Construction.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I love it so far.
Looking forward to learning how this "accident" happened.

Good descriptive writing. I like you already.
Though for race go ahead and throw in the nationality there if human. I am assuming Alexandrian.

Looking forward to posting with you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ErockTheGreat
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ErockTheGreat Your Lord And Savior

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Durnehviir There you go.


Name: Laguna Yggdrasil: Archives of Ira
Nickname/Alias: Laguna
Age: 938
Race: Grimoire (A magical book possessing large amounts of magical energy, through which it has gained sentience. However, the Grimoire does not have its own personality, and is only capable of imprinting that which it experiences onto itself.)
Sex: N/A (Takes the appearance of a Female)
  • As a Grimoire, Laguna's dimensions are 18" x 12" x 6" (Height x Width x Depth)
  • As Laguna's Human Form, she is 5'1.5" tall.

Weight: 40lbs. 12oz. In either form, Laguna weighs the same amount.
Description: Well, there isn't much to say, really. Out of the two Forms, Laguna generally prefers to take Human Form, as it is much easier to move around in. However, the original form in which Laguna was created is, of course, the Grimoire, Laguna Yggdrasil: Archives of Ira. In order to rest, she will always revert back into the physical form of the Grimoire. It should also be noted that the book, Laguna Yggdrasil: Archives of Ira, has a hard cover with various runic designs etched upon it, and contains a total of 2,971 pages.


Level: N/A
Qualifications/Skills: Laguna possesses a vast amount of magical knowledge, although a large portion of her wealth of information is Runic-related. Aside from magic, Laguna is highly capable of translating languages, especially those lost from ages past; with a large focus on archaic and hieroglyphic writings. Her intelligence level is extremely high, as well, even if most of it is outdated.

Attributes and Inventory

  • N/A

  • Boundless Energy: Laguna is not a 'living' being, and therefore does not require food or water to maintain energy. Because of this, she is capable of functioning at peak performance all day, every day, without need for rest. She does, however, require a short while where she 'recalibrates' her internal magical systems; this is referred to as 'sleep'.
  • Unstoppable: Due to the fact that her body is essentially made entirely out of magic, Laguna doesn't have a 'physical' body, and because of this, she does not take damage the same as other beings. When she is cut, there is no blood, and should she lose an arm, it is simply reformed. Quite simple, yeah?
  • Magic Vacuum: Laguna's body is constantly emitting a weak vacuum that pulls magical energy towards her. While this doesn't make much, if not at all, of a difference, it will slightly alter the course of magical attacks around her, pulling them slightly in her direction.

  • People Skills: Laguna lacks any and all kinds of people skills. She does not know how to speak to people correctly, she does not understand sarcasm, and above all, Laguna is very literal when it comes to meanings and sayings.
  • Super Weak!: Without enhancing her body with magic, Laguna possesses nearly zero physical strength. She'd be lucky to pick up a pillow and throw it more than a few feet. It's hilariously pathetic.
  • No Magic?!: Should, for any reason, Laguna lose the ability to use magic, she would be absolutely helpless, and not just in the traditional sense. Because her entire 'body' is made up of magic, she'd be unable to defend, move, speak, and pretty much everything else. Depending on the effectiveness of the anti-magic attack, Laguna may even revert back into her original Grimoire Form.

Background Information

Family History:

Personal History:
The history of Laguna Yggdrasil: Archives of Ira begins with its author, the mage Alatar of Spodueme. He was, in the days of old, a master mage whom created and perfected the Chaotic Rune school of magic. Born into the slums of Spodueme, he is famous for overcoming the suffocating notion that Nobility is absolute. Because he had been gifted with incredible magic, and was able to become such a prolific figure in Spodueme, and even the kingdom of Ghosnenite as a whole. To spread his magic through-out the land, Alatar compiled everything he knew, and even his own theories, both proven and unproven, into a book. That book would, upon being finished, be labeled Laguna Yggdrasil: Archives of Ira.

At its creation, the Laguna Yggdrasil was not a Grimoire, but a simple textbook meant to assist others in the ways of Runic magic, as well as spread Alatar's knowledge through-out the country. The first volume was an introduction to Runic magic in general. It also contained information about deciphering runes and writing them, as well. As he grew up, Alatar began to travel around the nation, learning more about the world around him. This is when he began to create his own separate school of runic magic, Chaotic Rune.

And so, with his new creation in its infancy, Alatar proceeded to write the second volume, acquainting the world with his new magic. It was actually a very big deal, as runic magic had never before been consolidated into various schools of magic, instead just existing as a broad category of rune-based magic. This was met with both intrigue and harsh criticism, though none of it seemed to phase the mage. With his newly gained publicity, Alatar continued spreading his teachings across the various grandcities of Ghosnenite, and even beyond.

In order to increase his knowledge and expand his own horizons, Alatar journeyed all over in the name of knowledge. There was another goal, that seemed to triumph over his lust for knowledge, however. Alatar was searching for something far greater, divine even, and that 'something' was extremely difficult to find. In pursuit of his ultimate goal, Alatar crossed deserts, sailed over seas, scaled mountains, and crawled through caves. In the end, he had been to the borders and back several times over, reaching to the very ends of the Ghosnenite Kingdom to find that which he strived to meet: the seven deities that reign over all of Ghosnenite.

Astros, the God of Light and Divination was the first divine being that Alatar searched for, seeing as it was the one that coincided with his hometown so closely. However, after years of searching, he was unable to impress Astros enough to make the god want to meet him. After giving up on Astros, the second deity that Alatar searched for was Earthwood, the God of Prosperity. However, this one also evaded the mage's eyes after several years... On to the next. Unfortunately for Alatar, it was the same story, over and over again. In his quest to find and meet with the next four deities- Euphradies, God of the Sea, Kasmal, God of Flame and Metal, Flur, God of Eastern Winds, and Zirconos, the Metal Dragon- history repeated itself once again, and the mage was unable to even catch a glimpse of any of them.

However, before he could fully lose hope, something akin to a miracle occured. As Alatar's journey continued on, he met face to face with a blur of light. What he originally thought was a mirage or hallucination, chalked up to crossing the Quartz Desert unprepared, he later realized was actually what he had been searching for for so long. As the legend goes, the Jade Whisperer took pity on the man who wasted over half a century searching for the various Gods and Goddesses, and showed herself simply for that fact. Upon hearing Alatar's story and quest objective, and finding no contempt or danger in his heart, the Jade Whisperer blessed the mage with magic and abilities that might seem otherworldly to even the Nobles of Ghosnenite, on top of teaching him the very knowledge he chased after: how to complete and perfect the Chaotic Rune school of magic. The benevolent Goddess encouraged Alatar's pursuit of knowledge and the magic bestowed upon him would allow for him to continue on and excel with this task. And with this he made an oath to her, to never betray the her and to spread her Will far and wide. And so, the third and final volume of Grimoire would consist of Alatar's travels, and his search for the seven deities, up to and including, his meeting with, and the teachings of, the Jade Whisperer.

Returning to his hometown of Spodueme, Alatar hardly even paused to rest before spreading the teachings of the Jade Whisperer. The mage also reported to the Nobles, introducing them to the breath-taking magic that had been bestowed upon him by the Goddess of Knowledge herself. Now, one might think that Alatar would have been promoted, perhaps even gaining Noble status for his achievements and abilities. However, that was not the case. The reigning king at the time saw Alatar as a potential risk, instead of a benefit. As everyone knows, the King was loaded, with more gold coins than he knew what to do with, and more often than not, a problem could be fixed by throwing money at it. Since he saw Alatar as a threat, and he was too impatient to wait for the mage to die on his own, he threw money at the situation in hopes it would go away. Well, that silly plan succeeded, curtousy of 1,000 gold coins, and Alatar's cousin Bloise, who dug a knife into the unsuspecting mage's back and ended his life. And thus was the end of a good man; funny how it can all end so anti-climactically.

After his murder, Alatar was greeted by the final deity that he had spent his life searching for, Kosmosis, the God governing over Life and Death. It was somewhat of an awkward meeting, seeing as there was no need or reason for Alatar to find the gods anymore, but here he was, speaking with the final, and possibly the most influential, god of all; how ironic. Due to a request from the Jade Whisperer herself, Kosmosis granted the Goddess of Knowledge a favor. To honor the man who spent his entire life searching for the seven deities of the Northern Lands, one thing would be given. His Will was to be granted upon the very book he put heart, soul, blood, sweat, and tears into creating. Of course, it was a simple thing for a God, and with a simple flick of the wrist, it was so. It is at this point that the completed Laguna Yggdrasil: Archives of Ira became a magical Grimoire and gained sentience. While it was very primitive and childish, sentience was sentience.

While this was happening in a realm other than the Living World, the people of Ghosnenite continued on living, none the wiser. The Grimoire itself was stolen from Alatar's corpse, as well as all his other belongings. Each of his things, precious or not, were sold off on the down-low, but the Grimoire was kept in Bloise's possession, due to its high magical value. No, he did not know it was a magical Grimoire yet, but the information held within had its own financial value.

Bloise knew that selling the book in Spodueme was a no-go, since almost everyone there knew of Alatar's work, so he'd instead bring it to the economical central of the entire Kingdom, the Grandcity of Ghosnenite. As Bloise made his journey towards the Kingdom's capital, he was taken off guard by a low-fying dragon. Being caught, the murderous cousin of Alatar was flown all the way to Zircon, hanging in the clutches of a dragon's clutches. The dragon swooped into a cave opening carved into the clifside, causing Bloise to lose consciousness due to fright. His body was taken through-out a series of tunnels, and when their path finally ended, he was set down. When he came to, Bloise was greeted with the sight of a massive, metal-plated dragon. It introduced itself as the God of Fire and Metal, Astros, and Bloise nearly wet himself. In the flame-deity's explanation, he made clear that this was simply a favor, and that Astros himself actually held no grudge against this man. Bloise was informed that, because he killed the man who was to become a very prolific figure in the near future, in magic, as well as the Sect of the Jade Whisperer, he was to suffer the same fate as the one he killed. So, Bloise, along with the magical Grimoire, was devoured, not by Astros, but by a simple, mortal dragon.

Due to this event, the Grimoire, Laguna Yggdrasil, Archives of Ira became lost to the world for centuries. Because dragons have such long lifespans, and are extremely hard to physically kill, the book remained within the gullet of that dragon for an extended period of time, its magic protecting it from being digested, and its size stopping it from being expelled through the rear. However, the dragons soon went extinct, the cause of which was a disease outbreak on an epidemic scale. Because of this widespread wipe-out of the species, the book would soon again see the light of day.

The ages passed by, and the remains of the dragons slowly decayed over time. With an entire species having been lost to history, the world began to change a bit. No longer did people have to worry about dragon attaks, and that drastically changed how they traveled and the like. With the threat of dragons gone, merchants became less and less afraid of journeying across the lands, and soon, trade routes began popping up everywhere, more so than they ever previous had. There was also a spike in archeologists, mainly with those who wanted to study dragons, seeing how it was much easier to find dragon bones now that hundreds of thousands of them had died off in the previous epidemic.

The magical Grimoire was picked up by one such archeologist, who just happened to be digging through the remnants of the dragon which had eaten Bloise. It was mostly just bones covered by centuries' worth of dirt, twigs, and grass. After she dug up the Grimoire, this lady, known as Claudia, took the book into her custody. She was the first person to open and read the Laguna Yggdrasil since it had been turned into a Grimoire all those years ago. Bloise did not read, or even open, the book, since he already had an idea of what was inside after hearing about it from Alatar. Since Claudia was the very first person that the book had been acquainted with after gaining sentience, her image was imprinted within the consciousness of the Laguna Yggdrasil, and became the very face that it uses upon changing its form into that of a human.

After the Grimoire changed into an idential copy of herself, Claudia knew she had found some kind of amazing relic from the past, and decided to keep it, and learn its secrets. For years, the archeologist studied the book and attempted learning the magic that was written within. While she was able to do the basics, Claudia was not magically inclined in the first place, and she failed to replicate even the mediocre spells. However, she did enjoy the company of the Grimoire, to which she referred to simply as 'Laguna'. Still to this day, that is the name the Grimoire chooses to use, even though centuries have gone by since Claudia's passing. Claudia continued to study the book, even if she herself was hopeless at magic, hoping to find some sort of world-shattering secret. to which she never did. As Claudia grew old and eventually died, once again leaving Laguna without an owner.

However, there was a big difference between this time and the last. Now, Laguna had taken on a human's appearance, and therefore was able to move about on her own, unlike the previous time. And the Grimoire did just that. Time continued to go on, and Laguna did so, too. She- Laguna has taken a female form, and therefore will be called by that gender- began to learn of the culture around her, and even managed her own personal growth through her meetings with the residents living within the Kingdom of Ghosnenite. While it would have been difficult for a normal person to live such a long life, making close relationships and such, only to watch them all grow old and die, and then repeat it all over again, several times. Luckily, Laguna did not possess the capacity for sorrow, and therefore, it had no measurable effect on her, whatsoever.

Eventually, Laguna was pulled along by her latest 'master'- another name for 'owner' that one of her previous owners like to be called by- to join the Ghosnenite Military. This master of her's, a man in his early 20's, was named Norn, and he took Laguna with him to join the military. Norn did not, however, bring her as a support tool for himself, but made Laguna sign up in her human form as an actual soldier, just like him. It seems he didn't want the physical support, but the emotional support of having a partner with him. As the two put in their efforts for Ghosnenite Military, it seemed to be going good, and they were climbing the ranks like good little soldiers. The both of them were, after some time, sent out on a dangerous mission to infilitrate Alexandria. They were essentially spies, and they were to try and gain the Alexandrians' trust, be promoted and move on up the Level System that Alexandria has in place, and attempt to gather as much information as possible.

Now, as a spy, their number one goal was to not get caught. Unfortunately, Norn had done a terrible job at that and his position was compromised. He was caught, questioned, and eventually executed for being a Ghosnenite spy, on top of being charged for illegal entry onto Alexandrian soil with ill intent. Laguna, on the other hand, had returned to her Grimoire form in order to not be caught, and therefore, her face remained hidden. However, a random book laying around the street was bound to be tossed away, and sure enough, into the trash she went. Where did the trash wind up? All the way at the bottom of the Alexandrian ladder: Level 7.

When Laguna shifted back into her human form, she was surrounded by trash. Lost, no clue where she was, and unsure of what she should be doing next, Laguna removed herself from the trash and explored. She was stuck in Level 7 for now, she was sure of it, but what she didn't know was how to get out...without being found out; that was the hard part. So hard, in fact, that she still hasn't figure it out yet!

So, Laguna is currently living in the Level 7 slums with all of the bums and misfits of Alexandria.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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