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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Lady Aphrodite, Lord Ares, Lady Hera, Lord Hermes and Lord Zeus

Olympus ~ New York

Throne Room of Mount Olympus...

New York, the City that Never Sleeps. And of all the buildings that the gods had decided to claim their home, the largest most obvious skyscraper was the ideal choice.

One figure among dozens of others stepped through the front doors, stopping just inside the entrance to adjust his tie and lapels.

The man seemed ordinary enough to the normal passerby; he was tall and well-built with a broad physique. Though appearing to be at least in his early forties, the man still held an attractive air to him, with a strong jaw and styled up chestnut brown hair.

Garbed in a gray pinstripe suit, the man looked as though he was ready to attend a business meeting of some kind. Stepping into a vacant elevator, the man waited for no one as he immediately pushed the 'Close Doors' button, waiting for the sliding steel doors to shut before doing anything else. As the doors closed in front of him, the elevator grew totally silent aside from an instrumental version of Call Me Maybe playing in the background, causing the man's lips to twitch most irately.

Reaching towards the button panel, the man's hand slid across its length before stopping at a distinct button that sat separate from the others. Pressing it with his pointer finger, the elevator lurched suddenly, as though being yanked by a force much stronger than it. It shot up at an intense speed, the only indication of whatever was going on outside being the blindingly bright sliver of light that beamed through the slit between the two doors.

Finally after an intense ascent, the elevator practically slammed to a stop in a stomach-turning lurch, causing the man to briefly lose his balance before quickly recovering.

"Keep telling them to fix that damn thing." He mumbled to himself, quickly fixing his hair before the elevator doors slid open with a resounding ding, revealing Mount Olympus to him in all its glory. A thin stone bridge, wide enough for two people to walk side-by-side lit with eternal-burning torches led the way to Olympus itself, a massive palace, tall and daunting in the stormy dark sky. Tendrils of lightning emanated from its roof, scattering through the clouds and illuminating the entire area in an electric blue glow.

The man was undaunted, clearing his throat before walking down the path, his steps casual yet dignified as well. But the man could tell something was amiss -- and he knew that for whatever reason he was summoned… it wasn't a good one.


Pacing back and forth hastily, like a trapped animal in a cage, the god of War snarled quietly to himself as each and every second ticked on. Ares, by no means, was known for his patience on a good day. On a bad day... well, most people never lived to discover just how quick he could snap. A faint, red glow emanated off of his body, leaving a blurred trail of crimson behind in his movements that lasted no longer than but a moment before fading away. How could his father be so blind? Hermes... his entire line was nothing more than inconvenient little shits - the lot of them. If he had his way, they would all be wiped from the face of the Earth forever. The very thought drove him over the edge of impatience, his pacing intensified as he turned back around and let out an agitated yell of frustration, the flames in his eyes glowing brighter and more angry.

"Where is he?" the god of War demanded, now stalking over to Zeus. By the love of Tartarus, who was late to their own summons? God or not, Hermes still had to play by the rules - they all did. Apparently none of his children got the memo. "Father, we waste time. While his godly self is probably too busy primping his hair in a mirror to show up, his son continues to get away with this thievery! Summon the welp and I will take care of this issue straight away! I can think of a few uses for that empty head of his."

“Enough, my son... we sit here to discuss what is to be done about this matter- do not allow the anger you feel towards your brother to cloud your judgement.”

Lifting his hand up from where it had been rested over the arm of his throne, Zeus rubbed ever lightly at his temple, doing his best to relieve some of the stress that had accumulated since the matter at hand had first been brought to his attention- his son was angered… far beyond anything he had seen in many a millennium… his beautiful and normally enchanting daughter curled up upon Ares’ throne; tragically distraught, and crying at having her beloved pet dove stolen from her domain… his ever loyal wife sat dutifully by his side; the voice of reason among those which occupied the throne room… and his other son, Hermes, was running late for his own summoning…

Things, it seemed, could not get any worse at this point in time…

“We shall await Hermes’ arrival… and then we shall seek out the course of action to be taken. Though do not think that this matter shall be taken lightly- it is a serious crime; I agree that as such, the punishment of which should also indeed be severe…” Lowering his arm back down so that it was once more resting upon the arm of his throne, Zeus turned his head so that he was able to meet with his son's gaze, his grey eyes narrowing and his lips pursing together as he let the gravity of the situation once more fall down upon his shoulders, “..but until such time, I believe the best place for you is by your beloved's side, do you not agree..?”

Ares' scoffed. How could Zeus remain so calm about this? His Aphrodite was in complete shambles by his side, and yet he had the gall to sit there, high and mighty on his throne, and tell him to wait and sit down? The red glow around his body pulsed brighter for a fraction of a second.

"I recall a time when you didn't take things so lightly, father." Ares said quietly through clenched teeth, his hands balling into fists. "A handful of years past, your fit nearly started a war over your precious lightning bolt, stolen by a son of the very man you're asking me to give patience to. Now that the tides have shifted, and I find myself in a similar situation... you tell me to sit down. I will not!"

Hera watched the scene play out, her eyes following Ares as he got continued to become angered, working himself into a fit of rage. Working himself passed that, in fact. Love always makes fools of us, we fail to see that we are as susceptible to it as mortals She thought to herself, watching her son as he balled his hands into fists, openingly challenge Zeus, based on the past. Hera shook her head, rising from her throne. “Dear child, your father is right. We must wait for Hermes” She raised a hand, a sign for Ares to not interrupt her, as she brushed a hand along Zeus’s arm, approaching Ares “the events of a few years ago should serve to teach you that we cannot jump to conclusions. Much harm came from that, child” Calm, collected and controlled, Hera sought to bring Ares back to control-however long that would last.

Yet Hera could match Ares anger for anger, and she said, her tone changing “Sit down, Ares.” Cool, her tone suggested this wasn’t an order he could refuse, “You think we won’t do anything and everything in our power to retrieve Aphrodite's treasure? You would be wrong to think that, but this is a time for cooler heads to prevail.” Despite this, Hera was nervous. Ares was known for his rash nature, and often would jump to conclusions, releasing his violent rage before all the facts were in. After the events of a few years ago, Hera wasn’t going to let her children, nor her husband jump to conclusions once more. She would not jump to conclusions, and would not believe Hemes’ child could do this, not after last time.

This was not something she would reveal to the room at large. The tension between Zeus and Ares was thick, and that would just be fuel for the fire. She had to be the voice of reason, and for now that meant keeping Ares in line, and preventing Zeus from becoming enraged as well. “We do not need a repeat of last time, child” returning to Zeus’ side, she sat down once more, resting her hand on Zeus’, as if she could soothe him, soothe the whole situation.

His nostrils flared at his mother’s calm, soothing words, though the fire in his eyes dimmed, as if giving his answer to her that he would listen. Snorting, however, to indicate that he wasn't happy about it, Ares returned to Aphrodite, taking a moment to scoop her small frame off of his throne in his big arms so that he could take a seat. He placed her onto his lap, adjusting her legs so that they were draped to the side and held her weeping head into his chest, his opposite arm rubbing her back to try and console her in what way he was allowed. For now.

"Am I a god then whose purpose is nix?" he asked, a very quiet anger to his tone. "Mother... Father... action is what we need, not these... summonings." His eyes looked to Zeus, and then to his mother. Sighing, catching her look, he relaxed back into his throne, letting Aphrodite mold into him. "Fine. But mark my words, the little shit is going to suffer. Both of them."

"Sorry for being late, folks." A third voice cut into the conversation as the man in the gray suit -- Hermes appeared in the throne room of the gods, both hands planted firmly in his trouser pockets.

"I had lunch at the most amazing sandwich shop, seriously, best cheese-steaks you could ever ask for." Hardly skipping a beat, Hermes sauntered forth into the room, eyeing each of the gods on their thrones, paying special mind to Ares and Aphrodite.

"Did you want a Snickers, Ares? You don't seem to be you when you're hungry." Grinning in amusement at his own quip, Hermes' demeanor quickly turned somewhat more serious as his attention turned to the largest throne that belonged to Zeus.

"What did my son do this time, Dad? Put another stink bomb in Dionysus' room? Though… I gotta admit, that one was pretty funny..." Trailing off, Hermes appeared to become lost in his own train of thought, though his clear gaze never left his father's.

Ares had nearly calmed down, focusing more on Aphrodite than his thoughts but the moment Hermes finally decided to show himself... His nostrils flared and his eyes pulsed with fire - a warning to his half-brother.

"You defend him?" Ares asked, frankly quite surprised considering everything that had happened in times past. "You defend him?" he asked again, this time louder, raising his voice to a roar so great, the walls and pillars began to vibrate around them.

“..how dare you…”

Unsure as to when she had exactly sat up within her lovers lap, Aphrodite turned her full attention over to her brother, staring up at him through tear-stained eyes, “..how dare you defend such an ungrateful little thief..!”

Shaking her head lightly from side to side with tears still bubbling away behind her bright light blue orbs, Aphrodite took a few moments to flick back and forth between her brother's eyes, searching for reason as to why he was playing such a serious situation off as light… searching for answers as to why he was joking around when it was clear to all that it was no time for such petty games.

“You know what he did- yet you stand there as though it is nothing more than a joke for your own amusement..! He-... He-...” Seemingly unable to go any further with her explanation as the words caught within her throat, Aphrodite shook her head, her long and delicate blonde locks flying back and forth before eventually, they settled once more over her back, her small frame turning until she was able to once again hide herself against the warmth and safety of Ares’ chest, her body pressing ever closer as her sobs once more began to fill the air.

“Do not test me, Hermes.” Ares warned his half-brother with a venomous tone. His only grounding at that point was Aphrodite herself, curled up so closely in his arms that he couldn’t simply be parted from her even if he wanted to. He itched for his sword - the weapon, with the proper amount of manipulating, could make quite a decent shot-gun. One good enough to blow that smug smile off of Hermes’ face, anyway. But it was stowed away at his hip where his love’s body was currently occupying, soaking his shirt with days worth of tears. “This is no child’s act of mischievous fun. Your children are falling straight into the mindset of your lightning thief. While father may have shown mercy on him, I will not. I give you, and your bastard son, one chance. Return Aphrodite’s dove, or you shall have two dead sons to hardly miss this generation.”

Hermes initially remained silent, staring his brother in the face with a blank expression. "Do you have proof that he stole your… precious bird?" As Hermes spoke, his tone gradually became angrier, losing all the warmth and friendliness it defused moments earlier.

"But hear me, and hear me well. If you lay a single finger on him, I will make you regret it." Hermes swore, letting his words fall as he grew silent.

“The only reason your boy still draws breath is because only he knows where the bird is.” Ares retorted, ignoring the question about having proof. What more proof did he need? In times past, it was the seed of Hermes who had been stupid enough to steal from a god. Why should it be any different this time?

Letting out a short laugh that held no true mirth to it, Hermes stared directly at Ares once again, his deep blue eyes now cold and dangerous.

"You're losing your touch, brother" he finally said, his tone remaining even, though one could detect the thinly-veiled anger beneath it. Breaking Ares’ gaze, Hermes looked down at his watch and sighed. "You know, I was gonna go see a movie right about now..."

Ares clenched his jaw, the vein in his neck throbbing as he tried to stay his anger but it was quickly burning through. His hands once more tightened into fists, his fiery eyes narrowing on that of his half-brother who had the gall to make pointless quips while his son’s life was being threatened.

“You’re a fucking coward, Hermes. When will you ever grow up and start to take responsibility for your sperm vermin?”

“Enough..! The both of you..!”

Zeus’ deep and booming voice sounded out clear and strong through the halls of the throne room; causing loud claps of thunder to roll through, forcing all within Olympus to know that the King of gods mood was quickly souring- he had heard enough of their childish bickering. They were supposed to be a family; and it was high time that this matter was put to rest before it went any further than it already had, only to be ended in blood being spilt upon the floors of his glorious Kingdom.

Reaching over his body, Zeus lightly patted the top of his wife’s hand, his body hunching over ever so slightly so that he could sweetly place a kiss upon her delicate knuckles before finally, he lifted himself from where he had been sat upon his throne; his attention turning over to his two sons as they continued to lock horns, seemingly ready to wage war at but a moment’s notice should one push the other too far.

“..the boy in question must answer for the crimes in which he has been accused. Stealing the sacred symbol of a Goddess is something that cannot be forgiven lightly- though you have my sympathy, my son, I cannot allow such a thing to go unpunished…”

Slowly stepping away from his throne and his loving wife, Zeus made his way over to where the both of them were locked in battle with one another, making sure that he had their full attention before he continued on with his decision, “Ares speaks with wisdom; if the boy has nothing to hide… then allow him to prove his innocence to the court. He shall have but a single lunar cycle to return the dove to the Goddess Aphrodite; shall he not succeed, then the boys fate shall be left to the mercy of your brother.”

Turning to his father with an expression of genuine shock, "Dad, there's no proof! You can't… condemn my son when there's no evidence..." Trailing off once again, Hermes eventually grew silent, knowing that nothing he said could change his father's mind.

He'd lost too many children already, one whose death still pained him. He could not lose another. Not like this.

Looking to his father as he spoke, Ares couldn’t help the small, flickering smirk that crossed over his lips. Finally, Zeus was seeing reason, and putting action towards something rather than just sitting on his ass and spectating. His eyes, softer now, turned to his half-brother, the smirk spreading into a wide smile as he watched Hermes’ crestfallen features carefully. If Aphrodite’s bird had already been returned, witnessing Hermes as he realized that he had lost would have almost been enough penance for his insolence. Almost.

He sat back in his throne in a relaxed position, letting Aphrodite meld into him however she saw fit, and raised a hand to lazily start playing with the ends of her hair in a sort of comforting gesture.

“Poseidon was given the same, dear brother. And Percy managed to prove his innocence no matter the odds stacked against him. Surely your son, who you claim shares the same fate, can do the same?” Ares challenged with an amused expression plastered on his face. “If what you say is true, and the boy is innocent, then you’ve nothing to fear.”

Not bothering to wait for a reply, as Ares already knew that he had won, he chuckled softly to himself as he planted his feet down on the ground firmly, allowing him to use the strength of his legs to pick Aphrodite up from his lap and cradled her into his chest as he stood. Unless Hermes was about to lay an egg as a euphemism of shitting himself, then there was no further reason for him to stay.

“Father…” Ares connected his eyes with Zeus and nodded his head in respect and thanks. “The decision you have made is wise and much appreciated. Aphrodite and I will take our leave now.” He paused to nod his acknowledgements then to Hera. “Mother.” Holding Aphrodite securely, he made his way towards the exit, brushing shoulders with Hermes if a bit purposefully as he passed by, the sound of his chuckle lingering in the air behind him as he exited.

Bowing his head lightly in farewell to both his son and daughter as they left the room; Zeus waited until the grand golden doors had completely shut behind their figures before he turned his attention over to Hermes- his son’s expression saying it all… he was mortified. Terrified of losing yet another child…

The very sight of his son’s pain caused his heart to tighten within the very confines of his chest, though there was no way that he could go back upon his decision… he had given the young boy seven days to prove his innocence to the court- a longer deadline than he had given to his nephew after he himself had accused him of stealing his master bolt.

Taking those couple of steps that would close the gap that was left between the both of them, Zeus lifted his hand up until he was able to rest it lightly upon his son’s shoulder, his fingers molding to the shape of his shoulder as he gave it a gentle squeeze; an attempt at comfort, even if it should bring only the smallest of amounts, “..my son… the pain you feel is but temporary. Have faith in your boy; just as Poseidon had faith within his own, and I know that he will rise to the occasion and do you proud. I shall not interfere in the workings of the camp, nor shall I burden you with having to deliver your boy with such grave news- go to him, but only when your mind has had time to settle upon this situation… I shall have Dionysus and Chiron bring discussion to light.”

Hermes remained wordless at first, still attempting to process what had just occurred in his mind. He felt his father's firm hand on his shoulder, but did not react, a feeling of total numbness running through his body.

Nodding once, slowly, Hermes turned to leave Olympus, clearing his throat in an obvious attempt to hide its shakiness. "I best go. Don't want to miss that movie." He said, attempting to defuse his own feelings with an admittedly poor attempt at humor. That being said, the god of messengers left without another word.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ky' vie Morgan

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Those around her.

The roar of the crowd had become almost deafening as one after the other, campers who had attempted to make their way up the obstacle tower got smacked back down; the sheer force of it all causing many to double over, but all to be flung from the platforms before ultimately they landed in a pained heap upon the ground…

It was glorious.

The very sight of it caused a soft chuckle to fall out through her bright red lips- truly, no matter how many quests she was sent on… no matter how long she actually spent away from her home here at camp… nothing changed. And that was just how she loved it. The people, the challenges… the fun; what more could anyone want..? Whether it was just for the summer, or spending all year round in the company of those she loved; there was nothing better in her eyes.

Turning her attention back over to the current challenge that stood before her, Ky’ vie let her soft metallic-silver eyes roam the construction that towered over them all… literally. The obstacle tower was a major test for all demigods that called Camp Half-Blood their home, though it was more than clear that majority were willing to take it on for the chance of finally knocking her off her pedestal, and cutting her winning streak short… Heh; not that any of them had managed to succeed in doing that just yet.

Chuckling lightly to herself at the thought, she straightened up, her head turning slightly this way and that so that she could get a better look at her competition for the day, her hands both reaching up to first gather her long and wavy apple-red locks before finally, she tied them back into a messy bun on the top of her head, the sight of a familiar flash of blonde hair in the corner of her eye catching her attention and causing her to turn her head in the direction of the unmistakable figure that was the daughter of Dionysus; the young woman taking a few moments to just watch her friend before finally speaking out, her voice though light and rather cheerful, holding a slight hint of surprise she just couldn’t seem to hide.

“..hey, Ariana..! I haven’t seen you join in on this sort of thing in ages- don’t you usually just sit around and cheer in the stands with the others..?”

“Pfft… phsaw..! You know I’d rather be sittin’ on my ass in the stands, suckin’ on a cold one while you and the others get your ass beat by the tower- seriously..! Mwah..! Sheer perfection on a day like this chicka-dee.” Shaking her head lightly from side to side, Ariana slipped her hand into the front of her top, pulling a silver flask out from the side of her left breast so that she could take a quick swig of the contents within before once more returning it back to its place in her bra, “But… you know… Deon reckons I won’t last five minutes on this contraption- I reckon I won’t last two. So, time ta find out which one of us is right..!”

She didn’t even get a chance to react to Ariana’s words before the girl was gone; speeding off towards the tower with what looked like purpose and… yeah, it was clear she wasn’t going to get too far to the top…

Shaking her head lightly from side to side, another chuckle seemed to fall from her lips, her hands both coming together in front of her body so that she could tug lightly on the bottom of her black leather gloves, her attention once more falling to the spinning tower that stood before her- to say it wasn’t imposing would have been a major understatement… Standing tall at almost three stories high, with not just revolving platforms and stages; but also fire pits, thick metal beams, rope ladders, and wooden grips that could be pulled out from underneath you at any moment… and then right at the top was the goal of it all; the large centurion-like helm that held the golden circular ring- that was what everyone was fighting tooth and nail to get to first.

Or at least… that was what she could see from her position anyway.

Taking a few moments to herself so that she could re-check the pads she had covering her elbows, Ky shot another quick glance around at the others who were getting ready to have another crack at the tower, and with it, a shot at the glory of winning. The very sight had her bright red lips turning up into an amused smile. Aside from the few regulars who tried to take her place as champion, there were quite a few new players in the game…

Not bothering to give it another thought, she pushed herself forward; breaking herself away from the crowd so that she was instead shooting over the ground, and towards the tower, her smile never once fading from her features as she dropped her body to the ground, her feet leading the way as she slid underneath the thick metal beam in front of her, the young woman only moving again when she was close enough to reach up and take a hold of the rope ladder flying round in her direction; the daughter of Hephaestus focusing on using her upper body strength to pull herself up rung by rung as that part of the platform continued to spin her around, her Australian accent ringing out clear and strong for all to hear.

“Hahah..! Good luck everyone… you’re going to need it..!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Erin Marie Chase and Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: The Big House & The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Dionysus, and each other.

The sound of wood cracking apart beneath her feet filled the office of the camp’s director as her patience began to wear thin, and her frustration about the whole situation began to show in the expression she wore upon her face: disgust… pure unadulterated disgust.

The camp was filled with plenty of other demigods who would both volunteer, and do a much better job than she would; so why he’d chosen her was far beyond her comprehension.

“You’ve got to be kidding me..! I’m the daughter of the Underworld; not some bloody glorified babysitter..!” What it came down to was the fact that the camp’s director, Lord Dionysus, had it in for her- even after she chose to put up with his psychotic daughter. Ariana was nothing but a raving moron with mental issues; everyone knew it, but she was the only one who was brave enough to speak the truth, “You can’t just go a dump all the fresh meat on me whenever you don’t feel like doing you damn job..!”

“Actually… I can, Eirene; you see, as much as I hate being here looking after you lazy lot, this is my camp… and I’m the one who makes all the rules..! You’re on tour duty; so hop to it, or whatever it is that you kids do these days…”

“Oh, for the love of Zeus..! My name is not Eirene, and you know it..! I’m on the complete opposite side of the damn family to that snow freak..!” He didn’t even flinch as she brought her fists down onto the surface of the desk in front of him- it was clear that she was done with him and his stupid games. She had lived in camp for Gods knew how long; and each time, without fail, he’d gotten her name wrong; choosing instead to call her by the name of one of his many sisters who lived on Mount Olympus, “I’m not going to do it. The newbie is supposed to live in the Ares cabin, right..? So get Deon to greet them; you got that. I didn’t come to this stupid camp so that I could show every damn freshmen around like some tour guide. Next time, think about getting your psycho daughter to do it.”

“..Mr. Donovan is down at the obstacle tower along with the others; but I’m sure I can work something out… In the meantime, you’re really beginning to test my patience; watch your tongue, unless you wish for me to turn you into a pathetic little minno-...”

“Empty threats again, Mr. D..? You know, you really should take a page out of my father’s book…” Unable to help the way that her lips turned up in a rather threatening smirk, Erin leant her body forward, bringing herself closer to him over the desk as her eyes narrowed on his lazy figure lounging in his chair, “..if you’re going to threaten someone; make sure you can back it up.”

Not bothering to give him even the slimmest chance to respond, Erin turned on her heel, her long and wavy dark brown locks bouncing lightly over her back with each and every step that she took out of the office, and in turn, out of the big house; the fresh air of the camp washing over her as she continued to put space between her and the God- she didn’t care what he had to say… he could sit there and insult her for days, but it wasn’t going to change a thing.

The relationship between the two of them had never been a great one… her and the God both butting heads, and arguing almost every single time that they camp face-to-face. It was just a normal routine; and everyone in camp knew it too.

“..Erin..? H-How did it go..? Is he going to let us swap..? I know you don’t like having to greet the new campers…”

The sound of a familiar french accent filling the air caught her ears, causing Erin to turn her head so she was able to look over at the young girl who had spoken- the girl in question sitting ever so patiently on the edge of the porch with a small pup held delicately in her arms, exactly where she had left her when she had first entered the big house. She’d taken forever in there, thanks to her stupid uncle; damn Zeus took forever in there… But it was typical behavior of the girl… she was just too nice for her own good, and really, Erin couldn’t figure out whether or not she actually enjoyed sitting there waiting for her to return, “..you were here all this time..? Seriously, you’re too nice for your own good Syleste; grow some backbone will ya.”

Rolling her eyes, though unable to keep the small smile from flickering over her soft pink lips, Erin couldn’t help but to sigh softly before making her way down the steps, and over to where Syleste was sitting, her head tilting lightly to the side as she slipped her hands down into the back pockets of her black denim shorts, her gaze lingering upon the girl sitting in front of her before finally, she decided to answer her questions, “..the answer is no. The drunkard refuses to let me swap with you- but it doesn’t mean I didn’t get my way. He said he’d sort something out, so I’m not stuck as the damn welcoming committee today.”

“..well… that’s good isn’t it..?” Lifting herself up from where she had been sitting, Syleste’s lips turned up in a bright smile, her arms adjusting around the pup slightly so that she had a better hold over him, “It means that we can go down and cheer on the others at the tower..! At least, this way, you won’t be alone… and as a bonus; I get to spend time with my friend. Please..? Please can you come with me and Prince, Erin..?”

“If you want me to tag along and watch people getting beaten to a pulp, I’m not going to say no Syl- but the minute someone tries to get me to participate, I’m out of there, you got that..?”

Shoving her hands deeper into her pockets, Erin shrugged her shoulders lightly in response to the girl’s pleading, allowing herself to begin wandering away from the big house, being sure to drag her feet over the ground so that the noise would let Syleste know that they were now on the move to where the roar of the crowd was growing louder with each moment passed- from the sounds of it, apart from the few stragglers like the small group of six playing basketball on the court as they passed it by; the whole camp was watching as people ran like dogs, chasing their tails, and trying to fetch the disk at the top of the tower.

Truly, it was pathetic… but it was also quite amusing too.

Seeming to light up the moment Erin gave her the answer she’d been hoping to hear, Syleste hurried to catch up to where she could hear Erin’s footfalls, her own bare feet brushing lightly over the top of the grass causing a gentle tickle to rub over the souls of her feet, a single hand breaking away from around the pup so that she could lift it up, brushing some stray strands of her long and wavy bubblegum pink locks back and off her face, tucking them neatly behind her ear as she glanced over in the direction she could hear a ball being bounced against concrete.

“..I wonder what kind of camper we’re supposed to get today… I mean, I know they’re meant to be in the Ares cabin… but it-... it kinda gets lonely in my cabin sometimes…” Seeming to stare unseeingly at the guys playing basketball for a few moments, Syleste brought her arm back to rest around the small pup, her gaze lowering slightly as she once more focused on Erin’s steps, “..I love Connor; I really do. He looks after me, and always makes me smile, but… well, he’s my brother… I just-... I just get lonely sometimes because I’m the only girl… There are times I can’t talk to him… he understands enough- but he doesn’t understand everything…”

Unable to stop the scoff that slipped through her lips, Erin shook her head before closing the gap between them, her hand reaching out to brush softly against her friends out of habit- a sign that they were going to be stopping soon now that they were entering the area that held the tower, “I’ll pass on any new siblings- I happen to enjoy being alone and having a whole cabin to myself… unfortunately; I’m stuck with Marci… but if you really hate being the only girl in your cabin; go move in with the hot head. I’m sure Ky’ vie would just love having someone else to look after when she’s actually here…”

“Oh..! That could be so much fun..! We all have to have a sleepover soon- I’ve never had one of them before…”

Turning her gaze away from where Syleste stood happily bouncing up and down, and having clearly misunderstood what she had said, Erin rolled her eyes, a soft sigh falling out through her lips as she let her gaze wander about the stands until eventually, they came to a rest on two familiar figures sitting in the stands not too far from where they were stood- of course… they were in the stands again… When was he going to get over whatever it was he had, and actually give the tower a shot; it wasn’t like he didn’t have some skills… at least, he could tie his own shoelaces as far as she knew anyway.

Reaching her hand out again, Erin once more touched her hand to Syleste’s arm, leading her by the elbow over to where both Michael and Neisha were sitting, taking a place close to them while making sure that Syleste was on the inside, situated between herself and Michael- the way things looked on the tower, the infirmary was going to be busy… and for once, it wasn’t going to be because someone pissed her off.

However, if something happened to Syleste… Connor was going to rampage the camp… and not even she could stop him...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Deon Alexander

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Ky' vie Morgan, Ariana Watson and others around him.

Standing not too far from the fiery-redhead of Hephaestus and the fierce blonde of Dionysus, Deon chuckled quietly to himself, hearing their exchange. His earlier wager with Ariana, though innocent in the way she explained it to Ky' vie, went a lot deeper than that. But it was up to Ariana if she wanted to spout out that little tid-bit of information to her friends; either way, he was a winner. Either he was buying her any bottle of vodka she wanted (that he would use to his advantage to get something a bit more... pleasurable in return from her in her drunken state), or he would get the same results without the alcohol and loss to his bank account... though they would probably end up getting drunk anyway. So really, how could he complain? Granted, he figured any woman would be bursting at the seams to tell any and all about her inevitable hook-up with him, but to each was their own. And Ariana was certainly a different sort of woman. But it wasn't exactly a bad thing; she certainly could be quite the freak in the sheets and that made any girl good in his book, no matter how crazy they were.

Craning his neck to the left, and then the right, a series of loud cracks that went from his neck all the way down to the middle of his back could be heard. He had spent a good amount of time warming up his muscles (a couple beers in between exercises) and his focus was exactly where it needed to be. Moving his attention from the girls to the tower in front of him, Deon's steely-blue eyes narrowed on the structure. Today, he was going to make that damn tower his bitch. There was just one last thing he needed to do.

Carefully, one by one, Deon unfastened the buttons on his blue, cotton-fabric shirt and peeled it off of his body, one arm at a time. He crumpled the fabric together in a sort of ball before tossing it aside, subconsciously (or not) flexing his toned muscles that had been exposed to the gleaming sunlight. Feeling a couple of eyes on him (really, who could blame them?), Deon turned to meet his gaze with a younger camper, probably around sixteen or so, that Deon didn't particularly remember seeing before. Maybe she was new, maybe she had been around for years, Deon didn't know, nor did he particularly care as she was very plain at best. But he indulged by giving her a smug smile and ran his fingers through his dark hair before pointing at her and giving her a slight wink. He never even got the poor girl's reaction as he was already running towards the tower, laughing.

“Hahah..! Good luck everyone… you’re going to need it..!”

Turning his attention to Ky' vie, he instead turned his laughter to her, his eyes rolling a bit before shaking his head.

"I don't need luck when I've got a hundred and seventy pounds of pure skill, baby. But you keep riding that luck thing. Maybe it'll even buy you dinner first one day."

With very little effort, Deon vaulted himself over the thick, metal bars that surrounded the tower and headed for the first rope ladder his eyes landed on. Ducking his head just in time to miss the rotating beams between the ladders, Deon then used the strength of his legs to jump up as far as he could before his hands fastened onto a rung. However, the ladder wasn't completely unoccupied.

Deon squeezed himself by the occupant he couldn't for the life of him remember. He was younger, definitely, and a bit on the scrawny side. Really, he had no business in trying his hand at the obstacle tower - his failure was more than clear to him.

"Out of the way, you little shit." Deon used the boy's head as an extra little push with his hand, followed by using his shoulder as a boost with his foot.

The rope ladder was easy. The climbing wall... well... that was another matter. A lot of potential winners lost the entire game because of the damn thing. There were foot and hand holds everywhere, but they moved. Someone could easily push forward one of the holds, making it suddenly appear on the other side and hitting another opponent. On the reverse side, a hold could be pulled out from someone without any warning.

Deon lifted himself up through one of the holes that allowed him access to the platform before the climbing wall. He took a moment or two to analyze it, trying to discern the quickest way to the top. There were others already having a go at it, and failing. He watched as two campers in particular fought over the same foot hold, only for it to be pulled out from under them, forcing them to fall to the platform and through the hole he had just come up and out of. It was only then that he realized that (somehow) Ariana was beside him and rewarded her with a smile.

"I changed my mind, Miami. I don't think you'll last one minute." he challenged with a smirk. Meeting her ass with his hand in a hard slap, Deon then lunged at the wall, taking whatever holds he could manage and began his ascent.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alan Carpenter

Location: The Basketball Court; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Others around him.

Taking a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow with the forefront of his hand, Alan cleared his nose, trying to get in a good breath. Although the basketball court was a fair distance away from the obstacle tower, the sound of it all reached his ears just as if he were sitting in the stands with the majority of the other campers. He had attempted the tower a good handful of times since being at camp. Hell, he had gotten close to winning a few times when Ky' vie wasn't playing for some reason. It was just... too much. The noise, the spectators, the pressure...

Alan preferred a much more laid back approach to things - things on a smaller scale that didn't have so much showboating. Alan didn't need all that to know that he was a good athlete, or to prove that he was any better than someone else. He knew who he was in his heart, and that was okay by him. Once he had tried using his shoes to just fly to the top of the tower and retrieve the ring - Mr. D. didn't think it was too funny.

So since then, Alan made an effort to stick to the sidelines, or away from the tower altogether and work on other things. He shared the same sentiment with a few others in camp - enough to make a three on three men's basketball team. Shirts vs. skins, the teams changed all the time. But it was here that Alan could just have fun for having fun's sake. Here, he didn't have to worry about anything other than maybe a cute little wager made at the beginning of the game every so often. Boys will be boys.

Alan's attention went from trying to catch his breath to looking over his shoulder, back at the obstacal tower. Something big must have happened, because the noise had doubled tenfold, almost making him raise his hands to his ears to save them from rupturing. Though curious as he was, Alan was perfectly content playing a friendly ball game with his friends, and getting in some good exercise to boot.

These little games that the camp had going - the obstacle tower for instance - always showed favor to one house, one way or another. The obstacle tower was designed for the physically fit and cunning of mind. Ares, Hephaestus, Artemis, Tyche (by an unfair default) and hell, maybe sometimes the Eris cabin would excel greatly at it, leaving the other cabins such as Iris and Demeter who had nothing physically or exceptionally calculating going for them. There was capture the flag, which let some of the "littler" guys do some shining, but again, it always seemed to boil down to brute strength. Deon was a perfect example of that. He had more wins than anyone else in camp - then again, he had also been in camp the longest. Chariot races were fun, but again, not for everyone.

Perhaps the most fair activity that showed no favoritism towards any certain cabin was the trial of dreams. Though it didn't happen very often, it was perhaps the one activity Alan made sure he was a part of every chance he got. There was just something about it - the fairness, the unknown, the entirely whimsical aspect of it all... Syleste was an excellent camper to help run the exercise. Perhaps the most disadvantaged of them all given her blindness, she yet still found a way to become something within the camp. Really, a lot of people needed to give her more credit than she was given. Over a hundred campers, and Syleste was hands down the bravest one he had ever met.

Well... "met" wasn't exactly the best word to describe it. He had been at camp for a handful of years now, summers mostly, and he still hadn't been able to actually speak with her. It wasn't that he wasn't given the opportunity, he just felt sort of... intimidated by her. He'd never admit it to anyone, if asked - he knew the kind of flack he'd get for something so stupid. But there was just something about her that made him pause (not to mention make his cheeks turn a soft shade of pink).

Brought out of his thoughts by the ball getting passed over to him to start a new game, Alan shook his head and smiled to his friends, finding his two fellow shirtless teammates and began the game. He was fast, the fastest in the camp to his knowledge thanks to the ability of speed handed down to him by his father. But just like in the games, rules about "no flying shoes" and "no going supersonic" were implied, so he played as anyone else would. In hindsight, the whole thing was rather unfair. In capture the flag, it was perfectly okay for someone like Deon to use their birth-given abilities to manipulate weapons or use their battle prowess to help them get the edge - but Zeus forbid he use his shoes to fly to the top of an obstacle tower.

He was so ready for the next trial of dreams.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcel Gates

Location: The Hades Cabin; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Her pet pig, Bacon.

The sound of running water filled the the small room as Marcel sat sideways on the lip of the bath, adding some soap to the stream to make a small amount of bubbles of the surface of the water in the tub. In the meantime, a tiny black piglet about the size of a cantelope was squealing excitedly, it's little sprial tail wagging back and forth as it maneuvered between her legs, occasionally pausing to try and jump up her leg in an effort to get attention. Stooping to the side a bit, Marcel finally awarded her teacup pig with a light scratch on the head before she scooped it up under the belly and placed him in the shallow, bubbly water.

The sounds were amplified, the color of the soapy water much more prominent - like rainbow oil sliding against each other with a snap crackle pop sound as millions of the tiny bubbles all popped at once. But it was as though time had slowed, and she could hear each and every one in rapid succession. Her head was light, and the room was spinning a bit - not enough to make her sick, but enough for her to feel as though the problems weighing down on her shoulders meant absolutely nothing. Drugs were wonderful. Whether it be by pill, liquid, needle or powder, they always seemed to take that constant edge off of her day-to-day life. At least... it used to. Shit. She couldn't remember the last time she was sober.

Erin was gone, finally. Marcel definitely preferred having the cabin all to herself. It wasn't a matter of space, or anything - she was used to getting locked into closets for hours at a time when she was younger. It was more the fact of privacy. She enjoyed being alone; well, from other human beings, anyway. The company of her teacup pig, bacon, and her egyptian fruit bat, Bruce, was all the company she could ever want and stand.

Bacon used his snout to scoop up some soapy water and tried to flick it at Marcel. Twitching a sort of smile, Marcel gently used her hand to scoop up some water and in return, splashed him back. Bacon squealed, trotting around in small circles in the water before attempting to get back at her once more. A very soft chuckle came from Marcel's throat before she used her hand to scoop up some more of the soapy water and applied it to the pig, rubbing it into his hair and lathered it into his skin. It was a strange thought - pigs having hair. But when wet, Marcel could style his hair just as she would style hers sometimes. Though it was flat today, she began to maneuver his hair around so that his entire back consisted of one very thin, black mohawk that ran all down his spine before ending at his curly little tail.

Washing her pig, Marcel let her thoughts drift. She had to be at the obstacle tower soon - there was supposed to be some sort of announcement given to the whole camp and while Marcel was more than happy to just remain in her cabin for the rest of the day, drawing or reading a book, her absense would definitely be noted. Sighing, Marcel reached into her pocket with her dry hand and pulled a cigarette from a carton before putting the carton back into her pocket. Perching the cigarette between her lips, she searched her opposite pocket for a lighter and lit it, stuffing it back into her black skinny jeans and took a few good puffs. Her opposite hand continued to wash Bacon, ridding him of the small mohawk to ensure that he was clean everywhere.

"Alright. C'mon. Short one today. I got places to be, you little sausage link." Much to the disdain of Bacon, Marcel rinsed him off quickly and picked him up from the tub and set him on the ground on a towel. Keeping her cigarette held between her lips, she stood up and bent over, picking up the towel with Bacon in it and swaddled him tightly, rubbing each side to give him a quick dry before she set him back down and let him loose.

The pig looked as though he had been struck by lightning the way his hair was standing up in every which way, the sight in itself causing a rare smile to spread softly over Marcel's lips. Bacon turned a quick circle and came back to Marcel, hopping up and putting his two front hoofs on her shin.

"I know. I know. C'mon. I can't move with you trying to trip me up every half second." Marcel moved her feet, guiding the little piglet out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where Marcel retrieved a small treat out of a jar and fed it to him. "You be good. I'll be back in a bit. And I swear to Hades if you shit in Erin's room again..." Marcel tried to hide a smile forming in the corner of her lip. "you'll be breakfast tomorrow."

Not exactly waiting for a reply, Marcel turned around and grabbed her black and grey thin jacket, slipping her bony fingers through the arms and pulled up the hood around her head. Exiting the cabin that was shared only by she and her half-sister and three animals, Marcel began the (slow) walk to the obstacle tower, puffing on her cigarette as she did. God she hated crowds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Niesha and Michael

Niesha looked up at the tower, a little preoccupied. Over the years, she and her brother, Michael, had had plenty of time to study the construct, to figure it out, and to come up with a plan to beat it. She had a good feeling that maybe this year, she could do it. Living in the camp since their 16th year, Niesha had a good appreciation for challenges, and wasn’t too phased about what the tower had to offer- they’d experienced quite a bit in the camp over the years, and Niesha had learned that being able to adapt was perhaps the most important thing in the camp. You never knew what was going to happen, and therefore you always needed to be prepared.

What else would you expect, from a child, or children of Athena?

Since coming to camp, Niesha couldn’t remember ever being happier. This just seemed so much easier here, where they could read everything in ancient Greek, and the words just stayed like they should be. It had been rather difficult growing up outside of camp, although both twins had managed to get good grades. Part of that had been thir father, patient and willing, he had helped them figure out ways to study that would help them thrive. Remembering that, Niesha couldn't help but smile, and in those memories, she could see how their mother would have liked them. She thought back on the days before coming to camp, with both sadness and happiness.

She had never told her brother, but when she’d seen, and taken in the small white owlet, Hope, she had taken it as a sign from their mother that things would work out.

Both Michael and Niesha had been fascinated with how things worked out, how they were built, since they were little kids. They'd never just build normal block towers, but brilliant ones, creating buildings and towers of them. Michael and herself had often drawn designs for their own city, the two of them working together in perfect harmony, yet Niesha often said, Michael was better at design then her. It was his passion, and one of the things he was truly brilliant at.

Returning her attention to the obstacle tower, she began to watch the contestants, sighing as she realised that Michael was more interested in keeping Moe, his gigantic dog, under control. While they both had a go at the course, Michael never saw it as a competition, preferring not to go out of his way to try it. Finally, she said softly, "You could do that, you know" AS her brother merely looked up from Moe, and shrugged, Niesha knew that he was going to try and weasley his way out of it. "Just because you can do something, Nes, doesn't mean that you have to do it" there was a curious quality to Michael. He never stuttered with her, yet put him face to face with someone else, anyone else, and he sounded like a CD player that jumped about. Niesha gave another small sigh, she adored her brother, but sometimes she wished he'd see things differently. "Besides, why show off? I'd prefer to let the other campers underestimate me. That way, when it's important, I can well and truly shine"

Michael smiled, and Niesha couldn’t help but return it, still, Niesha wanted to try and get her brother to do more things like this, even if her brother was content to be mediocre at camp, she knew he was so much more. "Mikey... you're brilliant. Sometimes I wish you'd see that, and let others see it too" Michael however gave a shrug, falling silent and returning his attention to Moe. He wasn't fooling Niesha, though, who knew that he was actively paying attention to everything around them.

With yet another sigh, Niesha looked about, at their fellow campers. There were familiar faces, and like always, new ones too. Niesha pondered for a moment, wondering if any of them would be joining the Athena cabin, and if so, what would they be like? She supposed they'd see, later. Letting her eyes roam across the crowd, she kept half her attention on her brother. Maybe it wasn’t about motivating him to impress the camp, but motivating him to impress one certain individual.

”Michael… what if you didn’t do the course for you, but someone else?” She said a little slyly. ”Come on, Mikey, have a go” She said, nudging him and giving him a bright, innocent smile, ”You might like what happens”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Despite the excitement, the noise and the presence of so many people, Pierre found himself almost dozing, the warm sun inviting and the general content atmosphere flowing over him in a way that was just too irresistible, to him at least. Of course, it might have helped if he had actually slept the night before, which he hadn’t, lured away from dream land by the by books, and the presence of a new scroll borrowed from the Athena cabin. He had spent hours pouring over the words, coming to his own conclusions, writing his own notes, and only seemed to realise that it was nearly morning when songbirds had managed to distracted him from what he was doing, and a whiny pup begging for play.

Leaning forward, Pierre let out a yawn, trying and failing to stifle it, a satisfying sound escaping him as he stretched, and tried to turn his attention to what was going on around him. The trouble of being a child of Morpheus, was that sleep had a rather pleasant lure to you. Which, in the end, didn’t bother Pierre. He rather liked sleep. Chuckling to himself, he shifted again, his lap free from Prince, who he had left asleep in the cabin. Although it wouldn’t surprise him to see Syleste with the dog, the forever pup was always being lured away by Syleste, both of them generally falling asleep together.

When Pierre had found Prince, it seemed like a rather perfect combination. The husky-pom mix would always be a small dog, easy to carry around and with a lovely nature, he had seemed perfect for himself, and Syleste. Most of the time, Pierre left Prince at camp with Syleste, if he left the grounds. Even now, he wasn’t too sure whether he did that so there’d be someone to keep Syleste company, or that there’d be someone to watch over Prince.

Turning his wandering attention back to the course and what was going on, Pierre studied the course, noting the challengers that were already coming up. Like always, the course was a challenge and you always had to be ready for the unexpected. Over the years, Pierre had tried the course on more than one occasion, and he had studied his opponents every time, he had come to figure out how they did what they did. Eventually, he figured that he could learn how to beat them. It had been a couple of years since he had tried the course, and he figured this year, he had a good shot at winning.

He rose, starting towards the course just as Ky’ vie flung herself at it, already starting. Amused, Pierre made his way towards the tower, not in any particular hurry. The young man knew his own strengths, and weaknesses, and hurrying would get him nowhere. Still, as she shouted out her luck to the group, Pierre chuckled. ”Luck is only useful if you have the skill to back it up” he said, more to himself than anyone else, as he ducked the beam, and towards the rope ladder, using his height to his advantage and skipping several rungs of the ladder.

If you had something useful, then you should use it, Pierre had learned, especially in this sort of thing. So Pierre had no shame in using his height to his advantage.

He might just have a good shot at this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The dark haired young woman walked towards the obstacle course, a bag over her shoulder that seemed rather heavy, yet she didn’t have any issues carrying it. Reaching up to brush her dark hair back, Kalinda, daughter of Apollo quickened her steps, hurrying to get to the obstacle course before it could begin.While Kalinda wouldn’t be undertaking the course- she hadn’t ever undertaken it, preferring instead to watch. The young woman didn’t like to show off in such a way, and she was more suited to the healing side of things. If some of the campers injured themselves (It wouldn’t be the first time), she would be there to make sure they lived (If they were stupid enough to get seriously hurt)., and to do her job.

She brushed her hair back behind her ears, she picked up her pace. Ever since coming to camp, Kalinda hadn’t left it. It had been her choice. The months leading up to her decision to become a full time camper hadn’t been the best of Kalinda’s life, in fact they had been one of the most trying, frustrating and worst times off her life. Becoming a full time camper had giving her a chance to regain who she was, but she wouldn’t be lying if she said she was terrified to go back outside the camp. Not that she had told that to anyone. Choosing to stay in camp was her decision, and it didn’t need to be anyone else’s approval.

Sighing to herself, Kalinda knew that that wasn’t true, but the thing was… she had people here, people that she cared about, and she felt… safer here. Better here. She knew she couldn’t hide away in the camp forever. But today was not the day that she would be going outside the camp grounds. She trotted across the grounds, looking ahead, seeing the looming obstacle course, and the building crowd of campers, the noise increasing as she got closer.

Over her time as a camper, Kalinda had become accustomed to the noise they could all make, and it was a rather comforting feeling. She smiled to herself, continuing on her way, finding somewhere to sit where she could easily be ready to help any campers if they got injured. She was also looking out for Ariana, knowing that she had to get her to take her required medication. Kalinda liked to maintain a schedule for giving Ariana her medications- that way, she’d always be ready, but often this wasn’t the case. So, Kainda had taken to carrying the medication around, ready for Ariana. It was just about making the girl take the, which was never easy.

One day, Kalinda would figure out a way of her never having to take the medication again. There was also a cure. You just had to find the way. She would. Forcing Ariana to take her medication, was never something Kalinda liked, and she knew that Ariana didn’t either. Sighing to herself, Kalinda turned her attention to the obstacle course, and the participants getting ready to begin, Ky’ vie already leaping into action. Looks like the games were about to begin. Kalinda leaned back, content to watch the games begin.

As she sat, Chaos the ferret crawled out of her pocket and into her lap, dancing about and chittering in what could only be described as a demand for attention, and Kalinda snapped her up,, snapping on her leash. The primary reason was so she wouldn't get lost, as the last time that had happened, Kalina had had to search high and low for the furry tube sock, only to find Chaos nestled happily on a sleeping Aphrodite girl's chest. t had been... fun trying to get the ferret without watching the girl, and then having to explain why she was essentially feeling her up while the ferret had chittered madly, clearly laughing at her. She wasn't keen to have that experience again.

Chaos certainly lived up to her name, the ferret always seeming to get into trouble, and kalinda was distracted a moment as Chaos scampered about, unconcerned about her bothering any of the campers. Not that that ever seemed to be an issue, Chaos was just too cute, and the smart ferret used that to her advantage. Watching the fuzzy tube sock, Kalinda was unconcerned with what was going on around her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Imogen had yet to leave her cabin, the young girl looking around the tidy, if a little bit disorganised room. Her seamonkeys, a little inside joke. What pet would the child of a Poseidon have? A horse, a sea creature? Hell, even a goldfish. No, Imogen had sea monkeys, the little creatures seemed to thrive under her careful care, and Imogen prided herself on looking after them. Checking on the small creatures, in their tank she smiled. Sometimes, she just came into her cabin to watch them, they were such peaceful creatures, and really undervalued, under appreciated.

Humming to herself, Imogen rose, and grabbed her bag, the gentle trickle of water ever present in the Poseidon cabin, and a musical harmony to the young girl. Imogen smiled to herself. The cabin was ever peaceful, a retreat from the other campers when things got a little bit too much for her, the only other resident her half brother. Well, perhaps not even that. The way the gods worked, there were no blood ties despite having the same father. Still, to imogen, Noel- or Dunbar, as he seemed to prefer to be called- was her brother. It was oddly comforting to have someone who was going through the same things as her, to help her with her abilities, and generally just to have someone to come back to in the cabin, even if they had separate rooms. .

Decided that she had lingered enough already, Imogen gave a small sigh and started towards the obstacle tower, taking her time, not in any rush. In her eight years being in the camp, Imogen had rarely participated in the tradition, finding that she was often surpassed, simply because she didn’t wish to be the center of attention. She was sure if she put her mind to it, she could win, she could beat the others, and for a few minutes, she thought on trying it out this year. Just to see what she could do. She knew that she had to push herself to do things, to try things out, but.. She didn’t want people watching her.

Biting her lip, Imogen continued to walk, the thoughts rolling around in her mind over and over again, soon reaching the obstacle, not entirely sure how she had gotten there so fast, but then she had been in her own little world. Looking up at the tower, Imogen teetered on the edge of a decision, to go complete the tower, or go sit on the stands. She looked up at the tower, seeing that others were already beginning to climb the monstrosity. What did she have to lose, if she had a go at it? Her gaze flickered to the stands, where she could just slip away unnoticed.

Did she want to be unnoticed, anymore? That was the difficult question, one she found herself unable to answer. Had she been stationary too long? Maybe it was time to change things up. Before she could change her mind, Imogen made her way over to the obstacle course, reaching the starting point, looking up at the few campers that had already began for a second, and before she could waiver, she ducked under the beam, her heart beating fast already at what she was doing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Hawley Griffin

Location:Hermes Cabin; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With:Gustavo the Mouse

"Should see if we can get one of the Hecate kids to make you talk..." Hawley Griffin spoke aloud, more to himself than anyone else, eyes locked onto the small white-and-brown mouse occupied with nibbling on a cashew held securely in its tiny paws. "That'd be interesting, wouldn't you think? Egh...Maybe not, you might be a real bastard." Griffin stroked the mouse's head gently with his index finger, smirking softly at Gustavo.

Even within the confines of his Cabin, the whoops and cheers from the Obstacle Tower penetrated the aging wooden walls, prompting Griffin's smile to turn into a grimace of indignation. In years past, Griffin would've probably attempted to climb the tower, himself, with a not-insignificant chance at winning. But the obstacle course quickly became the Ares kids' playground, and while Griffin would pay good money to wipe Deon's shit-eating grin from off his face, it just wasn't worth the effort.

"Might as well go see the action, eh? Maybe someone'll get knocked into a coma again." Rising to his feet, Griffin outstretched his palm, waiting for Gustavo to hop in his hand, where he was promptly perched upon his shoulder, Griffin's second-in-command.

Grabbing a pair of aviator sunglasses from around his shirt collar, Griffin spent a moment examining himself in the mirror, giving a subtle half-shrug in response to his appearance, deeming it at least acceptable.

Facing the bright morning sun, Griffin planted both hands firmly in his jacket pockets, strolling down the winding trail that led from the cabins to the heart of camp, following the noise like a marker. Strolling by the basketball court with a certain jump to his step, Griffin cocked his head sideways, catching a glimpse of his 'baby' brother in the middle of a basketball game with a few other like-minded demigods who didn't want to get their faces smashed in for fun.

"Oi! Be sure to keep your pants on, too, will you, love?" Griffin called out to Alan, grinning from ear to ear before giving a cheeky salute and continuing on his way, not bothering to wait for any reply. Having grown up without any siblings before going to Camp, Griffin had rather tackled head-on the role of teasing big brother, always ready to jab or poke at his innumerable siblings over something or other. But there was a camaraderie to it, in the end. The children of the Hermes Cabin were arguably among the most united and loyal to one another, and Griffin had proudly led them to victory in uncountable prank wars against other cabins over the years.

Continuing down the trail, Griffin could spot the winding obstacle tower in the far distance, groaning and roaring its mechanical noise as if in testament to its mighty power against the campers. Griffin kept walking, not stopping until he was at the bleachers, not bothering to find a seat, content with leaning up against the metal framework to watch the action from the ground. Deon, Ky' vie, Ariana, that was expected. But, what was that, Pierre and Imogen taking a crack at it as well? Griffin raised a brow in bemused intrigue. Pierre could hardly conquer a pillow fort, let alone the Obstacle Tower. And Imogen was much like the same. Scoffing, Griffin cocked his head down to look at Gustavo, who had finished his cashew and was looking at his paws as if in wonder to where it went. "Poor buggers are gonna die out there. Damn shame, Immy's a cute one."

Shrugging again (to the chagrin of the mouse still perched atop it), Griffin watched with a newfound interest he felt he shouldn't have, wondering if Ky would manage to hold onto her victory streak this go round. Between the campers in the Hermes, Tyche, and Nike Cabins, Griffin was a few hundred dollars deep in the betting pool, and he was ready to break even.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alan Carpenter

Location: The Basketball Court > The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Others around him.

Cheers from his two teammates could be heard as Alan came back down from holding onto the basketball rim, having successfully dunked the ball for a fourth time that day, putting his team in the lead. Laughing, Alan met with the other two in an exchange of fist bumps and hand slaps, getting a few pats on the back as the other team got ready to set up the next set. The three of them got into position, guarding one shirted camper each, and the game was back in play. The ball was thrown in bounds, caught by the other team who dribbled and juked around his guard to go for the hoop, however Alan's tall and lanky stature blocked him from a good shot and instead passed the ball to the third teammate. Reaching a hand out, Alan intercepted the ball and passed it to one of his team members. Spinning around in a half-circle to get a better look at the scene before him, a blur of bubblegum pink infiltrated his peripheral vision on the left side.

Pausing, Alan turned his head to see Syleste, accompanied by Erin, walking past them towards the obstacle tower. Syleste was hugging a rather fluffy puppy in her arms - Pierre's dog. He, like most everyone else, was more than likely at the obstacle tower already. He understood why Syleste would want to go, but Erin? Like Marcel, she seemed kind of closed off to those sorts of things unless she was in a mood to watch everyone get beat up and make utter fools out of themselves. Maybe she really was that good of a friend to Syleste to make sure that she got there safely. But then... why did Erin look more pissed off than usual?

Then Syleste turned her head in his direction. He knew she couldn't see, but it was as though she were looking right at him. His heart-rate increased and it suddenly became quite hard to swallow. He was in the process of raising his hand to wave (gods only knew why he'd wave to a blind girl) before the left side of his face was met with a sudden jolt of pain. The basketball had been passed to him, but he had been so distracted, it hit him in the face instead, bouncing off of his sweaty skin where the opposite team was able to recover and go in for a simple layup, once more putting them in the lead. Shouts of protest and annoyance from his team could be heard, but Alan simply shrugged his shoulders and sheepishly rubbed his cheek where it was growing rather red.

"Oi! Be sure to keep your pants on, too, will you, love?"

Alan's attention was once more forced away from his friends as his half-brother, Hawley, walked by - obviously headed to the obstacle tower as well. He gave a light laugh though the young man wasn't at all sure whether he was talking about the fact that he was playing basketball shirtless, or something more of a perverted nature in dealing with his obvious-crush-to-everyone-else on Syleste.

That's when he remembered.

"Oh hey! Guys! Mr. D wanted us all to get to the obstacle tower before someone won, remember? He's got an announcement, or something." Alan walked over to the side of the court and retrieved his shirt he had laying on the bench before he slipped it on over his body, the sweat he had accumulated making it stick to him like a second skin in some places, but there wasn't much he could do about that for the moment. He'd get in a shower after the whole announcement thing, and a change of clothes.

There was a groan coming from the other five, but Alan just gave them a soft smile.

"I know, but this doesn't happen very often. It's gotta be something kind of important for him to want to talk to us." he chuckled before waving for them to follow. He had never thought of himself as a leader, but the five other players (two of them having to get their shirts on), while grumbling, followed after him.

Once they arrived, the six split up and went their separate ways, Alan spotting Syleste's bright pink hair a mile away. He couldn't just go and sit next to her though, could he? Shaking his head, Alan walked to the other side of the stands and walked where Hawley had ended up. He gave him a small nod of acknowledgement before crossing his arms over his chest and watched the rest of the game play out.

Ky' vie was at it again, dominating the obstacle tower like it was second nature. But then again, Deon, ever the asshole, was looking like he just might pull through, somehow. Pierre, Ariana and Imogen were all giving it everything they had, which he could commend given the situation, and found himself rooting for Pierre - if only just to have something get under Deon's skin. That would be something worth watching.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Simon Riddle

Location:Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood
Interacting With: Michael, Niesha, Erin, Syleste

”Come on, Mikey, have a go. You might like what happens!”

"...Mm, I doubt it." Simon Riddle's voice cut through the conversation like sewing scissors through silk. Seemingly appearing out of thin air besides the quartet of demigods, Simon crouched down to a seating position next to Niesha, shifting weight off his bad leg in a pose that could only be described as lopsided.

Hiding his eyes behind a pair of purple-tinted round-framed sunglasses, Simon attempted a smile - the operative word being attempted. "The Tower's not the real obstacle of the challenge, it's the opponents. Kairi and Damon see this as a head-to-head, not a free-for-all. Any of us'd be torn apart in the crossfire. Best to stay out of it until you have the upper hand, hm? Besides, getting a wooden peg rammed into your face isn't as funny as it looks; one bad slip off could cause permanent damage, wouldn't want that..." Simon seemed to ramble on, his expression contorting to one of concentrated intrigue, as if inwardly trying to complete the train of thought he had inadvertently created.

"I heard..." Simon began, apparently growing bored with his own thoughts, "Through the grapevine, that there's supposed to be some sort of big announcement going on today. Don't ask me what. Call it a lucky guess or perhaps...intuition." At that last word, Simon reached within the pocket of his coat to remove a single tarot card - the Magician. "I'm a fan of irony most times, I identify with my ilk." Simon explained, answering an unspoken question, appearing all but totally disinterested in the mad whoops and hollers of the other campers mixed in with the cheers, battle cries, and yells of pain from those participating in the Tower.

"Oh! Where are my manners, excuse me." Leaning forward to look past Niesha and Michael, Simon flashed another 'smile' in the direction of Erin and Syleste. "Good morning, Erica-- Erin; good morning, Syleste. Odd seeing you two here, but I suppose odder things have happened, no?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ky' vie Morgan

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Pierre Nioré (@Caits), and Deon Alexander (@YoshiSkittlez).

“..don’t get too comfortable, Pierre; still a long way to the top, mate..!”

The sound of her Australian accent floating down the tower towards guy in question, Ky took a hold of the wood, pulling herself up onto the platform, her muscles tensing as she worked them, wasting not even a moment as she made her move, her body twisting and her hands both reaching out to take a hold of the grips, using them to hoist herself up just in time as one of the batons came swinging by; flying underneath her legs as she turned her head, her brilliant metallic silver eyes scanning the tower around her. Everyone on the tower… they were tough competitors… and majority of them were regulars too.

Webster… Elaina… Joshua- they were always there, competing in the games along with a few of the others. The obstacle tower was no exception to that rule. Pierre on the other hand… it wasn’t often that she got to compete against him; but whenever she did, it was usually because he wanted to have a bit of fun, or to test out one of his many theories… not that they seemed to work out; it was usually a fifty-fifty chance. Not that it really mattered much to her…

Pierre she could handle… no; there were others out there that were higher on her radar.

Deon Alexander… son of Ares, and her biggest competitor in everything that was put to the camp. The obstacle course, capture the flag, the chariot races- hell, even quests. She didn’t know what it was; but when it came to competing against each other, there was no mercy… always at one another in everything that they did; neither of them giving the other a moment of peace to enjoy their place at the top…

As soon as one of them was there, they had to push themselves; fighting tooth and nail against the other in order to keep their position before they were knocked off, being forced to do it all over again.

It was just good... friendly... healthy competition… well, at least most of the time anyway…

She could see him… on the opposite side of the tower, and clearly staying neck and neck with her the whole damn climb. Couldn’t he ever get over his stupid, moronic… egotistical bullheadedness for once in his goddamn life, and just give her a bloody break already..?

“I don’t need luck when I’ve got a hundred and seventy pounds of pure skill, baby. But you keep riding that luck thing. Maybe it’ll even buy you dinner first one day.”

By the Gods, he was such a dick.

Unable to help the way her eyes rolled at his quip, Ky’ vie’s bright red lips parted ever so slightly from one another in concentration as she continued to scale the wall, her gaze flicking about causing a knowing smirk to play over as she once more caught sight of Deon through one of the open squares that led through to the other side of the tower, a soft chuckle slipping into the air as she shot her hand out, taking a firm grip over one of the poles before she paused… waiting until the right time until finally, she pulled, using her strength to rip the beam out from under his foot.

“Ha..! Ya say it like it’s a bad thing..! Anythin’ is better than bein’ stuck next ta your ugly mug for dinner.”

It wasn’t a secret… one wrong move on the tower, and you could go tumbling back down to the ground like so many others before them. It was always a possibility- to have one of the poles ripped out from under your foot… or out of your hand from the other side- it was the downfall of many a camper who thought themselves cocky, or better than the rest of them…

So perfect for people like Deon…

But now was her chance; and she couldn’t afford to waste anymore time… not if she wanted to keep her winning streak going.

Forcing her mind to focus on the task at hand, Ky once more began to climb, quickly working to close the gap between her and the last part of the tower; she scrunched up her face as she grabbed hold of the platform, both her stomach and arm muscles tensing as she lifted herself up, taking the tiniest of pauses to catch her breath and to calm her adrenaline filled heart before she was on the move again, her attention lifting so that she could carefully watch the last challenge.

Typical… while she was spinning one way, the last thing standing between her and victory was a platform spinning quickly in the other direction…

Shaking her head lightly from side to side, a soft though ever obvious smirk played over her beautiful features, her feet kicking off from the ground as she forced herself up, reaching out with her arms so that she could grab hold of the platform above, her muscles once more tensing as she hoisted her body up, her leg bending and her foot hitting the top of the platform to help as finally, she dragged herself up; barely giving herself half a chance to catch her breath as she lunged forward, her hand shooting out to clasp tightly around the golden disk before finally, she yanked it back towards her, forcing it out of the helmet, and back into her possession.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Bexley Leahy

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Simon, Erin, Syleste, Michael, Niesha.

Bexley sauntered up to the crowd of people that were surrounding the obstacle course in the seeming ritual of the camp. The Obstacle Tower, one of many challenges in this camp that pit camper against camper for entertain of others with the very real stake of severe injury. Bexley had partaken in the whole shebang a couple of times, usually managing to scale a large portion of it prior to being knocked down or managing to stay on just long enough for Ky'vie to win. Now, Bexley wasn't a sore loser but something about someone being undefeated for years kind of took the fun out of trying at all.

She adjusted her hood as she watched people get flung about and the children of Apollo race about to pick them up and deal with whatever mess of injury the person had. She wondered what it felt like to have that kind of obligation to the campers around you, chasing after them just so you could bandage them up so they could turn around and run back into battle. Ultimately, it was probably a good trait and a valuable skill but Bexley would be lying if she said she wished she had it. She turned away from the tower and walked over to a group of spectators. Erin Marie Chase, daughter of Hades was among them... Erin was probably currently the closest thing that Bexley had to a friend. When Bex arrived Erin was, begrudgingly, assigned to teaching Bexley to read. This relationship didn't exactly make them the best of friends, as they each had their frustrations with the other, but it was safe to say that if anyone tried to mess with one of them the other would probably be there to kick their ass. She slid into an open spot next to Erin with little greeting to anyone as she caught the end of the passing conversation. She looked at Simon, "Is it really odd to see them here when we were all instructed to be here?" She held her gaze on him for a moment before she turned her attention back to the obstacle course in time to see Ky'vie summit the tower.

Bexley pursed her lips, puffing her cheeks out slightly, as she watched. To be honest, Bexley was kind of hoping someone would have ended the winning streak of Ky'vie, not because of any disdain toward the girl. In fact, Bex was inspired by how hard Ky'vie worked and would be quick to admit that she was a little in awe of the older girl. However, her winning yet again had been expected and Bexley had been hoping for something a little more interesting this time around. Oh well really, she thought as she drummed her hands against her thighs, releasing the air from her cheeks. Maybe, just maybe, the coming announcement would prove to be a little more shocking.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Erin Marie Chase and Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: The Big House & The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Michael Stevenson and Niesha Stevenson (@Caits), Simon Riddle (@Ghost Shadow), and Bexley Leahy (@tsubasa).

“..I think you could do really well at the tower, Michael…”

Having sat for no more than just a few short moments, Syleste felt a large mass colliding with her body; the large, and rather excited ball of fur and drool pressing into her causing her eyes to widen as the canine began to paw and bark, demanding for her full attention, even if she wasn’t willing to give it to him, “..M-Moe..! Be-... Be careful, boy..!”

“Argh..!” Scrunching her face up in disgust as the canine began his assault, Erin couldn’t help but to voice her frustration; the obviously unimpressed sound falling out through her soft lips as she used both of her hands to roughly shove at the big lovable lump, forcing him off of her body, and closer to Syleste before she leant forward, shooting a glare over in Michael’s direction, “Control your mutt..!”

“..E-Erin… please don’t be so mean… besides…” Biting down softly upon her lower lip, Syleste paused for a moment before she lifted a single hand away from Prince, her body leaning over slightly as she reached out towards the larger dog, her hand met with his soft fur as she began to lightly scratch at the top of his head, causing his tail to whip back and forth even faster than it had been moments beforehand, “..Moe doesn’t mean any harm… he’s such a sweetheart…”

“Oh! Where are my manners, excuse me. Good morning, Erica-- Erin; good morning, Syleste. Odd seeing you two here, but I suppose odder things have happened, no?"

The young girl’s attention drawing over to the sound of a new voice, Syleste smiled softly, her gentle features lighting up with a slight excitement as she lifted her hand, pausing her affection towards the larger dog for a moment so that she could wave in Simon’s direction before she spoke, returning her hand once more to the canine, “Simon..! Good morning..!”

Rolling her eyes, Erin let her attention draw back towards the tower, doing all that she could to ignore the conversation that was going on both around, and over her. By the Gods… if she had known that this was what it was going to be like down here, she would have refused and just headed back to her cabin when she had the chance…

“..I’ve been practicing that new piece that you gave me- it’s beautiful…”

Gods she was too nice… Crossing her legs, Erin leant forward in her seat, her chin moving to rest softly over her knuckles as she pressed her elbow lightly over her knee, barely paying attention to anything that was going on as she closed her eyes, her lips pursing together in slight frustration- the cabin was looking real nice right now…

"Is it really odd to see them here when we were all instructed to be here?"

“..I’d rather be alone…” The words muttered as she shook her head lightly from side to side, Erin let out a gentle sigh, her dark eyes opening so that she could glare up at the looming structure in front of them, “..it’s better than being forced to sit here listening to annoying voices all day… though admittedly, watching morons going flying off the tower does give some incentive to put up with it...”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Niesha and Michael

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With:Erin Chase and syleste Niore @Vicier Simon Riddle (@Ghost Shadow), and Bexley Leahy (@tsubasa)

Michael gave a sigh as Simon joined them, sitting down nearby, and caught Moe’s interest. He made a small sound, and the big down looked to him, before bowing his head in what could only be a sad manor. “Oh, d-d-don’t b-be a s-s-sook, M-moe. You’re b-buh-better than that. You n-n-need to learn to b-behave” he said to the dog, giving him a pat, and scratching behind his ears, turning his attention to Simon. Studying the son of Hecate. Simon was a strange one, but then, Michael reflected, they all were strange in one way or another, so he couldn’t really blame him for being eccentric. Still, his words did anger Michael, and his eyes narrowed slightly to communicate that, although it would be all that gave away his emotions.

Niesha looked towards Simon, giving him a smiled which soon faded at his words. ”You don’t know what we are capable off, Simon” she said to him, her tone soft and serious, which Michael knew meant she was already thinking, working on tearing Simon’s words to shreds, and Michael smiled to himself. “T-t-the tower is n-n-never the real obstacle, i k-k-know this. It’s always about the p-puh-people involved. In w-war, and battle, it’s always about the p-people b-behind it” he said softly, as he talked his stutter seemed to improve, although the young man wasn’t aware of it. He looked away from Simon, towards the tower, studying it with his serious eyes, seeming to analyse every inch of it, and the people already beginning to climb it. It seemed Micael was going to say more, before he realised that Syleste and Erin had joined them. Blushing, he looked away, as Moe went ecstatic at the prospect of more people to give him attention.

”Besides, if we are afraid to even try, then we truly are no longer human. To be human is to try and fail. To fear injury and death is one thing, but to let it rule our lives? Then we have lost, for if we fail to even try, then there is no point in going on” Niesha finished for Michael, before turning to Syleste and Erin, ”hey, Syl” she greeted the girl, knowing that saying a greeting to Erin would get her nowhere, ”why should we control someone we love? Moe’s a good boy” She said, as Michael struggled to find his words,

“M-Moe, l-leave Erin alone. S-s-she d-d-doesn’t ap-p-preciate animals” Michael said softly to the dog, but he seemed more preoccupied with Syleste and her attention, as well as the smaller dog in her lap. Michael wasn’t worried about Moe hurting Prince. Moe really was a big softie, the dog wouldn’t hurt a fly. “T-t-thank you, S-s-syleste… b-b-but i t-think I’ll s-s-sit out t-t-this year… “ he managed to get out, looking to the tower once more, before looking to Syleste, unable to help it. His overgrown puppy was basking in her attention, his tail wagging so fast that Michael thought that he might just take off like a helicopter.

”Well, Erin, if our company is so appalling, you can always find somewhere else to sit, alone” Niesha said to Erin, bringing Michael’s attention to the other girl, but he didn’t say anything to her. What would be the point, she didn’t seem to like anyone, and Michael preferred to keep his interactions with her too… well, nothing. So he looked away, “D-d-do you w-w-want to know w-whats h=hap-happening on the t-t-t-ower, S-s-syleste… ?” he asked Syleste instead, “P-p-pierre is up t-t-there… “
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Location On the obstacle tower

Imogen already knew that she wasn’t going to win the tower, all the other competitors were a lot better than her, but it wasn’t about winning, not anymore. It was more about proving to herself, and everyone else, that she was stronger then she looked, then she had already shown. It was about proving to herself that… she could do this. She’d been in camp so long, she hadn’t really had the need to… to push herself. To prove herself. Winning didn’t matter. It was never about winning… although she’d try her very best. Finishing the climb up the rope ladder, imogen judged the best place to start the next part, taking a few deep breaths so she wouldn’t be gasping for air later, before continuing.

The winner would be Ky’ vie or Deon, it always was either, but that didn’t matter. Imogen pushed herself, attacking the course with dedication and determination, because who cared about winning? Sure it was great and all, but what did it really prove? That you were great at climbing up a tower that wanted to kill you? What did that prove? A tower could be predictable. People generally weren’t. All at once, she leaped, flinging herself up and in the air, reaching for the next platform, and pulling herself up, her heart beating at a mile a minute, at what she had done and how foolish it was. She didn’t even know where it had come from.

As she took a moment or two to calm down, she laughed at herself, wondering if she had been trying to teach herself a lesson. She shook her head, and continued on her way, wanting nothing more than to turn tail in run, but she wasn’t going to. She was going to reach the damn top of this tower, and nothing was going to stop her. Not even herself. She knew that there’d be other campers who’d find it amusing that she was participating, but she was going to show them. This year… this year she was going to make some changes. It was time… it was time she became a better… imogen.

Continuing through the tower, imogen looked up, unsurprised to see that Ky’ vie had reached the top, but that didn’t mean that imogen was going to give up. Far from it. She didn’t stop to rest, instead she continued through the tower, her arms beginning to burn, her legs feeling almost jelly like, but she was going to continue. She would finish the course. There simply was no other option. She was going to complete it, even if she came last. It still meant she had done it, and she knew she could get better. Besides, if she came last, it would be easier to climb up the ladder, until she got to the harder people to beat. Musing on that a moment, she stopped when she found somewhere to rest, taking a few deep breaths, to regain her strength.

She was going to prove that she had the right to be a daughter of Poseidon. She had a big legacy to follow, her brother Percy had done so much… he was a hard act to follow. She wasn’t going to do things for the glory… she just wanted to honor her father. Some people might think she was being disrespectful by having sea monkey’s, but… all water creatures deserved care and dedication, and she knew her father would appreciate it… if he ever knew about them. Realising that she was getting distracted, imogen resumed the course, with the same gusty as before, knowing she would never give up.

Although she was glad that there were kids from the Apollo cabin there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Deon Alexander

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Ky' vie Morgan

Deon shook his head at Ky' vie's attempt at a reply. Seriously, if that was all she could come up with, she was quickly losing her touch. Then again he couldn't exactly blame her - going up against him, she was bound to crack under the pressure some time or another.

Feeling the foothold vibrate beneath him, Deon had only a fraction of a second to tighten his sweaty palms around his hand holds before the foothold was pulled out from underneath him completely. Gritting his teeth, relying on his arm and abdomen muscles to keep him upright, he swung his foot around, hoping to catch on another foothold. When he could find none, he tilted his head upwards. He could see the top of the climbing wall, he just had to apply himself and just keep going. With a fourth of his weight dead and hanging, his arm and stomach muscles bulged as he used his opposite foot to push himself upwards, his hands letting go of the holds to instead grab onto the next holds above him. He grunted out in pain as he felt a muscle in his left arm getting pulled far more than it should have been, but with an extra heave and powerful reach of his right arm, he was able to grab hold of the ledge and pull himself up onto the spinning platform.

Gasping for breath and gritting his teeth through the pain, Deon forced his body to come out of it's hunched over position to look up at the prize. Large beads of sweat rolled down the sides of his face, some catching on his eyebrow or nose, some getting lost in the indentation of the thick scar he had reaching around his head. His eyes looked then to his left, forcing some of the beads of sweat to fling off of his body in the motion, and spotted Ky' vie pulling herself up and onto the final platform.

"Oh like hell you are!" Deon grunted to himself. Ignoring the searing pain in his left arm, Deon took a running start to the final platform, jumping up and kicking his feet against the wall to give him that extra foot of height before his hands met with the ledge. His height definitely had an advantage over this portion than Ky' vie's shorter stature, and by the time he reached the top, he and Ky' vie were headed towards the ring at the same time. His hand reached out, and just half a second after Ky' vie plucked the ring from the helmet, his hand clasped over the ring on the opposite side she had been holding it.

She didn't even have time to register that technically, she had won. Nor did the crowd have time to register who had gotten the ring first. Deon laughed out loud, a wide, smug grin crossing over his lips as he stared Ky' vie down with a rather amused expression and a slight wiggle from his eyebrow.

"Jynx. You owe me a kiss." he jested, but his hold on the ring would not ease up. "You're the supposed champion of the Obstacle Tower, yeah? It'd be a shame to lose to me now, with so many people watching..." He was trying to get at something, it was written clear on his face. When she didn't say anything, he let her in on his thoughts. "Kiss me, and I'll let go. Simple as that." Sure Deon liked winning, but in his current mood, there were a few other things he liked even more. The Obstacle Tower had never really been his game, anyway. Too much luck was involved. Capture the Flag, however - that was all skill and power - that was his territory. He could stand to let her win... just this once... maybe...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

James Wolfe

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: No one in particular

The worst part of every day for Jamie was the morning. Even at nineteen he still craved the long hours of sleep that he could get during his "teenage" years. He was a growing boy! Or... at least... that's what his testosterone levels kept telling him. Sadly, he had things to do these days, and that required him to be up earlier than he would like. Although he seemed to be a little slower than most this morning. When he was finally able to shrug off the blanket of sleep he had been tucked into, he immediately knew what he needed. Coffee. After some tinkering in the kitchen, Jamie was shuffling through the dining and living area of the Cabin One in his pajamas (a white wife beater and loose, light gray boxers) with a large mug of coffee. It didn't take him long to realize that everyone was already awake and starting activities, even his half-sister Bexley. He didn't entirely know what to make of her yet, she was so quiet and distant that it was hard to learn about her. Hell, sometimes she even slept on the roof for some reason. Whatever. He wasn't one to judge.

Jamie left the mug on the kitchen table after taking a couple, long sips and made himself look presentable. Well... at least his boxers were covered by a pair of pants and the wife beater having a burgundy, baggy hoodie thrown over it. The hot shower woke him up beforehand and after getting dressed, he was starting to feel like his normal self again. Or at least... somewhat alive. Seriously... whoever invented mornings needed a stern talking to. Apollo, maybe? He was the God of the sun, after all...

Before leaving his cabin, James (finally) finished his coffee, making sure to clean the cup afterwards. No sense in Bexley laying into him for his messy habits afterwards. While putting the cup away, his mind seemed to suddenly connect as it remembered that there was supposed to be an announcement at the Obstacle Tower today - hopefully he hadn't slept through it! The disappointed look on Dionysus' face would be punishment enough!

On his way to the Tower, Jamie grasped the pack of cigarettes in his back pocket and wiggled it out. He returned it back to his pocket after a cigarette had been lit and placed between his lips, lighting it quickly after with a lighter he had tucked away in his opposite pocket.

Jamie still didn't feel completely at home at camp yet. He hadn't even attempted to make friend yet either - just the occasional small talk or joke every now and then. But then again... everything here seemed to be very surface-based.

When he arrived at the Tower, he kept quiet and observed. There was a group gathered on the ground making small talk and it seemed like things were getting pretty intense at the Tower. Looking up towards the top he noticed Ky'vie, Deon and some other really good looking chick he might want to get to know some day. He was new, sure, and he didn't quite know names or how the Gods' family tree worked. Hell... did he even care? No... no not really. No one here was fully blood related to him. Just... half. Ish.

It seemed like there was a tie between Ky' vie and Deon - two names he had learned about almost immediately upon arrival.

"What a surprise..." he said boredly to himself, though to no one in particular.

It looked pretty neck and neck between the two of them, though he was far from surprised. It was always those two... and honestly... it was getting rather stale. Not that he'd ever have a go at the Tower or anything. That was just a bit beyond his comfort zone. But... even though Deon was a prick... especially since Deon was a prick... Jamie was hoping for any winner other than him. Ky'vie had clearly shown that she was athletic, at this point it was just boring to try to beat her on this course, she had too much experience. Not to mention, the reigning champ. So... what would be more exciting? A champ beating a dick, or a dick beating a champ? He was seriously conflicted... but in the most uninterested way possible.

Exhaling a cloud of smoke with a sigh, Jamie slid his hands into his pockets and looked around, waiting for whatever this big announcement would be... and why it was so important he was awake at this hour of the day.
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