Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

@The Harbinger of Ferocity Okay thanks for your point of view.

I suppose the only question I do have is do you feel like the usual labels were unjustified? When I first saw him, I thought he was a moderate (if slightly passive aggressive) conservative trump supporter. But upon viewing his more recent videos he does seem to be something closer to white nationalist and or white supremacist sympathizer at the very least.

But If you don't follow his recent stuff, I suppose you wouldn't have caught this, no worries.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The President might not be responsible for the rise of the 'alt-left' but he certainly hasn't helped the situation. Weirdly when someone in a position of power starts demonstrating things reminiscent of fascism, people start claiming said person in power is possibly a fascist. There's been a stupid and weird 'war' between left and right since before the election, only before the election it was from right side shit stirrers up in arms over lefties wanting to get rid of free speech because they dare to say that saying nigger and faggot and words like that are not cool. It was a lot of Chicken Little shit and now that they have a disorganized mess of a group like Antifa running around it's like vindication.

I don't think Antifa is going about it correctly at all but it's hard for me to think of them as worse than, you know, white supremacists and Nazis. And saying they're equally bad is disingenuous.

Can you direct me to an example of fascism displayed by the current President of the United States? And yes, censoring free speech immediately invalidates it as free speech. I might not agree with calling someone a "faggot" just because it is an attack on their character rather than their opinion, but there is no such thing as "hate speech". You have to take the totality of what free speech entails across the entire spectrum, good or bad, and accept that by and large the weight of having no limit on what can be said - not done, as that is different - is for the better.

Antifa certainly is worse by the numbers than your modern day white supremacists and Neo-Nazis. Both have no place in the United States acting with any sort of violence, but as it stands, more damage has steadily been done in recent years by the rise of the Far Left. This is not to say the other faction is innocent - we know a man still ran over a crowd of people with a car - but there's far more articles of this domestic terrorist group and its relatives doing everything from trying to murder part of congress for political reasons, hosting organized riots, attempting to shutdown subways by chaining doors shut, assaulting people with deadly weapons, throwing improvised explosives and other dangerous projectiles and so on.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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I don't think Antifa is going about it correctly at all but it's hard for me to think of them as worse than, you know, white supremacists and Nazis. And saying they're equally bad is disingenuous.

No it's not, their ideology is worse in every aspect, they're as an organization worse if anything.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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And yet they're still seen as preferable to, you know, the side what has Nazis.

If America's 'white supremacists' and whatever we call those people are 'nazi's' now then the 1939-1945 fascists must've been space marines because I still find the equation between the two entirely unreasonable, lol. Whatever you guys have in the USA, they're definitely not nazi's, but more like.. idk, cheap water filtrated knock-off nazi's. Probably a result of all the inbreeding.

Actually, following 'real' nazi train of thoughts, these people would be nothing less than the parasites of society, and although it may be harsh, would've likely been 'the first people on the train.'

Regardless, I think the flaw in your thinking is that 'the right has nazi's ergo the right is wrong' or at the very least, that's how you wrote it here. Whether you honestly believe that, or are just venting your frustration with these people in a generalization, I don't know. But I hope you know that just because their side has nazi's doesn't make that entire side bad, evil or god forbid nazi's themselves.

But let's suppose they were - it's not impossible or unthinkable that even a nazi may have good ideas from time to time.

The President might not be responsible for the rise of the 'alt-left' but he certainly hasn't helped the situation. Weirdly when someone in a position of power starts demonstrating things reminiscent of fascism, people start claiming said person in power is possibly a fascist. There's been a stupid and weird 'war' between left and right since before the election, only before the election it was from right side shit stirrers up in arms over lefties wanting to get rid of free speech because they dare to say that saying nigger and faggot and words like that are not cool. It was a lot of Chicken Little shit and now that they have a disorganized mess of a group like Antifa running around it's like vindication.

I don't think Antifa is going about it correctly at all but it's hard for me to think of them as worse than, you know, white supremacists and Nazis. And saying they're equally bad is disingenuous.

I've yet to see him do things that are fascist in nature per definition. At most I've seen him compared to.. Professor Snape from Harry Potter, or Voldemort, or whatever. Yeah, that's ground breaking stuff. Errr, I'm still missing a Kristallnacht, or calls to violence, or Trump equating Mexicans to pigs or something. I'm guessing that we could equate the culling of Obama-appointed officials as our night of the long knives, no? The USA will have a (insert name) Putsch. One of their own! And I remember the razzia's where we pulled Mexican citizens of the USA out of their house and deported them to Canada to systematically erase them.

Yeah, I can't really imagine that. He's showing conservative and authoritarian tendencies and has a very populist way of speaking, but honestly, equating him to a fascist or a nazi ... seems pretty far off to me, for now at any rate.

And perhaps antifa is more easily relatable with, we've fought nazi's before after all so why not do it now, but I'd like to remind you that antifa as an organization is deeply involved with other organizations that employ black bloc strategies (similar to those of antifa) that are not aimed at nazi's or fascists but more so at big business - destroying starbucks, and all that cool stuff. Antifa are not heroes, they are white college kids with a weekend to spare and a desire to be 'woke', or misguided mid-teens people that genuinely think that everyone with a shaven head must be a nazi. Both miss historical awareness.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Can you direct me to an example of fascism displayed by the current President of the United States?

At his rally in Phoenix he spent nearly twenty minutes talking about the media and how it's crooked and unfair to him in regards to Charlottesville. The fact that he is having a rally while not campaigning is strange. Also at said rally he mentioned shutting down government to build the wall and is only now backing down. Really respecting checks and balances. He's also willing to overlook human rights violations if it helps his cause, like targeting the family of terrorists in a very guilt by association manner. Using scapegoats to unify those who agree with him against those against - usually done with buzzwords like 'communist' and 'immigrant' and 'democrat'. Suggesting police be rougher with suspects/protesters as well as overlooking criminal abuse by police - look no further than the Joe Arpaio situation for that.

It sets a bad precedent when the President is holding rallies to drum up support for his supporters only on the back of being a man known to lie and manipulate and cry foul when challenged. He lumps people that protest into the same category of anarchists.

He's not literally actually a fascist but he's showing tendencies of a fascist regime which has the more hysterical sorts responding.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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The taco-bell putsch is coming lads, stay W O K E
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 3 days ago

But I hope you know that just because their side has nazi's doesn't make that entire side bad, evil or god forbid nazi's themselves.

Just because the other side has antifa doesn't make the entire side bad, evil or god forbid antifa themeselves.

Antifa and the white supremacists/nazis are two extremes and I don't throw in with either of them.

If America's 'white supremacists' and whatever we call those people are 'nazi's' now then the 1939-1945 fascists must've been space marines because I still find the equation between the two entirely unreasonable, lol. Whatever you guys have in the USA, they're definitely not nazi's, but more like.. idk, cheap water filtrated knock-off nazi's. Probably a result of all the inbreeding.

It's calling a spade a spade here. If people want to go around holding the Nazi flag, using Nazi terminology (incorrectly or otherwise), and putting on swastika armbands and shouting about the genocide of white men and yelling about faggots then what else should they be called? Misguided angry people?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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<Snipped quote by Odin>

Just because the other side has antifa doesn't make the entire side bad, evil or god forbid antifa themeselves.

Antifa and the white supremacists/nazis are two extremes and I don't throw in with either of them.

Alright, I thought you were on the side of antifa, but it's good that you recognize they're the two extremes.

And I never said all left wingers are antifa. In fact, I'm willing to venture a guess that most of the people in the USA are mostly ignorant as to the finer details of the entire 'war' and are basically just aware of 'fucking nazi's!' and 'fucking commies!' and that's about the extent of their knowledge.

It's calling a spade a spade here. If people want to go around holding the Nazi flag, using Nazi terminology (incorrectly or otherwise), and putting on swastika armbands and shouting about the genocide of white men and yelling about faggots then what else should they be called? Misguided angry people?

I'd start with 'retards' but yeah, I understand what you're saying. Not that I've seen the nazi flag, heard nazi terminology or putting on swastika armbands. I've heard of the genocide of the white race, but that's been going on for YEARS now, yknow, 1488 and all, and the stuff about faggots has been overdone for the past YEARS now too, mostly by that one retarded church.

Still, though, the distinction there is present as a european, and it's very strange to see, what I would just consider 'right wing extremists' being called nazi's, because that would most certainly not fly here due to the historical connotation that stuff has, ESPECIALLY in the continent that, like, yknow, actually dealt with nazi's.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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Still, though, the distinction there is present as a european, and it's very strange to see, what I would just consider 'right wing extremists' being called nazi's, because that would most certainly not fly here due to the historical connotation that stuff has, ESPECIALLY in the continent that, like, yknow, actually dealt with nazi's.

That's totally fair. It's just easy to paint in broad strokes when one side doesn't shy away from the term and has a somewhat prominent member quoting Nazi propaganda, denouncing Jews, and doing the Nazi salute.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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We know our opinion is the only right one because we are so progressive

We? Our? Have you finally been won over?! It is a miracle!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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<Snipped quote by Odin>

That's totally fair. It's just easy to paint in broad strokes when one side doesn't shy away from the term and has a somewhat prominent member quoting Nazi propaganda, denouncing Jews, and doing the Nazi salute.

I mean, both sides are suffering from narrativism. Again, I see what you are saying, but it's easy to forget these people are saying these things because they believe those things and believe Jews are to blame. There's a reason they believe that, and that reason isn't just 'they're cunts' but also because, in many departments, these people have been left behind and feel left behind.

For instance, I've seen the remarks that people from the rust belt should just move on and go to college, where these comments come from rich, upper-middle class kids that go to college in very liberal towns. The realization that these people from the rust belt just don't have those same options and often don't even WANT to go to college but would rather work in manual labour isn't there - and as a result, you get two people that become utterly separated, and any understanding that was there fades away.

Looking at conservatives/liberals as people is the first step to fixing the problem, NOT beating them up because that, if anything, just makes them believe their points stronger. It has done that so far anyway. But I know you don't believe in beating them up - I'm just commenting on how I think we need to fix the problem (and the USA isn't my country so again, I'm probably very biased).

Every ideology has a reasoning, and it's not just irrational hate or fear of jews or other minorities. To dismantle the ideology you need to dismantle the reason for believing in it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

I'd start with 'retards' but yeah, I understand what you're saying. Not that I've seen the nazi flag, heard nazi terminology or putting on swastika armbands.

I mean as far as charlottesville they definitely were there. And they were shouting nazi slogans like 'blood and soil' and 'jew will not divide us'.

I'm European too, and I definitely wouldn't call all right wing extremists nazis, but Its safe to say that all modern neo-nazis are most likely right wing extremists, I agree that the real 1940s nazis would probably look at this bunch of pasty, out of shape virgins and vomit, but for the sake of convenience they are just being called Nazis because that's clearly what they are aiming for.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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How messed up do you need to be to look at the death camps and say you know what, lets adopt the regalia of this group, they seem cool.

It's not like you cant be racist without being overtly Nazi. Examples abound.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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@Dynamo Frokane Dolf is rolling in his grave.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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How messed up do you need to be to look at the death camps and say you know what, lets adopt the regalia of this group, they seem cool.

It's not like you cant be racist without being overtly Nazi. Examples abound.

Yeah, just look at the fucking gulags. Fucking anarcho-communists.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Please don't labor under the misapprehension that I'm going to watch any videos posted here.

That's George Soros, the liberal financier-in-chief, talking about how much fun he had in the good old days of the Reich, literally marching with the SS and stealing property from the Jews. He calls it the "happiest days" of his life.

See also: David Duke, leader of the KKK, endorsed Hilary Clinton for president.

See also: here she is smooching Robert Byrd, lifelong democrat and grand wizard (I guess that's a thing?) for the KKK.

But none of that matters, right, because the rules are different for democrats. Your racists are better than my racists, or something.

@mdk Also a little unrelated but what do you think of James Allsup?

dunno anything about him.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


There might be good reason for calling the media crooked and biased, when they blatantly are. Charlottesville legitimately had two sides to blame, plus a third side which was the mayor that ordered the police to stand down. That is a fact. Condemning violence on both sides should be heralded with applause, not condemnation for it is the most center path; it has no partisanship, no finger prints of the Democrat or Republican establishment. The mainstream media deserves all the ridicule it gets from the Trump administration, especially after all the fawning they did over the course of Barrack Obama's presidency and Hillary Clinton's candidacy. I have heard it time and time again that there is no recent comparison to how much they hate and attempt to discredit the President of the United States.

Having a rally to show support and care to those who voted you into office is not that strange. Coming from the side of the Trump base, I can tell you that they are demanding of that; they want to know their efforts are recognized and remembered. That he is not just any other politician who sees their vote as a number. Needless to say, it is working very, very well. As for the wall and political posturing, it is the usual game he's played before. This far in I am surprised no one has cracked that code despite it being blatantly obvious.

Can you provide an example of violating checks and balances?

Having dealt with terror, many of the families are implicated or willing to look the other way against evidence. The same reason we experience so many cultural issues with fighting say, radical Islam. That's called being hardline, not so much a "human rights issue". No less, I am probably one of the last you would wish to ask about my opinion of terrorists and dealing with them; let us just say they are more kind than I would be. I have no sympathy for terrorists or their company they keep.

As for buzzwords, both sides sling them. The more amusing part is, is that he tends to actually be more accurate with them. Bernie Sanders is a self professed socialist, which as anyone who has read Marx knows is on the path to communism for example. No less, people who are not legally allowed in the United States are not "undocumented migrants", they are "illegal immigrants" and should be deported for their violation of law. The Democratic party of the United States has also made itself out to be a parody; their entire platform is, even if irrational, "Anything Donald Trump is against." That isn't a political view or statement and it makes it easy for the man to point at it and go, "See? Sad."

The police should be rougher with the rioters than they are. In fact, many law enforcement regulations allow it but people cry foul when they see a policeman strike someone with a baton or asp, let alone use unarmed techniques to apprehend suspects. According to how use of force functions, they needn't; they can use as much force as they need until they gain compliance, only then needing to cease escalating force. It is the same reason they can taze a person so many times until that tazed person surrenders. As for Joe Arpaio, as with terrorists, I have no real sympathy for criminals. They should all live and work in those hot tents doing manual labor; they are in jail, not daycare.

Until I see proof of fascism, actual fascism, I will chalk that up to any of the other labels of "racist, homophobe, misogynist, Nazi" and the like that have no meaning anymore. There's no basis for these claims.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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There's no basis for these claims.

I mean...

Yes there is?

This isn't people slinging a word with no basis. There are hysterics, yes, but the guy has exhibited some questionable tendencies, to put it nicely.

Can you provide an example of violating checks and balances?

I can provide examples of him strongly disliking and not respecting checks and balances because it keeps him from doing anything he wants or 'winning', yes.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Financier-in-chief? Can I apply to get a check?

If your claims are true (which I'll assume they are because I have stuff to do) then

I don't know anything about David Duke other than he is a racist. If he did endorse Hillary Clinton then he was certainly voting against his cohort. I'll wait while we take a poll of those Nazi's in Charlottesville and see who got the plurality of that vote.

Although I am a liberal, I am not a member of the Democratic party, I can't vote or contribute money to them. I would totally have voted for Hillary had that been an option although I thought she was a sub-par candidate.

And yes if you are on the side of the Charlottesville folk then your racists are fairly easy to beat. On account of the Nazis.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

At his rally in Phoenix he spent nearly twenty minutes talking about the media and how it's crooked and unfair to him in regards to Charlottesville.

Oh more than that. But here's the highlight. If you wanna know what he's railing against, it might be helpful to listen to his actual words. Take a gander.
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