Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 2 days ago

I don't think we would have any reason or particular desire to go anywhere near fenris.

And we as a chapter are so far beyond giving a shit about what other people think of us.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cloud3514


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gee, I wonder how that happened, what with all the theft, the likely heresy, the insults to the Space Wolves, Dark Angels and Imperial Fists, the lack of care about Imperial Guard or Soroitas forces. I'm pretty sure that, at this point, the only chapter that doesn't hate you is the Ultrasmurfs... and even then that might only be Captain Titus... who may or may not even exist.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cloud3514 said
Gee, I wonder how that happened, what with all the theft, the likely heresy, the insults to the Space Wolves, Dark Angels and Imperial Fists, the lack of care about Imperial Guard or Soroitas forces. I'm pretty sure that, at this point, the only chapter that doesn't hate you is the Ultrasmurfs... and even then that might only be Captain Titus... who may or may not even exist.

They stole a decent chunk of the Ultramarine armory. I am sorry, did I say stole? I meant acquired.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Well a lot of relics or names weapons aren't as much stolen. As just named after other Primarchs and their chapters. Considering the blood Raven's have no clue where they come from. There just covering all the bases.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The bonus renown for not wearing a helmet I just realized is going to favor people who can afford to not wear a helmet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Pretty much everyone can afford that. at least i think. I could be wrong. You see all manner of marines without helmets it seems.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The guys getting shot and stabbed at more often are more likely to take hits to the head were they will now have no armor, and have you seen the crit tables?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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ya but depending on the guns the enemy brings in the tactical marine or the Apothocary aren't going to be any safer. Nore is my librarian. At least your assault marine wont have to fear ranged combat once he closes the distance because both sides won\t risk hitting their man. The only REAL ones who are the safest are devastator's or techmarines.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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but I suppose your character is extra screwed if he doesn't wear his helmet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Uncle Mayhem

Uncle Mayhem

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Fortune favors the bold, but the dice gods are fickle. Taking a stray round to the face (and a poor roll on the crit table) could ruin anyone's day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 2 days ago

ugh. Ok there's my text bomb
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That means we have everyone's IC post, sweet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Uncle Mayhem

Uncle Mayhem

Member Offline since relaunch

I have everyone's IC, it seems like (almost) everyone's CS is in order. I am sitting here with the co-DM getting the next step in order. I don't know when, but before I sleep tonight, DM IC&OOC and PIAT Update 1 will be up.

Just to give you at hint at what's ahead....
My first approach to the DM IC does have some elements to Godmode on my part in it. I am trying only to use this as an element when the story/lore NEEDS to be reinforced or moved along.
Even if this happens to you, I will provide an in text ((RP1)) citation for you to respond to. On the corresponding DM OOC you will find a notation, explanation or request. If the notation reads RP FREE, you may Godmode the response as you see fit.

When creating any IC post you MAY NOT!:
1. Create any dialogue for other Player Characters, NPCs and/or Enemies.
((Unless DM notes otherwise, this is somewhat dependent on dice rolls. More later.))
2. Create any actions/reactions/movements/encounters ect for other Player Characters, NPCs and/or Enemies.
((See above^))

3. Monologue internal dialogue, thoughts, reactions on presented DM IC material. Explanations on how you spend your times alone, reflections on past events ((posts)). Just make sure your timeline matches the previous posts.
4. Initiate Characteristic Checks, Skill Checks, Encounters as they relate to the environment/characters.
((More on how this all actually works to come))

5. WAIT BEFORE POSTING IC! The DM needs a chance to translate dice rolls and how it impacts the narrative.
For example; you read part of the DM IC and decided you want to make a SKILL TEST:FORBIDDEN LORE:XENOS. If you fail, there isn't a really isn't much to say in addition. However, if you pass with multiple degrees of success you may pull some important informant into the next DM IC post. Sometimes the DM will add it to the DM IC post, at times PCs may be asked to incorporate the information themselves into their IC post.

Ultimately, my goal, is let you guys shape the majority of the narrative. I want to present an idea or a game mechanic and really see how your RP shapes the scene before we get involved with dice rolls. As I mentioned before, I will Godmode a thing or two, but I assure you I will not abuse this and I'm not trying to pigeon-hole you. Communication is key, PM me!

So, before we officially start-
What was your favorite Prologue post?
((Not counting your own, and always excluding DM IC posts))
Have you spent all your creation XP and completed character creation?
((Excluding Past Event/Armour History))
Do you play the tabletop wargame? If so, what army(ies)?
((I play Space Wolves and CSM Emperor's Children))
Any questions on any of the information presented so far?
On a scale of 1-Rock Hard, how excited are you?

((Also, thank you Ollumhammersong. I asked him to deal with quite a few restrictions in his character creation and IC post. Psykers go through a totally different first experience with the Watch and he did an excellent job of depicting that. The rest of you have a much more...passive...introduction that you will have a chance to ((somewhat)) respond/react to in the next DM IC post. I'll shut up now and get back to work.))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArsefacetheUgly


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Registered at www.orokos.com?: Yes
Have you played Deathwatch before?: Yes
If so, do you have access to the materials? Yes

Character Name: Pontius Nius Scipio
Chapter: Ultramarine
Class: Tactical Marine/Tyrannic War Veteran
Chapter Demeanor: Honor the Codex
Personal Demeanor: Proud
Primarch's Curse: Pride of Ultramar
Past: Tyrannic War Veteran
Power Armour: -
Power Armour History: -

WS 44
BS 50
S 50(45+5)
T 50(45+5)
Ag 40
Int 43
Per 49
Will 41
Fel 47

Wounds: 26
Fate: 3
Movement: 4/8/12/24

SKILLS: Awareness, Cipher(Chapter Runes), Climb, Command, Dodge, Common Lore(Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War), Concealment, Drive(Ground Vehicles), Intimidate, Literacy, Navigation(Surface), Scholastic Lore(Codex Astartes), Silent Move, Speak Language(High Gothic, Low Gothic) Tactics( Void Combat), Tracking
TALENTS: Ambidextrous, Astartes Weapons Training, Bulging Bicaps, Heightened Senses(Hearing, Sight), Killing Strike, Nerves of Steel, Quick Draw, Resistance(Psychic Powers), True Grit, Unarmed Master
TRAITS: Unnatural Strength(x2), Unnatural Toughness(x2)
SOLO ABILITY: Favoured Son
SQUAD ATTACK PATTERN: Lead By Example, Coordinated Strike, Synchronised Assault
SQUAD DEFENSIVE STANCE: Rally Cry, Tactical Withdrawl, Considered Defence
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Tactical Expertise, The Scars of Experience
DEEDS: Price of Victory

GEAR: Grey Deathwatch Recruit Jumpsuit x1, Ultramarine Chapter Robes x1, Codex Astartes x1, Chapter Trapping x1, Bionic Arm(Best)[Right Arm], Bionic Locomotion(Best)[Right Leg]

CHAPTER TRAPPING: Cingulum(Marks of Leadership)

Character Advancement: 1000xp - Advanced Specialisation(Tyrannic War Veteran)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cloud3514


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What was your favorite Prologue post?

I'll let you know once I've finished reading Ollum's.

Have you spent all your creation XP and completed character creation?


Do you play the tabletop wargame? If so, what army(ies)?

The Tau were my first love, but trying to play their 4th edition codex through 5th edition was a little more than painful, so they were quickly set aside in favor of the Space Wolves. Currently, my Tau have come back into favor due to their 6th edition codex, but the Wolves are always nice to have access to when I need a simple generalist force that, in many ways, doesn't take as much effort to play as the Tau.

I love the Tau because of how much they contrast to the rest of 40k. Their aesthetic is utilitarian and futuristic, their philosophy allows for things to exist that aren't Tau, their tactics are realistic and they avoid unnecessary close combat. Heroism with the Tau is based on how well you serve the Tau Empire, as opposed to personal glory. In fact, personal glory is shunned as an excessive waste of effort and a heroic last stand is seen as evidence of an incompetent commander. Not to mention that they're just about the only things in this universe that actually recognize that an ancient gun isn't an ancient relic of spiritual importance, but rather just a gun that is very likely to be considerably less advanced than what they're using now.

The Space Wolves, however, are easily the most characterful and charismatic flavor of Space Marines. They're not warrior monks or aloof and uncaring alien fighters, but space viking heroes who greatly respect even the Imperial Guard and fight to protect the innocent people of the Imperium. They're one of three chapters that I know of that refuse to abandon civilians, the other two being Salamanders and Raven Guard. This is in spite of their hero complex that leads them to believe themselves to be the greatest heroes humanity has ever known. To quote Ragnar Blackmane: "We may be few, and our enemies many. Yet so long as there remains one of us still fighting, one who still rages in the name of justice and truth, then by the Allfather, the galaxy shall yet know hope."

Any questions on any of the information presented so far?

None to speak of.

On a scale of 1-Rock Hard, how excited are you?

You have no idea.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Uncle Mayhem

Uncle Mayhem

Member Offline since relaunch

First off, the cut off for this RP has been changed to 8 PCs total, the RP itself will be locked at later date, reguardless of part size.
Secondly, the PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER post has been updated with a (hopefully) entiled section- Its my Turn, What Can I Do?
Thirdly...XP! You have all successfully comepleted the Prologue!!!

+100XP: Participation-All PCs
+100XP: First to Fight-Omega
+100XP: Above and Beyond-Ollumhammersong
+100XP: From the Lips of the Pure-Cloud3514
0 Renown

While posting IC remember these key things-
You are all (mostly) experiencing the same scenario at different times. The Marines mentioned in this IC post are the only one you will have seen or been able to interact with. IC RP responce opportunites will be included throughout the IC text and are designed to be largely reactionary to the setting UNLESS a PC takes the intitiate to otherwise engage the scene.
Speak for yourself. Act for yourself. I will never let a PC dictate the outcome of a conversation or combat with another PC. Occasionally you may be asked to create dialoge for a DM NPC, usually following a contextual guideline.

#1. Structured RP - Harbringer, Arsefacetheugly, Cloud3514, Omega.
You don't have to repeat what I said, though I guess you could. Take the First Oath! Whatever those principals mean to you, how would you make that your own?Feeling, thoughts, emotions, ect on anything leading to this point. If you don't swear this oath...why are we even playing Deathwatch?

#2. Open Check & Structured RP (Optional) - Harbringer, Arsefacetheugly, Cloud3514, Omega
Open Check - If you want you use a STAT, SKILL, ACTION ect to interact with NPCs, now is the time for PCs to delcare and intitiate. Suggestion for this - something social, as combat would directily alter the narrative timeline/structure.

Structured RP - freerange demigodmode RP with a few guideline! You cannot deviate from the path, but you can expand upon and give depth to the evironment. The outcomes of Open Checks may add/subtract gameplay bonuses to Structured RP content.
((I may check orokos, but honesty guys. If Im letting you run with an idea, for better or for worse, dont dick me on some gameplay stuff.))

You may interact with Brother Gregor OR Brother Octavious before reaching the Apothecary.
When interacting with/creating dialogue for these characters use the template below.
- 20 Fel to base Checks agaisnt ^
+10 Fel to anyone one of the same Chapter of Successor Chapter of the Battle-Brothers
Brother Gregor - Black Templar - Ambitious - Known as a brother who respects his honor as well as that of others. He is fixed upon a single goal; to be promoted to Watch Captain and lead a Deathwatch Kill-team agasint the enimies of the Imperium.
Brother Octavious - Ultramarine - Pious - he has great Faith in his Primarch and the Emperor, and his zeal agaisnt the enimies of Man is legendary amonst his Chapter. He is eager to lend and knowlege and efforts to the ongoing Crusade of the Deathwatch.

#3. Structured RP (Optional) - Anyone wearing Power Armor. The only person who I can think of who is exempt from this is Arsefacetheugly. If I forgot you, sorry, and skip this. Thoughts, feelings, emotions yada yada. You may godmode reasonable interations with the servitors, though the outcome is the same.
#4. Skill Test: Medicae (only roll if you are trained) -30 and/or Toughness -40. Remember you DO NOT apply the x2 Unnatural Toughness bonus.
#5. Open Chracteristic/Skill Check
Structured RP - You are to remain in your living-cell unless you are otherwise needed until your training is complete. The cell itself has the bare nessessities...cot, stool, desk, refresher unit, wastebowl...how do you spend your downtime? What do you reflect on?
You may also write 1 Open RP interaction with one of the following characters, AFTER you participate in the appropriate Check.
Watch Captain Kyros - Carcharodons - Taciturn - He is only known as Kyros. He NEVER takes his helm off in front of his Brothers. He is always completly silent during combat, save for the sounds his weapons make and the screams of the dying. He is a master of hand-to-hand combat, stealth and a demolitions expert. He is a man of few words and of little praise.
Watch Captain Caeden McGarrack - Storm Wardens - Proud/Gregarious - Intricate Celtic knotwork tattoos cover his bald-head and face. He has a red thick, bushy handle-bar moustache. His stamina/toughness is legenday among recruits of the Watch. He has served on many Kill-team depolyments, but when he has an opportunity he enjoys being around the new recruits, passing along any knowledge he can.
Apothecary Haeron - Marrines Errant - Studious/Scornful/Crazy-old-man-archetype - He has seen it all, knows more than you do, and is pretty sure you are going to die the first time you go out on a mission. "They don't make 'em like they did in my day!" He won't talk about his Chapter of origin, he is coy at first but if the matter is pushed he becomes very defensive.

#6. Structured RP, Characteristic Check, any 5 with no repeats.
This is a pass/fail series of tests, that will ultimatly deveolpe the details and results of this fight.
NO bounuses for power armor ie Unatural Strength & Toughness x2
If you PASS MORE THAN you Fail, you Win the combat. Please from your narrative around the ebb and flow of the dice rolls.((For example, you roll an INT check/Xenos Lore...you recall something from hypno-teachings about the Xenos you face. Per would allow you to see an old wound not healed correctly ect ect))
If you FAIL MORE THAN you Pass, you Lose combat. Form your narrative to reflect the dice results. End your story with you losing consciousness. The next DM RP reflect the next part of your tale.
Im partially doing things this way to let you guys have some freedom, partially because real combat is going to get complicated.
Your enemies are in the same boat as you, no armor, 1 CCW.
Arsefacetheugly vs 3 Tau Fire Warriors.
Cloud vs a surviving Ork from your last mission!
Harbringer vs Kroot warrior
Ollumhammersong vs its some Xenos you haven't encountered before. A mix between a gorillas body, spiders eyes mandibles&fanged jaw
Omega vs a Dark Eldar warrior, no psykers/monsterous creatures.

You guys moved pretty fast so lets make the next posting end date on 3/16/14. Or earlier if everyone gets it done faster.

New players - pearldrum, Freeshooter, mruozu...check your PMs, follow those directions before anything in this post.
So...I think that's it. I hope it all makes sense and can kind-of get the idea of what I'm going for. Questions/Comment/Concerns...get at me! I hope you enjoy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArsefacetheUgly


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-My favorite post was Omega’s, all of them were awesome though. You guys are setting the bar high, I’m gonna have to step it up.
-Yes, Character creation is done, experience spent.
-Yes, I play Tyranid and T’au, I started out playing Tyranid in the middle of 5th ed but I’ve always loved t’au so when the new codex released I haggled my way into a couple old T’au battleforces. I’ve been loving the variance of both play styles. Anyone as excited for Imperial Knights as I am?
-Extremely Vascular (9)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 2 days ago

What was your favourite Prologue post?

I think i may have to tip my hat to Harbinger on this one.

Have you spent all your creation XP and completed character creation?

Do you play the tabletop wargame? If so, what army(ies)?
I do but Not 40k. I am a fantasy man at heart and my first army was vampire counts. Mostly for the man variety of poses and paint tones I could do with skeletons and zombies. Missing limbs, crawling from graves. For me the most fun about warhammer is the lore and collecting/painting the army.
Battling with friends is fun but I always find far more amusement painting and building my pieces. Aside from Vampire counts my brother quite warhammer a few years back and gave me his small and basic but still suprisingly effective empire army. And from that moment I started delving more into empire lore and histories and units and I have to say they have usurped the number one position in my heart for any warhammer army. I love the Holy German feel to everything. It just...... it is just awesome. So I have been trying to paint various designs and patterns based on different provinces. And of course the ever favourite red and white is always a a nice classy look if I get tired of experimenting.

Any questions on any of the information presented so far?


On a scale of 1-Rock Hard, how excited are you?

Were past normal rock and into marble.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cloud3514


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ArsefacetheUgly said
Anyone as excited for Imperial Knights as I am?

While I like Super Heavies in Apocalypse as their absurd level of destructiveness helps show the carnage of a full scale battle, I do not like the idea of Super Heavies in standard play. At all. People complain enough about balance (despite the fact that the balance isn't too terrible in anything below competitive play... with the exception of bad matchups like Tyranids vs Tau), but having an army made entirely of Super Heavies is just asking for balance issues. Armies like Tyranid and Ork players are going to have serious issues with them, especially if they're running close-combat focused lists. I wish they would have made a full on Mechanicum army, leaving the Knights as Lords of War for Escalation.
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