Aleksandra Zaryanova, Hero of Russia
"I was born in battle."
Name: Aleksandra Zaryanova
Place of Birth: Siberia, Russia
Age: 28
Theme Music: youtube.com/watch?v=gIW9KALu2kABackstory/Personality: Hardship. Hardship has come to define Aleksandra, born into a land still recovering from the effects of the Omnic Crisis, a victory earned with steel and blood. In their greatest hour of need, her homeland of Russia could not rely upon the assistance of foreign powers, nor could it depend on Overwatch - a reality that has shaped not only the mentality of her nation but her own perspective as well. Understanding that others were not there to fight for them, she took it upon herself to be the warrior that her homeland needed, to be ready to give her own life to protect those who cherished - friends, family, blood ties that could not be broken - unyielding even in the face of overwhelming adversity. Aleksandra bears a distrust toward Overwatch, or at least the remnants of the organisation, an unsurprising attitude given their lack of response to the destruction wrought upon Russia - and yet, her homeland had prevailed, the same could not be said for Overwatch, a thought which would elicit a delightful irony to some.
Strength. Strength would become the tool that would temper her into the warrior, the protector that the Motherland needed. As such, her teenage years were focused upon a strict regimen of self-improvement - bodybuilding, weightlifting, exercise, all to prepare her for what would soon come again - the return of the Omnic threat. With the reactivation of a formerly dormant omnium, her home village was once more threatened with conflict. When news reached her, Aleksandra enlisted into the Russian Defense Forces and saw action along the Krasnoyarsk Front. Her unwavering resolve and determination on the field soon led her to becoming a symbol for her people, yet all the fame and glory that came with such a prestigious position meant little to her - for to Aleksandra, all that mattered was to protect her home.
Combat Style:Tank
Combat Gear:Aleksandra's weapon of choice is an experimental particle cannon, physically torn from the hull of an armoured vehicle. Due to the fact that it was designed to be mounted onto a vehicle, the sheer weight of the weapon makes it impossible for practically any soldier to carry, save for Zarya herself who has the strength needed to lift the weapon. In the frigid environments she is used to, she is known to wear appropriate winter attire designed for arctic conditions.
Ultimate: Utilising the graviton-based energies of her particle cannon, Aleksandra is about to direct an area of intense gravitational fields - an area where the level of gravitons is sufficient to influence the normal effects of gravity.
Make good use of it, I don't like wasting an ult that takes almost an entire round to charge up. Looking at you, Tracer.